# # spec file for package kernel-vmi (Version 2.6.37) # # Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild %define srcversion 2.6.36 %define kernelrelease 2.6.37-rc7 %define variant %{nil} %include %_sourcedir/kernel-spec-macros %define build_flavor vmi %define build_kdump (%build_flavor == "kdump") %define build_xen (%build_flavor == "xen" || %build_flavor == "ec2") %define build_vanilla (%build_flavor == "vanilla") %define build_ps3 (%build_flavor == "ps3") %define build_src_dir %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion %define src_install_dir /usr/src/linux-%kernelrelease%variant %define obj_install_dir %src_install_dir-obj %define rpm_install_dir %buildroot%obj_install_dir %define kernel_build_dir %my_builddir/linux-obj %(chmod +x %_sourcedir/{guards,apply-patches,check-for-config-changes,check-supported-list,group-source-files.pl,find-provides,split-modules,modversions,extract-modaliases,kabi.pl,mkspec,compute-PATCHVERSION.sh,arch-symbols,configtool.pl,log.sh}) %global cpu_arch %(%_sourcedir/arch-symbols %_target_cpu) %define cpu_arch_flavor %cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Define some CONFIG variables as rpm macros as well. (rpm cannot handle # defining them all at once.) %define config_vars CONFIG_MODULES CONFIG_KMSG_IDS CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT %{expand:%(eval "$(test -n "%cpu_arch_flavor" && tar -xjf %_sourcedir/config.tar.bz2 --to-stdout config/%cpu_arch_flavor)"; for config in %config_vars; do echo "%%global $config ${!config:-n}"; done)} %define split_base (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y") %define split_extra (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y" && %CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT == "y") %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 %define install_vdso 1 %else %define install_vdso 0 %endif Name: kernel-vmi Summary: VMI-enabled kernel Version: 2.6.37 Release: 7 %if %using_buildservice %else %endif License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on BuildRequires: coreutils module-init-tools sparse BuildRequires: fdupes Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: %name = %version-%source_rel %if %split_base Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel # Obsolete the -base subpackage from 11.1 and 11.2 development phase Obsoletes: %name-base <= 2.6.31 %endif Requires(pre): coreutils awk # Need a module-init-tools with /usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 Requires(post): module-init-tools >= 3.4 # This Requires is wrong, because the post/postun scripts have a # test -x update-bootloader, having perl-Bootloader is not a hard requirement. # But, there is no way to tell rpm or yast to schedule the installation # of perl-Bootloader before kernel-binary.rpm if both are in the list of # packages to install/update. Likewise, this is true for mkinitrd. # Need a perl-Bootloader with /usr/lib/bootloader/bootloader_entry Requires(post): perl-Bootloader >= 0.4.15 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1130 Requires(post): mkinitrd >= 2.6.0 %else Requires(post): mkinitrd %endif #!BuildIgnore: perl-Bootloader mkinitrd %ifarch ia64 # arch/ia64/scripts/unwcheck.py BuildRequires: python %endif %ifarch s390 s390x %if %build_vanilla && 0%{?suse_version} < 1130 BuildRequires: dwarfextract %endif %endif %if %build_xen %ifarch %ix86 %if %build_flavor != "ec2" Provides: kernel-xenpae = %version Obsoletes: kernel-xenpae <= %version %endif %endif #!BuildIgnore: xen %endif Provides: %name-nongpl Obsoletes: %name-nongpl %if %build_vanilla # force bzip2 instead of lzma compression to allow install on older dist versions %define _binary_payload w9.bzdio %endif # dead network if installed on SLES10, otherwise it will work (mostly) Conflicts: sysfsutils < 2.0 %if ! %build_vanilla Conflicts: apparmor-profiles <= 2.1 Conflicts: apparmor-parser < 2.3 # root-lvm only works with newer udevs Conflicts: udev < 118 Conflicts: lvm2 < 2.02.33 %endif %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif Provides: kernel = %version-%source_rel Source0: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 Source2: source-post.sh Source3: kernel-source.rpmlintrc Source8: devel-pre.sh Source9: devel-post.sh Source10: preun.sh Source11: postun.sh Source12: pre.sh Source13: post.sh Source14: series.conf Source16: guards Source17: apply-patches Source21: config.conf Source23: supported.conf Source33: check-for-config-changes Source34: check-supported-list Source35: group-source-files.pl Source37: README.SUSE Source38: README.KSYMS Source39: config-options.changes.txt Source40: source-timestamp Source44: find-provides Source45: split-modules Source46: modversions Source47: extract-modaliases Source48: macros.kernel-source Source49: kernel-module-subpackage Source50: kabi.pl Source51: mkspec Source52: kernel-source%variant.changes Source53: kernel-source.spec.in Source54: kernel-binary.spec.in Source55: kernel-syms.spec.in Source56: kernel-docs.spec.in Source60: config.sh Source61: compute-PATCHVERSION.sh Source62: old-packages.conf Source63: arch-symbols Source64: package-descriptions Source65: kernel-spec-macros Source66: configtool.pl Source67: log.sh Source100: config.tar.bz2 Source101: config.addon.tar.bz2 Source102: patches.arch.tar.bz2 Source103: patches.drivers.tar.bz2 Source104: patches.fixes.tar.bz2 Source105: patches.rpmify.tar.bz2 Source106: patches.suse.tar.bz2 Source107: patches.xen.tar.bz2 Source108: patches.addon.tar.bz2 Source109: patches.kernel.org.tar.bz2 Source110: patches.apparmor.tar.bz2 Source111: patches.rt.tar.bz2 Source112: patches.trace.tar.bz2 Source113: patches.kabi.tar.bz2 Source120: kabi.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build ExclusiveArch: %ix86 # These files are found in the kernel-source package: NoSource: 0 NoSource: 100 NoSource: 101 NoSource: 102 NoSource: 103 NoSource: 104 NoSource: 105 NoSource: 106 NoSource: 107 NoSource: 108 NoSource: 109 NoSource: 110 NoSource: 111 NoSource: 112 NoSource: 113 NoSource: 120 # The following KMPs have been integrated into the kernel package, # grouped by the last product that contained them. # sles10 / 10.3 Obsoletes: iwlwifi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ipw3945-kmp-%build_flavor # sles10 / 11.0 Obsoletes: uvcvideo-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.0 Obsoletes: atl2-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: wlan-ng-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: et131x-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ivtv-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: at76_usb-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: pcc-acpi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: btusb-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11-ga Obsoletes: enic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: fnic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: brocade-bfa-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: kvm-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: perfmon-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: iwlagn-2-6-27-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: msi-wmi-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11 Obsoletes: ocfs2-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.1 Obsoletes: quickcam-kmp-%build_flavor < 0.6.7 # Provide the exported symbols as "ksym(symbol) = hash" %define __find_provides %_sourcedir/find-provides %name # Will modules not listed in supported.conf abort the kernel build (0/1)? %define supported_modules_check 0 %description The Linux Kernel designed to run on top of a virtual machine interface layer (VMI). %source_timestamp %prep if ! [ -e %_sourcedir/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 ]; then echo "The %name-%version.nosrc.rpm package does not contain the" \ "complete sources. Please install kernel-source-%version.src.rpm." exit 1 fi SYMBOLS= if test -e %_sourcedir/extra-symbols; then SYMBOLS=$(cat %_sourcedir/extra-symbols) echo "extra symbol(s):" $SYMBOLS fi # Unpack all sources and patches %setup -q -c -T -a 0 -a 100 -a 101 -a 102 -a 103 -a 104 -a 105 -a 106 -a 107 -a 108 -a 109 -a 110 -a 111 -a 112 -a 113 -a 120 mkdir -p %kernel_build_dir supported_conf() { %_sourcedir/guards $* < %_sourcedir/supported.conf | \ sed 's,.*/,,; s,\.ko$,,' | sort -u } # Generate the list of modules to be marked as supported { supported_conf base supported_conf --default=0 external | sed 's/$/ external/' } > %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported supported_conf --default=0 base >%kernel_build_dir/Module.base cd linux-%srcversion %_sourcedir/apply-patches \ %if %{build_vanilla} --vanilla \ %endif %_sourcedir/series.conf .. $SYMBOLS cd %kernel_build_dir if [ -f %_sourcedir/localversion ] ; then cat %_sourcedir/localversion > localversion fi if test -e ../config.addon/%cpu_arch_flavor; then # FIXME: config.addon doesn't affect the %CONFIG_ macros defined at # the top of the specfile %_sourcedir/configtool.pl ../config{,.addon}/%cpu_arch_flavor >.config else cp ../config/%cpu_arch_flavor .config fi MAKE_ARGS="$MAKE_ARGS -C %build_src_dir O=$PWD" krel=%kernelrelease-%build_flavor kver=$(make -s kernelversion $MAKE_ARGS) # We need to store krel minus the kver prefix to CONFIG_LOCALVERSION %build_src_dir/scripts/config \ --set-str CONFIG_LOCALVERSION ${krel#$kver} \ --enable CONFIG_SUSE_KERNEL \ %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} --enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO \ --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED %else --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO %endif if test -e %_sourcedir/TOLERATE-UNKNOWN-NEW-CONFIG-OPTIONS; then yes '' | make oldconfig $MAKE_ARGS else cp .config .config.orig make silentoldconfig $MAKE_ARGS < /dev/null %_sourcedir/check-for-config-changes .config.orig .config rm .config.orig fi make prepare $MAKE_ARGS make scripts $MAKE_ARGS krel=$(make -s kernelrelease $MAKE_ARGS) if [ "$krel" != "%kernelrelease-%build_flavor" ]; then echo "Kernel release mismatch: $krel != %kernelrelease-%build_flavor" >&2 exit 1 fi make clean $MAKE_ARGS rm -f source find . ! -type d -printf '%%P\n' > %my_builddir/obj-files cat > .kernel-binary.spec.buildenv <%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} if $compressed; then local vmlinux_debug=usr/lib/debug/$vmlinux.debug mkdir -p $(dirname %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug) /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b $RPM_BUILD_DIR -d /usr/src/debug \ -l vmlinux.sourcefiles %buildroot/$vmlinux # FIXME: create and package build-id symlinks objcopy --only-keep-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux \ %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug || : objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=%buildroot/$vmlinux_debug \ --strip-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux || : mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/debug LANG=C sort -z -u vmlinux.sourcefiles | grep -Ezv "<(built-in|stdin)>" \ | ( cd %_builddir && cpio -pd0m %buildroot/usr/src/debug ) find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0755 find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0644 echo -e "%%defattr(-, root, root)\\n/$vmlinux_debug" >%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files else # make vmlinux executable so that find-debuginfo.sh picks it up # (TODO: fix find-debuginfo.sh instead) chmod +x %buildroot/$vmlinux fi %endif if $compressed; then gzip -9 %buildroot/$vmlinux chmod a-x %buildroot/$vmlinux.gz fi } %if %build_kdump add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %else # architecture specifics %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 add_vmlinux --compressed %if %build_xen image=vmlinuz %else image=bzImage %endif cp -p arch/x86/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch alpha add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch ppc ppc64 add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %endif %ifarch ia64 add_vmlinux --compressed mv %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz \ %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch s390 s390x add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/s390/boot/image %buildroot/boot/image-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=image if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then cp -p arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)"; then dwarfextract vmlinux %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9 find man -name '*.9' -exec install -m 644 -D '{}' %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9/ ';' %endif %endif %ifarch sparc64 add_vmlinux --compressed image=zImage cp -p arch/sparc/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinux %endif # end of build_kdump %endif for sub in '-base' '' '-extra'; do case "$sub" in '-base' | '') base_package=1 ;; *) base_package=0 ;; esac for script in preun postun pre post devel-pre devel-post; do sed -e "s:@KERNELRELEASE@:%kernelrelease:g" \ -e "s:@IMAGE@:$image:g" \ -e "s:@FLAVOR""@:%build_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SUBPACKAGE@:%name$sub:g" \ -e "s:@BASE_PACKAGE@:$base_package:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_VERSION_RELEASE@:%version-%release:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_TARGET_CPU@:%_target_cpu:g" \ -e "s:@CPU_ARCH_FLAVOR@:%cpu_arch_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SRCVARIANT@:%variant:g" \ %_sourcedir/$script.sh > %my_builddir/$script$sub.sh done done %if %build_kdump || %build_xen || %build_vanilla || %build_ps3 # keep this -suffix list in sync with post.sh and postun.sh suffix=-%build_flavor %endif ln -s $image$suffix %buildroot/boot/$image$suffix ln -s initrd$suffix %buildroot/boot/initrd$suffix cp -p .config %buildroot/boot/config-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor %if %install_vdso # Install the unstripped vdso's that are linked in the kernel image make vdso_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot %endif # Create a dummy initrd with roughly the size the real one will have. # That way, YaST will know that this package requires some additional # space in /boot. dd if=/dev/zero of=%buildroot/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ bs=1024 seek=2047 count=1 if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch ln -s %build_flavor %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > %buildroot/boot/symvers-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz make modules_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot if ! %_sourcedir/check-supported-list \ %_sourcedir %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then %if %supported_modules_check exit 1 %endif echo "Consistency check error: please update supported.conf." fi %ifarch s390 s390x if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then : elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)" -a \ -f %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then find %buildroot -name "*.ko" > kofiles.list dwarfextract %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -C kofiles.list || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %endif # Also put the resulting file in %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # so that kernel-devel + kernel-%build_flavor is sufficient for building # modules that have modversions as well. mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor cp Module.symvers %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Table of types used in exported symbols (for modversion debugging). %_sourcedir/modversions --pack . > %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor if [ -s %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor ]; then gzip -9 %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor else rm -f %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor fi # Some architecture's $(uname -m) output is different from the ARCH # parameter that needs to be passed to kbuild. Create symlinks from # $(uname -m) to the ARCH directory. if [ ! -e %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ]; then ln -sf %cpu_arch %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ln -sf %cpu_arch %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu fi # We were building in %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion, but the sources will # later be installed in /usr/src/linux-%srcversion-%source_rel. Fix up the # build symlink. rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/{source,build} ln -s %src_install_dir \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/source ln -s %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/build # Abort if there are any undefined symbols msg="$(/sbin/depmod -F %buildroot/boot/System.map-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -b %buildroot -ae %kernelrelease-%build_flavor 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || echo "$msg" | grep 'needs unknown symbol'; then exit 1 fi %if %split_base %_sourcedir/split-modules -d %buildroot \ -o %my_builddir \ -b %kernel_build_dir/Module.base \ -s %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported %if ! %split_extra cat %my_builddir/unsupported-modules >>%my_builddir/main-modules %endif %else ( cd %buildroot find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -type f -name '*.ko' -printf '/%%p\n' ) > %my_builddir/base-modules %endif res=0 if test -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor; then # check for kabi changes %_sourcedir/kabi.pl --rules %my_builddir/kabi/severities \ %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor \ Module.symvers || res=$? fi if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/ignore-%build_flavor -a \ ! -e %_sourcedir/IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS ]; then echo "Create a file IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS in the kernel-source" \ "directory to build this kernel even though its badness is" \ "higher than allowed for an official kernel." exit 1 fi fi tar -cf - -T %my_builddir/obj-files | \ tar -xf - -C %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor # bnc#507084 find %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/scripts -type f -perm -111 | \ while read f; do case "$(file -b "$f")" in ELF\ *\ executable*) strip "$f" esac done # Replace the absolute with a relative path sed -i "s,%build_src_dir,../../../linux-%kernelrelease%variant,g" \ %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/Makefile fi add_dirs_to_filelist() { sed -rn ' # print file name p # remove filelist macros s:%%[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))? ?::g # add %%dir prefix s:^:%%dir : # print all parents :a # skip directories owned by other packages s:^%%dir (/boot|/etc|/lib/(modules|firmware)|/usr/src)/[^/]+$:: s:/[^/]+$::p ta ' "$@" | sort -u } # Collect the file lists. shopt -s nullglob > %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files for file in %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-*.gz %buildroot/boot/symtypes* \ %buildroot/lib/modules/*/{build,source}; do f=${file##%buildroot} echo "$f" >> %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files done { cd %buildroot find boot \ \( -type l -o -name 'initrd-*' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -name 'vmlinux-*' -printf '%%%%attr(0644, root, root) /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -printf '/%%p\n' # Add the auto-generated (by mkdumprd) kdump initrd to %ghost so that # the file gets removed when uninstalling the kernel. echo '%%ghost /boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump' touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ \( -path '*/modules.*' ! -path '*/modules.order' \ ! -path '*/modules.builtin' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' \ -o -name '*.ko' -prune -o -printf '/%%p\n' cat %my_builddir/base-modules fi test -d lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor && \ find lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ -printf '/%%p\n' if [ -e .%_docdir/%name ]; then echo "%%doc %_docdir/%name" fi } | sort -u >%my_builddir/tmp cat %my_builddir/tmp %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files | sort | uniq -u | \ add_dirs_to_filelist >%my_builddir/kernel-base.files rm %my_builddir/tmp %if %split_base add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/{kernel-base.files,main-modules} \ > %my_builddir/kernel-main.files %endif %if %split_extra add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/unsupported-modules > %my_builddir/kernel-extra.files %endif # Hardlink duplicate files automatically (from package fdupes): It doesn't save # much, but it keeps rpmlint from breaking the package build. %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %preun -f preun.sh %postun -f postun.sh %pre -f pre.sh %post -f post.sh %if %split_base %files -f kernel-main.files %else %files -f kernel-base.files %endif %defattr(-, root, root) %package base Summary: VMI-enabled kernel - base modules License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description base The Linux Kernel designed to run on top of a virtual machine interface layer (VMI). This package contains only the base modules, required in all installs. %source_timestamp %preun base -f preun-base.sh %postun base -f postun-base.sh %pre base -f pre-base.sh %post base -f post-base.sh %if %split_base %files base -f kernel-base.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %package extra Summary: VMI-enabled kernel - Unsupported kernel modules License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-extra_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: kernel-extra = %version-%source_rel Requires: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd Supplements: packageand(product(SUSE_SLED):%{name}_%_target_cpu) %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description extra The Linux Kernel designed to run on top of a virtual machine interface layer (VMI). This package contains additional modules not supported by Novell. %source_timestamp %preun extra -f preun-extra.sh %postun extra -f postun-extra.sh %pre extra -f pre-extra.sh %post extra -f post-extra.sh %if %split_extra %files extra -f kernel-extra.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" %package man Summary: The collection of man pages generated by the kmsg script. License: GPLv2 Group: System/Kernel %description man This package includes the man pages that have been generated from the kmsg message documentation comments. %source_timestamp %files man %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/share/man/man9/* %endif %package devel Summary: Development files necessary for building kernel modules License: GPLv2 Group: Development/Sources Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-devel = %version-%source_rel Requires: kernel-devel%variant = %version-%source_rel Supplements: packageand(%name:kernel-devel%variant) AutoReqProv: on %description devel This package contains files necessary for building kernel modules (and kernel module packages) against the %build_flavor flavor of the kernel. %source_timestamp %if %CONFIG_MODULES == "y" %pre devel -f devel-pre.sh %post devel -f devel-post.sh %files devel -f kernel-devel.files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %obj_install_dir %dir %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch %dir /usr/src/linux-obj %dir /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch %ghost /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor %if %_target_cpu != %cpu_arch %obj_install_dir/%_target_cpu /usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu %endif %endif %package devel-debuginfo # rpm doesn't notice that vmlinux.debug belongs to the gzipped vmlinux.gz Summary: Debug information for package %name-devel License: GPLv2 Group: Development/Debug %description devel-debuginfo Debug information for package %name-devel %source_timestamp %files devel-debuginfo -f vmlinux.debug.files %changelog