forked from pool/julia

1095 lines
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Wed May 15 12:09:21 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- More specfile cleanup
* Move over some environmental variables into the %{__julia_opts} global rpm var
* Adjust to support if system is not Tumbleweed. openblas not building because libpthread troubles
Wed May 15 11:35:28 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Fix ./julia-libunwind-1.9.patch.
Wed May 15 10:24:04 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Cleanup specfile
* Use autosetup
* Remove patches that are not needed anymore
- llvm-link-shared.patch
- llvm-set-of-custom-patches.patch
- new-pass-manager.patch
- support-float16-depending-on-llvm-and-platform.patch
- use-newpm-asan.patch
- fix-dependencies-checksums.patch
Accepting request 1173660 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:science - Update to version 1.10.3: * Fix outdated usage of scrubbing for log test failures * [REPL] Fix typo in using/import completion * Avoid compiler warning about redefining jl_globalref_t * yet more atomics & cache-line fixes on work-stealing queue * build: remove extra .a file * Bump CSL to 1.1.1 to fix libgomp bug * codegen: change tbaa of ptr_phi to tbaa_value * Default to the medium code model in x86 linux * Remove some duplicates from emitted compilation traces for Julia 1.10 * Add version string to sysimg triple * Add missing GC_POP() in emit_cfunction * typeintersect: fix UnionAll unaliasing bug caused by innervars * Apply backported changes - GC typo fix - Add inventory writing via DocumenterInventoryWritingBackport - Add mpfr-looking-for-gmp-fix.patch - Cleanup specfile - Limit to x86_64(-v3) architectures. aarch64 has libquadmath disabled - Tests are currently broken. Idk how upstream was able to have all their checks green despite I using the some bundled dependencies. Other issues are because of hardcoded libraries in the jll packages even though their versions are non-impactful to Julia. - Nghttp, Mbedtls, PCRE, LibGit2, LibSSH, gmp, mpfr, and DSFMT are now using the bundled dependencies. * now added to the globally defined _privatelibs * ./julia-hardcoded-libs.patch is now updated. * the only dependencies that do not require much intervention is libblastrampoline and openlibm OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2024-05-15 00:18:59 +00:00
Sun May 12 14:19:36 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Update to version 1.10.3:
* Fix outdated usage of scrubbing for log test failures
* [REPL] Fix typo in using/import completion
* Avoid compiler warning about redefining jl_globalref_t
* yet more atomics & cache-line fixes on work-stealing queue
* build: remove extra .a file
* Bump CSL to 1.1.1 to fix libgomp bug
* codegen: change tbaa of ptr_phi to tbaa_value
* Default to the medium code model in x86 linux
* Remove some duplicates from emitted compilation traces for Julia 1.10
* Add version string to sysimg triple
* Add missing GC_POP() in emit_cfunction
* typeintersect: fix UnionAll unaliasing bug caused by innervars
* Apply backported changes
- GC typo fix
- Add inventory writing via DocumenterInventoryWritingBackport
- Add mpfr-looking-for-gmp-fix.patch
- Cleanup specfile
- Limit to x86_64(-v3) architectures. aarch64 has libquadmath disabled
- Tests are currently broken. Idk how upstream was able to have all their checks green despite
I using the some bundled dependencies. Other issues are because of hardcoded libraries in
the jll packages even though their versions are non-impactful to Julia.
Fri Apr 26 00:46:22 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Nghttp, Mbedtls, PCRE, LibGit2, LibSSH, gmp, mpfr, and DSFMT are now using the bundled dependencies.
* now added to the globally defined _privatelibs
* ./julia-hardcoded-libs.patch is now updated.
* the only dependencies that do not require much intervention is libblastrampoline and openlibm
Accepting request 1170084 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:science - Update to version 1.10.2: * JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue). * `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as binary operators with arrow precedence. * When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number generator) is no longer affected. The seeding of child based on the parent task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using a design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes. * A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors). * The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127). * The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations. If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can recover previous behavior with `@fastmath @simd`, if you are OK with all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro. * When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new `@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax. * The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded. * [JITLink]( is enabled by default on Linux aarch64 when Julia is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions. This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this platform. * The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates multiple julia processes to only have one process spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would do the work and race to overwrite the cache files. * New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the garbage collector. The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads (`--threads`) used by Julia. * SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system image, so the core language no longer contains GPL libraries. However, these libraries are still included alongside the language in the standard binary distribution. * `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than `tan(pi*x)`. * `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute the fourth root of `x`. It can also be accessed using the unicode character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot<tab>`. * `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose functionality matches that of their respective C calls. * `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a package has already been precompiled. * `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`. * A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting. * `printstyled` now supports italic output. * `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s. * `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to write the output to a stream rather than returning a string. * `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams. * The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and `partialsortperm!` is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior. * Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed IO context (e.g. in arrays). * `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument which displays per package timing information for precompilation (e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`). * `AbstractQ` no longer subtypes `AbstractMatrix`. Moreover, `adjoint(Q::AbstractQ)` no longer wraps `Q` in an `Adjoint` type, but instead in an `AdjointQ`, that itself subtypes `AbstractQ`. This change accounts for the fact that typically `AbstractQ` instances behave like function-based, matrix-backed linear operators, and hence don't allow for efficient indexing. Also, many `AbstractQ` types can act on vectors/matrices of different size, acting like a matrix with context-dependent size. With this change, `AbstractQ` has a well-defined API that is described in detail in the [Julia documentation]( * Adjoints and transposes of `Factorization` objects are no longer wrapped in `Adjoint` and `Transpose` wrappers, respectively. Instead, they are wrapped in `AdjointFactorization` and `TranposeFactorization` types, which themselves subtype `Factorization`. * New functions `hermitianpart` and `hermitianpart!` for extracting the Hermitian (real symmetric) part of a matrix. * The `norm` of the adjoint or transpose of an `AbstractMatrix` now returns the norm of the parent matrix by default, matching the current behaviour for `AbstractVector`s. * `eigen(A, B)` and `eigvals(A, B)`, where one of `A` or `B` is symmetric or Hermitian, are now fully supported. * `eigvals/eigen(A, cholesky(B))` now computes the generalized eigenvalues (`eigen`: and eigenvectors) of `A` and `B` via Cholesky decomposition for positive definite `B`. Note: The second argument is the output of `cholesky`. * Format specifiers now support dynamic width and precision, e.g. `%*s` and `%*.*g`. * When stack traces are printed, the printed depth of types in function signatures will be limited to avoid overly verbose output. * The `@test_broken` macro (or `@test` with `broken=true`) now complains if the test expression returns a non-boolean value in the same way as a non-broken test. * When a call to `@test` fails or errors inside a function, a larger stacktrace is now printed such that the location of the test within a `@testset` can be retrieved. * `code_native` and `@code_native` now default to intel syntax instead of AT&T. * `@time_imports` now shows the timing of any module `__init__()`s that are run. * The `@pure` macro is now deprecated. Use `Base.@assume_effects :foldable` instead ([#48682]). - Set Cmake version requirement to be at least 3.22 - Accommodate renaming dependencies in specfile. - Disable jldownload by just running true - Add fix-dependencies-checksums.patch * Fix checksum checks for suitesparse aarch64. Sources are fetched from the same source. * Fix checksum checks for libLLVM_jll * It's checking for the checksums and it is also trying to fetch them from the internet and idk what's the point of having the full julia tarball. - Fix build * use bundled suitesparse. comment out system suitesparse build requirement * comment out openblas development dependencies. use bundled openblas. * comment out lapack development dependencies. use bundled lapack. * move openblas build away from the actual make build. this ensures that it's installed properly because doing otherwise will skip the install of the dependencies. weird but it works. - Update specfile for bundled LLVM - Add missing build requirements for bundled llvm 15 - Fix aarch64 build. it needs to download a source that can just be copied which is SuiteSparse.v7.2.1+1.aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2024-04-24 23:00:42 +00:00
Wed Apr 24 10:16:59 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Update to version 1.10.2:
* JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster
parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old
parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue).
* `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as
binary operators with arrow precedence.
* When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number
generator) is no longer affected. The seeding of child based on the parent
task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using
a design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes.
* A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of
the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to
define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would
result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way
that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that
dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors).
* The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127).
* The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction
of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations.
If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can
recover previous behavior with `@fastmath @simd`, if you are OK with
all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro.
* When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual
representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new
`@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax.
* The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded.
* [JITLink]( is enabled by default on
Linux aarch64 when Julia is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions.
This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this
* The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates
multiple julia processes to only have one process
spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would
do the work and race to overwrite the cache files.
* New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the
garbage collector.
The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads
(`--threads`) used by Julia.
* SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system
image, so the core language no longer contains GPL libraries. However,
these libraries are still included alongside the language in the standard
binary distribution.
* `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than
* `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute
the fourth root of `x`. It can also be accessed using the unicode
character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot<tab>`.
* `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose
functionality matches that of their respective C calls.
* `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a
package has already been precompiled.
* `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`.
* A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting.
* `printstyled` now supports italic output.
* `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s.
* `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to
write the output to a stream rather than returning a string.
* `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams.
* The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and
`partialsortperm!` is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior.
* Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed
IO context (e.g. in arrays).
* `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument
which displays per package timing information for precompilation
(e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`).
* `AbstractQ` no longer subtypes `AbstractMatrix`. Moreover,
`adjoint(Q::AbstractQ)` no longer wraps `Q` in an `Adjoint` type,
but instead in an `AdjointQ`, that itself subtypes `AbstractQ`. This
change accounts for the fact that typically `AbstractQ` instances
behave like function-based, matrix-backed linear operators, and
hence don't allow for efficient indexing. Also, many `AbstractQ`
types can act on vectors/matrices of different size, acting like a
matrix with context-dependent size. With this change, `AbstractQ`
has a well-defined API that is described in detail in the [Julia
* Adjoints and transposes of `Factorization` objects are no longer wrapped
in `Adjoint` and `Transpose` wrappers, respectively. Instead, they are
wrapped in `AdjointFactorization` and `TranposeFactorization` types,
which themselves subtype `Factorization`.
* New functions `hermitianpart` and `hermitianpart!` for extracting the
Hermitian (real symmetric) part of a matrix.
* The `norm` of the adjoint or transpose of an `AbstractMatrix` now returns
the norm of the parent matrix by default, matching the current behaviour
for `AbstractVector`s.
* `eigen(A, B)` and `eigvals(A, B)`, where one of `A` or `B` is symmetric
or Hermitian, are now fully supported.
* `eigvals/eigen(A, cholesky(B))` now computes the generalized eigenvalues
(`eigen`: and eigenvectors) of `A` and `B` via Cholesky decomposition
for positive definite `B`. Note: The second argument is the output of
* Format specifiers now support dynamic width and precision, e.g. `%*s`
and `%*.*g`.
* When stack traces are printed, the printed depth of types in function
signatures will be limited
to avoid overly verbose output.
* The `@test_broken` macro (or `@test` with `broken=true`) now complains
if the test expression returns a non-boolean value in the same way as
a non-broken test.
* When a call to `@test` fails or errors inside a function, a larger
stacktrace is now printed such that the location of the test within a
`@testset` can be retrieved.
* `code_native` and `@code_native` now default to intel syntax instead
of AT&T.
* `@time_imports` now shows the timing of any module `__init__()`s that
are run.
* The `@pure` macro is now deprecated. Use `Base.@assume_effects :foldable` instead ([#48682]).
- Set Cmake version requirement to be at least 3.22
- Accommodate renaming dependencies in specfile.
- Disable jldownload by just running true
- Add fix-dependencies-checksums.patch
* Fix checksum checks for suitesparse aarch64. Sources are fetched from the same source.
* Fix checksum checks for libLLVM_jll
* It's checking for the checksums and it is also trying to fetch them from the internet
and idk what's the point of having the full julia tarball.
- Fix build
* use bundled suitesparse. comment out system suitesparse build requirement
* comment out openblas development dependencies. use bundled openblas.
* comment out lapack development dependencies. use bundled lapack.
* move openblas build away from the actual make build.
this ensures that it's installed properly because doing otherwise will
skip the install of the dependencies. weird but it works.
- Update specfile for bundled LLVM
- Add missing build requirements for bundled llvm 15
- Fix aarch64 build. it needs to download a source that can just be copied which is
Sun Feb 11 05:19:11 UTC 2024 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Use python3 instead of python. Python 2.x is EOL-ed. Addresses bsc#1219740
Sat Dec 30 04:16:58 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Set suitesparse requirement to 7.2.1 and libcholmod to 5.x.x
Thu Dec 28 12:58:24 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Add Obsoletes to obsolete older versions for julia and its subpackages.
Accepting request 1135451 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:science - Enable only tier 1 architectures - Add disable-doc-gen-in-makefile.patch - Add disable-download-of-unicode-for-doc-gen.patch - Add UnicodeData.txt - Add julia-remove-libcholmod_cuda.patch - Add julia.keyring - Add julia-1.10.0-full.tar.gz.asc - Update julia-hardcoded-libs.patch - Update specfile and enable v3 CPU optimizations on x86_64 architecture - Update to version 1.10.0: * New language features - JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue). - `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as binary operators with arrow precedence. * Language changes - When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number generator) is no longer affected. The seeding of child based on the parent task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using a design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes. - A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors). - The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127). - The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations. If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can recover previous behavior with `@fastmath @simd`, if you are OK with all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro. - When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new `@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax. * Compiler/Runtime improvements - The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded. - [JITLink]( is enabled by default on Linux aarch64 when Julia is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions. This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this platform. - The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates multiple julia processes to only have one proces spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would do the work and race to overwrite the cache files. * Command-line option changes - New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the garbage collector. The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads (`--threads`) used by Julia. * Build system changes - SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system image, so the core language no longer contains GPL libraries. However, these libraries are still included alongside the language in the standard binary distribution * New library functions - `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than `tan(pi*x)`. - `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute the fourth root of `x`. It can also be accessed using the unicode character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot<tab>`. - `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose functionality matches that of their respective C calls. - `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a package has already been precompiled. * New library features - `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`. - A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting. - `printstyled` now supports italic output. - `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s. - `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to write the output to a stream rather than returning a string. - `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams. * Standard library changes - The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and `partialsortperm!` is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior. - Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed IO context (e.g. in arrays). * Package Manager - `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument which displays per package timing information for precompilation (e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`). OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-12-28 09:28:50 +00:00
Thu Dec 28 06:43:48 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Enable only tier 1 architectures
- Add disable-doc-gen-in-makefile.patch
- Add disable-download-of-unicode-for-doc-gen.patch
- Add UnicodeData.txt
- Add julia-remove-libcholmod_cuda.patch
- Add julia.keyring
- Add julia-1.10.0-full.tar.gz.asc
- Update julia-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Update specfile and enable v3 CPU optimizations on x86_64 architecture
- Update to version 1.10.0:
* New language features
- JuliaSyntax.jl is now used as the default parser, providing better diagnostics and faster
parsing. Set environment variable `JULIA_USE_FLISP_PARSER` to `1` to switch back to the old
parser if necessary (and if you find this necessary, please file an issue).
- `⥺` (U+297A, `\leftarrowsubset`) and `⥷` (U+2977, `\leftarrowless`) may now be used as
binary operators with arrow precedence.
* Language changes
- When a task forks a child, the parent task's task-local RNG (random number generator) is no longer affected. The
seeding of child based on the parent task also takes a more disciplined approach to collision resistance, using a
design based on the SplitMix and DotMix splittable RNG schemes.
- A new more-specific rule for methods resolves ambiguities containing Union{} in favor of
the method defined explicitly to handle the Union{} argument. This makes it possible to
define methods to explicitly handle Union{} without the ambiguities that commonly would
result previously. This also lets the runtime optimize certain method lookups in a way
that significantly improves load and inference times for heavily overloaded methods that
dispatch on Types (such as traits and constructors).
- The "h bar" `ℏ` (`\hslash` U+210F) character is now treated as equivalent to `ħ` (`\hbar` U+0127).
- The `@simd` macro now has more limited and clearer semantics: it only enables reordering and contraction
of floating-point operations, instead of turning on all "fastmath" optimizations.
If you observe performance regressions due to this change, you can recover previous behavior
with `@fastmath @simd`,
if you are OK with all the optimizations enabled by the `@fastmath` macro.
- When a method with keyword arguments is displayed in the stack trace view, the textual
representation of the keyword arguments' type is simplified using the new
`@Kwargs{key1::Type1, ...}` macro syntax.
* Compiler/Runtime improvements
- The mark phase of the garbage collector is now multi-threaded.
- [JITLink]( is enabled by default on Linux aarch64 when Julia
is linked to LLVM 15 or later versions.
This should resolve many segmentation faults previously observed on this platform.
- The precompilation process now uses pidfile locks and orchestrates multiple julia processes to only have one proces
spend effort precompiling while the others wait. Previously all would do the work and race to overwrite the cache
* Command-line option changes
- New option `--gcthreads` to set how many threads will be used by the garbage collector.
The default is `N/2` where `N` is the number of worker threads (`--threads`) used by Julia.
* Build system changes
- SparseArrays and SuiteSparse are no longer included in the default system image, so the core
language no longer contains GPL libraries. However, these libraries are still included
alongside the language in the standard binary distribution
* New library functions
- `tanpi` is now defined. It computes tan(π*x) more accurately than `tan(pi*x)`.
- `fourthroot(x)` is now defined in `Base.Math` and can be used to compute the fourth root of `x`.
It can also be accessed using the unicode character `∜`, which can be typed by `\fourthroot<tab>`.
- `Libc.memmove`, `Libc.memset`, and `Libc.memcpy` are now defined, whose functionality matches that of their respective C calls.
- `Base.isprecompiled(pkg::PkgId)` has been added, to identify whether a package has already been precompiled.
* New library features
- `binomial(x, k)` now supports non-integer `x`.
- A `CartesianIndex` is now treated as a "scalar" for broadcasting.
- `printstyled` now supports italic output.
- `parent` and `parentindices` support `SubString`s.
- `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to
write the output to a stream rather than returning a string.
- `startswith` now supports seekable `IO` streams.
* Standard library changes
- The `initialized=true` keyword assignment for `sortperm!` and `partialsortperm!`
is now a no-op. It previously exposed unsafe behavior.
- Printing integral `Rational`s will skip the denominator in `Rational`-typed IO context (e.g. in arrays).
* Package Manager
- `Pkg.precompile` now accepts `timing` as a keyword argument which displays per package timing
information for precompilation (e.g. `Pkg.precompile(timing=true)`).
Mon Dec 25 13:32:14 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Update specfile:
* symlink to standard LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* new Recommends:
- libcurl-devel for new recommends
- openssh-clients for ssh operations
- curl for any curl operation
Mon Dec 25 09:25:09 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Combine these patches to julia-hardcoded-libs.patch and delete:
* libblastrampoline-hardcoded-libs.patch
* libgit2-libssh2-hardcoded-libs.patch
* mbedtls-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Slight adjustment of specfile for updated patch
- Requires mbedtls-devel, libgit2-devel and libssh2-devel for dlopen
Tue Dec 19 02:34:10 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Remove unsatisfactory architectures that does not guaranteed to build.
It seems x86_64 is the guaranteed to work anyway.
Tue Dec 19 02:28:16 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Specfile cleanup:
* specify more dependencies
- openlibm-devel
- julia-devel or julia-compat-devel which provides
Mon Dec 18 22:35:16 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Some dependencies require to be explicit since Julia uses dlopen
on it's stdlib and other julia scripts
Mon Dec 18 14:24:24 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Specfile cleanup:
* Exclude now only bundled libs
- LLVM, uv, ccalltest, llvmcalltest, openblas with INTERFACE64 enabled,
libjulia-internal and libjulia-codegen
* Fdupe only /usr/share/julia.
* Define some dependencies that are dlopened
Mon Dec 18 06:20:48 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- There should be a package libjulia1.
- CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS use provided %optflags.
- libjulia-compat1 should provide libjulia1 to fulfill soname shlib naming policies.
- Remove unused rpmlints:
* devel-dependency
- Turn all eol encondings to unix to all files
- Add rpmlint for "W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.9/Pkg/test/test_packages/AugmentedPlatform/.pkg"
That contains julia scripts. Leave it alone.
- fdupes at the end of the install section.
Wed Dec 13 00:36:26 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Update specfile
* consistent use of compat requires
* also explicitly tell that we require ldconfig
Tue Dec 12 19:11:33 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Remove Conflicts with juliaup
Tue Dec 12 13:02:35 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Fix buildroot symlinking issue
Tue Dec 12 07:50:51 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Fix missing by updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Fix where there should be /usr/lib64/julia/ and /usr/lib/julia/
Mon Dec 11 14:02:22 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Fix bundled openblas not copied over to custom build directory
Mon Dec 11 06:45:55 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Copied constraints from Rust. Both languages love memory that much.
Mon Dec 11 06:37:37 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Attempt fix when libLLVM-14jl is missing by moving build directory contents correctly.
- Allow linking of openblas properly.
- Just fdupes starting from the top buildroot directory
- DO NOT USE SYSTEM BLAS. There will be an SR if need be to openSUSE Blas to
allow INTERFACE64. For now we just use the bundled blas packages.
We also use bundled lapack as well ;)
Sun Dec 10 14:59:09 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Update rpmlintrc file
- Improve specfile
Sun Dec 10 11:07:21 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Just use unit G and number 8 for constraints file
Sun Dec 10 10:38:15 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Fix issue looking for by updating julia-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Also prepare for update-alternatives since juliaup is the other provider of julia
Sat Dec 9 23:46:12 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Do not use system llvm. Use the one provided by julia as a bundled tarball
- Comment out llvm specific patchsets.
Sat Dec 9 08:55:41 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Don't let it make the resolver get confused if we use bundled libs so we
add again those lines.
* In this revision for 1.9.4, only bundled lib was libuv-devel
Sat Dec 9 08:48:10 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- We need more memory to build this thing now :)
Sat Dec 9 08:40:51 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Rename/add more description of the following patches.
* libblastrampoline-hardcoded-libs.patch
* llvm-link-shared.patch
* llvm-set-of-custom-patches.patch
* mbedtls-hardcoded-libs.patch
* new-pass-manager.patch
* openlibm.patch
* support-float16-depending-on-llvm-and-platform.patch
* use-newpm-asan.patch
* use-system-libuv-correctly.patch
- Renamed/removed patches
* 21d4c2f1.patch
* 959902f1.patch
* e08e1444.patch
* f11bfc6c.patch
Sat Dec 9 06:23:13 UTC 2023 - Soc Virnyl Estela <>
- Remove debug package. It's not created. Still we won't strip
debug symbols from julia as it will cause issues.
- Declare that it conflicts with juliaup.
- Update tagged release banner message that says it is an unofficial experimental build
- Add mbedtls-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Update description
- Add llvm-link-shared.patch
- Add openlibm.patch
- Add libblastrampoline-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Add use-system-libuv-correctly.patch
- Use sed to replace julia-hardcoded-libs.patch
- Add patch julia-suitesparse-7.patch
- Update julia-env-script-interpreter.patch
- Add new patches
* 21d4c2f1.patch
* 959902f1.patch
* e08e1444.patch
* f11bfc6c.patch
* julia-hardcoded-libs.patch
* julia-libgit2-1.7.patch
* julia-libunwind-1.9.patch
- Update to julia version 1.9.4
- Remove a lot of old patches
* julia-fix_doc_build.patch
* julia-fix-mbedtls-build-failure-gcc-11.patch
* julia-fix-task-build-failure-gcc-11.patch
Wed Nov 24 08:19:54 UTC 2021 - Guillaume GARDET <>
- Do not try to link to libquadmath for aarch64 and armv6/7
Sat Oct 23 13:50:11 UTC 2021 - Domenico Panella <>
- Version bump to 1.6.3.
* Bugfix release, see for details.
- Add patch 'julia-fix-task-build-failure-gcc-11.patch' to fix
task.c build failure using GCC 11.
Wed Jul 28 15:11:29 UTC 2021 - kh Lai <>
- Version bump to 1.6.2.
* Bugfix release, see for details.
Sat Jun 12 19:24:28 UTC 2021 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Add patch `julia-fix-mbedtls-build-failure-gcc-11.patch` to fix
mbedtls build using GCC 11.
Tue May 4 20:13:54 UTC 2021 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.6.1.
- Remove patch `julia-fix_doc_build.patch` because it was applied
by upstream.
- Remove some hidden files from the package.
Fri Apr 9 02:07:16 UTC 2021 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Add patch `julia-fix-use_system_csl.patch` so that we can build
using the option `USE_SYSTEM_CSL=1`.
- Add patch `julia-fix_doc_build.patch` to avoid building the
documentation even if when the tarball already contains it.
This seems an upstream bug that is triggered with
`USE_SYSTEM_CSL=1` together with the previous patch.
- Add options `__provides_exclude` and `__requires_exclude` to
avoid conflict between the bundled libraries and the system
Wed Apr 7 03:01:30 UTC 2021 - kh Lai <>
- Version bump to 1.6.0.
- Add julia-rpmlintrc to filter devel-file-in-non-devel-package
- Use bundled version of mbedtls-devel instead of system library.
Wed Oct 14 17:19:33 UTC 2020 - Radosław Wyrzykowski <>
- Version bump to 1.5.2, see for details.
- Drop patch `llvm-8.0.1-gcc-10.patch` - upstream upgraded to LLVM 9
- Drop patch `julia-fix-aarch64.patch` - already upstream in 1.5
- Drop reference to icon that disappeared from the source tree.
Fri Oct 9 06:20:01 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>
- Fix build on aarch64:
* julia-fix-aarch64.patch
Tue Jun 23 22:02:46 UTC 2020 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.4.2, see for details.
- Replace the source code with the version with all dependencies.
Thus, all the source files related to the dependencies were
* Pkg-f71e2c5a119b9c850f9b357fc8c56068f5b51cc0.tar.gz
* libuv-35b1504507a7a4168caae3d78db54d1121b121e1.tar.gz
* libwhich-81e9723c0273d78493dc8c8ed570f68d9ce7e89e.tar.gz
* llvm-6.0.1.src.tar.xz
* openlibm-ce69bf1f32d3e2e9791da36c9e33ba38670d5576.tar.gz
* utf8proc-5c632c57426f2e4246e3b64dd2fd088d3920f9e5.tar.gz
- Add patch `llvm-8.0.1-gcc-10.patch` to fix build of LLVM 8.0.1
using gcc 10:
- Use bundled version of libgit2 instead of the system library
because Julia does not support libgit2-1.0 yet (boo#1173180).
- Use bundled version of libdSFMT because Julia uses a patch that is
not in upstream. Hence, using the system version leads to failures
related to RNG.
- Add new build dependency `libcurl-devel`.
Sat Mar 28 19:42:54 UTC 2020 - Andreas Stieger <>
- convert to singlespec
Mon Mar 9 19:05:20 UTC 2020 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Remove constraints of CPU flag since it was blocking the builds.
Fri Feb 7 20:03:23 UTC 2020 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.3.1, see for details.
- Add p7zip as build dependency.
- Bundle openlibm since Tumbleweed does not have the required
version (0.6).
- Bump bundled dependencies as required by the new v1.3.1.
* Pkg.jl: f71e2c5a119b9c850f9b357fc8c56068f5b51cc0
* libuv: 35b1504507a7a4168caae3d78db54d1121b121e1
* openlibm: ce69bf1f32d3e2e9791da36c9e33ba38670d5576
* utf8proc: 5c632c57426f2e4246e3b64dd2fd088d3920f9e5
Mon Sep 23 16:48:44 UTC 2019 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Add option `USE_LLVM_SHLIB=1` to fix boo#1114692.
Mon Sep 23 16:17:55 UTC 2019 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.2.0, see for details.
- Bump bundled dependencies as required by the new v1.2.0.
* Pkg.jl: 853b3f1fd9895db32b402d89e9dee153b66b2316
* utf8proc: 454f60150c7f023526d353e1e6b386f93ee0b116
Mon Apr 1 17:57:30 UTC 2019 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.1.0, see for details.
- Bump bundled dependencies as required by the new v1.1.0.
* llvm: 6.0.1
* Pkg.jl: 853b3f1fd9895db32b402d89e9dee153b66b2316
* libuv: 2348256acf5759a544e5ca7935f638d2bc091d60
Sun Dec 16 23:39:12 UTC 2018 -
- Version bump to 1.0.3.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
Mon Nov 5 16:24:38 UTC 2018 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.0.1.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
Mon Sep 24 18:58:18 UTC 2018 - Ronan Chagas <>
- Version bump to 1.0.0.
* v1.0.0 is basically v0.7.0 without deprecation warnings.
Wed Aug 8 22:56:27 UTC 2018 -
- Version bump to 0.7.0, see for details.
- Add new required bundled dependency by the new v0.7.0.
* libwhich: 81e9723c0273d78493dc8c8ed570f68d9ce7e89e
- Bump bundled dependencies as required by the new v0.7.0.
* libuv: ed3700c849289ed01fe04273a7bf865340b2bd7e
* llvm: 6.0.0
- Update patch `julia-env-script-interpreter.patch`.
- Remove unnecessary bundled dependency:
* Rmath: julia-0.1
- Remove empty package `julia-examples`.
Sun Jul 22 17:40:21 UTC 2018 -
- Version bump to 0.6.4.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
Fri Jun 1 17:49:59 UTC 2018 -
- Version bump to 0.6.3.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- Bump utf8proc version as required by the new v0.6.3.
- Change from %doc to %license.
Thu Apr 19 15:01:37 UTC 2018 -
- Pass right MARCH value for ppc64le
- Build only for supported architectures
- Fix armv6 build by passing atomic lib to linker
Tue Mar 27 09:18:51 UTC 2018 -
- Pass right march option for %arm and aarch64
Wed Dec 20 18:19:38 UTC 2017 -
- Remove patch `julia-0.6.1-dont-rebuild-docs-on-install.patch`,
since the issue was already fixed by upstream.
- Version bump to 0.6.2.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- Update license information according to file ``.
Wed Nov 1 16:48:18 UTC 2017 -
- Run spec-cleaner.
- Version bump to 0.6.1.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- Add patches:
* `julia-0.6.1-dont-rebuild-docs-on-install.patch`
This patch avoids documentation rebuilding in `make
install` command. For more information, see:
* `julia-env-script-interpreter.patch`
This patch removes a RPMLINT error.
Sat Aug 19 14:12:56 UTC 2017 -
- Add script to get the right libgit2 version. Hence, it will not
be necessary anymore to update the .spec every time libgit2 is
Fri Aug 18 13:23:38 UTC 2017 -
- Update runtime dependency: `libgit2-25` -> `libgit2-26`.
Mon Jul 3 20:14:09 UTC 2017 -
- Version bump to 0.6.0, see for details.
- Remove unneeded patch `julia-disable-llvm-timestamps.patch`.
Fri Mar 24 14:26:30 UTC 2017 -
- Update runtime dependency: `libgit2-24` -> `libgit2-25`.
* Fixes boo#1030824.
Wed Mar 8 14:23:06 UTC 2017 -
- Version bump to 0.5.1.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- Update patch `julia-disable-llvm-timestamps.patch`.
Mon Oct 31 11:51:42 UTC 2016 -
- Add `libdSFMT2_2` as runtime dependency, since rpm is not
automatically adding it.
Tue Sep 20 15:48:03 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.5.0, see for details.
Tue Sep 13 17:15:36 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.5.0~rc4.
* The changelog will be available when the version 0.5.0 is
- Julia is now built using `libopenblas_openmp0` as the lapack and
blas libraries due to upstream advice. For more information, see:
- Remove white spaces in .changes files.
Tue Aug 30 13:04:20 UTC 2016 -
- Fix `julia-debug` dependency.
- Move `` to `julia-debug` package
Thu Aug 25 14:21:56 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.5.0~rc3;
* The changelog will be available when the version 0.5.0 is
- Remove unnecessary build options `USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS=1` and
`USE_SYSTEM_LIBSSH2=1`, because we are using the system libgit2
to build julia. For more information, see:
Mon Aug 22 19:20:57 UTC 2016 -
- Add `libgit2` as a runtime dependency.
Fri Aug 12 13:40:51 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.5.0~rc2.
* The changelog will be available when the version 0.5.0 is
Thu Aug 11 20:54:41 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.5.0~rc1.
* The changelog will be available when the version 0.5.0 is
- Add package `julia-debug`, which contains a debugging version of
Julia system image and Julia library.
Thu Aug 4 17:46:57 UTC 2016 -
- User oertel ( fix the `_constraints` file because the
sse flags only exists in x86 architectures. See Request 416497.
Wed Jun 22 12:24:50 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.4.6.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- Re-enable i586 architecture.
* After the full rebuild caused by gcc6, julia started to
correctly build against i586 again. The root cause of the
problem was not identified yet.
Fri Apr 29 17:49:43 UTC 2016 -
- Due to a bug, it is not possible now to build julia against i586
with glibc 2.23. The root of the problem has not been determined
yet. Two bugs were filled in upstream:
Thus, the support for julia in i586 architectures is being
dropped until this bug is fixed.
Mon Mar 21 21:07:12 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.4.5.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
* Note: Version 0.4.4 has a known bug with Pkg.publish
(gh#JuliaLang/julia#15381). Thus, it was skipped.
Fri Jan 29 14:52:45 UTC 2016 -
- Do not install julia.appdata.xml when building julia-compat:
The application 'julia' must exist only once in the repository.
Thu Jan 21 11:21:38 UTC 2016 -
- Add in _constraints the information to build julia package in a
machine that supports the following extensions: mmx, sse, sse2,
sse3, and ssse3. This is necessary because the main package is
built for core2 architecture to improve the performance. The
package julia-compat, on the other hand, is built for x86_64 and
can be used if the user does not support core2 extensions.
Tue Jan 19 11:57:08 UTC 2016 -
- Version bump to 0.4.3.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- libuv updated to commit efb40768b7c7bd9f173a7868f74b92b1c5a61a0e
- Run spec-cleaner.
Tue Dec 8 15:15:19 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4.2.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
- libuv updated to commit 9ab431a88fe255dd21e19a11f7fa2dd95774abf4.
- Run spec-cleaner.
Mon Nov 16 12:22:47 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4.1.
* Bugfix release, no changelog available.
Mon Oct 12 10:27:17 UTC 2015 -
- Add missing runtime dependency on libpcre2-8-0
Fri Oct 9 21:19:00 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4.0, see for details.
Wed Oct 7 23:04:24 UTC 2015 -
- Remove unneeded build dependencies.
- Version bump to 0.4.0~rc4.
* Bugfix and backports towards 0.4 release. No changelog
Sat Oct 3 20:18:43 UTC 2015 -
- Add julia-compat package without CPU optimizations
Thu Oct 1 01:29:34 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4.0~rc3.
* Bugfix and backports towards 0.4 release. No changelog
Tue Sep 22 21:25:05 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4.0~rc2.
* Bugfix and backports towards 0.4 release. No changelog
Fri Sep 18 18:10:24 UTC 2015 -
- LLVM 3.3 will be bundle for 0.4 branch.
* LLVM 3.3 will be bundle until upstream change the supported
version. As it can be seen in upstream issues #9336 and
#13209, there are still many problems related with LLVM 3.5,
regarding both the build process and the JIT compiler used
by Julia. Thus, it is better for now stick with LLVM 3.3.
For more information, see:
Fri Sep 18 04:38:14 UTC 2015 -
- Version bump to 0.4 branch (0.4.0~rc1).
* This version needs utf8proc > 1.3. Since it is not available
in openSUSE yet, it was decided to bundle the selected
upstream version.
* This version seems to build correctly with both LLVM 3.5 and
3.7, which are the versions available in 13.2 and
Tumbleweed. Thus, it was decided to build julia against
system LLVM.
* The build process now requires libgit2 and pcre2.
* The changes in .spec were obtained from Fedora's
- Changelog of verion 0.4.0~rc1.
* The complete list of changes related to this release
candidate can be seen in:
* Note: a changelog with the notable changes between 0.3 and
0.4 versions are expected in the Julia 0.4 release
Thu Aug 20 14:17:31 UTC 2015 -
- Revert: "Build julia using llvm-3_3 package" (Revision 15)
* The llvm-3_3 package is conflicting with other packages that
depends on llvm and it turns out that it will need a huge
amount of work to modify every package spec that depends on
llvm to circumvent this problem. Thus, by now, the safest
approach is just bundle the supported llvm version in julia
Wed Jul 29 20:47:04 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.11
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Sun Jul 26 19:10:15 UTC 2015 -
- Drop obsolete julia-disable-llvm-timestamps.patch
- Fix compiler names (clang++ -> clang++-3.3 in llvm-3_3-clang)
Sun Jul 26 18:50:18 UTC 2015 -
- Build julia using llvm-3_3 package.
Wed Jul 15 06:40:15 UTC 2015 -
- Use build-in LLVM 3.3
- Disable LLVM timestamps
* julia-disable-llvm-timestamps.patch
- Drop obsolete julia_Fix-building-with-MCJIT-LLVM.patch
- Set required memory to 4 Gb
Mon Jul 6 13:53:29 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.10
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Tue Jun 2 15:33:00 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.9
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Sat May 2 18:11:07 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.8
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Wed Mar 25 16:20:44 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.7
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Fri Feb 20 14:22:10 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.6
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Sat Jan 10 02:37:17 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 0.3.5
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Mon Dec 29 02:29:15 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.4
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
* If USE_SYSTEM_LIBM is set to 1, then julia will not use
- Set MARCH=pentium4 (32 bits) / MARCH=core2 (64 bits)
- Add libarpack2 to the dependency list
- Remove upstreamed julia-upstream-9221.patch
Sat Dec 20 19:42:31 UTC 2014 -
- Add julia-upstream-9221.patch to temporarily fix the upstream issue:
Sat Dec 20 19:35:16 UTC 2014 -
- Fix bug related with build architecture (JULIA_CPU_TARGET) that
was added by revision 15 of science repo.
Fri Dec 19 13:07:48 UTC 2014 -
- Deduce JULIA_TARGET_ARCH from RPM build flags, specifying just
JULIA_CPU_TARGET=core2 is not portable
Wed Nov 26 13:41:38 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.3
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Tue Oct 21 21:05:20 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.2
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Fri Oct 17 13:21:48 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.1
* Bugfix release, no changelog available
Thu Aug 21 05:39:43 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.0
* See included for details
- Add _service in disabled mode for Rmath and libuv sources
Fri Aug 15 13:32:56 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.0-rc4
Sun Aug 10 07:16:17 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.0-rc3
Wed Aug 6 06:37:16 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 0.3.0-rc2
- spec file cleanup
- Use system openlibm, openspecfun, utf8proc
- Use FFTW3 with multithreading support
- Move build parameters to juliabuildopts file
- Move code examples to separate package
Wed Jul 16 00:00:00 UTC 2014 -
- Julia 0.3.0-rc1 (0.2.0+git4218.gc5acc8d)