forked from pool/keepass
* New Features: - Added option 'Prevent certain screen captures' (in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Security', turned off by default); note that this may also prevent legitimate other software (remote desktop solutions, accessibility tools such as screen magnifiers, etc.) from seeing KeePass windows. - Added the new option 'Prevent certain screen captures' in the 'Enforce Options (All Users)' dialog (in 'Tools' → 'Advanced Tools' → 'Enforce Options'). - Key files can be created on the secure desktop now. - Added shortcut keys for the 'Copy Group (Encrypted)' (Ctrl+Shift+C) and 'Paste Group' (Ctrl+Shift+V) commands. - Ctrl+Shift+V can now be used for pasting entries while the group tree has the input focus and vice versa. - Added 'More' button in the icon picker dialog, which shows a menu that provides two commands: 'Rename' and 'Export'; the menu is also shown as context menu of the custom icons list. - When importing an icon, the file name without extension is now used as icon name. - Added option 'Remember password hiding setting' in the main window column configuration dialog (turned off by default). - Some error messages now contain the type and the HResult of the exception that occured. - Some error messages are now more detailed when running KeePass with the '-debug' command line option. - Bitwarden JSON import: two-digit years are now converted to four-digit years. - Added UIFlags bit for automatically adjusting weak key transformation settings to the current default values (without a confirmation dialog). - Added DPI detection on Unix-like systems. * Improvements: - Databases are now always saved in the KDBX 4/4.1 file format; if you need a KDBX 3.1 file (e.g. for compatibility with an old app), perform an export: main menu 'File' → 'Export' → format 'KeePass KDBX (2.34, Old Format)'. - In an auto-type error dialog, the sequence is now only displayed if KeePass has been started with the '-debug' command line option. - Increased maximum length of the main window title. - Improved handling of shortcut keys in the main window. - Improved entry data exchange menu update performance. - After moving a group, KeePass now ensures that the group is visible. - Improved database save confirmation dialog text. - When showing the master key creation/change dialog on the secure desktop, trying to perform an operation that is not supported on the secure desktop now results in a simple error message, i.e. it is not possible anymore to choose to cancel the dialog and perform the operation on the normal desktop; this avoids certain accidental data loss scenarios. - Various improvements in the simple file browser dialog (for the secure desktop). - While a hot key control of the options dialog is focused, dialog-specific keyboard shortcuts are now disabled. - Changed the 'MAC Address' password generator profile such that it always generates a unicast, locally administered MAC address in the SLAP administratively assigned quadrant. - In the icon picker dialog: moved the 'Export' command into the 'More'/context menu of the custom icons list. - Improved error messages for exception chains. - Improved serialization, deserialization and conversion of nullable booleans. OBS-URL:
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