# # spec file for package kernel-net # # Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild %define srcversion 2.6.37 %define patchversion %define variant %{nil} %include %_sourcedir/kernel-spec-macros %define build_flavor net %define build_kdump (%build_flavor == "kdump") %define build_xen (%build_flavor == "xen" || %build_flavor == "ec2") %define build_vanilla (%build_flavor == "vanilla") %define build_ps3 (%build_flavor == "ps3") %define build_src_dir %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion %define src_install_dir /usr/src/linux-%kernelrelease%variant %define obj_install_dir %src_install_dir-obj %define rpm_install_dir %buildroot%obj_install_dir %define kernel_build_dir %my_builddir/linux-obj %(chmod +x %_sourcedir/{guards,apply-patches,check-for-config-changes,check-supported-list,group-source-files.pl,find-provides,split-modules,modversions,kabi.pl,mkspec,compute-PATCHVERSION.sh,arch-symbols,configtool.pl,log.sh}) %global cpu_arch %(%_sourcedir/arch-symbols %_target_cpu) %define cpu_arch_flavor %cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Define some CONFIG variables as rpm macros as well. (rpm cannot handle # defining them all at once.) %define config_vars CONFIG_MODULES CONFIG_KMSG_IDS CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT %{expand:%(eval "$(test -n "%cpu_arch_flavor" && tar -xjf %_sourcedir/config.tar.bz2 --to-stdout config/%cpu_arch_flavor)"; for config in %config_vars; do echo "%%global $config ${!config:-n}"; done)} %define split_base (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y") %define split_extra (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y" && %CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT == "y") %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 %define install_vdso 1 %else %define install_vdso 0 %endif Name: kernel-net Summary: Minimal kernel with disk and net support Version: Release: 1 %if %using_buildservice %else %endif License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on BuildRequires: coreutils module-init-tools sparse BuildRequires: fdupes Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: %name = %version-%source_rel %if %split_base Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel # Obsolete the -base subpackage from 11.1 and 11.2 development phase Obsoletes: %name-base <= 2.6.31 %endif Requires(pre): coreutils awk # Need a module-init-tools with /usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 Requires(post): module-init-tools >= 3.4 # This Requires is wrong, because the post/postun scripts have a # test -x update-bootloader, having perl-Bootloader is not a hard requirement. # But, there is no way to tell rpm or yast to schedule the installation # of perl-Bootloader before kernel-binary.rpm if both are in the list of # packages to install/update. Likewise, this is true for mkinitrd. # Need a perl-Bootloader with /usr/lib/bootloader/bootloader_entry Requires(post): perl-Bootloader >= 0.4.15 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1130 Requires(post): mkinitrd >= 2.6.0 %else Requires(post): mkinitrd %endif #!BuildIgnore: perl-Bootloader mkinitrd %ifarch ia64 # arch/ia64/scripts/unwcheck.py BuildRequires: python %endif %ifarch s390 s390x %if %build_vanilla && 0%{?suse_version} < 1130 BuildRequires: dwarfextract %endif %endif %if %build_xen %ifarch %ix86 %if %build_flavor != "ec2" Provides: kernel-xenpae = %version Obsoletes: kernel-xenpae <= %version %endif %endif #!BuildIgnore: xen %endif Provides: %name-nongpl Obsoletes: %name-nongpl %if %build_vanilla # force bzip2 instead of lzma compression to allow install on older dist versions %define _binary_payload w9.bzdio %endif # dead network if installed on SLES10, otherwise it will work (mostly) Conflicts: sysfsutils < 2.0 %if ! %build_vanilla Conflicts: apparmor-profiles <= 2.1 Conflicts: apparmor-parser < 2.3 # root-lvm only works with newer udevs Conflicts: udev < 118 Conflicts: lvm2 < 2.02.33 %endif %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif Provides: kernel = %version-%source_rel Source0: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 Source2: source-post.sh Source3: kernel-source.rpmlintrc Source8: devel-pre.sh Source9: devel-post.sh Source10: preun.sh Source11: postun.sh Source12: pre.sh Source13: post.sh Source14: series.conf Source16: guards Source17: apply-patches Source21: config.conf Source23: supported.conf Source33: check-for-config-changes Source34: check-supported-list Source35: group-source-files.pl Source37: README.SUSE Source38: README.KSYMS Source39: config-options.changes.txt Source40: source-timestamp Source44: find-provides Source45: split-modules Source46: modversions Source48: macros.kernel-source Source49: kernel-module-subpackage Source50: kabi.pl Source51: mkspec Source52: kernel-source%variant.changes Source53: kernel-source.spec.in Source54: kernel-binary.spec.in Source55: kernel-syms.spec.in Source56: kernel-docs.spec.in Source60: config.sh Source61: compute-PATCHVERSION.sh Source62: old-packages.conf Source63: arch-symbols Source64: package-descriptions Source65: kernel-spec-macros Source66: configtool.pl Source67: log.sh Source100: config.tar.bz2 Source101: config.addon.tar.bz2 Source102: patches.arch.tar.bz2 Source103: patches.drivers.tar.bz2 Source104: patches.fixes.tar.bz2 Source105: patches.rpmify.tar.bz2 Source106: patches.suse.tar.bz2 Source107: patches.xen.tar.bz2 Source108: patches.addon.tar.bz2 Source109: patches.kernel.org.tar.bz2 Source110: patches.apparmor.tar.bz2 Source111: patches.rt.tar.bz2 Source112: patches.trace.tar.bz2 Source113: patches.kabi.tar.bz2 Source120: kabi.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build ExclusiveArch: sparc64 # These files are found in the kernel-source package: NoSource: 0 NoSource: 100 NoSource: 101 NoSource: 102 NoSource: 103 NoSource: 104 NoSource: 105 NoSource: 106 NoSource: 107 NoSource: 108 NoSource: 109 NoSource: 110 NoSource: 111 NoSource: 112 NoSource: 113 NoSource: 120 # The following KMPs have been integrated into the kernel package, # grouped by the last product that contained them. # sles10 / 10.3 Obsoletes: iwlwifi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ipw3945-kmp-%build_flavor # sles10 / 11.0 Obsoletes: uvcvideo-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.0 Obsoletes: atl2-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: wlan-ng-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: et131x-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ivtv-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: at76_usb-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: pcc-acpi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: btusb-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11-ga Obsoletes: enic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: fnic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: brocade-bfa-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: kvm-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: perfmon-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: iwlagn-2-6-27-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: msi-wmi-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11 Obsoletes: ocfs2-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.1 Obsoletes: quickcam-kmp-%build_flavor < 0.6.7 # Provide the exported symbols as "ksym(symbol) = hash" %define __find_provides %_sourcedir/find-provides %name # Will modules not listed in supported.conf abort the kernel build (0/1)? %define supported_modules_check 0 %description This kernel carries only networking and disk drivers to fit into the standard Sun OpenBoot download buffer, and is intended for the initial install and rescue mode only. %source_timestamp %prep if ! [ -e %_sourcedir/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 ]; then echo "The %name-%version.nosrc.rpm package does not contain the" \ "complete sources. Please install kernel-source-%version.src.rpm." exit 1 fi SYMBOLS= if test -e %_sourcedir/extra-symbols; then SYMBOLS=$(cat %_sourcedir/extra-symbols) echo "extra symbol(s):" $SYMBOLS fi # Unpack all sources and patches %setup -q -c -T -a 0 -a 100 -a 101 -a 102 -a 103 -a 104 -a 105 -a 106 -a 107 -a 108 -a 109 -a 110 -a 111 -a 112 -a 113 -a 120 mkdir -p %kernel_build_dir supported_conf() { %_sourcedir/guards $* < %_sourcedir/supported.conf | \ sed 's,.*/,,; s,\.ko$,,' | sort -u } # Generate the list of modules to be marked as supported { supported_conf base supported_conf --default=0 external | sed 's/$/ external/' } > %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported supported_conf --default=0 base >%kernel_build_dir/Module.base cd linux-%srcversion %_sourcedir/apply-patches \ %if %{build_vanilla} --vanilla \ %endif %_sourcedir/series.conf .. $SYMBOLS cd %kernel_build_dir if [ -f %_sourcedir/localversion ] ; then cat %_sourcedir/localversion > localversion fi if test -e ../config.addon/%cpu_arch_flavor; then # FIXME: config.addon doesn't affect the %CONFIG_ macros defined at # the top of the specfile %_sourcedir/configtool.pl ../config{,.addon}/%cpu_arch_flavor >.config else cp ../config/%cpu_arch_flavor .config fi %build_src_dir/scripts/config \ --set-str CONFIG_LOCALVERSION %release_num-%build_flavor \ --enable CONFIG_SUSE_KERNEL \ %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} --enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO \ --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED %else --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO %endif MAKE_ARGS="$MAKE_ARGS -C %build_src_dir O=$PWD" if test -e %_sourcedir/TOLERATE-UNKNOWN-NEW-CONFIG-OPTIONS; then yes '' | make oldconfig $MAKE_ARGS else cp .config .config.orig make silentoldconfig $MAKE_ARGS < /dev/null %_sourcedir/check-for-config-changes .config.orig .config rm .config.orig fi make prepare $MAKE_ARGS make scripts $MAKE_ARGS krel=$(make -s kernelrelease $MAKE_ARGS) if [ "$krel" != "%kernelrelease-%build_flavor" ]; then echo "Kernel release mismatch: $krel != %kernelrelease-%build_flavor" >&2 exit 1 fi make clean $MAKE_ARGS rm -f source find . ! -type d -printf '%%P\n' > %my_builddir/obj-files cat > .kernel-binary.spec.buildenv <%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} if $compressed; then local vmlinux_debug=usr/lib/debug/$vmlinux.debug mkdir -p $(dirname %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug) /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b $RPM_BUILD_DIR -d /usr/src/debug \ -l vmlinux.sourcefiles %buildroot/$vmlinux # FIXME: create and package build-id symlinks objcopy --only-keep-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux \ %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug || : objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=%buildroot/$vmlinux_debug \ --strip-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux || : mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/debug LANG=C sort -z -u vmlinux.sourcefiles | grep -Ezv "<(built-in|stdin)>" \ | ( cd %_builddir && cpio -pd0m %buildroot/usr/src/debug ) find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0755 find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0644 echo -e "%%defattr(-, root, root)\\n/$vmlinux_debug" >%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files else # make vmlinux executable so that find-debuginfo.sh picks it up # (TODO: fix find-debuginfo.sh instead) chmod +x %buildroot/$vmlinux fi %endif if $compressed; then gzip -9 %buildroot/$vmlinux chmod a-x %buildroot/$vmlinux.gz fi } %if %build_kdump add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %else # architecture specifics %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 add_vmlinux --compressed %if %build_xen image=vmlinuz %else image=bzImage %endif cp -p arch/x86/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch alpha add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch ppc ppc64 add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %endif %ifarch ia64 add_vmlinux --compressed mv %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz \ %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch s390 s390x add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/s390/boot/image %buildroot/boot/image-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=image if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then cp -p arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)"; then dwarfextract vmlinux %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9 find man -name '*.9' -exec install -m 644 -D '{}' %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9/ ';' %endif %endif %ifarch sparc64 add_vmlinux --compressed image=zImage cp -p arch/sparc/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinux %endif # end of build_kdump %endif for sub in '-base' '' '-extra'; do case "$sub" in '-base' | '') base_package=1 ;; *) base_package=0 ;; esac for script in preun postun pre post devel-pre devel-post; do sed -e "s:@KERNELRELEASE@:%kernelrelease:g" \ -e "s:@IMAGE@:$image:g" \ -e "s:@FLAVOR""@:%build_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SUBPACKAGE@:%name$sub:g" \ -e "s:@BASE_PACKAGE@:$base_package:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_VERSION_RELEASE@:%version-%release:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_TARGET_CPU@:%_target_cpu:g" \ -e "s:@CPU_ARCH_FLAVOR@:%cpu_arch_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SRCVARIANT@:%variant:g" \ %_sourcedir/$script.sh > %my_builddir/$script$sub.sh done done %if %build_kdump || %build_xen || %build_vanilla || %build_ps3 # keep this -suffix list in sync with post.sh and postun.sh suffix=-%build_flavor %endif ln -s $image$suffix %buildroot/boot/$image$suffix ln -s initrd$suffix %buildroot/boot/initrd$suffix cp -p .config %buildroot/boot/config-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor %if %install_vdso # Install the unstripped vdso's that are linked in the kernel image make vdso_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot %endif # Create a dummy initrd with roughly the size the real one will have. # That way, YaST will know that this package requires some additional # space in /boot. dd if=/dev/zero of=%buildroot/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ bs=1024 seek=2047 count=1 if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch ln -s %build_flavor %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > %buildroot/boot/symvers-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz make modules_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot if ! %_sourcedir/check-supported-list \ %_sourcedir %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then %if %supported_modules_check exit 1 %endif echo "Consistency check error: please update supported.conf." fi %ifarch s390 s390x if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then : elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)" -a \ -f %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then find %buildroot -name "*.ko" > kofiles.list dwarfextract %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -C kofiles.list || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %endif # Also put the resulting file in %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # so that kernel-devel + kernel-%build_flavor is sufficient for building # modules that have modversions as well. mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor cp Module.symvers %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Table of types used in exported symbols (for modversion debugging). %_sourcedir/modversions --pack . > %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor if [ -s %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor ]; then gzip -9 %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor else rm -f %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor fi # Some architecture's $(uname -m) output is different from the ARCH # parameter that needs to be passed to kbuild. Create symlinks from # $(uname -m) to the ARCH directory. if [ ! -e %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ]; then ln -sf %cpu_arch %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ln -sf %cpu_arch %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu fi # We were building in %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion, but the sources will # later be installed in /usr/src/linux-%srcversion-%source_rel. Fix up the # build symlink. rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/{source,build} ln -s %src_install_dir \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/source ln -s %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/build # Abort if there are any undefined symbols msg="$(/sbin/depmod -F %buildroot/boot/System.map-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -b %buildroot -ae %kernelrelease-%build_flavor 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || echo "$msg" | grep 'needs unknown symbol'; then exit 1 fi %if %split_base %_sourcedir/split-modules -d %buildroot \ -o %my_builddir \ -b %kernel_build_dir/Module.base \ -s %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported %if ! %split_extra cat %my_builddir/unsupported-modules >>%my_builddir/main-modules %endif %else ( cd %buildroot find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -type f -name '*.ko' -printf '/%%p\n' ) > %my_builddir/base-modules %endif res=0 if test -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor; then # check for kabi changes %_sourcedir/kabi.pl --rules %my_builddir/kabi/severities \ %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor \ Module.symvers || res=$? fi if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/ignore-%build_flavor -a \ ! -e %_sourcedir/IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS ]; then echo "Create a file IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS in the kernel-source" \ "directory to build this kernel even though its badness is" \ "higher than allowed for an official kernel." exit 1 fi fi tar -cf - -T %my_builddir/obj-files | \ tar -xf - -C %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor # bnc#507084 find %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/scripts -type f -perm -111 | \ while read f; do case "$(file -b "$f")" in ELF\ *\ executable*) strip "$f" esac done # Replace the absolute with a relative path sed -i "s,%build_src_dir,../../../linux-%kernelrelease%variant,g" \ %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/Makefile fi add_dirs_to_filelist() { sed -rn ' # print file name p # remove filelist macros s:%%[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))? ?::g # add %%dir prefix s:^:%%dir : # print all parents :a # skip directories owned by other packages s:^%%dir (/boot|/etc|/lib/(modules|firmware)|/usr/src)/[^/]+$:: s:/[^/]+$::p ta ' "$@" | sort -u } # Collect the file lists. shopt -s nullglob > %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files for file in %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-*.gz %buildroot/boot/symtypes* \ %buildroot/lib/modules/*/{build,source}; do f=${file##%buildroot} echo "$f" >> %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files done { cd %buildroot find boot \ \( -type l -o -name 'initrd-*' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -name 'vmlinux-*' -printf '%%%%attr(0644, root, root) /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -printf '/%%p\n' # Add the auto-generated (by mkdumprd) kdump initrd to %ghost so that # the file gets removed when uninstalling the kernel. echo '%%ghost /boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump' touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ \( -path '*/modules.*' ! -path '*/modules.order' \ ! -path '*/modules.builtin' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' \ -o -name '*.ko' -prune -o -printf '/%%p\n' cat %my_builddir/base-modules fi test -d lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor && \ find lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ -printf '/%%p\n' if [ -e .%_docdir/%name ]; then echo "%%doc %_docdir/%name" fi } | sort -u >%my_builddir/tmp cat %my_builddir/tmp %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files | sort | uniq -u | \ add_dirs_to_filelist >%my_builddir/kernel-base.files rm %my_builddir/tmp %if %split_base add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/{kernel-base.files,main-modules} \ > %my_builddir/kernel-main.files %endif %if %split_extra add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/unsupported-modules > %my_builddir/kernel-extra.files %endif # Hardlink duplicate files automatically (from package fdupes): It doesn't save # much, but it keeps rpmlint from breaking the package build. Note that we skip # /usr/src/linux-obj intentionally, to not accidentally break timestamps there %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib %preun -f preun.sh %postun -f postun.sh %pre -f pre.sh %post -f post.sh %if %split_base %files -f kernel-main.files %else %files -f kernel-base.files %endif %defattr(-, root, root) %package base Summary: Minimal kernel with disk and net support - base modules License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description base This kernel carries only networking and disk drivers to fit into the standard Sun OpenBoot download buffer, and is intended for the initial install and rescue mode only. This package contains only the base modules, required in all installs. %source_timestamp %preun base -f preun-base.sh %postun base -f postun-base.sh %pre base -f pre-base.sh %post base -f post-base.sh %if %split_base %files base -f kernel-base.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %package extra Summary: Minimal kernel with disk and net support - Unsupported kernel modules License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-extra_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: kernel-extra = %version-%source_rel Requires: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd Supplements: packageand(product(SUSE_SLED):%{name}_%_target_cpu) %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description extra This kernel carries only networking and disk drivers to fit into the standard Sun OpenBoot download buffer, and is intended for the initial install and rescue mode only. This package contains additional modules not supported by Novell. %source_timestamp %preun extra -f preun-extra.sh %postun extra -f postun-extra.sh %pre extra -f pre-extra.sh %post extra -f post-extra.sh %if %split_extra %files extra -f kernel-extra.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" %package man Summary: The collection of man pages generated by the kmsg script. License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel %description man This package includes the man pages that have been generated from the kmsg message documentation comments. %source_timestamp %files man %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/share/man/man9/* %endif %package devel Summary: Development files necessary for building kernel modules License: GPLv2 Group: Development/Sources Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-devel = %version-%source_rel Requires: kernel-devel%variant = %version-%source_rel Supplements: packageand(%name:kernel-devel%variant) AutoReqProv: on %description devel This package contains files necessary for building kernel modules (and kernel module packages) against the %build_flavor flavor of the kernel. %source_timestamp %if %CONFIG_MODULES == "y" %pre devel -f devel-pre.sh %post devel -f devel-post.sh %files devel -f kernel-devel.files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %obj_install_dir %dir %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch %dir /usr/src/linux-obj %dir /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch %ghost /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor %if %_target_cpu != %cpu_arch %obj_install_dir/%_target_cpu /usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu %endif %endif %package devel-debuginfo # rpm doesn't notice that vmlinux.debug belongs to the gzipped vmlinux.gz Summary: Debug information for package %name-devel License: GPLv2 Group: Development/Debug %description devel-debuginfo Debug information for package %name-devel %source_timestamp %files devel-debuginfo -f vmlinux.debug.files %changelog