------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 14 07:49:11 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.1.3: + Handle UTF-8 in attribute values + Don't output non-translatable external ref messages + Better error handling ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 6 13:46:28 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - Remove python BuildRequires and %py_requires: we only need a minimal python, which libxml2-python will bring in both cases; and we don't need a specific version of python. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 5 22:16:33 UTC 2012 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.1.2: + Better handling of XML errors in PO files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 20 07:09:11 UTC 2011 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.1.1: + Catch XML parsing errors and exit with error code + Fixed placeholder translation when it contains sub-elements + Improved autogen.sh for out of tree compilations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 28 11:22:55 CEST 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 1.1.0: + Added itst:context to set msgctxt + Added itst:drop to drop context from translations + Allow XML attribute to be translated + Allow locNotePointer to return a string + Allow localization notes to be space-preserving + Allow both XLink and child rules on its:rules + Fixed Unicode encoding/decoding errors + Added automated test suite + Added a man page + Python 3 fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 24 07:52:11 UTC 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Initial package, version 1.0.1