# # spec file for package kernel-debug (Version 2.6.37) # # Copyright (c) 2009 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild %define srcversion 2.6.36 %define patchversion 2.6.37-rc5 %define variant %{nil} %include %_sourcedir/kernel-spec-macros %define build_flavor debug %define build_kdump (%build_flavor == "kdump") %define build_xen (%build_flavor == "xen" || %build_flavor == "ec2") %define build_vanilla (%build_flavor == "vanilla") %define build_ps3 (%build_flavor == "ps3") %define build_src_dir %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion %define src_install_dir /usr/src/linux-%kernelrelease%variant %define obj_install_dir %src_install_dir-obj %define rpm_install_dir %buildroot%obj_install_dir %define kernel_build_dir %my_builddir/linux-obj %(chmod +x %_sourcedir/{guards,apply-patches,check-for-config-changes,check-supported-list,group-source-files.pl,find-provides,split-modules,modversions,extract-modaliases,kabi.pl,mkspec,compute-PATCHVERSION.sh,arch-symbols,configtool.pl,log.sh}) %global cpu_arch %(%_sourcedir/arch-symbols %_target_cpu) %define cpu_arch_flavor %cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Define some CONFIG variables as rpm macros as well. (rpm cannot handle # defining them all at once.) %define config_vars CONFIG_MODULES CONFIG_KMSG_IDS CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT %{expand:%(eval "$(test -n "%cpu_arch_flavor" && tar -xjf %_sourcedir/config.tar.bz2 --to-stdout config/%cpu_arch_flavor)"; for config in %config_vars; do echo "%%global $config ${!config:-n}"; done)} %define split_base (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y") %define split_extra (%CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE == "y" && %CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_SUPPORT == "y") %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 %define install_vdso 1 %else %define install_vdso 0 %endif Name: kernel-debug Summary: A Debug Version of the Kernel Version: 2.6.37 %if %using_buildservice Release: rc5. %else Release: rc5.0 %endif License: GPL v2 only Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on BuildRequires: coreutils module-init-tools sparse BuildRequires: fdupes Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: %name = %version-%source_rel %if %split_base Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel # Obsolete the -base subpackage from 11.1 and 11.2 development phase Obsoletes: %name-base <= 2.6.31 %endif Requires(pre): coreutils awk # Need a module-init-tools with /usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 Requires(post): module-init-tools >= 3.4 # This Requires is wrong, because the post/postun scripts have a # test -x update-bootloader, having perl-Bootloader is not a hard requirement. # But, there is no way to tell rpm or yast to schedule the installation # of perl-Bootloader before kernel-binary.rpm if both are in the list of # packages to install/update. Likewise, this is true for mkinitrd. # Need a perl-Bootloader with /usr/lib/bootloader/bootloader_entry Requires(post): perl-Bootloader >= 0.4.15 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1130 Requires(post): mkinitrd >= 2.6.0 %else Requires(post): mkinitrd %endif #!BuildIgnore: perl-Bootloader mkinitrd %ifarch ia64 # arch/ia64/scripts/unwcheck.py BuildRequires: python %endif %ifarch s390 s390x %if %build_vanilla && 0%{?suse_version} < 1130 BuildRequires: dwarfextract %endif %endif %if %build_xen %ifarch %ix86 %if %build_flavor != "ec2" Provides: kernel-xenpae = %version Obsoletes: kernel-xenpae <= %version %endif %endif #!BuildIgnore: xen %endif Provides: %name-nongpl Obsoletes: %name-nongpl %if %build_vanilla # force bzip2 instead of lzma compression to allow install on older dist versions %define _binary_payload w9.bzdio %endif # dead network if installed on SLES10, otherwise it will work (mostly) Conflicts: sysfsutils < 2.0 %if ! %build_vanilla Conflicts: apparmor-profiles <= 2.1 Conflicts: apparmor-parser < 2.3 # root-lvm only works with newer udevs Conflicts: udev < 118 Conflicts: lvm2 < 2.02.33 %endif %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif Provides: kernel = %version-%source_rel %ifarch ppc64 Provides: kernel-kdump Obsoletes: kernel-kdump %endif Source0: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 Source2: source-post.sh Source3: kernel-source.rpmlintrc Source8: devel-pre.sh Source9: devel-post.sh Source10: preun.sh Source11: postun.sh Source12: pre.sh Source13: post.sh Source14: series.conf Source16: guards Source17: apply-patches Source21: config.conf Source23: supported.conf Source33: check-for-config-changes Source34: check-supported-list Source35: group-source-files.pl Source37: README.SUSE Source38: README.KSYMS Source39: config-options.changes.txt Source40: source-timestamp Source44: find-provides Source45: split-modules Source46: modversions Source47: extract-modaliases Source48: macros.kernel-source Source49: kernel-module-subpackage Source50: kabi.pl Source51: mkspec Source52: kernel-source%variant.changes Source53: kernel-source.spec.in Source54: kernel-binary.spec.in Source55: kernel-syms.spec.in Source56: kernel-docs.spec.in Source60: config.sh Source61: compute-PATCHVERSION.sh Source62: old-packages.conf Source63: arch-symbols Source64: package-descriptions Source65: kernel-spec-macros Source66: configtool.pl Source67: log.sh Source100: config.tar.bz2 Source101: config.addon.tar.bz2 Source102: patches.arch.tar.bz2 Source103: patches.drivers.tar.bz2 Source104: patches.fixes.tar.bz2 Source105: patches.rpmify.tar.bz2 Source106: patches.suse.tar.bz2 Source107: patches.xen.tar.bz2 Source108: patches.addon.tar.bz2 Source109: patches.kernel.org.tar.bz2 Source110: patches.apparmor.tar.bz2 Source111: patches.rt.tar.bz2 Source112: patches.trace.tar.bz2 Source113: patches.kabi.tar.bz2 Source120: kabi.tar.bz2 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build ExclusiveArch: %ix86 ia64 ppc64 x86_64 # These files are found in the kernel-source package: NoSource: 0 NoSource: 100 NoSource: 101 NoSource: 102 NoSource: 103 NoSource: 104 NoSource: 105 NoSource: 106 NoSource: 107 NoSource: 108 NoSource: 109 NoSource: 110 NoSource: 111 NoSource: 112 NoSource: 113 NoSource: 120 # The following KMPs have been integrated into the kernel package, # grouped by the last product that contained them. # sles10 / 10.3 Obsoletes: iwlwifi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ipw3945-kmp-%build_flavor # sles10 / 11.0 Obsoletes: uvcvideo-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.0 Obsoletes: atl2-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: wlan-ng-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: et131x-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: ivtv-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: at76_usb-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: pcc-acpi-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: btusb-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11-ga Obsoletes: enic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: fnic-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: brocade-bfa-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: kvm-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: perfmon-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: iwlagn-2-6-27-kmp-%build_flavor Obsoletes: msi-wmi-kmp-%build_flavor # sle11 Obsoletes: ocfs2-kmp-%build_flavor # 11.1 Obsoletes: quickcam-kmp-%build_flavor < 0.6.7 # Provide the exported symbols as "ksym(symbol) = hash" %define __find_provides %_sourcedir/find-provides %name # Will modules not listed in supported.conf abort the kernel build (0/1)? %define supported_modules_check 0 %description This kernel has several debug facilities enabled that hurt performance. Only use this kernel when investigating problems. %source_timestamp %prep if ! [ -e %_sourcedir/linux-%srcversion.tar.bz2 ]; then echo "The %name-%version.nosrc.rpm package does not contain the" \ "complete sources. Please install kernel-source-%version.src.rpm." exit 1 fi SYMBOLS= if test -e %_sourcedir/extra-symbols; then SYMBOLS=$(cat %_sourcedir/extra-symbols) echo "extra symbol(s):" $SYMBOLS fi # Unpack all sources and patches %setup -q -c -T -a 0 -a 100 -a 101 -a 102 -a 103 -a 104 -a 105 -a 106 -a 107 -a 108 -a 109 -a 110 -a 111 -a 112 -a 113 -a 120 mkdir -p %kernel_build_dir supported_conf() { %_sourcedir/guards $* < %_sourcedir/supported.conf | \ sed 's,.*/,,; s,\.ko$,,' | sort -u } # Generate the list of modules to be marked as supported { supported_conf base supported_conf --default=0 external | sed 's/$/ external/' } > %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported supported_conf --default=0 base >%kernel_build_dir/Module.base cd linux-%srcversion %_sourcedir/apply-patches \ %if %{build_vanilla} --vanilla \ %endif %_sourcedir/series.conf .. $SYMBOLS cd %kernel_build_dir if [ -f %_sourcedir/localversion ] ; then cat %_sourcedir/localversion > localversion fi if test -e ../config.addon/%cpu_arch_flavor; then # FIXME: config.addon doesn't affect the %CONFIG_ macros defined at # the top of the specfile %_sourcedir/configtool.pl ../config{,.addon}/%cpu_arch_flavor >.config else cp ../config/%cpu_arch_flavor .config fi %build_src_dir/scripts/config \ --set-str CONFIG_LOCALVERSION -%release_major-%build_flavor \ --enable CONFIG_SUSE_KERNEL \ %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} --enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO \ --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED %else --disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO %endif MAKE_ARGS="$MAKE_ARGS -C %build_src_dir O=$PWD" if test -e %_sourcedir/TOLERATE-UNKNOWN-NEW-CONFIG-OPTIONS; then yes '' | make oldconfig $MAKE_ARGS else cp .config .config.orig make silentoldconfig $MAKE_ARGS < /dev/null %_sourcedir/check-for-config-changes .config.orig .config rm .config.orig fi make prepare $MAKE_ARGS make scripts $MAKE_ARGS krel=$(make -s kernelrelease $MAKE_ARGS) if [ "$krel" != "%kernelrelease-%build_flavor" ]; then echo "Kernel release mismatch: $krel != %kernelrelease-%build_flavor" >&2 exit 1 fi make clean $MAKE_ARGS rm -f source find . ! -type d -printf '%%P\n' > %my_builddir/obj-files cat > .kernel-binary.spec.buildenv <%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files %if 0%{?__debug_package:1} if $compressed; then local vmlinux_debug=usr/lib/debug/$vmlinux.debug mkdir -p $(dirname %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug) /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit -b $RPM_BUILD_DIR -d /usr/src/debug \ -l vmlinux.sourcefiles %buildroot/$vmlinux # FIXME: create and package build-id symlinks objcopy --only-keep-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux \ %buildroot/$vmlinux_debug || : objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=%buildroot/$vmlinux_debug \ --strip-debug \ %buildroot/$vmlinux || : mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/debug LANG=C sort -z -u vmlinux.sourcefiles | grep -Ezv "<(built-in|stdin)>" \ | ( cd %_builddir && cpio -pd0m %buildroot/usr/src/debug ) find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0755 find %buildroot/usr/src/debug -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -r chmod 0644 echo -e "%%defattr(-, root, root)\\n/$vmlinux_debug" >%my_builddir/vmlinux.debug.files else # make vmlinux executable so that find-debuginfo.sh picks it up # (TODO: fix find-debuginfo.sh instead) chmod +x %buildroot/$vmlinux fi %endif if $compressed; then gzip -9 %buildroot/$vmlinux chmod a-x %buildroot/$vmlinux.gz fi } %if %build_kdump add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %else # architecture specifics %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 add_vmlinux --compressed %if %build_xen image=vmlinuz %else image=bzImage %endif cp -p arch/x86/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch alpha add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/alpha/boot/vmlinux.gz %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch ppc ppc64 add_vmlinux image=vmlinux %endif %ifarch ia64 add_vmlinux --compressed mv %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz \ %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinuz %endif %ifarch s390 s390x add_vmlinux --compressed cp -p arch/s390/boot/image %buildroot/boot/image-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=image if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then cp -p arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)"; then dwarfextract vmlinux %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9 find man -name '*.9' -exec install -m 644 -D '{}' %buildroot/usr/share/man/man9/ ';' %endif %endif %ifarch sparc64 add_vmlinux --compressed image=zImage cp -p arch/sparc/boot/$image %buildroot/boot/vmlinuz-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor image=vmlinux %endif # end of build_kdump %endif for sub in '-base' '' '-extra'; do case "$sub" in '-base' | '') base_package=1 ;; *) base_package=0 ;; esac for script in preun postun pre post devel-pre devel-post; do sed -e "s:@KERNELRELEASE@:%kernelrelease:g" \ -e "s:@IMAGE@:$image:g" \ -e "s:@FLAVOR""@:%build_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SUBPACKAGE@:%name$sub:g" \ -e "s:@BASE_PACKAGE@:$base_package:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_VERSION_RELEASE@:%version-%release:g" \ -e "s:@RPM_TARGET_CPU@:%_target_cpu:g" \ -e "s:@CPU_ARCH_FLAVOR@:%cpu_arch_flavor:g" \ -e "s:@SRCVARIANT@:%variant:g" \ %_sourcedir/$script.sh > %my_builddir/$script$sub.sh done done %if %build_kdump || %build_xen || %build_vanilla || %build_ps3 # keep this -suffix list in sync with post.sh and postun.sh suffix=-%build_flavor %endif ln -s $image$suffix %buildroot/boot/$image$suffix ln -s initrd$suffix %buildroot/boot/initrd$suffix cp -p .config %buildroot/boot/config-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor %if %install_vdso # Install the unstripped vdso's that are linked in the kernel image make vdso_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot %endif # Create a dummy initrd with roughly the size the real one will have. # That way, YaST will know that this package requires some additional # space in /boot. dd if=/dev/zero of=%buildroot/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ bs=1024 seek=2047 count=1 if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch ln -s %build_flavor %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor gzip -c9 < Module.symvers > %buildroot/boot/symvers-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor.gz make modules_install $MAKE_ARGS INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%buildroot if ! %_sourcedir/check-supported-list \ %_sourcedir %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then %if %supported_modules_check exit 1 %endif echo "Consistency check error: please update supported.conf." fi %ifarch s390 s390x if test -e arch/s390/boot/kerntypes.o; then : elif test -x "$(which dwarfextract 2>/dev/null)" -a \ -f %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor; then find %buildroot -name "*.ko" > kofiles.list dwarfextract %buildroot/boot/Kerntypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -C kofiles.list || echo "dwarfextract failed ($?)" fi %endif # Also put the resulting file in %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # so that kernel-devel + kernel-%build_flavor is sufficient for building # modules that have modversions as well. mkdir -p %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor cp Module.symvers %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor # Table of types used in exported symbols (for modversion debugging). %_sourcedir/modversions --pack . > %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor if [ -s %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor ]; then gzip -9 %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor else rm -f %buildroot/boot/symtypes-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor fi # Some architecture's $(uname -m) output is different from the ARCH # parameter that needs to be passed to kbuild. Create symlinks from # $(uname -m) to the ARCH directory. if [ ! -e %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ]; then ln -sf %cpu_arch %rpm_install_dir/%_target_cpu ln -sf %cpu_arch %buildroot/usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu fi # We were building in %my_builddir/linux-%srcversion, but the sources will # later be installed in /usr/src/linux-%srcversion-%source_rel. Fix up the # build symlink. rm -f %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/{source,build} ln -s %src_install_dir \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/source ln -s %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch/%build_flavor \ %buildroot/lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor/build # Abort if there are any undefined symbols msg="$(/sbin/depmod -F %buildroot/boot/System.map-%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -b %buildroot -ae %kernelrelease-%build_flavor 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ] || echo "$msg" | grep 'needs unknown symbol'; then exit 1 fi %if %split_base %_sourcedir/split-modules -d %buildroot \ -o %my_builddir \ -b %kernel_build_dir/Module.base \ -s %kernel_build_dir/Module.supported %if ! %split_extra cat %my_builddir/unsupported-modules >>%my_builddir/main-modules %endif %else ( cd %buildroot find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor -type f -name '*.ko' -printf '/%%p\n' ) > %my_builddir/base-modules %endif res=0 if test -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor; then # check for kabi changes %_sourcedir/kabi.pl --rules %my_builddir/kabi/severities \ %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/symvers-%build_flavor \ Module.symvers || res=$? fi if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -e %my_builddir/kabi/%cpu_arch/ignore-%build_flavor -a \ ! -e %_sourcedir/IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS ]; then echo "Create a file IGNORE-KABI-BADNESS in the kernel-source" \ "directory to build this kernel even though its badness is" \ "higher than allowed for an official kernel." exit 1 fi fi tar -cf - -T %my_builddir/obj-files | \ tar -xf - -C %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor # bnc#507084 find %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/scripts -type f -perm -111 | \ while read f; do case "$(file -b "$f")" in ELF\ *\ executable*) strip "$f" esac done # Replace the absolute with a relative path sed -i "s,%build_src_dir,../../../linux-%kernelrelease%variant,g" \ %rpm_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor/Makefile fi add_dirs_to_filelist() { sed -rn ' # print file name p # remove filelist macros s:%%[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))? ?::g # add %%dir prefix s:^:%%dir : # print all parents :a # skip directories owned by other packages s:^%%dir (/boot|/etc|/lib/(modules|firmware)|/usr/src)/[^/]+$:: s:/[^/]+$::p ta ' "$@" | sort -u } # Collect the file lists. shopt -s nullglob > %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files for file in %buildroot/boot/vmlinux-*.gz %buildroot/boot/symtypes* \ %buildroot/lib/modules/*/{build,source}; do f=${file##%buildroot} echo "$f" >> %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files done { cd %buildroot find boot \ \( -type l -o -name 'initrd-*' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -name 'vmlinux-*' -printf '%%%%attr(0644, root, root) /%%p\n' -o \ -type f -printf '/%%p\n' # Add the auto-generated (by mkdumprd) kdump initrd to %ghost so that # the file gets removed when uninstalling the kernel. echo '%%ghost /boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump' touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/initrd-%kernelrelease-kdump if [ %CONFIG_MODULES = y ]; then find lib/modules/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ \( -path '*/modules.*' ! -path '*/modules.order' \ ! -path '*/modules.builtin' \) -printf '%%%%ghost /%%p\n' \ -o -name '*.ko' -prune -o -printf '/%%p\n' cat %my_builddir/base-modules fi test -d lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor && \ find lib/firmware/%kernelrelease-%build_flavor \ -type d -o \ -printf '/%%p\n' if [ -e .%_docdir/%name ]; then echo "%%doc %_docdir/%name" fi } | sort -u >%my_builddir/tmp cat %my_builddir/tmp %my_builddir/kernel-devel.files | sort | uniq -u | \ add_dirs_to_filelist >%my_builddir/kernel-base.files rm %my_builddir/tmp %if %split_base add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/{kernel-base.files,main-modules} \ > %my_builddir/kernel-main.files %endif %if %split_extra add_dirs_to_filelist %my_builddir/unsupported-modules > %my_builddir/kernel-extra.files %endif # Hardlink duplicate files automatically (from package fdupes): It doesn't save # much, but it keeps rpmlint from breaking the package build. %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %preun -f preun.sh %postun -f postun.sh %pre -f pre.sh %post -f post.sh %if %split_base %files -f kernel-main.files %else %files -f kernel-base.files %endif %defattr(-, root, root) %package base Summary: A Debug Version of the Kernel - base modules License: GPL v2 only Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: kernel-base = %version-%source_rel Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description base This kernel has several debug facilities enabled that hurt performance. Only use this kernel when investigating problems. This package contains only the base modules, required in all installs. %source_timestamp %preun base -f preun-base.sh %postun base -f postun-base.sh %pre base -f pre-base.sh %post base -f post-base.sh %if %split_base %files base -f kernel-base.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %package extra Summary: A Debug Version of the Kernel - Unsupported kernel modules License: GPL v2 only Group: System/Kernel Url: http://www.kernel.org/ AutoReqProv: on Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-extra_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Provides: kernel-extra = %version-%source_rel Requires: %{name}_%_target_cpu = %version-%release Requires(pre): coreutils awk Requires(post): module-init-tools Requires(post): perl-Bootloader Requires(post): mkinitrd Supplements: packageand(product(SUSE_SLED):%{name}_%_target_cpu) %ifarch %ix86 Conflicts: libc.so.6()(64bit) %endif %description extra This kernel has several debug facilities enabled that hurt performance. Only use this kernel when investigating problems. This package contains additional modules not supported by Novell. %source_timestamp %preun extra -f preun-extra.sh %postun extra -f postun-extra.sh %pre extra -f pre-extra.sh %post extra -f post-extra.sh %if %split_extra %files extra -f kernel-extra.files %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %if %CONFIG_KMSG_IDS == "y" %package man Summary: The collection of man pages generated by the kmsg script. License: GPL v2 only Group: System/Kernel %description man This package includes the man pages that have been generated from the kmsg message documentation comments. %source_timestamp %files man %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/share/man/man9/* %endif %package devel Summary: Development files necessary for building kernel modules License: GPL v2 only Group: Development/Sources Provides: multiversion(kernel) Provides: %name-devel = %version-%source_rel Requires: kernel-devel%variant = %version-%source_rel Supplements: packageand(%name:kernel-devel%variant) AutoReqProv: on %description devel This package contains files necessary for building kernel modules (and kernel module packages) against the %build_flavor flavor of the kernel. %source_timestamp %if %CONFIG_MODULES == "y" %pre devel -f devel-pre.sh %post devel -f devel-post.sh %files devel -f kernel-devel.files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %obj_install_dir %dir %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch %dir /usr/src/linux-obj %dir /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch %ghost /usr/src/linux-obj/%cpu_arch_flavor %obj_install_dir/%cpu_arch_flavor %if %_target_cpu != %cpu_arch %obj_install_dir/%_target_cpu /usr/src/linux-obj/%_target_cpu %endif %endif %package devel-debuginfo # rpm doesn't notice that vmlinux.debug belongs to the gzipped vmlinux.gz Summary: Debug information for package %name-devel License: GPL v2 only Group: Development/Debug %description devel-debuginfo Debug information for package %name-devel %source_timestamp %files devel-debuginfo -f vmlinux.debug.files %changelog * Thu Dec 9 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix timestamp of /usr/src/linux-obj/.../.config - commit 149d22b * Thu Dec 9 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/config.sh: Build against openSUSE:Factory - commit bf19860 * Wed Dec 8 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-docs.spec.in: Allow to build against any version of kernel-source - commit 37bdc47 * Tue Dec 7 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: Remove stringification (needed only with very old assemblers). - commit 987c244 * Tue Dec 7 2010 jeffm@suse.com - scripts/sequence-patch.sh: Added -vanilla suffix to the directory name when expanding vanilla tree. - commit 77ad87b * Tue Dec 7 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update vanilla config files. - commit f55f81b * Tue Dec 7 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc5. - commit ca102d9 * Tue Dec 7 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/novfs-fix-ioctl-usage: Fix compiler warnings. - commit faf2142 * Mon Dec 6 2010 mgalbraith@suse.de - Replace buggy per tty autogroup patch with final per session patch as integrated into tip. - sched: Add 'autogroup' scheduling feature: automated per session task groups (bnc#657613). - Delete patches.suse/sched-automated-per-tty-task-groups. - commit 0db6b6b * Mon Dec 6 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.rpmify/rpm-kernel-config, patches.rpmify/split-package, patches.suse/0004-richacl-In-memory-representation-and-helper-function.patch, patches.suse/SoN-15-netvm-reserve.patch, patches.suse/SoN-27-nfs-swap_ops.patch, patches.suse/kconfig-automate-kernel-desktop, patches.suse/mm-tune-dirty-limits.patch, patches.suse/supported-flag-enterprise: Clean up Kconfig portions. - commit 713650c * Mon Dec 6 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Fixed corrupted -rc4 patch. - commit 9802d4e * Mon Dec 6 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.37-rc4. - commit d102b44 * Mon Nov 29 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Merge 2.6.37-rc3-git6 with Xen. - commit 7089cd5 * Mon Nov 29 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc3-git6. - commit 1294ef9 * Fri Nov 26 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.37-rc3-git1 and c/s 1055. - xen/acpi: Add memory hotadd to pvops dom0 (bnc#651066). - xen/acpi: Export host physical CPU information to dom0 (bnc#651066). - Xen: para-virtual watchdog driver. - introduce {rd,wr}msr_safe_on_pcpu() and add/enable users. - eliminate scalability issues from initrd handling. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update x86 config files. - commit cf6d991 * Fri Nov 26 2010 trenn@suse.de - PERF: Fix perf timechart C-state regression (none). - commit ba2671d * Wed Nov 24 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc3-git1. - commit 4ad245f * Mon Nov 22 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc3. - Eliminated 1 patch. - commit 12ac0ac * Mon Nov 22 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - Delete patches.fixes/make-note_interrupt-fast.diff. - Delete patches.fixes/twl6030-fix-note_interrupt-call. __do_IRQ from ia64 lapic code is no longer called, because they use genirqs properly. So these patches don't make sense anymore. If we need something to do, then it's adding action_ret == IRQ_NONE test into handle_percpu_irq before jumping into note_interrupt. - commit facd623 * Sun Nov 21 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - PCI: fix offset check for sysfs mmapped files (bnc#655157). - commit 2938f56 * Wed Nov 17 2010 jeffm@suse.com - sched: automated per tty task groups. - Enabled in -desktop flavors for better interactivity. - commit 2d5d397 * Tue Nov 16 2010 jeffm@suse.de - doc/config-options.changes: Updated changes for 2.6.37-rc1 and -rc2. - commit 0aca8b8 * Tue Nov 16 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc2. - commit 1453a04 * Mon Nov 15 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - PCI: fix pci_bus_alloc_resource() hang, prefer positive decode (bnc#651256). - commit 4404c19 * Mon Nov 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update vanilla config files. - commit 60b4a47 * Mon Nov 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.37-rc1-git11. - Eliminated 2 patches. - commit 5959a67 * Mon Nov 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - supported.conf: Added missing dependencies. - commit 0537c35 * Sat Nov 13 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - TTY: restore tty_ldisc_wait_idle (bnc#642043). - commit 84d87bf * Fri Nov 12 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.37-rc1. - Eliminated 26 patches. - Xen is disabled. - commit b9044e3 * Thu Nov 11 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. (bnc#652954) increase the number of possible and default uarts for users with multi-port serial cards for the i386 and x86-64 default configs. - commit 85c87e3 * Thu Nov 11 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - rt2x00: Fix max TX power settings (bnc#584028). - rt2x00: Fix channel configuration for RF3052 (bnc#584028). - commit 60c0452 * Thu Nov 11 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - resources: add a default alignf to simplify find_resource() (bnc#651256). - resources: factor out resource_clip() to simplify find_resource() (bnc#651256). - resources: ensure callback doesn't allocate outside available space (bnc#651256). - resources: handle overflow when aligning start of available area (bnc#651256). - resources: support allocating space within a region from the top down (bnc#651256). - PCI: allocate bus resources from the top down (bnc#651256). - x86/PCI: allocate space from the end of a region, not the beginning (bnc#651256). - x86: update iomem_resource end based on CPU physical address capabilities (bnc#651256). - x86: allocate space within a region top-down (bnc#651256). - Refresh patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.34. - commit 8c68ad1 * Tue Nov 9 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: Fix for the issue of kernel dumps core on restart (bnc#641811). - commit 76ba833 * Fri Oct 29 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - net: Limit socket I/O iovec total length to INT_MAX (bnc#650128). - commit 2ba74bb * Fri Oct 29 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Forgot to enable ACPI_EC_DEBUGFS on i386/pae - commit 66b605b * Wed Oct 27 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - aha152x: enable PCMCIA on 64bit (bnc#630652). - Update config files. - commit a91d17c * Wed Oct 27 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - hpet: unmap unused I/O space (bnc#629908 bnc#629901). - commit dad22c3 * Tue Oct 26 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Enable CONFIG_ACPI_EC_DEBUGFS=m on supported archs. - commit 9035254 * Tue Oct 26 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen config files (restore options accidentally deleted by 1b1584fccbfdc42e6e8b35c3c207ca65feb0c7d5). - commit f8e5000 * Mon Oct 25 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.36 and c/s 1043. - xen: netback: take net_schedule_list_lock when removing entry from net_schedule_list. - Update Xen config files. - commit b772cd8 * Mon Oct 25 2010 tiwai@suse.de - ALSA: hda - Add workarounds for CT-IBG controllers (bnc#564324). - ALSA: hda - Add some workarounds for Creative IBG (bnc#564324). - ALSA: hda - Fix wrong SPDIF NID assignment for CA0110 (bnc#564324). - commit 2256eda * Fri Oct 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.36-final. - commit 1b1584f * Fri Oct 22 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/i386-unwind-annotations, patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: Update Patch-mainline tags. - commit 6ee5ccb * Thu Oct 21 2010 sjayaraman@suse.de - SoN: fix null pointer dereference in swap_entry_free. - SoN: fix mess up on swap with multi files from same nfs server. - Refresh patches.xen/tmem. - commit d068f12 * Mon Oct 18 2010 trenn@suse.de - ACPI: Make Embedded Controller command timeout delay configurable (bnc#639261). - commit 9ea38cf * Fri Oct 15 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - Update to 2.6.36-rc8. - commit 0c0e67c * Fri Oct 15 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - Refresh patches.suse/SoN-22-netvm.patch. Fix lock imbalance in net core (caused errors with bridges). (bnc#637235) - commit f7ca98f * Tue Oct 12 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.36-rc7 and c/s 1042. - Update tmem interface to v1. - commit 03c1043 * Mon Oct 11 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Generate per-symbol provides again (fate#305945). 11.4 will do incremental downloads of repository metadata (fate#309561), so there should be no problem with the update repository anymore. - commit 4258cf2 * Mon Oct 11 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.apparmor/apparmor-compatibility-patch-for-v5-network-control: Remove .rej file from this patch. - commit 8828ce5 * Fri Oct 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.36-rc7. - commit 82673e4 * Tue Oct 5 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.drivers/dynamic_debug_4.patch: Fix build issues with !DYNAMIC_DEBUG and build warning. - commit b08d2aa * Tue Oct 5 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Enable SECURITY_APPARMOR_COMPAT_24 - commit f9b83fc * Tue Oct 5 2010 jeffm@suse.de - AppArmor: Allow dfa backward compatibility with broken userspace. - AppArmor: compatibility patch for v5 interface. - AppArmor: compatibility patch for v5 network control. - commit cb27981 * Mon Oct 4 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.36-rc6. - Eliminated 2 patches. - commit 57ae577 * Fri Sep 24 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Refresh patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.28 one more time. - commit d527087 * Fri Sep 24 2010 trenn@suse.de - acpi: ec_sys: access user space with get_user()/put_user() (none). - commit d028761 * Fri Sep 24 2010 trenn@suse.de - kernel/module.c: Fix compiler warnings if debug is compiled in (none). - PNP: Use dev_dbg instead of dev_printk(KERN_DEBUG.. if DYNAMIC_DEBUG is compiled in (none). - PNP: Compile all pnp built-in stuff in one module namespace (none). - Dynamic Debug: Introduce global fake module param module.ddebug - V4 (none). - Dynamic Debug: Initialize dynamic debug earlier via arch_initcall (none). - Dynamic Debug: Introduce ddebug_query= boot parameter (none). - Dynamic Debug: Split out query string parsing/setup from proc_write (none). - commit dcd5c68 * Fri Sep 24 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Refresh patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.28 again. - commit 2fbc89f * Fri Sep 24 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Refresh patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.28. - commit cba31c7 * Fri Sep 24 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.36-rc5 and c/s 1038. - commit 7b86243 * Thu Sep 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - rose: Fix signedness issues wrt. digi count (CVE-2010-3310 bnc#640721). - commit bcdc88b * Tue Sep 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - qla4xxx: add workaround for missing readq/writeq. - commit 643f9cf * Tue Sep 21 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-docs.spec.in: BuildRequire proper version of kernel-source - commit beb33d1 * Tue Sep 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Linux: 2.6.36-rc5. - Eliminated 6 patches (all security backports). - commit d4603b4 * Mon Sep 20 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Revert "- make SCSI and ATA drivers modules again. (bnc#564357)." This reverts commit 75e8e5eae2c1e8dd279370f2c7650835ee821deb. - make SCSI and ATA drivers modules again. (bnc#564357) This change only applies to enterprise releases and should have been reverted prior to the release of openSUSE 11.3. - commit 7fc084f * Mon Sep 20 2010 sjayaraman@suse.de - Update patches.suse/SoN-05-reserve-slub.patch to accomodate an upstream change that uses kmem_cache flags instead of PageSlubDebug flag. - commit 4ea582b * Mon Sep 20 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Set LSM_MMAP_MIN_ADDR=0 to allow tools like DOSemu to work properly. The default is still set to 64k. - commit 0581892 * Sun Sep 19 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Delete patches.suse/cgroup-disable-memory.patch: It is no longer needed. The performance hit that it caused has been eliminated. - commit 1ec7da8 * Fri Sep 17 2010 jeffm@suse.de - wext: fix potential private ioctl memory content leak (CVE-2010-2955 bnc#635413). - wext: fix potential private ioctl memory content leak (CVE-2010-2955 bnc#635413). - commit 6df45c9 * Thu Sep 16 2010 jeffm@suse.de - x86-64, compat: Test %%rax for the syscall number, not %%eax (CVE-2010-3301 bnc#639708). - x86-64, compat: Retruncate rax after ia32 syscall entry tracing (CVE-2010-3301 bnc#639708). - commit fb77404 * Thu Sep 16 2010 jeffm@suse.de - compat: Make compat_alloc_user_space() incorporate the access_ok() (CVE-2010-3081 bnc#639709). - commit 664a0ac * Wed Sep 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Remove reference to unused patch. - commit a3abfe2 * Wed Sep 15 2010 jeffm@suse.de - drivers/net/usb/hso.c: prevent reading uninitialized memory (CVE-2010-3298 bnc#639483). - commit 35e70c8 * Wed Sep 15 2010 jeffm@suse.de - drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (CVE-2010-3296 bnc#639481). - commit a0634a9 * Wed Sep 15 2010 jeffm@suse.de - drivers/net/eql.c: prevent reading uninitialized stack memory (CVE-2010-3297 bnc#639482). - commit 2a7b160 * Wed Sep 15 2010 tiwai@suse.de - Revert "patches.drivers/matador_reset_quirk.diff: Fix reset with Matador btusb devices bnc#626171" This reverts commit c6a176c1df9ab4c69dd54ff3076bc92806eac8fd. It should have been applied to SLE11-SP1 branch. - commit 05f07f3 * Tue Sep 14 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - Update to Linux 2.6.36-rc4. - Obsoletes: - patches.fixes/bonding-jiffies2.patch. - patches.fixes/irda-correctly-clean-up-self-ias_obj-on-irda_bind-failure. - patches.fixes/net-sched-fix-kernel-leak-in-act_police. - patches.rpmify/spectra-depends-on-moorestown. - fix build on s390 as of 2.6.36-rc4. - Refresh patches.suse/SoN-08-mm-page_alloc-emerg.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/reiser4-set_page_dirty_notag. - Refresh patches.xen/pci-guestdev. - Update config files. - commit 6915057 * Mon Sep 13 2010 oneukum@suse.de - patches.drivers/matador_reset_quirk.diff: Fix reset with Matador btusb devices bnc#626171 - commit c6a176c * Mon Sep 13 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.fixes/bonding-jiffies2.patch: Update patch-mainline. - commit a1a8fdd * Fri Sep 3 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Always build in AGP on x86/x86_64 so KMS works on LiveCDs (bnc#609607). - commit d9bfa1e * Fri Sep 3 2010 jeffm@suse.com - irda: Correctly clean up self->ias_obj on irda_bind() failure (CVE-2010-2954 bnc#636112). - commit f04e61f * Wed Sep 1 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.36-rc3 and c/s 1029. - fix unwind annotations. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update x86 config files. - commit 6836619 * Wed Sep 1 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - fix unwind annotations. - commit 5aa6daf * Tue Aug 31 2010 jeffm@suse.com - net sched: fix kernel leak in act_police (CVE-2010-2942 bnc#632309). - commit 66e1d72 * Tue Aug 31 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - fix jiffies overflow problems in bonding (bnc#613273). - commit 28bd2e8 * Mon Aug 30 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Refresh vanilla configs. - commit 26a681e * Mon Aug 30 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to Linux: 2.6.36-rc3. - Eliminated 7 patches. - commit d298d2d * Sat Aug 28 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - Delete patches.suse/rlim-0020-core-optimize-setrlimit-for-current-task.patch. - Delete patches.suse/rlim-0021-FS-proc-switch-limits-reading-to-fops.patch. - Delete patches.suse/rlim-0022-FS-proc-make-limits-writable.patch. This was just a workaround crap. In 2.6.36 we have a nice syscall instead. Sorry for commiting this to the merge-36 branch first. I didn't notice it was already merged here. - commit 5449fcb * Fri Aug 27 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Disabled ACPI table override patches again. fsnotify was introduced into the truncate path and causes crashes. - commit e18fc2c * Thu Aug 26 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Refresh patches.suse/supported-flag-enterprise: Fixed recovery on load failure. - commit 8a06643 * Thu Aug 26 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Refresh patches.suse/stack-unwind: Fixed recovery on load failure. - commit 7f15b29 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/s390-message-catalog.diff: dev_info -> _dev_info - commit ba20988 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Fix build on !SMP - commit abd5493 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - s390: Fix prototype for execve. - commit b448268 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - spectra: depend on X86_MRST. - commit 1e3fb89 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Delete patches.arch/ppc-vmcoreinfo.diff. - commit ea39e14 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - caif: Use asm/unaligned.h. - commit 92c07c2 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Refresh patches.suse/SoN-20-netvm-tcp-deadlock.patch: Added missing fixup for sk_rmem_schedule in caif. - commit a9ff761 * Tue Aug 24 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - makefile: not need to regenerate kernel.release file when make kernelrelease. - commit 81237a8 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.com - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: Renamed config-options.changes to config-options.changes.txt in the exported package to avoid triggering a build service rule error. - commit ff4889e * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Revert "- Renamed doc/config-options.changes to doc/config-options.changes.txt to" This reverts commit 124ac26de4839f8181a5badedb231eedf5770a3e. - commit 2932c62 * Tue Aug 24 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Renamed doc/config-options.changes to doc/config-options.changes.txt to avoid triggering a build service rule error. - commit 124ac26 * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Add iscsi_boot_sysfs - commit 80e2ea9 * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fixed typo with last fix. - commit 22210d9 * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO. It's enabled dynamically in the spec file and now has follow-on options. - commit d270759 * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/spectra-drop-locked_ioctl-support: add to grab the BKL - commit 1df02ec * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED. - commit 393680a * Mon Aug 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.36-rc2. - Eliminated 2 patches. - commit 52d47a0 * Wed Aug 18 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.36-rc1. - Eliminated 71 patches. - spectra: Drop ->locked_ioctl support. - spectra: Drop ->prepare_flush_fn support. - spectra: Remove duplicate GLOB_VERSION. - novfs: Fix ioctl usage. - novfs: use evict_inode. - Xen is disabled. - commit 63642f6 * Mon Aug 16 2010 tiwai@suse.de - ALSA: hda - Add quirk for Dell Vostro 1220 (bnc#631066). - commit df12c34 * Fri Aug 13 2010 jeffm@suse.com - README.BRANCH: Updated to reflect the permenent in-progress status. - commit a2c882e * Thu Aug 12 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bug fixes - obsoletes: patches.fixes/e1000e-don-t-inadvertently-re-set-INTX_DISABLE.patch. - commit a009fb4 * Thu Aug 12 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc1. - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc1-rc2. - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc2-rc3. - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc3-rc4. - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc4-rc5. - Delete patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.35-rc5-rc6. - commit 2e67843 * Thu Aug 12 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Refresh patches.fixes/novfs-lindent. Someone needs to remember to actually test out their patches before adding them to the repo... - commit 6569c56 * Thu Aug 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - doc/README.SUSE: Updated to describe the process used to add custom patches - commit e5f4670 * Thu Aug 12 2010 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.fixes/vmscan-fix-stalls.patch: vmscan: raise the bar to PAGEOUT_IO_SYNC stalls (bnc#625339). - commit 1efea94 * Wed Aug 11 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: Lindent novfs sources. - commit 361594a * Wed Aug 11 2010 neilb@suse.de - Refresh patches.fixes/nfsd-05-sunrpc-cache-allow-thread-to-block-while-waiting-for.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/sunrpc-monotonic-expiry. - Delete patches.fixes/nfs-write.c-bug-removal.patch. Update some patches for 2.6.35 - commit 15d7a62 * Wed Aug 11 2010 neilb@suse.de - NFS: allow close-to-open cache semantics to apply to root of NFS filesystem (bnc#584720). - commit deea101 * Tue Aug 10 2010 tiwai@suse.de - ALSA: hda - patch_nvhdmi.c: Add missing codec IDs, unify names (bnc#627212). - ALSA: hda - Add pin-fix for HP dc5750 (bnc#624118). - commit 4844a71 * Mon Aug 9 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.35 final and c/s 1025. - create devices in /dev/xen when they are expected to be used there. - xen/netback: Allow setting of large MTU before rings have connected. - xen/netback: Always pull through PKT_PROT_LEN bytes into the linear part of an skb. - pass trigger mode and polarity information to Xen for all interrupts. - Update Xen config files. - supported.conf: Add pci-iomul.ko. - commit c642c1b * Fri Aug 6 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-auto-xen-arch.diff: Update struct acpi_power_register usage from upstream commit 718be4aa. - commit 4ce0b48 * Fri Aug 6 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.35-final and refresh patch set. - commit a40327f * Mon Aug 2 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Package log.sh in the source rpm - commit 53246ff * Fri Jul 23 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: Fix error codes for getxattr for novfs (bnc#529535). - commit 06b3243 * Fri Jul 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.35-rc6. - commit 643df99 * Fri Jul 23 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: code cleanup for one case of novfs return value (bnc#624606). - commit 4875860 * Wed Jul 21 2010 jack@suse.cz - Fixed patch headers of patches.fixes/novfs-xattr-memleak - commit 65ab01f * Wed Jul 21 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: Fix a memory leak that causes an OOM condition (bnc#610828). - commit 519d8a0 * Tue Jul 20 2010 jack@suse.cz - novfs: backing device info initialization (bnc#623472). - commit b576dae * Tue Jul 20 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/tar-up.sh: Generate the rpm changelog using gitlog2changes. - Move kernel-source.changes.old to rpm/ (not included in the pachage though). - commit 8ed2389 * Tue Jul 20 2010 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/package-descriptions: Change summary/description for trace flavor (bnc#488692). - commit da8e17e * Mon Jul 19 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Move rpm changelog to kernel-source.changes.old - commit 93036bd * Thu Jul 15 2010 bphilips@suse.de - X86_MRST: Disable moorsetown since it deselects SERIO_I8042 - See 0b28bac5aef7bd1ab213723df031e61db9ff151a, fixed in -tip but we still don't want X86_MRST * Wed Jul 14 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_fix_fadt_32_bit_zero_length.patch: Only use 32 bit addresses if they have a valid length (bug#581644). * Wed Jul 14 2010 bphilips@suse.de - Update -desktop config files to enable CGROUPS for systemd * Wed Jul 14 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.35-rc5. - Eliminated 5 patches. * Tue Jul 13 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-overflow-fixes: novfs: security: Add buffer overflow, integer wraparound fixes (bnc#594362). * Wed Jul 7 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.35-rc4. * Wed Jul 7 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-2.6.35-api-changes: Updated for -debug flavor. * Wed Jul 7 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for vanilla. * Wed Jul 7 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Install config-option.changes This file documents the changes in the kernel configs. * Wed Jul 7 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.rpmify/kbuild-setlocalversion-fix: kbuild: Fix path to scripts/setlocalversion. * Tue Jul 6 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.35-rc4. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Fri Jul 2 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/iwlwifi-fix-tx-power-configuration-on-3945-and-4965-devices: iwlwifi: fix TX power configuration on 3945 and 4965 devices (bnc#619440 bnc#610421). * Fri Jul 2 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Fix after upstream commit 9e565292270a2d55524be38835104c564ac8f795. * Fri Jul 2 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_fix_dynamic_debug.patch: For some reason the macro used by dynamic debug breaks things (bnc#619416). * Fri Jul 2 2010 trenn@suse.de Mainline goes another way (bug #476509). Also there is a problem with this patch, breaking dynamic debugging (bnc#619416) -> just remove it, there will show up something else mainline. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-arch-x86.diff: Refresh. - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address_compile_fix.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address_rename_fix.patch: Delete. * Thu Jul 1 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45-api-update-remove-dm_put-after-dm_table_get_md: dm-raid45: API update: Remove dm_put after dm_table_get_md (bnc#615656). * Thu Jul 1 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.fixes/e1000e-don-t-inadvertently-re-set-INTX_DISABLE.patch: Update references (bnc#610362). * Thu Jul 1 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-disable-tx-engine-before-disabling-tx-laser.patch: ixgbe: disable tx engine before disabling tx laser. - patches.drivers/ixgbe-fix-panic-when-shutting-down-system-with-WoL-e.patch: ixgbe: fix panic when shutting down system with WoL enabled. - patches.drivers/ixgbe-skip-non-IPv4-packets-in-ATR-filter.patch: ixgbe: skip non IPv4 packets in ATR filter. - patches.fixes/e1000e-don-t-inadvertently-re-set-INTX_DISABLE.patch: e1000e: don't inadvertently re-set INTX_DISABLE. * Wed Jun 30 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/e1000e-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Delete. * Tue Jun 29 2010 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs_wb_page_deadlock.fix: NFS: Fix another nfs_wb_page() deadlock (bnc#612794). * Mon Jun 28 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides: Add base symsets to the main subpackage. * Fri Jun 25 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for sparc64/net to remove unnecessary options. * Fri Jun 25 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: Fixed typo. * Fri Jun 25 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/kvm-split-paravirt-ops-by-functionality: Adjust Kconfig style to match upstream. - patches.fixes/seccomp-disable-tsc-option: Adjust Kconfig style to match upstream. - patches.suse/SoN-11-mm-reserve.patch: Fix compiler warning. * Fri Jun 25 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.35-rc3. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update x86 config files. * Thu Jun 24 2010 agruen@suse.de - Replace the nfs4acl patches by their successor patch queue, richacls (see http://www.suse.de/~agruen/richacl/). - Update config files: CONFIG_EXT4_FS_RICHACL=y. * Thu Jun 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/ext4-make-sure-the-move_ext-ioctl-can-t-overwrite-append-only-files: ext4: Make sure the MOVE_EXT ioctl can't overwrite append-only files (bnc#612457 CVE-2010-2066). * Thu Jun 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/gfs2-fix-writing-to-non-page-aligned-gfs2_quota-structures: GFS2: Fix writing to non-page aligned gfs2_quota structures (bnc#599957 CVE-2010-1436). * Thu Jun 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/gfs2-fix-permissions-checking-for-setflags-ioctl: GFS2: Fix permissions checking for setflags ioctl() (bnc#608576 CVE-2010-1641). * Thu Jun 24 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.drivers/hwmon-it87-fix-in7-on-IT8720F.patch: hwmon: (it87) Fix in7 on IT8720F (bnc#612910). * Thu Jun 24 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.drivers/hwmon-it87-fix-in7-on-IT8720F.patch: hwmon: (it87) Fix in7 on IT8720F (bnc#612910). * Wed Jun 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - btrfs fix rollup from v2.6.35: - patches.fixes/btrfs-handle-err_ptr-from-posix_acl_from_xattr: Btrfs: handle ERR_PTR from posix_acl_from_xattr(). - patches.fixes/btrfs-avoid-bug-when-dropping-root-and-reference-in-same-transaction: Btrfs: avoid BUG when dropping root and reference in same transaction. - patches.fixes/btrfs-prohibit-a-operation-of-changing-acl-s-mask-when-noacl-mount-option-used: Btrfs: prohibit a operation of changing acl's mask when noacl mount option used. - patches.fixes/btrfs-should-add-a-permission-check-for-setfacl: Btrfs: should add a permission check for setfacl. - patches.fixes/btrfs-btrfs_lookup_dir_item-can-return-err_ptr: Btrfs: btrfs_lookup_dir_item() can return ERR_PTR. - patches.fixes/btrfs-btrfs_read_fs_root_no_name-returns-err_ptrs: Btrfs: btrfs_read_fs_root_no_name() returns ERR_PTRs. - patches.fixes/btrfs-unwind-after-btrfs_start_transaction-errors: Btrfs: unwind after btrfs_start_transaction() errors. - patches.fixes/btrfs-btrfs_iget-returns-err_ptr: Btrfs: btrfs_iget() returns ERR_PTR. - patches.fixes/btrfs-handle-kzalloc-failure-in-open_ctree: Btrfs: handle kzalloc() failure in open_ctree(). - patches.fixes/btrfs-handle-error-returns-from-btrfs_lookup_dir_item: Btrfs: handle error returns from btrfs_lookup_dir_item(). - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-bug_on-for-fs-converted-from-extn: Btrfs: Fix BUG_ON for fs converted from extN. - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-null-dereference-in-relocation-c: Btrfs: Fix null dereference in relocation.c. - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-remap_file_pages-error: Btrfs: fix remap_file_pages error. - patches.fixes/btrfs-uninitialized-data-is-check_path_shared: Btrfs: uninitialized data is check_path_shared(). - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-fallocate-regression: Btrfs: fix fallocate regression. - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-loop-device-on-top-of-btrfs: Btrfs: fix loop device on top of btrfs. - patches.fixes/btrfs-add-more-error-checking-to-btrfs_dirty_inode: Btrfs: add more error checking to btrfs_dirty_inode. - patches.fixes/btrfs-allow-unaligned-dio: Btrfs: allow unaligned DIO. - patches.fixes/btrfs-drop-verbose-enospc-printk: Btrfs: drop verbose enospc printk. - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-block-generation-verification-race: Btrfs: Fix block generation verification race. - patches.fixes/btrfs-fix-preallocation-and-nodatacow-checks-in-o_direct: Btrfs: fix preallocation and nodatacow checks in O_DIRECT. - patches.fixes/btrfs-avoid-enospc-errors-in-btrfs_dirty_inode: Btrfs: avoid ENOSPC errors in btrfs_dirty_inode. - patches.fixes/btrfs-move-o_direct-space-reservation-to-btrfs_direct_io: Btrfs: move O_DIRECT space reservation to btrfs_direct_IO. - patches.fixes/btrfs-rework-o_direct-enospc-handling: Btrfs: rework O_DIRECT enospc handling. - patches.fixes/btrfs-use-async-helpers-for-dio-write-checksumming: Btrfs: use async helpers for DIO write checksumming. - patches.fixes/btrfs-don-t-walk-around-with-task-state-task_running: Btrfs: don't walk around with task->state != TASK_RUNNING. - patches.fixes/btrfs-do-aio_write-instead-of-write: Btrfs: do aio_write instead of write. - patches.fixes/btrfs-add-basic-dio-read-write-support: Btrfs: add basic DIO read/write support. - patches.fixes/direct-io-add-a-hook-for-the-fs-to-provide-its-own-submit_bio-function: direct-io: add a hook for the fs to provide its own submit_bio function. - patches.fixes/btrfs-metadata-enospc-handling-for-balance: Btrfs: Metadata ENOSPC handling for balance. - patches.fixes/btrfs-pre-allocate-space-for-data-relocation: Btrfs: Pre-allocate space for data relocation. - patches.fixes/btrfs-metadata-enospc-handling-for-tree-log: Btrfs: Metadata ENOSPC handling for tree log. - patches.fixes/btrfs-metadata-reservation-for-orphan-inodes: Btrfs: Metadata reservation for orphan inodes. - patches.fixes/btrfs-introduce-global-metadata-reservation: Btrfs: Introduce global metadata reservation. - patches.fixes/btrfs-update-metadata-reservation-for-delayed-allocation: Btrfs: Update metadata reservation for delayed allocation. - patches.fixes/btrfs-integrate-metadata-reservation-with-start_transaction: Btrfs: Integrate metadata reservation with start_transaction. - patches.fixes/btrfs-introduce-contexts-for-metadata-reservation: Btrfs: Introduce contexts for metadata reservation. - patches.fixes/btrfs-kill-init_btrfs_i: Btrfs: Kill init_btrfs_i(). - patches.fixes/btrfs-shrink-delay-allocated-space-in-a-synchronized: Btrfs: Shrink delay allocated space in a synchronized. - patches.fixes/btrfs-kill-allocate_wait-in-space_info: Btrfs: Kill allocate_wait in space_info. - patches.fixes/btrfs-link-block-groups-of-different-raid-types: Btrfs: Link block groups of different raid types. - patches.fixes/nilfs-fix-breakage-caused-by-barrier-flag-changes: nilfs: fix breakage caused by barrier flag changes. - patches.fixes/blkdev-generalize-flags-for-blkdev_issue_fn-functions: blkdev: generalize flags for blkdev_issue_fn functions. * Wed Jun 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: Fixed typo. * Tue Jun 22 2010 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_generic-force_dma: ata_generic: implement ATA_GEN_* flags and force enable DMA on MBP 7,1 (bko#15923). * Tue Jun 22 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45-26-Nov-2009.patch: DMRAID45 module (bnc#615906, bnc#565962). - patches.suse/dm-raid45_2.6.27_20081027.patch: Delete. - Sync dm-raid45 to the later version. * Tue Jun 22 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/config.sh: Build against openSUSE:11.3. * Tue Jun 22 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45-26-Nov-2009.patch: DMRAID45 module (bnc#615906, bnc#565962). - patches.suse/dm-raid45_2.6.27_20081027.patch: Delete. - Sync dm-raid45 to the later version. * Mon Jun 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Resync v2.6.35 with master. * Mon Jun 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/acpi-generic-initramfs-table-override-support: Refresh. - patches.suse/init-move-populate_rootfs-back-to-start_kernel: Refresh. * Mon Jun 21 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Require a mkinitrd that supports KMS (bnc#615680). * Mon Jun 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: Fix missing kmap calls while loading initramfs files. * Mon Jun 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: Fix missing kmap of pages for initramfs loading. * Fri Jun 18 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-driver-core-add-devname-module-aliases-to-allow-module-on-demand-auto-loading.patch: driver core: add devname module aliases to allow module on-demand auto-loading. - Refresh other Xen patches. - Update Xen config files. * Thu Jun 17 2010 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_generic-mcp89-mbp71: ahci,ata_generic: let ata_generic handle new MBP w/ MCP89 (bko#15923). * Wed Jun 16 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.35-rc3. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Mon Jun 14 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/pci-hotplug-cpqphp-fix-crash.patch: PCI: hotplug/cpqphp, fix NULL dereference (bnc#609338). * Wed Jun 9 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/ceph-atomic_long-init-fix: ceph: fix atomic64_t initialization on ia64. * Tue Jun 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.trace/utrace-core: Workaround missing kref_set(). * Tue Jun 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc64-xmon-dmesg-printing.patch: Refresh. * Tue Jun 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/powerpc-kvm-build-failure-workaround: Refresh. - patches.rpmify/wlags49-missing-strlen-include: wlags49_h2: build fix. * Tue Jun 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address.patch: Refresh. - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address_rename_fix.patch: Refresh. * Tue Jun 8 2010 jeffm@suse.com - supported.conf: Updated dependencies for 2.6.35 * Mon Jun 7 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.kernel.org/revert-tty-fix-a-little-bug-in-scrup-vt-c: Revert "tty: fix a little bug in scrup, vt.c". * Mon Jun 7 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.35-rc2. * Thu Jun 3 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Re-enable DSDT in initramfs code. - patches.suse/acpi-don-t-preempt-until-the-system-is-up: acpi: don't preempt until the system is up. * Wed Jun 2 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000e-entropy-source.patch: Reintroduce IRQF_SHARED to fix non-MSI case (bnc#610362). * Wed Jun 2 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-docs.spec.in: More -rt fixes. * Tue Jun 1 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.35-rc1. - Eliminated 13 patches. - Xen is disabled. * Tue Jun 1 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/tg3-5785-and-57780-asic-revs-not-working.patch: tg3: 5785 and 57780 asic revs not working (bnc#580780). * Tue Jun 1 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: Change the kmp versioning to prefix the kernel version with "k" to avoid false version downgrades (bnc#609483). * Tue Jun 1 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: pcre-tools is not needed. * Mon May 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-docs.spec.in: Fix for -rt. * Wed May 26 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/driver-core-add-devname-module-aliases-to-allow-module-on-demand-auto-loading.patch: driver core: add devname module aliases to allow module on-demand auto-loading. * Tue May 25 2010 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Added mperf, which powernow and acpi-cpufreq now depend on. * Tue May 25 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/powernow-k8-add-core-performance-boost-support: powernow-k8: Add core performance boost support (bnc#602209). - patches.arch/x86-cpu-add-amd-core-boosting-feature-flag-to-proc-cpuinfo: x86, cpu: Add AMD core boosting feature flag to /proc/cpuinfo. - patches.arch/x86-cpufreq-add-aperf-mperf-support-for-amd-processors: x86, cpufreq: Add APERF/MPERF support for AMD processors (bnc#602209). * Tue May 25 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.34 final. - Update Xen config files. - patches.xen/xen3-acpi_processor_check_maxcpus.patch: Do not try to set up acpi processor stuff on cores exceeding maxcpus= (bnc#601520). * Mon May 24 2010 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.suse/b43-missing-firmware-info.patch: b43: Change firmware missing message to refer to openSUSE script. * Sun May 23 2010 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/pci-disable-msi-on-K8M800: pci: disable MSI on VIA K8M800 (bnc#599508). * Sat May 22 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh. * Sat May 22 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_processor_check_maxcpus.patch: Do not try to set up acpi processor stuff on cores exceeding maxcpus= (bnc#601520). * Sat May 22 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_processor_check_maxcpus.patch: Do not try to set up acpi processor stuff on cores exceeding maxcpus= (bnc#601520). - patches.fixes/acpi_wmi_debug.patch: X86 platform wmi: Introduce debug param to log all WMI events (bnc#598059). - patches.fixes/hp_wmi_fix_acpi_version_integer_size.patch: x86 platform drivers: hp-wmi fix buffer size depending on ACPI version (bnc#598059). - patches.fixes/wmi_debug_pass_guid: X86 platform wmi: Also log GUID string when an event happens and debug is set (bnc#598059). - patches.fixes/wmi_dump_wdg_data.patch: X86 platfrom wmi: Add debug facility to dump WMI data in a readable way (bnc#598059). * Thu May 20 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Disabled CONFIG_RT2800PCI (bnc#606243) - These devices are handled by the rt2860 staging driver. * Mon May 17 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/kvm-ioapic.patch: Refresh. * Mon May 17 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.34-final. * Wed May 12 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix preserving of old symsets. * Wed May 12 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.34-rc7 and c/s 1017. * Tue May 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files for vanilla. * Tue May 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.34-rc7. - Eliminated 3 patches. * Sun May 2 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.34-rc6. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Sun May 2 2010 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-oops-due-to-null-nameidata: Allow null nd (as nfs server uses) on create (bnc#593940). * Fri Apr 30 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_ensure_spec_correct_address_space_length.patch: ACPI/x86/PCI: compute Address Space length rather than using _LEN (bnc#598641). * Thu Apr 29 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update -ec2 config files (X86_MSR=m again). * Thu Apr 29 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.34-rc5-git8 and c/s 1016. - Update Xen config files. - patches.xen/xen-kzalloc: use kzalloc() in favor of kmalloc()+memset(). - patches.xen/xen-fix_trace_power.patch: Rename to ... - patches.xen/xen3-x86_cpufreq_make_trace_power_frequency_cpufreq_driver_independent.patch: ... this. * Thu Apr 29 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-release-map_lock-before-set_disk_ro: Refresh. Fix patch to call dm_table_get directly instead of calling dm_get_table unnecesarily. * Thu Apr 29 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.34-rc5-git8. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Wed Apr 28 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-fix_trace_power.patch: x86 cpufreq: Make trace_power_frequency cpufreq driver independent (none). * Wed Apr 28 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Disable CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL in all configs, we start udev early enough in the initrd. * Wed Apr 28 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi-cpufreq_fix_cpu_any_notification.patch: acpi-cpufreq: Fix CPU_ANY CPUFREQ_{PRE,POST}CHANGE notification (none). - patches.trace/x86_cpufreq_make_trace_power_frequency_cpufreq_driver_independent.patch: x86 cpufreq: Make trace_power_frequency cpufreq driver independent (none). * Wed Apr 28 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Unify X86_MSR and X86_CPUID configs: - CONFIG_X86_CPUID=m - CONFIG_X86_MSR=y for all i386 and x86_64 flavors. * Mon Apr 26 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Disabled CONFIG_TUNE_CELL on ppc64 (bnc#599045) * Mon Apr 26 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Enabled CONFIG_FIREWIRE (bnc#586172) - CONFIG_IEEE1394 is still enabled but deprecated. * Fri Apr 23 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/hp_wmi_add_media_key.patch: x86 platform drivers: hp-wmi Add media key 0x20e8 (bnc#598059). * Fri Apr 23 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/hp-wmi_detect_keys.patch: x86 platform drivers: hp-wmi Reorder event id processing (bnc#598059). - patches.fixes/hp_wmi_catch_unkown_event_key_codes.patch: x86 platform drivers: hp-wmi Catch and log unkown event and key codes correctly (bnc#598059). - patches.fixes/hp_wmi_use_prefix_string.patch: x86 platform drivers: hp-wmi Use consistent prefix string for messages (bnc#598059). * Thu Apr 22 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/s390-Kerntypes.diff: Fix slab.h vs slab_def.h include ordering in kerntypes.c * Thu Apr 22 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-*.spec.in: Provide %%name = %%version-%%source_rel in all spec files (bnc#598453). * Thu Apr 22 2010 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: Fix remaining CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS=m * Thu Apr 22 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/input-Add-LED-support-to-Synaptics-device: Refresh. Fix dependency with LED class. - Update config files. * Wed Apr 21 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/input-Add-LED-support-to-Synaptics-device: input: Add LED support to Synaptics device (bnc#547370,bnc#582529,bnc#589014). - patches.drivers/input-Add-support-of-Synaptics-Clickpad-device: input: Add support of Synaptics Clickpad device (bnc#547370,bnc#582529,bnc#589014). - patches.drivers/synaptics-hp-clickpad: Delete. * Wed Apr 21 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.34-rc5. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Mon Apr 19 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-LFS-initialization: fs: novfs: Initialize super-block with standard macros. - patches.fixes/novfs-return-ENOTEMPTY-when-deleting-nonempty-dir: fs: novfs: Return ENOTEMPTY when tyring to delete a non-empty folder (bnc#583964). * Mon Apr 19 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/x86-apbt-conditionally-register-cpu-hp-notifier-for-apbt: x86/apbt: conditionally register cpu hp notifier for apbt (bko#15786). * Thu Apr 15 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.34-rc4 and c/s 1011. - patches.xen/xen-netfront-ethtool: netfront: ethtool -i does not return info about xennet driver (bnc#591179). - patches.xen/xen-no-reboot-vector: eliminate REBOOT_VECTOR. - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-kern_addr_valid: x86-64: kern_addr_valid() must not walk page tables mapping hypervisor space (bnc#591371). - Update Xen config files. - supported.conf: drivers/xen/evtchn.ko is supported. * Thu Apr 15 2010 teheo@suse.de - patches.fixes/block-blk_abort_request-lock-fix: libata/SCSI: fix locking around blk_abort_request() (bnc#585927). * Wed Apr 14 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.34-rc4. - Eliminated 3 patches. * Tue Apr 13 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Update vanilla config files. * Tue Apr 13 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.suse/bootsplash-console-fix: Fix rendering on linux console with bootsplash (bnc#595657,bnc#594209). * Tue Apr 13 2010 agraf@suse.de - Update config files to disable KVM on PPC also for ppc/ppc64. * Tue Apr 13 2010 teheo@suse.de - Update config files to disable CONFIG_DEBUG_BLOCK_EXT_DEVT which was enabled by 5246824c to ease testing userland handling of ext devt. * Mon Apr 12 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/hibernation-fix-s2disk.patch: PM / Hibernate: user.c, fix SNAPSHOT_SET_SWAP_AREA handling (bko#15728). * Mon Apr 12 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-dentry-cache-limit.patch: novfs: Remove dcache count restricting code (bnc#576026). * Mon Apr 12 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: Refresh (bnc#588458). * Fri Apr 9 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-remove-2-tb-file-size-limit: Fix issue on 32-bit systems. * Fri Apr 9 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/loop-update-mtime.patch: loop: Update mtime when writing using aops (bnc#590738). * Thu Apr 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-fix-permissions-on-reiserfs_priv: reiserfs: Fix permissions on .reiserfs_priv (bnc#593906 CVE-2010-1146). * Thu Apr 8 2010 agraf@suse.de - Update PPC config files to disable KVM on PPC. It's not ready yet. Please enable it again as soon as we hit 2.6.35. * Wed Apr 7 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - Add config/sparc64/net that is light on size. For netbooting, both the kernel and initrd must fit into 10MB. * Wed Mar 31 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated sparc64 config. * Wed Mar 31 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.34-rc3. * Wed Mar 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - doc/README.SUSE: Update some obsolete information. * Wed Mar 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-docs.spec.in: Fix path to kernel source. * Wed Mar 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/configtool.pl, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Add support for custom config options in config.addon.tar.bz2. This tarball is expected to have the same layout as config.tar.bz2 and the config options listed there take precedence over config.tar.bz2. * Wed Mar 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: Generate the chmod +x line automatically. * Wed Mar 31 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/mkspec, scripts/tar-up.sh: Generate the Source: lines from kernel-source.spec.in. * Tue Mar 30 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-remove-2-tb-file-size-limit: reiserfs: Remove 2 TB file size limit (bnc#592100). * Tue Mar 30 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: Generated the NoSource and %%setup lines automatically from the preamble. * Tue Mar 30 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Provide $pkg = %%version-%%source_rel in kernel-devel and kernel-source-vanilla. * Mon Mar 29 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-fix-locking-BUG-during-mount-failure: reiserfs: Fix locking BUG during mount failure (bnc#591807). * Mon Mar 29 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Disabled MAX63XX_WATCHDOG on s390. * Mon Mar 29 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.34-rc2-git3. - Eliminated 1 patch. - Fixed ps3 config. * Mon Mar 29 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.34-rc2 and c/s 1007. - Update config files. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen configs. - patches.xen/xen-floppy: Xen: improve floppy behavior (bnc#584216). - patches.xen/xen-vscsi-module-alias: allow pv scsi hba driver to be loaded automatically. - patches.xen/xen-vusb-module-alias: allow pv usb hcd driver to be loaded automatically (bnc#584213). * Fri Mar 26 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/hid-fix-gyration-oops.patch: HID: fix oops in gyration_event() (bnc#589329). * Thu Mar 25 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-fix-oops-in-scope-finding: novfs: fix an oops in novfs scope-finding code (bnc#588579). * Thu Mar 25 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/powerpc-fix-handling-of-strnlen-with-zero-len: powerpc: fix handling of strnlen with zero len (bnc#582681). * Tue Mar 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc-add-raywire-id: Delete. * Tue Mar 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-kms-after-sata.patch: Refresh. * Tue Mar 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/do_anonymous_page-race: Delete. * Tue Mar 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-prefer-over-ide: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-ahci-aspire-3810t-noncq: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-clear-spurious-IRQ: Delete. - patches.suse/block-add-mangle-devt-switch: Delete. * Tue Mar 23 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/apm_setup_UP.diff: Delete. * Mon Mar 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-efika-bestcomm-ata-dma.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/ppc-efika-mpc52xx-ac97.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/ppc-efika-psc-console-autodetection.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-BIT: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-get-property: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-handle-mm-fault: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-ioctl: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-kbuild.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-semaphore: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol-sheep: Delete. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol.patch: Delete. * Mon Mar 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/dlm-enable-debug.patch: Delete. * Mon Mar 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/ds1682-build-fix: Delete. * Mon Mar 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kvm-as-kmp: Delete. * Mon Mar 22 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-fix-incompatible-pointer-type-warning: xfs/dmapi: fix incompatible pointer type warning. * Sun Mar 21 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.34-rc2. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Fri Mar 19 2010 jbohac@suse.cz - set CONFIG_IPV6=y for all flavours (bnc#561611) * Thu Mar 18 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Refreshed patch series. * Wed Mar 17 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.34-rc1-git6. - Eliminated 8 patches. * Tue Mar 16 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Remove Obsoletes: for 10.3 KMPs. * Tue Mar 16 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Move Obsoletes: msi-wmi-kmp to the sle11-ga group and make the comment more explanatory. * Tue Mar 16 2010 trenn@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: bnc#587578 * Thu Mar 11 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/powerpc-mpc52xx-build-fix: powerpc: Build fix for mpc52xx. * Thu Mar 11 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/xfs-nonblocking-inode-locking-io-completion.patch: Fix unintialized variable. Refresh. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Added kernel/drivers/gpio/max730x, max7301 now depends on it. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled CONFIG_DRM_RADEON_KMS; Matching KMS-enabled X.org has been committed to Factory. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/powerpc-kvm-build-failure-workaround: powerpc: kvm build failure workaround. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/powerpc-mpc52xx-build-fix: powerpc: Build fix for mpc52xx. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Added kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-smbus, i2c-parport now depends on it. * Wed Mar 10 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: the dwarfextract package has been dropped from Factory. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for vanilla. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Add hwmon/ams back. * Wed Mar 10 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix symsets for non-split kernels. * Wed Mar 10 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Add symsets.pl to the src.rpm. * Wed Mar 10 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.34-rc1. - Eliminated 36 patches. - Xen is disabled - Added new doc/config-options.changes to document configuration changes. * Tue Mar 9 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Package symsets in the -devel package. * Tue Mar 9 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides: Do not generate ksym(...) provides. * Tue Mar 9 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides, rpm/symsets.pl: Generate symsets again (bnc#582907). * Fri Mar 5 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/xfs-nonblocking-inode-locking-io-completion.patch: xfs: Non-blocking inode locking in IO completion (bnc#568319). * Fri Mar 5 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: split devel files and full source into two rpms, of which only the former is really required for KMP building * Fri Mar 5 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - add configs/sparc64/default * Wed Mar 3 2010 tonyj@suse.de - patches.trace/powerpc-rename-irq-tracing: should have been deleted by previous commit * Wed Mar 3 2010 tonyj@suse.de - remove perfmon2 patches * Wed Mar 3 2010 tonyj@suse.de - Remove lttng-instrumentation patches, they have been removed from SLE11SP1 - patches.xen/tmem: Refresh. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh. * Tue Mar 2 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.33 and c/s 1003. - patches.xen/xen-clockevents: replace Xen's custom time handling with such using GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS infrastructure. - Update Xen config files. * Tue Mar 2 2010 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/sunrpc-monotonic-expiry: sunrpc: use monotonic time in expiry cache (bnc#578668). * Thu Feb 25 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/ia64-sn-fix-percpu-warnings: Obsolete. * Thu Feb 25 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Drop include of generated/autoconf.h in our patches, it's not needed since 2.6.15: - patches.suse/novfs-client-module: Refresh. - patches.suse/s390-Kerntypes.diff: Refresh. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol.patch: Refresh. * Thu Feb 25 2010 teheo@suse.de - scripts/run_oldconfig.sh doesn't update ppc/vanilla for some reason. Do it manually. * Thu Feb 25 2010 teheo@suse.de - ppc explicitly sets CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_IDE_DISK. Run scripts/run_oldconfig.sh to fix configs up. * Thu Feb 25 2010 teheo@suse.de - Drop CONFIG_IDE from all configs. * Thu Feb 25 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.33-rc8-final: Build fix for the 2.6.33-final update. * Wed Feb 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.33-final. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Wed Feb 24 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/ftrace-fix-ftrace_event_call-alignment-for-use-with-gcc-4-5: ftrace: fix ftrace_event_call alignment for use with gcc 4.5 (bnc#582222). * Wed Feb 24 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.33-rc8 and c/s 997. - patches.xen/xen-x86-time-per-cpu: fold per-CPU accounting data into a structure. - patches.xen/xen-x86-xtime-lock: reduce contention on xtime_lock (bnc#569014, bnc#571041, bnc#571769, bnc#572146). * Wed Feb 24 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: use macros in a few more places * Tue Feb 23 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-fix-inode-uid: novfs: Get proper UID when looking up inode (bnc#486997). - patches.fixes/novfs-incorrect-filesize-fix: novfs: novfs reports incorrect file size (bnc#426536). - patches.fixes/novfs-truncate-fix: novfs: Fixes corruption of OO documents on NSS Volumes (bnc#508259). * Sat Feb 20 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - use standard short options in tar commands * Wed Feb 17 2010 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-find-crash: Fix potential oops when running find on an NFS mount. (bnc#573107). * Tue Feb 16 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Set CONFIG_LSM_MMAP_MIN_ADDR=4096 to allow qemu to emulate other architectures properly (bnc#574654). * Tue Feb 16 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.33-rc8. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Mon Feb 15 2010 rgoldwyn@suse.de - patches.fixes/novfs-err_ptr-fix.diff: Oops in novfs:unlink_local (bnc#569071). * Fri Feb 12 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Enable p4_clockmod for i386 desktop While this is broken by design it allows to remove clocking limits from the vendor on e.g. eeepc 701 * Fri Feb 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/taskstats-alignment: delayacct: align to 8 byte boundary on 64-bit systems (bnc#578065). * Fri Feb 12 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_fix_no_critical_tp.patch: ACPI thermal: Don't invalidate thermal zone if critical trip point is bad (bnc#531547). - patches.fixes/acpi_pci_hot_plug_sanity_checks.patch: ACPI: acpi_bus_{scan,bus,add}: return -ENODEV if no device was found (bnc#531547). - patches.fixes/acpi_thermal_check_trip_points.patch: ACPI thermal: Check for thermal zone requirement (bnc#531547). * Fri Feb 12 2010 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: saa7111 and saa7114 are gone. * Wed Feb 10 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/kdb-fix-kdb_cmds-to-include-the-arch-common-macro: kdb: fix kdb_cmds to include the arch common macro (bnc#578421). * Wed Feb 10 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/kdb-handle-nonexistance-keyboard-controller: kdb: handle nonexistance keyboard controller (bnc#578051). * Wed Feb 10 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/dvb-l64781.ko-broken-with-gcc-4.5.patch: dvb: l64781.ko broken with gcc 4.5. * Tue Feb 9 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.apparmor/apparmor-check-for-network-in-interrupt-and-work-around: apparmor: check for network in interrupt and work around (bnc#492961, bln#350789). * Tue Feb 9 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.33-rc7. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Tue Feb 9 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-66-idt-hp-mute-led-fix-polarity: ALSA: hda - Fix default polarity of mute-LED GPIO on 92HD83x/88x codecs (bnc#578190). * Mon Feb 8 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-63-idt-hp-mute-led-detect: ALSA: hda - Detect HP mute-LED GPIO setup from GPIO counts (bnc#577927). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-64-idt-hp-mute-led-cleanup: ALSA: hda - Merge HP mute-LED status callback on both IDT 92HD7x and 8x codecs (bnc#577927). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-65-idt-hp-mute-led-cleanup2: ALSA: hda - Remove static gpio_led setup via model (bnc#577927). * Fri Feb 5 2010 coly.li@suse.de - patches.suse/64bytes_lvb_len.diff: Delete from repo and series.conf. Back to 32bytes lvb length for clvm (bnc#573460). * Fri Feb 5 2010 duwe@suse.de - Update config files: Compile IBM_BSR into kernel, not as module. (ppc only, bnc#572381) * Fri Feb 5 2010 duwe@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-ncpus-1: powerpc: Add static fields to ibm,client-architecture call (bnc#570909). - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-ncpus-2: powerpc/pseries: Pass more accurate number of supported cores to firmware (bnc#570909). * Fri Feb 5 2010 coly.li@suse.de - disable patches.suse/64bytes_lvb_len.diff in series.conf * Thu Feb 4 2010 mmarek@suse.de - rpm/find-provides, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Remove the previous hack and set STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB='*/vmlinux-*' instead to avoid stripping symbols from the ppc vmlinux image (bnc#572148). * Thu Feb 4 2010 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-stripe-zero-stripes: dm-stripe: return -EINVAL if stripe count is zero (bnc#576312). * Thu Feb 4 2010 npiggin@suse.de - Disable patches.suse/files-slab-rcu.patch. * Thu Feb 4 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Obsolete iwlagn-2-6-27-kmp (bnc#559533). * Thu Feb 4 2010 tiwai@suse.de - supported.conf: mark snd-wss-lib unsupported * Thu Feb 4 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-61-add-idt92hd88x-support2: ALSA: hda - Adding support for another IDT 92HD83XXX codec (bnc#569354). * Wed Feb 3 2010 jbohac@suse.cz - supported.conf: marked em_cmp supported (bnc#568130) * Wed Feb 3 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: automatically install a matching - devel package if kernel-source is installed. * Wed Feb 3 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.33-rc6 and c/s 989. - patches.xen/xen-netback-generalize: Netback: Generalize static/global variables into 'struct xen_netbk'. - patches.xen/xen-netback-kernel-threads: Use Kernel thread to replace the tasklet. - patches.xen/xen-netback-multiple-tasklets: Netback: Multiple tasklets support. * Tue Feb 2 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.suse/suse-ppc64-branding: the message about crashed kernel doesn't make sense any more with CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP enabled by default (bnc#575884). * Sat Jan 30 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.33-rc6. - Eliminated 12 patches. * Sat Jan 30 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/hugetlbfs-fix-section-mismatches: Removed __init from hugetlb_sysfs_add_hstate instead of adding it elsewhere. * Sat Jan 30 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-common: Fix hid crash (bnc#570591) * Fri Jan 29 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-60-add-idt92hd88x-support: ALSA: hda - Add support for IDT 92HD88 family codecs (bnc#569354). * Fri Jan 29 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/pci-fix-nested-spinlock-hang-in-aer_inject.patch: Update patch-mainline tag. * Fri Jan 29 2010 jbenc@suse.cz - Update config files: fixed vanilla configs. * Thu Jan 28 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-59-idt92hd83xxx-hp-mute-led: ALSA: hda - Add mute LED check for HP laptops with IDT 92HD83xxx codec (bnc#569354). * Thu Jan 28 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/supported-flag: Fix -ec2 build. - patches.suse/supported-flag-enterprise: Refresh. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.33-rc3: Fix ia64 build. * Thu Jan 28 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.33-rc5 and c/s 987. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update config files. * Thu Jan 28 2010 jbenc@suse.cz - Update config files: enabled CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT to keep backward user space compatibility and enabled few wireless drivers. * Thu Jan 28 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/apply-patches: Add support for an additional series file in patches.addon/series, this will be applied after the main series. * Thu Jan 28 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/apply-patches: put the patch loops from kernel-binary.spec.in and kernel-source.spec.in to one place. * Wed Jan 27 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Deleted 28 unused patches. * Wed Jan 27 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. * Wed Jan 27 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/pci-fix-nested-spinlock-hang-in-aer_inject.patch: pci: fix nested spinlock hang in aer_inject (bnc#573578). * Wed Jan 27 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - Update config files: disable generic_serial users. - patches.drivers/reenable-generic_serial: Delete. - rpm/generic_serial-blacklist: Delete (bnc#569676). * Wed Jan 27 2010 jengelh@medozas.de - remove patches.suse/netfilter-ipv4options [bnc#490142] * Wed Jan 27 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/slab-handle-memoryless-nodes-v2a.patch: Refresh. * Tue Jan 26 2010 knikanth@suse.de - supported.conf: Fix misspelt dm-region-hash and mark it supported correctly (bnc#565962) * Mon Jan 25 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.drivers/8250_pnp-wacom-add - patches.drivers/staging-hv-fix-smp-problems-in-the-hyperv-core-code.patch - patches.kernel.org/scsi-enclosure-fix-oops-while-iterating-enclosure_status-array.patch - patches.kernel.org/x86-msr-cpuid-register-enough-minors-for-the-msr-and-cpuid-drivers.patch * Mon Jan 25 2010 jeffm@suse.com - supported.conf: Added sparse_keymap (eeepc_laptop depends on it) * Mon Jan 25 2010 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/slab-handle-memoryless-nodes-v2a.patch: slab - handle memoryless nodes V2a (bnc#436025, bnc#570492). * Mon Jan 25 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.33-rc5. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Mon Jan 25 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address.patch: x86, mce: Xeon75xx specific interface to get corrected memory error information (bnc#573380, fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address_compile_fix.patch: x86, mce: Xeon75xx specific interface to get corrected memory error information (bnc#573380, fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_intel_decode_physical_address_rename_fix.patch: x86, mce: Rename cpu_specific_poll to mce_cpu_specific_poll (bnc#573380, fate#307738). - patches.xen/xen3-auto-arch-x86.diff: Refresh. * Mon Jan 25 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-57-cx5051-toshiba-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add support for Toshiba Satellite M300 (bnc#492233,bnc#565904). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-58-cx5051-lenovo-mute-fix: ALSA: hda - Change headphone pin control with master volume on cx5051 (bnc#573050). * Mon Jan 25 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_enable_tsc_sync_check_again.patch: x86: Reenable TSC sync check at boot, even with NONSTOP_TSC (bnc#573379). * Mon Jan 25 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_node_hotplug_parse_srat_fix_2nd_ver.patch: x86: Set hotpluggable nodes in nodes_possible_map (bnc#567216). - patches.arch/x86_node_hotplug_parse_srat_fix.patch: Delete. * Mon Jan 25 2010 trenn@suse.de - supported.conf: Add mce-inject and hwpoison-inject so that Intel can easier test this. As these are debug drivers, they might get reverted from support.conf again if kernel-extra package gets fixed for SLES, only seem to exist for SLED because "NCC is not yet working for SP1". (bnc#572552). * Sat Jan 23 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/tg3-updates-from-f4188d-to-ba5b0bf.patch: tg3: updates from f4188d to ba5b0bf (bnc#573237). * Sat Jan 23 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-irq-check-move_in_progress-before-freeing-the-vector-mapping.patch: x86, irq: Check move_in_progress before freeing the vector mapping (bnc#558247). * Sat Jan 23 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-apic-use-logical-flat-for-systems-with-8-or-fewer-logical-cpus.patch: x86, apic: use logical flat for systems with <= 8 logical cpus (bnc#567510). - patches.arch/x86-revert-apic-Use-logical-flat-on-intel-with-8-or-fewer-logical-cpus.patch: x86: Revert "apic: Use logical flat on intel with <= 8 logical cpus" (bnc#567510). * Sat Jan 23 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bug fixes - obsoletes: - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-54-alc861-capture-fix - patches.fixes/hid-add-device-ids-for-new-model-of-apple-wireless-keyboard - patches.fixes/megaraid_sas-fix-permissions-on-poll_mode_io - patches.fixes/reiserfs-truncate-blocks-not-used-by-a-write.patch * Fri Jan 22 2010 tonyj@suse.de - Update config files: drop UTRACE from default s390 configs as per communication from Ihno. * Fri Jan 22 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/x86-msr-cpuid-register-enough-minors-for-the-msr-and-cpuid-drivers.patch: x86, msr/cpuid: Register enough minors for the MSR and CPUID drivers (bnc#572720). * Fri Jan 22 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/scsi-enclosure-fix-oops-while-iterating-enclosure_status-array.patch: SCSI: enclosure: fix oops while iterating enclosure_status array (bnc#572818). - patches.fixes/enclosure-fix-oops-while-iterating-enclosure_status-array: Delete. * Fri Jan 22 2010 duwe@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.arch/ppc-extended_h_cede-update-to-mainline: Incremental patch set to sync H_CEDE with actual mainline (bnc#550447, FATE#307059). * Fri Jan 22 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Add DMAR to -trace flavor -> get in sync with -default * Fri Jan 22 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/qla2xxx-restore-pci-state-after-eeh-recovery: Re-save PCI state after EEH recovery (bnc#570233). * Fri Jan 22 2010 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-06-01-zfcp-introduce-bsg-timeout-callback.patch: zfcp: introduce BSG timeout callback (BNC#572659). - patches.arch/s390-06-02-zfcp-set-hw-timeout-requested-by-bsg.patch: zfcp: set HW timeout requested by BSG request (BNC#572659). * Fri Jan 22 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/netxen-8f9b3f-to-c651a8.patch: netxen: 8f9b3f to c651a8 (bnc#572832). * Fri Jan 22 2010 mfasheh@suse.com - patches.suse/ocfs2-allocation-resrvations.patch: Refresh to newest version of patch. * Thu Jan 21 2010 astarikovskiy@suse.de - supported.conf: added power_meter driver (FATE #306959). * Thu Jan 21 2010 tonyj@suse.de - config.conf: add -trace flavor for s390* at Ihno's request - Add more tracers to existing ppc64 trace config at IBM request Both related to FATE# 307051. - patches.trace/ftrace-framepointer.diff: Delete. * Thu Jan 21 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-fc-class-allow-LLD-bsg-timeout: scsi_transport_fc: Allow LLD to reset FC BSG timeout (bnc#572658). * Thu Jan 21 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-privcmd-mmap-batch-clear: privcmd: mmapbatch-v2 fixes. * Thu Jan 21 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc-8.3.5-update: lpfc update to 8.3.5 (bnc#572427). - patches.drivers/lpfc- lpfc driver update to (bnc#572427). * Thu Jan 21 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Update headers for series2git. - patches.drivers/e1000e-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Update headers for series2git. * Wed Jan 20 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.suse/bootsplash-scaler: Refresh. More updates and clean-up by Egbert (bnc#570082) * Wed Jan 20 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.drivers/add-support-for-intel-cougar-point-chipset.patch: Intel Cougar Point PCH Support (FATE#308854 bnc#565845). * Wed Jan 20 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2x-backports-v2.6.32-to-af901ca.patch: Refresh. (change firmwares in makefile) * Wed Jan 20 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.suse/rlim-0006-PPC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/rlim-0007-S390-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Refresh. * Wed Jan 20 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to and c/s 984. - Update Xen config files. * Wed Jan 20 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2i-backport-from-v2.6.32-to-45ca38e.patch: bnx2i: Backport from v2.6.32 to 45ca38e (bnc#564640). - patches.drivers/bnx2x-backports-v2.6.32-to-af901ca.patch: bnx2x: backports v2.6.32 to af901ca (bnc#564638). - patches.drivers/cnic-backport-from-v2.6.32-4e9c4f.patch: cnic: backport from v2.6.32-4e9c4f (bnc#564640). * Wed Jan 20 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. changed one of them. * Tue Jan 19 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.suse/bootsplash-scaler: Refresh. Fixed the text area calculation, and added the upscaling (bnc#570082). * Tue Jan 19 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.33-rc4-git7. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Tue Jan 19 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Patch refresh for fuzz due to upstream -stable additions. * Tue Jan 19 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bug fixes - obsoletes: - patches.arch/module-handle-ppc64-relocating-kcrctabs-when-config_relocatable-y - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-53-alc861vd-capture-fix - patches.fixes/audit_untag_chunk.patch - patches.fixes/quota-fix-reserved-space-management-for-ordinary-fs.patch - patches.fixes/signal-fix-kernel-information-leak-with-print-fatal-signals-1 * Tue Jan 19 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-55-alc259-hp-pin-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix parsing pin node 0x21 on ALC259 (bnc#571879). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-56-realtek-eapd-fix: ALSA: hda - Turn on EAPD only if available for Realtek codecs (bnc#571879). * Tue Jan 19 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.suse/bootsplash-scaler: Refresh. Fix the hang-up with resolution changes (bnc#570082) * Tue Jan 19 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - supported.conf: added aesni-intel (bnc#566618 FATE#304209). * Tue Jan 19 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - Update config files: set CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC=y to avoid regression from SLE11 (bnc#571501). * Tue Jan 19 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-truncate-blocks-not-used-by-a-write.patch: reiserfs: truncate blocks not used by a write (bnc#483375). * Mon Jan 18 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/smtnice-disable: Delete (obsolete). * Mon Jan 18 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Disabled custom ACPI table loading from initramfs again. * Mon Jan 18 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/nfsd-05-sunrpc-cache-allow-thread-to-block-while-waiting-for.patch: Refresh. * Mon Jan 18 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_node_hotplug_parse_srat_fix.patch: x86/mm/srat_64.c: nodes_parsed should include all nodes detected by ACPI (bnc#567140). * Mon Jan 18 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/aic79xx-null-scb-in-nonpkt-busfree: aic79xx: check for non-NULL scb in ahd_handle_nonpkt_busfree (bnc#542568). * Mon Jan 18 2010 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfsd-05-sunrpc-cache-allow-thread-to-block-while-waiting-for.patch: Refresh to fix 60 second delay. (bnc#568271) * Sat Jan 16 2010 tonyj@suse.de - patches.fixes/audit_untag_chunk.patch: fix braindamage in audit_tree.c untag_chunk() (bnc#556282). * Sat Jan 16 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-x86-rename-display_cacheinfo-to-cpu_detect_cache_sizes.patch: x86: Rename display_cacheinfo() to cpu_detect_cache_sizes(). * Fri Jan 15 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/vmw_pvscsi-scsi-driver-for-vmware-s-virtual-hba.patch: vmw_pvscsi: SCSI driver for VMware's virtual HBA. * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/hid-add-device-ids-for-new-model-of-apple-wireless-keyboard: HID: add device IDs for new model of Apple Wireless Keyboard (bnc#568231). * Fri Jan 15 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx- qla2xxx driver update to (bnc#560415). - patches.drivers/qla2xxx- qla2xxx driver update to (bnc#570233). - patches.drivers/lpfc-add-raywire-id: Delete. - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-8.03.01-k7-update: Delete. * Fri Jan 15 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx- qla2xxx driver update to (bnc#560415). - patches.drivers/qla2xxx- qla2xxx driver update to (bnc#570233). - patches.drivers/lpfc-add-raywire-id: Delete. - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-8.03.01-k7-update: Delete. * Fri Jan 15 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb_dont_touch_i8042_early.patch: Avoid early hang when i8042 controller is missing (bnc#528811). * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/reiser4-sync_inodes: Delete (obsolete). * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/reiser4-sync_inodes: Delete (obsolete). * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/remount-no-shrink-dcache: Updated to 2.6.33. * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/s390-08-02-zfcp-gpn-align-fix.diff: Delete (obsolete). * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/smtnice-disable: Updated to 2.6.33. * Fri Jan 15 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/s390-08-02-zfcp-gpn-align-fix.diff: Delete (obsolete). * Fri Jan 15 2010 mfasheh@suse.com - patches.fixes/Ocfs2-Let-ocfs2-support-fiemap-for-symlink-and-fast-.patch: Ocfs2: Let ocfs2 support fiemap for symlink and fast symlink.. - patches.fixes/Ocfs2-Should-ocfs2-support-fiemap-for-S_IFDIR-inode.patch: Ocfs2: Should ocfs2 support fiemap for S_IFDIR inode?. - patches.fixes/ocfs-stop-using-do_sync_mapping_range.patch: ocfs: stop using do_sync_mapping_range. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-Add-reflinked-file-s-inode-to-inode-hash-earil.patch: ocfs2: Add reflinked file's inode to inode hash eariler.. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-Find-proper-end-cpos-for-a-leaf-refcount-block.patch: ocfs2: Find proper end cpos for a leaf refcount block.. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-Set-i_nlink-properly-during-reflink.patch: ocfs2: Set i_nlink properly during reflink.. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-always-include-acl-support.patch: ocfs2: Always include ACL support. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-cluster-Make-fence-method-configurable-v2.patch: ocfs2/cluster: Make fence method configurable - v2. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-devel-remove-redundant-OCFS2_MOUNT_POSIX_ACL-c.patch: ocfs2-devel: remove redundant OCFS2_MOUNT_POSIX_ACL check in ocfs2_get_acl_nolock(). - patches.fixes/ocfs2-explicit-declare-uninitialized-var-in-user_clu.patch: ocfs2: explicit declare uninitialized var in user_cluster_connect(). - patches.fixes/ocfs2-make-acl-use-the-default.patch: ocfs2: Make acl use the default. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-refcounttree.c-cleanup.patch: ocfs2: refcounttree.c cleanup.. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-replace-u8-by-__u8-in-ocfs2_fs.h.patch: ocfs2: replace u8 by __u8 in ocfs2_fs.h. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-return-EAGAIN-instead-of-EAGAIN-in-dlm.patch: ocfs2: return -EAGAIN instead of EAGAIN in dlm. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-set-MS_POSIXACL-on-remount.patch: ocfs2: Set MS_POSIXACL on remount. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-trivial-Use-le16_to_cpu-for-a-disk-value-in-xa.patch: ocfs2/trivial: Use le16_to_cpu for a disk value in xattr.c. - patches.fixes/ocfs2-trivial-Use-proper-mask-for-2-places-in-hearbe.patch: ocfs2/trivial: Use proper mask for 2 places in hearbeat.c. - patches.suse/fiemap-Add-new-extent-flag-FIEMAP_EXTENT_SHARED.patch: fiemap: Add new extent flag FIEMAP_EXTENT_SHARED. - patches.suse/ocfs2-Use-FIEMAP_EXTENT_SHARED.patch: ocfs2: Use FIEMAP_EXTENT_SHARED. - patches.suse/ocfs2-allocation-resrvations.patch: Refresh. * Thu Jan 14 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-Limit-number-of-per-cpu-TSC-sync-messages.patch: x86: Limit number of per cpu TSC sync messages (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-Limit-the-number-of-processor-bootup-messages.patch: x86: Limit the number of processor bootup messages (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-CPU-cache-size-output-for-non-Intel-too.patch: x86: Remove CPU cache size output for non-Intel too (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-enabling-x2apic-message-for-every-CPU.patch: x86: Remove enabling x2apic message for every CPU (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-the-CPU-cache-size-printks.patch: x86: Remove the CPU cache size printk's (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-cpu-mv-display_cacheinfo-cpu_detect_cache_sizes.patch: x86, cpu: mv display_cacheinfo -> cpu_detect_cache_sizes (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.arch/x86-ucode-amd-Load-ucode-patches-once-and-not-separately-of-each-CPU.patch: x86: ucode-amd: Load ucode-patches once and not separately of each CPU (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.fixes/sched-Limit-the-number-of-scheduler-debug-messages.patch: sched: Limit the number of scheduler debug messages (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). - patches.fixes/timers-init-Limit-the-number-of-per-cpu-calibration-bootup-messages.patch: timers, init: Limit the number of per cpu calibration bootup messages (bnc#564618, FATE#306952). * Thu Jan 14 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: Build fix. * Thu Jan 14 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/supported-flag-enterprise: Refresh. * Thu Jan 14 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/supported-flag-sysfs: Properly report proprietary modules * Thu Jan 14 2010 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/add-initramfs-file_read_write: initramfs: add initramfs_{read,write} (bnc#568120). - Re-enabled custom ACPI table loading from initramfs. * Thu Jan 14 2010 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Enable CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEBUG as requested by HP. This one adds conditional printks which can be enabled via: cpufreq.debug=7 * Thu Jan 14 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-54-alc861-capture-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix missing capture mixer for ALC861/660 codecs (bnc#567340). * Thu Jan 14 2010 mmarek@suse.de - rpm/find-provides, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: really fix ppc symbol provides. * Thu Jan 14 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/UV-Expose-irq_desc-node-in-proc.patch: Expose the irq_desc node as /proc/irq/*/node. (bnc#566745, fate#306952). * Wed Jan 13 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/dmfe-tulip-Let-dmfe-handle-DM910x-except-for-SPARC-o.patch: dmfe/tulip: Let dmfe handle DM910x except for SPARC on-board chips (bnc#537016). * Wed Jan 13 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/crypto-testmgr-fix-complain-about-lacking-test.patch: crypto: testmgr - Fix complain about lack test for internal used algorithm (bnc#568278 FATE#306883). * Wed Jan 13 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.33-rc4. - Eliminated patches.fixes/megaraid_sas-fix-permissions-on-poll_mode_io * Wed Jan 13 2010 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/bootsplash-keep-multiple-data: Keep multiple splash screens for KMS (bnc#570082). - patches.suse/bootsplash-scaler: Add bootsplash image scaler (bnc#570082). * Wed Jan 13 2010 mmarek@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/find-provides: extract exported symbols from /boot/vmlinux before the image is stripped (affects ppc). * Wed Jan 13 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/twl6030-fix-note_interrupt-call: Rename to patches.fixes/twl6030-fix-note_interrupt-call * Wed Jan 13 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Avoid atomic op by introducing discarding flag instead - patches.drivers/e1000e-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: Avoid atomic op by introducing discarding flag instead * Wed Jan 13 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/autoconf-h-fix-locations: autoconf.h: Fix locations. * Wed Jan 13 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/ppc-crashdump-typefix: Renamed to patches.rpmify/ppc-crashdump-typefix * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/signal-fix-kernel-information-leak-with-print-fatal-signals-1: Delete. * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/ppc-crashdump-typefix: rename to patches.rpmify/ppc-crashdump-typefix * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/signal-fix-kernel-information-leak-with-print-fatal-signals-1: kernel/signal.c: fix kernel information leak with print-fatal-signals=1 (bnc#569902). * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/signal-fix-kernel-information-leak-with-print-fatal-signals-1: kernel/signal.c: fix kernel information leak with print-fatal-signals=1 (bnc#569902). * Tue Jan 12 2010 rjw@suse.de - needs_update: Remove some patches that we've got through the upstream. * Tue Jan 12 2010 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-53-alc861vd-capture-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix ALC861-VD capture source mixer (bnc#568305). * Tue Jan 12 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.33-rc3-git5. * Tue Jan 12 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/nohz_prevent_clocksource_wrapping_during_idle.patch: nohz: Prevent clocksource wrapping during idle (bnc#569238). * Tue Jan 12 2010 jack@suse.de - patches.suse/readahead-request-tunables.patch: Update readahead and max_sectors tunables (bnc#548529). * Tue Jan 12 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.drivers/watchdog-iTCO_wdt-Add-support-for-Intel-Ibex-Peak.patch: iTCO_wdt: Add support for Intel Ibex Peak (bnc#557081 FATE#308591). * Tue Jan 12 2010 tonyj@suse.de - needs_update: remove LTT/trace patches (assigned to jbl), all had already been taken care of by my fwd port to 2.6.32 * Tue Jan 12 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-5.01.00-k9- Fixup compilation error. * Tue Jan 12 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/PCI-Always-set-prefetchable-base-limit-upper32-registers.patch: PCI: Always set prefetchable base/limit upper32 registers (bnc#569003). * Mon Jan 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Merged patches.rpmify/x86_64-ksyms-make-the-native_load_gs_index-export-depend-on-config_paravirt_cpu into patches.arch/kvm-split-paravirt-ops-by-functionality * Mon Jan 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Renamed patches.rpmify/kmsg-fix-parameter-limitations to patches.arch/kmsg-fix-parameter-limitations * Mon Jan 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/x86_64-ksyms-make-the-native_load_gs_index-export-depend-on-config_paravirt_cpu: x86_64/ksyms: Make the native_load_gs_index export depend on CONFIG_PARAVIRT_CPU. * Mon Jan 11 2010 jeffm@suse.com - Renamed patches.rpmify/rt2870-fix-section-mismatches to patches.rpmify/rt2860-fix-section-mismatches * Mon Jan 11 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.33-rc3-git3. - Eliminated 392 patches. - Xen is disabled. * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-5.01.00-k9- Update qla4xxx driver for SLES11 SP1 (bnc#556572,FATE#307128). * Mon Jan 11 2010 jblunck@suse.de - needs_update: Removed some patches. * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/bfa- Update bfa driver to version (bnc#561881). * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/fcoe-libfc-adds-enable-di: adds enable/disable for fcoe interface (bnc#562046). - patches.fixes/fcoe-use-lld-s-wwpn-and-w: Use LLD's WWPN and WWNN for lport if LLD supports ndo_fcoe_get_wwn (bnc#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-reduce-hold-time-on: reduce hold time on SCSI host lock (bnc#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-remote-port-gets-st: remote port gets stuck in restart state without really restarting (bnc#562046). * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/mpt2sas- LSI mptsas2 driver update to (bnc#566013). * Mon Jan 11 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-nx-user-mappings: Delete (bnc#568741). - patches.xen/xen3-rlim-0025-x86-add-ia32-compat-prlimit-syscalls.patch: Delete. * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/qla4xxx-lun-reset-fix: Delete. * Mon Jan 11 2010 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-rdac-add-ibm-174x: scsi_dh_rdac: Add two new IBM devices (bnc# 556159). * Sat Jan 9 2010 jslaby@suse.de - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/rlim-0001-SECURITY-selinux-fix-update_rlimit_cpu-parameter.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/rlim-0002-resource-move-kernel-function-inside-__KERNEL__.patch: resource: move kernel function inside __KERNEL__ (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0003-resource-add-helpers-for-fetching-rlimits.patch: resource: add helpers for fetching rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0004-IA64-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: [IA64] use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0005-core-posix-cpu-timers-cleanup-rlimits-usage.patch: core: posix-cpu-timers, cleanup rlimits usage (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0006-PPC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: PPC: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0007-S390-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: S390: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0008-SPARC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: SPARC: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0009-X86-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: X86: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0010-FS-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: FS: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0011-MM-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: MM: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0012-core-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: core: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0013-infiniband-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: infiniband: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0014-ipc-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: ipc: use helpers for rlimits (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0015-SECURITY-add-task_struct-to-setrlimit.patch: SECURITY: add task_struct to setrlimit (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0016-core-add-task_struct-to-update_rlimit_cpu.patch: core: add task_struct to update_rlimit_cpu (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0017-sys_setrlimit-make-sure-rlim_max-never-grows.patch: sys_setrlimit: make sure ->rlim_max never grows (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0018-core-split-sys_setrlimit.patch: core: split sys_setrlimit (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0019-core-allow-setrlimit-to-non-current-tasks.patch: core: allow setrlimit to non-current tasks (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0020-core-optimize-setrlimit-for-current-task.patch: core: optimize setrlimit for current task (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0021-FS-proc-switch-limits-reading-to-fops.patch: FS: proc, switch limits reading to fops (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0022-FS-proc-make-limits-writable.patch: FS: proc, make limits writable (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0023-core-do-security-check-under-task_lock.patch: core: do security check under task_lock (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0002-SECURITY-add-task_struct-to-setrlimit.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0003-core-add-task_struct-to-update_rlimit_cpu.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0004-sys_setrlimit-make-sure-rlim_max-never-grows.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0005-core-split-sys_setrlimit.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0006-core-allow-setrlimit-to-non-current-tasks.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0007-core-optimize-setrlimit-for-current-task.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0008-FS-proc-make-limits-writable.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0009-core-posix-cpu-timers-cleanup-rlimits-usage.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0010-core-do-security-check-under-task_lock.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0011-resource-add-helpers-for-fetching-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0012-IA64-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0013-PPC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0014-S390-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0015-SPARC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0016-X86-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0017-FS-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0018-MM-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0019-core-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0020-misc-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0021-core-rename-setrlimit-to-do_setrlimit.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0022-core-implement-getprlimit-and-setprlimit-syscalls.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0023-unistd-add-__NR_-get-set-prlimit-syscall-numbers.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0024-COMPAT-add-get-put_compat_rlimit.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/rlim-0025-x86-add-ia32-compat-prlimit-syscalls.patch: Delete. Sync with upstream. Drop limits syscalls altogether. * Sat Jan 9 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: Delete, as it is unused after splitup into smaller patches. * Fri Jan 8 2010 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-23-mm-swapfile.patch: Fix up the enum declaration to avoid conflict due to a upstream change. * Fri Jan 8 2010 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/quota-fix-reserved-space-management-for-ordinary-fs.patch: quota: fix reserved space management for ordinary fs. * Fri Jan 8 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/staging-hv-fix-smp-problems-in-the-hyperv-core-code.patch: Staging: hv: fix smp problems in the hyperv core code. * Fri Jan 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Disable set,getprlimit compat syscalls on xen. * Fri Jan 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Disabled custom ACPI table loading from initramfs until the scheduling while atomic issues are worked out. * Fri Jan 8 2010 jeffm@suse.de - Disabled set,getprlimit syscalls until the syscall numbers have been officially reserved. * Fri Jan 8 2010 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/module-handle-ppc64-relocating-kcrctabs-when-config_relocatable-y: module: handle ppc64 relocating kcrctabs when CONFIG_RELOCATABLE=y (bnc#566243). * Thu Jan 7 2010 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to and c/s 974. - Update EC2 config files. - patches.xen/xen3-x86-Remove-local_irq_enable-local_irq_disable-in-fixup_irqs.patch: x86: Remove local_irq_enable()/local_irq_disable() in fixup_irqs() (bnc#558247). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-Unify-fixup_irqs-for-32-bit-and-64-bit-kernels.patch: x86: Unify fixup_irqs() for 32-bit and 64-bit kernels (bnc#558247). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-intr-remap-Avoid-irq_chip-mask-unmask-in-fixup_irqs-for-intr-remapping.patch: x86, intr-remap: Avoid irq_chip mask/unmask in fixup_irqs() for intr-remapping (bnc#558247). - patches.xen/xen-fix-compilation-after-rename_generic_int.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen-scsifront-block-timeout-update: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-x86-fix-nodac: Delete. * Thu Jan 7 2010 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: e1000: enhance frame fragment detection (bnc#567376, CVE-2009-4536). - patches.drivers/e1000e-enhance-frame-fragment-detection.patch: e1000e: enhance frame fragment detection (bnc#567376, CVE-2009-4538). * Thu Jan 7 2010 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.arch/s390-04-03-dasd-diag-ro.patch - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-50-alc88x-missing-capsrc_nids - patches.fixes/qla2xxx-dpc-thread-can-execute-before-scsi-host - patches.fixes/scsi-ipr-fix-eeh-recovery * Wed Jan 6 2010 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-Force-irq-complete-move-during-cpu-offline.patch: x86: Force irq complete move during cpu offline (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-local_irq_enable-local_irq_disable-in-fixup_irqs.patch: x86: Remove local_irq_enable()/local_irq_disable() in fixup_irqs() (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-move_cleanup_count-from-irq_cfg.patch: x86: Remove move_cleanup_count from irq_cfg (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-Remove-unnecessary-mdelay-from-cpu_disable_common.patch: x86: Remove unnecessary mdelay() from cpu_disable_common() . - patches.arch/x86-Unify-fixup_irqs-for-32-bit-and-64-bit-kernels.patch: x86: Unify fixup_irqs() for 32-bit and 64-bit kernels (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-Use-EOI-register-in-io-apic-on-intel-platforms.patch: x86: Use EOI register in io-apic on intel platforms (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-intr-remap-Avoid-irq_chip-mask-unmask-in-fixup_irqs-for-intr-remapping.patch: x86, intr-remap: Avoid irq_chip mask/unmask in fixup_irqs() for intr-remapping (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-io-apic-Move-the-effort-of-clearing-remoteIRR-explicitly-before-migrating-the-irq.patch: x86, io-apic: Move the effort of clearing remoteIRR explicitly before migrating the irq (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-ioapic-Document-another-case-when-level-irq-is-seen-as-an-edge.patch: x86, ioapic: Document another case when level irq is seen as an edge (bnc#558247). - patches.arch/x86-ioapic-Fix-the-EOI-register-detection-mechanism.patch: x86, ioapic: Fix the EOI register detection mechanism (bnc#558247). * Wed Jan 6 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/pci_aer_mce_inject_check_osc_for_aer.patch: PCI: AER: fix aer inject result in kernel oops (bnc#566619). * Wed Jan 6 2010 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/PCIe-AER-reject-aer-inject-if-hardware-mask-error-reporting.patch: PCIe AER: reject aer inject if hardware mask error reporting (bnc#566621). * Wed Jan 6 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.29: Refresh due to conflicts from i915 changes. Ick, the xen code sucks rocks, it shouldn't be touching stuff here at all. * Wed Jan 6 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/drm-i915-add-acpi-opregion-support-for-ironlake.patch: Refresh. - patches.drivers/drm-i915-add-i915_lp_ring_sync-helper.patch: drm/i915: add i915_lp_ring_sync helper (bnc#568447). - patches.drivers/drm-i915-fix-get_core_clock_speed-for-g33-class-desktop-chips.patch: drm/i915: fix get_core_clock_speed for G33 class desktop chips (bnc#568447). - patches.drivers/drm-i915-fully-switch-off-overlay-when-not-in-use.patch: drm/i915: fully switch off overlay when not in use (bnc#568447). - patches.drivers/drm-i915-implement-drmmode-overlay-support-v4.patch: drm/i915: implement drmmode overlay support v4 (bnc#568447). - patches.drivers/drm-i915-implement-fastpath-for-overlay-flip-waiting.patch: drm/i915: implement fastpath for overlay flip waiting (bnc#568447). * Wed Jan 6 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/drm-i915-add-acpi-opregion-support-for-ironlake.patch: Refresh. * Tue Jan 5 2010 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/drm-i915-add-acpi-opregion-support-for-ironlake.patch: drm/i915: Add ACPI OpRegion support for Ironlake (bnc#568436). * Tue Jan 5 2010 tonyj@suse.de - patches.fixes/oprofile_bios_ctr.patch: Update to newer version * Wed Dec 30 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-fix-NFS4ERR_FILE_OPEN-handling: NFS4ERR_FILE_OPEN handling in Linux/NFS (bnc#526819). * Mon Dec 28 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/dmar-fix-oops-with-no-dmar-table: dmar: Fix oops with no DMAR table (bnc#548108). * Sun Dec 27 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-52-hdmi-sticky-stream-tag: ALSA: hda - HDMI sticky stream tag support (FATE#306783). * Wed Dec 23 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/xpc_first_contact_when_active.patch: X86: UV - xpc_make_first_contact hang due to not accepting ACTIVE state. (bnc#562288, fate#306952). - patches.arch/xpc_fix_xpc_get_fifo_entry_uv.patch: x86: UV - XPC NULL deref when mesq becomes empty. (bnc#562288, fate#306952). - patches.arch/xpc_introduce_xp_socket.patch: x86: UV - XPC needs to provide an abstraction for uv_gpa. (bnc#562288, fate #306952). - patches.arch/xpc_pass_nasid_to_gru_create_message_queue.patch: UV - pass nasid instead of nid to gru_create_message_queue (bnc#562288, fate#306952). - patches.arch/xpc_recv_msg_slots_wrap.patch: X86: UV - XPC receive message reuse triggers invalid BUG_ON(). (bnc#562288, fate#306952). - patches.arch/xpc_uv_bios_changes.patch: x86: UV - Update XPC to handle updated BIOS interface. (bnc#562288, fate#306952). * Wed Dec 23 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/bug-561989_gru_rollup.patch: SGI GRU Updates (bnc#561989, fate#306952). * Wed Dec 23 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/ppc-crashdump-typefix: powerpc: use min_t in copy_oldmem_page. * Wed Dec 23 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/bug-561946_uv_irq_affinity.patch: x86: SGI UV: Fix irq affinity for hub based interrupts (bnc#561946, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561946_uv_move_ioapic.patch: x86, apic: Move SGI UV functionality out of generic IO-APIC code (bnc#561946, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561946_uv_use_rtc.patch: x86: UV RTC: Always enable RTC clocksource (bnc#561946, fate#306952). * Wed Dec 23 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/ia64-fix-sba-iommu-to-handle-allocation-failure-properly: fix SBA IOMMU to handle allocation failure properly (bnc#545367). * Tue Dec 22 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Enabled CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP on ppc/ppc64 (bnc#566243). * Tue Dec 22 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/scsi-ipr-fix-eeh-recovery: ipr: fix EEH recovery (bnc#566613). * Sun Dec 20 2009 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_ondemand_limit_fix.patch: cpufreq: Fix ondemand to not request targets outside policy limits (fate#306746). - patches.drivers/cpufreq_processor_clocking_control_pcc_driver.patch: x86,cpufreq: Processor Clocking Control (PCC) driver (fate#306746). - supported.conf: * Sun Dec 20 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_bios_call_hwperf_updated.patch: x86, uv: Add serial number parameter to uv_bios_get_sn_info() (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_bios_call_hwperf.patch: Delete. * Sat Dec 19 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/scsi_debug-scale-virtual_gb-with-sector_size-properly: scsi_debug: scale virtual_gb with sector_size properly (bnc#535939). * Sat Dec 19 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-fixup-xen: Refresh. Fix up build error from .32.2 import * Sat Dec 19 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of security fixes - loads of bugfixes - other goodness - obsoletes: - patches.arch/bug-561939_bau_data_config.patch - patches.arch/bug-564471_x86_Fix_duplicated_UV_BAU_interrupt_vector.patch - patches.arch/s390-04-01-clear-high-regs.patch - patches.arch/s390-kvm-prefix.patch - patches.arch/s390-kvm-psw.patch - patches.arch/x86-fix-nodac - patches.arch/x86_mce_nfs-mig2 - patches.fixes/firewire-ohci-handle-receive-packets-with-a-data-length-of-zero - patches.fixes/uart-txen-race.patch * Fri Dec 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM=n. It was enabled mistakenly in commit 3df90f9e and affects using tools like crash with a live system. * Fri Dec 18 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_CALGARY_IOMMU_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = n (bnc#565607) * Fri Dec 18 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-{24..51}-*: 2.6.33-rc1 backport fixes for HDMI and new Realtek codecs (FATE#306783) - Refresh Patch-mainline tags in patches.drivers/alsa-* * Fri Dec 18 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-05-01-netiucv-tx-bytes.patch: netiucv: displayed TX bytes value much too high (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-02-cmm-suspend.patch: cmm: free pages on hibernate. (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-03-iucv-suspend.patch: iucv: add work_queue cleanup for suspend (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-04-zfcp-work-queue.patch: zfcp: Assign scheduled work to driver queue (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-05-zfcp-fail-commands.patch: zfcp: Don't fail SCSI commands when transitioning to blocked fc_rport (BNC#565612,LTC#58541). - patches.arch/s390-05-06-zfcp-adisc.patch: zfcp: Improve ELS ADISC handling (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-07-zfcp-fsf-errors.patch: zfcp: Update FSF error reporting (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-08-zfcp-block.diff: zfcp: Block SCSI EH thread for rport state BLOCKED (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-09-ctcm-suspend-wait.diff: ctcm: suspend has to wait for outstanding I/O (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-10-rework-tso.diff: qeth: rework TSO functions (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-11-atomic-volatile.patch: kernel: improve code generated by atomic operations. (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-12-tape-remove-fn.patch: tape: incomplete device removal (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-13-qeth-blkt-defaults.patch: qeth: set default BLKT settings dependend on OSA hw level (BNC#565612,LTC#58654). - patches.arch/s390-05-14-dasd-dasd-enable-prefix.patch: dasd: enable prefix independent of pav support (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-15-dasd-s390dbf-strings.patch: dasd: remove strings from s390dbf (BNC#565612). - patches.arch/s390-05-16-dasd-wait-lcu-setup.patch: dasd: let device initialization wait for LCU setup (BNC#565612). * Fri Dec 18 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix generating /boot/Kerntypes* for s390/vanilla. * Fri Dec 18 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/md-start_ro-fix: md: fix small irregularity with start_ro module parameter (bnc#565219). * Fri Dec 18 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-fix-compilation-after-rename_generic_int.patch: XEN: Fix compilation after renaming of generic_irqs. * Fri Dec 18 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/bug-561946_rename_generic_int.patch: x86: UV RTC: Rename generic_interrupt to x86_platform_ipi (bnc#561946, fate#306952). * Thu Dec 17 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/s390-Kerntypes.diff: S390: Generate Kerntypes file. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: install /boot/Kerntypes-$version. * Thu Dec 17 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/powerpc-fix-cpu-name-in-show-cpuinfo: powerpc: fix cpu name in show-cpuinfo (bnc#565267). * Thu Dec 17 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/fc-transport-remove-BUG_ON: scsi_transport_fc: remove invalid BUG_ON (bnc#564479). - patches.fixes/lpfc-ia64-hang: lpfc: fix hang on SGI ia64 platform (bnc#564479). - patches.fixes/qla2xxx-dpc-thread-can-execute-before-scsi-host: qla2xxx: dpc thread can execute before scsi host has been added (bnc#564479). - patches.suse/fc-transport-allow-dev_loss_tmo-disable: Remove capping from dev_loss_tmo (bnc#492469). * Wed Dec 16 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - fix up CONFIG_IPV6 option that was built into the kernel incorrectly (bnc#564357) * Wed Dec 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/acpi-fix-build-when-config_acpi_custom_override_initramfs-is-not-defined: acpi: Fix build when CONFIG_ACPI_CUSTOM_OVERRIDE_INITRAMFS is not defined. * Wed Dec 16 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 960. - Update Xen EC2 config files. - patches.xen/xen3-bug-561933_uv_pat_is_gru_range.patch: x86: UV SGI: Don't track GRU space in PAT (bnc#561933, fate#306952). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Add mark_rodata_rw() to un-protect read-only kernel code pages (bnc#439348). * Wed Dec 16 2009 npiggin@suse.de - needs_update: - patches.fixes/aggressive-zone-reclaim.patch: be more aggressive with zone reclaims (bnc#476525). * Wed Dec 16 2009 npiggin@suse.de - needs_update: - patches.suse/x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Refresh. * Wed Dec 16 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Add mark_rodata_rw() to un-protect read-only kernel code pages (bnc#439348). * Tue Dec 15 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/firewire-ohci-handle-receive-packets-with-a-data-length-of-zero: firewire: ohci: handle receive packets with a data length of zero (bnc#564712 CVE-2009-4138). * Tue Dec 15 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/config.sh: set OBS_PROJECT and IBS_PROJECT variables for osc_wrapper. * Tue Dec 15 2009 knikanth@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark dm-log-userspace as supported (fate#307380). * Tue Dec 15 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-recalculate-tunables-on-hot-add-remove: Fix the build failure due to previous commit. * Tue Dec 15 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-recalculate-tunables-on-hot-add-remove: sched: Fix missing sched tunable recalculation on cpu add/remove (bnc#560317). - patches.fixes/sched-make-tunable-scaling-configurable: sched: Make tunable scaling style configurable (bnc#560317). - patches.fixes/sched-sysctl-for-normalized-tunables: sched: Update normalized values on user updates via proc (bnc#560317). * Tue Dec 15 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - make SCSI and ATA drivers modules again. (bnc#564357) * Tue Dec 15 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - fix up USB options that were built into the kernel incorrectly (bnc#564357) * Mon Dec 14 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-04-01-clear-high-regs.patch: kernel: clear high-order bits after switching to 64-bit mode (BNC#563999,LTC#58088). - patches.arch/s390-04-02-zcrypt-hrtimer.patch: zcrypt: Do not simultaneously schedule hrtimer (BNC#563999,LTC#58222). - patches.arch/s390-04-03-dasd-diag-ro.patch: dasd: support DIAG access for read-only devices (BNC#563999,LTC#57147). - patches.arch/s390-04-04-mm-fault-fix.patch: kernel: performance counter fix and page fault optimization (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-05-sclp-dump-indicator.patch: kernel: fix dump indicator (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-06-dasd-move-diag-kmsg.patch: dasd: move diag kmsg to generic dasd kmsg (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-07-cio-fix-double-free.patch: cio: double free under memory pressure (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-08-cio-fix-dev-stall.patch: cio: device recovery stalls after multiple hardware events (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-09-cio-recover-hw-changes.patch: cio: device recovery fails after concurrent hardware changes (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-10-cio-fix-onoffline-failure.patch: cio: setting a device online or offline fails for unknown reasons (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-11-cio-error-reporting.patch: cio: incorrect device state after device recognition and recovery (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-12-cio-avoid-panic.patch: cio: kernel panic after unexpected interrupt (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-13-cio-internal-io.patch: cio: initialization of I/O devices fails (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-14-cio-allow-offline.patch: cio: not operational devices cannot be deactivated (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-15-cio-split-pgid.patch: cio: erratic DASD I/O behavior (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-16-cio-path-verification.patch: cio: DASD cannot be set online (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-17-cio-steal-lock.patch: cio: DASD steal lock task hangs (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-18-cio-fix-memleak-chk-dev.patch: cio: memory leaks when checking unusable devices (BNC#563999). - patches.arch/s390-04-19-cio-fix-deact-dev-panic.patch: cio: deactivated devices can cause use after free panic (BNC#563999). * Mon Dec 14 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.arch/bug-561933_uv_pat_is_gru_range.patch: x86: UV SGI: Don't track GRU space in PAT (bnc#561933, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_bau_data_config.patch: x86: SGI UV BAU initialization (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_bios_call_hwperf.patch: x86: UV hardware performance counter and topology access (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_gpa_is_mmr_space.patch: x86: UV - Introduce uv_gpa_is_mmr. (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_gpa_to_soc_phys_ram.patch: x86: UV - Introduce a means to translate from gpa -> socket_paddr. (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_ipi_macro.patch: x86: UV: Introduce uv_hub_ipi_value (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_mmap_low.patch: x86: SGI UV: Map low MMR ranges (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_rtc_cleanup.patch: x86: UV RTC: Clean up error handling (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_rtc_fixes.patch: x86: UV RTC: Fix early expiry handling (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-561939_uv_rtc_setup_evt.patch: x86: UV RTC: Add clocksource only boot option (bnc#561939, fate#306952). - patches.arch/bug-564471_x86_Fix_duplicated_UV_BAU_interrupt_vector.patch: x86: Fix duplicated UV BAU interrupt vector (bnc#564471). * Mon Dec 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Refresh patches to be clean of fuzz * Mon Dec 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.fixes/ext4-fix-insufficient-checks-in-ext4_ioc_move_ext - patches.fixes/scsi-fix-bug-with-dma-maps-on-nested-scsi-objects * Mon Dec 14 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/dcb-data-center-bridging-ops-s: dcb: data center bridging ops should be r/o (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/drivers-net-request_irq-remove: drivers/net: request_irq - Remove unnecessary leading & from second arg (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ethtool-add-direct-attach-supp: ethtool: Add Direct Attach support to connector port reporting (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-add-support-for-82599-al: ixgbe: Add support for 82599 alternative WWNN/WWPN prefix (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-add-support-for-82599-ba: ixgbe: add support for 82599 based Express Module X520-P2 (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-add-support-for-netdev_o: ixgbe: Add support for netdev_ops.ndo_fcoe_get_wwn to 82599 (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-change-default-ring-size: ixgbe: change default ring size (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-disable-flow-control-for: ixgbe: Disable Flow Control for certain devices (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-display-currently-attach: ixgbe: Display currently attached PHY through ethtool (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-fix-erroneous-display-of: ixgbe: Fix erroneous display of stats by ethtool -S (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-fix-kr-to-kx-fail-over-f: ixgbe: Fix KR to KX fail over for Mezzanine cards (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-fix-receive-address-regi: ixgbe: Fix Receive Address Register (RAR) cleaning and accounting (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-flush-the-lsc-mask-chang: ixgbe: Flush the LSC mask change to prevent repeated interrupts (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-handle-parameters-for-tx: ixgbe: handle parameters for tx and rx EITR, no div0 (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-links2-is-not-a-valid-re: ixgbe: LINKS2 is not a valid register for 82598 (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-make-queue-pairs-on-sing: ixgbe: Make queue pairs on single MSI-X interrupts (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-modify-82599-hwrsc-stati: ixgbe: Modify 82599 HWRSC statistics counters (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-only-set-clear-vfe-in-ix: ixgbe: Only set/clear VFE in ixgbe_set_rx_mode (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-performance-tweaks: ixgbe: performance tweaks (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-r_idx-not-used-in-ixgbe_: ixgbe: r_idx not used in ixgbe_msix_clean_rx() (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-select-fcoe-tx-queue-in-: ixgbe: select FCoE Tx queue in ndo_select_queue (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-use-eiam-to-automask-msi: ixgbe: use EIAM to automask MSI-X (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-use-known-user-priority-: ixgbe: use known user priority for FCoE when DCB is enabled (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-use-rx-buffer-length-fro: ixgbe: Use rx buffer length from rx ring for configuring rscctl (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-use-the-instance-of-net_: ixgbe: Use the instance of net_device_stats from net_device. (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/net-add-ndo_fcoe_get_wwn-to-ne: net: Add ndo_fcoe_get_wwn to net_device_ops (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/net-add-netdev_alloc_skb_ip_al: net: Add netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() helper (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/net-use-netdev_alloc_skb_ip_al: net: Use netdev_alloc_skb_ip_align() (BNC#562046). - patches.drivers/vlan-add-support-to-netdev_ops: vlan: Add support to netdev_ops.ndo_fcoe_get_wwn for VLAN device (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/fcoe-allow-scsi-fcp-to-be: fcoe: allow SCSI-FCP to be processed directly in softirq context (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/fcoe-libfc-add-get_lesb-t: fcoe, libfc: add get_lesb() to allow LLD to fill the link error status block (LESB) (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-add-fc-bb-5-lesb-co: libfc: add FC-BB-5 LESB counters to fcoe_dev_stats (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-add-fcoe_fc_els_les: libfc: add fcoe_fc_els_lesb to fc_fcoe.h for FC-BB-5 LESB definitions (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-add-support-of-rece: libfc: add support of receiving ELS_RLS (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-add-target-reset-fl: libfc: Add target reset flag to FCP header file (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfc-fix-payload-size-pa: libfc: fix payload size passed to fc_frame_alloc() in fc_lport_els_request (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfcoe-add-checking-disa: libfcoe: add checking disable flag in FIP_FKA_ADV (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfcoe-add-tracking-fip-: libfcoe: add tracking FIP Missing Discovery Advertisement count (BNC#562046). - patches.fixes/libfcoe-add-tracking-fip--0: libfcoe: add tracking FIP Virtual Link Failure count (BNC#562046). * Mon Dec 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kabi.pl: Do not print harmless kabi changes by default. * Mon Dec 14 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/sched-revert-latency-defaults: Revert sched latency defaults and turn FAIR_SLEEPERS off (bnc#557307). * Mon Dec 14 2009 jkosina@suse.cz - patches.fixes/uart-txen-race.patch: Serial: Do not read IIR in serial8250_start_tx when UART_BUG_TXEN (bnc#479304 bnc#509066). * Sun Dec 13 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/bug-562290-Fix-isolcpus-boot-option.patch: sched: Fix isolcpus boot option (bnc#562290, fate#306952). * Fri Dec 11 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/supported-flag: Fix -Wmissing-prototypes warnings in modpost.c. * Fri Dec 11 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.rpmify/modpost-segfault: modpost: fix segfault with short symbol names. * Fri Dec 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Moved kernel-docs into the git repo. It is now built automatically with the matching kernel sources. * Fri Dec 11 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb_fix_ia64_build.patch: Fix ia64 - Export kdb_usb_kbds (none). * Fri Dec 11 2009 trenn@suse.de Jeff updated kdb, try without this ugly workaround. If it still does not work, I have something better... - patches.suse/kdb_x86_fix_hang.patch: Delete. * Fri Dec 11 2009 hare@suse.de Cleanup patches for series2git: - patches.suse/kdb-common: Refresh. - patches.suse/kdump-dump_after_notifier.patch: Refresh. * Fri Dec 11 2009 trenn@suse.de Updated MCE/MCA patches from Andi -> delete the old ones: - patches.arch/x86_mce_hwpoison-action_result-valid-pfn.patch: HWPOISON: return ENXIO on invalid page number (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_hwpoison-is-free-page.patch: HWPOISON: detect free buddy pages explicitly (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_hwpoison-no-double-ref.patch: HWPOISON: avoid grabbing the page count multiple times during madvise injection (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_madvise-locking: HWPOISON: Use get_user_page_fast in hwpoison madvise (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_nfs-mig2: NFS: Fix nfs_migrate_page() (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_offline-inject: HWPOISON: Add a madvise() injector for soft page offlining (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_page-offline: HWPOISON: Add soft page offline support (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_ref-to-flags: HWPOISON: Turn ref argument into flags argument (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_shake-page: HWPOISON: Be more aggressive at freeing non LRU caches (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_undef-lru: HWPOISON: Undefine short-hand macros after use to avoid namespace conflict (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_lru_cleanup.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/x86_mce_page_offlining.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/x86_mce_page_offlining_test_ability.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/x86_mce_test_page.patch: Delete. * Fri Dec 11 2009 hare@suse.de - needs_update: Merge or delete remaining patches. - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-emc-mode-select-10-size: DM-MPIO fails to tresspass LUNs on CLARiiON arrays (bnc#484529). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-emc-rw-mismatch: Server crashes when path failures occur against EMC storage (bnc#474482). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-rdac-add-stk: STK arrays missing from rdac devicehandler (bnc#503855). - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-alua-transition-in-progress: I/O errors for ALUA state transitions (bnc#491289). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-no-activate-for-offlined-paths: DM-MPIO fails to tresspass LUNs on CLARiiON arrays (bnc#484529). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-no-partitions-feature: Disable partitions scan for multipathed devices (bnc#402922,bnc#514767). * Fri Dec 11 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: set back to CONFIG_SOUND=m * Fri Dec 11 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-23-hp-mute-led-gpio-fixes: ALSA: hda - Fix LED GPIO setup for HP laptops with IDT codecs (bnc#547357,bnc#523487). * Fri Dec 11 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-usb-rework: Fix ia64. * Fri Dec 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Enable USB_SERIAL_DEBUG. * Fri Dec 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/kdb-usb-rework: kdb: Cleanup KDB_USB. * Fri Dec 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. - Disabled USB_TEST and USB_LIBUSUAL. * Thu Dec 10 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. Re-enable missing options: - CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_ROTATION=y - CONFIG_VIDEO_GO7007=m (and related options) * Thu Dec 10 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/netxen-0008-reset-sequence-changes.patch: Refresh to fix fuzz * Thu Dec 10 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Updated KDB to v4.4-2.6.32-3 and re-enabled USB keyboard support. * Thu Dec 10 2009 mmarek@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix vmlinux stripping on power (bnc#559547) * Thu Dec 10 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/netxen-0000-Use-the-instance-of-net_device_stats-from-net.patch: netxen: Use the instance of net_device_stats from net_device. (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0001-remove-sub-64-bit-mem-accesses.patch: netxen: remove sub 64-bit mem accesses (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0002-add-access-to-on-chip-memory-for-tools.patch: netxen: add access to on chip memory for tools (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0003-annotate-register-windowing-code.patch: netxen: annotate register windowing code (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0004-separate-register-and-memory-access-lock.patch: netxen: separate register and memory access lock (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0005-add-sysfs-entries-for-diag-tools.patch: netxen: add sysfs entries for diag tools (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0006-defines-for-next-revision.patch: netxen: defines for next revision (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0007-128-memory-controller-support.patch: netxen: 128 memory controller support (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0008-reset-sequence-changes.patch: netxen: reset sequence changes (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0009-onchip-memory-access-change.patch: netxen: onchip memory access change (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0010-fix-error-codes-in-for-tools-access.patch: netxen: fix error codes in for tools access (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0011-sysfs-control-for-auto-firmware-recovery.patch: netxen: sysfs control for auto firmware recovery (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0012-update-version-to-4.0.62.patch: netxen; update version to 4.0.62 (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0013-fix-builds-for-SYSFS-n-or-MODULES-n.patch: netxen: fix builds for SYSFS=n or MODULES=n (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0014-support-for-new-firmware-file-format.patch: netxen: support for new firmware file format (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0015-refactor-indirect-register-access.patch: netxen: refactor indirect register access (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0016-add-PCI-IDs-for-new-chip.patch: netxen: add PCI IDs for new chip (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0017-update-module-info.patch: netxen: update module info (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0018-module-firmware-hints.patch: netxen: module firmware hints (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0019-update-version-to-4.0.65.patch: netxen: update version to 4.0.65 (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0020-remove-PCI-IDs-of-CNA-device.patch: netxen: remove PCI IDs of CNA device (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0021-fix-debug-tools-access-for-NX2031.patch: netxen : fix debug tools access for NX2031 (bnc#560003, fate#307134). - patches.drivers/netxen-0022-fix-failure-cases-for-fw-hang-recovery.patch: netxen: fix failure cases for fw hang recovery (bnc#560003, fate#307134). * Thu Dec 10 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/qlge-0001-Use-the-instance-of-net_device_stats-from-net_.patch: qlge: Use the instance of net_device_stats from net_device. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0002-Remove-explicit-setting-of-PCI-Dev-CTL-reg.patch: qlge: Remove explicit setting of PCI Dev CTL reg. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0003-Set-PCIE-max-read-request-size.patch: qlge: Set PCIE max read request size. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0004-Add-handler-for-DCBX-firmware-event.patch: qlge: Add handler for DCBX firmware event. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0005-Store-firmware-revision-as-early-as-possible.patch: qlge: Store firmware revision as early as possible. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0006-Remove-inline-math-for-small-rx-buf-mapping.patch: qlge: Remove inline math for small rx buf mapping. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0007-Get-rid-of-firmware-handler-debug-code.patch: qlge: Get rid of firmware handler debug code. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0008-Don-t-fail-open-when-port-is-not-initialized.patch: qlge: Don't fail open when port is not initialized. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0009-Add-CBFC-pause-frame-counters-to-ethtool-stats.patch: qlge: Add CBFC pause frame counters to ethtool stats. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0010-Size-RX-buffers-based-on-MTU.patch: qlge: Size RX buffers based on MTU. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0011-Add-ethtool-get-set-pause-parameter.patch: qlge: Add ethtool get/set pause parameter. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0012-Add-ethtool-blink-function.patch: qlge: Add ethtool blink function. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0013-Add-ethtool-wake-on-LAN-function.patch: qlge: Add ethtool wake on LAN function. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0014-Add-ethtool-register-dump-function.patch: qlge: Add ethtool register dump function. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0015-Add-ethtool-self-test.patch: qlge: Add ethtool self-test. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0016-Change-naming-on-vlan-API.patch: qlge: Change naming on vlan API. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0017-Fix-indentations.patch: qlge: Fix indentations. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0018-Add-firmware-driver-sub-command-support.patch: qlge: Add firmware/driver sub-command support. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0019-Clean-up-netdev-stats-usage.patch: qlge: Clean up netdev->stats usage. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0020-Do-not-change-frame-routing-during-suspend.patch: qlge: Do not change frame routing during suspend. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0021-Add-asic-reset-to-open-call.patch: qlge: Add asic reset to open call. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0022-Clean-up-module-parameter-name.patch: qlge: Clean up module parameter name. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0023-Change-version-to-v1. qlge: Change version to v1. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0024-Bonding-fix-for-mode-6.patch: qlge: Bonding fix for mode 6. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0025-Add-performance-change-for-non-split-headers.patch: qlge: Add performance change for non-split headers. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). - patches.drivers/qlge-0026-Add-firmware-core-dump.patch: qlge: Add firmware core dump. (bnc#560420, FATE#307130). * Thu Dec 10 2009 hare@suse.de - needs_update: Delete more merged fixes. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update: Refresh. * Thu Dec 10 2009 hare@suse.de - needs_update: Delete merged driver fixes. - patches.drivers/megaraid-mbox-fix-SG_IO: megaraid_mbox: Oops on SG_IO (bnc#475619). * Thu Dec 10 2009 duwe@suse.de - Disable PHYP_DUMP for all PPC flavours, per bnc#541302. * Thu Dec 10 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.suse/novfs-fix-debug-message.patch: novfs: fix debug message. * Thu Dec 10 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/tehuti-firmware-name: Tehuti network driver references wrong firmware (bnc#562092). * Wed Dec 9 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.suse/audit-export-logging.patch: fix section mismatch due to previous checkin * Wed Dec 9 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.suse/audit-export-logging.patch: export audit logging symbols. * Wed Dec 9 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - Update config files: added CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_IPV4OPTIONS to ppc64/trace * Wed Dec 9 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/ext4-fix-insufficient-checks-in-ext4_ioc_move_ext: ext4: Fix insufficient checks in EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT (bnc#561018 CVE-2009-4131). * Wed Dec 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.32: Fix a potentially serious mis-merge in swiotlb code. * Wed Dec 9 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.fixes/nohz-delay-from-tip.diff: nohz: Introduce arch_needs_cpu. - patches.fixes/reuse-ktime-from-tip.diff: nohz: Reuse ktime in sub-functions of tick_check_idle.. - series.conf: Moved s390 patchs to proper place * Wed Dec 9 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/ipc-ns-fix-memory-leak-idr.patch: ipc: ns fix memory leak (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-remove-unreachable-code-in-semc.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-add-a-per-semaphore-pending-list.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-optimize-if-semops-fail.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-optimize-single-semop-operations.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-optimize-single-sops-when-semval-is-zero.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-sem-optimise-undo-list-search.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-sem-preempt-improve.patch: (bnc#518767). - patches.fixes/ipc-semc-sem-use-list-operations.patch: (bnc#518767). * Wed Dec 9 2009 bphilips@suse.de - needs_update: patches moved upstream or obsoleted by upstream * Tue Dec 8 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/kbuild-generate-modules.builtin: Update to what will hopefully be in 2.6.33. - patches.suse/kbuild-rebuild-fix-for-Makefile.modbuiltin: Delete. * Tue Dec 8 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - Update config files. - patches.suse/netfilter-ipv4options: netfilter ipv4options match from patch-o-matic-ng (bnc#131728 - FATE#182). * Tue Dec 8 2009 npiggin@suse.de - needs_update: - patches.suse/mm-devzero-optimisation.patch: mm: /dev/zero optimisation (bnc#430738). * Tue Dec 8 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-22-alc888-exclude-unusable-adcs: ALSA: hda - Exclude unusable ADCs for ALC88x (bnc#561235). * Tue Dec 8 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.drivers/reenable-generic_serial: Revert "tty: Mark generic_serial users as BROKEN". - Update config files: enable RIO and SX. - rpm/generic_serial-blacklist: blacklist generic_serial users from automatic loading (bnc#551348). * Tue Dec 8 2009 rgoldwyn@suse.de - needs_update: patches merged upstream - novfs patches to be handled by novfs team * Tue Dec 8 2009 npiggin@suse.de - needs_update: - patches.suse/mm-vmalloc-fail-dump-stack.patch: mm: improve vmalloc reporting (bnc#511079). * Tue Dec 8 2009 npiggin@suse.de - needs_update: most of mine are merged. apparmor patch sent to Andreas. * Tue Dec 8 2009 coly.li@suse.de - patches.suse/64bytes_lvb_len.diff: use 64byte lvb len.(bnc#515645) * Tue Dec 8 2009 agraf@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-kvm-prefix.patch: KVM: s390: Fix prefix register checking in arch/s390/kvm/sigp.c (FATE#306513). - patches.arch/s390-kvm-psw.patch: KVM: s390: Make psw available on all exits, not just a subset (FATE#306513). * Mon Dec 7 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/synaptics-hp-clickpad: Input: Add support of clickpad mode to synaptics mouse driver (bnc#547370). * Mon Dec 7 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.32 final and c/s 958. - patches.xen/xen-dcdbas: force proper address translation in DCDBAS. - patches.xen&xen-vmalloc_32: guarantee 32-bit (bus-)addressability of vmalloc_32() output (bnc#548010, bnc#552492). - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-nx-user-mappings: set NX bit in kernel version of top level user mode page table entries. - patches.xen/xen3-rlim-0025-x86-add-ia32-compat-prlimit-syscalls.patch: x86: add ia32 compat prlimit syscalls (FATE#305733). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-64-align-rodata-kernel-section-to-2mb-with-config_debug_rodata: x86-64: align RODATA kernel section to 2MB with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (bnc#558249). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-64-preserve-large-page-mapping-for-1st-2mb-kernel-txt-with-config_debug_rodata: x86-64: preserve large page mapping for 1st 2MB kernel txt with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (bnc#558249). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-fix-nodac: x86: fix iommu=nodac parameter handling (bnc#463829, bnc#482220). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-mcp51-no-dac: x86: disallow DAC for MCP51 PCI bridge (bnc#463829, bnc#482220). - Update EC2 config files (disable CAN_DEV and UIO). * Mon Dec 7 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86-crypto-add-ghash-algorithm-test.patch, patches.fixes/cpufreq_ondemand_performance_optimise_default_settings.patch: Fix build warnings. * Mon Dec 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc-add-raywire-id: Add missing PCI-ID to lpfc. * Sat Dec 5 2009 tonyj@suse.de - config.conf: add trace flavor for ppc64 (fate# 307051) - Update config files. * Fri Dec 4 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Split apparmor.diff out into separate patches to align more closely with the upstream AppArmor 2.4 repo. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-cap-audit_caching-preemption-disabling: AppArmor: Fix cap audit_caching preemption disabling. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-change_profile-failing-lpn401931: AppArmor: Fix change_profile failing lpn401931. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-change_profile-failure: AppArmor: Fix change_profile failure. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-determination-of-forced-audit-messages: AppArmor: Fix determination of forced AUDIT messages.. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-failure-to-audit-change_hat-correctly: AppArmor: fix failure to audit change_hat correctly. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-file-auditing-when-quiet-is-used: AppArmor: Fix file auditing when quiet is used. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-leak-when-profile-transition-table-fails-unpack: AppArmor: Fix leak when profile transition table fails unpack. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-mediation-of-created-paths-that-look-like-deleted-paths: AppArmor: Fix mediation of created paths that look like "deleted" paths. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-oops-after-profile-removal: AppArmor: Fix oops after profile removal. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-oops-when-auditing-the-addition-of-profile-namespace: AppArmor: Fix oops when auditing the addition of profile namespace. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-oops-when-in-apparmor_bprm_set_creds: AppArmor: Fix Oops when in apparmor_bprm_set_creds. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-profile-namespace-removal: AppArmor: Fix profile namespace removal.. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-refcounting-bug-causing-leak-of-creds-and-oops: AppArmor: Fix refcounting bug causing leak of creds and oops. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fully-close-race-condition-for-deleted-paths: AppArmor: Fully close race condition for deleted paths. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-missing-unlock: AppArmor: Add missing unlock to next_profile. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-policy-load-and-replacement-can-fail-to-alloc-mem: AppArmor: Policy load and replacement can fail to alloc mem. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-security_ops-task_setrlimit-api-use: AppArmor: Fix security_ops->task_setrlimit API use. * Fri Dec 4 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/revert-usb-remove-phidget-drivers-from-kernel-tree.patch: Revert "USB: remove phidget drivers from kernel tree.". * Fri Dec 4 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-message-catalog.diff: Updated patch (bnc#549193,FATE#306999,LTC#57210). * Fri Dec 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: Update wireless drivers. * Fri Dec 4 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-03-qeth-hs-traffic-analyzer.patch: qeth: HiperSockets Network Traffic Analyzer (bnc#560674). * Fri Dec 4 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-8.03.01-k7-update: qla2xxx driver update to 8.03.01-k7 (bnc#560415). * Fri Dec 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/package-descriptions: Add description for kernel-vmi. * Fri Dec 4 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_mce_lru_cleanup.patch: HWPOISON: Undefine lru define after table to avoid namespace conflict (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_page_offlining.patch: Add soft page offline support (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_page_offlining_test_ability.patch: HWPOISON: Add a madvise() injector for soft page offlining (fate#307738). - patches.arch/x86_mce_test_page.patch: Expose Test pageflagA and set pageflagB primitive (fate#307738). * Fri Dec 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Add the vmi flavor again. * Fri Dec 4 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-18-netvm-skbuff-reserve.patch: add emergeny flag inside kmemcheck boundaries. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh. * Fri Dec 4 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y for x86-64 and i386 vanilla (bnc#560402) * Fri Dec 4 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y for x86-64 (bnc#560402) * Fri Dec 4 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS=y for i386 (bnc#560402) * Thu Dec 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-07-Don-t-spu_acquire_saved-unnecessarily.patch: Delete. (bnc#560043) * Thu Dec 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Cleanup config files. * Thu Dec 3 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/tg3_libphy_workaround: Delete. We have all of the 57780 phylib and tg3 changes due to 2.6.32 bump. * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - back out cpuidle feature that is still unconsistent. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mfasheh@suse.com - patches.suse/ocfs2-allocation-resrvations.patch: Refresh. * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - patches.suse/cpuidle-cleanup: Refresh. Fix the "fixed" feature patch set from IBM. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mfasheh@suse.com - Update config files. - patches.suse/gfs2-ro-mounts-only.patch: gfs2: allow spectator mounts for migration to ocfs2 (FATE#307584). * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - Update config files for 2.6.32 (again). * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - Update config files for cpuidle. * Thu Dec 3 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/8250_pnp-wacom-add: serial/8250_pnp.c: add new Wacom devices (bnc#544763). * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - patches.suse/cpuidle-cleanup: Refresh. one lonely hunk already seems to be in 2.6.32 final * Thu Dec 3 2009 duwe@suse.de - bnc#552860 / FATE#307104: kernel idle low power, take 2: - patches.suse/cpuidle-cleanup: Refresh. - patches.suse/cpuidle-cleanup-x86: Refresh. - patches.suse/cpuidle-eliminate-ppcmdpowersave1: Refresh. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.32-final. - 2 patches eliminated. * Thu Dec 3 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Enable Hibernation for zSeries. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Update config files: Disable CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633, the chip is unlikely to be used on architectures we support. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/split-modules: Print which supported modules need unsupported modules. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: support lis3lv02d, hp_accel needs it. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: hp_accel is supported (FATE #306448). * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: remove wm831x drivers, we no longer ship them. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Update config files: disable all new hwmon drivers on ppc (default and vanilla) for consistency. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: Add wm831x, needed by drivers/input/misc/wm831x-on. * Thu Dec 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: Fix up after commit bfea0bd. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Update config files: disable WM831x and WM8350 support entirely, as recommended by the drivers author. These devices are only found on embedded devices such as music players or mobile phones. * Thu Dec 3 2009 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark pmcraid and igbvf as supported; OSD drivers as unsupported. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Restore link from config/s390/vanilla to config/s390x/vanilla. * Thu Dec 3 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - supported.conf: Update Xen drivers. * Thu Dec 3 2009 tonyj@suse.de - needs_update: readd patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_get_base_syscall_attr.patch patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_syscalls.patch * Thu Dec 3 2009 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: - rpm/postun.sh: woh dluoc I tegrof ot esolc eht fi * Thu Dec 3 2009 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: - rpm/postun.sh: If this is a Moblin-based box, don't run yast-bootloader * Wed Dec 2 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Update config files: stop shipping wm831x-hwmon, wm8350-hwmon, i2c-simtec and i2c-designware. - supported.conf: remove i2c-simtec. * Wed Dec 2 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Add all new hwmon and i2c/busses drivers. The former unsupported, the latter supported. * Wed Dec 2 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Update config files: disable CONFIG_I2C_VOODOO3. - supported.conf: drop i2c-voodoo3, superseded by tdfxfb. * Wed Dec 2 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Drop hwmon and i2c/chips drivers which have been obsoleted. * Wed Dec 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Obsolete perfmon-kmp. * Wed Dec 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: Add perfmon, hid and input modules. * Wed Dec 2 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: Fix vanilla configs * Wed Dec 2 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: disabled CONFIG_SND_SOC* in ppc configs. * Wed Dec 2 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Updated the sound section of supported.conf * Wed Dec 2 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. disable USB OTG drivers that should not have been enabled. * Wed Dec 2 2009 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: remove some usb drivers that were deleted or renamed. * Wed Dec 2 2009 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: update usb driver section * Wed Dec 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/check-supported-list: Skip modules in Documentation and drivers/staging. * Wed Dec 2 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-remote-DoS.patch: mac80211: fix remote DoS (bnc#558267). * Tue Dec 1 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Forward-port 11.2 patches: patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-18-msi-wind-u115-fix: ALSA: hda - Add a position_fix quirk for MSI Wind U115. patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-19-cx5047-test-mode-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix Cxt5047 test mode (bnc#559062). patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-20-fsc-amilo-pi1505-fix: ALSA: hda - Add a pin-fix for FSC Amilo Pi1505 (bnc#557403). patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-21-hp-dv3-position-fix-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add position_fix quirk for HP dv3 (bnc#555935). * Mon Nov 30 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/megaraid_sas-fix-permissions-on-poll_mode_io: megaraid_sas: Fix permissions on poll_mode_io (bnc#557180 CVE-2009-3939). * Mon Nov 30 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/x86-64-add-comment-for-rodata-large-page-retainment: x86-64: add comment for RODATA large page retainment (bnc#558249). - patches.arch/x86-64-align-rodata-kernel-section-to-2mb-with-config_debug_rodata: x86-64: align RODATA kernel section to 2MB with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (bnc#558249). - patches.arch/x86-64-preserve-large-page-mapping-for-1st-2mb-kernel-txt-with-config_debug_rodata: x86-64: preserve large page mapping for 1st 2MB kernel txt with CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (bnc#558249). * Mon Nov 30 2009 teheo@suse.de - needs_update: drop libata patches which are already included in 2.6.31 vanilla. * Mon Nov 30 2009 teheo@suse.de - needs_update: drop patches which are already included in 2.6.31 vanilla. * Mon Nov 30 2009 teheo@suse.de Forward port two x86 patches from SLE11. - needs_update: - patches.arch/x86-fix-nodac: x86: fix iommu=nodac parameter handling (bnc#463829). - patches.arch/x86-mcp51-no-dac: x86: disallow DAC for MCP51 PCI bridge (bnc#463829). * Mon Nov 30 2009 agraf@suse.de - Update config files: Enable KSM (FATE#306513) * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: acpi dock patch was hmacht's, not mine * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: sysfs debugging crash patch is now upstream * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: jeffm merged novfs patches into the main novfs patch. * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: qualcomm modem driver is upstream * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: squashfs is now upstream * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: via driver bugfixes never went upstream, and people are complaining about them, so they were dropped. * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: remove staging driver entries, they are all upstream. * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: remove hv driver entries, those are upstream now. * Sat Nov 28 2009 gregkh@suse.de - needs_update: remove xen patches with my name on it. Just because I refreshed the patch, doesn't mean I own it or even like the thing :) * Sat Nov 28 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-11-mm-reserve.patch: Fix build errors in -trace and ppc64 flavors. * Fri Nov 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Abort if supported modules depend on unsupported ones. * Fri Nov 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: mark cnic as supported (needed by bnx2i). * Fri Nov 27 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.suse/panic-on-io-nmi-SLE11-user-space-api.patch: API fix: X86: sysctl to allow panic on IOCK NMI error (bnc#427979). - patches.suse/kdb-common: Refresh. - patches.suse/kdump-dump_after_notifier.patch: Refresh. * Fri Nov 27 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - patches.fixes/cpufreq_ondemand_performance_optimise_default_settings.patch: CPUFREQ: ondemand: Limit default sampling rate to 300ms max. (bnc#464461). * Fri Nov 27 2009 trenn@suse.de - needs_update: One I still have to send upstream, but it's nicer error output only, SP1 is fine in respect to removing all these, thanks. * Fri Nov 27 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Compile in efivars module for x86_64 (FATE#306931). * Fri Nov 27 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - needs_update: sjayaraman's patches are either upstream already or rebased to SP1. * Fri Nov 27 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - Update config files: NFS_SWAP=y. * Fri Nov 27 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-swap.patch: Refresh and fix a build failure with fuzz factor 0. * Fri Nov 27 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - Rebase Swap-over-NFS(SoN) patches: - patches.xen/tmem: Refresh to accomodate changes due to SoN patches. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh to accomodate changes due to SoN patches. * Fri Nov 27 2009 knikanth@suse.de - needs_update: Verify knikanth's patches in SLE11 but not in SP1 - patches.fixes/dm-release-map_lock-before-set_disk_ro: Release md->map_lock before set_disk_ro (bnc#556899 bnc#479784). * Fri Nov 27 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - Restore following patches from SLES11 that are still needed for SLES11-SP1 - patches.fixes/nfsd-05-sunrpc-cache-allow-thread-to-block-while-waiting-for.patch: sunrpc/cache: allow thread to block while waiting for cache update. (bnc#498708). - patches.fixes/nfsd-06-sunrpc-cache-retry-cache-lookups-that-return-ETIMEDO.patch: sunrpc/cache: retry cache lookups that return -ETIMEDOUT (bnc#498708). - patches.fixes/nfsd-07-nfsd-idmap-drop-special-request-deferal-in-favour-of.patch: nfsd/idmap: drop special request deferal in favour of improved default. (bnc#498708). - patches.fixes/nfsd-09-fix-kabi: Fix kabi breakage in previous nfsd patch series (bnc#498708). * Thu Nov 26 2009 coly.li@suse.de - needs_update: remove patches item of coly.li, lmb and mfasheh. - patches.fixes/dlm-enable-debug.patch: update the patch from SLES11 to SLES11 SP1 tree. * Thu Nov 26 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.fixes/make-note_interrupt-fast.diff: Fix performance regression on large IA64 systems (bnc #469589). * Thu Nov 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/old-packages.conf: obsolete kernel-kdump on ppc. - config.conf: delete kdump configs. - config/ppc/kdump: Delete. - config/ppc64/kdump: Delete. * Thu Nov 26 2009 duwe@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-extended_h_cede-Export_memory_sysdev_class: Refresh. Fix "typo", memory_sysdev_class should be exported only to GPL'ed modules. * Thu Nov 26 2009 hare@suse.de Fixup patches for series2git: - patches.xen/tmem: Refresh. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh. * Thu Nov 26 2009 duwe@suse.de - config.conf: disable build of ppc kdump flavours (FATE#304346) * Thu Nov 26 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-missing-_SDD-is-not-an-error: libata-acpi: missing _SDD is not an error (bnc#551942). * Thu Nov 26 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-spurious-delba-handling.patch: mac80211: fix spurious delBA handling (bnc#558267, CVE-2009-4026, CVE-2009-4027). * Thu Nov 26 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/sky2-add-register-definitions: sky2: add register definitions for new chips (bnc#544760). - patches.drivers/sky2-88E8059-support: sky2: 88E8059 support (bnc#544760). - patches.drivers/sky2-optima-tcp-offload-fix: net: Fix Yukon-2 Optima TCP offload setup (bnc#544760). - patches.drivers/sky2-optima-fix-pci-cfg: net: Add missing TST_CFG_WRITE bits around sky2_pci_write (bnc#544760). * Thu Nov 26 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - Update config files. disable CONFIG_MULTICOE_RAID456 as it is not yet stable. Enable CONFIG_ASYNC_TX_DMA for FATE#306368 * Thu Nov 26 2009 gregkh@suse.de - clean up patch fuzz * Thu Nov 26 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/via-unichrome-drm-bugfixes.patch: Delete. it never went upstream, so we should drop it as well. * Wed Nov 25 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.trace/lttng-*: update for 2.6.32 - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-timer.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/tmem: Refresh. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Refresh. * Wed Nov 25 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.fixes/oprofile_bios_ctr.patch: detect oprofile counters reserved by bios (FATE#307426). * Wed Nov 25 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/netfilter-remove-pointless-config_nf_ct_acct-warning: netfilter: Remove pointless CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT warning (bnc#552033 (and others)). * Tue Nov 24 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/mpt-fusion- Update MPT Fusion driver to (bnc#556587). - patches.drivers/mpt-fusion- Delete. * Tue Nov 24 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-17-fix-mute-LED-sync-idt92h383xxx: ALSA: hda - Fix mute-LED sync on HP laptops with IDT92HD83xxx codecs (bnc#547357). * Tue Nov 24 2009 duwe@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-extended_h_cede-*: Increase power savings by allowing the core to sleep. (FATE##307059, bnc#550447) * Tue Nov 24 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/kconfig-automate-kernel-desktop: automate a few config options for kernel-desktop (FATE#305694). * Tue Nov 24 2009 agraf@suse.de - patches.arch/kvm-only-export-selected-pv-ops-feature-structs: Update references (bnc#556135, FATE#306453). - patches.arch/kvm-replace-kvm-io-delay-pv-ops-with-linux-magic: Update references (bnc#556135, FATE#306453). - patches.arch/kvm-split-paravirt-ops-by-functionality: Update references (bnc#556135, FATE#306453). - patches.arch/kvm-split-the-KVM-pv-ops-support-by-feature: Update references (bnc#556135, FATE#306453). * Mon Nov 23 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Enabled: patches.fixes/enclosure-fix-oops-while-iterating-enclosure_status-array * Mon Nov 23 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-crypto-add-ghash-algorithm-test.patch: crypto: Add ghash algorithm test before provide to users (FATE#306883, bnc#554578). * Mon Nov 23 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-crypto-pclmulqdq-accelerated-implementation.patch: incorporate "ghash - put proper .data section in place" fix * Mon Nov 23 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - Update config files. - Add new options KERNEL_DESKTOP and DEFAULT_VM_DIRTY_RATIO. - Enable KERNEL_DESKTOP for only desktop flavor. * Mon Nov 23 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/mm-tune-dirty-limits.patch: mm: Make default VM dirty ratio configurable to suit different workloads (bnc#552883). * Fri Nov 20 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: build kernel-syms only for supported architectures. * Fri Nov 20 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Enabled B43_PHY_LP=y for PHY support on certain b43 chips. * Fri Nov 20 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/export-sync_page_range: Revert "vfs: Remove generic_osync_inode() and sync_page_range{_nolock}()" (bnc#557231). * Fri Nov 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/init-move-populate_rootfs-back-to-start_kernel: Fix a bad-pointer warning. * Fri Nov 20 2009 agruen@suse.de - rpm/macros.kernel-source: Add kernel_module_package_moddir() macro for cross-distro compatibility (FATE 305225). * Fri Nov 20 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.suse/rlim-0001-SECURITY-selinux-fix-update_rlimit_cpu-parameter.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0002-SECURITY-add-task_struct-to-setrlimit.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0003-core-add-task_struct-to-update_rlimit_cpu.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0004-sys_setrlimit-make-sure-rlim_max-never-grows.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0005-core-split-sys_setrlimit.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0006-core-allow-setrlimit-to-non-current-tasks.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0007-core-optimize-setrlimit-for-current-task.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0008-FS-proc-make-limits-writable.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0009-core-posix-cpu-timers-cleanup-rlimits-usage.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0010-core-do-security-check-under-task_lock.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0011-resource-add-helpers-for-fetching-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0012-IA64-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0013-PPC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0014-S390-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0015-SPARC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0016-X86-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0017-FS-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0018-MM-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0019-core-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0020-misc-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0021-core-rename-setrlimit-to-do_setrlimit.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0022-core-implement-getprlimit-and-setprlimit-syscalls.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0023-unistd-add-__NR_-get-set-prlimit-syscall-numbers.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0024-COMPAT-add-get-put_compat_rlimit.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). - patches.suse/rlim-0025-x86-add-ia32-compat-prlimit-syscalls.patch: Update references (FATE#305733). * Fri Nov 20 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - Add writable resource limits support - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/rlim-0001-SECURITY-selinux-fix-update_rlimit_cpu-parameter.patch: SECURITY: selinux, fix update_rlimit_cpu parameter. - patches.suse/rlim-0002-SECURITY-add-task_struct-to-setrlimit.patch: SECURITY: add task_struct to setrlimit. - patches.suse/rlim-0003-core-add-task_struct-to-update_rlimit_cpu.patch: core: add task_struct to update_rlimit_cpu. - patches.suse/rlim-0004-sys_setrlimit-make-sure-rlim_max-never-grows.patch: sys_setrlimit: make sure ->rlim_max never grows. - patches.suse/rlim-0005-core-split-sys_setrlimit.patch: core: split sys_setrlimit. - patches.suse/rlim-0006-core-allow-setrlimit-to-non-current-tasks.patch: core: allow setrlimit to non-current tasks. - patches.suse/rlim-0007-core-optimize-setrlimit-for-current-task.patch: core: optimize setrlimit for current task. - patches.suse/rlim-0008-FS-proc-make-limits-writable.patch: FS: proc, make limits writable. - patches.suse/rlim-0009-core-posix-cpu-timers-cleanup-rlimits-usage.patch: core: posix-cpu-timers, cleanup rlimits usage. - patches.suse/rlim-0010-core-do-security-check-under-task_lock.patch: core: do security check under task_lock. - patches.suse/rlim-0011-resource-add-helpers-for-fetching-rlimits.patch: resource: add helpers for fetching rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0012-IA64-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: IA64: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0013-PPC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: PPC: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0014-S390-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: S390: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0015-SPARC-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: SPARC: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0016-X86-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: X86: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0017-FS-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: FS: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0018-MM-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: MM: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0019-core-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: core: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0020-misc-use-helpers-for-rlimits.patch: misc: use helpers for rlimits. - patches.suse/rlim-0021-core-rename-setrlimit-to-do_setrlimit.patch: core: rename setrlimit to do_setrlimit. - patches.suse/rlim-0022-core-implement-getprlimit-and-setprlimit-syscalls.patch: core: implement getprlimit and setprlimit syscalls. - patches.suse/rlim-0023-unistd-add-__NR_-get-set-prlimit-syscall-numbers.patch: unistd: add __NR_[get|set]prlimit syscall numbers. - patches.suse/rlim-0024-COMPAT-add-get-put_compat_rlimit.patch: COMPAT: add get/put_compat_rlimit. - patches.suse/rlim-0025-x86-add-ia32-compat-prlimit-syscalls.patch: x86: add ia32 compat prlimit syscalls. * Fri Nov 20 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/phy-broadcom-bug-fixes-for-sp1.patch: phy/broadcom: bug fixes for SP1 (FATE#307117, bnc#556234). - patches.drivers/tg3-update-version-to-3.104.patch: tg3: Update version to 3.104 (bnc#556234, FATE#307117). * Fri Nov 20 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/phy-broadcom-bug-fixes-for-sp1.patch: phy/broadcom: bug fixes for SP1 (FATE#307117, bnc#556234). - patches.drivers/tg3-update-version-to-3.104.patch: tg3: Update version to 3.104 (bnc#556234, FATE#307117). * Fri Nov 20 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/megaraid-04.12-update: megaraid: Update megaraid_sas to version 04.12 (FATE#307125). * Fri Nov 20 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2-entropy-source.patch: bnx2: entropy source (FATE#307517). - patches.drivers/e1000-entropy-source.patch: Enable e1000 as entropy source (disabled by default) (FATE#307517). - patches.drivers/e1000e-entropy-source.patch: Enable e1000e as entropy source (disabled by default) (FATE#307517). - patches.drivers/igb-entropy-source.patch: Enable igb as entropy source (disabled by default) (FATE#307517). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-entropy-source.patch: Enable ixgbe as entropy source (disabled by default) (FATE#307517). - patches.drivers/tg3-entropy-source.patch: tg3: entropy source (FATE#307517). * Fri Nov 20 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-fix-bug-with-dma-maps-on-nested-scsi-objects: scsi_lib_dma: fix bug with dma maps on nested scsi objects (bnc#556595). - patches.fixes/scsi-introduce-helper-function-for-blocking-eh: scsi_transport_fc: Introduce helper function for blocking scsi_eh (bnc#556595). - patches.fixes/scsi-skip-nonscsi-device-for-dma: Delete. * Fri Nov 20 2009 hare@suse.de Whitespace cleanup for series2git: - patches.arch/s390-message-catalog.diff: Refresh. - patches.drivers/aacraid-24701-update: Refresh. - patches.suse/crasher-26.diff: Refresh. - patches.suse/kdb-common: Refresh. - patches.suse/kdb-ia64: Refresh. - patches.suse/kdb-x86: Refresh. - patches.suse/ocfs2-allocation-resrvations.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/perfmon2_ioctl.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Refresh. * Fri Nov 20 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/igb-add-support-for-82576NS-SerDes-adapter.patch: igb: add support for 82576NS SerDes adapter (FATE#306856). * Fri Nov 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/dm-mpath-evaluate-request-result-and-sense: Fix for !CONFIG_SCSI (in -ec2). * Fri Nov 20 2009 mfasheh@suse.com - patches.suse/ocfs2-allocation-resrvations.patch: ocfs2: allocation reservations (bnc#501563 FATE#307247). * Fri Nov 20 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: Refresh. - patches.arch/x86-self-ptrace.patch: Delete. (bnc#554585,LTC#57794) - patches.suse/self-ptrace.patch: Delete. (bnc#554585,LTC#57794) * Fri Nov 20 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.32-rc8. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Fri Nov 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/enclosure-fix-oops-while-iterating-enclosure_status-array: enclosure: fix oops while iterating enclosure_status array (bnc#540997). * Thu Nov 19 2009 tonyj@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: perfmon2 (FATE#303968). - patches.suse/perfmon2_ioctl.patch: switch to ioctl interface for perfmon2. - patches.suse/perfmon2_noutrace.patch: remove UTRACE code from perfmon2. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.28: Refresh. * Thu Nov 19 2009 jjolly@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.arch/s390-message-catalog.diff: Kernel message catalog. (bnc#549193,LTC#57210,FATE#306999). - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: * Thu Nov 19 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - patches.suse/add-queue_depth-ramp-up-code.patch: add queue_depth ramp up code (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-add-a-separate-scsi-transport-template-for-npiv-vports.patch: fcoe: add a separate scsi transport template for NPIV vports (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-add-check-to-fail-gracefully-in-bonding-mode.patch: fcoe: add check to fail gracefully in bonding mode (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-call-ndo_fcoe_enable-disable-to-turn-fcoe-feature-on-off-in-lld.patch: fcoe: Call ndo_fcoe_enable/disable to turn FCoE feature on/off in LLD (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-fix-checking-san-mac-address.patch: fcoe: Fix checking san mac address (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-fix-getting-san-mac-for-vlan-interface.patch: fcoe: Fix getting san mac for VLAN interface (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-fix-setting-lport-s-wwnn-wwpn-to-use-san-mac-address.patch: fcoe: Fix setting lport's WWNN/WWPN to use san mac address (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-fix-using-vlan-id-in-creating-lport-s-wwwn-wwpn.patch: fcoe: Fix using VLAN ID in creating lport's WWWN/WWPN (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-formatting-cleanups-and-commenting.patch: fcoe: Formatting cleanups and commenting (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-increase-fcoe_max_lun-to-0xffff-65535.patch: fcoe: Increase FCOE_MAX_LUN to 0xFFFF (65535) (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-initialize-return-value-in-fcoe_destroy.patch: fcoe: initialize return value in fcoe_destroy (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-libfc-fix-an-libfc-issue-with-queue-ramp-down-in-libfc.patch: fcoe, libfc: fix an libfc issue with queue ramp down in libfc (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-libfc-use-single-frame-allocation-api.patch: fcoe, libfc: use single frame allocation API (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-npiv-vport-create-destroy.patch: fcoe: NPIV vport create/destroy (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-remove-extra-function-decalrations.patch: fcoe: remove extra function decalrations (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-remove-redundant-checking-of-netdev-netdev_ops.patch: fcoe: remove redundant checking of netdev->netdev_ops (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-use-netif_f_fcoe_mtu-flag-to-set-up-max-frame-size-lport-mfs.patch: fcoe: Use NETIF_F_FCOE_MTU flag to set up max frame size (lport->mfs) (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/fcoe-vport-symbolic-name-support.patch: fcoe: vport symbolic name support (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-host-number-to-lport-link-up-down-messages.patch: libfc: add host number to lport link up/down messages. (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-libfc-fc_libfc-ch-for-libfc-internal-routines.patch: libfc: Add libfc/fc_libfc.[ch] for libfc internal routines (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-queue_depth-ramp-up.patch: libfc: add queue_depth ramp up (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-routine-to-copy-data-from-a-buffer-to-a-sg-list.patch: libfc: Add routine to copy data from a buffer to a SG list (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-set_fid-function-to-libfc-template.patch: libfc: add set_fid function to libfc template (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-add-some-generic-npiv-support-routines-to-libfc.patch: libfc: add some generic NPIV support routines to libfc (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-adds-can_queue-ramp-up.patch: libfc: adds can_queue ramp up (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-adds-missing-exch-release-for-accepted-rrq.patch: libfc: adds missing exch release for accepted RRQ (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-changes-to-libfc_host_alloc-to-consolidate-initialization-with-allocation.patch: libfc: changes to libfc_host_alloc to consolidate initialization with allocation (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-combine-name-server-registration-request-functions.patch: libfc: combine name server registration request functions (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-combine-name-server-registration-response-handlers.patch: libfc: combine name server registration response handlers (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-convert-to-scsi_track_queue_full.patch: libfc: convert to scsi_track_queue_full (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-do-not-use-did_no_connect-for-pkt-alloc-failures.patch: libfc: do not use DID_NO_CONNECT for pkt alloc failures. (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-don-t-warn_on-in-lport_timeout-for-reset-state.patch: libfc: don't WARN_ON in lport_timeout for RESET state (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-export-fc-headers.patch: libfc: Export FC headers (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fcoe-add-fc-passthrough-support.patch: libfc, fcoe: Add FC passthrough support (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fcoe-don-t-export_symbols-unnecessarily.patch: libfc, fcoe: Don't EXPORT_SYMBOLS unnecessarily (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fcoe-fixes-for-highmem-skb-linearize-panics.patch: libfc, fcoe: fixes for highmem skb linearize panics (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fcoe-increase-els-and-ct-timeouts.patch: libfc fcoe: increase ELS and CT timeouts (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-an-issue-of-pending-exch-es-after-i-f-destroyed-or-rmmod-fcoe.patch: libfc: fix an issue of pending exch/es after i/f destroyed or rmmod fcoe (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-ddp-in-fc_fcp-for-0-xid.patch: libfc: fix ddp in fc_fcp for 0 xid (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-fc_els_resp_type-to-correct-display-of-ct-responses.patch: libfc: fix fc_els_resp_type to correct display of CT responses (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-frags-in-frame-exceeding-skb_max_frags-in-fc_fcp_send_data.patch: libfc: Fix frags in frame exceeding SKB_MAX_FRAGS in fc_fcp_send_data (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-free-of-fc_rport_priv-with-timer-pending.patch: libfc: fix free of fc_rport_priv with timer pending (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-memory-corruption-caused-by-double-frees-and-bad-error-handling.patch: libfc: fix memory corruption caused by double frees and bad error handling (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-rnn_id-smashing-skb-payload.patch: libfc: fix RNN_ID smashing skb payload (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-symbolic-name-registrations-smashing-skb-data.patch: libfc: fix symbolic name registrations smashing skb data (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-typo-in-retry-check-on-received-prli.patch: libfc: fix typo in retry check on received PRLI (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-fix-wrong-scsi-return-status-under-fc_data_undrun.patch: libfc: Fix wrong scsi return status under FC_DATA_UNDRUN (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-formatting-cleanups-across-libfc.patch: libfc: Formatting cleanups across libfc (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-libfcoe-fdisc-els-for-npiv.patch: libfc, libfcoe: FDISC ELS for NPIV (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-lport-fix-minor-documentation-errors.patch: libfc: lport: fix minor documentation errors (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-move-libfc_init-and-libfc_exit-to-fc_libfc-c.patch: libfc: Move libfc_init and libfc_exit to fc_libfc.c (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-move-non-common-routines-and-prototypes-out-of-libfc-h.patch: libfc: Move non-common routines and prototypes out of libfc.h (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-reduce-can_queue-for-all-fcp-frame-allocation-failures.patch: libfc: reduce can_queue for all FCP frame allocation failures (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-register-fc4-features-with-the-fc-switch.patch: libfc: register FC4 features with the FC switch (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-register-symbolic-node-name-rsnn_nn.patch: libfc: Register Symbolic Node Name (RSNN_NN) (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-register-symbolic-port-name-rspn_id.patch: libfc: Register Symbolic Port Name (RSPN_ID) (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-remove-fc_fcp_complete.patch: libfc: Remove fc_fcp_complete (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-remove-unused-fc_lport-pointer-from-fc_fcp_pkt_abort.patch: libfc: Remove unused fc_lport pointer from fc_fcp_pkt_abort (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-removes-initializing-fc_cpu_order-and-fc_cpu_mask-per-lport.patch: libfc: removes initializing fc_cpu_order and fc_cpu_mask per lport (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-removes-unused-disc_work-and-ex_list.patch: libfc: removes unused disc_work and ex_list (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-rnn_id-may-be-required-before-rsnn_nn-with-some-switches.patch: libfc: RNN_ID may be required before RSNN_NN with some switches (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-rpn_id-is-obsolete-and-unnecessary.patch: libfc: RPN_ID is obsolete and unnecessary (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfc-vport-link-handling-and-fc_vport-state-managment.patch: libfc: vport link handling and fc_vport state managment (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-allow-fip-to-be-disabled-by-the-driver.patch: libfcoe: Allow FIP to be disabled by the driver (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-do-not-pad-fip-keep-alive-to-full-frame-size.patch: libfcoe: Do not pad FIP keep-alive to full frame size (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-don-t-send-els-in-fip-mode-if-no-fcf-selected.patch: libfcoe: don't send ELS in FIP mode if no FCF selected (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-fcoe-libfcoe-npiv-support.patch: libfcoe, fcoe: libfcoe NPIV support (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-fcoe-simplify-receive-flogi-response.patch: libfcoe: fcoe: simplify receive FLOGI response (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-fip-allow-fip-receive-to-be-called-from-irq.patch: libfcoe: fip: allow FIP receive to be called from IRQ. (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-fip-should-report-link-to-libfc-whether-selected-or-not.patch: libfcoe: FIP should report link to libfc whether selected or not (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-fip-use-scsi-host-number-to-identify-debug-messages.patch: libfcoe: fip: use SCSI host number to identify debug messages. (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/libfcoe-formatting-and-comment-cleanups.patch: libfcoe: formatting and comment cleanups (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/modify-change_queue_depth-to-take-in-reason-why-it-is-being-called.patch: modify change_queue_depth to take in reason why it is being called (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). - patches.suse/scsi-error-have-scsi-ml-call-change_queue_depth-to-handle-queue_full.patch: scsi error: have scsi-ml call change_queue_depth to handle QUEUE_FULL (fate#306857, fate#306859, bnc#551175). * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths: Fixup patch to apply. * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de Port patches from SLES11: - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-queuedata-accessors: Kernel bug triggered in multipath (bnc#486001). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths: Refresh. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-detach-existing-hardware-handler: multipath: detach existing hardware handler if none was specified. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-requeue-for-stopped-queue: Delete. * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-evaluate-request-result-and-sense: multipath: Evaluate request result and sense code (FATE#303695,bnc#433920,bnc#442001). * Thu Nov 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Kill support for kernel-$flavor symbols, we need a unified kernel-source for all flavors. * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/bnx2i-use-common-iscsi-suspend-queue: bnx2i: use common iscsi suspend queue (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/iscsi-class-modify-handling-of-replacement-time: iscsi class: modify handling of replacement timeout (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/iser-set-tgt-and-lu-reset-timeout: iser: set tgt and lu reset timeout (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/libiscsi-add-warm-target-reset-tmf-support: libiscsi: add warm target reset tmf support (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/libiscsi-check-tmf-state-before-sending-pdu: libiscsi: Check TMF state before sending PDU (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/libiscsi-fix-login-text-checks-in-pdu-inject: libiscsi: fix login/text checks in pdu injection code (FATE#307215). - patches.fixes/scsi-add-scsi-target-reset-support-to-ioctl: add scsi target reset support to scsi ioctl. - patches.fixes/scsi-devinfo-update-hitachi-entries: scsi_devinfo: update Hitachi entries (v2). - patches.fixes/scsi-fc-class-failfast-bsg-requests: [SCSI] fc class: fail fast bsg requests. - patches.drivers/cxgb3i: Delete. - patches.drivers/cxgb3i-fixed-offload-array-size: Delete. - patches.fixes/disable-lro-per-default: Delete. * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-always-attach-sysfs: scsi_dh: create sysfs file, dh_state for all SCSI disk devices. - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-change-activate-interface: scsi_dh: Change the scsidh_activate interface to be asynchronous (bnc#556144). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-make-alua-handler-asynchronous: scsi_dh: Make alua hardware handler's activate() async (bnc#556144). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-make-hp_sw-handler-asynchronous: scsi_dh: Make hp hardware handler's activate() async (bnc#556144). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-make-rdac-handler-asynchronous: scsi_dh: Make rdac hardware handler's activate() async (bnc#556144). * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-5.01.00-k8_sles11-03-update: Delete. - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-sles11-update: Delete. * Thu Nov 19 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/hpsa: hpsa: New driver SCSI driver for HP Smart Array (FATE#307153,bnc#555855). - supported.conf: Mark hpsa as supported. * Thu Nov 19 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-qeth-isolation.patch: qeth: Exploit QDIO Data Connection Isolation (bnc#555199,LTC#57826,FATE#307015). - patches.arch/s390-02-01-cex3-init-msg.patch: zcrypt: initialize ap_messages for cex3 exploitation (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-02-02-cex3-special-command.patch: zcrypt: special command support for cex3 exploitation (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-02-03-cex3-device.patch: zcrypt: add support for cex3 device types (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-02-04-cex3-use-def.patch: zcrypt: use definitions for cex3 (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-02-05-zcrypt-speed-cex2c.patch: zcrypt: adjust speed rating between cex2 and pcixcc (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-02-06-zcrypt-speed-cex3.patch: zcrypt: adjust speed rating of cex3 adapters (bnc#555200,LTC#57825,FATE#307112). - patches.arch/s390-sles11sp1-01-qeth-isolation.patch: Delete. * Thu Nov 19 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-sles11sp1-01-qeth-isolation.patch: qeth: Exploit QDIO Data Connection Isolation (bnc#555199,LTC#57826,FATE#307015). * Wed Nov 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - scripts/sequence-patch.sh: Add automatic generation of supported modules list. * Wed Nov 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_ACPI_CUSTOM_OVERRIDE_INITRAMFS * Wed Nov 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/acpi-generic-initramfs-table-override-support: ACPI: generic initramfs table override support (bnc#533555). - patches.suse/init-move-populate_rootfs-back-to-start_kernel: init: move populate_rootfs back to start_kernel (bnc#533555). * Wed Nov 18 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-crypto-pclmulqdq-accelerated-implementation.patch: incorporate "crypto: ghash-intel - Hard-code pshufb" fix * Wed Nov 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/hung_task_timeout-configurable-default: hung_task_timeout: configurable default (bnc#552820). - Default to runtime-disabled on all flavors except debug. * Wed Nov 18 2009 agraf@suse.de - patches.fixes/kvm-ioapic.patch: Ignore apic polarity (bnc#556564). - patches.fixes/kvm-macos.patch: Implement some missing intercepts so osx doesn't blow up (bnc#556564). * Wed Nov 18 2009 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: mark missing 10Gb drivers as supported (bnc#555793) * Wed Nov 18 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/aacraid-24701-update: Problems with aacraid (bnc#524242,FATE#307437). * Wed Nov 18 2009 hare@suse.de Cleanup patches for series2git: - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: Refresh. - patches.suse/Cleanup-and-make-boot-splash-work-with-KMS.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/bootsplash: Refresh. - patches.suse/nfs4acl-ext3.diff: Refresh. - patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/suse-ppc32-mol.patch: Refresh. - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-src: Refresh. * Wed Nov 18 2009 agraf@suse.de - Update config files to enable pv-ops for KVM clock. (bnc#556135) * Wed Nov 18 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-01-select-ibexpeak-handler: ALSA: hda - select IbexPeak handler for Calpella (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-02-vectorize-get_empty_pcm_device: ALSA: hda - vectorize get_empty_pcm_device() (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-03-allow-up-to-4-HDMI: ALSA: hda - allow up to 4 HDMI devices (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-04-convert-intelhdmi-global-references: ALSA: hda - convert intelhdmi global references to local parameters (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-05-remove-intelhdmi-dependency-on-multiout: ALSA: hda - remove intelhdmi dependency on multiout (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-06-use-pcm-prepare-callbacks-for-intelhdmi: ALSA: hda - use pcm prepare/cleanup callbacks for intelhdmi (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-07-reorder-intelhemi-prepare-callbacks: ALSA: hda - reorder intelhdmi prepare/cleanup callbacks (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-08-vectorize-intelhdmi: ALSA: hda - vectorize intelhdmi (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-09-get-intelhtemi-max-channels: ALSA: hda - get intelhdmi max channels from widget caps (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-10-auto-parse-intelhdmi-cvt-pin: ALSA: hda - auto parse intelhdmi cvt/pin configurations (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-11-remove-static-intelhdmi-config: ALSA: hda - remove static intelhdmi configurations (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-12-reset-pins-idt-codec-free: ALSA: hda - Reset pins of IDT/STAC codecs at free (bnc#544779). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-13-add-reboot-notifier: ALSA: hda - Add reboot notifier to each codec (bnc#544779). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-14-add-missing-export: ALSA: hda - Add missing export for snd_hda_bus_reboot_notify (bnc#544779). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-15-fix-build-warning: ALSA: hda - Add a proper ifdef to a debug code (FATE#306783). - patches.drivers/alsa-sp1-hda-16-stac-dual-headphones-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix detection of dual headphones (bnc#556532). * Wed Nov 18 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-crypto-pclmulqdq-accelerated-implementation.patch: crypto: ghash - Add PCLMULQDQ accelerated implementation (FATE#306883, bnc#554578). - Update config files: set CRYPTO_GHASH_CLMUL_NI_INTEL=m - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.28: Refresh to apply cleanly * Wed Nov 18 2009 agraf@suse.de - patches.arch/kvm-only-export-selected-pv-ops-feature-structs: Only export selected pv-ops feature structs (bnc#556135). - patches.arch/kvm-replace-kvm-io-delay-pv-ops-with-linux-magic: Replace kvm io delay pv-ops with linux magic (bnc#556135). - patches.arch/kvm-split-paravirt-ops-by-functionality: Split paravirt ops by functionality (bnc#556135). - patches.arch/kvm-split-the-KVM-pv-ops-support-by-feature: Split the KVM pv-ops support by feature (bnc#556135). - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.23: Refresh. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.31: Refresh. * Wed Nov 18 2009 teheo@suse.de - patches.suse/kbuild-icecream-workaround: Delete. * Wed Nov 18 2009 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Also enable CONFIG_DMAR (fate#306796) for vanilla flavors * Wed Nov 18 2009 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Do the same for i386 * Wed Nov 18 2009 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Enabling CONFIG_DMAR (fate#306796), introduces these changes: +CONFIG_HAVE_INTEL_TXT=y - # CONFIG_DMAR is not set +CONFIG_DMAR=y +# CONFIG_DMAR_DEFAULT_ON is not set +CONFIG_DMAR_FLOPPY_WA=y +# CONFIG_INTEL_TXT is not set Done for x86_64 for now only. * Mon Nov 16 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/hid-fixup-ncr-quirk.patch: HID: fixup quirk for NCR devices (bnc#548807). * Fri Nov 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/*.spec.in, rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: add Provides: multiversion(kernel) to binary kernel packages, kernel-source, kernel-syms and all KMPs so that zypp can be configured to keep multiple versions of these packages (fate#305311). * Fri Nov 13 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Disable LGUEST on x86 32. It doesn't build properly without PARAVIRT. * Wed Nov 11 2009 jack@suse.cz - patches.fixes/zisofs-large-pagesize-read.patch: zisofs: Implement reading of compressed files when PAGE_CACHE_SIZE > compress block size (bnc#540349). * Wed Nov 11 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. * Wed Nov 11 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Disable PARAVIRT_GUEST on x86 32 and 64. * Tue Nov 10 2009 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ahci-aspire-3810t-noncq: ahci: disable NCQ on Aspire 3810t (bnc#522790). * Tue Nov 10 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. * Tue Nov 10 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. Disable CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR on all x86 kernels except debug. Overhead is prohibitive. * Mon Nov 9 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/files-slab-rcu.patch: SLAB_DESTROY_BY_RCU for file slab. * Mon Nov 9 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. Vanilla doesn't have unwinder, trace selects options which select frame pointers. * Mon Nov 9 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Disable FRAME_POINTER on i386 and x86-64, all kernels. Unwind info should provide all this functionality. * Mon Nov 9 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-honour-server-preferred-io-size: NFS: Honour server-preferred io sizes (bnc#550648). * Mon Nov 9 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-slot-table-alloc: Don't fail allocations for the slot table when mounting an NFS filesystem (bnc#519820). * Fri Nov 6 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_amd_fix_erratum_63.patch: x86/amd-iommu: Workaround for erratum 63 (bnc#548274). * Fri Nov 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Disabled PARAVIRT_GUEST on ia64/trace and ia64/vanilla. * Fri Nov 6 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb_x86_fix_hang.patch: X86 KDB: Reduce timeout for blinking LEDs (bnc#528811). * Fri Nov 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix last change. * Fri Nov 6 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.32-rc6 and c/s 941. - Update Xen config files. - supported.conf: Add domctl. * Fri Nov 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add the /lib/modules/.../{source,devel} symlinks to the -devel package (bnc#548728). * Fri Nov 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete kvm-kmp. * Thu Nov 5 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.32-rc6. - 2 patches eliminated - NR_CPUS=4096 on ia64/vanilla again * Thu Nov 5 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Performance: Disabled CONFIG_PARAVIRT on all flavors. * Thu Nov 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Delete unused 2.6.31.y patches. * Thu Nov 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: add libfcoe and fix typo. * Thu Nov 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: update so that supported modules don't require unsupported ones by adding following modules: async_pq async_raid6_recov ath blkback_pagemap crypto_hash drm_kms_helper fddi fscache lib80211 libfcoe libipw libiscsi_tcp llc md_mod mdio mfd_core nf_defrag_ipv4 p8022 psnap raid6_pq tr ttm ucb1400_core v4l2_compat_ioctl32. * Thu Nov 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - config.conf: remove kernel-ps3-devel (does not exist) and kernel-debug-devel (not needed most of the time) from kernel-syms. * Thu Nov 5 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Set CONFIG_HZ to 100 for zSeries (bnc#552564). * Thu Nov 5 2009 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Increase MAX_RAW_DEVS to 4096 on zSeries (bnc#552565). * Wed Nov 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: delete stray text. * Tue Nov 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - config.conf: remove the ec2 flavor from kernel-syms, most KMPs don't make any sense on ec2 (http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-kernel/2009-11/msg00001.html). * Mon Nov 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete also brocade-bfa-kmp. * Mon Nov 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: add split-modules to the src.rpm. * Mon Nov 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete enic-kmp and fnic-kmp. * Mon Nov 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete kmps by their full name, not just the foo-kmp virtual dependency (bnc#472410). * Thu Oct 29 2009 tonyj@suse.de - Update ppc/ps3 config for CONFIG_UTRACE * Thu Oct 29 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.trace/utrace-core: Update for SP1 (FATE# 304321) * Wed Oct 28 2009 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfsd-acl.patch: nfsd: Fix sort_pacl in fs/nfsd/nf4acl.c to actually sort groups (bnc#549748). * Wed Oct 28 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - Update config files: CONFIG_NTFS_FS=n We handle NTFS through FUSE these days. * Tue Oct 27 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - Update config files: CONFIG_NETLABEL=y CONFIG_SECURITY_NETWORK_XFRM=y (fate#307284) * Tue Oct 27 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-move-rq_weight-data-array-out-of-percpu: fix compilation failure for configs with CONFIG_SMP=n and CONFIG_FAR_GROUP_SCHED=y * Tue Oct 27 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update config files (MINIX_FS=m globally, NTFS_FS off for -ec2). - supported.conf: Add fs/minix. * Tue Oct 27 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/percpu-allow-pcpu_alloc-to-be-called-with-IRQs-off: percpu: allow pcpu_alloc() to be called with IRQs off (bnc#548119). - patches.fixes/sched-move-rq_weight-data-array-out-of-percpu: Update to newer version which is going to be merged upstream. * Fri Oct 23 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.32-rc5-git3. * Fri Oct 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Update config files: set NR_CPUS back to 2048 for ia64/vanilla until there is a fix in mainline. * Fri Oct 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.fixes/sched-move-rq_weight-data-array-out-of-percpu: fix for !CONFIG_SMP. * Fri Oct 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/Cleanup-and-make-boot-splash-work-with-KMS.patch: Cleanup and make boot splash work with KMS (bnc#544645). * Thu Oct 22 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Re-enabled NR_CPUS=4096 on ia64. - patches.fixes/sched-move-rq_weight-data-array-out-of-percpu: sched: move rq_weight data array out of .percpu (bnc#548119). * Tue Oct 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update x86-64 Xen config file (NR_CPUS=512). - Refresh a few Xen patches. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Handle -ec2 flavor. - rpm/package-descriptions: Describe -ec2 flavor. - rpm/post.sh: Handle -ec2 flavor. * Tue Oct 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/use-totalram_pages: Delete. * Tue Oct 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - config.conf: Add -ec2 configs (fate#305273) - Add ec2 config files. - patches.xen/xen-unpriv-build: No need to build certain bits when building non-privileged kernel. - supported.conf: Add fs/nls/nls_base. * Mon Oct 19 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Temporarily reduce NR_CPUS to 2048 on ia64 to avoid build failures (bnc#548119) * Mon Oct 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: [s390x] ignore errors from dwarfextract for now. * Fri Oct 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. * Fri Oct 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.32-rc5. * Fri Oct 16 2009 mmarek@suse.de - patches.rpmify/ia64-sn-fix-percpu-warnings: ia64/sn: fix percpu warnings. * Fri Oct 16 2009 mmarek@suse.de - Update config files: disable MTD_GPIO_ADDR, VME_CA91CX42 and VME_TSI148 on ia64 to fix build. * Fri Oct 16 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.32-rc4: Fix AGP for PowerPC. * Fri Oct 16 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.32-rc4 and c/s 938. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update x86 config files. * Tue Oct 13 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/staging-missing-sched.h: Added missing sites. * Mon Oct 12 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/staging-missing-sched.h: staging: Complete sched.h removal from interrupt.h. * Mon Oct 12 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/ptrace_may_access-fix: apparmor: ptrace_may_access -> ptrace_access_check. * Mon Oct 12 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Oct 12 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.32-rc4. - Eliminated 4 patches. - Refreshed context. * Mon Oct 12 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: Refresh and enable. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Cleanup unused patches: - patches.fixes/iwl3945-fix-rfkill.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/iwlagn-fix-rfkill.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/kdb-serial-8250: Delete. - patches.suse/kdb-sysctl-context: Delete. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-add-tgps-setting: Refresh and re-enable. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_64-hpet-64bit-timer.patch: Refresh and re-enable. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kbuild-icecream-workaround: Refresh and re-enable. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/spin_is_contended-fix: Delete. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/mm-avoid-bad-page-on-lru: Refresh and re-enable. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update vanilla config files. * Fri Oct 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.32-rc3. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/tsi148-dependency: vme/tsi148: Depend on VIRT_TO_BUS * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-x86-build-fixes: kdb: Use $srctree not $TOPDIR in Makefile. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/winbond-prepare_multicast: winbond: implement prepare_multicast and fix API usage. - patches.rpmify/winbond_beacon_timers: winbond: use bss_conf->beacon_int instead of conf->beacon_int. - patches.rpmify/winbond-build-fixes: Delete. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/rtl8192e-build-fixes: rtl8192e: Add #include . * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-build-fixes: kdb: Build fixes. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/iio-s390-build-fix: iio: Don't build on s390. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/winbond-build-fixes: winbond: API fix. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update vanilla config files. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Thu Oct 8 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.32-rc1 (AKA 2.6.32-rc2). - Eliminated 28 patches. - 14 patches need further review. - Xen and AppArmor are currently disabled. - USB support in KDB is disabled. * Wed Oct 7 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/patch- Linux - major tty bugfix * Wed Oct 7 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc268-automic-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix yet another auto-mic bug in ALC268 (bnc#544899). * Wed Oct 7 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/block-seperate-rw-inflight-stats: Fix the regression, "iostat reports wrong service time and utilization", introduced by this patch (bnc#544926). * Tue Oct 6 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Delete. - both of these were not being used anyway. * Tue Oct 6 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to * Tue Oct 6 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc660vd-asus-a7k-fix: ALSA: hda - Add a workaround for ASUS A7K (bnc#494309). * Mon Oct 5 2009 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patch fuzz due to import. * Mon Oct 5 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to Linux - bugfixes, lots of them. - security fixes * Mon Oct 5 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc861-toshiba-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix invalid initializations for ALC861 auto mode (bnc#544161). * Fri Oct 2 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/add-via-chrome9-drm-support.patch: Delete. The code never got upstream and looks incorrect. * Fri Oct 2 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ctxfi-04-fix-surround-side-mute: ALSA: ctxfi: Swapped SURROUND-SIDE mute. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-rc1-toshiba-fix: ALSA: hda - Added quirk to enable sound on Toshiba NB200. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-rc2: ALSA: backport 2.6.32-rc2 fixes for HD-audio. * Thu Oct 1 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to and c/s 934. * Thu Oct 1 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete quickcam-kmp (bnc#543361). * Wed Sep 30 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bugfixes - security fixes * Wed Sep 30 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete the sle11 ocfs2-kmp. * Tue Sep 29 2009 trenn@suse.de - Disabled patches.suse/acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9a-2.6.25.patch with +trenn (bnc#542767) * Wed Sep 23 2009 teheo@suse.de - Update config files. Build pci-stub driver into the kernel so that built in pci drivers can be blocked from attaching to devices. * Tue Sep 22 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: when building against Linus' kernels (2.6.x), append a .0 to the kernel version embedded in the KMP version, to ensure that such KMP is older than a KMP built against a subsequent stable kernel (2.6.x.y, y > 0). * Mon Sep 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Sep 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9a-2.6.25.patch: Ported to 2.6.31 (bnc#533555). * Sat Sep 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/postun.sh: do not remove the bootloader entry if the kernel version didn't change (bnc#533766). * Sat Sep 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/postun.sh: remove dead code. * Fri Sep 18 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-replay-honor-ro: reiserfs: Properly honor read-only devices (bnc#441062). * Thu Sep 17 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_srat-pxm-rev-ia64.patch: Use SRAT table rev to use 8bit or 16/32bit PXM fields (ia64) (bnc#503038). - patches.arch/acpi_srat-pxm-rev-store.patch: Store SRAT table revision (bnc#503038). - patches.arch/acpi_srat-pxm-rev-x86-64.patch: Use SRAT table rev to use 8bit or 32bit PXM fields (x86-64) (bnc#503038). * Thu Sep 17 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-rc1: ALSA HD-audio backport from 2.6.32-rc1. * Wed Sep 16 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.31 final. * Tue Sep 15 2009 teheo@suse.de Backport attach inhibition for builtin pci drivers from 2.6.32-rc. - patches.drivers/pci-separate-out-pci_add_dynid: pci: separate out pci_add_dynid(). - patches.drivers/pci_stub-add-ids-parameter: pci-stub: add pci_stub.ids parameter. * Tue Sep 15 2009 teheo@suse.de Backport patches from 2.6.32-rc to ease ossp testing. - Update config files - SOUND_OSS_CORE_PRECLAIM is set to N. - patches.drivers/implement-register_chrdev: chrdev: implement __register_chrdev(). - patches.drivers/sound-make-oss-device-number-claiming-optional: sound: make OSS device number claiming optional and schedule its removal. - patches.drivers/sound-request-char-major-aliases-for-oss-devices: sound: request char-major-* module aliases for missing OSS devices. * Mon Sep 14 2009 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-client-module: Update header todo list with locking nits (semaphore used as mutex / completion) * Mon Sep 14 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Revert back to CONFIG_M586TSC from CONFIG_M686 for default flavor (bnc#538849) * Fri Sep 11 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/crasher-26.diff: Add capability to also trigger a kernel warning. * Fri Sep 11 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/block-seperate-rw-inflight-stats: Seperate read and write statistics of in_flight requests (fate#306525). * Thu Sep 10 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patch fuzz removal now that 2.6.31 is the base. * Thu Sep 10 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ELANTECH=y CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TOUCHKIT=y (bnc#525607) * Thu Sep 10 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-pre: Refresh: fix misc realtek issues, add another Nvidia HDMI device id * Thu Sep 10 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.31-final. * Tue Sep 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches for fuzz due to upstream changes * Tue Sep 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.31-rc9 - obsoletes: - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-fix-01-add-missing-mux-for-vt1708 - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-fix-02-mbp31-hp-fix * Tue Sep 8 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-Provide-set_params-interface-in-emc-device-handler.patch: scsi_dh: Provide set_params interface in emc device handler (bnc#521607). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-Use-scsi_dh_set_params-in-multipath.patch: scsi_dh: Use scsi_dh_set_params() in multipath. (bnc#521607). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-add-the-interface-scsi_dh_set_params.patch: scsi_dh: add the interface scsi_dh_set_params() (bnc#521607). * Mon Sep 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: delete obsolete macro. * Mon Sep 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: require minimum versions of module-init-tools and perl-Bootloader, the %%post script is no longer compatible with ancient versions. * Mon Sep 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete %%name-base <= 2.6.31, the previous <= 2.6.30-1 didn't catch some cases obviously (bnc#533766). * Fri Sep 4 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG=m (bnc#535923). * Fri Sep 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - kabi/severities, rpm/kabi.pl, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Use a simple script to check kabi by comparing Module.symvers files (similar to the old SLES9 one). - rpm/built-in-where: Delete. - rpm/symsets.pl: Delete. - kabi/commonsyms: Delete. - kabi/usedsyms: Delete. * Fri Sep 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/kbuild-rebuild-fix-for-Makefile.modbuiltin: kbuild: rebuild fix for Makefile.modbuiltin. * Thu Sep 3 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/usb-storage-increase-the-bcd-range-in-sony-s-bad-device-table.patch: Delete, it was wrong. * Wed Sep 2 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen config files. * Wed Sep 2 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.31-rc8 and c/s 931. - patches.fixes/use-totalram_pages: use totalram_pages in favor of num_physpages for sizing boot time allocations (bnc#509753). - patches.xen/xen-x86-per-cpu-vcpu-info: x86: use per-cpu storage for shared vcpu_info structure. * Wed Sep 2 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-pre: Refresh; merged fixes for IDT92HD73* codecs * Tue Sep 1 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: Update to latest git. * Tue Sep 1 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.arch/add_support_for_hpet_msi_intr_remap.patch: intr-remap: generic support for remapping HPET MSIs (bnc#532758). - patches.arch/add_x86_support_for_hpet_msi_intr_remap.patch: x86: arch specific support for remapping HPET MSIs (bnc#532758). * Tue Sep 1 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/package-descriptions: fix description of the x86_64 kernel-desktop package (bnc#535457). * Mon Aug 31 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.31-rc8. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Mon Aug 31 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-fix-01-add-missing-mux-for-vt1708: ALSA: hda - Add missing mux check for VT1708 (bnc#534904). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-fix-02-mbp31-hp-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix MacBookPro 3,1/4,1 quirk with ALC889A. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-pre: Refresh. * Wed Aug 26 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-[0-9]*: Delete, fold into a single patch patches.drivers/alsa-hda-2.6.32-pre * Tue Aug 25 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/samsung-backlight-driver.patch: Delete. * Tue Aug 25 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - scripts/run_oldconfig.sh: Consistently use $prefix. * Mon Aug 24 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete %%name-base <= 2.6.30-1 (bnc#530752). * Mon Aug 24 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.31-rc7. - Eliminated 3 patches. * Mon Aug 24 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_PROC_EVENTS. * Fri Aug 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/post.sh: Do not call /sbin/module_upgrade, the rename happened before SLES10. * Fri Aug 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/module-renames: Delete, we don't need to care about modules renamed before SLES10. Also, current mkinitrd gets the list of storage drivers based on pci ids. * Fri Aug 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/post.sh, rpm/postun.sh: drop support for SLE10, the package can't be installed on SLE10 as is, so why not make it more adventurous. * Fri Aug 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: remove product(openSUSE) supplements from the -extra subpackage which doesn't exist on openSUSE anymore. * Thu Aug 20 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-fix-0*: Backport from 2.6.31-rc fixes (to be merged) - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-32-Reword-auto-probe-messages: Refresh. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-33-IDT-codec-updates: Refresh. * Thu Aug 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update config files (modularize crypto again). - supported.conf: Add resulting modules as supported. * Wed Aug 19 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.31-rc6 and c/s 928. * Tue Aug 18 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-48-alc268-oops-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix invalid capture mixers with some ALC268 models. * Tue Aug 18 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/usb-storage-increase-the-bcd-range-in-sony-s-bad-device-table.patch: USB: storage: increase the bcd range in Sony's bad device table. (bnc#466554). * Mon Aug 17 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/samsung-backlight-driver.patch: Change the range from 0-255 to 0-7 to make it easier for HAL to handle the device without a need for custom scripts. * Mon Aug 17 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.31-rc6. * Sun Aug 16 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/samsung-backlight-driver.patch: added N120 support and some other devices that were integrated into the driver from upstream. * Sun Aug 16 2009 coly.li@suse.de - supported.conf: set kernel/fs/dlm/dlm as unsupported, since fs/dlm is provided separately in the ocfs2 KMP package * Sat Aug 15 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-47-idt92hd8x-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix / clean up IDT92HD83xxx codec parser (bnc#531533). * Sat Aug 15 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/samsung-backlight-driver.patch: Samsung backlight driver (bnc#527533, bnc#531297). * Fri Aug 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add some hints how to set the %%jobs macro (bnc#530535). * Fri Aug 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/modversions: for overriden functions, keep the keyword in - -pack. * Thu Aug 13 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.31-rc5-git9. - Eliminated 7 patches. * Thu Aug 13 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-42-hp-more-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirks for some HP laptops (bnc#527284). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-4[35]-*: Improve Realtek codec mic support - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-46-stac-lo-detect-fix: ALSA: hda - Enable line-out detection only with speakers (bnc#520975). * Wed Aug 12 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/split-modules, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add the base files also to the main package. That way, kernel-$flavor-base is not needed in normal setups (fate#307154). * Wed Aug 12 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides: no rpm provides for drivers/staging. It's higly unlikely that any KMP would require them and they just take up space in the rpm metadata. * Tue Aug 11 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-41-msi-white-list: ALSA: hda - Add a white-list for MSI option (bnc#529971). * Tue Aug 11 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-39-dont-override-ADC-definitions: ALSA: hda - Don't override ADC definitions for ALC codecs (bnc#529467). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-40-auto-mic-support-for-realtek: ALSA: hda - Add auto-mic support for Realtek codecs. * Tue Aug 11 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: do not rename kernel-source.rpmlintrc for the -rt variant. * Mon Aug 10 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.rpmify/staging-rtl8192su-fix-build-error.patch: move to patches.rpmify to fix vanilla ppc builds. * Mon Aug 10 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-38-fix-ALC269-vmaster: ALSA: hda - Add missing vmaster initialization for ALC269 (bnc#527361). * Mon Aug 10 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-33-IDT-codec-updates: Refresh. * Fri Aug 7 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/recordmcount-fixup: recordmcount: Fixup wrong update_funcs() call. * Fri Aug 7 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-soc-fsl-build-fixes: ASoC: Add missing DRV_NAME definitions for fsl/* drivers (to fix PPC builds) * Fri Aug 7 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.arch/wmi-Fix-kernel-panic-when-stack-protection-enabled: wmi: Fix kernel panic when stack protection enabled. (bnc#529177). - supported.conf: Update HD-audio modules * Fri Aug 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - make config/s390/vanilla a symlink again. * Fri Aug 7 2009 mmarek@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: do not manually extract vmlinux debuginfo on ppc(64), rpm does it itself. * Thu Aug 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Added kernel-spec-macros to Sources. * Thu Aug 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-even-faster-kms.patch: Disabled. It doesn't wake up the display on certain hardware. * Wed Aug 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: do not split the -extra subpackage on openSUSE (bnc#528097). * Wed Aug 5 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.31-rc5-git3. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Wed Aug 5 2009 gregkh@suse.de - kernel-source.changes: remove old (pre 2008) messages, and move 2008 to kernel-source.changes.old. No need to spam email addresses that are no longer with the company for failed kernel builds. * Wed Aug 5 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/staging-rtl8192su-fix-build-error.patch: Staging: rtl8192su: fix build error. * Wed Aug 5 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/supported-flag-enterprise: Make the supported flag configurable at build time (bnc#528097). * Wed Aug 5 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. disable CONFIG_DRM_RADEON_KMS as per bnc#527910 for vanilla builds * Tue Aug 4 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. disable CONFIG_DRM_RADEON_KMS as per bnc#527910 * Tue Aug 4 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/ttm-pgprot-fixes: ttm: Use pgprot_val for comparing pgprot_t. * Tue Aug 4 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-3[0-8]*: ALSA HD-audio updates - Update config files: enable CONFIG_SND_HDA_CIRRUS=y * Mon Aug 3 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: CONFIG_FRAME_WARN=2048 on all arches, fixes ppc build failures. * Mon Aug 3 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.31-rc4-rc5: Fixup pgtable port * Mon Aug 3 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.31-rc5. - Eliminated 11 patches. * Mon Aug 3 2009 coly.li@suse.de - Update config files to enable CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG. * Fri Jul 31 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.31-rc4 and c/s 916. - patches.xen/xen3-driver-core-misc-add-nodename-support-for-misc-devices.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-panic-on-io-nmi.diff: Delete. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - Update config files. * Wed Jul 29 2009 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: revert to CONFIG_SND=m and enabled again CONFIG_SND_DEBUG=y * Tue Jul 28 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Update config files: disable CONFIG_PRISM2_USB on ia64 and ppc. * Tue Jul 28 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Update config files: disable CONFIG_FB_UDL on ia64. * Tue Jul 28 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - config.conf: Remove duplicate i386/desktop entry. * Tue Jul 28 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-29-Add-quirk-for-Dell-Studio-1555: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for Dell Studio 1555 (bnc#525244). * Mon Jul 27 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-pcm-*: ALSA PCM fixes - Fix/enhancement patches backported from ALSA tree * patches.drivers/alsa-core-Add-new-TLV-types-for-dBwith-min-max: ALSA: Add new TLV types for dBwith min/max (for usb). * patches.drivers/alsa-ctxfi-*: SB X-Fi support (FATE#306935). * patches.drivers/alsa-hda-*: More HD-audio fixes * patches.drivers/alsa-ice-*: ICE17xx fixes * patches.drivers/alsa-midi-*: MIDI fixes * patches.drivers/alsa-usb-*: USB-audio/MIDI fixes - Remove obsoleted patches: patches.drivers/alsa-ad1984a-hp-quirks, patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-capture-bufsize-fix, patches.drivers/alsa-ctxfi - Update config files. * Mon Jul 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: really drop config-subst from the package. * Mon Jul 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: manually create a -devel-debuginfo subpackage with vmlinux.debug to fix build with new rpm. This works for ix86 and x86_64, other archs might need further fixes. * Mon Jul 27 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/rtl8192su-build-fix: more ia64 fixes * Mon Jul 27 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/rtl8192su-build-fix: rtl8192su: compile fixes. * Mon Jul 27 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/rtl8192su-build-fix: rtl8192su: compile fixes. * Sat Jul 25 2009 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Re-enabled trace flavor. * Fri Jul 24 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled optimize for size on i386 and x86_64 across all flavors. * Fri Jul 24 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.31-rc4. * Thu Jul 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: cleanup %%cpu_arch_flavor definition, make %%symbols a variable and only use it for selecting patches. Also drop the RT symbol as there are not rt patches currently. * Thu Jul 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - Change the s390(x) config layout so that each arch has its own subdirectory, as it is done for other archs. s390/vanilla is a symlink to s390x/vanilla. * Thu Jul 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-*.spec.in, rpm/kernel-spec-macros: move some common macros to kernel-spec-macros. * Wed Jul 22 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-capture-bufsize-fix: ALSA: ca0106 - Fix the max capture buffer size (bnc#521890). * Wed Jul 22 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ctxfi: Add SoundBlaster X-Fi support (FATE#306935). - Update config files. * Wed Jul 22 2009 trenn@suse.de These are mainline: - patches.drivers/cpufreq_add_cpu_number_paramater_1.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_add_idle_microaccounting_6.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_change_load_calculation_2.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_changes_to_get_cpu_idle_us_5.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_get_cpu_idle_time_changes_3.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_parameterize_down_differential_4.patch: Delete. * Wed Jul 22 2009 trenn@suse.de These are mainline: - patches.arch/acpi_video_thinkpad_exclude_IGD_devices.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/thinkpad_fingers_off_backlight_igd.patch: Delete. * Tue Jul 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: remove double-slash from include2/asm symlink. * Tue Jul 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - config.conf, rpm/mkspec: exclude trace, kdump and ia64/debug from the kernel-syms package. These flavor are often excluded in KMPs, so excluding them from kernel-syms reduces useless build dependencies. KMPs can buildrequire kernel-$flavor-devel explicitely if desired. * Tue Jul 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz Delete obsolete apparmor patches. - patches.apparmor/add-path_permission.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/add-security_path_permission: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-2.6.25.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-audit.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-intree.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-lsm.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-main.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-misc.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-module_interface.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-network.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-path_permission: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-ptrace-2.6.27.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/apparmor-rlimits.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/d_namespace_path.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/d_namespace_path_oops_fix.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/do_path_lookup-nameidata.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/export-security_inode_permission-for-aufs: Delete. - patches.apparmor/file-handle-ops.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fix-complain.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fix-vfs_rmdir.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fork-tracking.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fsetattr-reintro-ATTR_FILE.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fsetattr-restore-ia_file.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/fsetattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/remove_suid.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-create.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-getxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-link.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-listxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-mkdir.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-mknod.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-readlink.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-removexattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-rename.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-rmdir.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-setattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-setxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-symlink.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-unlink.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/security-xattr-file.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/sysctl-pathname.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/unambiguous-__d_path.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-getxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-link.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-listxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-mkdir.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-mknod.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-notify_change.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-removexattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-rename.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-rmdir.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-setxattr.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-symlink.diff: Delete. - patches.apparmor/vfs-unlink.diff: Delete. * Tue Jul 21 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files for bnc#522686 -- set CONFIG_SECURITY_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR=65536. * Mon Jul 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled optimize for size on all flavors (FATE#305694) * Mon Jul 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Jul 20 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to - lots of security and bug fixes - Obsoleted patches.fixes/firmware-memmap-64bit.diff * Mon Jul 20 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/split-modules: set LC_COLLATE=C * Sat Jul 18 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/package-descriptions: Added desktop description. * Sat Jul 18 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/package-descriptions: Added desktop description. * Sat Jul 18 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Add -desktop flavors for i386 and x86_64 - Disabled group scheduler and groups - Disabled optimize for size - Enabled full preemption - Set HZ=1000 * Sat Jul 18 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Add -desktop flavors for i386 and x86_64 (FATE#305694) - Disabled group scheduler and groups - Disabled optimize for size - Enabled full preemption - Set HZ=1000 * Fri Jul 17 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: ia64 build fix * Fri Jul 17 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: simplify the add_dirs_to_filelist function and make it less chatty in build logs. * Thu Jul 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: ia64 build fix * Thu Jul 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.apparmor/security-default-lsm: security: Define default LSM (bnc#442668). * Thu Jul 16 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: AppArmor. * Thu Jul 16 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/apparmor.diff: AppArmor. * Thu Jul 16 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/sgi-hotplug-fixup: hotplug: fix sgi-hotplug attribute handling. * Thu Jul 16 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: drop the config-subst script, use scripts/config instead. * Thu Jul 16 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix debugsource generation. * Thu Jul 16 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/split-modules: fix last change. * Wed Jul 15 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/split-modules: fix for module names with underscores or dashes. * Wed Jul 15 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.31-rc3. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Wed Jul 15 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: annotate in which products the obsoleted kmps were last used, remove "ralink-rt2860-kmp" which I couldn't find anywhere. * Wed Jul 15 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsolete btusb-kmp (bnc#514375). * Tue Jul 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/split-modules: move generating of the base / main / unsupported module lists to a separate script. Avoids 6k modinfo calls and fixes module dependencies (bnc#512179). * Mon Jul 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix include2/asm symlink (bnc#509680). * Mon Jul 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/modversions: fix overriding of function symbols. * Mon Jul 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/modversions: fix overriding of unknown symbols. * Tue Jul 7 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_allow_bad_checksum: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_call_dump_eeprom: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_use_set_memory_ro-rw_to_protect_flash_memory: Delete. Delete the leftover debugging patches for e1000e EEPROM corruption that are not needed anymore. * Tue Jul 7 2009 aj@suse.de - README.BRANCH: Update, kotd will become 11.2 eventually. * Mon Jul 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.31-rc2. * Fri Jul 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.31-rc1-git10. - Eliminated 28 patches. - Xen is disabled. * Fri Jul 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/kbuild-generate-modules.builtin: kbuild: generate modules.builtin. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: package modules.builtin for use by modprobe / mkinitrd. * Fri Jul 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: simplify the patch applying loops to reduce noise in build logs. * Tue Jun 30 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: chmod +x find-provides * Tue Jun 30 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: do not "annotate" the packaged Modules.symvers - patches.suse/modpost-filter-out-built-in-depends: Delete. * Tue Jun 30 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/ia64-page-migration: Fix compiler warning. * Mon Jun 29 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: move /boot/symvers* files back to - base, these are needed during KMP installation. * Mon Jun 29 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.fixes/kbuild-fix-generating-of-.symtypes-files: kbuild: fix generating of *.symtypes files. - patches.suse/genksyms-add-override-flag.diff: Refresh. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: create the *.symref files in the build directory * Fri Jun 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add Provides: kernel-{base,extra} to the subpackages (bnc#516827). * Wed Jun 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. revert the ACPI and thermal config changes: config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_ACPI_AC=m CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY=m CONFIG_ACPI_BUTTON=m CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO=m CONFIG_ACPI_FAN=m CONFIG_ACPI_PROCESSOR=m CONFIG_ACPI_THERMAL=m CONFIG_ACPI_CONTAINER=m CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ=m CONFIG_THERMAL=m * Wed Jun 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/ec_merge_irq_and_poll_modes.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-retry-root-mount.patch: Delete. * Wed Jun 24 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.30 and c/s 908. - Update Xen config files. - patches.xen/tmem: Transcendent memory ("tmem") for Linux. * Tue Jun 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_ACPI_AC=y CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY=y CONFIG_ACPI_BUTTON=y CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO=y CONFIG_ACPI_FAN=y CONFIG_ACPI_PROCESSOR=y CONFIG_ACPI_THERMAL=y CONFIG_ACPI_CONTAINER=y CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ=y CONFIG_THERMAL=y * Tue Jun 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_SND_TIMER=y CONFIG_SND_PCM=y CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER=y CONFIG_SND_MIXER_OSS=y CONFIG_SND_PCM_OSS=y * Tue Jun 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. fix up config mistake in x86-64/default made in last commit. * Tue Jun 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL=y CONFIG_SOUND=y CONFIG_SND=y * Tue Jun 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_I2C=y CONFIG_HWMON=y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_IPV6=y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_HID=y CONFIG_USB_STORAGE=y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_ATA_PIIX=Y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD=Y CONFIG_USB_OHCI_HCD=Y CONFIG_USB_UHCI_HCD=Y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_CFG80211=Y CONFIG_LIB80211=Y CONFIG_MAC80211=Y CONFIG_ATH5K=Y * Sat Jun 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. config/i386/pae and config/x86-64/default: CONFIG_X86_MSR=Y CONFIG_X86_CPUID=Y * Fri Jun 19 2009 gregkh@suse.de - comment out broken acpi patch for the moment. * Fri Jun 19 2009 gregkh@suse.de - move the "preload" branch into master to get 2.6.30 working for Moblin. - Update config files. - patches.drivers/alsa-ad1984a-hp-quirks: ALSA: update HP quirks for Zenith & co (bnc#472789, bnc#479617, bnc#502425, bnc#503101). - patches.suse/driver-core-add-nodename-callbacks.patch: Driver Core: add nodename callbacks. - patches.suse/driver-core-aoe-add-nodename-for-aoe-devices.patch: Driver Core: aoe: add nodename for aoe devices. - patches.suse/driver-core-block-add-nodename-support-for-block-drivers.patch: Driver Core: block: add nodename support for block drivers.. - patches.suse/driver-core-bsg-add-nodename-for-bsg-driver.patch: Driver Core: bsg: add nodename for bsg driver. - patches.suse/driver-core-devtmpfs-driver-core-maintained-dev-tmpfs.patch: Driver Core: devtmpfs - kernel-maintained tmpfs-based /dev. - patches.suse/driver-core-drm-add-nodename-for-drm-devices.patch: Driver Core: drm: add nodename for drm devices. - patches.suse/driver-core-dvb-add-nodename-for-dvb-drivers.patch: Driver Core: dvb: add nodename for dvb drivers. - patches.suse/driver-core-input-add-nodename-for-input-drivers.patch: Driver Core: input: add nodename for input drivers. - patches.suse/driver-core-misc-add-nodename-support-for-misc-devices.patch: Driver Core: misc: add nodename support for misc devices.. - patches.suse/driver-core-raw-add-nodename-for-raw-devices.patch: Driver Core: raw: add nodename for raw devices. - patches.suse/driver-core-sound-add-nodename-for-sound-drivers.patch: Driver Core: sound: add nodename for sound drivers. - patches.suse/driver-core-usb-add-nodename-support-for-usb-drivers.patch: Driver Core: usb: add nodename support for usb drivers.. - patches.suse/driver-core-x86-add-nodename-for-cpuid-and-msr-drivers.patch: Driver Core: x86: add nodename for cpuid and msr drivers.. - patches.suse/ec_merge_irq_and_poll_modes.patch: ACPI: EC: Merge IRQ and POLL modes. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-dont-wait-for-mouse.patch: fastboot: remove "wait for all devices before mounting root" delay. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-enable-async-by-default.patch: enable async_enabled by default. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-even-faster-kms.patch: speed up kms even more. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-jbd-longer-commit-interval.patch: jbd: longer commit interval. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-kms-after-sata.patch: make kms happen after sata. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-retry-root-mount.patch: fastboot: retry mounting the root fs if we can't find init. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-silence-acer-message.patch: Silence acer wmi driver on non-acer machines. - patches.suse/linux-2.6.29-touchkit.patch: some new touch screen device ids . - patches.suse/uvcvideo-ignore-hue-control-for-5986-0241.patch: uvcvideo: ignore hue control for 5986:0241 (bnc#499152). - patches.suse/devtmpfs.patch: Delete. * Fri Jun 12 2009 greg@suse.de - scripts/sequence-patch.sh: fix bug in ketchup usage * Wed Jun 10 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.30-final. * Wed Jun 10 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.30-rc8 and c/s 898. - Update Xen config files. - patches.xen/pci-reserve: linux/pci: reserve io/memory space for bridge. - patches.xen/xen-x86-exports: Delete. * Tue Jun 9 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: update copyright header and change indentation to what autobuild enforces on checkin. No functional change. * Tue Jun 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind-add-declaration.patch: Fold into ... - patches.suse/stack-unwind: ... this one. * Tue Jun 9 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: move /boot/vmlinux-*.gz to -devel again. - rpm/find-provides: don't generate the ksym() provides ourself, let rpm do it. Add a workaround for vmlinux-*.gz in -devel. * Mon Jun 8 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/reiser4-set_page_dirty_notag: mm: Add set_page_dirty_notag() helper for reiser4. * Fri Jun 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: add Enhances: kernel-$flavor to kmps (bnc#502092). * Thu Jun 4 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.30-rc8. * Thu Jun 4 2009 sdietrich@suse.de - supported.conf: remove duplicate kernel/drivers/md/dm-log * Thu Jun 4 2009 teheo@suse.de Conver ide major allocation. - patches.suse/block-add-mangle-devt-switch: block: add genhd.mangle_devt parameter (fate#305584). * Mon Jun 1 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.30-rc7-git4. * Fri May 29 2009 teheo@suse.de Rename mangle_minor to mangle_devt and also cover sd major allocation. - patches.suse/block-add-mangle-devt-switch: block: add genhd.mangle_devt parameter (fate#305584). * Fri May 29 2009 teheo@suse.de - Update config files to enable DEBUG_BLOCK_EXT_DEVT on all configs except for vanilla and ppc/ps3. - patches.suse/block-add-mangle-devt-switch: block: add genhd.mangle_minor parameter (fate#305584). * Thu May 28 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-scan-blist-update: Add BLIST_REPORTLUN2 to EMC SYMMETRIX (bnc#185164, bnc#191648, bnc#505578). * Wed May 27 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.30-rc7-git2. * Wed May 27 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ath1e-add-new-device-id-for-asus-hardware.patch: ath1e: add new device id for asus hardware. * Tue May 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/mkspec: when using a custom release number, create a get_release_number.sh script for autobuild. * Tue May 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: workaround for bnc#507084: strip binaries in /usr/src/linux-obj/*/*/scripts. * Tue May 26 2009 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.drivers/r8169-allow-true-forced-mode-setting.patch: r8169: allow true forced mode setting (bnc#467518). * Mon May 25 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - switch i386 flavors back to -default (non-pae) and -pae for milestone2 * Sun May 24 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides: fix for kernel-kdump. * Sat May 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/symsets.pl: workaround to fix provides of built-in symbols: move vmlinux*.gz back to -base and extract the provides from it. * Fri May 22 2009 teheo@suse.de - patches.arch/i586-unwind-quick-fix: i586-relocs: ignore NONE relocation. * Fri May 22 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/compute-PATCHVERSION.sh, rpm/mkspec, scripts/tar-up.sh: avoid unpacking the patches tarballs in compute-PATCHVERSION.sh. * Fri May 22 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/mkspec: add --release option to set a custom release string. - scripts/tar-up.sh: revive -rs option. * Wed May 20 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.arch/acpi_thermal_passive_blacklist.patch, patches.suse/devtmpfs.patch: fix patches to apply with git-apply. * Tue May 19 2009 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.suse/stack-unwind-add-declaration.patch: Fix compile error when CONFIG_STACK_UNWIND is not set. * Tue May 19 2009 jblunck@suse.de - patches.rpmify/arm-arch_include_asm-fix.diff: ARM: move mach-types.h to arch/include/asm. * Tue May 19 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Set CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y * Tue May 19 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Restored CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH=y and CONFIG_FB_VESA=y on x86/x86_64 (bnc#504608) * Tue May 19 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/sfc-endianness: fix building with gcc 4.4. * Tue May 19 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.30/rc6-git3 and c/s 873. * Mon May 18 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Updated to 2.6.30-rc6-git3. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Fri May 15 2009 jeffm@suse.de - doc/README.SUSE: Updated to reflect building in an external directory so as not to contaminate /usr/src/linux * Thu May 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix path in /usr/src/linux-obj/.../Makefile. * Thu May 14 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: provide kernel-$flavor-devel = %%version-%%source_rel in the -devel packages (bnc#503280). * Wed May 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: also fix kernel-$flavor-devel requires (bnc#503280). * Wed May 13 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/mkspec: fix kernel-syms requires (bnc#503280). * Mon May 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/dup2-retval-fix: dup2: Fix return value with oldfd == newfd and invalid fd (bnc#498042). * Mon May 11 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/reiserfs-xattr-fixup: reiserfs: clean up ifdefs. - patches.fixes/reiserfs-xattr-root-fixup: reiserfs: deal with NULL xattr root w/ xattrs disabled. - patches.fixes/reiserfs-xattrs-disabled-perms: reiserfs: fixup perms when xattrs are disabled. - patches.fixes/reiserfs-expose-privroot: reiserfs: allow exposing privroot w/ xattrs enabled. * Mon May 11 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.30-rc5-git1. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Wed May 6 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. update vanilla configs so that the build works. * Wed May 6 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/devtmpfs.patch: driver-core: devtmpfs - driver-core maintained /dev tmpfs. * Tue May 5 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. * Tue May 5 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.30-rc4-git1. - patches.rpmify/fix-unexpected-non-allocable-warnings-with-suse-gcc: kbuild, modpost: fix "unexpected non-allocatable" warning with SUSE gcc. * Tue May 5 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/iwl3945-build: iwl3945: fix ia64/ppc build. * Tue May 5 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.30-rc4: Fix ia64 build. * Tue May 5 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Also initialize PT_GS() on 32-bit. - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: Refresh. * Tue May 5 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.29-rc4 and c/s 867. - Update i386 and x86_64 config files. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. * Tue May 5 2009 teheo@suse.de - patches.suse/kbuild-icecream-workaround: kbuild: add workaround for icecream bug (bnc#495786). * Fri May 1 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/reiserfs-xattr-locking: reiserfs: Expand i_mutex to enclose lookup_one_len. * Fri May 1 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.30-rc4. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Fri May 1 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.drivers/libata-prefer-over-ide: libata: prefer libata drivers over ide ones (bnc#433105). - patches.fixes/reiserfs-xattr-locking: reiserfs: Expand i_mutex to enclose lookup_one_len. - patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.30-rc3-rc4: - patches.suse/no-frame-pointer-select: Fix stack unwinder Kconfig (bnc#402518). - patches.arch/s390-08-05-af_iucv-msgpeek-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/fix-periodic-mode-programming-on-amd81xx: Delete. * Thu Apr 30 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/submit-to-bs: tentative script to submit a new kernel to openSUSE:Factory * Tue Apr 28 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.apparmor/unambiguous-__d_path.diff: Put a reminder in here to fix the lock order problem when the patch is updated to HEAD. * Mon Apr 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: Fix prepending EXTRAVERSION, rename the variable back to @RELEASE_PREFIX@. * Mon Apr 27 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: prepend the EXTRAVERSION to the rpm release string (note that this won't have any effect in the openSUSE:* projects). * Fri Apr 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - build rtc_cmos driver into the kernel for i386 and x86-64 default kernels. This should automatically take care of the rtc/system time syncing so we don't need to do it in a boot script and should speed up booting time a lot. * Fri Apr 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. change CONFIG_ATA=y and CONFIG_SATA_AHCI=y * Fri Apr 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. change to CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y and CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y * Fri Apr 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. change to CONFIG_SCSI=y and CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y * Fri Apr 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. change to use CONFIG_USB=y * Thu Apr 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Added legacy config. * Thu Apr 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Temporarily disabled patches.suse/acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9a-2.6.25.patch * Thu Apr 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Moved i386 kernel-default to kernel-legacy. - Moved i386 kernel-pae config to kernel-default. - Disabled CONFIG_ISA in i386 kernel-default to improve boot speed. * Thu Apr 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.30-rc3. * Thu Apr 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/fix-periodic-mode-programming-on-amd81xx: x86: hpet: fix periodic mode programming on AMD 81xx. - patches.fixes/hpet-boot-fix: Delete. * Mon Apr 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/hpet-boot-fix: hpet: fix "IO-APIC + timer doesn't work!" * Mon Apr 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.30-rc2-git6. * Wed Apr 15 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.30-rc2. - trace and xen flavors disabled. - CONFIG_OTUS disabled on ppc. - request-based multipath could use some testing. - Eliminated 96 patches. * Fri Apr 10 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/devel-post.sh, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Created i586 symlink for i386. * Fri Apr 10 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Added /usr/src/linux-obj to -devel * Fri Apr 10 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Use xargs -r to fix case when no modules are supported. * Fri Apr 10 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Moved linux-obj symlink handling to kernel-$flavor-devel. * Fri Apr 10 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/package-descriptions: Add comment. * Fri Apr 10 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: Rename the timestamp file to source-timestamp instead, so that autobuild does not add the timestamp verbatim. * Thu Apr 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.29 final and c/s 854. - patches.xen/sfc-external-sram: enable access to Falcon's external SRAM (bnc#489105). - patches.xen/sfc-sync-headers: sync Solarflare accelerator headers (bnc#489105). - Update Xen config files. * Wed Apr 8 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: Fix last change: do not add the timestamp if it is already added verbatim (by prepare_spec during checkin) * Tue Apr 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: Add source timestamp to package descriptions. * Tue Apr 7 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: add descriptions to generated spec files. - rpm/package-descriptions: descriptions of binary packages. * Mon Apr 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Enabled STAGING on !x86 and disabled COMEDI. * Mon Apr 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.rpmify/split-package: Enable * Mon Apr 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Fixed i386-vanilla. * Mon Apr 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/xfs-export-debug: xfs: export assertion handler. * Mon Apr 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Switch from SPARSEMEM to DISCONTIGMEM on i386. * Sun Apr 5 2009 jeffm@suse.com - scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh: Added pae to the important specfiles list. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Fix missing ia64-debug. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.xen/sfc-resource-driver: Fix uninitialized var warning. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Drop NR_CPUS back to 128 on i386. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Added CONFIG_SPLIT_PACKAGE. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Enabled STAGING drivers on -vanilla. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jblunck@suse.de - patches.rpmify/rpm-kernel-config: Rediff. * Fri Apr 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: chmod +x mkspec arch-symbols compute-PATCHVERSION.sh * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files: Enabled STAGING drivers. * Fri Apr 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Sync up kernel configs for x86/x86_64 flavors. * Fri Apr 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/mkspec: do not package the binary spec files anymore. * Thu Apr 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/modversions: keep the override keyword in --pack. * Thu Apr 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/mkspec, scripts/tar-up.sh: remove @TOLERATE_UNKNOWN_NEW_CONFIG_OPTIONS@ expansion, check for a file named TOLERATE-UNKNOWN-NEW-CONFIG-OPTIONS in sourcedir instead. * Thu Apr 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: set LC_ALL=C in rpm -q call * Thu Apr 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add @FLAVOR@ again to avoid %%%%(...) expansion * Thu Apr 2 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/mkspec: new script to generate spec files from *.spec.in templates - rpm/compute-PATCHVERSION.sh, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: add to the source rpm - scripts/tar-up.sh: just tar up patches directories and call mkspec * Tue Mar 31 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-dummy.spec.in: Delete. * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - doc/README.KSYMS: Add to repo. * Tue Mar 31 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - config.conf, rpm/old-packages.conf, scripts/arch-symbols, scripts/run_oldconfig.sh, scripts/tar-up.sh: drop the arch symbols completely, only map the various ix86 archs to i386. * Tue Mar 31 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - doc/README.SUSE: allow_unsupported_modules needs to be set before installing the kernel (bnc#484664). * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Add %%changelog to spec files * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Clean up %%build_$flavor macros * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Create kernel-source-vanilla * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: Depend on kernel-$flavor-devel * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: Create a %%using_buildservice macro * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, scripts/sequence-patch.sh, scripts/tar-up.sh: kernel-{binary,source}: Remove arch guards * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - doc/README.SUSE, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: Move development files from kernel-source to kernel-$flavor-devel * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Remove $CONFIG_MODULES * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Remove duplicate CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Use macros for cpu_arch * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: kernel-{source,binary}: Use path-related rpm macros * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Use a %%kernelrelease macro. * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/source-post.sh, scripts/tar-up.sh: Use %%variant instead of $variant * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - kernel-source: Kill old obsoletes * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: Use %%var instead of @VAR@ except where necessary * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - kernel-syms: Sort by flavor, not architecture * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - kernel-syms: Stop the architecture %%else madness * Tue Mar 31 2009 jeffm@suse.de - kernel-binary: Stop the architecture %%else madness * Mon Mar 30 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Removed -RT guards and a dead patch. * Mon Mar 30 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-prealloc-fix: Delete. * Mon Mar 30 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-inode-init: Delete. * Thu Mar 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/config.sh: introduce rpm/config.sh, defining SRCVERSION and VARIANT variables. * Tue Mar 24 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.29-final. - Eliminated 4 patches. * Fri Mar 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen config files. - Update Xen patches to 2.6.29-rc8 and c/s 821. * Wed Mar 18 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-*.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: don't add "" to the release, breaks plain rpmbuild. * Tue Mar 17 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: don't generate symsets - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: don't package symsets - rpm/find-provides: disable symset provides - rpm/macros.kernel-source: don't check for /boot/symsets* (fate#305945) * Tue Mar 17 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/loop-barriers: Delete. - patches.fixes/loop-barriers2: Delete. Remove non-mainline patches to loop driver making it honour O_SYNC, sync requests and barriers. (bnc#485089), (bnc#471249) * Mon Mar 16 2009 bphilips@suse.de - README: add rough guide to updating KABI * Fri Mar 13 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.29-rc8. * Thu Mar 12 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/fix-nf_conntrack_slp, patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_get_base_syscall_attr.patch, patches.suse/perfmon2.patch, patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: fix build warnings. * Thu Mar 12 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches addressing several issues in initial commit - Update Xen config files (re-enable oprofile, disable novfs). - patches.xen/xen3-x86_64-unwind-annotations: fix unwind annotations in entry_64-xen.S. * Thu Mar 12 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: fix unwind annotations in entry_64.S. * Thu Mar 12 2009 rgoldwyn@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-creds-change-2.6.29: Changing credential according to new task_struct. * Wed Mar 11 2009 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Use split_packages only if supported.conf is not empty. * Mon Mar 9 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: renamed modprobe config to /etc/modprobe.d/50-module-renames.conf (required by new module-init-tools). * Mon Mar 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.29-rc4: fix ia64 build. * Mon Mar 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen config files (get tracing options back in sync with default). * Fri Mar 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER on Xen. * Fri Mar 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Enabled Xen for building. * Fri Mar 6 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.29-rc7. * Fri Mar 6 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - Update config files: enabled wireless debugging in -debug flavors. * Fri Mar 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/get_release_number.sh.in, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh, doc/README.SUSE: finally drop kernel-dummy - rpm/prepare-build.sh: Delete. * Wed Mar 4 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.29-rc7. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Wed Mar 4 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: workaround a bash bug (bnc#481817) in kernel-vanilla.spec. * Tue Mar 3 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.suse/export-security_inode_permission: Export security_inode_permission for aufs. * Thu Feb 26 2009 jeffm@suse.com - scripts/tar-up.sh: Add -u to update existing spec files. * Thu Feb 26 2009 sven@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix sub-package install-time conflict. * Wed Feb 25 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/tar-up.sh: create tarballs that don't change unnecessarily: set owner/group to nobody/nobody, mtime to time of the latest commit and sort the input files. * Tue Feb 24 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update to 2.6.29-rc6-git1. * Sat Feb 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: also check if the package versions match (bnc#478462) * Fri Feb 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: fix 32-bit arch_unwind_init_running(). * Fri Feb 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: fix patch fuzz. * Fri Feb 20 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - misc/xen-port-patches.py: Adjust fro new x86 header placement. - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: fix unwind annotations (bnc#472783). - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Properlz hook up unwinder again. * Fri Feb 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-common: Build fix with -I directive. * Fri Feb 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Fri Feb 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.29-rc5-git3. - Eliminated 1 patch. * Thu Feb 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/symsets.pl: allow passing only Module.symvers and no modules * Wed Feb 18 2009 olh@suse.de - disable ppc601 support, disable unused framebuffer drivers * Wed Feb 18 2009 olh@suse.de - disable kdump on ppc32 * Mon Feb 16 2009 jeffm@suse.com - Update config files. * Sat Feb 14 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.29-rc5. * Fri Feb 13 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.29-rc4-git7. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Mon Feb 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rpmify/spin_is_contended-fix: spin_is_contended Kconfig fixes. * Mon Feb 9 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.29-rc4. - Eliminated 3 patches. * Fri Feb 6 2009 jeffm@suse.com - patches.fixes/fix-warning-while-mapping-0-1MB-range-with-dev-mem: x86, pat: fix warn_on_once() while mapping 0-1MB range. * Fri Feb 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage, rpm/post.sh, rpm/postun.sh: fix last change: don't pass -e to weak-modules2. * Fri Feb 6 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage, rpm/post.sh, rpm/postun.sh: pass down shell options like -x to weak-modules2 to make debugging with rpm -ivv easier. * Tue Feb 3 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/fix-nf_conntrack_slp: make nf_conntrack_slp actually work (bnc#470963). * Tue Feb 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/tar-up.sh: fix branch name in KOTD packages. * Tue Feb 3 2009 olh@suse.de - config.conf: readde -debug flavor for ppc64 * Tue Feb 3 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvfc_prli_initiator_fix.patch: Better handle other FC initiators (bnc#471217 - LTC51238) * Tue Feb 3 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/wd-functions.sh: display master as "master", not "HEAD" or "". * Mon Feb 2 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/ath9k-fix-led_device_naming.diff: ath9k: fix led naming. - patches.fixes/b43legacy-fix-led_device_naming.diff: b43legacy: fix led naming. - patches.fixes/iwlwifi-fix-iwl-3945_led_device_naming.diff: iwlwifi: another led naming fix. - patches.fixes/iwlwifi-fix-iwl-led_device_naming.diff: iwlwifi: fix led naming . - patches.fixes/rt2x00-fix-led_device_naming.diff: rt2x00: fix led naming. * Mon Feb 2 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.29-rc3-git3. - Eliminated 6 patches. * Mon Feb 2 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.29-rc3. - AppArmor is disabled. - Xen is disabled. - Eliminated 745 patches. * Mon Feb 2 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled patches.suse/reiserfs_warning-reentrant * Mon Feb 2 2009 rw@suse.de - patches.fixes/xpc-pass-physical, patches.kabi/xpc-pass-physical: kABI: restore upstream patch, add ABI cover-up. (bnc#458811) * Mon Feb 2 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/serial-jsm-enable_ms.patch: Add enable_ms to jsm driver (bnc#471224 - LTC51066) * Mon Feb 2 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-optimize-sync.patch: Optimise smp_{r,w}mb and mutex (bnc#471222 - LTC51356) * Sat Jan 31 2009 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches for fuzz due to import. * Sat Jan 31 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kabi/abi-fix-add-epoll_devs-back-to-struct-user_struct.patch: ABI fix: add epoll_devs back to struct user_struct. * Sat Jan 31 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of security fixes - lots of bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.drivers/alsa-virtuoso-no-eeprom-overwrite - patches.drivers/pata_via.c-support-vx855-and-future-chips-whose-ide-controller-use-0x0571.patch - patches.fixes/SUNRPC-Fix-autobind-on-cloned-rpc-clients.patch - patches.fixes/sysfs-fix-problems-with-binary-files.patch - patches.fixes/xpc-fix-NULL-deref - patches.fixes/xpc-write-barrier * Fri Jan 30 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-migration_hang_fix.patch: Fix partition migration hang under load (bnc#470563 - LTC51153) * Fri Jan 30 2009 olh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_DEBUG_STACKOVERFLOW and CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE on ppc/ppc64 * Fri Jan 30 2009 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-fix-EH-device-failure-handling: libata: fix EH device failure handling (bnc#470845). * Thu Jan 29 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-08-08-add_qdio_utilization.patch: zfcp: queue_full is lacking the entry for qdio utilization (bnc#466462). * Thu Jan 29 2009 gregkh@suse.de - add ability to debug kernel using USB debug connector. - Update config files. - patches.suse/usb-move-ehci-reg-def.patch: usb: move ehci reg def. - patches.suse/x86-usb-debug-port-early-console-v4.patch: x86: usb debug port early console, v4. * Thu Jan 29 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.kabi/abi-fix-add-s_syncing-back-to-struct-super_block.patch patches.kabi/abi-fix-add-wb_sync_hold-enum-writeback_sync_modes.patch patches.kabi/export-iwl_rx_allocate patches.kabi/sched-kabi-compat-hack.patch: Introduce patches.kabi/ for patches that only work around kabi issues and can be safely dropped at the next SP. * Wed Jan 28 2009 agruen@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Add missing pageattr.c changes to pageattr-xen.c (bnc#439348). * Wed Jan 28 2009 agruen@suse.de - patches.suse/x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: Add mark_rodata_rw() to un-protect read-only kernel code pages (bnc#439348). - patches.xen/xen-x86-mark_rodata_rw.patch: xen specific part (bnc#439348). * Wed Jan 28 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - config/s390/s390: the -man package still fails for s390, disable it * Wed Jan 28 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix build of the -man subpackage on 31bit s390 * Wed Jan 28 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - fix kernel-default.ppc64 reference symsets * Wed Jan 28 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch: x86 cpumask: Updates to support NR_CPUS=4096 (bnc#425240 FATE304266). [cpu_mask_to_apicid bigsmp fix] * Wed Jan 28 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvscsi-module_alias.patch: map scsi proc_name to module name (bnc#459933 - LTC50724) * Tue Jan 27 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disable ftrace in -debug on ppc64 * Tue Jan 27 2009 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Added -debug flavor for ppc64. * Tue Jan 27 2009 bwalle@suse.de - patches.drivers/libfc-set-the-release-function.diff: Whitespace change. * Tue Jan 27 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/libfc-fix-read-IO-data-integrity: libfc: IO data integrity issue when a IO data frame lost (bnc#469536). * Tue Jan 27 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - re-enable patches.xen/xen3-e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw. * Tue Jan 27 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-memoryless-nodes.patch: include prototype for PFN_UP() (bnc#462546 - LTC50009) * Mon Jan 26 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: Export set_memory_ro() and set_memory_rw() calls. readded to avoid kabi change * Mon Jan 26 2009 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Added kernel-vmi to i386. * Mon Jan 26 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-memoryless-nodes.patch: use PFN_UP() for end_pfn (bnc#462546 - LTC50009) * Mon Jan 26 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - kabi: import FCoE changes * Mon Jan 26 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-requeue-for-stopped-queue: disable wrong debug message again. * Mon Jan 26 2009 rw@suse.de - patches.fixes/taskstats-alignment: IA64: fill 'struct taskstats' on stack and 'memcpy' result to skb. (bnc#448410) * Mon Jan 26 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-memoryless-nodes.patch: fix calculation of reserve_size (bnc#462546 - LTC50009) * Mon Jan 26 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.fixes/disable-lro-per-default: Disable LRO per default in igb and ixgbe. (bnc#467519) * Mon Jan 26 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Just comment out patches.xen/xen3-e1000e_* (to address build error) until disposition of their originals is known. * Mon Jan 26 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.fixes/sctp_do_not_use_stale_copy_of_sk: Do not use stale copy of sk. (bnc#440104) * Mon Jan 26 2009 jblunck@suse.de Renamed some patches so they get included in vanilla builds. - patches.rpmify/firmware-path: Renamed. - patches.rpmify/no-include-asm: Renamed. - patches.suse/md-raid-metadata-PAGE_SIZE.patch: Renamed. * Mon Jan 26 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/led_classdev.sysfs-name.patch: use correct name for /sys/devices/virtual/leds/ entries (bnc#468350) * Mon Jan 26 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_allow_bad_checksum: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_call_dump_eeprom: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_ioremap_sanity_check: Delete. - patches.suse/e1000e_use_set_memory_ro-rw_to_protect_flash_memory: Delete. Remove not mainline e1000e patches which were added to help with the e1000e NVM corruption - root issue is fixed * Mon Jan 26 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/tg3_libphy_workaround: tg3 libphy workaround. (bnc#468725) * Mon Jan 26 2009 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: Correct spelling for dm-least-pending path checker. * Mon Jan 26 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-check-info-before-access: Kernel Oops during path failover (bnc#458393). * Sun Jan 25 2009 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patch fuzz now that is in tree * Sun Jan 25 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to final version of * Sat Jan 24 2009 gregkh@suse.de - dynamic debugging fixes backported from upstream: - patches.drivers/driver-core-add-newlines-to-debugging-enabled-disabled-messages.patch: driver core: add newlines to debugging enabled/disabled messages. - patches.drivers/driver-core-fix-dynamic_debug-cmd-line-parameter.patch: Driver core: fix 'dynamic_debug' cmd line parameter. - patches.drivers/driver-core-fix-using-ret-variable-in-unregister_dynamic_debug_module.patch: driver core: fix using 'ret' variable in unregister_dynamic_debug_module. * Sat Jan 24 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86_64-hpet-64bit-timer.patch: (fix return of an unitialized value (bnc#469017) * Sat Jan 24 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - update kabi files: ignore changes in struct pcie_link_state as it is an internal structure only. * Sat Jan 24 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/genksyms-add-override-flag.diff: genksyms: add - -override flag. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: set KBUILD_OVERRIDE=1 * Sat Jan 24 2009 ghaskins@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-kabi-compat-hack.patch: sched: leave RT_GROUP_SCHED structure components intact to preserve kABI. broke kabi with fix for 456542 * Sat Jan 24 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/cpufreq_export_latency.patch: CPUFREQ: Introduce /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency (bnc#464461). - patches.fixes/cpufreq_ondemand_adjust_sampling_rate_limit.patch: CPUFREQ: ondemand/conservative: sanitize sampling_rate restrictions (bnc#464461). - patches.fixes/cpufreq_ondemand_performance_optimise_default_settings.patch: CPUFREQ: ondemand: Limit default sampling rate to 300ms max. (bnc#464461). - patches.fixes/x86_cpufreq_powernow-k8_acpi_latency_values.patch: X86 powernow-k8 cpufreq: Get transition latency from acpi _PSS object (bnc#464461). * Fri Jan 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/xfs-dmapi-fixes: xfs/dmapi: fix crash on mount (bnc#458027). * Fri Jan 23 2009 ghaskins@suse.de - Update config files: Disable RT_GROUP_SCHED (bnc#456542). The RT_GROUP_SCHED feature is experimental and clearly broken, so lets turn it off for now. * Fri Jan 23 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/hpilo-open-close-fix: hpilo open/close fix (bnc#466517). * Fri Jan 23 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-requeue-for-stopped-queue: Handle I/O on stopped queues correctly (bnc#458393). * Fri Jan 23 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.suse/mnt-want-write-speedup.patch, patches.suse/mnt_clone_write.patch: modified not to break kABI, enabled (bnc#436953). * Fri Jan 23 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/iwlagn-fix-rfkill.patch: iwlagn: fix hw-rfkill while the interface is down (bnc#446158). * Fri Jan 23 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - kabi/severities: temporarily enable changes in FcOE modules. * Fri Jan 23 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-08-06-personality.patch: kernel: setting 32 bit personality doesn't work (bnc#466462). - patches.arch/s390-08-07-compat_wrappers.patch: kernel: Add missing wrapper functions for 31 bit compat syscalls. (bnc#466462,LTC#51229). - patches.fixes/block-leave-the-request-timeout-timer-running: Delete obsolete patch. * Fri Jan 23 2009 bwalle@suse.de - patches.drivers/fcoe-change-fcoe_sw-sg_tablesi.diff: change fcoe_sw sg_tablesize to SG_ALL (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-check-return-for-fc_set_m.diff: check return for fc_set_mfs (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-fix-frame-length-validati.diff: fix frame length validation in the early receive path (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-fix-incorrect-use-of-struct-module.diff: fcoe: fix incorrect use of struct module (bnc #468051). - patches.drivers/fcoe-improved-load-balancing-i.diff: improved load balancing in rx path (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-logoff-of-the-fabric-when.diff: Logoff of the fabric when destroying interface (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-remove-warn_on-in-fc_set.diff: remove WARN_ON in fc_set_mfs (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/fcoe-user_mfs-is-never-used.diff: user_mfs is never used (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-add-fc_disc-c-locking-co.diff: Add fc_disc.c locking comment block (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-ensure-correct-device_pu.diff: libfc: Ensure correct device_put/get usage (round 2). - patches.drivers/libfc-fix-rport-recursive-lock.diff: libfc: Fix rport recursive lock on rport mutex (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-handle-rrq-exch-timeout.diff: libfc: handle RRQ exch timeout (bnc #465596). - patches.drivers/libfc-improve-fc_lport-c-locki.diff: Improve fc_lport.c locking comment block (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-improve-fc_rport-c-locki.diff: Improve fc_rport.c locking comment block (459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-make-fc_disc-inline-with.diff: make fc_disc inline with the fc_lport structure (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-make-rscn-parsing-more-r.diff: make RSCN parsing more robust (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-make-sure-we-access-the.diff: make sure we access the CRC safely (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-pass-lport-in-exch_mgr_r.diff: libfc: Pass lport in exch_mgr_reset (bnc #465596). - patches.drivers/libfc-remove-debug-print-state.diff: libfc: Remove debug print statement, too verbose (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-set-the-release-function.diff: Set the release function for the rport's kobject (round 2) (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-updated-comment-for-orde.diff: updated comment for order of em and ex locks (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-updated-libfc-fcoe-modul.diff: updated libfc fcoe module ver to 1.0.6 (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-use-an-operations-struct.diff: use an operations structure for rport callbacks (bnc #459142). - patches.drivers/libfc-when-rport-goes-away-re.diff: libfc: when rport goes away (re-plogi), clean up exchanges to/from rport (bnc #465596). - patches.drivers/libfc_locking.diff: libfc, fcoe: fixed locking issues with lport->lp_mutex around lport->link_status (bnc [#468053]). - patches.drivers/libfc_rport.diff: libfc: rport retry on LS_RJT from certain ELS (bnc #468054). * Fri Jan 23 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/qla2xxx-check-fc-rport-validity: qla2xxx: added check for fcport is valid in qla2x00_terminate_rport_io(). (bnc#467624). * Fri Jan 23 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-gateway-t1616-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for Gateway T1616 laptop (bnc#467597). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-dv4-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add model entry for HP dv4. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-d945-ref-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add model=ref for Intel board with STAC9221 (bnc#406529). * Fri Jan 23 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/blk-leave-sync-timer-running: block: Rediff - patches.fixes/block-use-round_jiffies_up: Block: use round_jiffies_up() (bnc#464155). - Add missing patches to series.conf: patches.fixes/round-jiffies-up patches.fixes/block-use-round_jiffies_up patches.fixes/block-fix-blk_start_queueing patches.fixes/suppress-buffer-IO-errors patches.fixes/block-optimizations-in-blk_rq_timed_out_timer patches.fixes/block-add-comment-in-blk_rq_timed_out * Fri Jan 23 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvscsi-vio_leak.patch: handle also drivers/scsi/ibmvscsi/ibmvfc.c * Fri Jan 23 2009 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-oops-on-ipv6-mount: cifs: make sure we allocate enough storage for socket address (467691). * Fri Jan 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/abi-fix-add-wb_sync_hold-enum-writeback_sync_modes.patch: ABI fix: add WB_SYNC_HOLD enum writeback_sync_modes. * Fri Jan 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/abi-fix-add-s_syncing-back-to-struct-super_block.patch: ABI fix: add s_syncing back to struct super_block. * Fri Jan 23 2009 gregkh@suse.de - update to - security updates - lots of bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.arch/ppc-fix_hugepage_check.patch - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-ad1986a-laptop-eapd-model-back - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-samsung-q45-quirk - patches.fixes/security-introduce-missing-kfree.patch - patches.fixes/xpc-fix-heartbeat - Update config files. * Thu Jan 22 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000-fix-shared-emc.patch: e1000: fix bug with shared interrupt during reset (bnc#396687) * Thu Jan 22 2009 tonyj@suse.de - patches.fixes/revert-bgcolor-line-feed-93f78da4.patch: Revert "vt: fix background color on line feed" (bnc#418613). * Thu Jan 22 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/iwlwifi-fix-rs_get_rate-oops.patch: iwlwifi: fix rs_get_rate WARN_ON() (bnc#456002). - Reordered wireless patches to group together patches touching the same driver. * Thu Jan 22 2009 bphilips@suse.de - patches.drivers/disable-catas_reset-by-default-to-avoid-problems-with-eeh.patch: disable catas_reset by default to avoid problems with EEH (bnc#456389). * Thu Jan 22 2009 rw@suse.de - patches.fixes/xpc-pass-physical: fixed kABI breakage. (bnc#458811) * Thu Jan 22 2009 bwalle@suse.de - scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh: s390 (the 31 bit variant) is not an important spec file. * Thu Jan 22 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-add-direct-probe.patch: fixed kABI breakage, reenabled. * Thu Jan 22 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/modversions: eat the "override" keyword before parsing the symbol definition. * Thu Jan 22 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvscsi-vio_leak.patch: Correct VIO bus/device CMO accounting problems (bnc#468304 - LTC51205) * Thu Jan 22 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/of_platform_driver.module-owner.patch: add missing module symlink to /sys/bus/*/driver/* in struct of_platform_driver. * Thu Jan 22 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe_DCB_compile_err.patch: DCB compile error fix - new version from Intel (bnc#465923) * Thu Jan 22 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86_64-hpet-64bit-timer.patch: allow 64-bit mode for HPET Timer0 (bnc#456700). (fix compilation on i386 and add hpet64 to kernel-parameters.txt) * Thu Jan 22 2009 jbohac@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86_64-hpet-64bit-timer.patch: allow 64-bit mode for HPET Timer0 (bnc#456700). * Thu Jan 22 2009 rw@suse.de - patches.fixes/xpc-pass-physical: sgi-xpc: need to pass the physical address, not virtual. (bnc#458811) - patches.fixes/xpc-fix-heartbeat: sgi-xpc: eliminate false detection of no heartbeat. (bnc#464545) * Thu Jan 22 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-nomux-dell-vostro-1510.patch: Input: add Dell Vostro 1510 to nomux list (bnc#404881). * Thu Jan 22 2009 jblunck@suse.de - scripts/compute-PATCHVERSION.sh: Fix SRCVERSION parsing (bnc#465113). * Thu Jan 22 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-add-volume-offset: ALSA: hda - Add extra volume offset to standard volume amp macros (bnc#466428). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-reduce-volume-scale: ALSA: hda - Halve too large volume scales for STAC/IDT codecs (bnc#466428). * Thu Jan 22 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc from to (bnc#467713). * Thu Jan 22 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-debug-1036: fix missing jl arg * Wed Jan 21 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: delete duplicate error message in the kabi checks * Wed Jan 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/remove_kernel_physical_mapping_init_from_init: move kernel_physical_mapping_init to __meminit (bnc#467474). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-add-direct-probe.patch: disabled, as it changes kABI. * Wed Jan 21 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/security-introduce-missing-kfree.patch: security: introduce missing kfree (bnc#467322). - patches.fixes/sysfs-fix-problems-with-binary-files.patch: sysfs: fix problems with binary files. * Wed Jan 21 2009 rw@suse.de - patches.arch/ia64-page-migration.fix: fix deadlock caused by cpe_migrate.ko and mark it supported. (bnc#464676) * Wed Jan 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/sn-irq-affinity: sn2: preserve irq affinity set in PROM (bnc#457679). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/uv_zalias_support: uv: Support for non-nasid 0 systems (bnc#458869). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/xpc-fix-NULL-deref: sgi-xpc: Remove NULL pointer dereference. (bnc#466563). - patches.fixes/xpc-write-barrier: sgi-xpc: ensure flags are updated before bte_copy (bnc#466563). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/ipw2200-workaround-firmware-restarts-when-scanning.patch: ipw2200: fix scanning while associated (bnc#459067). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/iwl3945-fix-rfkill.patch: iwl3945: report killswitch changes even if the interface is down (bnc#446013). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-add-direct-probe.patch: mac80211: add direct probe before association (bnc#461889). * Wed Jan 21 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/mptsas-discover-all-devices: mptsas driver fails to discover devices (bnc#459932). * Wed Jan 21 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to - patches.xen/764-netback-foreign-pages.patch: netback: handle non-netback foreign pages. - patches.xen/769-evtchn-CPU-offline.patch: evtchn: Fix CPU offlining to switch all affected ports belonging to a particular /dev/evcthn user. - patches.xen/gso-size-check.patch: gso: Ensure that the packet is long enough. - patches.xen/xen-S3-MSI: fix Dom0 resume from S3 when MSI is in use (bnc#435596). - patches.xen/xen3-e1000e_ioremap_sanity_check: ioremap sanity check to catch mapping requests exceeding the BAR sizes (bnc#425480). - patches.xen/xen3-x86-fix-kmap-contig.patch: x86: contiguous kmap fix (bnc#449812). * Wed Jan 21 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/radeon-monitor-jsxx-quirk.patch: implement correct model matching * Wed Jan 21 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/dm-mpath-tracking-nr-bytes: lpp_end_io gets nr_bytes as third arg * Wed Jan 21 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/radeon-monitor-jsxx-quirk.patch: match all JSxx/QSxx models based on the first 4 chars in 'model' * Wed Jan 21 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-axon-missing-msi-workaround-5.diff: Fix MSI after kexec (bnc#467633) * Tue Jan 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - clean up patch fuzz after inclusion. * Tue Jan 20 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to the real * Tue Jan 20 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs_warning-reentrant: reiserfs: eliminate reiserfs_warning from uniqueness functions; Fixes deadlock. * Tue Jan 20 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3-ser.patch: reset the adapter on fatal error (bnc#466062 - LTC51042) * Tue Jan 20 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-08-03-iucv-cpu-hotremove.diff: iucv: failing cpu hot remove for inactive iucv (bnc#466462,LTC#51104). - patches.arch/s390-08-04-compat-sigaltstack.diff: kernel: 31 bit compat sigaltstack syscall fails with - EFAULT. (bnc#466462,LTC#50888). - patches.arch/s390-08-05-af_iucv-msgpeek-fix.patch: af_iucv: System hang if recvmsg() is used with MSG_PEEK (bnc#466462,LTC#51136). * Tue Jan 20 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths: Only accept non-existing paths when adding failed paths (bnc#467579) * Tue Jan 20 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: set CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y in the packaged .configs if builfing debug packages (bnc#460887) * Mon Jan 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: set %%tolerate_kabi_changes to 6 * Mon Jan 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/export-iwl_rx_allocate: reintroduce EXPORT_SYMBOL(iwl_rx_allocate). * Mon Jan 19 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - import SLE11 RC2 reference kabi * Mon Jan 19 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/mpt-return-all-sense-data: MPT Fusion doesn't return all sense data (bnc#466179). * Sat Jan 17 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to * Fri Jan 16 2009 od@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-call-boot-IRQ-quirks-at-end-of-device-init-and-during-resume.patch: call boot IRQ quirks at end of device init and during resume. - patches.arch/x86-disable-AMD-ATI-boot-interrupt-generation.patch: update to upstream variant of this patch: - integrate an older quirk to make IO-APIC mode work on AMD 8131 rev. A0 and B0 - fix boot IRQ disabling logic for AMD 813x - remove unneeded code for AMD SB700S * Fri Jan 16 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86-fix-kmap-contig.patch: x86: contiguous kmap fix (bnc#449812). * Fri Jan 16 2009 olh@suse.de - enable mptsas in kdump kernel to allow crashdump on QS2x blades * Fri Jan 16 2009 tiwai@suse.de Fix STAC925x patch again - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac925x-init-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix (yet more) STAC925x issues (bnc#460478). * Fri Jan 16 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-08-01-cio-fix-mp-mode.diff: cio: fix subchannel multipath mode setup (bnc#466462,LTC#51047). - patches.arch/s390-08-02-zfcp-gpn-align-fix.diff: zfcp: fix memory alignment for GPN_FT requests. (bnc#466462). * Thu Jan 15 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files for vanilla kernel versions due to new config option added in * Thu Jan 15 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - security fixes - fixes CVE-2009-0029 - bug fixes all over the place. - obsoletes the following patches: - patches.arch/ppc-cmm_no_kdump.patch - patches.drivers/alsa-caiaq-midi-oops-fix - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-6730b-quirk - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-host_init_delay.patch - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-improve_sync_events.patch - patches.fixes/PCI-Suspend-and-resume-PCI-Express-ports-with-interrupts-disabled.patch - patches.fixes/PCI-handle-PCI-state-saving-with-interrupts-disabled.patch - patches.fixes/fs-symlink-write_begin-allocation-context-fix.patch - patches.fixes/mm-lockless-pagecache-barrier.patch - patches.fixes/pci-rework-suspend-of-devices-with-no-drivers.patch - patches.fixes/uv-remove-erroneous-BAU-init - Update config files. * Thu Jan 15 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-virtuoso-no-eeprom-overwrite: sound: virtuoso: do not overwrite EEPROM on Xonar D2/D2X (bnc#462365). * Thu Jan 15 2009 bwalle@suse.de - patches.suse/s390-System.map.diff: Strip L2^B symbols (bnc #456682). * Thu Jan 15 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-gateway-fix: ALSA: patch_sigmatel: Add missing Gateway entries and autodetection (bnc#460478). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-gateway-fix2: ALSA: hda - More fixes on Gateway entries (bnc#460478). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-dv5-mic-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix HP dv5 mic input (bnc#462913). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-dv5-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for another HP dv5 (bnc#462913). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-idt92hd83-fix-typo: ALSA: hda - Fix a typo. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-samsung-q45-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add automatic model setting for Samsung Q45. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-seek-for-codec-id: ALSA: hda - Add a new function to seek for a codec ID (bnc#460478). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-no-hp-reset: ALSA: hda - Don't reset HP pinctl in patch_sigmatel.c (bnc#460478). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac925x-init-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix missing initialization of NID 0x0e for STAC925x (bnc#460478). * Thu Jan 15 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-fix_hugepage_check.patch: is_hugepage_only_range() must account for both 4kB and 64kB slices (bnc#466229 - LTC51063) * Wed Jan 14 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled PARAVIRT on vanilla and LGUEST. * Wed Jan 14 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled patches.suse/unlock_page-speedup.patch * Wed Jan 14 2009 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/PCI-PM-Split-PCI-Express-port-suspend-resume.patch: PCI PM: Split PCI Express port suspend-resume (bnc#455926). - patches.fixes/PCI-Suspend-and-resume-PCI-Express-ports-with-interrupts-disabled.patch: PCI: Suspend and resume PCI Express ports with interrupts disabled (bnc#455926). - patches.fixes/PCI-handle-PCI-state-saving-with-interrupts-disabled.patch: PCI: handle PCI state saving with interrupts disabled (bnc#455926). - patches.fixes/pci-rework-suspend-of-devices-with-no-drivers.patch: PCI: Rework default handling of suspend and resume (bnc#455926). * Wed Jan 14 2009 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disable PARAVIRT. * Wed Jan 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches for fuzz due to update to * Wed Jan 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to final version of * Wed Jan 14 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-dcb-setstate.patch: Bugfix for ixgbe and kernel DCB netlink code. (bnc#458194) - patches.drivers/ixgbe_DCB_compile_err.patch: DCB compile error fix. (bnc#465923) - Update config files. * Wed Jan 14 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_irq_quirk_pci_irq_derive.patch: Delete. It came out that this is an already fixed BIOS bug. The quirk is not needed anymore. * Wed Jan 14 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_fix_double_slash_root_prefix_handling.patch: In AcpiNsGetInternalNameLength, skip the redundant backslash of RootPrefix (http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11541 http://www.acpica.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=739). - patches.fixes/acpi_video_always_update_sys.patch: video: always update the brightness when poking "brightness" (bnc#450149). - patches.fixes/acpi_video_handle_reversed_brightness_info.patch: ACPI: video: Fix reversed brightness behavior on ThinkPad SL series (bnc#450149). * Wed Jan 14 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-fix-__load_balance_iterator-for-cfs-with-on.patch: fix __load_balance_iterator() for cfs with only one task (bnc#457594 - LTC50544) * Wed Jan 14 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/xfs-redirty-ENOSPC.patch: Re-dirty pages on ENOSPC when converting delayed allocations (bnc#433112 - LTC48749) * Wed Jan 14 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Added guarded patches: - patches.suse/mnt-want-write-speedup.patch: fs: mnt_want_write speedup (bnc#436953). - patches.suse/mnt_clone_write.patch: fs: introduce mnt_clone_write (bnc#436953). - patches.suse/unlock_page-speedup.patch: mm: unlock_page speedup (bnc#436953). * Wed Jan 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/add-via-chrome9-drm-support.patch: add Via chrome9 drm support. * Wed Jan 14 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/pata_via.c-support-vx855-and-future-chips-whose-ide-controller-use-0x0571.patch: pata_via.c: Support VX855 and future chips whose IDE controller use 0x0571.. * Tue Jan 13 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-restart-lookup-by-target: Modify patch after suggestions from James Bottomley (bnc#465346). * Tue Jan 13 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-restart-lookup-by-target: Restart scsi_device_lookup_by_target() (bnc#465346). * Tue Jan 13 2009 olh@suse.de - update patches.drivers/cxgb3-Allocate-multiqueues-at-init-time: Allow multiqueue setting in MSI-X mode only (bnc#464351 - LTC50966) * Tue Jan 13 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3i-mainline.patch: fixes bug in tag release and sync-up cxgb3i with mainline state (bnc#464508 - LTC50816) * Tue Jan 13 2009 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of minor fixes - obsoletes: - patches.fixes/md-bitmap-read-do-not-overflow - patches.suse/scsi-scsi_transport_srp-shost_data.patch * Mon Jan 12 2009 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: add kernel/drivers/acpi/acpi_memhotplug as supported * Mon Jan 12 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/source-post.sh: handle arch symlinks like i586 -> i386 in /usr/src/linux-obj. * Mon Jan 12 2009 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: updated staging and other drivers * Mon Jan 12 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/r8169-Tx-performance-tweak-helper: r8169: Tx performance tweak helper. - patches.drivers/r8169-add-8168-8101-registers-description: r8169: add 8168/8101 registers description. - patches.drivers/r8169-add-hw-start-helpers-for-the-8168-and-the-8101: r8169: add hw start helpers for the 8168 and the 8101. - patches.drivers/r8169-additional-8101-and-8102-support: r8169: additional 8101 and 8102 support. - patches.drivers/r8169-use-pci_find_capability-for-the-PCI-E-features: r8169: use pci_find_capability for the PCI-E features. (bnc#448168) * Mon Jan 12 2009 dgollub@suse.de - scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh: use $BUILD_DIR instead of fixed "kernel-source" string, to stay in sync with with differet kernel variants. * Mon Jan 12 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/source-post.sh, rpm/source-pre.sh: replace the /usr/src/linux-obj symlink with a directory containing per-flavor symlinks instead. This allows us to install kernel-source / syms and kernel-source-rt / syms-rt in parallel and still find everything below /usr/src/linux-obj/. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: for -rt, install into /usr/src/linux-$version-rt-obj. - rpm/kernel-syms.spec.in: fix kernel-source requires for -rt. * Sun Jan 11 2009 jkosina@suse.de - patches.drivers/input-usbtouchscreen-hw-calibration.patch: Input: usbtouchscreen - allow reporting calibrated data (bnc#444814). * Fri Jan 9 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/file-capabilities-add-file_caps-switch.diff: fix parsing of the file_caps commandline option (bnc#264075) * Fri Jan 9 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_fix_llc_shared_map__cpu_llc_id_anomolies.patch: x86: fix intel x86_64 llc_shared_map/cpu_llc_id anomolies (bnc#464329). * Fri Jan 9 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-cmm_no_kdump.patch: Disable Collaborative Memory Manager for kdump (bnc#460552 - LTC50789) * Fri Jan 9 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.suse/cgroup-disable-memory.patch: memcg: disable the memory controller by default. - patches.suse/add-enable_cgroup-parameter.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/disable-cgroups.patch: Delete. * Fri Jan 9 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/radeon-monitor-jsxx-quirk.patch fix compile errors * Fri Jan 9 2009 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/ath5k-ignore-calibration-return-value.patch: ath5k: ignore the return value of ath5k_hw_noise_floor_calibration (bnc#446541). * Fri Jan 9 2009 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/cgroups-suppress-cloning-warning.patch: cgroups: suppress bogus warning messages (bnc#460961). * Fri Jan 9 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/radeon-monitor-jsxx-quirk.patch: Add quirk for the graphics adapter in some JSxx (bnc#461002 - LTC50817) * Fri Jan 9 2009 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_irq_quirk_pci_irq_derive.patch: ACPI: Do not derive IRQ from parent bridge/device via boot param/dmi list (bnc#437211). - patches.suse/acpi_osi_sle11_ident.patch: Provide possibility for vendors to fix BIOS issues for SLE11 only (none). * Fri Jan 9 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/blk-request-based-multipath-update: Rediff. - patches.fixes/scsi-refactor-busy-processing: refactor sdev/starget/shost busy checking; break out from blk-request-based-multipath-update. * Fri Jan 9 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc from to (bnc#464662). - patches.fixes/scsi-call-unprep_request-under-lock: scsi_lib: only call scsi_unprep_request() under queue lock (bnc#464155). - patches.fixes/scsi-fix-hang-in-starved-list-processing: Fix hang in starved list processing (bnc#464155). * Fri Jan 9 2009 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2-Add-PCI-ID-for-5716S: bnx2: Add PCI ID for 5716S - patches.drivers/bnx2-Fix-bug-in-bnx2_free_rx_mem_: bnx2: Fix bug in bnx2_free_rx_mem() (bnc#464130) * Fri Jan 9 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.suse/disable-cgroups.patch: Disable all cgroups (bnc#436025). * Fri Jan 9 2009 hare@suse.de - Backporting block layer fixes (bnc#464155): * patches.fixes/block-add-comment-in-blk_rq_timed_out: add comment in blk_rq_timed_out() about why next can not be 0 * patches.fixes/block-fix-blk_start_queueing: block: Fix blk_start_queueing() to not kick a stopped queue. * patches.fixes/block-leave-the-request-timeout-timer-running: block: leave the request timeout timer running even on an empty list. * patches.fixes/block-optimizations-in-blk_rq_timed_out_timer: block: optimizations in blk_rq_timed_out_timer(). * patches.fixes/block-suppress-buffer-IO-errors: block: Supress Buffer I/O errors when SCSI REQ_QUIET flag set. * patches.fixes/block-use-round_jiffies_up: Block: use round_jiffies_up(). * patches.fixes/round-jiffies-up: Add round_jiffies_up and related routines. * Fri Jan 9 2009 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-acpi-pci-pci-msi-_osc-support-capabilities-called-when-root-bridge-added.patch: ACPI/PCI: PCI MSI _OSC support capabilities called when root bridge added (bnc#438941). * Fri Jan 9 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-retry-on-UNIT_ATTENTION: scsi_dh_rdac does not retry MODE SENSE on UNIT ATTENTION (bnc#464155). - patches.suse/scsi-check-removed-device-for-offline: Only check for SDEV_OFFLINE and SDEV_DEL, not SDEV_CANCEL. * Fri Jan 9 2009 jslaby@suse.cz - patches.suse/add-enable_cgroup-parameter.patch: Add cgroup_enable parameter (bnc#436025). * Fri Jan 9 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-include-missing-acpi.h-file-in-pci-acpi.h.patch: ACPI/PCI: include missing acpi.h file in pci-acpi.h. (bnc#438941). * Fri Jan 9 2009 gregkh@suse.de - clean up patch fuzz * Thu Jan 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-pci-msi-_osc-support-capabilities-called-when-root-bridge-added.patch: ACPI/PCI: PCI MSI _OSC support capabilities called when root bridge added (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-pcie-aer-_osc-support-capabilities-called-when-root-bridge-added.patch: ACPI/PCI: PCIe AER _OSC support capabilities called when root bridge added (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-pcie-aspm-_osc-support-capabilities-called-when-root-bridge-added.patch: ACPI/PCI: PCIe ASPM _OSC support capabilities called when root bridge added (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-remove-obsolete-_osc-capability-support-functions.patch: ACPI/PCI: remove obsolete _OSC capability support functions (bnc#438941). * Thu Jan 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-call-_osc-support-during-root-bridge-discovery.patch: ACPI/PCI: call _OSC support during root bridge discovery (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-change-pci_osc_control_set-to-query-control-bits-first.patch: ACPI/PCI: Change pci_osc_control_set() to query control bits first (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-fix-possible-race-condition-on-_osc-evaluation.patch: ACPI/PCI: Fix possible race condition on _OSC evaluation (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-include-missing-acpi.h-file-in-pci-acpi.h.patch: ACPI/PCI: include missing acpi.h file in pci-acpi.h. (bnc#438941). - patches.drivers/acpi-pci-pci-extended-config-_osc-support-called-when-root-bridge-added.patch: ACPI/PCI: PCI extended config _OSC support called when root bridge added (bnc#438941). * Thu Jan 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2x-version-update.patch: bnx2x: Version Update (bnc#439679). * Thu Jan 8 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-07-01-zfcp-port-failed-message.diff: zfcp: Remove message for failed port (bnc#464466). - patches.arch/s390-07-02-zfcp-unchained-fsf.diff: zfcp: Add support for unchained FSF requests (bnc#464466). - patches.arch/s390-07-03-topology-fix.diff: kernel: fix cpu topology support (bnc#464466). - patches.arch/s390-07-04-dasd-failfast.patch: dasd: Add 'failfast' device feature. (bnc#464466,LTC#43066). * Thu Jan 8 2009 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-caiaq-midi-oops-fix: ALSA: caiaq - Fix Oops with MIDI. * Thu Jan 8 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-avoid-put-table-dm_any_congested: dm: avoid destroying table in dm_any_congested (bnc#457205). - patches.fixes/dm-table-ref-count: dm table: rework reference counting (bnc#457205). - patches.fixes/dm-unbind-drop-ref: dm table: drop reference at unbind (bnc#457205). * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - update kdump config, disable some unused drivers * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - refresh config files, no functional changes * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehea-modinfo.patch: use separate table for module alias (bnc#435215 - LTC48564) * Thu Jan 8 2009 tiwai@suse.de Backport fixes for HD-audio from the upstream: - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-ad1882-id-typo-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix typos for AD1882 codecs. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-ad1986a-laptop-eapd-model-back: ALSA: hda - make laptop-eapd model back for AD1986A. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp2230s-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for HP 2230s (bnc#461660). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-add-missing-terminators: ALSA: hda - Add missing terminators in patch_sigmatel.c. * Thu Jan 8 2009 bwalle@suse.de - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_EHEA=m (and CONFIG_IBMEBUS=y) for ppc/kdump and ppc64/kdump (bnc #459119). * Thu Jan 8 2009 jblunck@suse.de - Make kernel-source.changes incremental again * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - supported.conf: rename dm-leastpending-path to dm-leastpending * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehea-modinfo.patch: add alias entry for portN properties (bnc#435215 - LTC48564) * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-abort-response.patch: Fixup command response translation (bnc#459383 - LTC50695) * Thu Jan 8 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-improve_sync_events.patch: Improve async event handling (bnc#460567 - LTC50778) * Thu Jan 8 2009 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/via-unichrome-drm-bugfixes.patch: via: Unichrome DRM bugfixes. * Thu Jan 8 2009 coly.li@suse.de - Move patch from patches.suse/dlm-fix-shutdown-cleanup.patch to patches.fixes/dlm-fix-shutdown-cleanup.patch * Thu Jan 8 2009 coly.li@suse.de - Fixes a regression from commit 0f8e0d9a317406612700426fad3efab0b7bbc467, "dlm: allow multiple lockspace creates". * Wed Jan 7 2009 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-cpu-migrate.patch: Update default_server during migrate_irqs_away (bnc#460566 - LTC50723) * Wed Jan 7 2009 jack@suse.cz - patches.suse/mm-increase-dirty-limits.patch: Increase limits for starting writeback of dirty data (bnc#449662). * Wed Jan 7 2009 ghaskins@suse.de - Update config files (part of bnc#448412). * Wed Jan 7 2009 ghaskins@suse.de - patches.fixes/ia64-configure-HAVE_UNSTABLE_SCHED_CLOCK-for-SGI_SN.patch: configure HAVE_UNSTABLE_SCHED_CLOCK for SGI_SN systems (bnc#448412). * Wed Jan 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Emulex driver patches for SLE11 (bnc#460775). * Wed Jan 7 2009 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-barrier-single-device: Update Patch-mainline header. Patch is not refreshed as it breaks kabi (FATE#304489). * Wed Jan 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/cciss-driver-panic-on-volume-delete: cciss driver may panic if a logical volume is deleted (bnc#459553). * Wed Jan 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/scsi-netlink-ml: Use GFP_ATOMIC to avoid deadlocks (bnc#461747). * Wed Jan 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/fc_transport-devloss-callback-restore: FC devloss callback not called when devloss timer fires (bnc#463289). * Wed Jan 7 2009 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path-update: Update least-pending-IO dynamic load balancer (bnc#444199). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-queue-length-load-balancing: Rediff. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-service-time-load-balancing: Rediff. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-tracking-nr-bytes: Rediff. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path: Delete. * Tue Jan 6 2009 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/uv-remove-erroneous-BAU-init: UV: remove erroneous BAU initialization (bnc#463313). * Tue Jan 6 2009 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-06-01-qeth-ext-src-mac-addr.patch: qeth: exploit source MAC address for inbound layer3 packets (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-02-qeth-layercrash.patch: qeth: avoid crash in case of layer mismatch for VSWITCH (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-03-dasd_sim_sense_condition.patch: Fix unsolicited SIM sense condition. (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-04-qdio_ssqd_memcpy.patch: qdio: fix broken memcpy (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-05-qdio_s390dbf.patch: qdio: rework s390dbf usage (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-06-qdio_inbound_ack.patch: qdio: rework inbound buffer acknowledgement (bnc#458339). - patches.arch/s390-06-07-cio-attach_detach.patch: cio: Crashes when repeatetly attaching/detaching devices. (bnc#458339). * Tue Jan 6 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-fix-kmap-contig.patch: x86: Jan's comments for contiguous kmap fix (bnc#449812). * Tue Jan 6 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/mm-lockless-pagecache-barrier.patch: update. * Mon Jan 5 2009 mmarek@suse.cz - patches.suse/modpost-filter-out-built-in-depends: modpost: filter out "built-in" depends (bnc#450085). - patches.drivers/0002-Staging-add-TAINT_CRAP-flag-to-drivers-staging-modu.patch: refresh. * Mon Jan 5 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Fix ps3 config. * Mon Jan 5 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/mm-lockless-pagecache-barrier.patch: mm lockless pagecache barrier fix. * Mon Jan 5 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/fs-symlink-write_begin-allocation-context-fix.patch: fs symlink write_begin allocation context fix. * Mon Jan 5 2009 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Jan 5 2009 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/cgroup-freezer.patch: cgroup freezer update (bnc#417294, fate#304191, fate#201036). * Wed Dec 31 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/s390-lru_add_drain_all.patch: mm: remove UP version of lru_add_drain_all() (bnc#458380). * Wed Dec 31 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-fix-kmap-contig.patch: x86: contiguous kmap fix (bnc#449812). * Mon Dec 29 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/thinkpad_acpi-hotkey-notify-fix: thinkpad_acpi: Fix oops with incompatible backlight interface. * Mon Dec 22 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-memoryless-nodes.patch: fix bootmem reservation on uninitialized node (bunc#457029 - LTC50483) * Mon Dec 22 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvscsi-can_queue_fix.patch: Make max_requests module parameter more accurate (bnc#458499 - LTC50637) * Sat Dec 20 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-dv7-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for another HP dv7 (bnc#461108). * Sat Dec 20 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-pm-support: More fixes (bnc#447624). * Fri Dec 19 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-debug-1036: Print more info. * Fri Dec 19 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-capture-no-44khz: ALSA: disable 44.1kHz capture on CA0106 (bnc#447624). - patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-pm-support: ALSA: ca0106 - Add power-amangement support (bnc#447624). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-92hd73x-desktop-fixes: ALSA: Fix plaback problems on Intel desktops with IDT codecs. * Fri Dec 19 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/x86_sgi-uv-scir.patch, patches.suse/e1000e_ioremap_sanity_check, patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_get_base_syscall_attr.patch, patches.suse/perfmon2.patch, patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: eliminate build warnings. * Fri Dec 19 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/staging-add-rt2870-wireless-driver.patch: Staging: add rt2870 wireless driver. * Fri Dec 19 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/md-bitmap-read-do-not-overflow: md: Don't read past end of bitmap when reading bitmap. (bnc#459557). * Thu Dec 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-debug-1036: Fixed ordering. * Thu Dec 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-ensure-nonzero-transaction: Delete. * Thu Dec 18 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Updated to final release * Thu Dec 18 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-apic-force-bigsmp-apic-on-IBM-EXA3-4.patch: Use apic=bigsmp on specific xseries machines (bnc#440497). * Thu Dec 18 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_restrict_pci_early_quirks_to_root_bridges.patch: Only scan the root bus in early PCI quirks. (bnc#57886). * Thu Dec 18 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/746-pirq-status-page.patch: Merge in c/s 751. - patches.xen/761-highpte.patch: blktap, gntdev: fix highpte handling. - patches.xen/762-xencons-hvc.patch: add hvc compatibility mode to xencons. - patches.xen/xen3-patch- Linux - patches.xen/xen3-patch- Linux - patches.xen/xen-x86-exports: export a few more symbols (bnc#458222). - patches.xen/xen3-perfmon2_remove_syscalls.patch: Rename to ... - patches.xen/xen3-perfmon2-remove_syscalls.patch: ... this. * Thu Dec 18 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/md-disable-recovery-on-faulty-degraded-array: Disable recovery when degraded RAID1 array appears to be faulty. (bnc#447835). * Wed Dec 17 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/symsets.pl: fix uninitialized variable * Wed Dec 17 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: - add genksyms reference files so that genksyms can explain why did checksums change * Wed Dec 17 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/via-framebuffer-driver.patch: Delete. It oopses badly and is not needed for the HP2133 hardware, as it has switched to Intel chipsets. * Wed Dec 17 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Upate to, fixing lots of problems. - obsoletes: - patches.drivers/libata-update-ST-FLUSH-blacklist - patches.fixes/iwlwifi_fix_oops.patch - patches.fixes/v4l-dvb-avoid-writing-outside-array * Tue Dec 16 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-barrier-default: Make reiserfs default to barrier=flush. * Tue Dec 16 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - addded symtypes-* files to the RC1 reference kabi * Tue Dec 16 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/ext3-mark-super-uptodate: ext3: always mark super uptodate before dirty (bnc#457043). * Tue Dec 16 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/blk-dont-invoke-request_fn-on-stopped-queue: block: only call ->request_fn when the queue is not stopped (bnc#457041). - patches.fixes/blk-get-extra-reference-before-unmap: block: hold extra reference to bio in blk_rq_map_user_iov(). - patches.fixes/blk-move-unplug_work-init: block: move q->unplug_work initialization. - patches.fixes/blk-set-segment-boundary-mask: block: fix setting of max_segment_size and seg_boundary mask. - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-send-activate-to-every-path: Handle multiple paths in a path group properly during pg_init. - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-add-lsi-ids-to-rdac: Adding LSI vendor and product IDs to RDAC device handler. - patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths: Accept failed paths for multipath maps (bnc#458037,bnc#458393). - patches.suse/scsi-check-removed-device-for-offline: Check if device is removed in scsi_device_online() (bnc#456747). * Tue Dec 16 2008 hare@suse.de - Enable 3270 console (bnc#457039) * Tue Dec 16 2008 rjw@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/mm-do-not-disable-memory-hotplug-when-hibernation-is-enabled.patch: mm: Do not disable memory hotplug when hibernation is enabled (bnc#438914). * Mon Dec 15 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/iwlwifi_fix_oops.patch: iwlwifi: clean key table in iwl_clear_stations_table function (bnc#457062). * Mon Dec 15 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3i_ddp.patch: cxgb3i - added pdu size check and fixed ddp page setup (bnc#449519). * Mon Dec 15 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-5.01.00-k8_sles11-04-update: qla4xxx driver SLES 11 Beta6 update (bnc#458186). * Mon Dec 15 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.suse/usb_correct_config_ti_04b3_4543.diff: fix ti_usb_3410_5052 driver for device 04b3:4543 (bnc#395775). * Sun Dec 14 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - obsoleted: - patches.fixes/applicom-fix-unchecked-ioctl-range - patches.fixes/watchdog-ib700wdt-buffer-underflow * Fri Dec 12 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-ensure-nonzero-transaction: reiserfs: ensure nonzero transaction (bnc#447406). * Fri Dec 12 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-debug-1036: Update to print accurate refcount. * Fri Dec 12 2008 jblunck@suse.de - .gitignore: Ignore backup files. * Fri Dec 12 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-check-host-lookup-failure: Correct scsi_host_lookup return value (bnc#456532). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths: Accept failed paths for multipath maps (bnc#458037). * Fri Dec 12 2008 fseidel@suse.de - patches.fixes/hso_killswitch.patch: hso: rfkill type should be WWAN (bnc#458625). * Fri Dec 12 2008 fseidel@suse.de - patches.fixes/hso_killswitch.patch: fix hso rfkillswitch type to WWAN (bnc#458625) * Fri Dec 12 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - import SLE11 RC1 reference kabi * Fri Dec 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly due to addition. * Fri Dec 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - remove patches that were obsoleted by - patches.arch/ppc-mpic-dont-reset-affinity-for-secondary-MPIC-on-boot.patch - patches.arch/x86-hpet-use-WARN_ON_ONCE - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-acer-quirk - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc888-medion-add - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-studio-15-quirk - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-studio-1535-quirk - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-6730s-quirk - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-elitebook-8530p-quirk - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-mobile-fix - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-no-hp-as-line-out-switch - patches.drivers/cell_edac.patch - patches.fixes/acpi-set-SCI_EN-on-MacBook.patch - patches.fixes/atm-duplicate-listen-on-socket-corrupts-the-vcc-table.patch - patches.fixes/block-enforce-minimum-SG_IO-timeout - patches.fixes/cxgb3-remove-duplicate-tests-in-lro - patches.fixes/cxgb3_fix_race_in_EEH - patches.fixes/hibernate-x86-fix-breakage-on-x86_32-with-PAE.patch - patches.fixes/pci_aspm_check_endless_loop_safe.patch - patches.fixes/sched-fix-bug-in-sched-domain-degenerate.patch - patches.fixes/x86-arch_add_memory-remove-debug - patches.fixes/x86-memory-hotplug-off-by-one * Fri Dec 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to - lots of bugfixes - some security updates * Thu Dec 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - intermediate commit as part of adding to the tree. * Thu Dec 11 2008 hare@suse.de - Compile in zfcpdump module for S/390 (bnc#446367). * Thu Dec 11 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: one more fix to make kabi checks work * Thu Dec 11 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-update-ST-FLUSH-blacklist: libata: fix Seagate NCQ+FLUSH blacklist (bnc#458192). * Wed Dec 10 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-fix-sync: Cope with racy nature of sync_page in swap_sync_page (441793). * Wed Dec 10 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-05-09-cleanup-of-portopen-requests.patch: zfcp: fix erp timeout cleanup for port open requests (bnc#450096). * Wed Dec 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/watchdog-ib700wdt-buffer-underflow: ib700wdt.c - fix buffer_underflow bug (bnc#457898). * Wed Dec 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/applicom-fix-unchecked-ioctl-range: applicom: Fix an unchecked user ioctl range and an error return (bnc#457897). * Wed Dec 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/block-enforce-minimum-SG_IO-timeout: Enforce a minimum SG_IO timeout (bnc#457896). * Wed Dec 10 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides: don't fail if a subpackage doesn't contain any modules (such as the -man subpackage on s390x) * Wed Dec 10 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-6730b-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for HP6730B laptop (bnc#457909). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-6730s-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add another HP model (6730s) for AD1884A. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-elitebook-8530p-quirk: ALSA: hda - Make the HP EliteBook 8530p use AD1884A model laptop. * Wed Dec 10 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-add_sync.patch: Fix errors due to inconsistent command data (bnc#456654 - LTC50451) - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-host_init_delay.patch: Delay NPIV login retry and add retries (bnc#456654 - LTC50451) * Wed Dec 10 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pata_hpt366-fix-cable-detection: pata_hpt366: fix cable detection, (bnc#362159). - patches.drivers/libata-pata_hpt366-fix-clock-detection: pata_hpt366: fix clock detection (bnc#362159). - patches.drivers/libata-pata_hpt366-no-ATAPI-DMA: pata_hpt366: no ATAPI DMA (bnc#362159). - patches.drivers/libata-pata_hpt366-reimplement-mode-programming: pata_hpt366: reimplement mode programming (bnc#362159). * Tue Dec 9 2008 agruen@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark xfs_dmapi as supported (bnc#457668). * Tue Dec 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/x86-arch_add_memory-remove-debug: x86: remove debug code from arch_add_memory() (bnc#457526). - patches.fixes/x86-memory-hotplug-off-by-one: x86, memory hotplug: remove wrong -1 in calling init_memory_mapping() (bnc#457526). * Tue Dec 9 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/{kernel-module-subpackage,macros.kernel-source}: Remove a leftover hardcoded dependency on the kernel-source package so that KMPs can alternatively be built against a kernel other than (kernel-source + kernel-syms), such as (kernel-source-rt + kernel-syms-rt). * Tue Dec 9 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/pci_aspm_check_endless_loop_safe.patch: PCIe: ASPM: Break out of endless loop waiting for PCI config bits to switch (bnc#449799). * Tue Dec 9 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/symsets.pl: - add --required-modules option to tell which modules this subpackage requires via dependencies. This is needed to preserve symsets when modules move from one subpackage to another. - add POD help and --help option. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: make use of --required-modules * Tue Dec 9 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/xfs-barrier-fix.patch: Fix propagation of EOPNOTSUPP when barriers are not supported. (bnc#438608). * Mon Dec 8 2008 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/tg3-fix-default-wol.patch: net (tg3): Fix failure to enable WoL by default when possible (bnc#447371). * Mon Dec 8 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-valid-hugepage-size-hugetlb_get_unmapped_area.patch: Check for valid hugepage size in hugetlb_get_unmapped_area (bnc#456433 - LTC50170). * Mon Dec 8 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/pci_aspm_check_endless_loop.patch: Delete. * Mon Dec 8 2008 rw@suse.de - patches.drivers/sgi-xp-no-uv: SGI SN: Eliminate dependency of the XP/XPC drivers on GRU. (bnc#442442) * Mon Dec 8 2008 rw@suse.de - Update config files for ia64: Disable PERMIT_BSP_REMOVE. (bnc#386714) * Mon Dec 8 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/find-provides, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: figure out what subpackage is being processed in find-provides and just print the symsets computed in the spec. * Mon Dec 8 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: use flavor-rpmarch to match boards on powerpc * Mon Dec 8 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: skip empty KMPs with a warning in the kmp %%%%postun * Mon Dec 8 2008 jjohansen@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.apparmor/fix-complain.diff: fix enforcement of deny rules in complain mode (bnc#426159). - patches.apparmor/fix-security-param.diff: fix recognition of security= boot parameter (bnc#442668). - patches.apparmor/fork-tracking.diff: fix log messages to enable tools profile learning (bnc#447564). * Mon Dec 8 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: update board detection to use rpmarch instead flavor * Mon Dec 8 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/block-integrity-update: Block integrity update (FATE#304345). - patches.suse/dm-block-integrity: Block integrity support for DM and MD (FATE#304345). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-add-start-io: dm-mpath: add a path selector interface (FATE#303862,FATE#302108). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-queue-length-load-balancing: dm-mpath: add queue-length dynamic load balancer (FATE#303862,FATE#302108). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-service-time-load-balancing: dm-mpath: add service-time oriented dynamic load balancer (FATE#303862,FATE#302108). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-tracking-nr-bytes: dm-mpath: interface change for service-time dynamic load balancer (FATE#303862,FATE#302108). - supported.conf: Update to correctly reference dynamic load balancer modules (bnc#444199) * Mon Dec 8 2008 tonyj@suse.de - patches.suse/perfmon2-add_ioctl_interface.patch: switch to ioctl interface for perfmon2. - patches.suse/perfmon2-fix_disabled.patch: fix initializion of perfmon disabled. - patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_get_base_syscall_attr.patch: remove perfmon syscall_base attribyute. - patches.suse/perfmon2-remove_syscalls.patch: drop additional perfmon2 syscalls. - patches.xen/xen3-perfmon2_remove_syscalls.patch: drop additional perfmon2 syscalls. * Sat Dec 6 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_ec_provide_non_interrupt_mode_boot_param.patch: ACPI: EC: Don't degrade to poll mode at storm automatically. (bnc#446142). - patches.fixes/pci_aspm_check_endless_loop.patch: PCIE Break out of endless loop waiting for PCI config bits to switch (bnc#449799). * Sat Dec 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly. * Sat Dec 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to final release - contains 2 changes from * Fri Dec 5 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-configurable-guest-devices: fix a typo. * Fri Dec 5 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/scsi-scsi_transport_srp-shost_data.patch: move crq_queue_create at the end of initialization (bnc#455929). * Fri Dec 5 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-fnic-patches: Open-FCoE bugfixes for fnic. - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-rc1-update: Update open-FCoE with latest patches from Intel (bnc#438954). * Fri Dec 5 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen x86-64 config (2k guest devices, 1k outstanding transmits in netback). * Fri Dec 5 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-zfcp-synchronize-scsi-register: No udev events for zfcp online / offline (bnc#443667). - patches.fixes/scsi-remove-scmd-timeout: Fix block timeout residue problems (bnc#447249,bnc#441335). - patches.fixes/scsi-eh_stu-timeout: Delete obsolet patch. * Fri Dec 5 2008 bphilips@suse.de - patches.fixes/saa7134-fix-resource-map-sanity-check-conflict.patch: saa7134: fix resource map sanity check conflict (bnc#446733). * Fri Dec 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/staging-add-rtl8187se-driver.patch: Staging: add rtl8187se driver. Needed for MSI Wind and other netbooks. * Fri Dec 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/staging-add-serverengines-benet-10gb-ethernet-driver.patch: Staging: Add ServerEngines benet 10Gb ethernet driver. * Fri Dec 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update the wlan-ng driver to the latest upstream version, making it much more useful (it actually works now...) * Fri Dec 5 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/sunrpc-module-refcount-fix: Add a reference to sunrpc in svc_addsock (443379). This avoid a bug where refcount on sunrpc can go zero or negative. * Thu Dec 4 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-debug-1036: reiserfs: print more information when an empty journal list is encountered (bnc#447406 bnc#399966). * Thu Dec 4 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/atm-duplicate-listen-on-socket-corrupts-the-vcc-table.patch: ATM: duplicate listen() on socket corrupts the vcc table (CVE-2008-5079). * Thu Dec 4 2008 jack@suse.cz - Update config files. * Thu Dec 4 2008 jack@suse.cz XFS update on request from SGI: - patches.apparmor/vfs-notify_change.diff: Add a vfsmount parameter to notify_change(). (refreshed) - patches.suse/xfs-account-for-allocated-blocks-when-expanding-directories: Account for allocated blocks when expanding directories (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-check-for-valid-transaction-headers-in-recovery: XFS: Check for valid transaction headers in recovery (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-enable: VFS changes to support DMAPI (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-src: DMAPI Source (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-xfs-enable: DMAPI support for xfs (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-handle-memory-allocation-failures-during-log-initialisation: handle memory allocation failures during log initialisation (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-nfsd-dmapi-aware: Make NFSD DMAPI aware (74107, 173874, bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-wait-for-all-IO-on-truncate-to-zero: Wait for all I/O on truncate to zero file size (bnc#450658). - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-2.6.27: Delete. - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-xfs-2.6.27: Delete. * Thu Dec 4 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-mpic-dont-reset-affinity-for-secondary-MPIC-on-boot.patch: Don't reset affinity for secondary MPIC on boot (bnc#456408 - LTC50397). * Thu Dec 4 2008 jjolly@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.arch/s390-05-04-fix_rport_status_check.patch: zfcp: fix remote port status check (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-05-stp-etr-stop-machine.patch: stp/etr: smp_call_function races. (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-06-stp-etr-mutex.patch: stp/etr: serialize work. (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-07-generic-ipi.patch: kernel: smp_call_function races. (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-08-topology.patch: kernel: disable cpu topology support by default (bnc#450096,LTC#50392). * Thu Dec 4 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-cell-gdb-watchpoints.patch: Fix GDB watchpoints on Cell (bnc#456405 - LTC50396). * Thu Dec 4 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-syscall-xer.so.1.patch: Fix system calls on Cell entered with XER.SO=1 (bnc#456406 - LTC50395). * Thu Dec 4 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/genhd-disk-ro-uevents: Send uevents for write_protect changes (bnc#440959). * Thu Dec 4 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: mark kernel/net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs/* and kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_CLUSTERIP as unsupported, a supported variant will be provided in a separate KMP (bnc#455959) * Thu Dec 4 2008 schwab@suse.de - Set CONFIG_IA64_CPE_MIGRATE=m. * Thu Dec 4 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - supported.conf: Mark pciback as support, sfc_resource, sfc_netback, and sfc_netutil as externally supported, add sfc_netfront, and mark xenscsi and xen-scsibk as unsupported. * Thu Dec 4 2008 mszeredi@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-fix-uninitialized-variable.patch: Fix use of uninitialized variable in cache_grow() (bnc#444597). * Thu Dec 4 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-eh_stu-timeout: make scsi_eh_try_stu use block timeout (bnc#447249,bnc#441335). * Thu Dec 4 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/jbd2-create-proc-entry-fix.patch: Delete. It's not needed anymore now that has a similar fix. * Wed Dec 3 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bugfixes - some security fixes as well. - obsoletes lots of existing patches: - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-02-add-a-missing-mutex_unlock.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-11-Fix-spinning-in-spufs_ps_fault-on-sig.patch - patches.drivers/libata-fix-ata_tf_read_block-overflow - patches.drivers/libata-fix-ata_tf_to_lba48-overflow - patches.drivers/libata-seagate-firmware-bug - patches.drivers/parport-serial-array-overflow-fix - patches.fixes/af_unix-soft-lockup-fix.patch - patches.fixes/cifs-add-cifs_sock_list - patches.fixes/cifs-cleanup-cifs_mount - patches.fixes/cifs-cleanup-proto-handling - patches.fixes/cifs-disable-sess-sharing - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-build-breakage - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-data-corruption - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-dead-tcon-check - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-oops-on-failed-mount - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-reconnection-flags - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-smb-send2 - patches.fixes/cifs-fix-writepages - patches.fixes/cifs-reinstate-sess-sharing-sans-races - patches.fixes/cifs-reinstate-treecon-sharing - patches.fixes/ext4_add-missing-unlock-to-ext4-check-descriptors - patches.fixes/ext4_create-proc-ext4-stats-file-more-carefully - patches.fixes/ext4_fix_whitespace_checkpatch_issues - patches.fixes/ext4_update-flex-bg-counters-when-resizing - patches.fixes/fix-inotify-watch-removal-umount-races - patches.fixes/hpwdt-execute-page.diff - patches.fixes/hpwdt-kdump.diff - patches.fixes/ia64-fix-boot-panic-caused-by-offline-CPUs.patch - patches.fixes/x86_cpufreq_powernow-k8_handle_invalid_state_gracefully.patch * Wed Dec 3 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.19: Fix a kernel warning during shutdown. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.27, patches.xen/xen-netback-notify-multi, patches.xen/xen-virq-per-cpu-irq: Refresh. * Wed Dec 3 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/scsi-scsi_transport_srp-shost_data.patch: change init order to fill in shost_data (bnc#455929). * Wed Dec 3 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/scsi-netlink-ml: Use GFP_ATOMIC for skb allocation. * Wed Dec 3 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/scsi-scsi_transport_srp-shost_data.patch: add debug for Scsi_Host->shost_data (bnc#455929). * Wed Dec 3 2008 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: mark dm-leastpending-path as supported (bnc#444199) * Wed Dec 3 2008 teheo@suse.de Patch updated to remove strcmp() on NULL strings. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-borked-tecra-m4-broken-suspend: ata_piix: add borked Tecra M4 to broken suspend list (bnc#398270). * Wed Dec 3 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 728 (plus several indivual ones) - patches.xen/735-balloon-exit.patch: remove sysfs files during balloon module exit. - patches.xen/737-kexec-free.patch: kexec: Don't pass limit_pages_to_max_mfn() regions to xen_destroy_contiguous_region(). - patches.xen/740-blkback-resource-leak.patch: blkback, blktap: Fix potential resource leak. - patches.xen/746-pirq-status-page.patch: use shared page indicating the need for an EOI notification - patches.xen/747-x86-undo-mfn-limit.patch: revert the effect of xen_limit_pages_to_max_mfn() - patches.xen/748-x86-ioapic-cleanup.patch: cleanup IO-APIC code - patches.xen/panic-on-io-nmi-xen.diff: Rename to ... - patches.xen/xen3-panic-on-io-nmi.diff: ... this. - patches.xen/uv-sysfs-no-xen.diff: Replace by ... - patches.xen/xen3-uv_setup_irq.diff: ... this. - patches.xen/xen3-x86_sgi_uv_early_detect_oem.patch: x86, uv: add early detection of UV system types (bnc#429984). - patches.xen/xen-fb-bad-irq: Delete. * Wed Dec 3 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update Emulex lpfc driver to (bnc#420767). * Wed Dec 3 2008 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/cfq-ioc-race: Exiting queue and task might race to free cic (bnc#444346). * Wed Dec 3 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.fixes/cifs-reinstate-sess-sharing-sans-races: Adjust as it didn't apply cleanly. * Wed Dec 3 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Fix data corruption issues (411655). patches.fixes/cifs-fix-data-corruption patches.fixes/cifs-fix-smb-send2 - Fix multiple oopses, memory corruption due to mount/umount races (https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5720). patches.fixes/cifs-add-cifs_sock_list patches.fixes/cifs-cleanup-cifs_mount patches.fixes/cifs-cleanup-proto-handling patches.fixes/cifs-disable-sess-sharing patches.fixes/cifs-fix-build-breakage patches.fixes/cifs-fix-dead-tcon-check patches.fixes/cifs-fix-oops-on-failed-mount patches.fixes/cifs-fix-reconnection-flags patches.fixes/cifs-fix-writepages patches.fixes/cifs-reinstate-sess-sharing-sans-races patches.fixes/cifs-reinstate-treecon-sharing * Tue Dec 2 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/git-create-branch: Helper script to create a new branch. * Tue Dec 2 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/get_release_number.sh.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: append first eight digits of the commit id to the release string. This makes it easier to match rpm release numbers with commits. * Tue Dec 2 2008 mszeredi@suse.de - patches.fixes/af_unix-soft-lockup-fix.patch: net: Fix soft lockups/OOM issues w/ unix garbage collector (bnc#449739 CVE-2008-5300). * Tue Dec 2 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx- qla2xxx: additional fixes/updates for SLES11 (bnc#450197). - patches.fixes/scsi-fixup-failfast-definitions: fc_transport: fix old bug on bitflag definitions (bnc#447814). * Tue Dec 2 2008 goldwyn@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-map-drives-correctly.diff - patches.suse/novfs-merge-changes.diff: Modified to revert some changes in novfs_set_map_drive() - patches.suse/novfs-clear-mappeddrives.patch: Unlink mapped drives on exit (bnc#449451). * Tue Dec 2 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - supported.conf: mark ocfs2 as unsupported, a supported variant will be provided in a separate KMP (bnc#449824) * Tue Dec 2 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehca-rejecting-dynamic-mem-add-remove.patch: update error message (bnc#448301 - LTC50134) * Tue Dec 2 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files for S/390: Disable FCoE and sync default and s390. - supported.conf: Mark KVM as supported. * Tue Dec 2 2008 jjolly@suse.de - ...and added the patches to the series.conf (bnc#450096) * Tue Dec 2 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-05-01-zfcp-message-linebreak.patch: zfcp: Wrong placement of linebreak in message (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-02-zfcp-invalid-non-null-return.patch: zfcp: invalid return value on failing fsf_req creation (bnc#450096). - patches.arch/s390-05-03-zfcp-wka-port.patch: zfcp: Fix opening of wka ports (bnc#450096). * Mon Dec 1 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3-Add-1G-fiber-support: cxgb3: Add 1G fiber support. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-Allocate-multiqueues-at-init-time: cxgb3: Allocate multiqueues at init time. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-More-flexible-support-for-PHY-interrupts: cxgb3: More flexible support for PHY interrupts.. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-Support-for-Aeluros-2005-PHY: cxgb3: Support for Aeluros 2005 PHY. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-allow-for-PHY-reset-status: cxgb3: allow for PHY reset status. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-commnonize-LASI-phy-code: cxgb3: commnonize LASI phy code. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-eeprom-read-fixes.patch: cxgb3 - eeprom read fixes. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-enable-lro-through-ethtool: cxgb3 - enable lro control through ethtool. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-simplify-port-type-struct-and-usage: cxgb3: simplify port type struct and usage. - patches.drivers/cxgb3-update-driver-version: cxgb3: update driver version. (bnc#446739) * Mon Dec 1 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/macros.kernel-source: one more fix to the flavor selection code (for some reason %%* contained a newline) * Mon Dec 1 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_x2APIC_madt_enhancements.patch: ACPICA: x2APIC support: changes for MADT and SRAT ACPI tables (fate 303948 and fate 303984). - patches.fixes/acpi_check_for_invalid_handle.patch: ACPICA: Add check for invalid handle in acpi_get_object_info (http://www.acpica.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=474). - patches.fixes/acpi_dereference_object_if_possible.patch: ACPICA: Add function to dereference returned reference objects (http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11105). - patches.fixes/acpi_do_not_load_acpi_cpufreq_acpioff.patch: ACPI: don't load acpi_cpufreq if acpi=off (no reference). * Mon Dec 1 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_copy_tables_fix_suspend.patch: ACPICA: Copy dynamically loaded tables to local buffer (bnc#410726). * Sat Nov 29 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/SUNRPC-Fix-autobind-on-cloned-rpc-clients.patch: SUNRPC: Fix autobind on cloned rpc clients. Importantly, this removes a 'BUG_ON' that fires. (450083). * Sat Nov 29 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-borked-tecra-m4-broken-suspend: ata_piix: add borked Tecra M4 to broken suspend list (bnc#398270). * Sat Nov 29 2008 bwalle@suse.de - UV updates from SGI (bnc#442455, #442455). o patches.fixes/ia64_uv_partition_id.diff: Add partition id, coherence id, and region size to UV o patches.fixes/ia64_uv_watchlist.diff: Add UV watchlist suppor o patches.fixes/null_irq_desc_name.diff: genirq: NULL struct irq_desc's member 'name' in dynamic_irq_cleanup() o patches.fixes/uv-bios_call_memprotect.diff: Add UV bios call to change memory protections o patches.fixes/uv-bios_call_partition.diff: x86: Add UV partition call o patches.fixes/uv-bios_call_reserve_page.diff: Add UV bios call to get the address of the reserved page o patches.fixes/uv-bios_call_watchlist.diff: Add UV bios calls to allocate and free watchlists o patches.fixes/uv-bios_common.diff: x86: Add UV bios call infrastructure o patches.fixes/uv-efi_bios.diff: x86: Add UV EFI table entry o patches.fixes/uv-sn_region_size.diff: Use consistent names for region size and conherence id on x86 and ia64 o patches.fixes/uv-sysfs.diff: x86: Add UV sysfs entries o patches.fixes/uv-xp-change_memprotect.diff: Define xp_expand_memprotect() and xp_restrict_memprotect() o patches.fixes/uv-xpc-get_sn_info.diff: Define xp_partition_id and xp_region_size o patches.fixes/uv-xpc_create_gru_mq_uv.diff: Add the code to create the activate and notify gru message queues o patches.fixes/uv-xpc_get_part_rsvd_page.diff: Add support for getting the address of a partition's reserved page o patches.fixes/uv_setup_irq.diff: x86, UV: add uv_setup_irq() and uv_teardown_irq() functions, v3 - Refresh Xen patches o patches.xen/xen3-auto-arch-x86.diff o patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.19 - patches.xen/xen-x86-no-lapic: Add uv_irq.o - patches.xen/uv-sysfs-no-xen.diff: Don't build UV sysfs support on Xen. * Fri Nov 28 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/x86_cpufreq_powernow-k8_handle_invalid_state_gracefully.patch: powernow-k8: ignore out-of-range PstateStatus value (no bug avail). * Fri Nov 28 2008 sassmann@suse.de - Update config files. activate ALTIVEC in ps3 config * Fri Nov 28 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-beta4-update: rediff. - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-beta6-update: Incremental Open-FCoE for Beta6 (bnc#438954). * Fri Nov 28 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sony-vaio-vgn-sr19xn-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add quirk for Sony VAIO VGN-SR19XN (bnc#450080). * Fri Nov 28 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: move Module.symvers creation into CONFIG_MODULES section, a static kernel exports nothing * Fri Nov 28 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/post*.sh: kernel-vanilla has now vmlinux-vanilla symlink * Fri Nov 28 2008 teheo@suse.de Block layer timer bug fixed. Multipath patch update is just patch refresh. - patches.drivers/block-internal-dequeue-shouldnt-start-timer: block: internal dequeue shouldn't start timer (bnc#449880). - patches.drivers/blk-request-based-multipath-update: Block layer fixes for request-based multipathing (References: FATE#302108). * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/8250-sysrq-ctrl_o.patch: fix no-op macro args * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/8250-sysrq-ctrl_o.patch: fix compile on ppc32 * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: always create a dummy initrd because mkinitrd is called unconditionally * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: kernel-ps3 needs a suffix * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - remove last traces of kernel-um handling * Thu Nov 27 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/qla2xxx-disable-automatic-queue-tracking: qla2xxx: Conditionally disable queue_full tracking (bnc#449386). * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.suse/8250-sysrq-ctrl_o.patch: no sysrq on Cell QS21/QS22 serial console (bnc#422987,bnc#96313 - LTC47675/LTC16841). * Thu Nov 27 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-memoryless-nodes.patch: fix booting with memoryless nodes (443280 - LTC49675) * Thu Nov 27 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-seagate-firmware-bug: libata: blacklist Seagate drives which time out FLUSH_CACHE when used with NCQ (bnc#449531). * Wed Nov 26 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/macros.kernel-source: Fix the kernel flavor selection logic for the %%kernel_module_package macro. * Wed Nov 26 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/blk-leave-sync-timer-running: move to correct place in series.conf and rediff - patches.drivers/cciss-newids.patch: Delete. * Wed Nov 26 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/cciss-newids.patch: Support for newcciss controller (bnc#448416). - patches.fixes/blk-leave-sync-timer-running: block: leave request timeout timer running on an empty list (bnc#447249). * Tue Nov 25 2008 mszeredi@suse.de - patches.fixes/slab-alloc_slabmgmt-fix.patch: slab: remove GFP_THISNODE clearing from alloc_slabmgmt() (bnc#444597). * Tue Nov 25 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-11-mm-page_alloc-emerg.patch: Fix accidental side-effect that this patch introduced by reverting patches.fixes/oom-warning (bnc #444597). * Tue Nov 25 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-ca0106-pm-support: ALSA: ca0106 - Add power-amangement support (bnc#447624). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-92hd73xx-models: ALSA: hda - Check model for Dell 92HD73xx laptops (bnc#446025). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-studio-1535-quirk: ALSA: hda - mark Dell studio 1535 quirk (bnc#446025). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-spdif-bits-cache-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix caching of SPDIF status bits. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-no-hp-as-line-out-switch: ALSA: hda - No 'Headphone as Line-out' swich without line-outs (bnc#446025). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-yet-more-fixes: ALSA: hda - Fix AFG power management on IDT 92HD* codecs (bnc#446025). * Tue Nov 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/fix-inotify-watch-removal-umount-races: Fix inotify watch removal/umount races (bnc#446973 CVE-2008-5182). * Tue Nov 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/uv-redundant-creation-of-proc-dir: UV: redundant creation of sgi_uv (bnc#444799). * Mon Nov 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - supported.conf: dm-raid45 depends on a few more modules (bnc#440208, bnc#441310). * Mon Nov 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - Switch from a no_file_caps command line switch to file_caps={0,1} for enabling/disabling file capabilities, and make file_caps=0 the default: we cannot get the no_file_caps option added to the kernel command line anymore (perl-Bootloader, bnc#418366). * Mon Nov 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - supported.conf: dm-raid4-5 was renamed to dm-raid45 (bnc#440208, bnc#441310). * Mon Nov 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update config files: switch from CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY to CONFIG_PREEMPT_NONE. * Mon Nov 24 2008 ghaskins@suse.de - patches.fixes/sched-fix-bug-in-sched-domain-degenerate.patch: sched: fix a bug in sched domain degenerate (bnc#442464). * Mon Nov 24 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - doc/README.SUSE: document that setting allow_unsupported_modules to 1 in /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules is required to make self-compiled kernels work. * Mon Nov 24 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/hpwdt-kdump.diff: Sync with latest upstream submission. * Sun Nov 23 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_sgi_uv_early_detect_oem.patch: x86, uv: add early detection of UV system types (bnc#429984). * Sat Nov 22 2008 olh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_CGROUP_NS on ia64, s390 and powerpc (bnc#447507 - LTC50053) * Sat Nov 22 2008 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/ia64-fix-boot-panic-caused-by-offline-CPUs.patch: fix boot panic caused by offline CPUs (bnc#440386). * Fri Nov 21 2008 agruen@suse.de - config/x86_64/maxcpus: Delete. * Fri Nov 21 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: s/CVS/GIT/ * Fri Nov 21 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/symsets.pl: fix module names in export lists (kernel/irq/built-in was printed as irq/built-in) * Fri Nov 21 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update x86_64/{debug,default,trace,vanilla} config files: increase NR_CPUS to 512. * Fri Nov 21 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/symsets.pl: Replace the bash and awk scripts around symsets and kabi checking with a single script that generates symsets, reuses symsets from older kernels and checks for kabi changes for each of the split packages (kabi checking and symset reuse require a set of reference files, which does not exist yet) - rpm/list-exported-symbols: Delete. - rpm/split-into-symsets: Delete. - scripts/kabi-checks: Delete. - kabi/severities: table of kabi change severities - rpm/built-in-where, rpm/find-provides, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in, rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: update to use symsets.pl * Fri Nov 21 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-sfp.patch: include additional fixes from Intel (bnc#442411) * Fri Nov 21 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.fixes/igb_ethtool.patch: add missing ethtool hooks (bnc#435551) * Fri Nov 21 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-04-08-cio-ungroup-race-fix.patch: cio: ccwgroup online vs. ungroup race condition (bnc#445100,LTC#50092). - patches.arch/s390-04-09-zfcp-host-busy-count-fix.patch: zfcp: prevent double decrement on host_busy counter (bnc#445100). * Fri Nov 21 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/macros.kernel-source: + Rename the -s option to -t in the %%kernel_module_package macro for improved cross-distro compatibility. + Define %%kernel_module_package_release as 1 for feature tests. + Define %%kernel_module_package_buildreqs for use by KMPs: that way, KMPs can either use this macro for compatibility, or they can substitute other packages for special cases. * Fri Nov 21 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3i: add cxgb3i iscsi driver (FATE#304154,bnc#433500). - patches.drivers/cxgb3i-fixed-offload-array-size: cxgb3i - fixed offload wr array size (bnc#447409). - patches.fixes/dm-table-switch-to-readonly: dm multipath devices are not getting created for readonly devices (bnc#382705). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-null-pgs: Allow zero paths for multipath priority groups (bnc#372684). - patches.suse/scsi-netlink-ml: Netlink interface for SCSI sense codes (FATE#303789). * Fri Nov 21 2008 goldwyn@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-map-drives-correctly.diff: Fix oops in set_map_drive (bnc#446824, bnc#444469). * Fri Nov 21 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-x86-vmware-tsc-03-detect-from-hypervisor: Fix Xen pv driver build. * Fri Nov 21 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-01-use-inc_nlink.patch: use inc_nlink - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-02-add-a-missing-mutex_unlock.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-03-sputrace-Only-enable-logging-on-open.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-04-sputrace-Don-t-block-until-the-read.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-05-Use-state_mutex-for-switch_log-lockin.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-06-Don-t-require-full-buffer-in-switch_l.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-07-Don-t-spu_acquire_saved-unnecessarily.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-08-Use-kmalloc-rather-than-kzalloc-for-s.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-09-Improve-search-of-node-for-contexts-w.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-10-Explain-conditional-decrement-of-aff_.patch - patches.arch/ppc-spufs-11-Fix-spinning-in-spufs_ps_fault-on-sig.patch update spufs to current mainline state (bnc#447133 - LTC50070) * Fri Nov 21 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/parport-serial-array-overflow-fix: Fix array overflow in parport_serial.c (bnc#447067). * Fri Nov 21 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-studio-15-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add a quirk for Dell Studio 15 (bnc#446025). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-dell-m4-3-quirk: ALSA: hda: Add STAC_DELL_M4_3 quirk (bnc#446025). * Fri Nov 21 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: avoid silent stack overflow over the heap. Try again. * Fri Nov 21 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Refresh patches to apply cleanly after update. * Fri Nov 21 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bugfixes and security updates. - obsoletes: - patches.arch/s390-04-05-topology-lock.diff - patches.drivers/bnx2x-zero-PMF - patches.drivers/input-alps-add-signature-for-dualpoint-found-in-dell-latitude-e6500.patch - patches.fixes/cdc-acm.c-fix-recursive-lock-in-acm_start_wb-error-path.patch - patches.fixes/sony_laptop_fix_suspend.patch - patches.kernel.org/iwlagn-avoid-sleep-in-softirq-context.patch - patches.kernel.org/memory-hotplug-fix-page_zone-calculation-in-test_pages_isolated.patch - patches.kernel.org/touch_mnt_namespace-when-the-mount-flags-change.patch: * Fri Nov 21 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-clear-spurious-IRQ: ata_piix: detect and clear spurious IRQs (bnc#445872). * Fri Nov 21 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.fixes/mm-madvise-fix.patch: mm: madvise correct return code (bnc#352998). * Thu Nov 20 2008 jack@suse.cz - patches.suse/ocfs2-Change-quotafile-names.patch: ocfs2: Change file names of local quota files to be consistent (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-hang-in-quota-recovery-code.patch: ocfs2: Fix hang in quota recovery code (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-oops-when-one-quotatype-enabled: ocfs2: Fix oops when only usrquota or grpquota feature is enabled (fate#302681). * Thu Nov 20 2008 garloff@suse.de - patches.suse/panic-on-io-nmi.diff patches.xen/panic-on-io-nmi-xen.diff: New kernel sysctl panic-on-io-nmi, which is set will cause a kernel panic on receiving an IOCK NMI (bnc#427979). * Thu Nov 20 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-04-06-cio-sac-update.diff: cio: update sac values (bnc#445100). - patches.arch/s390-04-07-als.patch: kernel: Add processor type march=z10 and a processor type safety check. (bnc#445100). * Thu Nov 20 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-hp-gpio-switch-fix: ALSA: hda: STAC_DELL_M6 EAPD (bnc#446025). * Thu Nov 20 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to and c/s 724. - Update Xen config files. - patches.xen/xen-fb-bad-irq: xenfb: don't use irq before it gets set up (bnc#445659). - patches.xen/xen-netback-notify-multi: netback: use multicall for send multiple notifications. - patches.xen/xen-netback-nr-irqs: netback: reduce overhead of IRQ recording. * Thu Nov 20 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/igb-pf.patch: removed (no SR-IOV) (bnc#440614) * Thu Nov 20 2008 olh@suse.de - disable patches.arch/ppc-efika-bestcomm-ata-dma.patch crashes the sound driver * Thu Nov 20 2008 jjolly@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: excluded vanilla build from creating the man package * Thu Nov 20 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/ibmvfc-async-events-oops: ibmvfc oops while processing async events (bnc#445541). - patches.drivers/mpt-fusion- MPT fusion driver update to (bnc#425660). - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-NULL-pgpath-in-activate_path: Do not call activate_path() if pgpath is NULL (bnc#442676). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-rdac-initialize-passive-path: Initialize path state to be passive when path is not owned (bnc#442676). - patches.suse/dm-mpath-leastpending-path: Dynamic load balancing policy for device mapper multipath (bnc#444199). * Thu Nov 20 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.fixes/bug-437171_1_sched_clock_lock.patch: sched: only update rq->clock while holding rq->lock (437171 - LTC47404). - patches.fixes/bug-437171_2_sched_delta_weight.patch: sched: revert back to per-rq vruntime (437171 - LTC47404). - patches.fixes/bug-437171_3_rework_wakeup_preemption.patch: sched: rework wakeup preemption (437171 - LTC47404). - patches.fixes/bug-437171_4_sched_reinstate_vruntime_wakeup.patch: sched: re-instate vruntime based wakeup preemption (437171 - LTC47404). * Thu Nov 20 2008 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Fixed debug build, added dependent config option. * Thu Nov 20 2008 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. - > unified i386/x86_64 debug kernels: - added CONFIG_NO_HZ=y to i386-debug - added CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO to x86_64-debug Differ method to receive processor_id depending whether the processor got declared as a regular ACPI device or as a processor object: - patches.arch/acpi_behave_uniquely_based_on_processor_declaration.patch: ACPI: Behave uniquely based on processor declaration definition type (bnc#440062). - patches.arch/acpi_disambiguate_processor_declaration_type.patch: ACPI: Disambiguate processor declaration type (bnc#440062). - patches.arch/acpi_processor_cleanups.patch: ACPI: 80 column adherence and spelling fix (no functional change) (bnc#440062). - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: xen3 common. Fix missing bit for ThinkPad brightness switching: - patches.arch/acpi_video_thinkpad_exclude_IGD_devices.patch: Do not use video backlight switching for Lenovo ThinkPads. - patches.fixes/sony_laptop_fix_suspend.patch: sony-laptop: Ignore missing _DIS method on pic device (bnc#446487). * Thu Nov 20 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-reattach-dh: Do not detach hardware handler when removing multipath maps (bnc#435688). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-alua-send-stpg: Always send STPG for explicit tgps mode. * Thu Nov 20 2008 jjolly@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Added kernel man package for s390x * Thu Nov 20 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-of-irq-map.patch: fix IRQ assignment if interrupts property is missing (bnc#446610 - LTC50006) * Thu Nov 20 2008 rjw@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi-set-SCI_EN-on-MacBook.patch: ACPI suspend: Blacklist boxes that require us to set SCI_EN directly on resume (bnc#444786). * Wed Nov 19 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-hpet-pre-read: x86: workaround for mccreary HPET read problem (bnc#433746). * Wed Nov 19 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/0008-sony-laptop-fingers-off-backlight.patch: sony-laptop: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - > Fix typo, must not invert logic at this point * Wed Nov 19 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000e_add_ECC: e1000e: enable ECC (bnc#445829) * Wed Nov 19 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/tar-up.sh: record the git branch name in the spec files (no branch name means master) * Wed Nov 19 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.drivers/elousb.patch: fix values of maximum X and Y coordinates so that they are compliant with the values that the device contains in its descriptor (bnc#442865) * Wed Nov 19 2008 goldwyn@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-merge-changes.diff: Merge changes left out during code pull (bnc#445000). * Wed Nov 19 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-bsr-multinode.patch: Add support for multiple BSR nodes in the device tree. (bnc#443665 - LTC49817) * Wed Nov 19 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-cmm-pagecounter.patch: Update page in counter for CMM (bnc#445540 - LTC49942) * Wed Nov 19 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-pseries-bsr-4k.patch: Unable to Use Small BSR register on Power LPAR (bnc#443673 - LTC49749) * Wed Nov 19 2008 jjolly@suse.de - config/s390/s390: Update config files: added CONFIG_UTRACE=y and CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_TRACEHOOK=y * Wed Nov 19 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehca-fix-possible-nullpointer-access-v2.patch: ehca: fix a possible nullpointer access (bnc#441966). * Wed Nov 19 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-axon-missing-msi-workaround-5.diff: powerpc/cell/axon-msi: retry on missing interrupt (bnc#445964). * Wed Nov 19 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/0001-IB-ehca-Fix-problem-with-max-number-of-QPs-and-CQs.patch: Fix problem with max number of QPs and CQs (bnc#441619). * Tue Nov 18 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Disable CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM for i386 and x86_64 (bnc#443852). * Tue Nov 18 2008 jjolly@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.trace/s390-syscall-get-nr.diff: fix syscall_get_nr.. - patches.trace/s390-utrace-enablement.patch: Backport s390 kernel components required for utrace enablement. * Tue Nov 18 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: on s390(x) call dwarfextract to create the Kerntypes file for use with old lcrash debuggers. * Tue Nov 18 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-92hd71bxx-gpio-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix GPIO initialization in patch_stac92hd71bxx() (bnc#445321,bnc#445161). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-gpio-unsol-resume-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix resume of GPIO unsol event for STAC/IDT (bnc#445321,bnc#445161). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-hp-pavilion-quirks: ALSA: hda - Add quirks for HP Pavilion DV models (bnc#445321,bnc#445161). * Tue Nov 18 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-hpet-use-WARN_ON_ONCE: x86: HPET: convert WARN_ON to WARN_ON_ONCE (bnc#433746). * Tue Nov 18 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT development has moved to slert-devel branch. - Remove RT patches from master branch. (itemized RT patch list suppressed) * Tue Nov 18 2008 olh@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-efika-bestcomm-ata-dma.patch: use ATA DMA (bnc#445856) * Tue Nov 18 2008 olh@suse.de - config/ppc/ppc64: reenable 64k PAGE_SIZE to keep the config flavor on ppc and ppc64 in sync the last change had also no bug number to fix the possible bug in the Xserver. * Tue Nov 18 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-realtek-acer-dmic: ALSA: hda - Split ALC268 acer model (bnc#420048). * Tue Nov 18 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-04-01-qdio_prevent_double_shutdown.patch: qdio: prevent double qdio shutdown in case of I/O errors. (bnc#445100). - patches.arch/s390-04-02-qdio-osa-port-count.patch: qdio: fix qeth port count detection. (bnc#445100). - patches.arch/s390-04-03-kmsg.patch: kmsg: do not change pr_xyz messages without KMSG_COMPONENT (bnc#445100). - patches.arch/s390-04-04-dasd_fatal_error_log_sense.patch: dasd: log sense for fatal errors. (bnc#445100). - patches.arch/s390-04-05-topology-lock.diff: kernel: Fix locking in cpu topology code. (bnc#445100). * Tue Nov 18 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-personality-mask.patch: fix s390x_newuname. * Tue Nov 18 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/staging-rt2860-enable-wpa_supplicant-support.patch: Staging: rt2860: enable WPA_SUPPLICANT support (bnc#437959). * Mon Nov 17 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc to (bnc#420767). - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-5.01.00-k8_sles11-03-update: Update qla4xxx to 5.01.00-k8_sles11-03 (bnc#444884). - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-reattach-dh: Reattach device handler for multipath devices (bnc#435688). - patches.fixes/scsi-add-tgps-setting: Add TGPS setting to scsi devices. - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-alua-retry-UA: Retry ALUA device handler initialization on Unit Attention. * Mon Nov 17 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/v4l-dvb-avoid-writing-outside-array: V4L/DVB (9621): Avoid writing outside shadow.bytes array (bnc#445569). * Mon Nov 17 2008 fseidel@suse.de - patches.fixes/ipw2200-send-noassoc.patch: ipw2200: fix oops in ipw_tx_skb (bnc#397390). * Sat Nov 15 2008 rjw@suse.com - patches.fixes/hibernate-x86-fix-breakage-on-x86_32-with-PAE.patch: x86: Hibernate: Fix breakage on x86_32 with CONFIG_NUMA set (bnc#439126). * Sat Nov 15 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-hp-m4-check-fix: ALSA: hda - Check model type instead of SSID in patch_92hd71bxx() (bnc#444349). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-vref-event-fix: ALSA: hda: STAC_VREF_EVENT value change (bnc#444349). * Sat Nov 15 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/memory-hotplug-fix-page_zone-calculation-in-test_pages_isolated.patch: memory hotplug: fix page_zone() calculation in test_pages_isolated() (bnc#445163). * Fri Nov 14 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/input-alps-add-signature-for-dualpoint-found-in-dell-latitude-e6500.patch: Input: ALPS - add signature for DualPoint found in Dell Latitude E6500 (bnc#436719). * Fri Nov 14 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-eh-timed-out-missing-braces: scsi_error: fix indentation and braces disagreement - add braces. - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-TASK_ABORTED: scsi_error: TASK ABORTED status handling improvement. - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-transport-error: scsi_error regression: Fix idempotent command handling. * Fri Nov 14 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-eh-timed-out-missing-braces: scsi_error: fix indentation and braces disagreement - add braces. - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-TASK_ABORTED: scsi_error: TASK ABORTED status handling improvement. - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-transport-error: scsi_error regression: Fix idempotent command handling. * Fri Nov 14 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/hpwdt-execute-page.diff: [WATCHDOG] [hpwdt] Set the mapped BIOS address space as executable (bnc#430680). * Fri Nov 14 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-01-add-TSC_RELIABLE, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-02-add-X86_FEATURE_HYPERVISOR, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-03-detect-from-hypervisor, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-04-use-TSC_RELIABLE, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-05-skip-tsc-clocksource, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-06-fix-vmware_get_tsc, patches.arch/x86-vmware-tsc-07-DMI-product-serial-key, patches.xen/xen-x86-vmware-tsc-fix: VMware tsc clocksource workaround (bnc#441338). * Fri Nov 14 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Fixed a typo in definition of X86_FEATURE_XTOPOLOGY (bnc#443293) in patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_40_of_41_bbb65d2d365efe9951290e61678dcf81ec60add4 * Fri Nov 14 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update CONFIG_X86_RESERVE_LOW_64K in config/x86_64/maxcpus as well. - patches.suse/bug-425240_nr_cpus-mem_cgroup_stat-fix.diff: rename to patches.suse/mem_cgroup_stat-dynamic-alloc, and update to newer version. * Fri Nov 14 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/kdump-x86-sparsemem.diff: x86, kdump: fix invalid access on i386 sparsemem (bnc#440525). - patches.xen/linux-2.6.19-rc1-kexec-move_segment_code-i386.patch: Refresh. * Thu Nov 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/iwlagn-avoid-sleep-in-softirq-context.patch: iwlagn: avoid sleep in softirq context (bnc#444382). * Thu Nov 13 2008 philips@suse.de - patches.fixes/cdc-acm.c-fix-recursive-lock-in-acm_start_wb-error-path.patch: cdc-acm.c: fix recursive lock in acm_start_wb error path. * Thu Nov 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_X86_RESERVE_LOW_64K for i386 and x86-64 vanilla configs. * Thu Nov 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_X86_RESERVE_LOW_64K on i386 and x86-64 to fix some suspend/resume issues (option added in * Thu Nov 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches so that everything applies cleanly. * Thu Nov 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - fixes some security issues - lots of bugfixes - obsoletes: - patches.arch/acpi-dock-avoid-check-_STA-method.patch: - patches.arch/ppc-gigantic-page-fix2.patch: - patches.arch/ppc-gigantic-page-fix3.patch: - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-eq-option: - patches.drivers/cciss-fix-procfs-firmware-regression.patch: - patches.drivers/cciss-fix-sysfs-symlink.patch: - patches.drivers/libata-fix-last_reset-timestamp-handling: - patches.kernel.org/md-raid10-recovoery-fix.path: * Thu Nov 13 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: package modules.order (bnc#441384) * Thu Nov 13 2008 agruen@suse.de - config.conf: Add x86_64/maxcpus as the 4096-cpu configuration and switch back to at most 128 cpus in the other configs. This avoids wasting memory on all but the most extreme x86_64 systems. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: define a kernel-$flavor symbol to allow per-flavor patches. (Use this for testing only!) - patches.suse/bug-425240_nr_cpus-mem_cgroup_stat-fix.diff: Add this patch conditionally for x86_64/maxcpus for now pending test results from bnc#425240. * Thu Nov 13 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-beep-dig-switch: ALSA: hda - Add digital beep playback switch for STAC/IDT codecs (#444572). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-beep-null-check-fix: ALSA: hda - Missing NULL check in hda_beep.c. * Thu Nov 13 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-skip-nonscsi-device-for-dma: fix to make it work with iSCSI (bnc#444234) * Thu Nov 13 2008 olh@suse.de - mark some powerpc device drivers as supported to move them out of kernel-extra, otherwise installation-images will not pick them up - ps3vram, mtd, mtdblock, mtd_blkdevs (bnc#444220) - PowerMac, Efika and Pegasos2 storage and network drivers * Wed Nov 12 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/firmware-memmap-64bit.diff: Always use 64 bit addresses for the firmware memory map. * Wed Nov 12 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-powermac-ibook-g4-mic-fix: ALSA: powermac - Rename mic-analog loopback mixer element (bnc#444194). * Wed Nov 12 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac-hp-detect-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix IDT/STAC multiple HP detection (bnc#443267). * Wed Nov 12 2008 agruen@suse.de - patches.suse/module-ref-dynamic-alloc: fall back to vmalloc if kmalloc fails (bnc#425240). * Wed Nov 12 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac9200-missing-mux-capture: ALSA: hda - Add missing analog-mux mixer creation for STAC9200 (bnc#443738). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-stac92xx-mic-pin-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix input pin initialization for STAC/IDT codecs (bnc#443738). * Tue Nov 11 2008 philips@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: remove Recommends: kerneloops, opt-in will be implemented in the 11.2 installer * Tue Nov 11 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-error-buffer-locking: reiserfs: add locking around error buffer. - patches.fixes/reiserfs-varargs-fix: reiserfs: prepare_error_buf wrongly consumes va_arg. * Tue Nov 11 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.suse/module-ref-dynamic-alloc: Allocate module.ref array dynamically (bnc#425240). - Update config files: back to NR_CPUS=4096 * Tue Nov 11 2008 jblunck@suse.de - Update config files: Set NR_CPUS on x86_64 back to 128 again for now: with NR_CPUS=4096, the size of eack .ko file increases by 496 KiB because of the static struct module in .gnu.linkonce.this_module. * Tue Nov 11 2008 schwab@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-select: Fix wrong error code from ppc32 select. * Tue Nov 11 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: also encode the architecture into the packageand supplements. * Tue Nov 11 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-fix-ata_tf_read_block-overflow: libata: Avoid overflow in ata_tf_read_block() when tf->hba_lbal > 127 (bnc#443661). - patches.drivers/libata-fix-ata_tf_to_lba48-overflow: libata: Avoid overflow in ata_tf_to_lba48() when tf->hba_lbal > 127 (bnc#443661). * Tue Nov 11 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pata_sch-slave-poss: pata_sch: slave devices (bnc#443657). * Mon Nov 10 2008 schwab@suse.de - config/ppc/ppc64: Disable 64k pages to work around X server bug. * Mon Nov 10 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix variable assignment in last change * Mon Nov 10 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: encode the architecture into subpackage dependencies (bnc#440961) * Mon Nov 10 2008 olh@suse.de - handle arch differences for cpu and kbuild correctly * Mon Nov 10 2008 schwab@suse.de - patches.arch/ia64-page-migration. patches.arch/mm-avoid-bad-page-on-lru: migrade pages off of pages with correctable errors. * Mon Nov 10 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - scripts/tar-up.sh: do not generate kernel-source-rt.spec and kernel-syms-rt.spec if RT is not enabled. * Mon Nov 10 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - config.conf: Suppress RT configurations. * Sun Nov 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Removed previous workaround. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Remove @FLAVOR@ from %%symbols. * Sat Nov 8 2008 jeffm@suse.de - config.conf: Workaround for kernel-ppc64 on head-ppc. * Sat Nov 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to the "real" No code changes from what we had in our tree previously, with the exception for the version number change. * Fri Nov 7 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/kdb-read-CR.diff: Support '\n' in KDB (bnc#442808). * Fri Nov 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - disable perfmon support in the -trace kernels as it doesn't build properly. * Fri Nov 7 2008 schwab@suse.de - patches.arch/compat-sys-swapcontext: Fix msr check in sys_swapcontext. * Fri Nov 7 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-add-bcna-support: DCB: Add BCNA support to ixgbe. - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-beta3-update: Open-FCoE update for Beta3 (bnc#438954). - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-beta4-update: Open-FCoE: Update for Beta4 (bnc#438954). - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-beta5-update: Open-FCoE: Update for Beta5 (bnc#438954). - patches.fixes/dcb-fix-setpfcstate: Fix setpfcstate (bnc#438954). - patches.fixes/dcb-setting-pg-will-cause-tx-hang: DCB: setting pg will cause tx unit hangs (bnc#438954). - patches.fixes/multiq-requeue-should-rewind-current_band: multiq: requeue should rewind the current_band (bnc#438954). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-rdac-retry-mode-select: Retry mode select in RDAC device handler (bnc#441337). - patches.fixes/scsi-dh-rdac-set-default-ownership: scsi_dh_rdac: make sure the ownership is set correctly (bnc#441337). - patches.fixes/scsi-skip-nonscsi-device-for-dma: Update patch to check for ->bus instead of ->type (bnc#431294). * Fri Nov 7 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-studio-probe-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix probe errors on Dell Studio Desktop (bnc#440907). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-3013-master-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix ALC260 hp3013 master switch (bnc#441068). * Fri Nov 7 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-03-07-qeth_hsi_mcl_string.patch: qeth: pre z9 systems return HiperSocket version string different. (bnc#440610,LTC#49052). - patches.arch/s390-03-08-zfcp-abort-race.patch: zfcp: eliminate race between validation and locking. (bnc#440610). - patches.arch/s390-03-09-zfcp-oops-during-target-scan.patch: zfcp: prevent SCSI target scan for vanished rport (bnc#440610,LTC#49373). * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - Update config files for RT * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - build a kernel-default in dist ppc64, its identical to kernel-ppc64 otherwise unused * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: map ppc/ppc64 to powerpc * Fri Nov 7 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/igb-pf.patch: VF enabled igb driver (fate#305004) * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - stop building kernel-default and kernel-ps3 in dist ppc64, they are openSuSE only packages * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: extracting debuginfo from vdso fails on powerpc, disable vdso_install for the time being * Fri Nov 7 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-intel-ibex-peak-device-ids.patch: x86/PCI: irq and pci_ids patch for Intel Ibex Peak DeviceIDs (bnc#415383). * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: reject legacy iSeries again * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - build a 32bit and a 64bit vanilla kernel on powerpc * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: no vdso in vanilla and ps3 kernel * Fri Nov 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/net-fix-recursive-descent-in-__scm_destroy.patch: net: Fix recursive descent in __scm_destroy().. * Fri Nov 7 2008 olh@suse.de - remove patches.arch/ppc64-rpanote-relocate-firmware.patch older firmware versions can handle relocation properly (bnc#427960) * Fri Nov 7 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/cxgb3-get_drvinfo-deadlock.patch: RDMA/cxgb3: deadlock in iw_cxgb3 can cause hang when configuring interface. (bnc#430998). * Fri Nov 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/perfmon2.patch: perfmon2 (bnc#430298). * Fri Nov 7 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-write.c-bug-removal.patch: Revert "NFS: Allow redirtying of a completed unstable write." (442267). It causes a BUG(). * Fri Nov 7 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/md-raid10-recovoery-fix.path: md: fix bug in raid10 recovery.. - patches.suse/md-notify-when-stopped: md: notify udev when an md array is stopped..: Removed much of this patch as it turned out to be both buggy and unnecessary (the ioctl can be done from mdadm). * Thu Nov 6 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-sfp.patch: ixgbe driver update to add Longcove (SFP+) NIC support for FCoE needs (bnc#442411) * Thu Nov 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_X86_SUMMIT, CONFIG_X86_ES7000, and CONFIG_X86_BIGSMP for the i386 default kernel, so that the installer can actually boot on "modern" multiprocessor i386 boxes (bnc#428247) * Thu Nov 6 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Call make vdso_install only on x86 and ppc. * Thu Nov 6 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Call make vdso_install to install the vdso shared objects for debugging. * Thu Nov 6 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/intel-ibex-peak-device-ids.patch: x86/PCI: irq and pci_ids patch for Intel Ibex Peak DeviceIDs (bnc#415383). - patches.drivers/intel-ibex-peak-device-support.patch: i2c-i801: Add support for Intel Ibex Peak (bnc#415383). * Thu Nov 6 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-03-01-stp-init.patch: Fixed patch for build - patches.arch/s390-03-04-qdio_multicast_performance.patch: dasd: fix message flood for unsolicited interrupts (bnc#440610). - patches.arch/s390-03-05-dasd-block-uevent.patch: dasd: DASD uevents are not sent correctly (bnc#440610,LTC#49429). - patches.arch/s390-03-06-zfcp-hexdump.patch: zfcp: fix hexdump data in s390dbf traces (bnc#440610). * Thu Nov 6 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-03-01-stp-init.patch: kernel: Fix initialization of stp. (bnc#440610,LTC#49639). - patches.arch/s390-03-02-setup_memory.patch: kernel: Fix range for add_active_range() in setup_memory() (bnc#440610,LTC#49639). - patches.arch/s390-03-03-dasd_unsolicited_interrupt.patch: dasd: fix message flood for unsolicited interrupts (bnc#440610,LTC#49639). * Thu Nov 6 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-02-10-zfcp-scan-online.patch: wait for port scan when setting FCP device online (bnc#434333). * Thu Nov 6 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to and c/s 718. - Update Xen config files. - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch: Include pv-ops-Xen changes here - patches.xen/x86_sgi_xen-x86-cpus4096.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen-configurable-guest-devices: allow number of guest devices to be configurable. - patches.xen/xen-cpufreq-report: make /proc/cpuinfo track CPU speed. - patches.xen/xen-ipi-per-cpu-irq: fold IPIs onto a single IRQ each. - patches.xen/xen-rtl2860-build: Rename to ... - patches.xen/xen-rt2860-build: ... this. - patches.xen/xen-sysdev-suspend: use base kernel suspend/resume infrastructure. - patches.xen/xen-virq-per-cpu-irq: fold per-CPU VIRQs onto a single IRQ each. - patches.xen/xen-x86-mmu-batching: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-patch- Linux - patches.xen/xen3-x2APIC_PATCH_20_of_41_cff73a6ffaed726780b001937d2a42efde553922: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: introcude self IPI to genapic routines (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.xen/xen3-x86_sgi_cpus4096-02-fix-send_call_func_ip.patch: x86: reduce stack requirements for send_call_func_ipi (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.xen/xen3-x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch: x86 cpumask: Updates to support NR_CPUS=4096 (bnc#425240 FATE304266). * Thu Nov 6 2008 sassmann@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-introduce-ps3_gpu_mutex.patch: required for new ps3vram patch - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-ps3vram-mtd.patch: updated ps3vram patch that works with firmware 2.50 (bnc#442227) * Thu Nov 6 2008 olh@suse.de - remove unneeded BuildRequires for dtc * Thu Nov 6 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-01-self-ptrace-v3.patch: Feature removed (bnc#417299) * Thu Nov 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/file-capabilities-add-no_file_caps-switch.patch: file capabilities: add no_file_caps switch (v4). add the patch back into the tree. * Wed Nov 5 2008 jblunck@suse.de - patches.suse/coredump_filter-add-elfhdr-default.patch: Dump elf headers to core per default. * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Fix !CONFIG_DMI case. - patches.drivers/dmi-introduce-dmi_first_match: DMI: Introduce dmi_first_match to make the interface more flexible (bnc#441721). * Wed Nov 5 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-skip-nonscsi-device-for-dma: update patch to skip all devices with no dma_parms (bnc#431294) * Wed Nov 5 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: Remove the obsolete kernel-$flavor dependency (bnc#440961). * Wed Nov 5 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-05-kmsg-v2.patch: Removed and replaced with v3 of the patch from IBM (bnc#417300) - patches.arch/s390-01-05-kmsg-v3.patch: Kernel message catalog infrastucture and message generation (bnc#417300). - patches.drivers/driver-core-basic-infrastructure-for-per-module-dynamic-debug-messages.patch: Patch edited to allow new kmsg patch * Wed Nov 5 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update config files: set CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_LOAD=y to allow ignoring ABI mismatches. (This is still unsafe to do!) * Wed Nov 5 2008 tiwai@suse.de Backport fixes from 2.6.28-rc. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-acer-quirk: ALSA: hda - Add a quirk for another Acer Aspire (1025:0090) (bnc#426935). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc888-medion-add: ALSA: hda - Add a quirk for MEDION MD96630 (bnc#412548). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dell-eq-option: ALSA: hda: make a STAC_DELL_EQ option. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-proc-gpio-fix: ALSA: hda - Limit the number of GPIOs show in proc. * Wed Nov 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh -rt patches to remove fuzz. * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Backport two more device specific workarounds from 2.6.28-rc. - patches.drivers/libata-add-and-use-HORKAGE_ATAPI_MOD16_DMA: libata: implement ATA_HORKAGE_ATAPI_MOD16_DMA and apply it. - patches.drivers/libata-whitelist-good-bridges: libata: add whitelist for devices with known good pata-sata bridges. * Wed Nov 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to remove fuzz * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Backport double spin off workaround. - patches.drivers/dmi-introduce-dmi_first_match: DMI: Introduce dmi_first_match to make the interface more flexible (bnc#441721). - patches.drivers/libata-ahci-blacklist-double-spin-off: SATA AHCI: Blacklist system that spins off disks during ACPI power off (bnc#441721). - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-blacklist-double-spin-off: SATA PIIX: Blacklist system that spins off disks during ACPI power off (bnc#441721). - patches.drivers/libata-implement-NO_SPINDOWN: SATA: Blacklisting of systems that spin off disks during ACPI power off (rev. 2) (bnc#441721). - patches.drivers/libata-sata_sil-blacklist-double-spin-off: SATA Sil: Blacklist system that spins off disks during ACPI power off (bnc#441721). - patches.drivers/power-introduce-system_entering_hibernation: Hibernation: Introduce system_entering_hibernation (bnc#441721). * Wed Nov 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - fix rt tree that was broken by * Wed Nov 5 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-powerpc-debug-pci-hotplug.patch fix booting on ppc32 (bnc#439491 - LTC48584) * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Backport sata_via fixes from 2.6.28-rc. - patches.drivers/libata-sata_via-fix-support-for-5287: sata_via: fix support for 5287 (bnc#441718). - patches.drivers/libata-sata_via-load-DEVICE-register-when-CTL-changes: sata_via: load DEVICE register when CTL changes (bnc#441718). - patches.drivers/libata-sata_via-restore-vt-_prepare_host-error-handling: sata_via: restore vt*_prepare_host error handling (bnc#441718). * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Backport laptop table and pci device ID table entries from 2.6.28-rc. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-add-Hercules-EC-900-mini-to-laptop-tbl: ata_piix: add Hercules EC-900 mini-notebook to ich_laptop short cable list. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-add-intel-ibex-pci-ids: ata_piix: IDE Mode SATA patch for Intel Ibex Peak DeviceIDs. * Wed Nov 5 2008 teheo@suse.de Backport slave_link from 2.6.28-rc to fix ata_piix probing problem. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-use-slave_link: ata_piix: drop merged SCR access and use slave_link instead (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-eh-fix-slave-link-EH-action-mask-handling: libata-eh: fix slave link EH action mask handling (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-implement-slave_link: libata: implement slave_link (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-make-SCR-access-ops-per-link: libata: make SCR access ops per-link (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-misc-updates-to-prepare-for-slave-link: libata: misc updates to prepare for slave link (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-reimplement-link-iterator: libata: reimplement link iterator (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-set-device-class-to-NONE-if-phys_offline: libata: set device class to NONE if phys_offline (bnc#441420). - patches.drivers/libata-transfer-EHI-control-flags-to-slave-ehc.i: libata: transfer EHI control flags to slave ehc.i (bnc#441420). * Wed Nov 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - fixes lots of things, including a few CVE entries - obsoletes, and caused to be deleted: - patches.arch/ppc-pseries_16g-numa.patch - patches.arch/ppc-pseries_hugepage_pagetable_allocation.patch - patches.arch/ppc-pseries_mem-limit-16g.patch - patches.arch/s390-02-02-smp-sysdev.patch - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-reboot-notifier - patches.drivers/libata-sata_nv-hardreset-fix - patches.fixes/acpi-clear-wake-status.patch - patches.fixes/agp-fix-stolen-memory-counting-on-g4x.patch - patches.suse/file-capabilities-add-no_file_caps-switch.diff - patches.suse/file-capabilities-turn-on-by-default.diff - Update config files. * Wed Nov 5 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2-Add-bnx2_shutdown_chip: bnx2: Add bnx2_shutdown_chip() - patches.drivers/bnx2-check-running.patch: Check netif_running in most ethtool operations (bnc#440052) * Wed Nov 5 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/ixgbe-copper_pond.patch: ixgbe: add device support for 82598AT (copper 10GbE) adapters (bnc#441471) * Tue Nov 4 2008 tonyj@suse.de - patches.rt/fork_init_nrcpus.patch: Fix oops in fork_init. * Tue Nov 4 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix typo * Tue Nov 4 2008 rw@suse.de - patches.drivers/bnx2x-zero-PMF: bnx2x: Removing the PMF indication when unloading. (bnc#439679) * Tue Nov 4 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: make also -base and -extra x86 subpackages not installable on x86_64 * Tue Nov 4 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-3-v2.patch: (kernel):FCP - Performance Data colletion & analysis patch update (bnc#417243). - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-3.patch: Removed for update * Tue Nov 4 2008 miklos@szeredi.hu - patches.apparmor/d_namespace_path_oops_fix.diff: fix oops in d_namespace_path (bnc#433504). * Tue Nov 4 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-skip-nonscsi-device-for-dma: scsi_lib_dma.c : fix bug w/ dma on virtual fc ports (bnc#431294). * Tue Nov 4 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update RT config files: Enable CONFIG_NO_HZ on i386/rt_debug. - Refresh config files. * Tue Nov 4 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-fix-last_reset-timestamp-handling: libata: fix last_reset timestamp handling (bnc#441340). * Tue Nov 4 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-8.02.01-k9-update: Update qla2xxx to 8.02.01-k9 (bnc#439208). * Tue Nov 4 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly. * Mon Nov 3 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45_2.6.27_20081027.patch: Compile fix. * Mon Nov 3 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-emu10k1-audigy-fixes: ALSA: emu10k1 - Add more invert_shared_spdif flag to Audigy models (bnc#440862). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-alc269-fsc-amilo: ALSA: hda - Add ALC269 fujitsu model (bnc#440626). * Mon Nov 3 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45_2.6.27_20081027.patch: Update dmraid45. * Mon Nov 3 2008 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-barrier-single-device: Fix dm table ref count (FATE#304489). * Mon Nov 3 2008 teheo@suse.de BNC reference added. - patches.drivers/libata-dont-restore-DET-on-detach: libata: mask off DET when restoring SControl for detach (bnc#440980). * Mon Nov 3 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-dont-restore-DET-on-detach: libata: mask off DET when restoring SControl for detach. * Mon Nov 3 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-clock_gettime-nanoseconds.patch update also nanoseconds (bnc#439908 - LTC49499) * Mon Nov 3 2008 teheo@suse.de - scripts/vc: s/GIT_COMMITER_EMAIL/GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL and add SUSE_COMMITTER_EMAIL. * Mon Nov 3 2008 teheo@suse.de BNC reference added. - patches.drivers/libata-sata_nv-hardreset-fix: sata_nv: fix generic, nf2/3 detection regression (bnc#429344). * Mon Nov 3 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-sata_nv-hardreset-fix: sata_nv: fix generic, nf2/3 detection regression. * Sun Nov 2 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update RT config files: enable more lock debugging, latency features, make x86_64 and i386 consistent. * Sun Nov 2 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/kprobes_make_pointer_decl_consistent.patch: Make kprobe locking consistent with lock-type declarations * Sun Nov 2 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/mem_cgroup_charge_statistics-smp_processor_id.patch: Use raw_smp_processor_id in __mem_cgroup_stat_add_safe. * Sun Nov 2 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/mem_cgroup_charge_statistics-smp_processor_id.patch: * Sun Nov 2 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/workqueue-introduce-create_rt_workqueue.patch: workqueue: introduce create_rt_workqueue. (from 2.6.28) Refresh to eliminate fuzz: - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. * Sat Nov 1 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update RT config files: - Sync with SLES 11 default/debug configs - Limit CPUS to 32 - Disable CONFIG_RADIX_TREE_CONCURRENT - Disable CONFIG_RADIX_TREE_OPTIMISTIC - Disable CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU_BOOST - Enable CONFIG_RTMUTEX_CHECK - Adapt RT patches to changes made by: x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch - patches.rt/mitigate-resched-flood-update.patch: Update smp_send_reschedule_allbutself_cpumask mask parameter. - patches.rt/x86-nmi-send_IPI_mask-pointer-fix.patch: Update smp_send_nmi_allbutself mask parameter. Resolve conflicts introduced by: x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch - patches.rt/nmi-profiling-base.patch - patches.rt/send-nmi-all-preempt-disable.patch Refresh to eliminate fuzz - patches.rt/apic-dumpstack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/mitigate-resched-flood.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. * Sat Nov 1 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/kdb-fix-stack-overflow.patch: kdb: fix stack overflow for large NR_CPUS count (bnc#440361). * Fri Oct 31 2008 trenn@suse.de Fate 304268 and 304266. SGI scir driver (replaces the more intrusive leds one) and the rather intrusive x86_64 4096 CPU support patches: - Update config files. - patches.arch/x86_uv_early_detect.patch: Delete hacks that were necessary while waiting for x2apic code. (bnc#429984). - patches.arch/x86_sgi-uv-scir.patch: SGI X86 UV: Provide a System Activity Indicator driver (FATE304268 bnc#426066). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-01-fix-smp_call_function.patch: smp: reduce stack requirements for smp_call_function_mask (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-02-fix-send_call_func_ip.patch: x86: reduce stack requirements for send_call_func_ipi (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-05-update-send_IPI_mask.patch: x86 cpumask: Updates to support NR_CPUS=4096 (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-06-optimize-cpumask-in-sched_c.patch: Additional cpumask fixups (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-04-add-for_each_cpu_mask_and.patch: Add for_each_cpu_mask_and (bnc#425240 FATE304266). - patches.arch/x86_sgi_cpus4096-07_pae_compile_fixups.patch: more cpumask cleanups for previous (x86_sgi_cpu4096..) patches (Additional cpumask fixups). - patches.suse/kdb-x86: kdb-v4.4-2.6.27-rc8-x86-1 (FATE#303971). - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.27: Linux: Update to 2.6.27. - patches.xen/x86_sgi_xen-x86-cpus4096.patch: x86 cpumask xen: Updates to support NR_CPUS=4096 (Additional cpumask fixups). * Fri Oct 31 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-realtek-alc269-dmic: ALSA: hda - Add digital-mic for ALC269 auto-probe mode (bnc#440626). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-realtek-mic-automute-fix: ALSA: hda - Disable broken mic auto-muting in Realtek codes (bnc#440626). * Fri Oct 31 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/cxgb3i: add cxgb3i iscsi driver (FATE#304154,bnc#433500). - patches.drivers/cxgb3-private-iscsi-ip-addresses: cxgb3 - manage private iSCSI IP addresses (FATE#304154,bnc#433500). - patches.drivers/open-iscsi-offloading-support: support for iscsi pdu digest offload and payload DDP. (FATE#304154,bnc#433500). - patches.fixes/cxgb3-remove-duplicate-tests-in-lro: cxgb3 - remove duplicate tests in lro (FATE#304154, bnc#430538). - supported.conf: Mark cxgb3i as supported. * Fri Oct 31 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-resolve-uv-conflict.diff: Resolve KDB conflicts with UV (bnc#440376). * Fri Oct 31 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-spdif-fix: ALSA: hda - Fix SPDIF mute on IDT/STAC codecs. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-reboot-notifier: ALSA: hda - Add reboot notifier. * Fri Oct 31 2008 jack@suse.cz - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-mount-cleanup-after-quota-failure.patch: ocfs2: Fix mount cleanup after quota failure (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-oop-in-recovery-without-quotas: ocfs2: Fix recovery of nodes when quota feature is disabled (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-grace-time-syncing.patch: ocfs2: Fix grace time syncing (fate#302681). * Fri Oct 31 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/block-del-timer-after-dequeue: blk: move blk_delete_timer call in end_that_request_last (bnc#440076 bnc#440173). * Thu Oct 30 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_agpgart-g33-stoeln-fix-2.patch: Avoid oops on G33 in 1MB stolen Mem case (bnc#391261). * Thu Oct 30 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/agp-fix-stolen-memory-counting-on-g4x.patch: agp: Fix stolen memory counting on G4X. (bnc#437618). * Thu Oct 30 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.fixes/sd_liberal_28_sense_invalid.diff: fix medium presence misdetection in usb storage device (bnc#362850). * Thu Oct 30 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.fixes/scsi-ibmvscsi-show-config.patch use 4k buffer to transfer config data (439970 - LTC49349) * Thu Oct 30 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/block-add-timeout-on-dequeue: block: add timer on blkdev_dequeue_request() not elv_next_request() (bnc#440076). * Wed Oct 29 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Refresh RT patches: - patches.rt/adaptive-spinlock-lite-v2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT adaptive spinlocks lite. - patches.rt/adaptive-task-oncpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/apic-level-smp-affinity.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bh-state-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bh-uptodate-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bz235099-idle-load-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/check-for-migration-during-push.patch: RT: fix push_rt_task() to handle dequeue_pushable properly. - patches.rt/cond_resched_softirq-WARN-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT WARNING: at kernel/sched.c:5071 2.6.23-rc1-rt7. - patches.rt/cputimer-thread-rt_A0.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/dev-queue-xmit-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-ist-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-run-softirq-from-hardirq-completely.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Disable running softirqs from hardirqs completely!. - patches.rt/dont-disable-preemption-without-IST.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/dont-unmask-io_apic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/drain-all-local-pages-via-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/event-trace-hrtimer-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT event-tracer: add clockevent trace. - patches.rt/event-tracer-syscall-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/filemap-dont-bug-non-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-bug-on-in-filemap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Change bug_on for atomic to pagefault_disabled.. - patches.rt/fix-compilation-for-non-RT-in-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-config-debug-rt-mutex-lock-underflow-warnings.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Fix CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEX lock underflow warnings. - patches.rt/fix-migrating-softirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-net-bug-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-softirq-checks-for-non-rt-preempt-hardirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-up-comment.patch: RT: Remove comment that is no longer true. - patches.rt/ftrace-stop-trace-on-crash.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT fix-tracer-wreckage-wtf-is-this-code-all-features.patch. - patches.rt/futex-fifo-warn-sysctl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/genhd-protect-percpu-var.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/genirq-soft-resend.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT x86: activate HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND. - patches.rt/gtod-optimize.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hack-convert-i_alloc_sem-for-direct_io-craziness.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/handle-pending-in-simple-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT handle IRQ_PENDING for simple irq handler. - patches.rt/highmem_rewrite.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: remove kmap_lock. - patches.rt/hrtimer-no-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hrtimers-overrun-api.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hrtimers-stuck-in-waitqueue.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ioapic-fix-too-fast-clocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/kdb-rtmisc.patch: Misc KDB fixes for RT (debug builds). - patches.rt/kstat-add-rt-stats.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT add rt stats to /proc/stat. - patches.rt/kstat-fix-spurious-system-load-spikes-in-proc-loadavgrt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/loadavg_fixes_weird_loads.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lock_page_ref.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: lock_page_ref. - patches.rt/lockdep-show-held-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockdep: show held locks when showing a stackdump. - patches.rt/mitigate-resched-flood.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/mm-fix-latency.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT reduce pagetable-freeing latencies. - patches.rt/multi-reader-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT map tasks to reader locks held. - patches.rt/multi-reader-limit.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT implement reader limit on read write locks. - patches.rt/multi-reader-lock-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT map read/write locks back to their readers. - patches.rt/multi-reader-pi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT read lock Priority Inheritance implementation. - patches.rt/neptune-no-at-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/net-core-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/new-softirq-code.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT softirq preemption: optimization. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling-base.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT nmi-driven profiling for /proc/profile. - patches.rt/numa-slab-freeing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/only-run-softirqs-from-irq-thread-when-irq-affinity-is-set.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/pagefault-disable-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT clean up the page fault disabling logic. - patches.rt/panic-dont-stop-box.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/paravirt-function-pointer-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/partreadd-lttng-instrumentation-irq.patch: readd RT compatible version of lttng-instrumentation-irq. - patches.rt/pause-on-oops-head-tail.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT introduce pause_on_oops_head/tail boot options. - patches.rt/powerpc-count_active_rt_tasks-is-undefined-for-non-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-hacks-to-allow-rt-to-run-kernbench.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-direct-debug-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-hrtimer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-acpi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-console.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-debug-sysctl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace-disable-ftraced.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ia64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-init-show-enabled-debugs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ipc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mmdrop-delayed.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-drivers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-softirq-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT NOHZ: local_softirq_pending with tickless. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-update.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-prevent-idle-boosting.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Premmpt-RT: Preevent boosting of idle task. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-rawlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-rt-no-slub.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-softirqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/print-might-sleep-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/printk-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/prof-sysctl-compile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/radix-tree-concurrent.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT radix-tree: concurrent write side support. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic-hist.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT debug: optimistic lock histogram. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT radix-tree: optimistic locking. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-sdr.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-hotplug-hackaround.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/realtime-preempt-warn-about-tracing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/revert-preempt-bkl-revert.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/root-domain-kfree-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-kmap-scale-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-move-update-wall-time-back-to-do-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: move update_wall_time back to do timer. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-compat-semaphores.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-preempt-debugging.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-route-cast-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-tcp-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-x86-64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-s_files-kill-a-union.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-shorten-softirq-thread-names.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt_mutex_setprio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: rename rt_mutex_setprio to task_setprio. - patches.rt/s_files.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT remove global files_lock. - patches.rt/sched-add-needs_post_schedule.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-enable-irqs-in-preempt-in-notifier-call.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT CFS: enable irqs in fire_sched_in_preempt_notifier. - patches.rt/sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch. - patches.rt/sched-make-double-lock-balance-fair.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-nr-migrate-lower-default-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-only-push-once-per-queue.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-properly-account-irq-and-rt-load.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT sched: properly account IRQ and RT load in . - patches.rt/sched-rt-runtime-lock-raw.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-wake_up_idle_cpu-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/select-error-leak-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/serial-locking-rt-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/serial-slow-machines.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/slab-irq-nopreempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/smp-processor-id-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/softirq-per-cpu-assumptions-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/start_irq_thread.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sub-dont-disable-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: dont disable irqs in usb. - patches.rt/tasklet-busy-loop-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tasklet-redesign.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/timer-freq-tweaks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/timer-warning-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-events-handle-syscalls.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-histograms.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tracer-add-event-markers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. * Wed Oct 29 2008 gregkh@suse.de - s/rtl2860/rt2860/ - remove driver from the Xen build as it's dying for some reason. - add obsoletes for ralink-rt2860-kmp * Wed Oct 29 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-oprofile-spu.patch add missing ARRAY_SIZE(pm_signal_local) * Wed Oct 29 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-symmetrix-ioctl.patch: Add ioctl support for EMC Symmetrix Subsystem Control I/O (bnc#439221) * Wed Oct 29 2008 jbeulich@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-rtl2860-build: fix issue with Windows-style types used in rtl2680. * Wed Oct 29 2008 olh@suse.de - build af_packet as a module on powerpc (bnc#433540) * Wed Oct 29 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-oprofile-spu-mutex-locking.patch Fix mutex locking for cell spu-oprofile (bnc#422501 - LTC47617) * Wed Oct 29 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-oprofile-spu.patch fix local array size in activate spu profiling function (bnc#439553 - LTC48925) * Wed Oct 29 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.drivers/ehea.patch Add hugepage detection (bnc#439599 - LTC48958) * Wed Oct 29 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/staging-add-agnx-wireless-driver.patch: Staging: add agnx wireless driver. - patches.drivers/staging-add-otus-atheros-wireless-network-driver.patch: Staging: add otus Atheros wireless network driver. - patches.drivers/staging-add-rtl2860-wireless-driver.patch: Staging: add rtl2860 wireless driver (bnc#437959). - Update config files. * Tue Oct 28 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: disabled, as it causes kernel hangs triggered by grub (bnc#439448). * Tue Oct 28 2008 kkeil@suse.de - update patches.suse/SoN-17-net-ps_rx.patch fix i/o corruption on rx in ixgbe (bnc#438929) * Tue Oct 28 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/powerpc/*: Fixup configuration files after last change. * Tue Oct 28 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/*: Include many multimedia drivers which has been dropped accidentally. This includes the pwc, ivtv, zr36067 drivers and many old webcam drivers (bnc#439489). - supported.conf: Add all these drivers again. * Tue Oct 28 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-analog-update, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-atihdmi-update, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-beep, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-hp-mobile-fix, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-nvidia-hdmi, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-probe-fix, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-proc-fix, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-realtek-update, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-sigmatel-update, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-spdif-slave, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-via-rec-fix, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-via-update: ALSA updates, mostly taken from 2.6.28-rc1 patches - Update config files. * Tue Oct 28 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - Actually CONFIG_SND_HDA_HWDEP is a boolean, sorry. * Tue Oct 28 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/ia64/vanilla, config/x86_64/vanilla: fix configuration discrepancy, CONFIG_SND_HDA_HWDEP=m. * Tue Oct 28 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pcibios_allocate_bus_resources.patch add patches.arch/ppc-powerpc-debug-pci-hotplug.patch fix DLPAR on pseries (bnc#439491 - LTC48584) * Tue Oct 28 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-powerpc-fix-pci-unmap-io.patch Fix unmapping of IO space on 64-bit (bnc#439491 - LTC48584) * Tue Oct 28 2008 olh@suse.de - update ps3 config, remove unneeded options to reduce vmlinux size * Tue Oct 28 2008 neilb@suse.de - patches.suse/md-notify-when-stopped: md: notify udev when an md array is stopped. (fate#303894). * Tue Oct 28 2008 gregkh@suse.de - use the panasonic laptop driver that was accepted by upstream, not the pcc-acpi driver, which was rejected: - patches.drivers/staging-add-pcc-acpi-driver.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/panasonic-laptop-add-panasonic-let-s-note-laptop-extras-driver-v0.94.patch: panasonic-laptop: add Panasonic Let's Note laptop extras driver v0.94. - Update config files. * Mon Oct 27 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/via-framebuffer-driver.patch: Via Framebuffer driver. - Update config files. * Mon Oct 27 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/hpwdt-kdump.diff: Don't change permission of sysfs file (did that accidentally when changing the default value). * Mon Oct 27 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_uv_early_detect.patch: Delete hacks that were necessary while waiting for x2apic code. (bnc#429984). * Mon Oct 27 2008 tj@suse.de Refresh the govault patch. - patches.drivers/libata-add-waits-for-govault: libata: add waits for GoVault (bnc#246451). * Sun Oct 26 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/kdb-oops-panic.diff: Fix NULL pointer dereference when regs == NULL (bnc#439007). - patches.fixes/hpwdt-kdump.diff: Fix kdump when using hpwdt (bnc#436786). * Sun Oct 26 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly and properly. * Sun Oct 26 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to * Sat Oct 25 2008 agruen@suse.de - Fix the dependencies between the split kernel packages and KMPs (FATE 303631). - Fix for kernel paclages which are not split. - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Update list of scripts to include. * Sat Oct 25 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-02-02-smp-sysdev.patch: kernel: sysdev class file creation (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-03-zfcp.patch: Fix zfcp problems that have been found (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-04-qeth-mac.patch: qeth: use firmware MAC-address for layer2 hsi-devices (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-05-qeth-recovery.patch: qeth: qeth recovery fails (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-06-qeth-offset.patch: qeth: fix offset error in non prealloc header path (bnc#434333,LTC#48840) - patches.arch/s390-02-07-qeth-ipv6check.patch: qeth: remove unnecessary support ckeck in sysfs route6 (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-08-qeth-panic.patch: qeth: avoid skb_under_panic for malformatted inbound data (bnc#434333) - patches.arch/s390-02-09-tape-lock.patch: tape device driver: improve locking (bnc#434333) * Sat Oct 25 2008 neilb@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/touch_mnt_namespace-when-the-mount-flags-change.patch: touch_mnt_namespace when the mount flags change (FATE#304218). * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Updated to - fixed ath5k suspend/resume regression - fixed pvrusb2 so it actually works * Fri Oct 24 2008 jack@suse.cz - patches.suse/ocfs2-Implementation-of-local-and-global-quota-file.patch: ocfs2: Implementation of local and global quota file handling (fate#302681). - fixed 64-bit division * Fri Oct 24 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for -rt. * Fri Oct 24 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/cgroup-freezer.patch: Add TIF_FREEZE for s390. * Fri Oct 24 2008 olh@suse.de - move patches.suse/md-raid-metadata-PAGE_SIZE.patch to patches.kernel.org/md-raid-metadata-PAGE_SIZE.patch to allow raid0 with 64k PAGE_SIZE * Fri Oct 24 2008 jack@suse.cz - Update config files. - supported.conf: Added new quota module - patches.suse/xfs-dmapi-enable: Enable XFS DMAPI. - Refreshed Quotas for OCFS2: - patches.suse/quota-Add-callbacks-for-allocating-and-destroying-d.patch: quota: Add callbacks for allocating and destroying dquot structures (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Increase-size-of-variables-for-limits-and-ino.patch: quota: Increase size of variables for limits and inode usage (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Remove-bogus-optimization-in-check_idq-an.patch: quota: Remove bogus 'optimization' in check_idq() and check_bdq() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Make-_SUSPENDED-just-a-flag.patch: quota: Make _SUSPENDED just a flag (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Allow-to-separately-enable-quota-accounting-a.patch: quota: Allow to separately enable quota accounting and enforcing limits (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ext3-Use-sb_any_quota_loaded-instead-of-sb_any_qu.patch: ext3: Use sb_any_quota_loaded() instead of sb_any_quota_enabled() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ext4-Use-sb_any_quota_loaded-instead-of-sb_any_qu.patch: ext4: Use sb_any_quota_loaded() instead of sb_any_quota_enabled() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/reiserfs-Use-sb_any_quota_loaded-instead-of-sb_an.patch: reiserfs: Use sb_any_quota_loaded() instead of sb_any_quota_enabled(). (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Remove-compatibility-function-sb_any_quota_en.patch: quota: Remove compatibility function sb_any_quota_enabled() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Introduce-DQUOT_QUOTA_SYS_FILE-flag.patch: quota: Introduce DQUOT_QUOTA_SYS_FILE flag (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Move-quotaio_v-12-.h-from-include-linux-to-f.patch: quota: Move quotaio_v[12].h from include/linux/ to fs/ (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Split-off-quota-tree-handling-into-a-separate.patch: quota: Split off quota tree handling into a separate file (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Convert-union-in-mem_dqinfo-to-a-pointer.patch: quota: Convert union in mem_dqinfo to a pointer (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Allow-negative-usage-of-space-and-inodes.patch: quota: Allow negative usage of space and inodes (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Keep-which-entries-were-set-by-SETQUOTA-quota.patch: quota: Keep which entries were set by SETQUOTA quotactl (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Add-helpers-to-allow-ocfs2-specific-quota-ini.patch: quota: Add helpers to allow ocfs2 specific quota initialization, freeing and recovery (fate#302681). - patches.suse/quota-Implement-function-for-scanning-active-dquots.patch: quota: Implement function for scanning active dquots (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-check-of-return-value-of-ocfs2_start_tran.patch: ocfs2: Fix check of return value of ocfs2_start_trans() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Support-nested-transactions.patch: ocfs2: Support nested transactions (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Fix-checking-of-return-value-of-new_inode.patch: ocfs2: Fix checking of return value of new_inode() (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Let-inode-be-really-deleted-when-ocfs2_mknod_.patch: ocfs2: Let inode be really deleted when ocfs2_mknod_locked() fails (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Assign-feature-bits-and-system-inodes-to-quot.patch: ocfs2: Assign feature bits and system inodes to quota feature and quota files (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Mark-system-files-as-not-subject-to-quota-acc.patch: ocfs2: Mark system files as not subject to quota accounting (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Implementation-of-local-and-global-quota-file.patch: ocfs2: Implementation of local and global quota file handling (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-quota-calls-for-allocation-and-freeing-of.patch: ocfs2: Add quota calls for allocation and freeing of inodes and space (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Enable-quota-accounting-on-mount-disable-on.patch: ocfs2: Enable quota accounting on mount, disable on umount (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Implement-quota-syncing-thread.patch: ocfs2: Implement quota syncing thread (fate#302681). - patches.suse/ocfs2-Implement-quota-recovery.patch: ocfs2: Implement quota recovery (fate#302681). * Fri Oct 24 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.fixes/cxgb3_fix_race_in_EEH: cxgb3: fix race in EEH. (bnc#430093) * Fri Oct 24 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Refreshed context for -RT patches so they apply again. * Fri Oct 24 2008 rw@suse.de - patches.drivers/sgi-ioc4-request-submodules: Make ioc4 request dependant modules. (bnc#429215) * Fri Oct 24 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Disable FAIL_MAKE_REQUEST. * Fri Oct 24 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-usb-exclude-1st-slot: Delete this old ugly workaround patch. * Fri Oct 24 2008 hare@suse.de - Include patches from upstream: - patches.fixes/block-use-bio_has_data: Implement bio_has_data(). - patches.fixes/block-git-fixes: Block layer fixes for 2.6.28. - patches.fixes/block-rq-affinity: Implement rq affinity. - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-remove-is_active: dm mpath: remove is_active from struct dm_path. - patches.fixes/block-discard-requests: Implement block discard. - patches.drivers/dm-abort-queue-on-failed-paths: dm: Call blk_abort_queue on failed paths (bnc#417544). - patches.drivers/block-call-sync-on-cleanup: block: blk_cleanup_queue() should call blk_sync_queue(). - Refaktor and update request-based multipath patches: - patches.drivers/blk-request-based-multipath-update: Update request-based multipathing patches to upstream version (bnc#434105). - patches.suse/rq-based-multipath: Update to latest version of request-based multipathing patchset (bnc#434105) - patches.drivers/block-abort-request-rq-complete-marking: use rq complete marking in blk_abort_request (bnc#434105). - patches.fixes/scsi-atomic-blk-timer-deletes: Delete. - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-abort-queue: Delete. - patches.suse/rq-based-block-layer: Delete. - patches.suse/rq-based-dm-interface: Delete. - patches.suse/rq-based-multipath-functions: Delete. - patches.suse/rq-based-init-crash: Delete. - Update patches to upstream version: - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-check-for-device-resize - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-added-flush_disk - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-call-flush_disk - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-sd-driver-calls - patches.drivers/block-timeout-handling - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-adjust-block-device-size - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-wrapper-for-revalidate_disk - patches.drivers/block-abort-queue - patches.fixes/scsi-enhance-error-codes - Rediff patches: - patches.fixes/scsi-misc-git-update - patches.suse/dm-barrier-single-device - patches.suse/kdb-common - patches.drivers/lpfc-8.2.8-update - patches.drivers/lpfc- - patches.drivers/mpt-fusion- * Fri Oct 24 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.suse/kdump-dump_after_notifier.patch: Add sysctl also to kernel/sysctl_check.c. * Fri Oct 24 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Obsolete uvcvideo-kmp. * Fri Oct 24 2008 jbeulich@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Provide 'kernel' also for Xen (bnc#362918). * Fri Oct 24 2008 jbeulich@suse.de - patches.arch/x86_64-unwind-annotations: fix unwind annotations. - patches.xen/xen3-x86_64-unwind-annotations: fix unwind annotations. * Fri Oct 24 2008 jbeulich@suse.de - Update Xen patches to and c/s 704 - patches.xen/xen3-x2APIC_PATCH_27_of_41_9fa8c481b55e80edd8c637573f87853bb6b600f5: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: introduce CONFIG_INTR_REMAP (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.xen/xen3-x2APIC_PATCH_40_of_41_bbb65d2d365efe9951290e61678dcf81ec60add4: x86: use cpuid vector 0xb when available for detecting cpu topology (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.xen/xen-kconfig-compat-3.2.0: add 3.2.0-compatibility configure option. - patches.xen/xen-x86-exit-mmap: be more aggressive about de-activating mm-s under destruction. - patches.xen/xen-x86-machphys-prediction: properly predict phys<->mach translations. - patches.xen/xen-x86-mmu-batching: utilize arch_{enter,leave}_lazy_cpu_mode(). - patches.xen/xen-x86-no-lazy-tlb: ensure inadvertent uses of lazy TLB data are caught during the build. - Update Xen config files. * Fri Oct 24 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: - do not split kernel-kdump into -base and -extra - fix case when a build results in no unsupported modules * Fri Oct 24 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/kdb-kdump.diff: Fix CONFIG_KDB_KDUMP on xSeries (bnc#436454). * Fri Oct 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark dmapi as supported (by SGI). * Fri Oct 24 2008 olh@suse.de - disable all unsupported drivers in kernel-kdump * Fri Oct 24 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow-2.patch: avoid silent stack overflow over the heap (bnc#44807 bnc#211997). * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2 from powerpc/rt config file * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bugfixes, and obsoletes some current patches: - patches.fixes/ext3-avoid-printk-flood-with-dir-corruption: Delete. - patches.fixes/ext2-avoid-printk-flood-with-dir-corruption: Delete. - patches.fixes/wdm_autoload.diff: Delete. * Fri Oct 24 2008 npiggin@suse.de - Fix ppc and ps3 configs * Fri Oct 24 2008 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/cgroup-freezer.patch: cgroup freezer (bnc#417294, fate#304191, fate#201036). * Fri Oct 24 2008 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. Enable cgroups for all archs (bnc#417527) * Fri Oct 24 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-gigantic-page-fix2.patch: powerpc gigantic pages fix 2 (bnc#434026). - patches.arch/ppc-gigantic-page-fix3.patch: powerpc gigantic pages fix 3 (bnc#434026). - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-hugetlb.patch: de-fuzz * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - disabled CONFIG_CALGARY_IOMMU_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT on x86-64 vanilla kernel. * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/cciss-fix-procfs-firmware-regression.patch: cciss: fix procfs firmware regression (bnc435644). - patches.drivers/cciss-fix-sysfs-symlink.patch: cciss: fix sysfs symlink (bnc435644). * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_CALGARY_IOMMU_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT on x86-64. To use Calgary iommu systems, you now must manually pass "iommu=calgary" to get this hardware support back enabled. This is the recommended proceedure right now, from IBM, otherwise the hardware crashes. bnc#436450. * Fri Oct 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - clean up all fuzz in patches to get them to apply cleanly. * Thu Oct 23 2008 gregkh@suse.de - delete patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2.patch as it touched core kernel code and was rejected from upstream. - patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2a.patch: Delete. * Thu Oct 23 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to version 3.4 of squashfs: - patches.suse/squashfs3.3-patch: Delete. - patches.suse/squashfs-patch-2.6.25: Delete. - patches.suse/squashfs-patch-2.6.27: Delete. - patches.suse/squashfs-3.4.patch: squashfs v3.4. * Thu Oct 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/block-sanitize-invalid-partition-table-entries: block: sanitize invalid partition table entries (bnc#371657). * Thu Oct 23 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pseries_mem-limit-16g.patch Don't use a 16G page if beyond mem= limits (bnc#438111 - LTC49329) * Thu Oct 23 2008 kkeil@suse.de - Update x86 64bit config files to include WAN support (bnc#437692) * Thu Oct 23 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.drivers/cell_edac.patch Fix incorrect edac_mode in csrow causing oops (bnc#437757 - LTC49143) * Thu Oct 23 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/nameif-track-rename.patch print also application and pid * Thu Oct 23 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/hid-rdesc-quirk-for-sony-vaio-VGX-TP1E.patch: HID: Fix Sony Vaio VGX report descriptor (bnc#437758). * Thu Oct 23 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.drivers/ehca-rejecting-dynamic-mem-add-remove.patch reject dynamic memory add/remove (bnc#434651 - LTC48744) * Thu Oct 23 2008 npiggin@suse.de - Update config files. * Thu Oct 23 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/x86-gb-linear-map.patch: Enable GB mapped linear KVA on x86 (bnc#437674). - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.26: merge * Wed Oct 22 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to - lots of bugfixes - CVE-2008-3831 fix * Wed Oct 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/vc: Handle unset $EDITOR * Wed Oct 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/export-release_open_intent: Export release_open_intent for NFS branches with aufs. * Wed Oct 22 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark the ibmaem and ibmpex hwmon drivers as supported by IBM. - supported.conf: Mark the i5k_amb hwmon driver as supported. * Wed Oct 22 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.drivers/ehea.patch Fix memory hotplug support (436447 - LTC48713) * Wed Oct 22 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pseries_hugepage_pagetable_allocation.patch Cleanup hugepage pagetable allocation (bnc# 433503 - LTC48757) * Wed Oct 22 2008 sassmann@suse.de Add PS3 audio patches: - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-add-passthrough-support-for-non-audio-streams.patch: ps3: Add passthrough support for non-audio streams. - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-add-ps3av-audio-mute-analog.patch: ps3: Add ps3av_audio_mute_analog(). - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-add-support-for-SPDIF-HDMI-passthrough.patch: ps3: Add support for SPDIF/HDMI passthrough. * Tue Oct 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/genirq-usb.patch: Make status_cache u32 - patches.rt/genirq-ohci1394.patch: Enable ohci1394 IRQ threading. * Tue Oct 21 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-abort-queue: rediff. - patches.fixes/scsi-atomic-blk-timer-deletes: scsi: atomic blk timer deletes (LTC#48990, bnc#434105). - patches.suse/rq-based-block-layer: rq-based multipathing: rediff. * Tue Oct 21 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-inquiry-too-short-ratelimit: INQUIRY result too short (5) message flood (bnc#432535). * Tue Oct 21 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/filp-slab-rcu: Delete. * Tue Oct 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de USB IRQ threading (experimental: guarded by genirq): - patches.rt/genirq1-make-irqreturn_t-an-enum: genirq: make irqreturn_t an enum. - patches.rt/genirq2-add-quick-check-handler.patch: genirq: add a quick check handler. - patches.rt/genirq3-add-threaded-irq-handler-support: genirq: add threaded interrupt handler support. - patches.rt/genirq4-add-helper-to-check-whether-irq-thread-should-run: genirq: add a helper to check whether the irqthread should run. - patches.rt/genirq5-make-irq-threading-robust: genirq: make irq threading robust. - patches.rt/genirq-usb.patch: genirq threading for ehci, ohci and uhci USB hosts.. - patches.rt/genirq-wlan-ng-compat.patch: Remove redundant, obsolete 2.4 compatibility code in wlan-ng. Ack: - patches.rt/genirq-soft-resend.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT x86: activate HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND. * Mon Oct 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_x86-mach_apicdef.h-need-to-include-before-smp.h.patch: x86: mach_apicdef.h need to include before smp.h. fixes build error on i386 pae kernels. * Mon Oct 20 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.suse/kdump-dump_after_notifier.patch: Add dump_after_notifier sysctl (bnc#436678). * Mon Oct 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - scripts/wd-functions.sh: reverse git and cvs checks (check for cvs before git). This solves the problem if you are using a cvs tree, yet it happens to live in a directory that way up the directory chain is in a git tree (like for people who keep portions of their $HOME in git). * Mon Oct 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files: enable CONFIG_GENERICARCH and CONFIG_BIGSMP on i386-pae kernels. (bnc#428247) * Mon Oct 20 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86-tracehook: fix the order of arguments in /proc/$pid/syscall on x86_64. * Mon Oct 20 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_KVM_KMP for RT config, run oldconfig. * Mon Oct 20 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-vmcoreinfo.diff: Correct to reflect mainline state. * Mon Oct 20 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.suse/kvm-as-kmp: Allow KVM to be built as KMP (FATE#303679). * Mon Oct 20 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-05-kmsg-v2.patch: Instrument the kernel components such that a kernel message catalog as well as related man pages can be automatically generated. (bnc#417300) - patches.arch/s390-01-06-zfcp-cleanup-v2.patch: Update patch to fit on recent kmsg patch changes. (bnc#417550) - patches.drivers/driver-core-basic-infrastructure-for-per-module-dynamic-debug-messages.patch: Update patch to fit on recent kmsg patch changes. - config/s390/{default,s390}: Added CONFIG_KMSG_IDS=y * Mon Oct 20 2008 bwalle@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark 'crasher' as supported to avoid installing the "extra" package only for that module. * Mon Oct 20 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pseries_16g-numa.patch fix crash with more 2 numa nodes and 16G hugepage (bnc#436452 - LTC48839) * Sat Oct 18 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bugfixes * Sat Oct 18 2008 tonyj@suse.de - patches.rt/fix-preempt-none.patch: Fix preempt-none build errors * Fri Oct 17 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-20-netvm-reserve-inet.patch-fix: SoN: Fix initialization of ipv4_route_lock (bnc#435994). * Fri Oct 17 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/tg3-Add-57780-ASIC-revision.patch: tg3: Add 57780 ASIC revision. (bnc#434147) - patches.drivers/broadcom-Add-support-for-the-57780-integrated-PHY.patch: broadcom: Add support for the 57780 integrated PHY. (bnc#434147) - patches.drivers/bnx2x-eeh.patch: bnx2x: EEH recovery fix.(bnc#433875) * Fri Oct 17 2008 bwalle@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Add the auto-generated (by mkdumprd) kdump initrd to %%ghost so that the file gets removed when uninstalling the kernel. * Fri Oct 17 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - ocfs2 ACL / security attribute support - patches.suse/ocfs2-Remove-unused-function-restore_extent_block.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Merge-transactions-during-xattr-set.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-xattr.-ch-definition-cleanups.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-security-xattr-support-in-ocfs2.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-POSIX-ACL-support-in-ocfs2.patch * Thu Oct 16 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - ocfs2 fixes / updates from 2.6.28 merge window - patches.suse/ocfs2-xattr.c-Fix-a-bug-when-inserting-xattr.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-empty-bucket-support-in-xattr.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Remove-pointless.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-make-la_debug_mutex-static.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Documentation-update-for-user_xattr-nouser_.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-use-smaller-counters-in-ocfs2_remove_xattr_cl.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Don-t-check-for-NULL-before-brelse.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Uninline-ocfs2_xattr_name_hash.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Move-trusted-and-user-attribute-support-into.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Calculate-EA-hash-only-by-its-suffix.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Refactor-xattr-list-and-remove-ocfs2_xattr_ha.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Separate-out-sync-reads-from-ocfs2_read_block.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Require-an-inode-for-ocfs2_read_block-s.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Simplify-ocfs2_read_block.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Move-ocfs2_bread-into-dir.c.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Kill-the-last-naked-wait_on_buffer-for-cach.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Make-cached-block-reads-the-common-case.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-fix-build-error.patch * Thu Oct 16 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - ocfs2 dynamic local alloc patches * Thu Oct 16 2008 jslaby@suse.de - patches.drivers/tpm-bcm0102-workaround.patch: tpm: work around bug in Broadcom BCM0102 chipset (bnc#425747 FATE304221). - patches.drivers/tpm-correct-timeouts.patch: tpm: correct tpm timeouts to jiffies conversion (bnc#425747 FATE304221). * Thu Oct 16 2008 ihno@suse.de - added patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2a.patch fix the sequence of initilisations. * Thu Oct 16 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Make the kernel-$flavor-extra packages supplement kernel-$flavor on openSUSE and SLED so that those packages will get installed by default, using the product(...) dependencies provided by the *-release packages. * Thu Oct 16 2008 tonyj@suse.de - Previous checkin was totally broken wrt rt config files. Revert to previous versions and incorporate any changes from run_oldconfig. Sole changes to previous versions is to remove CONFIG_DYNAMIC_FTRACE from rt_debug configs which is consistent with change in * Thu Oct 16 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - disables a problem config option, only affected the vanilla, debug, and rt kernel variants. * Wed Oct 15 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pseries_pfn-mem-rm.patch fix hotplug memory remove (bnc#435181 - LTC48640) * Wed Oct 15 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/post.sh, rpm/postun.sh: run weak-modules, depmod and mkinitrd on older distros (bnc#435246) Fixed fix for bnc#435104 ("/boot/" was missing in some places) * Wed Oct 15 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: don't recommend the -extra subpackage (fate#303631) - rpm/postun.sh, rpm/post.sh: remove the temporary workaround * Wed Oct 15 2008 olh@suse.de - drop patches.arch/ppc-iseries-remove-AVAILABLE_VETH.patch not needed anymore * Wed Oct 15 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/nfs-file-cred-context-null: nfs_file_cred should cope if 'file' hasn't been opened properly (bnc#431785). * Wed Oct 15 2008 tonyj@suse.de - Update RT patches to latest .27 Windriver version (all patches) - Disable patches.rt/swap-spinlock-fix.patch - Guard filp-slab-rcu for RT * Tue Oct 14 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-acer-aspire-5710-to-nomux.patch: Input: Add Acer Aspire 5710 to nomux blacklist (bnc#404881). * Tue Oct 14 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.fixes/ehci_sched.diff: Delete. in mainline now. done to the right tree. * Tue Oct 14 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/postun.sh, rpm/post.sh: temporarily ignore errors from weak-modules2 --{add,remove}-kernel-modules until module-init-tools has rebuilt * Tue Oct 14 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-amilo-pro-v-to-nomux.patch: Delete. The patch is already upstream in 2.6.27 * Tue Oct 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/osync-error: Update position after check for -EIO (bnc#434910). * Tue Oct 14 2008 npiggin@suse.de - patches.suse/rlimit-memlock-64k.patch: Increase default RLIMIT_MEMLOCK to 64k (bnc#329675). * Tue Oct 14 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Update config files: CIFS_EXPERIMENTAL=y and CIFS_DFS_UPCALL=y (FATE#303758). * Tue Oct 14 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-irq-probe: restrict IRQ probing (bnc#431572). * Tue Oct 14 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - patches.trace/utrace-core: undo overzealous #ifdef's, which removed too much code in case UTRACE_CONFIG was unset. * Tue Oct 14 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/reiserfs-commit-ids-unsigned-ints: Remove L suffix from constant compared against. * Tue Oct 14 2008 olh@suse.de - call bootloader_entry without leading /boot/ (bnc#435104) * Tue Oct 14 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in, rpm/source-post.sh, rpm/functions.sh: kill functions.sh, put the relink() function to source-post.sh directly - rpm/postun.sh, rpm/pre.sh, rpm/preun.sh, rpm/post.sh, rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: unify generation of the scriptlets, switch to the new weak-modules2 script * Tue Oct 14 2008 olh@suse.de - disable unused ide_platform driver * Tue Oct 14 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Remove i2c-core and i2c-piix4 from base. * Tue Oct 14 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: remove ide-core and ide-cdrom from base on request from Tejun. * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/staging-add-pcc-acpi-driver.patch: Staging: add pcc-acpi driver. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Obsoletes pcc-acpi-kmp * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: it's pcc-acpi and it's not obsolete, yet. * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsoletes at76_usb-kmp * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: obsoletes et131x-kmp, ivtv-kmp, and ppc-acpi-kmp * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/staging-at76_usb-wireless-driver.patch: staging: at76_usb wireless driver. * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh all patches (except xen and rt) to apply cleanly * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add Obsoletes: wlan-ng-kmp as the needed driver is now included from the staging tree. * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - put proper Patch-mainline: markings on staging patches * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/staging-workaround-build-system-bug.patch: Staging: workaround build system bug. * Mon Oct 13 2008 aj@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: Fix typo that breaks script. * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - disabled staging drivers for -rt trees * Mon Oct 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Add -staging tree: - added TAINT_CRAP flag - added eth131x network driver - added slicoss network driver - added sgx network driver - added me4000 data collection driver - added go7007 video capture driver - added USB/IP host and client driver - added w35und wifi network driver - added prism2 usb wifi network driver - added echo cancellation driver - only enabled these on x86 platforms * Mon Oct 13 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-02-01-xpram.patch: xpram: per device block request queues (bnc#434333,LTC#49030) * Mon Oct 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Updated supported.conf checker to eliminate false positives. * Mon Oct 13 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-14-mm-reserve.patch: Fix a compiler warning. * Mon Oct 13 2008 jbenc@suse.cz - supported.conf: mark drivers/net/wireless/b43* and driver/net/wireless/rt2x00/* as unsupported because of known problems we cannot fix. * Mon Oct 13 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.fixes/wdm_autoload.diff: add MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE to cdc-wdm driver to compute a proper alias (bnc#433817). * Mon Oct 13 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - Update config files (CONFIG_UTRACE for rt flavours). * Mon Oct 13 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.27-rc3: Fix uninitialized data issue. * Mon Oct 13 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - patches.trace/utrace-core: utrace core (FATE#304321). CONFIG_UTRACE enabled only for kernel-trace. - Update config files. * Mon Oct 13 2008 aj@suse.de - patches.suse/SoN-14-mm-reserve.patch: Add cast to fix compiler warning. * Mon Oct 13 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Remove another stale swap-over-nfs patch. patches.suse/SoN-29-nfs-alloc-recursions.patch: Delete. * Fri Oct 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27 final. * Fri Oct 10 2008 tonyj@suse.de - Update config files - Fix conflicts, remove most -RT guards added in recent RT update patches.rt/apic-dumpstack.patch: refresh patches.rt/preempt-irqs-core.patch: refresh patches.rt/print-might-sleep-hack.patch: refresh patches.rt/partrevert-lttng-instrumentation-irq.patch: add patches.rt/partreadd-lttng-instrumentation-irq.patch: add - Drop unused RT patches patches.rt/mips-change-raw-spinlock-type.patch patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-disable.patch patches.rt/Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch patches.rt/lockstat-fix-contention-points.patch patches.rt/sched-cpupri-priocount.patch patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-1.patch patches.rt/cache_pci_find_capability.patch patches.rt/fix-emac-locking-2.6.16.patch patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless5-lockless-probe.patch patches.rt/watchdog_use_timer_and_hpet_on_x86_64.patch patches.rt/tie-pi-into-task.patch patches.rt/idle2-fix.patch patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless6-speculative-get-page.patch patches.rt/rtmutex-initialize-waiters.patch patches.rt/Allocate-RTSJ-memory-for-TCK-conformance-test.patch patches.rt/add-generalized-pi-interface.patch patches.rt/warn-on-rt-scatterlist.patch patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless7-lockless-pagecache-lookups.patch patches.rt/trace-eip2ip.patch patches.rt/sched_rt-fixup.patch patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless3-radix-tree-gang-slot-lookups.patch patches.rt/trace_hist-latediv.patch patches.rt/sched-cpupri-hotplug-support.patch patches.rt/idle-fix.patch patches.rt/ftrace-fix-get-kprobe-wreckage.patch patches.rt/no-warning-for-irqs-disabled-in-local-bh-enable.patch patches.rt/ftrace-function-record-nop.patch patches.rt/ftrace-document-update1.patch patches.rt/26-rt1-chirag.patch patches.rt/trace_hist-divzero.patch patches.rt/latency-tracing-ppc.patch patches.rt/rtmutex-defer-pi-until-sleepy.patch patches.rt/pmtmr-override.patch patches.rt/sched-prioritize-non-migrating-rt-tasks.patch patches.rt/rtmutex-use-runtime-init.patch patches.rt/ftrace-fix-elevated-preempt-count-in-wakeup-tracer.patch patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless8-spinlock-tree_lock.patch patches.rt/lockdep-lock_set_subclass.patch patches.rt/seqlock-make-raw-seqlocks-spin-during-write.patch patches.rt/rt-mutex-irq-flags-checking.patch patches.rt/ftrace-upstream.patch patches.rt/sched-use-a-2d-bitmap-search-prio-cpu.patch patches.rt/ftrace-preempt-trace-check.patch patches.rt/rtmutex-add_readers.patch patches.rt/lockdep-avoid-fork-waring.patch patches.rt/arm-omap-02.patch patches.rt/fix-acpi-build-weirdness.patch patches.rt/cycles-to-ns-trace-fix.patch patches.rt/ftrace-compile-fixes.patch patches.rt/ftrace-wakeup-rawspinlock.patch patches.rt/rtmutex-convert-to-libpi.patch patches.rt/m68knommu_fixes_ontop_of_v2.6.26.patch patches.rt/ftrace-trace-sched.patch * Fri Oct 10 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - supported.conf: mark kernel/fs/gfs2 unsupported * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark kernel/sound/pci/snd-cs5530 unsupported due to sb16 dependancy issues * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/account-reserved-pages: Delete. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/supported-flag-sysfs: Updated to build with CONFIG_MODULES=n. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc9, but still disabled: - patches.suse/silent-stack-overflow - patches.xen/xen3-silent-stack-overflow * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: thermal_sys, not thermal_sysfs. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rt/hrtimers-stuck-in-waitqueue.patch: Updated against 2.6.27-rc9. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Fix the name of the thermal_sys module. - config/x86_64/rt_timing: THERMAL_HWMON is a boolean. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/netfilter-ipv4options: Updated to 2.6.27-rc9, enabled, and marked supported (bnc#131728 - FATE#182). * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/serial8250_console_write-ier: Delete. - patches.fixes/fix-serial-8250-UART_BUG_TXEN-test: Delete. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark kernel/sound/pci/snd-als4000 unsupported due to dependancy on isa sb16 driver. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/dont-writeback-fd-bdev-inodes.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/s390-ccwgroup-attribute-ignore-newline: Delete. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark drivers/net/wan/hdlc_x25 unsupported due to symbol dependancy tree. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/osync-error: make sure O_SYNC writes properly return -EIO (bnc#58622). * Thu Oct 9 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-vmcoreinfo.diff: Add additional symbols to /sys/kernel/vmcoreinfo data for ppc(64). * Thu Oct 9 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-x2APIC_build_fix.patch: Adopt Xen to x2APIC patchset (fate#303984 and fate#303948). - Update config files. Disable interrupt remapping for Xen -> this is something for the hypervisor. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: THERMAL_HWMON=y in vanilla configs. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: THERMAL_HWMON=y; is boolean and enables functionality in the already modular THERMAL module. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/supported-flag-sysfs: Export supported status via sysfs. * Thu Oct 9 2008 carnold@novell.com - Update config files. Disabled the in kernel KVM modules in preference to using them as KMPs. See also brogers@novell.com * Thu Oct 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Added a -iu|--ignore-unsupported-deps option to allow builds with supported.conf problems. * Thu Oct 9 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/i386/*, config/x86_64/*, config/ia64/*, supported.conf: Build hwmon and thermal as modules. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark hdlc_ppp unsupported as syncppp is unsupported. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark ubifs as unsupported as it relies on mtd/ubi/ * Thu Oct 9 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-dynamic-reconfiguration.diff: powerpc: Add support for dynamic reconfiguration memory in kexec/kdump kernels (bnc#431492). * Thu Oct 9 2008 carnold@novell.com - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: package kernel-xen has dependency to xen (bnc#431215). * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark TPM drivers a supported, as IBM and others rely on them. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: fix a dependancy link with the isa sb driver with unsupported symbols * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark ieee80122 modules as supported, as other supported modules need them. * Thu Oct 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark all of the mtd drivers as unsupported to fix the build errors (and to reflect our policy here.) * Thu Oct 9 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Set CONFIG_KDB_CONTINUE_CATASTROPHIC to 0 (bnc#429910). * Thu Oct 9 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - Don't build the tps65010 driver, it's only used on OMAP at the moment. * Thu Oct 9 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/built-in-where: make it work with a four-column Modules.symvers (bnc#433533) * Thu Oct 9 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Update KDB to v4.4-2.6.27-rc8. * Thu Oct 9 2008 olh@suse.de - disable legacy iseries (bnc#433685 - LTC48946) * Thu Oct 9 2008 olh@suse.de - enable battery_pmu on ppc32 * Thu Oct 9 2008 trenn@suse.de - supported.conf: Marked these unsupported: cpufreq-nforce2 e_powersaver gx-suspmod longhaul longrun p4-clockmod powernow-k6 powernow-k7 speedstep-ich speedstep-smi Even Via CPUs are exporting cpu freq steps via ACPI and work fine with acpi-cpufreq. No need to support the old, some are known broken, drivers. * Thu Oct 9 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.suse/md-raid-metadata-PAGE_SIZE.patch ignore PAGE_SIZE in md metadata, for raid0 (bnc#429490) * Thu Oct 9 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: minor patch apply fix after libata-prefer-over-ide. * Wed Oct 8 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-prefer-over-ide: libata: prefer libata drivers over ide ones (bnc#433105). * Wed Oct 8 2008 carnold@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-op-packet: add support for new operation type BLKIF_OP_PACKET (fate#300964). - patches.xen/xen-blkfront-cdrom: implement forwarding of CD-ROM specific commands (fate#300964). * Wed Oct 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: major update. Lots of new drivers added as this file hadn't been updated for a lot of kernel revisions. This should close out a lot of bugs about "unsupported" modules, like bnc#433541. * Wed Oct 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: sorted the file correctly so we can start determining what we are not supporting easier. * Wed Oct 8 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated -rt for context against -rc9 and the x2APIC patches: - patches.rt/new-softirq-code.patch - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-core.patch - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-x86-64-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch - CONFIG_INTR_REMAP=n for now - patches.rt/preempt-softirqs-core.patch - patches.rt/rt-slab-new.patch - patches.rt/slab-irq-nopreempt-fix.patch - Update config files: NFS_SWAP=n * Wed Oct 8 2008 trenn@suse.de x2APIC and interrupt remapping enablement. Xen needs further work to build again. Commit ids are from x86 tip git tree: - patches.arch/x2APIC_fix_section_mismatch.patch: Fix several section mismatches (none). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_01_0f4896665a02b465ddca59a560983b24ec28c64b: dmar: fix dmar_parse_dev() devices_cnt error condition check (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_01_of_41_e61d98d8dad0048619bb138b0ff996422ffae53b: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: Intel vt-d, IOMMU code reorganization (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_02_228324076234ca6a8cd34be89be78022773459f1: dmar: use list_for_each_entry_safe() in dmar_dev_scope_init() (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_02_of_41_c42d9f32443397aed2d37d37df161392e6a5862f: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: fix the need for sequential array allocation of iommus (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_03_3f1fdb3673bb5638fa94186dc391cbc4879590bc: dmar: initialize the return value in dmar_parse_dev() (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_03_of_41_1886e8a90a580f3ad343f2065c84c1b9e1dac9ef: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: code re-structuring, to be used by both DMA and Interrupt remapping (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_04_f12c73e7fa7ebf9ad6defee2c4fb2664e743e970: dmar: fix using early fixmap mapping for DMAR table parsing (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_04_of_41_aaa9d1dd63bf89b62f4ea9f46de376ab1a3fbc6c: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: use CONFIG_DMAR for DMA-remapping specific code (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_05_7be42004065ce4df193aeef5befd26805267d0d9: x86, lguest: fix apic_ops build on UP (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_06_caf43bf7c6a55e89b6df5179df434d67e24aa32e: x86, xen: fix apic_ops build on UP (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_06_of_41_ad3ad3f6a2caebf56869b83b69e23eb9fa5e0ab6: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: parse ioapic scope under vt-d structures (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_07_511d9d34183662aada3890883e860b151d707e22: x86: apic_ops for lguest (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_07_of_41_cf1337f0447e5be8e66daa944f0ea3bcac2b6179: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: move IOMMU_WAIT_OP() macro to intel-iommu.h (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_08_of_41_fe962e90cb17a8426e144dee970e77ed789d98ee: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: Queued invalidation infrastructure (part of VT-d) (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_09_94a8c3c2437c8946f1b6c8e0b2c560a7db8ed3c6: x86: let 32bit use apic_ops too - fix (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_09_of_41_2ae21010694e56461a63bfc80e960090ce0a5ed9: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: Interrupt remapping infrastructure (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_10_of_41_b6fcb33ad6c05f152a672f7c96c1fab006527b80: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: routines managing Interrupt remapping table entries. (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_11_of_41_72b1e22dfcad1daca6906148fd956ffe404bb0bc: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: generic irq migration support from process context (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_12_of_41_d94d93ca5cc36cd78c532def62772c98fe8ba5d7: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: 8259 specific mask/unmask routines (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_13_of_41_4dc2f96cacd1e74c688f94348a3bfd0a980817d5: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: ioapic routines which deal with initial io-apic RTE setup (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_14_of_41_0c81c746f9bdbfaafe64322d540c8b7b59c27314: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: introduce read_apic_id() to genapic routines (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_15_of_41_2d7a66d02e11af9ab8e16c76d22767e622b4e3d7: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: Interrupt-remapping and x2apic support, fix (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_16_of_41_1b374e4d6f8b3eb2fcd034fcc24ea8ba1dfde7aa: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: basic apic ops support (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_17_of_41_32e1d0a0651004f5fe47f85a2a5c725ad579a90c: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: cpuid bits for x2apic feature (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_18_of_41_1cb11583a6c4ceda7426eb36f7bf0419da8dfbc2: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: disable DMA-remapping if Interrupt-remapping is detected (temporary quirk) (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_19_of_41_13c88fb58d0112d47f7839f24a755715c6218822: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: x2apic ops for x2apic mode support (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_20_of_41_cff73a6ffaed726780b001937d2a42efde553922: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: introcude self IPI to genapic routines (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_21_of_41_12a67cf6851871ca8df42025c94f140c303d0f7f: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: x2apic cluster mode support (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_22_of_41_5c520a6724e912a7e6153b7597192edad6752750: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: setup init_apic_ldr for UV (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_23_of_41_89027d35aa5b8f45ce0f7fa0911db85b46563da0: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: IO-APIC support for interrupt-remapping (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_24_of_41_75c46fa61bc5b4ccd20a168ff325c58771248fcd: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: MSI and MSI-X support for interrupt remapping infrastructure (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_25_1_of_41_4c9961d56ec20c27ec5d02e49fd7427748312741: x86: make read_apic_id return final apicid (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_25_2_of_41_c535b6a1a685eb23f96e2c221777d6c1e05080d5: x86: let 32bit use apic_ops too (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_25_of_41_6e1cb38a2aef7680975e71f23de187859ee8b158: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: add x2apic support, including enabling interrupt-remapping (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_26_of_41_2d9579a124d746a3e0e0ba45e57d80800ee80807: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: support for x2apic physical mode support (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_27_of_41_9fa8c481b55e80edd8c637573f87853bb6b600f5: x64, x2apic/intr-remap: introduce CONFIG_INTR_REMAP (fate [#303948] and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_28_1_of_41_f910a9dc7c865896815e2a95fe33363e9522f277: x86: make 64bit have get_apic_id (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_29_of_41_277d1f5846d84e16760131a93b7a67ebfa8eded4: x2apic: uninline uv_init_apic_ldr() (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_30_of_41_ad66dd340f561bdde2285992314d9e4fd9b6191e: x2apic: xen64 paravirt basic apic ops (fate #303948 and fate [#303984]). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_34_of_41_1b9b89e7f163336ad84200b66a17284dbf26aced: x86: add apic probe for genapic 64bit, v2 (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_35_of_41_d25ae38b7e005af03843833bbd811ffe8c5f8cb4: x86: add apic probe for genapic 64bit - fix (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_36_of_41_276605dddb74cbf1b77696e32c4a947e42cec52d: x2apic: use x2apic id reported by cpuid during topology discovery (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_40_of_41_bbb65d2d365efe9951290e61678dcf81ec60add4: x86: use cpuid vector 0xb when available for detecting cpu topology (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_41_of_41_11c231a962c740b3216eb6565149ae5a7944cba7: x86: use x2apic id reported by cpuid during topology discovery, fix (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_42_of_41_77322deb4bc676a5ee645444e7ed1a89f854473d: x86: io-apic - interrupt remapping fix (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.arch/x2APIC_PATCH_43_of_41_2c72d93f6593f386f5760ca8e7ac7026948c31d7: x2apic: fix reserved APIC register accesses in print_local_APIC() (fate #303948 and fate #303984). - patches.drivers/sgi-uv-led: SGI UV: Provide a LED driver and some System Activity Indicators (FATE#304268). - patches.suse/kdb-x86: kdb-v4.4-2.6.27-rc5-x86-1 (FATE#303971). - patches.xen/xen-x86-no-lapic: Disallow all accesses to the local APIC page (191115). - patches.xen/xen3-auto-arch-x86.diff: xen3 arch-x86. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.19: Linux 2.6.19. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.26: 2.6.26. - Update config files: Added CONFIG_INTR_REMAP to all x86_64 flavors * Wed Oct 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: added Obsoletes: atl2-kmp as this driver is now included in the kernel package. * Wed Oct 8 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-4-v2.patch: Update for fcpperf-4 patch to bring in sync with upstream version. (bnc#417243) - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-4.patch: Removed, replaced by updated patch * Wed Oct 8 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Remove stale swap-over-nfs patches. - patches.suse/SoN-05-page_alloc-reserve.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/SoN-06-reserve-slub.patch: Delete. * Wed Oct 8 2008 agruen@suse.de - No uml patches left, so remove the code referring to patches.uml.tar.bz2. * Wed Oct 8 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Guarded by +RT - patches.rt/fix-up-comment.patch: RT: Remove comment that is no longer true. - patches.rt/check-for-migration-during-push.patch: RT: fix push_rt_task() to handle dequeue_pushable properly. * Wed Oct 8 2008 agruen@suse.de - Add DMAPI patches (supported by SGI). - Update config files: enable DMAPI. * Wed Oct 8 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Doh, forgot to remove stale files from cvs - Update config files NFS_SWAP=y. * Wed Oct 8 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Refreshed to -v19 of swap over nfs patchset. o netns, ipv6 fixes o patch ordering changes due to additional patches - Adjust patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff to avoid conflict. * Wed Oct 8 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_MFD_SM501_GPIO also for RT. * Wed Oct 8 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Refresh patches.rt/mips-remove-duplicate-kconfig.patch. * Wed Oct 8 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Update to 2.6.27-rc9. - Enable new configuration option CONFIG_MFD_SM501_GPIO. - Drop following patches (mainline): o patches.suse/e1000e_debug_contention_on_NVM_SWFLAG o patches.suse/e1000e_do_not_ever_sleep_in_interrupt_context o patches.suse/e1000e_drop_stats_lock, e1000e_fix_lockdep_issues o patches.suse/e1000e_mmap_range_chk, o patches.suse/e1000e_reset_swflag_after_resetting_hardware o patches.suse/e1000e_update_versione1000e_write_protect_ichx_nvm - Adjust/refresh following patches: o patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2.patch o patches.drivers/e1000e_add_82574L.patch o patches.drivers/e1000e_add_ICH9_BM.patch o patches.drivers/e1000e_add_LOM_devices.patch o patches.suse/e1000e_allow_bad_checksum o patches.suse/e1000e_call_dump_eeprom o patches.suse/e1000e_ioremap_sanity_check o patches.suse/e1000e_use_set_memory_ro-rw_to_protect_flash_memory * Wed Oct 8 2008 mmarek@suse.cz - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: switch KMPs to the new weak-modules2 script, which handles running depmod and mkinitrd * Wed Oct 8 2008 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: mark igb as supported. * Wed Oct 8 2008 agruen@suse.de - kernel-source-rt must not provide a kernel-source symbol: this would break dependencies. * Wed Oct 8 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/ppc-no-LDFLAGS_MODULE.patch use suggested patch from kernel.org bugzilla * Wed Oct 8 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pseries_remove_lmb-PAGE_SHIFTT.patch fix oops in pseries_remove_lmb with 64k PAGE_SIZE (bnc#431380) * Wed Oct 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - supported.conf: mark efivars.ko as supported * Wed Oct 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable yealink driver (bnc#432841) * Tue Oct 7 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.fixes/ehci_sched.diff: fix hang in disable_periodic (bnc#403346). * Tue Oct 7 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/fujisu_laptop_fix_section_mismatch.patch: Fix section mismatch in fujitsu_laptop driver (none). * Tue Oct 7 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/sd-needs-updating: Driver 'sd' needs updating (bnc#406656). * Tue Oct 7 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/post.sh: Catch mkinitrd error code indicating missing required modules. Only add a bootloader entry if an initrd could be created, but re-add the bootloader entry even if the initrd already existed before (bnc#431703). * Tue Oct 7 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc to (bnc#420767). - patches.drivers/qla4xxx-sles11-update: qla4xxx driver fixes for SLES11 (bnc#432976). * Tue Oct 7 2008 olh@suse.de - mark legacy iseries storage as supported * Mon Oct 6 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Add the ad7414, adcxx and ibmaem hwmon drivers as unsupported. * Mon Oct 6 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/ia64/*: Don't built i2c-amd756-s4882 and i2c-nforce2-s4985 on ia64, these are motherboard-specific drivers for x86_64 motherboards. - config/powerpc/*: Don't built i2c-isch on powerpc, it is a driver for x86 hardware. - config/*: Don't built i2c-simtec on i386, x86_64 and ia64, there is no Simtec hardware based on these architectures. * Sun Oct 5 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Fix the logic splitting up the symbols defined in vmlinux by subsystem. (Actually, per directory, under the assumption that there is enough of a correlation). * Sun Oct 5 2008 greg@suse.de - supported.conf: add ohci-hcd to base. Fix up other USB drivers (USB network drivers had moved, others were missing) * Sun Oct 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/atl2-add-atl2-network-driver.patch: atl2: add atl2 network driver. - Update config files (even the rt ones). * Fri Oct 3 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_debug_contention_on_NVM_SWFLAG: fix bogus WARN_ON() condition, as per upstream commit 95b866d5a * Fri Oct 3 2008 olh@suse.de - mark ibmvfc as supported (bnc#417555 - fate#304178 - LTC46935) * Fri Oct 3 2008 olh@suse.de - compile windfarm_pm121 into the kernel * Fri Oct 3 2008 jeffm@suse.de - doc/README.SUSE, scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh, scripts/run_oldconfig.sh, scripts/sequence-patch.sh: Eliminated defconfig.$flavor * Fri Oct 3 2008 olh@suse.de - mark Cell drivers as supported * Fri Oct 3 2008 tonyj@suse.de - Update config files rt configs not updated for per-module-dynamic-debug-messages.patch * Fri Oct 3 2008 gregkh@suse.de - change patches.suse/supported-flag to show which modules are unsupported and externally supported in oops messages. Also change the taint values as the documentation was totally wrong. * Fri Oct 3 2008 tonyj@suse.de - Reenable RT debug builds, compile tested only - Update config files - Fix tracer issues patches.rt/event-trace-hrtimer-trace.patch patches.rt/trace-events-handle-syscalls.patch patches.rt/trace-ktime-scalar.patch patches.rt/tracer-event-trace.patch - patches.rt/kdb-disable-ist.patch: Disable stackfault and debug stacks for kdb - patches.rt/kdb-rtmisc.patch: Misc KDB fixes for RT - patches.rt/novfs-rtmisc.patch: Misc NOVFS fixes for RT * Fri Oct 3 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/driver-core-basic-infrastructure-for-per-module-dynamic-debug-messages.patch: driver core: basic infrastructure for per-module dynamic debug messages. - refresh patches.trace/tracepoints.patch: Kernel Tracepoints. - Update config files. * Thu Oct 2 2008 agruen@suse.de - Introduce kernel-source-rt and kernel-syms-rt packages, needed for building real-time KMPs. * Thu Oct 2 2008 schwab@suse.de - Don't clean . * Thu Oct 2 2008 jblunck@suse.de - supported.conf: add qeth_l2 and qeth_l3 as supported modules * Thu Oct 2 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_write_protect_ichx_nvm: e1000e: update to the latest version of the patch as provided by Intel * Thu Oct 2 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.27-rc8 and c/s 684. - patches.xen/xen-e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: Replace by ... - patches.xen/xen3-e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: this, and put in proper place in series.conf. - patches.xen/xen-rwlocks-enable-interrupts: Replace by ... - patches.xen/xen3-rwlocks-enable-interrupts: this, and put in proper place in series.conf. * Wed Oct 1 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/sequence-patch.sh - scripts/run_oldconfig.sh: x86 defconfigs go under arch/x86. * Wed Oct 1 2008 olh@suse.de - enable msi on ppc64 (bnc#430937) * Wed Oct 1 2008 tiwai@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Remove /lib/modules from file list as it's already in filesystem * Wed Oct 1 2008 tiwai@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Fixed missing endif * Wed Oct 1 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: make floppy module on i386, too * Wed Oct 1 2008 tiwai@suse.de - supported.conf: update sound drivers * Wed Oct 1 2008 tonyj@suse.de - update RT to 2.6.27-rc8 - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-fs-block.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. * Wed Oct 1 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update -rt config files. * Tue Sep 30 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.27-rc8 - obsoletes these patches: - patches.arch/ia64-kdump_proc_iomem.diff - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-defer-risc-interrupt-enablement - patches.fixes/usb-hcd-interrupt-shared.patch * Tue Sep 30 2008 jkosina@suse.de - additional patches to track down and fix e1000e NVM corruption - patches.suse/e1000e_ioremap_sanity_check: ioremap sanity check to catch mapping requests exceeding the BAR sizes (bnc#425480). - patches.suse/e1000e_write_protect_ichx_nvm: e1000e: write protect ICHx NVM to prevent malicious write/erase (bnc#425480). * Tue Sep 30 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files. * Tue Sep 30 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/mpt-fusion- Update MPT Fusion driver to v4.00.43.00 (bnc#425660). - patches.kernel.org/gdth-section-conflict: Add missing annotations. * Tue Sep 30 2008 sassmann@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled everything unnecessary in ps3 config file * Tue Sep 30 2008 olh@suse.de - disable ninja32 and ns87415 pata drivers on ppc64 * Tue Sep 30 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - config.conf: enable rt for i386/x86_64 - Update config files: Preliminary sync with default and debug configs. - config/x86_64/rt_timing: Delete. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless3-radix-tree-gang-slot-lookups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT radix-tree: gang slot lookups. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless5-lockless-probe.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: lockless probe. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless6-speculative-get-page.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: speculative get page. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless7-lockless-pagecache-lookups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: lockless pagecache lookups. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless8-spinlock-tree_lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: spinlock tree_lock. - patches.rt/Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/Allocate-RTSJ-memory-for-TCK-conformance-test.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/RT_utsname.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/aacraid-compat-sem.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/adapt-remove-extra-try-to-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-adjust-pi-wakeup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-earlybreak-on-steal.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: break out early on first run. - patches.rt/adaptive-optimize-rt-lock-wakeup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-spinlock-lite-v2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT adaptive spinlocks lite. - patches.rt/adaptive-task-oncpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/apic-dumpstack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/apic-level-smp-affinity.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-compile-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ARM: compile fix for event tracing. - patches.rt/arm-fix-compile-error-trace-exit-idle.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-futex-atomic-cmpxchg.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-latency-tracer-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-omap-02.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-omap-05.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-preempt-config.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/arm-trace-preempt-idle.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bh-state-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bh-uptodate-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bz235099-idle-load-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/cache_pci_find_capability.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Cache calls to pci_find_capability. - patches.rt/call_rcu_bh-rename-of-call_rcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT just rename call_rcu_bh instead of making it a macro. - patches.rt/cond_resched_softirq-WARN-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT WARNING: at kernel/sched.c:5071 2.6.23-rc1-rt7. - patches.rt/cputimer-thread-rt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/cputimer-thread-rt_A0.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/cycles-to-ns-trace-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/dev-queue-xmit-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-irqpoll.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-ist-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-lpptest-on-nonlinux.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/disable-run-softirq-from-hardirq-completely.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Disable running softirqs from hardirqs completely!. - patches.rt/dont-disable-preemption-without-IST.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/dont-let-rt-rw_semaphores-do-non_owner-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/dont-unmask-io_apic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/drain-all-local-pages-via-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/event-trace-hrtimer-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT event-tracer: add clockevent trace. - patches.rt/export-schedule-on-each-cpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/filemap-dont-bug-non-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-a-previously-reverted-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Fix a previously reverted "fix". - patches.rt/fix-adaptive-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT fix-adaptive-hack.patch. - patches.rt/fix-bug-on-in-filemap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Change bug_on for atomic to pagefault_disabled.. - patches.rt/fix-circular-locking-deadlock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-compilation-for-non-RT-in-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-config-debug-rt-mutex-lock-underflow-warnings.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Fix CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEX lock underflow warnings. - patches.rt/fix-emac-locking-2.6.16.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-emergency-reboot.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT call reboot notifier list when doing an emergency reboot. - patches.rt/fix-migrating-softirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-softirq-checks-for-non-rt-preempt-hardirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix_vdso_gtod_vsyscall64_2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/floppy-resume-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT floppy: suspend/resume fix. - patches.rt/frace-use-tsc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-compile-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: remove call to stop tracer. - patches.rt/ftrace-document-event-tracer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-document-update1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: document updates. - patches.rt/ftrace-dont-trace-markers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: dont trace markers. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-get-kprobe-wreckage.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace-fix-missing-kprobe-include.pathc. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-header.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-function-record-nop.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: define function trace nop. - patches.rt/ftrace-hotplug-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: cpu hotplug fix. - patches.rt/ftrace-m68knommu-add-FTRACE-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-m68knommu-generic-stacktrace-function.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-preempt-trace-check.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: only trace preempt off with preempt tracer. - patches.rt/ftrace-print-missing-cmdline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: fix the command line printing. - patches.rt/ftrace-record-comm-on-ctrl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: record comm on function ctrl change. - patches.rt/ftrace-stop-trace-on-crash.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT fix-tracer-wreckage-wtf-is-this-code-all-features.patch. - patches.rt/ftrace-trace-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: trace sched.c. - patches.rt/ftrace-use-preempt-disable-not-irq-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: avoid lockdep recursion. - patches.rt/ftrace-wakeup-rawspinlock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: user raw spin lock for wakeup function trace. - patches.rt/generic-cmpxchg-use-raw-local-irq-variant.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/genhd-protect-percpu-var.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/genirq-soft-resend.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT x86: activate HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND. - patches.rt/git-ignore-script-lpp.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/gtod-optimize.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hack-convert-i_alloc_sem-for-direct_io-craziness.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hack-fix-rt-migration.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/handle-pending-in-simple-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT handle IRQ_PENDING for simple irq handler. - patches.rt/highmem-redo-mainline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/highmem-revert-mainline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/highmem_rewrite.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: remove kmap_lock. - patches.rt/hrtimer-no-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hrtimers-overrun-api.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/i386-mark-atomic-irq-ops-raw.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/i386-nmi-watchdog-show-regs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/idle-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/idle2-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ioapic-fix-too-fast-clocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/irda-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/irq-mask-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT genirq: fix simple and fasteoi irq handlers. - patches.rt/jbd_assertions_smp_only.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/kmap-atomic-i386-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/kmap-atomic-prepare.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/kprobes-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/kstat-add-rt-stats.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT add rt stats to /proc/stat. - patches.rt/kstat-fix-spurious-system-load-spikes-in-proc-loadavgrt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/latency-measurement-drivers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/loadavg_fixes_weird_loads.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/local_irq_save_nort-in-swap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lock-init-plist-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lock_list.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lock_list - a fine grain locked double linked list. - patches.rt/lock_page_ref.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: lock_page_ref. - patches.rt/lockdep-avoid-fork-waring.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: fix if define to prove locking. - patches.rt/lockdep-lock_set_subclass.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep: lock_set_subclass - reset a held lock's subclass. - patches.rt/lockdep-more-entries.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lockdep-prettify.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockdep: prettify output. - patches.rt/lockdep-rt-mutex.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockdep-rt: annotate PREEMPT_RT DEFINE_MUTEX. - patches.rt/lockdep-rt-recursion-limit-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lockdep-show-held-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockdep: show held locks when showing a stackdump. - patches.rt/lockdep_lock_set_subclass_fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lockstat-fix-contention-points.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockstat: fix contention points. - patches.rt/lockstat-output.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockstat: warn about disabled lock debugging. - patches.rt/lockstat-rt-hooks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lockstat_bounce_rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/loopback-revert.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/m68knommu-make-cmpxchg-RT-safe.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/m68knommu_fixes_ontop_of_v2.6.26.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/mapping_nrpages-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mapping_nrpages-fix.patch. - patches.rt/mapping_nrpages.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm/fs: abstract address_space::nrpages. - patches.rt/mips-change-raw-spinlock-type.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT RT: change from raw_spinlock_t to __raw_spinlock_t. - patches.rt/mips-remove-conlicting-rtc-lock-declaration.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT RT: remove conflicting rtc_lock declaration. - patches.rt/mips-remove-duplicate-kconfig.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/mips-remove-finish-arch-switch.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT RT: remove finish_arch_switch. - patches.rt/mitigate-resched-flood.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/mm-concurrent-pagecache-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: -rt bits for concurrent pagecache. - patches.rt/mm-concurrent-pagecache.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT mm: concurrent pagecache write side. - patches.rt/mm-fix-latency.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT reduce pagetable-freeing latencies. - patches.rt/move-native-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/msi-suspend-resume-workaround.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/multi-reader-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT map tasks to reader locks held. - patches.rt/multi-reader-limit.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT implement reader limit on read write locks. - patches.rt/multi-reader-lock-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT map read/write locks back to their readers. - patches.rt/multi-reader-pi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT read lock Priority Inheritance implementation. - patches.rt/native-sched-clock-booboo.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/neptune-no-at-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/net-core-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/netpoll-8139too-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/new-softirq-code.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT softirq preemption: optimization. - patches.rt/nf_conntrack-fix-smp-processor-id.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nf_conntrack-weird-crash-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nfs-stats-miss-preemption.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT nfs: fix missing preemption check. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-show-regs-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT x86_64: do not enable the NMI watchdog by default. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-3.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/no-warning-for-irqs-disabled-in-local-bh-enable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT local_bh_enable() is safe for irqs_disabled(). - patches.rt/ntfs-local-irq-save-nort.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/numa-slab-freeing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/only-run-softirqs-from-irq-thread-when-irq-affinity-is-set.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/pagefault-disable-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT clean up the page fault disabling logic. - patches.rt/panic-dont-stop-box.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/paravirt-function-pointer-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/pause-on-oops-head-tail.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT introduce pause_on_oops_head/tail boot options. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-mm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-netfilter.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-netfilter2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-powerpc-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/percpu_list.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT percpu_list. - patches.rt/plist-debug.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/pmtmr-override.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT pmtmr: allow command line override of ioport. - patches.rt/posix-cpu-timers-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-count_active_rt_tasks-is-undefined-for-non-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-flush_tlb_pending-is-no-more.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-ftrace-stop-on-oops.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT powerpc: ftrace stop on crash. - patches.rt/powerpc-match-__rw_yield-function-declaration-to-prototype.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-chpr-set-rtc-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-gtod-notrace-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-hacks-to-allow-rt-to-run-kernbench.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-make-tlb-batch-64-only.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-tlbflush-preempt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc32-latency-compile-hack-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc32_notrace_init_functions.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT don't trace early init functions for ppc32. - patches.rt/ppc64-fix-preempt-unsafe-paths-accessing-per_cpu-variables.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-Kconfig.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm-fix-oprofile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-direct-debug-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-hrtimer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386-idle-poll-loop-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-m68knommu-make-timer-interrupt-non-threaded.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-ack-irq-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-b5.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-b6.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-more-fasteoi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-x86-64-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-x86-64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-acpi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-bagde4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-footbridge.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-integrator.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-ixp4xx.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-pxa.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-rawlock-in-mmu_context-h.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-shark.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-compile-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-console.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-debug-sysctl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-fs-block.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace-disable-ftraced.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ia64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ide.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-init-show-enabled-debugs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-input.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ipc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-loopback.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mellanox-driver-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mmdrop-delayed.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-drivers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-softirq-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT NOHZ: local_softirq_pending with tickless. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-add-raw-relax-macros.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b3.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-celleb-raw-spinlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-missing-raw-spinlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-tlb-batching.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-update.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-prevent-idle-boosting.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Premmpt-RT: Preevent boosting of idle task. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-profiling.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-rawlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-rcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched-cpupri.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sound.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-supress-nohz-softirq-warning.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-supress-rtc-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-usb.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-warn-and-bug-on-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-warn-and-bug-on.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-rt-no-slub.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/print-might-sleep-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/printk-dont-bug-on-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/printk-in-atomic-hack-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT fix printk in atomic hack. - patches.rt/printk-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/proportions-raw-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/qrcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT QRCU with lockless fastpath. - patches.rt/quicklist-release-before-free-page-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/quicklist-release-before-free-page.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/radix-concurrent-lockdep.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/radix-percpu-hack-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/radix-tree-concurrent.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT radix-tree: concurrent write side support. - patches.rt/radix-tree-lockdep-plus1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lockdep: add +1 to radix tree array. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic-hist.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT debug: optimistic lock histogram. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT radix-tree: optimistic locking. - patches.rt/raw-spinlocks-for-nmi-print.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-hrt-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-new-7.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-default.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-sdr.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-fix-bad-dyntick-accounting.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-hotplug-hackaround.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-torture-preempt-update.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-trace-fix-free.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcupreempt-boost-early-init.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/realtime-preempt-warn-about-tracing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/relay-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT relay: fix timer madness. - patches.rt/remove-check-pgt-cache-calls.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/replace-bugon-by-warn-on.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/revert-preempt-bkl-revert.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/root-domain-kfree-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-apis.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-avoid-deadlock-in-swap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-delayed-prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: PI-workqueue: propagate prio for delayed work. - patches.rt/rt-kmap-scale-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-list-mods.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: list_splice2. - patches.rt/rt-move-update-wall-time-back-to-do-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: move update_wall_time back to do timer. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-compat-semaphores.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-irq-flags-checking.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-namespace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt-mutex-namespace.patch. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-ppc-fix-a5.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-preempt-debugging.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-route-cast-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-tcp-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-use-inline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt-mutex-cleanup.patch. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-x86-64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-plist-mods.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: plist_head_splice. - patches.rt/rt-rwlock-conservative-locking.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: be more conservative in locking reader_lock_count. - patches.rt/rt-s_files-kill-a-union.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-sched-groups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-shorten-softirq-thread-names.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-workqeue-prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: PI-workqueue support. - patches.rt/rt-workqueue-barrier.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: PI-workqueue: fix barriers. - patches.rt/rt-wq-barrier-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: PI-workqueue: wait_on_work() fixup. - patches.rt/rt_mutex_setprio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: rename rt_mutex_setprio to task_setprio. - patches.rt/rtmutex-debug-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex-debug-fix.patch. - patches.rt/rtmutex-debug.h-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT lock debugging: clean up rtmutex-debug.h. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-xchg.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex - remove double xchg. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rwlock-cmpxchg-typecast.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: fix pi_list race conditions. - patches.rt/rwlock-implement-downgrade-write.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlocks multi downgrade write. - patches.rt/rwlock-pi-lock-reader.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-prio-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: reset prio on unlocks and wakeups. - patches.rt/rwlock-protect-reader_lock_count.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-slowunlock-mutex-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-slowunlock-mutex-fix2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-torture-no-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: fix torture test to handle non-rt. - patches.rt/rwlock-torture.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: rwlock torture test. - patches.rt/rwlocks-default-nr-readers-nr-cpus.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rwlocks-fix-no-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rwlock: fix non PREEMPT_RT case. - patches.rt/rwlocks-multiple-readers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT implement rwlocks management. - patches.rt/rwsems-multiple-readers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT add framework for multi readers on rwsems. - patches.rt/s_files-pipe-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT s_files: free_write_pipe() fix. - patches.rt/s_files-schedule_on_each_cpu_wq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/s_files.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT remove global files_lock. - patches.rt/sched-clock-nmi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-hotplug-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-priocount.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-enable-irqs-in-preempt-in-notifier-call.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT CFS: enable irqs in fire_sched_in_preempt_notifier. - patches.rt/sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch. - patches.rt/sched-nr-migrate-lower-default-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-prioritize-non-migrating-rt-tasks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-rt-stats.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-use-a-2d-bitmap-search-prio-cpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-wake_up_idle_cpu-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched_prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched_rt-fixup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/schedule-tail-balance-disable-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/schedule_on_each_cpu-enhance.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/select-error-leak-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/send-nmi-all-preempt-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/seq-irqsave.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/serial-locking-rt-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/serial-slow-machines.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/slab-irq-nopreempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/smp-processor-id-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/softirq-per-cpu-assumptions-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/softlockup-add-irq-regs-h.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT core: make asm/irq_regs.h available on every platform. - patches.rt/spinlock-trylock-cleanup-sungem.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sub-dont-disable-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt: dont disable irqs in usb. - patches.rt/swap-spinlock-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tasklet-busy-loop-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tasklet-redesign.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/timer-freq-tweaks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/timer-warning-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-add-event-markers-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-do-not-wakeup-when-irqs-disabled.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT trace-do-not-wakeup-when-irqs-disabled.patch. - patches.rt/trace-eip2ip.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Re: - patches.rt/trace-events-handle-syscalls.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-histograms.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/trace-ktime-scalar.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: print ktime values in readable form. - patches.rt/trace_hist-divzero.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT trace_hist.c: divide-by-zero problem (2). - patches.rt/trace_hist-latediv.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/tracer-add-event-markers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tracer-event-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/use-edge-triggered-irq-handler-instead-of-simple-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT [AT91: PATCH]: Use edge triggered interrupt handling for AT91-GPIO instead of simple_irq-handler. - patches.rt/user-no-irq-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/vortex-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/warn-on-rt-scatterlist.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT remove warn on for scatterlist in preempt rt. - patches.rt/watchdog_use_timer_and_hpet_on_x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/x86-64-tscless-vgettimeofday.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT x86_64 GTOD: offer scalable vgettimeofday. - patches.rt/x86_64-tsc-sync-irqflags-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/26-rt1-chirag.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT This patch should solve some of the bug messages.. - patches.rt/add-generalized-pi-interface.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT add generalized priority-inheritance interface. - patches.rt/rtmutex-add_readers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT RT: wrap the rt_rwlock "add reader" logic. - patches.rt/rtmutex-defer-pi-until-sleepy.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: pi-boost locks as late as possible. - patches.rt/rtmutex-initialize-waiters.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: formally initialize the rt_mutex_waiters. - patches.rt/rtmutex-use-runtime-init.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: use runtime init for rtmutexes. - patches.rt/tie-pi-into-task.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT sched: add the basic PI infrastructure to the task_struct. - patches.rt/rtmutex-convert-to-libpi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: convert rtmutexes to fully use the PI library. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-elevated-preempt-count-in-wakeup-tracer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: fix elevated preempt_count in wakeup-tracer. - patches.rt/seqlock-make-raw-seqlocks-spin-during-write.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT seqlock: make sure that raw_seqlock_t retries readers while writes are pending. - patches.rt/event-tracer-syscall-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/event-tracer-syscall-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-acpi-build-weirdness.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-upstream.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/gcc-warnings-shut-up.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling-base.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT nmi-driven profiling for /proc/profile. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-preempt-schedule-irq-entry-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-softirqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/random-driver-latency-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-page_alloc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rt-friendly per-cpu pages. - patches.rt/rt-slab-new.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/bit-spinlocks-fix-compile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/compat_rwsem-fix-compile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/drivers_base_mutex.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/fix-net-bug-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-ppc-define-mcount.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-report-failure.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT ftrace: warn on failure to disable mcount callers. - patches.rt/ftrace-upstream-temp.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/futex-fifo-warn-sysctl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/futex-trivial-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/hrtimers-stuck-in-waitqueue.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/lockdep-atomic-fixup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/namespace-lock-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-prof-compile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/plist-fix-static-node-init.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-01-separate-the-irq-radix-tree-insertion.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-02-make-the-irq-reverse-mapping-radix-tree-lockless.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-fix-prev-revert-fix-again.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/prof-sysctl-compile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-apply-rcu_process_callbacks-from-mainline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-tracing-preempt-disable-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rt-wq-flush_work.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-debug-magic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT rtmutex: check integrity. - patches.rt/sched-add-needs_post_schedule.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-generic-hide-smp-warning.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT suppress warning of smp_processor_id use.. - patches.rt/sched-make-double-lock-balance-fair.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-only-push-if-pushable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-only-push-once-per-queue.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sched-properly-account-irq-and-rt-load.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT sched: properly account IRQ and RT load in . - patches.rt/sched-rt-runtime-lock-raw.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/seqlock-01-make-sure-that-raw_seqlock-retries.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/seqlock-02-fix-elevated-preempt-count.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/seqlock-serialize-against-writers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/seqlocks-handle-rwlock-and-spin.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT seqlock - fix for both PREEMPT_RT and non PREEMPT_RT. - patches.rt/shorten-posix-cpu-timers-name.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/sysctl-compile-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/tracepoint-backport.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. - patches.rt/x86-tlbstate-lock-raw.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.27-RT. * Tue Sep 30 2008 olh@suse.de - enable ipmi message handler on ppc64 (bnc#430705) * Tue Sep 30 2008 olh@suse.de - create flavor symlinks unconditionally they do not depend on presence of modules * Mon Sep 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update config files after Swap-over-NFS backout. * Mon Sep 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - kernel-vanilla and kernel-p3 are not split into main, -base, and - extra packages. Fix the bogus dependencies on those packages. * Mon Sep 29 2008 jkosina@suse.de - disabled the following Swap-over-NFS patches, as they cause panic in IPv6 code: - patches.suse/SoN-01-mm-gfp-to-alloc_flags.patch: mm: gfp_to_alloc_flags() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-02-mm-setup_per_zone_pages_min.patch: mm: serialize access to min_free_kbytes (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-03-doc.patch: swap over network documentation (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-04-mm-gfp-to-alloc_flags-expose.patch: mm: expose gfp_to_alloc_flags() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-05-page_alloc-reserve.patch: mm: tag reseve pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-06-reserve-slub.patch: mm: slb: add knowledge of reserve pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-07-mm-kmem_estimate_pages.patch: mm: kmem_alloc_estimate() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-08-mm-PF_MEMALLOC-softirq.patch: mm: allow PF_MEMALLOC from softirq context (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-09-mm-page_alloc-emerg.patch: mm: emergency pool (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-10-global-ALLOC_NO_WATERMARKS.patch: mm: system wide ALLOC_NO_WATERMARK (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-11-mm-page_alloc-GFP_EMERGENCY.patch: mm: __GFP_MEMALLOC (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-12-mm-reserve.patch: mm: memory reserve management (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-13-mm-selinux-emergency.patch: selinux: tag avc cache alloc as non-critical (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-14-net-backlog.patch: net: wrap sk->sk_backlog_rcv() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-15-net-ps_rx.patch: net: packet split receive api (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-16-net-sk_allocation.patch: net: sk_allocation() - concentrate socket related allocations (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-17-netvm-reserve.patch: netvm: network reserve infrastructure (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-18-netvm-reserve-inet.patch: netvm: INET reserves. (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-19-netvm-skbuff-reserve.patch: netvm: hook skb allocation to reserves (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-20-netvm-sk_filter.patch: netvm: filter emergency skbs. (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-21-netvm-tcp-deadlock.patch: netvm: prevent a stream specific deadlock (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-22-emergency-nf_queue.patch: netfilter: NF_QUEUE vs emergency skbs (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-23-netvm.patch: netvm: skb processing (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-24-mm-swapfile.patch: mm: add support for non block device backed swap files (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-25-mm-page_file_methods.patch: mm: methods for teaching filesystems about PG_swapcache pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-26-nfs-swapcache.patch: nfs: teach the NFS client how to treat PG_swapcache pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-27-nfs-swapper.patch: nfs: disable data cache revalidation for swapfiles (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-28-nfs-swap_ops.patch: nfs: enable swap on NFS (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-29-nfs-alloc-recursions.patch: nfs: fix various memory recursions possible with swap over NFS. (FATE#303834). - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: xen3 common. * Mon Sep 29 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - patches.arch/x86-tracehook: x86 tracehook (FATE#304321). Provide the base infrastructure for utrace on x86. * Mon Sep 29 2008 schwab@suse.de - config/powerpc/vanilla: configure to 64bit. * Mon Sep 29 2008 schwab@suse.de - rpm/functions.sh: remove readlink emulation. * Mon Sep 29 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc to (bnc#420767). * Mon Sep 29 2008 rw@suse.de - Update ia64 config files. (bnc#429881) * Mon Sep 29 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehca-flush-cqe.patch: adds software flush CQE generation (bnc#430344) * Mon Sep 29 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_allow_bad_checksum: fix infinite loop bug in e1000_probe() in case the card has invalid EEPROM checksum * Mon Sep 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - Do not split kernels which have modules disabled (kernel-ps3) or which do not differentiate between supported and unsupported modules (kernel-vanilla). * Mon Sep 29 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-dcb-support: Fix section annotation for ixgbe. - patches.fixes/scsi-enhance-error-codes: Add missing hunk. - patches.fixes/open-iscsi-git-update: Open-iSCSI updates (FATE#304283). - patches.kernel.org/gdth-section-conflict: Fixup gdth section annotations. * Mon Sep 29 2008 aj@suse.de - Silence /etc/rpm/macros.kernel-source via rpmlintrc. * Mon Sep 29 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Enable Solarflare driver link and resource driver patches. - Update x86 config files. * Mon Sep 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spc.in: Try to get rid of a hack that makes uname -r pretend in build environments that the kernel from the installed kernel-source package is the running kernel: packages assuming this are completely broken ans should really be fixed. * Mon Sep 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Prepare for the upcoming introduction of kernel-source-rt (and kernel-syms-rt) for producing KMPs for real-time kernels. - rpm/install-configs: Remove; this script didn't improve things. * Sun Sep 28 2008 aj@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.rpmlintrc: New file to silence warnings about zero size files - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Install it. - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Make /etc/rpm/macros.kernel-source a config file to silence rpmlint. * Sun Sep 28 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Update the list of i2c bus drivers. - i2c-i810, i2c-prosavage and i2c-savage4 are gone. - i2c-isch and i2c-nforce2-s4985 are new, mark as supported. * Sun Sep 28 2008 aj@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in: Do not package .gitignore files. * Sun Sep 28 2008 agruen@suse.de - Fix CONFIG_MODULES=n case. - config.conf: Some cleanups. * Sat Sep 27 2008 agruen@suse.de - Split the binary kernel packages into three parts: + kernel-$flavor-base: very reduced hardware support, intended to be used in virtual machine images + kernel-$flavor: extends the base package; contains all kernel modules we can support + kernel-$flavor-extra: all other kernel modules which may be useful, but which we cannot support. * Sat Sep 27 2008 agruen@suse.de - Hardlink duplicate files automatically: It doesn't save much, but it keeps rpmlint from breaking the package build. * Sat Sep 27 2008 agruen@suse.de - Add consistency check: supported modules must not depend on unsupported ones ... and guess what, there was a large number of such modules. Fix this by adding all the dependent modules to supported.conf. * Sat Sep 27 2008 knikanth@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-barrier-single-device: Implement barrier support for single device DM devices (FATE#304489). * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh: Added -xen flavor to default mbuild spec list. * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: Export set_memory_ro() and set_memory_rw() calls for xen. (bnc#425480). * Fri Sep 26 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.suse/e1000e_mmap_range_chk:check ranges in pci_mmap * updated version with better reporting (bnc#425480) * Fri Sep 26 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches to track down and fix the e1000e NVM corruption (bnc#425480) - patches.suse/e1000e_allow_bad_checksum: e1000e: allow bad checksum - patches.suse/e1000e_call_dump_eeprom: e1000e: dump eeprom to dmesg for ich8/9 - patches.suse/e1000e_debug_contention_on_NVM_SWFLAG: e1000e: debug contention on NVM SWFLAG - patches.suse/e1000e_do_not_ever_sleep_in_interrupt_context: e1000e: do not ever sleep in interrupt context - patches.suse/e1000e_drop_stats_lock: e1000e: drop stats lock - patches.suse/e1000e_Export_set_memory_ro-rw: Export set_memory_ro() and set_memory_rw() calls - patches.suse/e1000e_fix_lockdep_issues: e1000e: fix lockdep issues - patches.suse/e1000e_mmap_range_chk: check ranges in pci_mmap - patches.suse/e1000e_reset_swflag_after_resetting_hardware: e1000e: reset swflag after resetting hardware - patches.suse/e1000e_update_version: update version - patches.suse/e1000e_use_set_memory_ro-rw_to_protect_flash_memory: e1000e: Use set_memory_ro()/set_memory_rw() to protect flash memory - cleanup old not longer used patches * patches.drivers/e1000-7.6.5-napi-tail.patch * patches.drivers/e1000- * patches.drivers/e1000- * Fri Sep 26 2008 kkeil@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_SGI_IOC4=m in x86_64 (bnc#430275) * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi-export-hotplug_execute: acpi: export acpi_os_hotplug_execute. * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-rwlocks-enable-interrupts: add missing __raw_{read,write}_lock_flags to xen's asm/spinlock.h. * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi-bay-remove-from-makefile: acpi: remove bay.c from makefile. * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Disabled sparse checking. Too many false positives. * Fri Sep 26 2008 trenn@suse.de No functional change: - patches.arch/acpi_thermal_passive_blacklist.patch: Avoid critical temp shutdowns on specific ThinkPad T4x(p) and R40 (https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=333043). Dock bug fixes (kacpid runs amok on Dells after suspend): - patches.arch/acpi-dock-avoid-check-_STA-method.patch: avoid check _STA method (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-fix-eject-request-process.patch: fix eject request process (fate#304731,bnc#401740). More Dock improvements, unrelated to above fixes: - patches.arch/acpi-bay-remove-useless-code.patch: remove useless code (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-Fix-duplicate-notification-handler-register.patch: Fix duplicate notification handler register (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-_LCK-support-for-dock.patch: add _LCK support for dock (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-fix-for-bay-in-a-dock-station.patch: fix for bay in a dock station (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-fix-hotplug-race.patch: fix hotplug race (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-introduce-.uevent-for-devices-in-dock.patch: introduce .uevent for devices in dock (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-libata-hotplug-to-align-with-dock-driver.patch: libata hotplug to align with dock driver (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-makeing-dock-driver-supports-bay-and-battery-hotplug.patch: makeing dock driver supports bay and battery hotplug (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.arch/acpi-dock-add-type-sysfs-file-for-dock.patch: add 'type' sysfs file for dock (fate#304731,bnc#401740). - patches.fixes/acpi_use_acpi_exception.patch: ACPI dock/bay: Use ACPI_EXCEPTION instead of printk(KERN_ERR. * Fri Sep 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: NFS_SWAP=y * Fri Sep 26 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - patches.suse/rwlocks-enable-interrupts: Allow rwlocks to re-enable interrupts (bnc#387784). - patches.arch/ia64-rwlocks-enable-interrupts: ia64: re-enable interrupts when waiting for a rwlock (bnc#387784). * Fri Sep 26 2008 sjayaraman@suse.de - Add Swap over NFS patchset. - Adjust patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff to avoid conflict on skbuff.h as both xen and swap-over-nfs want to add some bits to the skbuff structure. - patches.suse/SoN-01-mm-gfp-to-alloc_flags.patch: mm: gfp_to_alloc_flags() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-02-mm-setup_per_zone_pages_min.patch: mm: serialize access to min_free_kbytes (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-03-doc.patch: swap over network documentation (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-04-mm-gfp-to-alloc_flags-expose.patch: mm: expose gfp_to_alloc_flags() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-05-page_alloc-reserve.patch: mm: tag reseve pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-06-reserve-slub.patch: mm: slb: add knowledge of reserve pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-07-mm-kmem_estimate_pages.patch: mm: kmem_alloc_estimate() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-08-mm-PF_MEMALLOC-softirq.patch: mm: allow PF_MEMALLOC from softirq context (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-09-mm-page_alloc-emerg.patch: mm: emergency pool (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-10-global-ALLOC_NO_WATERMARKS.patch: mm: system wide ALLOC_NO_WATERMARK (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-11-mm-page_alloc-GFP_EMERGENCY.patch: mm: __GFP_MEMALLOC (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-12-mm-reserve.patch: mm: memory reserve management (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-13-mm-selinux-emergency.patch: selinux: tag avc cache alloc as non-critical (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-14-net-backlog.patch: net: wrap sk->sk_backlog_rcv() (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-15-net-ps_rx.patch: net: packet split receive api (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-16-net-sk_allocation.patch: net: sk_allocation() - concentrate socket related allocations (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-17-netvm-reserve.patch: netvm: network reserve infrastructure (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-18-netvm-reserve-inet.patch: netvm: INET reserves. (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-19-netvm-skbuff-reserve.patch: netvm: hook skb allocation to reserves (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-20-netvm-sk_filter.patch: netvm: filter emergency skbs. (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-21-netvm-tcp-deadlock.patch: netvm: prevent a stream specific deadlock (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-22-emergency-nf_queue.patch: netfilter: NF_QUEUE vs emergency skbs (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-23-netvm.patch: netvm: skb processing (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-24-mm-swapfile.patch: mm: add support for non block device backed swap files (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-25-mm-page_file_methods.patch: mm: methods for teaching filesystems about PG_swapcache pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-26-nfs-swapcache.patch: nfs: teach the NFS client how to treat PG_swapcache pages (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-27-nfs-swapper.patch: nfs: disable data cache revalidation for swapfiles (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-28-nfs-swap_ops.patch: nfs: enable swap on NFS (FATE#303834). - patches.suse/SoN-29-nfs-alloc-recursions.patch: nfs: fix various memory recursions possible with swap over NFS. (FATE#303834). - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: xen3 common. * Fri Sep 26 2008 ptesarik@suse.cz - split patches.arch/s390-01-01-self-ptrace-v3.patch to make it more obvious that the patch is not constrained to s390. The new series is: patches.suse/self-ptrace.patch: the generic pieces patches.arch/x86-self-ptrace.patch: implementation for x86 patches.arch/s390-01-01-self-ptrace-v3.patch: dtto for s390 * Thu Sep 25 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.27-rc7 and c/s 676. * Thu Sep 25 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc64-rpanote-relocate-firmware.patch update RPA note for firmware relocation (bnc#427960 - LTC48297) * Wed Sep 24 2008 jblunck@suse.de This adds some tracepoint instrumentation taken from the LTTng patch series. Tracepoints are enabled for kernel-debug and kernel-trace only. I disabled ftrace for all flavors except kernel-debug and kernel-trace as well. - Update config files. - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in,kernel-binary.spec.in, config.conf: Add trace flavor - patches.fixes/ia64-sparse-fixes.diff: ia64-kvm: fix sparse warnings. - patches.xen/xen3-fixup-common: rediff - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: rediff - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.21: rediff - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.26: rediff - patches.trace/rcu-read-sched.patch - patches.trace/markers-use-rcu-read-lock-sched.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-use-table-size-macro.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-documentation.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-tracepoint-synchronize-unregister.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-documentation-fix-teardown.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-samples.patch - patches.trace/tracepoints-samples-fix-teardown.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-irq.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-scheduler.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-timer.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-kernel.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-filemap.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-swap.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-memory.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-page_alloc.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-hugetlb.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-net.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-ipv4.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-ipv6.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-socket.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-fs.patch - patches.trace/lttng-instrumentation-ipc.patch - patches.trace/ftrace-port-to-tracepoints.patch - patches.trace/ftrace-framepointer.diff * Tue Sep 23 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-03-cmm2-v2.patch: kernel (new function): Collaborative Memory Management Stage II (bnc#417244) - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff: Modified patch to allow for the new patch * Tue Sep 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Enable sparse checking and section mismatch checking. * Tue Sep 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/arch-include-asm-fixes: kbuild: Properly handle arch/$arch/include/asm (bnc#427473). * Mon Sep 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/ext2-avoid-printk-flood-with-dir-corruption: ext2: Avoid printk floods in the face of directory corruption (bnc#427244 CVE-2008-3528). - patches.fixes/ext3-avoid-printk-flood-with-dir-corruption: ext3: Avoid printk floods in the face of directory corruption (bnc#427244 CVE-2008-3528). * Mon Sep 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.27-rc7. - Eliminated 2 patches. - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-4.patch: Fixed up context. * Mon Sep 22 2008 trenn@suse.de Workaround for ThinkPad brightness switching: - patches.arch/acpi_video_thinkpad_exclude_IGD_devices.patch: Do not use video backlight switching for Lenovo ThinkPads. Commented out for now, possibly to be included later - patches.drivers/cpufreq_add_cpu_number_paramater_1.patch: cpufreq: Add a cpu parameter to __cpufreq_driver_getavg().. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_add_idle_microaccounting_6.patch: cpufreq,ondemand: Use get_cpu_idle_time_us() to get micro-accounted idle information. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_change_load_calculation_2.patch: cpufreq, ondemand: Change the load calculation, optimizing for dependent cpus. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_changes_to_get_cpu_idle_us_5.patch: export get_cpu_idle_time_us() . - patches.drivers/cpufreq_get_cpu_idle_time_changes_3.patch: cpufreq,ondemand: Prepare changes for doing micro-accounting. - patches.drivers/cpufreq_parameterize_down_differential_4.patch: cpufreq, ondemand: Use a parameter for down differential. Added CONFIG_PCIEASPM for rt, xen, powerpc and IA64 to be more consistent across different kernel flavors as suggested on the kernel list: - Update config files. * Mon Sep 22 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-libfc: Fix build error on IA64. - patches.fixes/scsi-terminate-target-reset: Target reset hangs (bnc#427267). - supported.conf: Update to include supported SCSI adapters. * Fri Sep 19 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/no-frame-pointer-select: Re-enable after removing FTRACE related change. - Update x86 non-debug config files: Turn off FRAME_POINTER and FTRACE. * Fri Sep 19 2008 nfbrown@suse.de - patches.fixes/md-Allow-metadata_version-to-be-updated-for-externa.patch: md: Allow metadata_version to be updated for externally managed metadata. (FATE#304218). - patches.fixes/md-Don-t-try-to-set-an-array-to-read-auto-if-it-i.patch: md: Don't try to set an array to 'read-auto' if it is already in that state. (FATE#304218). * Thu Sep 18 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/no-frame-pointer-select: Disable. - Re-enable CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER in x86 config files. * Thu Sep 18 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update i386 and x86-64 config files (disable CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER in non-debug configs). - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Add missing put_cpu()-s for x86-64. - patches.suse/no-frame-pointer-select: Fix stack unwinder Kconfig (bnc#402518). * Thu Sep 18 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-driver: fcoe: Fibre Channel over Ethernet driver (FATE#303913). - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-libfc: libfc: a modular software Fibre Channel implementation (FATE#303913). - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-header-files: FC protocol definition header files (FATE#303913). - patches.drivers/open-fcoe-dcb-support: FCoE: Add DCB support (FATE#303913). - patches.drivers/ixgbe-fcoe-bugfixes: ixgbe: Bugfixes for FCoE. - patches.fixes/vlan-gso-size-fix: vlan: device not reading gso max size of parent. (FATE#303913). - patches.fixes/pkt_action-skbedit: pkt_action: add new action skbedit. - patches.fixes/pkt_sched_multiq_support: pkt_sched: Add multiqueue scheduler support (FATE#303913). - supported.conf: Update to include FCoE and device_handler modules * Wed Sep 17 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - supported.conf: adjust name of ide-cd (is now ide-cd_mod). * Wed Sep 17 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-defer-risc-interrupt-enablement: qla2xxx: Defer enablement of RISC interrupts until ISP initialization completes (FATE#304113). - patches.drivers/qla2xxx-8.02.01-k8-update: Update qla2xxx to 8.02.01-k8 (FATE#304113). * Wed Sep 17 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-retry-hardware-error: make scsi_check_sense HARDWARE_ERROR return ADD_TO_MLQUEUE on retry (FATE#304042) * Tue Sep 16 2008 olh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP on ppc64 to allow memory remove (bnc#417537) * Mon Sep 15 2008 jkosina@suse.de - Update config files (build elousb driver as module) - patches.drivers/elousb.patch: Elo USB touchscreen driver (FATE#304972). * Mon Sep 15 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-abort-queue: Abort queued requests for multipath (FATE#304151). * Mon Sep 15 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files: Disable CONFIG_OCFS2_COMPAT_JBD * Mon Sep 15 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.xen/xen-scsifront-block-timeout-update: Update XEN scsifront driver to request timeouts. * Mon Sep 15 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: Enable GROUP_SCHED, FAIR_GROUP_SCHED, RT_GROUP_SCHED, CGROUP_SCHED * Mon Sep 15 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/block-timeout-handling: Fix typo. * Fri Sep 12 2008 duwe@suse.de - Add LED driver for SGI "UV" systems (FATE#304268) * Fri Sep 12 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-added-flush_disk: Added flush_disk to factor out common buffer cache flushing code (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-adjust-block-device-size: Adjust block device size after an online resize of a disk. (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-call-flush_disk: Call flush_disk() after detecting an online resize. (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-check-for-device-resize: Check for device resize when rescanning partitions (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-sd-driver-calls: SCSI sd driver calls revalidate_disk wrapper (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/bdev-resize-wrapper-for-revalidate_disk: Wrapper for lower-level revalidate_disk routines. (FATE#302348,FATE#303786). - patches.drivers/block-timeout-handling: block: unify request timeout handling (FATE#304151,bnc#417544). - patches.fixes/scsi-misc-git-update: SCSI misc fixes (FATE#303485,FATE#303484). - patches.fixes/scsi-enhance-error-codes: Separate failfast into multiple bits (FATE#303485,FATE#303484). - patches.suse/rq-based-block-layer: rediff. - patches.suse/rq-based-multipath-functions: rediff. - patches.suse/no-partition-scan: rediff. * Fri Sep 12 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/scsi-misc-git-update: SCSI misc fixes, required by the driver updates (FATE#303485,FATE#303484) * Fri Sep 12 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/lpfc- Update lpfc to (bnc#420767). - patches.drivers/lpfc-8.2.8-update: Emulex lpfc driver update to 8.2.8 (FATE#303485,bnc#420767). * Fri Sep 12 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ia64-kdump_proc_iomem.diff: IA64: assign a distinguishable label to uncached memory in /proc/iomem (to fix MCA on kdump boot). * Thu Sep 11 2008 jack@suse.cz Latest ext4 fixes from ext4 patch queue: - patches.fixes/ext4-Add-inode-to-journal-handle-after-block-alloca.patch: ext4: Don't add the inode to journal handle until after the block is allocated (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_add-missing-unlock-to-ext4-check-descriptors: ext4: add missing unlock in ext4_check_descriptors() on error path (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Add-percpu-dirty-block-accounting.patch: ext4: Add percpu dirty block accounting. (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_create-proc-ext4-stats-file-more-carefully: ext4: fix #11321: create /proc/ext4/*/stats more carefully (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_fix_longlong_checkpatch_issues: ext4: Fix long long checkpatch warnings (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_fix_printk_checkpatch_issues: ext4: Add printk priority levels to clean up checkpatch warnings (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_fix_whitespace_checkpatch_issues: ext4: Fix whitespace checkpatch warnings/errors (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_i_disksize_lock_race_fix.patch: ext4: Properly update i_disksize. (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_invalidate_pages_when_delalloc_alloc_fail.patch: ext4: invalidate pages if delalloc block allocation fails. (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Make-sure-all-the-block-allocation-paths-reser.patch: ext4: Make sure all the block allocation paths reserve blocks (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_nonmballoc_reservation_ENOSPC_fix.patch: ext4: Fix ext4 nomballoc allocator for ENOSPC (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Retry-block-allocation-if-we-have-free-blocks.patch: ext4: Retry block allocation if we have free blocks left (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Retry-block-reservation.patch: ext4: Retry block reservation (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Signed-arithematic-fix.patch: ext4: Signed arithematic fix (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4-Switch-to-non-delalloc-mode-when-we-are-low-on.patch: ext4: Switch to non delalloc mode when we are low on free blocks count. (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_truncate_block_allocated_on_a_failed_ext4_write_begin.patch: ext4: truncate block allocated on a failed ext4_write_begin (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/ext4_update-flex-bg-counters-when-resizing: Update flex_bg free blocks and free inodes counters when resizing. (fate#303783). - patches.fixes/percpu_counter_sum_cleanup.patch: percpu counter: clean up percpu_counter_sum_and_set() (fate#303783). * Thu Sep 11 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Enable KDB for i386 and x86_64 in "default" and "pae" configuration with CONFIG_KDB_OFF set to "y" (FATE#303971). - Set CONFIG_KDB_CONTINUE_CATASTROPHIC=2 in all configurations that have KDB enabled. * Thu Sep 11 2008 jslaby@suse.de - Update config files. enable PID_NS and USER_NS (FATE#303785, FATE#304371) * Thu Sep 11 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. - Enabled CONFIG_XFRM_SUB_POLICY (FATE#303781) * Thu Sep 11 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - Added POSIX File Locks support for Ocfs2 (FATE#110294) - patches.suse/ocfs2-POSIX-file-locks-support.patch * Thu Sep 11 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - Added Ocfs2 JBD2 Support (FATE#302877) - patches.suse/ocfs2-Limit-inode-allocation-to-32bits.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-the-inode64-mount-option.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Switch-over-to-JBD2.patch * Thu Sep 11 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - Added Ocfs2 Extended Attributes Support (FATE#302067) - patches.suse/ocfs2-Modify-ocfs2_num_free_extents-f.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Use-ocfs2_extent_list-instead-o.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Abstract-ocfs2_extent_tree-in-b.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Make-high-level-btree-extend-co.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-the-basic-xattr-disk-layout-in-ocf.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-helper-function-in-uptodate.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-extent-tree-operation-for-x.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-reserve-inline-space-for-extend.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-extended-attribute-support.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-xattr-index-tree-operations.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-xattr-bucket-iteration-for.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-xattr-lookup-code-xattr-btr.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Optionally-limit-extent-size-in.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Enable-xattr-set-in-index-btree.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Delete-all-xattr-buckets-during.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-incompatible-flag-for-exten.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-fix-printk-format-warnings.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Prefix-the-extent-tree-operations-structure.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Prefix-the-ocfs2_extent_tree-structure.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Make-ocfs2_extent_tree-get-put-instead-of-all.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Make-private-into-object-on-ocfs2_extent_.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Provide-the-get_root_el-method-to-ocfs2_ext.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Use-struct-ocfs2_extent_tree-in-ocfs2_num_fre.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Determine-an-extent-tree-s-max_leaf_clusters.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Create-specific-get_extent_tree-functions.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-an-insertion-check-to-ocfs2_extent_tree_o.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Make-ocfs2_extent_tree-the-first-class-repres.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Comment-struct-ocfs2_extent_tree_operations.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Change-ocfs2_get_-_extent_tree-to-ocfs2_ini.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-bug-fix-for-journal-extend-in-xattr.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Resolve-deadlock-in-ocfs2_xattr_free_.patch - patches.suse/ocfs2-Add-xattr-mount-option-in-ocfs2_show_options.patch * Thu Sep 11 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - Add patches.fixes/jbd2-create-proc-entry-fix.patch jbd2: Create proc entry with bdevname+i_ino. (FATE#302877) * Thu Sep 11 2008 mfasheh@suse.com - Add patches.fixes/dlm-allow-multiple-lockspaces.patch dlm: allow multiple lockspace creates (FATE#110294) * Thu Sep 11 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update kdb patches. * Thu Sep 11 2008 jslaby@suse.de - Update config files. change CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT from 6 to 9 (FATE#304261) * Wed Sep 10 2008 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Added: CONFIG_PCIEASPM * Wed Sep 10 2008 kkeil@suse.de - patches.drivers/e1000e_add_82574L.patch: e1000e: add support for new 82574L part. - patches.drivers/e1000e_add_ICH9_BM.patch: e1000e: add support for the 82567LM-4 device. - patches.drivers/e1000e_add_LOM_devices.patch: e1000e: add support for 82567LM-3 and 82567LF-3 (ICH10D). (FATE#303916) * Wed Sep 10 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.suse/no-partition-scan: Implement 'no_partition_scan' commandline option (FATE#303697) * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ipmi-section-conflict.diff: ipmi: Fix section type conflicts. - patches.kernel.org/psmouse-section-conflict.diff: psmouse: fix section type conflict. - patches.kernel.org/carmine-section-mismatch: video: Fix section mismatch in carminefb. - patches.kernel.org/md-section-conflict: md: Fix section conflicts. - patches.kernel.org/setup_APIC_timer-section-mismatch: x86: Fix section conflict with kvm_setup_secondary_clock. * Wed Sep 10 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/thinkpad_fingers_off_backlight_igd.patch: Serve ThinkPad IGD devices backlight functionality through thinkpad_acpi (fate #302883). - supported.conf: Add most important laptop drivers as supported: kernel/drivers/misc/asus_laptop kernel/drivers/misc/eeepc-laptop kernel/drivers/misc/msi-laptop kernel/drivers/misc/fujitsu-laptop kernel/drivers/acpi/wmi kernel/drivers/misc/hp-wmi * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9a-2.6.25.patch: Fixed up some section conflicts. * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.27-rc6. * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Added missing netfilter modules. * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - supported.conf: Updated netfilter module names. * Wed Sep 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/firmware-path: Updated header. * Wed Sep 10 2008 jkosina@suse.de - Update config files: support more than 4 serial ports (FATE#303314) * Wed Sep 10 2008 olh@suse.de - set CONFIG_CMM=y instead of =m to simplify virtual partition memory (bnc#417554) * Tue Sep 9 2008 bphilips@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add Recommends: kerneloops * Tue Sep 9 2008 olh@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5-git10 * Mon Sep 8 2008 olh@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5-git9 * Fri Sep 5 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-01-self-ptrace-v3.patch: system call notification with self_ptrace (bnc#417299) - patches.arch/s390-01-02-dcss-64-v2.patch: dcssblk (new function): Add support for >2G DCSS and stacked contiguous DCSS support. (bnc#417246) - patches.arch/s390-01-04-fcpperf-{1-4}.patch: (kernel):FCP - Performance Data colletion & analysis (bnc#417243) * Fri Sep 5 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.fixes/usb-hcd-interrupt-shared.patch fix interrupt handling for shared irqs, for PS3 (bnc#409961) * Fri Sep 5 2008 olh@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5-git7 * Thu Sep 4 2008 olh@suse.de - build with CONFIG_POWER4_ONLY (bnc#417566) this disables support for POWER3 and RS64 cpus * Thu Sep 4 2008 jkosina@suse.de - switch from Reno to Cubic as default TCP congestion algorithm (bnc#422825) * Thu Sep 4 2008 bwalle@suse.de - Update KDB patches. Fix build on x86_64-debug. * Wed Sep 3 2008 jeffm@suse.de - mark crc-t10dif as supported * Wed Sep 3 2008 olh@suse.de - mark pata_pdc2027x as supported * Wed Sep 3 2008 olh@suse.de - mark spidernet as supported * Wed Sep 3 2008 olh@suse.de - mark ehea as supported * Wed Sep 3 2008 trenn@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark dock (libata depends on it), bay, acpi_memhotplug, hpilo as supported Remove or adjust supported laptop drivers that went from drivers/acpi to drivers/misc * Wed Sep 3 2008 hare@suse.de - supported.conf: Mark virtio modules as supported. * Tue Sep 2 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.27-rc5 and c/s 651. * Tue Sep 2 2008 jjolly@suse.de - patches.arch/s390-01-01-self-ptrace-v2.patch: kernel (new function): System call notification with self_ptrace (bnc#417299,FATE#304021) * Mon Sep 1 2008 agruen@suse.de - File capabilities: replace our no_file_caps patch with what is supposed to end up in 2.6.28. * Mon Sep 1 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ia64-node_mem_map-node_start_pfn.diff: Fix memory map for ia64/discontmem for kdump. * Mon Sep 1 2008 olh@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5-git2 * Fri Aug 29 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc5. - Eliminated 2 patches. - KDB has an incompatible change on x86_64, so kernel-debug will fail there. * Fri Aug 29 2008 olh@suse.de - update message in post.sh to display also the rpm FLAVOR * Thu Aug 28 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.suse/dm-raid45-2.6.25-rc2_20080221.patch rename rh_init to region_hash_init to avoid conflict with existing powerpc symbol on powerpc * Thu Aug 28 2008 olh@suse.de - disable musb, not useful, does not compile * Tue Aug 26 2008 trenn@suse.de Vendor specific drivers vs generic video driver. Distinguish which ACPI driver should do backlight switching. This patch series is queued up for 2.6.28 in the ACPI branch: - patches.arch/0000-ACPI-video-Ignore-devices-not-present.patch: ACPI: video: Ignore devices that aren't present in hardware. - patches.arch/0001-Check-for-ACPI-backlight-support.patch: Check for ACPI backlight support otherwise use vendor ACPI drivers. - patches.arch/0002-Acer-WMI-fingers-off-backlight-video.ko.patch: Acer-WMI: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0003-Asus-acpi-fingers-off-backlight.patch: asus-acpi: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0004-Compal-fingers-off-backlight.patch: compal: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0005-eeepc-laptop-fingers-off.patch: eeepc-laptop: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0006-fujitsu-laptop-fingers-off-backlight.patch: fujitsu-laptop: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0007-msi-laptop-fingers-off-backlight.patch: msi-laptop: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0008-sony-laptop-fingers-off-backlight.patch: sony-laptop: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. - patches.arch/0009-thinkpad_acpi-fingers-off-backlight.patch: thinkpad_acpi: fingers off backlight if video.ko is serving this functionality. I had to refresh these. While one patch was broken, two lines were missing, "patch" from 11.0 still worked, while "patch" from 10.3 did not: - patches.xen/add-console-use-vt: add console_use_vt. - patches.xen/linux-2.6.19-rc1-kexec-move_segment_code-i386.patch: kexec: Move asm segment handling code to the assembly file (i386). * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Disabled patches.kernel.org/ia64-asm-nr-irqs * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/pseries-compile-fix: pseries: compile fix. * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/musb-powerpc-conflict: musb: compile fix for powerpc. * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ia64-asm-nr-irqs: ia64: nr-irqs.h generation should place it in arch/../asm. * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Aug 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc4. - Refreshed context. * Mon Aug 25 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-introduce-pci-noioapicquirk-kernel-cmdline.patch: x86, pci: introduce pci=noioapicquirk kernel cmdline option. Mysterious patch problem in include/asm-x86/pci.h - patches.fixes/acpi-clear-wake-status.patch: Clear wak_sts register on resume. * Mon Aug 25 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.suse/acpi_provide_non_windows_osi_boot_param.patch: Delete. * Mon Aug 25 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.27-rc4. - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-dump-user-pgt: dump the correct page tables for user mode faults. - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-pgd-alloc-order: don't require order-1 allocations for pgd-s. - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-pgd-pin: make pinning of pgd pairs transparent to callers. - patches.xen/xen-blktap-write-barriers: blktap: Write Barriers. - patches.xen/xen-x86-pmd-handling: consolidate pmd/pud/pgd entry handling. - patches.xen/xen-x86-bigmem: fix issues with the assignment of huge amounts of memory. - patches.xen/xen-msix-restore: print at least a message if MSI-X restore failed. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen. - patches.xen/sfc-i2c: Delete. - Update config files. * Fri Aug 22 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Adjust and re-enable. - Update config files. * Tue Aug 19 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ps3-lpm-include: Delete. * Tue Aug 19 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Removed unused patches. * Tue Aug 19 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: Use CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR=m (bnc#225221) * Mon Aug 18 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update config files. * Mon Aug 18 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update kdb patches. * Fri Aug 15 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-ipic-suspend-without-83xx-fix: Fix build_error without CONFIG_PPC_83xx. - Update config files. * Fri Aug 15 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: disable CONFIG_IPIC for ppc/default and vanilla again to fix build * Fri Aug 15 2008 tiwai@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: fix build without firmware files * Fri Aug 15 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/no-include-asm: kbuild: correctly link include/asm in external builds. * Fri Aug 15 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ath9k-workaround-gcc-ICE-again-on-powerpc: ath9k: work around gcc ICE again. * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-gregorian-day-fix: novfs: Fix GregorianDay conflict. * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled patches.kernel.org/firmware-path * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/add-security_path_permission: Fixed duplicate export of security_inode_permission. * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/add-security_path_permission: Add missing stub for security_path_permission when CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR=n * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/firmware-path: firmware: Allow release-specific firmware dir. - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Add firmware files. * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ia64-export-cpu_core_map: ia64: Export cpu_core_map for topology_core_siblings. * Thu Aug 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.27-rc3. - AppArmor mostly merged. There may be some hiccups. - Xen and RT temporarily disabled for merging. - 17 patches eliminated. * Thu Aug 14 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Guarded by +RT - patches.rt/seqlock-make-raw-seqlocks-spin-during-write.patch: seqlock: make sure that raw_seqlock_t retries readers while writes are pending. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-elevated-preempt-count-in-wakeup-tracer.patch: ftrace: fix elevated preempt_count in wakeup-tracer. * Fri Aug 8 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files for RT kernel to activate SCSI device handler. * Fri Aug 8 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-fixup-common, patches.xen/xen3-fixup-kconfig, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.24, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.25: Fix a couple of bugs and inconsistencies. * Fri Aug 8 2008 schwab@suse.de - Fix reference to $RPM_BUILD_ROOT in makefiles. * Fri Aug 8 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.fixes/dm-mpath-hp-sw.patch: Delete. - Update config files. - patches.fixes/dm-2.6.27-update: Upstream device-mapper patches (FATE#302108). - patches.fixes/scsi_dh-2.6.27-update: SCSI device handler update (FATE#302269,FATE#303696,FATE#303754,FATE#304125). - patches.suse/rq-based-block-layer: rq-based multipathing: block layer changes (FATE#302108). - patches.suse/rq-based-dm-interface: rq-based multipathing: device-mapper interface (FATE#302108). - patches.suse/rq-based-multipath-functions: rq-based multipathing: request-based functions to multipath (FATE#302108). * Thu Aug 7 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 623. - patches.xen/sfc-network-driver: Delete. - patches.xen/xen-balloon-hvm-min: Delete. - patches.xen/xen-netfront-flip-prod: Delete. - patches.xen/xen-x86_64-init-cleanup: Delete. - patches.xen/sfc-i2c: sfc: Use kernel I2C system and i2c-algo-bit driver (disabled). - patches.xen/sfc-driverlink: Solarflare: Resource driver (disabled). - Update Xen config files. * Wed Aug 6 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.suse/ppc-no-LDFLAGS_MODULE.patch do not link external modules against arch/powerpc/lib/crtsavres.o * Tue Aug 5 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-commit-ids-unsigned-ints: reiserfs: audit transaction ids to always be unsigned ints (bnc#410847). * Tue Aug 5 2008 jeffm@suse.de - README.BRANCH: Took ownership of 11.1 tree. * Tue Aug 5 2008 jeffm@suse.de - README: Changed w3d links to wiki links. * Tue Aug 5 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Fixed misnamed rt_trace to rt_timing - config/x86_64/rt_trace: Delete. - Update config files. - config.conf: * Tue Aug 5 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Added x86_64/rt_trace kernel flavor (based on ftrace) - Update config files. - config.conf: * Tue Aug 5 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Guarded by +RT - Fix rtmutex-tester build problem with rt_debug - patches.rt/rtmutex-convert-to-libpi.patch: rtmutex: convert rtmutexes to fully use the PI library. * Tue Aug 5 2008 ghaskins@suse.de Guarded by +RT - Remove version.patch to stop build breakage * Tue Aug 5 2008 jjohansen@suse.de - update apparmor patches with fixes for - broken getcwd (bnc#413915) - ref counting bug in getcwd and d_namespace_path when used on disconnected paths (bnc#414607) - typeo in patches that keep selinux from compiling (bnc#414609) - incorporate smack patch into base apparmor patches, so that smack can be built (bnc#414610) * Tue Aug 5 2008 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/ath5k-fix-memory-corruption.patch: Ath5k: fix memory corruption (bnc#414635). - patches.fixes/ath5k-kill-tasklets-on-shutdown.patch: Ath5k: kill tasklets on shutdown (bnc#414638). * Mon Aug 4 2008 gregkh@suse.de - README.BRANCH: added file. * Mon Aug 4 2008 olh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_SECURITY_ROOTPLUG because /init in initrd will not run if USB is compiled in and a specific USB device is not present * Mon Aug 4 2008 jslaby@suse.de - patches.fixes/tpm-write-data-types.patch: tpm: Use correct data types for sizes in tpm_write() and tpm_read() (bnc#400211). * Fri Aug 1 2008 ghaskins@suse.de PI rework v0.5 and a fix from upstream for 26-rt1 - patches.rt/26-rt1-chirag.patch: This patch should solve some of the bug messages.. - patches.rt/add-generalized-pi-interface.patch: add generalized priority-inheritance interface. - patches.rt/tie-pi-into-task.patch: sched: add the basic PI infrastructure to the task_struct. - patches.rt/rtmutex-initialize-waiters.patch: rtmutex: formally initialize the rt_mutex_waiters. - patches.rt/rtmutex-add_readers.patch: RT: wrap the rt_rwlock "add reader" logic. - patches.rt/rtmutex-use-runtime-init.patch: rtmutex: use runtime init for rtmutexes. - patches.rt/rtmutex-convert-to-libpi.patch: rtmutex: convert rtmutexes to fully use the PI library. - patches.rt/rtmutex-defer-pi-until-sleepy.patch: rtmutex: pi-boost locks as late as possible. * Fri Aug 1 2008 schwab@suse.de - Reenable EFI_RTC. * Fri Aug 1 2008 trenn@suse.de - Update config files. Unset on forgotten archs: CONFIG_X86_REROUTE_FOR_BROKEN_BOOT_IRQS * Fri Aug 1 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/x86_hpet_amd_quirk.patch: Workaround a hpet BIOS bug which is common on latest AMD driven boards (bnc#387053). * Fri Aug 1 2008 sassmann@suse.de Add boot interrupt patches from linux-2.6-tip - patches.arch/x86-acpi-reroute-PCI-interrupt-to-legacy-boot-interrupt.patch - patches.arch/x86-add-PCI-IDs-for-devices-that-need-boot-irq-quirk.patch - patches.arch/x86-disable-AMD-ATI-boot-interrupt-generation.patch - patches.arch/x86-disable-broadcomm-boot-interrupt-generation.patch - patches.arch/x86-disable-intel-boot-interrupt-generation.patch - patches.arch/x86-introduce-config-option-for-pci-reroute-quirks.patch - patches.arch/x86-introduce-pci-ioapicreroute-kernel-cmdline.patch - patches.arch/x86-introduce-pci-noioapicquirk-kernel-cmdline.patch - Update config files. * reroute of boot interrupts is enabled for RT only! * Thu Jul 31 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Update to 2.6.26-rt1: - config.conf: Enable i386/x86_64 - RT / RT_debug - Update config files: * Sync to default config. * Disable (broken): - Novell Netware Filesystem support (novfs) (EXPERIMENTAL) (NOVFS) - ISP 1760 HCD support (USB_ISP1760_HCD) - KDB - QLogic InfiniPath Driver (INFINIBAND_IPATH) Remove obsolete patches: - patches.rt/arm-cmpxchg-support-armv6.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-cmpxchg.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-fix-atomic-cmpxchg.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-leds-timer.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-omap-03.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-omap-04.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/disable-sched-rt-groups.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-support-for-HS21XM-SMI-remediation: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-support-for-HS21_LS21-SMI-remediation: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-sysfs_notify-calls.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-i5000-turn-off-unsupported-check: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-new-amd64.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-new-k8-rev-f.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-prevent-potential-printk-storm: Delete. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-test_device.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ep93xx-clockevents-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ep93xx-clockevents.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ep93xx-timer-accuracy.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/fix-alternate_node_alloc.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/fix-irq-flags-size.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/foo.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-add-nr_syscalls.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-alloc-pages.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-cpu-clock-update.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-debug-use-preempt-disable-notrace.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-direct-calls.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-disable-daemon.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-dont-use-raw-irq-save.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-eventtrace-fixup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-filter-functions.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-ip.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-flip-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-handle-time-outside-of-lockdep.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-irqsoff-smp-processor-id-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-lockdep-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-max-update-fixes.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-move-memory-management-to-generic.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-nop-calls.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-peterz-cpu_clock.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-remove-max-printks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-safe-traversal-hlist.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-stop-function-trace-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-unlock-mutex-in-output.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftrace-update-cnt-stat-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ftracer-build-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/futex-performance-hack-sysctl-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/futex-performance-hack.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/git-ignore-module-markers.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/irq-flags-unsigned-long.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kernel-bug-after-entering-something-from-login.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kthread-cpus-allowed-init.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-lapic-migrate-latency-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-make-less-noise.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-preempt-rt-resched-delayed.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-prctl-api-hack.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/netfilter-more-debugging.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/page-alloc-use-real-time-pcp-locking-for-page-draining.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/pcounter-percpu-protect.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-powerpc-fixups-a6.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/powerpc-rearrange-thread-flags-to-work-with-andi-instruction.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-add-mcount.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-add-ppc32-mcount.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-mark-notrace-mainline.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-mcount-dummy-functions.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-rename-xmon-mcount.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-select-mcount.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-celleb-beatic-eoi.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-softirq-in-hardirq.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-a7.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ppc-more-resched-fixups.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ppc-need-resched-delayed.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sh.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-supress-cpulock-warning.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-trace-markers-1.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-trace-markers-2.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-various-fixups.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-arm-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-delayed-resched.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-drop-generic-TIF_NEED_RESCHED_DELAYED.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-time-starvation-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-locks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-timeout.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal-sysctl.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/sched-fix-rt-task-wakeup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/sched-fix-sched-fair-wakeup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/sched-rt-push-only-new.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/schedule_on_each_cpu-enhance-rt.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/tasklet-fix-preemption-race.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/tasklet-more-fixes.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/time-gcc-linker-error.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/tracer-use-sched-clock.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/write-try-lock-irqsave.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/x86-delay-enable-preempt-tglx.patch: Delete. Introduce 2.6.26-RT1: - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless3-radix-tree-gang-slot-lookups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT radix-tree: gang slot lookups. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless5-lockless-probe.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: lockless probe. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless6-speculative-get-page.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: speculative get page. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless7-lockless-pagecache-lookups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: lockless pagecache lookups. - patches.rt/2.6.21-rc6-lockless8-spinlock-tree_lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: spinlock tree_lock. - patches.rt/Add-dev-rmem-device-driver-for-real-time-JVM-testing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/Allocate-RTSJ-memory-for-TCK-conformance-test.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/RT_utsname.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/aacraid-compat-sem.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/adapt-remove-extra-try-to-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-adjust-pi-wakeup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-earlybreak-on-steal.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rtmutex: break out early on first run. - patches.rt/adaptive-optimize-rt-lock-wakeup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/adaptive-spinlock-lite-v2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT adaptive spinlocks lite. - patches.rt/adaptive-task-oncpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/apic-dumpstack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/apic-level-smp-affinity.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-compile-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ARM: compile fix for event tracing. - patches.rt/arm-fix-compile-error-trace-exit-idle.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-futex-atomic-cmpxchg.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-latency-tracer-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-omap-02.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-omap-05.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-preempt-config.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/arm-trace-preempt-idle.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/bh-state-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/bh-uptodate-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/cache_pci_find_capability.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Cache calls to pci_find_capability. - patches.rt/call_rcu_bh-rename-of-call_rcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT just rename call_rcu_bh instead of making it a macro. - patches.rt/cond_resched_softirq-WARN-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT WARNING: at kernel/sched.c:5071 2.6.23-rc1-rt7. - patches.rt/cputimer-thread-rt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/cputimer-thread-rt_A0.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/cycles-to-ns-trace-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/dev-queue-xmit-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/disable-irqpoll.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/disable-ist-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/disable-lpptest-on-nonlinux.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/disable-run-softirq-from-hardirq-completely.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Disable running softirqs from hardirqs completely!. - patches.rt/dont-disable-preemption-without-IST.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/dont-let-rt-rw_semaphores-do-non_owner-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/dont-unmask-io_apic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/drain-all-local-pages-via-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/event-tracer-syscall-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/event-tracer-syscall-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/export-schedule-on-each-cpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/filemap-dont-bug-non-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-acpi-build-weirdness.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-bug-on-in-filemap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Change bug_on for atomic to pagefault_disabled.. - patches.rt/fix-circular-locking-deadlock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-compilation-for-non-RT-in-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-emac-locking-2.6.16.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-emergency-reboot.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT call reboot notifier list when doing an emergency reboot. - patches.rt/fix-migrating-softirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-softirq-checks-for-non-rt-preempt-hardirq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix_vdso_gtod_vsyscall64_2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/floppy-resume-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT floppy: suspend/resume fix. - patches.rt/ftrace-compile-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: remove call to stop tracer. - patches.rt/ftrace-dont-trace-markers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: dont trace markers. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-header.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-function-record-nop.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: define function trace nop. - patches.rt/ftrace-print-missing-cmdline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: fix the command line printing. - patches.rt/ftrace-record-comm-on-ctrl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: record comm on function ctrl change. - patches.rt/ftrace-trace-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: trace sched.c. - patches.rt/ftrace-upstream.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-use-preempt-disable-not-irq-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: avoid lockdep recursion. - patches.rt/gcc-warnings-shut-up.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/genhd-protect-percpu-var.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/genirq-soft-resend.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT x86: activate HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND. - patches.rt/git-ignore-script-lpp.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/gtod-optimize.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/hack-convert-i_alloc_sem-for-direct_io-craziness.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/hack-fix-rt-migration.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/handle-pending-in-simple-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT handle IRQ_PENDING for simple irq handler. - patches.rt/highmem-redo-mainline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/highmem-revert-mainline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/highmem_rewrite.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: remove kmap_lock. - patches.rt/hrtimer-no-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/hrtimers-overrun-api.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/i386-mark-atomic-irq-ops-raw.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/i386-nmi-watchdog-show-regs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ioapic-fix-too-fast-clocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/irda-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/irq-mask-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT genirq: fix simple and fasteoi irq handlers. - patches.rt/jbd_assertions_smp_only.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/kmap-atomic-i386-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/kmap-atomic-prepare.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/kprobes-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/kstat-add-rt-stats.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT add rt stats to /proc/stat. - patches.rt/kstat-fix-spurious-system-load-spikes-in-proc-loadavgrt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/latency-measurement-drivers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/loadavg_fixes_weird_loads.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/local_irq_save_nort-in-swap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lock-init-plist-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lock_list.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lock_list - a fine grain locked double linked list. - patches.rt/lock_page_ref.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: lock_page_ref. - patches.rt/lockdep-avoid-fork-waring.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: fix if define to prove locking. - patches.rt/lockdep-lock_set_subclass.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep: lock_set_subclass - reset a held lock's subclass. - patches.rt/lockdep-more-entries.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lockdep-prettify.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep: prettify output. - patches.rt/lockdep-rt-mutex.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep-rt: annotate PREEMPT_RT DEFINE_MUTEX. - patches.rt/lockdep-rt-recursion-limit-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lockdep-show-held-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep: show held locks when showing a stackdump. - patches.rt/lockdep_lock_set_subclass_fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lockstat-fix-contention-points.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockstat: fix contention points. - patches.rt/lockstat-output.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockstat: warn about disabled lock debugging. - patches.rt/lockstat-rt-hooks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/lockstat_bounce_rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/loopback-revert.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/mapping_nrpages.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm/fs: abstract address_space::nrpages. - patches.rt/mips-change-raw-spinlock-type.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT RT: change from raw_spinlock_t to __raw_spinlock_t. - patches.rt/mips-remove-conlicting-rtc-lock-declaration.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT RT: remove conflicting rtc_lock declaration. - patches.rt/mips-remove-duplicate-kconfig.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/mips-remove-finish-arch-switch.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT RT: remove finish_arch_switch. - patches.rt/mitigate-resched-flood.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/mm-concurrent-pagecache-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: -rt bits for concurrent pagecache. - patches.rt/mm-concurrent-pagecache.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mm: concurrent pagecache write side. - patches.rt/mm-fix-latency.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT reduce pagetable-freeing latencies. - patches.rt/move-native-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/msi-suspend-resume-workaround.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/multi-reader-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT map tasks to reader locks held. - patches.rt/multi-reader-limit.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT implement reader limit on read write locks. - patches.rt/multi-reader-lock-account.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT map read/write locks back to their readers. - patches.rt/multi-reader-pi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT read lock Priority Inheritance implementation. - patches.rt/native-sched-clock-booboo.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/neptune-no-at-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/net-core-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/netpoll-8139too-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/new-softirq-code.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT softirq preemption: optimization. - patches.rt/nf_conntrack-fix-smp-processor-id.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nf_conntrack-weird-crash-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling-base.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT nmi-driven profiling for /proc/profile. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-show-regs-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT x86_64: do not enable the NMI watchdog by default. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-3.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/nmi-watchdog-fix-4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/no-warning-for-irqs-disabled-in-local-bh-enable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT local_bh_enable() is safe for irqs_disabled(). - patches.rt/ntfs-local-irq-save-nort.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/numa-slab-freeing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/only-run-softirqs-from-irq-thread-when-irq-affinity-is-set.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/pagefault-disable-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT clean up the page fault disabling logic. - patches.rt/panic-dont-stop-box.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/paravirt-function-pointer-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/pause-on-oops-head-tail.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT introduce pause_on_oops_head/tail boot options. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-mm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-netfilter.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-netfilter2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/percpu-locked-powerpc-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/percpu_list.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT percpu_list. - patches.rt/plist-debug.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/posix-cpu-timers-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-count_active_rt_tasks-is-undefined-for-non-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-flush_tlb_pending-is-no-more.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/powerpc-match-__rw_yield-function-declaration-to-prototype.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-chpr-set-rtc-lock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-gtod-notrace-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-hacks-to-allow-rt-to-run-kernbench.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-make-tlb-batch-64-only.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc-tlbflush-preempt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc32-latency-compile-hack-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ppc32_notrace_init_functions.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT don't trace early init functions for ppc32. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-Kconfig.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm-fix-oprofile.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-direct-debug-keyboard.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-hrtimer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386-idle-poll-loop-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-ack-irq-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-b5.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-b6.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-fix-more-fasteoi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc-preempt-schedule-irq-entry-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-x86-64-ioapic-mask-quirk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-x86-64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-acpi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-bagde4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-footbridge.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-integrator.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-ixp4xx.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-pxa.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-rawlock-in-mmu_context-h.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-shark.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-compile-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-console.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-debug-sysctl.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-fs-block.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace-disable-ftraced.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ia64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ide.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-init-show-enabled-debugs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-input.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ipc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-loopback.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mellanox-driver-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mmdrop-delayed.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-drivers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net-softirq-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT NOHZ: local_softirq_pending with tickless. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-net.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-add-raw-relax-macros.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b3.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-b4.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-celleb-raw-spinlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-missing-raw-spinlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-tlb-batching.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc-update.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-powerpc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-prevent-idle-boosting.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Premmpt-RT: Preevent boosting of idle task. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-profiling.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-rawlocks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-rcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched-cpupri.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-sound.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-supress-nohz-softirq-warning.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-supress-rtc-printk.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-usb.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-warn-and-bug-on-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-warn-and-bug-on.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-rt-no-slub.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-softirqs-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/print-might-sleep-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/printk-dont-bug-on-sched.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/printk-in-atomic-hack-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT fix printk in atomic hack. - patches.rt/printk-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/proportions-raw-locks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/qrcu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT QRCU with lockless fastpath. - patches.rt/quicklist-release-before-free-page-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/quicklist-release-before-free-page.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/radix-concurrent-lockdep.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/radix-percpu-hack-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/radix-tree-concurrent.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT radix-tree: concurrent write side support. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic-hist.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT debug: optimistic lock histogram. - patches.rt/radix-tree-optimistic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT radix-tree: optimistic locking. - patches.rt/random-driver-latency-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-hrt-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-new-7.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-default.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-boost-sdr.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-fix-bad-dyntick-accounting.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-hotplug-hackaround.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-torture-preempt-update.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcu-trace-fix-free.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rcupreempt-boost-early-init.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/realtime-preempt-warn-about-tracing.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/relay-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT relay: fix timer madness. - patches.rt/remove-check-pgt-cache-calls.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/replace-bugon-by-warn-on.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/root-domain-kfree-in-atomic.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-apis.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-avoid-deadlock-in-swap.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-delayed-prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: PI-workqueue: propagate prio for delayed work. - patches.rt/rt-kmap-scale-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-list-mods.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: list_splice2. - patches.rt/rt-move-update-wall-time-back-to-do-timer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: move update_wall_time back to do timer. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-compat-semaphores.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-core.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-i386.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-irq-flags-checking.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-mips.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-ppc-fix-a5.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-ppc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-preempt-debugging.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-route-cast-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-trivial-tcp-preempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-x86-64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-page_alloc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt-friendly per-cpu pages. - patches.rt/rt-plist-mods.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: plist_head_splice. - patches.rt/rt-s_files-kill-a-union.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-sched-groups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-shorten-softirq-thread-names.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-slab-new.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rt-workqeue-prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: PI-workqueue support. - patches.rt/rt-workqueue-barrier.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: PI-workqueue: fix barriers. - patches.rt/rt-wq-barrier-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: PI-workqueue: wait_on_work() fixup. - patches.rt/rt_mutex_setprio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: rename rt_mutex_setprio to task_setprio. - patches.rt/rtmutex-debug.h-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lock debugging: clean up rtmutex-debug.h. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-xchg.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rtmutex - remove double xchg. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rwlock-cmpxchg-typecast.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-implement-downgrade-write.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlocks multi downgrade write. - patches.rt/rwlocks-default-nr-readers-nr-cpus.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlocks-fix-no-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: fix non PREEMPT_RT case. - patches.rt/rwlocks-multiple-readers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT implement rwlocks management. - patches.rt/rwsems-multiple-readers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT add framework for multi readers on rwsems. - patches.rt/s_files-pipe-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT s_files: free_write_pipe() fix. - patches.rt/s_files-schedule_on_each_cpu_wq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/s_files.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT remove global files_lock. - patches.rt/sched-clock-nmi.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-enable-irqs-in-preempt-in-notifier-call.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT CFS: enable irqs in fire_sched_in_preempt_notifier. - patches.rt/sched-nr-migrate-lower-default-preempt-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-prioritize-non-migrating-rt-tasks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-rt-stats.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-use-a-2d-bitmap-search-prio-cpu.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-wake_up_idle_cpu-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched_prio.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched_rt-fixup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/schedule-tail-balance-disable-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/schedule_on_each_cpu-enhance.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/select-error-leak-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/send-nmi-all-preempt-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/seq-irqsave.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/serial-locking-rt-cleanup.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/serial-slow-machines.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/slab-irq-nopreempt-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/smp-processor-id-fixups.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/softirq-per-cpu-assumptions-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/softlockup-add-irq-regs-h.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT core: make asm/irq_regs.h available on every platform. - patches.rt/spinlock-trylock-cleanup-sungem.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/swap-spinlock-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/tasklet-busy-loop-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/tasklet-redesign.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/timer-freq-tweaks.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/timer-warning-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/trace-add-event-markers-arm.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/trace-events-handle-syscalls.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/trace-histograms.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/trace_hist-divzero.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT trace_hist.c: divide-by-zero problem (2). - patches.rt/trace_hist-latediv.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/tracer-add-event-markers.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/tracer-event-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/use-edge-triggered-irq-handler-instead-of-simple-irq.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT [AT91: PATCH]: Use edge triggered interrupt handling for AT91-GPIO instead of simple_irq-handler. - patches.rt/user-no-irq-disable.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/version.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT add -rt extra-version. - patches.rt/vortex-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/watchdog_use_timer_and_hpet_on_x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/x86-64-tscless-vgettimeofday.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT x86_64 GTOD: offer scalable vgettimeofday. - patches.rt/x86_64-tsc-sync-irqflags-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/event-trace-hrtimer-trace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT event-tracer: add clockevent trace. - patches.rt/ftrace-hotplug-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: cpu hotplug fix. - patches.rt/ftrace-wakeup-rawspinlock.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: user raw spin lock for wakeup function trace. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/radix-tree-lockdep-plus1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT lockdep: add +1 to radix tree array. - patches.rt/rwlock-fixes.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: fix pi_list race conditions. - patches.rt/rwlock-prio-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: reset prio on unlocks and wakeups. - patches.rt/rwlock-torture.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: rwlock torture test. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-hotplug-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-priocount.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/trace-eip2ip.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Re: - patches.rt/bz235099-idle-load-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/fix-adaptive-hack.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT fix-adaptive-hack.patch. - patches.rt/fix-a-previously-reverted-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Fix a previously reverted "fix". - patches.rt/fix-config-debug-rt-mutex-lock-underflow-warnings.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT Fix CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEX lock underflow warnings. - patches.rt/frace-use-tsc.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-document-event-tracer.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-document-update1.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: document updates. - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-get-kprobe-wreckage.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace-fix-missing-kprobe-include.pathc. - patches.rt/ftrace-m68knommu-add-FTRACE-support.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-m68knommu-generic-stacktrace-function.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/ftrace-preempt-trace-check.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: only trace preempt off with preempt tracer. - patches.rt/ftrace-stop-trace-on-crash.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT fix-tracer-wreckage-wtf-is-this-code-all-features.patch. - patches.rt/generic-cmpxchg-use-raw-local-irq-variant.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/idle2-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/idle-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/m68knommu_fixes_ontop_of_v2.6.26.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/m68knommu-make-cmpxchg-RT-safe.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/mapping_nrpages-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT mapping_nrpages-fix.patch. - patches.rt/nfs-stats-miss-preemption.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT nfs: fix missing preemption check. - patches.rt/pmtmr-override.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT pmtmr: allow command line override of ioport. - patches.rt/powerpc-ftrace-stop-on-oops.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT powerpc: ftrace stop on crash. - patches.rt/ppc64-fix-preempt-unsafe-paths-accessing-per_cpu-variables.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-m68knommu-make-timer-interrupt-non-threaded.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mm.patch~: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/raw-spinlocks-for-nmi-print.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/revert-preempt-bkl-revert.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rtmutex-debug-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rtmutex-debug-fix.patch. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-namespace.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt-mutex-namespace.patch. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-use-inline.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt-mutex-cleanup.patch. - patches.rt/rt-rwlock-conservative-locking.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: be more conservative in locking reader_lock_count. - patches.rt/rwlock-pi-lock-reader.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-protect-reader_lock_count.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-slowunlock-mutex-fix2.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-slowunlock-mutex-fix.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/rwlock-torture-no-rt.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rwlock: fix torture test to handle non-rt. - patches.rt/sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT sched-fix-dequeued-race.patch. - patches.rt/serial-locking-rt-cleanup.patch~: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT. - patches.rt/sub-dont-disable-irqs.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT rt: dont disable irqs in usb. - patches.rt/trace-do-not-wakeup-when-irqs-disabled.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT trace-do-not-wakeup-when-irqs-disabled.patch. - patches.rt/trace-ktime-scalar.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT ftrace: print ktime values in readable form. - patches.rt/warn-on-rt-scatterlist.patch: Linux-RT 2.6.26-RT remove warn on for scatterlist in preempt rt. * Tue Jul 29 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_thermal_passive_blacklist.patch: Avoid critical temp shutdowns on specific ThinkPad T4x(p) and R40 (https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=333043). - patches.fixes/acpi_use_acpi_exception.patch: ACPI dock/bay: Use ACPI_EXCEPTION instead of printk(KERN_ERR. - patches.suse/acpi_provide_non_windows_osi_boot_param.patch: ACPI: Provide a spec conform OSI interface to the BIOS. * Mon Jul 28 2008 bphilips@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: uvcvideo merged. Add Obsoletes. * Fri Jul 25 2008 mszeredi@suse.cz - supported.conf: Mark fuse as supported. * Thu Jul 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_MARKERS * Thu Jul 24 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX * Thu Jul 24 2008 agruen@suse.de - Fix for using relative paths in /usr/src/linux-obj/$arch/ $flavor/Makefile (bnc#409982). * Fri Jul 18 2008 hare@suse.de - Update config files for S/390. * Thu Jul 17 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/show-OSRELEASE-in-VMCOREINFO.diff: kdump: Report actual value of VMCOREINFO_OSRELEASE in VMCOREINFO * Thu Jul 17 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: Removed Supplements handling entirely. Use preamble instead. * Thu Jul 17 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.26: Fix 32-bit build. * Thu Jul 17 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches for 2.6.26. - patches.xen/540-blkif-nr-segments-check.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/560-x86_64-no-irq-affinity-break-msg.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-patch- Delete. - Update i386 and x86-64 config files. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen configs. * Thu Jul 17 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/seccomp-disable-tsc-option: Also handle x86-64 (191123). - Update x86-64 config files. - patches.suse/raw_device_max_minors_param.diff: Fix uninitialized return value. - patches.apparmor/remove_suid.diff: Also handle fuse. - supported.conf: Add e1000e, rtc-core, rtc-lib, and rtc-cmos. * Mon Jul 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/fsl-diu-fb-compile-fix: Delete. * Mon Jul 14 2008 olh@suse.de - disable unused fsl-diu-fb driver * Mon Jul 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-final. * Mon Jul 14 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.fixes/move-crashkernel-reservation.diff: x86: Move crashkernel reservation before dma32_reserve_bootmem(). * Mon Jul 14 2008 rgoldwyn@suse.de - Enable patches.suse/convert-novfs-to-open-soure-coding-standards.patch Fix oops in novfs_daemon_lib_ioctl * Fri Jul 11 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated squashfs to v3.3. (bnc#373285) * Thu Jul 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Enable raw devices on s390. * Thu Jul 10 2008 jack@suse.cz - patches.suse/raw_device_max_minors_param.diff: Allow setting of number of raw devices as a module parameter (FATE 302178). * Thu Jul 10 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/fsl-diu-fb-compile-fix: fsl-diu-fb: compile fix. * Wed Jul 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/kdb-common: Removed obsolete file_lock_operations printing. * Wed Jul 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-discard-xattr-prealloc: Upstreamed with - git5. * Wed Jul 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-discard-xattr-prealloc: reiserfs: discard prealloc in reiserfs_delete_inode (bnc#389656). * Wed Jul 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-rc9-git5. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Wed Jul 9 2008 jbohac@suse.cz - Update config files. - patches.suse/netfilter-ip_conntrack_slp.patch: connection tracking helper for SLP (fate#301134). * Wed Jul 9 2008 olh@suse.de - enable PHYP-assisted OS dump (fate#304131) * Mon Jul 7 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_thermal_passive_cleanup.patch: Delete. * Wed Jul 2 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-gericom-bellagio-to-nomux.patch: Input: add Gericom Bellagio to nomux blacklist (bnc#404892). * Wed Jul 2 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-acer-aspire-1360-to-nomux.patch: Input: add Acer Aspire 1360 to nomux blacklist (bnc#216857). * Wed Jul 2 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/__d_path-keep-connected.diff patches.apparmor/mount-consistent-__d_path.diff patches.suse/kdb-ia64: Edited to apply with --fuzz=0 - Added --fuzz=0 (-F0) to sequence-patch.sh and spec files * Fri Jun 27 2008 bwalle@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: don't generate the makedumpfile.config any more, the new kernel, kexec-tools and makedumpfile is able to extract that information from the running kernel and pass it as ELF NOTE (in /proc/vmcore) * Thu Jun 26 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-ibmebus-modalias.patch autoload ehea and ehca (bnc#394602 - LTC44938) * Thu Jun 26 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - RT: Update config files - enable CONFIG_CGROUPS * Thu Jun 26 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files - enable CPUSETs support: CONFIG_CGROUPS, CONFIG_CGROUP_NS, CONFIG_CGROUP_DEVICE, CONFIG_CPUSET, CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT, CONFIG_RESOURCE_COUNTERS, CONFIG_MM_OWNER, CONFIG_CGROUP_MEM_RES_CTLR, CONFIG_PROC_PID_CPUSET - debug only: CONFIG_CGROUP_DEBUG * Wed Jun 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-rc8 - Eliminated 1 patch. * Wed Jun 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-module-subpackage: Added Supplements tag copying and added coreutils and grep to Requires - rpm/macros.kernel-source: Added kernel-syms to BuildRequires * Wed Jun 25 2008 olh@suse.de - enable 64K pages in config ppc64 (fate#304100) - enable up to 1024 cpus in config ppc64 (fate#304180) - enable up to 4 cpus in config kdump - enable powermanagement in config ppc64 - enable cell be cpufreq * Wed Jun 25 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Update the list of i2c bus drivers. - i2c-isa is gone. - i2c-i810, i2c-prosavage and i2c-savage4 are deprecated and will be removed soon, mark as unsupported. - i2c-voodoo3 has very limited usefulness, mark as unsupported. - i2c-powermac is new, mark as supported. - supported.conf: Update the list of i2c chip drivers. - ds1337, ds1374, rtc8564 and x1205 are gone (RTC drivers, moved to drivers/rtc). - pca9539, pcf8574 and pcf8575 are deprecated (new GPIO drivers exist in drivers/gpio), mark as unsupported. - ds1682, max6875 and tsl2550 are new, mark as supported. * Wed Jun 25 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Add two new hwmon drivers (dme1737 and thmc50, both unsupported.) - supported.conf: Mark hwmon and hwmon-vid as supported. These are simple, software-only utility modules, it makes little sense to taint the kernel just because they are loaded. * Mon Jun 23 2008 tiwai@suse.de - disable CONFIG_SND_PCSP as it conflicts with input pcspkr and disturbs the order of sound devices * Mon Jun 23 2008 agruen@suse.de - genksyms: add support for checking against a reference ABI. * Wed Jun 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-rc6-git5. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Fri Jun 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Removed kABI reference symbols - Restored make-symsets check for ignoring/tolerating kABI changes. * Fri Jun 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files (vanilla). * Fri Jun 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Fri Jun 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-rc6-git1. - Eliminated 2 patches. * Thu Jun 12 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - config.conf: Suppress RT until forward-port is complete * Thu Jun 12 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-macbook-fix: Delete. * Thu Jun 12 2008 olh@suse.de - update ps3 config, disable unused drivers - disable patches.arch/ppc-efika-slowdown.patch * Thu Jun 12 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated to 2.6.26-rc5-git5. - Eliminated 91 patches. - Disabled OCFS2 userspace heartbeat. - Disabled Xen. * Thu Jun 12 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Build fix: drop patches merged into - patches.rt/x86-fix-tsc-cyc2ns-crap.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/x86-prepare-to-fix-32bit-sched-clock-crap.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/x86-fix-32bit-sched-clock-crap.patch: Delete. Update to 2.6.25-RT6: - Update config files: enable (M) CONFIG_RWLOCK_TORTURE_TEST Resolve conflicts: - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-x86_64.patch: Linux-RT Add: - patches.rt/trace-eip2ip.patch: Re: Compile Fix. - patches.rt/rwlock-prio-fix.patch: rwlock: reset prio on unlocks and wakeups. - patches.rt/rwlock-fixes.patch: rwlock: fix pi_list race conditions. - patches.rt/event-trace-hrtimer-trace.patch: event-tracer: add clockevent trace. - patches.rt/rwlock-torture.patch: rwlock: rwlock torture test. - patches.rt/ftrace-wakeup-rawspinlock.patch: ftrace: user raw spin lock for wakeup function trace. - patches.rt/radix-tree-lockdep-plus1.patch: lockdep: add +1 to radix tree array. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-hotplug-support.patch: sched: fix cpupri hotplug support. - patches.rt/sched-cpupri-priocount.patch: sched: fix cpupri priocount. - patches.rt/ftrace-hotplug-fix.patch: ftrace: cpu hotplug fix. * Wed Jun 11 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/make-symsets: update to the latest version which will ignore symset changes if the symset includes a symbol marked to be ignored. * Wed Jun 11 2008 agruen@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: only generate symsets for kernels with CONFIG_MODULES=y. - rpm/macros.kernel-source: remove the ps3 specific check: we really want to check whether the kernel mas modules enabled, which is covered by the symsets check already now. * Wed Jun 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/usb-don-t-use-reset-resume-if-drivers-don-t-support-it.patch: USB: don't use reset-resume if drivers don't support it. * Wed Jun 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - comment out patches.suse/convert-novfs-to-open-soure-coding-standards.patch in the series file as it is reported to fail some regression tests. * Wed Jun 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/convert-novfs-to-open-soure-coding-standards.patch: Convert novfs to open soure coding standards. * Mon Jun 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/mptbase-vmware-fix: Delete as it's not needed anymore * Mon Jun 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly * Mon Jun 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - loads of bugfixes - remove the following patches that were already included in this release: - patches.arch/cpufreq_fix_acpi_driver_on_BIOS_changes.patch - patches.drivers/libata-force-hardreset-if-link-pm - patches.fixes/input-hid-apple-numlock-emulation.patch - patches.arch/check-for-acpi-resource-conflicts-in-i2c-bus-drivers.patch * Mon Jun 9 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.drivers/usb-sierra-option.patch: USB: update sierra and option device ids (bnc#374637). * Mon Jun 9 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ahci-mcp65-workarounds: ahci: workarounds for mcp65 (bnc#398573). * Mon Jun 9 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-i8042-add-ctr-resume-timeout.patch: Input: add retry logic to resume with respect to CTR (bnc#351119). * Sat Jun 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - fixes CVE-2008-1673 * Fri Jun 6 2008 tiwai@suse.de - add missing patches.rt/ftrace-add-nr_syscalls.patch for fixing i386-rt_debug * Thu Jun 5 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.22, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.23, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.24, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.25: netfront (bnc#394575) and page table handling (bnc#396858) fixes. - patches.xen/540-blkif-nr-segments-check.patch: Avoid theoretical TOCTTOU bug in block backend nr_segments checking. - patches.xen/560-x86_64-no-irq-affinity-break-msg.patch: x86_64: Remove warning message about 'Breaking affinity for irq'. - patches.xen/xen-netfront-flip-prod: fix updating of req_prod_pvt in the receive ring for the flipping case. * Wed Jun 4 2008 jblunck@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-acpi-fix-hotplug: Don't call ata_port_freeze() in ata_acpi_detach_device(). * Wed Jun 4 2008 schwab@suse.de - Don't clean asm-offsets.h. * Wed Jun 4 2008 jjohanse@suse.de - patches.apparmor/apparmor-module_interface.diff: AppArmor: Update patch to properly set profile name_table size (bnc#396993) * Tue Jun 3 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-amilo-pro-v-to-nomux.patch: Add Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro 2010 and 2030 to nomux list (bnc#345699 bnc#389169) * Tue Jun 3 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-realtek-auto-resume-fix: hda - Fix resume of auto-config mode with Realtek codecs (bnc#385473). * Tue Jun 3 2008 bphilips@suse.de Backport: e1000e for montevina systems - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0001-remove-no-longer-used-e1000e_read_nvm_spi.patch: e1000e: remove no longer used e1000e_read_nvm_spi. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0002-remove-irq_sem.patch: e1000e: remove irq_sem. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0003-rename-mc_addr_list_update.patch: e1000e: rename mc_addr_list_update. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0004-reorganize-PHY-and-flow-control-interface.patch: e1000e: reorganize PHY and flow control interface. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0005-Make-arrays-out-of-these-Rx-Tx-registers.patch: e1000e: Make arrays out of these Rx/Tx registers. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0006-rename-a-few-functions.patch: e1000e: rename a few functions. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0007-cleanup-several-stats-issues.patch: e1000e: cleanup several stats issues. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0008-Fix-HW-Error-on-es2lan-ARP-capture-issue-by.patch: e1000e: Fix HW Error on es2lan, ARP capture issue by BMC. - patches.drivers/e1000e-backport-0009-Add-support-for-BM-PHYs-on-ICH9.patch: e1000e: Add support for BM PHYs on ICH9. * Mon Jun 2 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-vt1708-pcm-noise-fix: Delete. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-backport-2.6.26-rc4: Backport ALSA HDA-Intel patches from 2.6.26-rc4 (bnc#390473). * Mon Jun 2 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-asus-a9t-fix: ac97 - Fix ASUS A9T laptop output (bnc#363987). * Mon Jun 2 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/reiserfs-prealloc-fix: reiserfs: Use list_del_init in use_preallocated_list_if_available (bnc#378095). * Mon Jun 2 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hp2133-mic-fix: hda - Fix mic input on HP2133 (bnc#388540). * Mon Jun 2 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-emu10k1-audigy2-digital-fix: emu10k1 - Fix inverted Analog/Digital mixer switch on Audigy2 (bnc#396204). * Sat May 31 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Update to (refreshed patches suppressed) - Update config files. Added: - patches.rt/adapt-remove-extra-try-to-lock.patch - patches.rt/adaptive-adjust-pi-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/adaptive-earlybreak-on-steal.patch - patches.rt/adaptive-optimize-rt-lock-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/adaptive-task-oncpu.patch - patches.rt/arm-fix-compile-error-trace-exit-idle.patch - patches.rt/arm-omap-02.patch - patches.rt/arm-omap-03.patch - patches.rt/arm-omap-04.patch - patches.rt/arm-omap-05.patch - patches.rt/fix_vdso_gtod_vsyscall64_2.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-compile-fixes.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-disable-daemon.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-dont-trace-markers.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-fix-header.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-function-record-nop.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-print-missing-cmdline.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-record-comm-on-ctrl.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-safe-traversal-hlist.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-trace-sched.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-update-cnt-stat-fix.patch - patches.rt/git-ignore-module-markers.patch - patches.rt/git-ignore-script-lpp.patch - patches.rt/lockdep-avoid-fork-waring.patch - patches.rt/lockstat-fix-contention-points.patch - patches.rt/lockstat-output.patch - patches.rt/nmi-show-regs-fix.patch - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-ftrace-disable-ftraced.patch - patches.rt/realtime-preempt-warn-about-tracing.patch - patches.rt/rtmutex-rwlock-cmpxchg-typecast.patch - patches.rt/rwlock-implement-downgrade-write.patch - patches.rt/rwlocks-fix-no-preempt-rt.patch - patches.rt/sched-fix-rt-task-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/sched-fix-sched-fair-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/sched-nr-migrate-lower-default-preempt-rt.patch - patches.rt/sched-prioritize-non-migrating-rt-tasks.patch - patches.rt/sched-wake_up_idle_cpu-rt.patch - patches.rt/trace_hist-divzero.patch - patches.rt/trace_hist-latediv.patch - patches.rt/x86-delay-enable-preempt-tglx.patch Removed: - patches.rt/rtmutex-optimize-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/rtmutex-adjust-pi_lock-usage-in-wakeup.patch - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-extra-try.patch - patches.rt/ftrace-remove-print-of-max.patch * Thu May 29 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Update IBM EDAC and PRTM - Update config files. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-support-for-HS21XM-SMI-remediation: Add support for HS21XM SMI Remediation to the 2.6.22-based SLERT kernel. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-support-for-HS21_LS21-SMI-remediation: Add support for HS21/LS21 SMI Remediation to the 2.6.22-based SLERT kernel. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-i5000-turn-off-unsupported-check: Turn off unsupported EDAC check on the i5000 controller. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-prevent-potential-printk-storm: Prevent potential EDAC printk storm. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-test_device.patch: edac-2.6.23-to-2.6.22.patch back-port. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-new-k8-rev-f.patch: edac-2.6.23-to-2.6.22.patch back-port. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-add-sysfs_notify-calls.patch: edac-2.6.23-to-2.6.22.patch back-port. - patches.rt/drivers-edac-new-amd64.patch: drivers-edac-new-amd64.patch (revision 108). Obsolete: - patches.rt/add-support-for-HS21_LS21-SMI-remediation: Delete. - patches.rt/add-support-for-HS21XM-SMI-remediation: Delete. - patches.rt/prevent-potential-EDAC-printk-storm: Delete. * Thu May 29 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-macbook-fix: ata_piix: fix macbook ich8m problems (bnc#395407). * Thu May 29 2008 agruen@suse.de - Obsolete some KMPs which have been integrated into mainline meanwhile (bnc#357799). * Thu May 29 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - supported.conf: Mark 8250_pnp as supported. * Wed May 28 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-acpi-fix-hotplug: libata: Handle bay devices in dock stations (bnc#390822 bnc#395082). * Wed May 28 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-add-i8042-nopnp-for-D845PESV.patch: Input: Add i8042.nopnp for Intel D845PESV (bnc#386952). * Mon May 26 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Update to - add RWSEM / RWLOCK patches: - patches.rt/rt-mutex-core.patch: Linux-RT - patches.rt/multi-reader-account.patch: map tasks to reader locks held. - patches.rt/multi-reader-limit.patch: implement reader limit on read write locks. - patches.rt/multi-reader-lock-account.patch: map read/write locks back to their readers. - patches.rt/multi-reader-pi.patch: read lock Priority Inheritance implementation. - patches.rt/native-sched-clock-booboo.patch: Re: (native_sched_clock() booboo). - patches.rt/rwlocks-default-nr-readers-nr-cpus.patch: - patches.rt/rwlocks-multiple-readers.patch: implement rwlocks management. - patches.rt/rwsems-multiple-readers.patch: add framework for multi readers on rwsems. * Mon May 26 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-efika-slowdown.patch slow down hot code paths to avoid hangs during install (bnc#374309) * Sun May 25 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: forgot to update vanilla kernel configs * Sat May 24 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files: disable group scheduler for normal kernels for openSUSE 11.0, too (this should be enabled again later for 11.1 once after the bugs get fixed...) * Fri May 23 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-dma-pos-fix: hda - Fix DMA position inaccuracy (bnc#362775, bnc#364421). - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-vt1708-pcm-noise-fix: hda - Fix noise on VT1708 codec (bnc#390473). * Fri May 23 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Update config files: Disable Group Scheduler * Thu May 22 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pmp-simg3726-nosrst: libata: SRST can't be trusted on PMP sil3726 (bnc#393456). * Thu May 22 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: update config files: Disable SYSFS_DEPRECATED * Thu May 22 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pmp-detection-fixes: libata: fix a number of PMP detection problems (bnc#393456). series.conf not updated. Fix it. * Thu May 22 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pmp-detection-fixes: libata: fix a number of PMP detection problems (bnc#393456). * Thu May 22 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: build fix - suppress adaptive locking patches that are not upstream. - Update config files. * Wed May 21 2008 jblunck@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi-bay-cleanup-and-exit.patch: bay: Exit if notify handler cannot be installed (bnc#390822). * Wed May 21 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.25: Fix DomU boot issue. * Wed May 21 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.drivers/ehci_fix_remote_wakeup_regression.diff: EHCI: fix remote-wakeup regression. (bnc#373128) * Tue May 20 2008 jblunck@suse.de - doc/novell-kmp/novell-example-1.1.tar.bz2, doc/novell-kmp/novell-example.spec: Fix example spec and Kbuild because EXTRA_CFLAGS isn't taken from the environment anymore. * Tue May 20 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: SLERT compatibility: SYSFS_DEPRECATED * Tue May 20 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Update to (refreshed patches suppressed) Add: - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-locks.patch: adaptive real-time lock support. - patches.rt/x86-fix-32bit-sched-clock-crap.patch: x86: disable TSC for sched_clock() when calibration failed - patches.rt/x86-fix-tsc-cyc2ns-crap.patch: x86: fix setup of cyc2ns in tsc_64.c. - patches.rt/x86-prepare-to-fix-32bit-sched-clock-crap.patch: x86: distangle user disabled TSC from unstable - patches.rt/adaptive-spinlock-lite-v2.patch: adaptive spinlocks lite. - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-xchg.patch: rtmutex - remove double xchg. Update: - patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: rearrange rt_spin_lock_slowlock sleeping code. Resolve Conflicts: - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: allow rt-mutex lock-stealing to include lateral priority. - Update config files. * Mon May 19 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: Adaptive locking patches: - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: allow rt-mutex lock-stealing to include lateral priority. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal-sysctl.patch: sysctl for runtime-control of lateral mutex stealing. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: rearrange rt_spin_lock_slowlock sleeping code. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-locks.patch: adaptive real-time lock support. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-timeout.patch: add a timeout mechanism to adaptive-locking. - patches.rt/rtmutex-optimize-wakeup.patch: optimize rt lock wakeup. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adjust-pi_lock-usage-in-wakeup.patch: adjust pi_lock usage in wakeup. - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-extra-try.patch: remove the extra call to try_to_take_lock. - Update config files: CONFIG_RTLOCK_LATERAL_STEAL=y CONFIG_ADAPTIVE_RTLOCK=y CONFIG_IBM_RTL (disable temporarily to address build error) * Mon May 19 2008 tiwai@suse.de - Update config files (missing for rt*). * Mon May 19 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-backport-2.6.25-rc3: Backport ALSA HDA-Intel patches from 2.6.25-rc3 (bnc#390473, bnc#386422, bnc#385473). - patches.drivers/alsa-intel8x0-8ch: intel8x0 - Add support of 8 channel sound. - patches.drivers/alsa-mixer-oss-map-fix: Add more fallbacks to OSS PHONEOUT mixer map. - patches.drivers/alsa-usb-audio-disconnect-oops-fix: Fix Oops with usb-audio reconnection. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-new-ati-id: Delete. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-new-nvidia-id: Delete. - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-use-PCI_DEVICE: Delete. - patches.drivers/alsa-dell-xps-m1330-hp-fix: Delete. - Update config files. * Mon May 19 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 524 and - patches.xen/xen-balloon-hvm-min: don't allow ballooning down a HVM domain below a reasonable limit (172482). - patches.xen/xen-swiotlb-heuristics: adjust Xen's swiotlb default size setting. * Mon May 19 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.arch/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch: Add missing list terminator for acpi_rsdt_dmi_table[] and move to __initdata. * Mon May 19 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: SMI latency fixes from IBM. - patches.rt/add-support-for-HS21_LS21-SMI-remediation: [PATCH 1/3] Add support for HS21/LS21 SMI Remediation. - patches.rt/add-support-for-HS21XM-SMI-remediation: [PATCH 2/3] Add support for HS21XM SMI Remediation . - patches.rt/prevent-potential-EDAC-printk-storm: [PATCH 3/3] Prevent potential EDAC printk storm. - RT: Update config files. * Mon May 19 2008 agruen@suse.de - patches.suse/nfs4acl-ext3.diff: Fix compilation error when CONFIG_EXT3_FS_NFS4ACL is off. * Mon May 19 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - RT: Update config files. * Mon May 19 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.suse/acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9a-2.6.25.patch: ACPI: initramfs DSDT override support. - > Did not make it into 2.6.25 again... - Update config files. * Sun May 18 2008 agruen@suse.de - Update the nfs4acl patches (and split them out more explicitly). Export all new symbols als GPL only. - patches.apparmor/parent-permission.diff: Rediff. * Sun May 18 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - RT: Update config files. * Sun May 18 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT: update to patch queue. * Sun May 18 2008 sdietrich@suse.de RT cleanup: Remove unused/obsolete RT patches. * Sun May 18 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: update RT debug configs. - config.conf: enable DEBUG flavors. * Sat May 17 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Linux-RT 2.6.25-RT: - Updated RT patch queue (not individually enumerated here) - Update config files: RT - config.conf: RT * Fri May 16 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. - patches.drivers/usb-add-option-hso-driver.patch: USB: add option hso driver. * Fri May 16 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches due to fuzz * Fri May 16 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.fixes/bluetooth-wake-up-properly-after-ide-timeout-expires.patch: bluetooth: wake up properly after ide timeout expires (bnc#390839). * Fri May 16 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.fixes/tg3-flowctrl.patch do not compare flow control settings in parallel detect mode * Fri May 16 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.arch/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch: Introduce acpi_root_table=rsdt boot param and dmi list to force rsdt (http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8246). - patches.arch/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpica_rsdt_global_variable.patch: ACPICA: Add acpi_gbl_force_rsdt variable (http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8246). - patches.arch/acpi_thinkpad_remove_R40e_c-state_blacklist.patch: Remove R40e c-state blacklist (http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8246). - patches.arch/cpufreq_fix_acpi_driver_on_BIOS_changes.patch: CPUFREQ: Check against freq changes from the BIOS. * Fri May 16 2008 jblunck@suse.de - patches.fixes/vfs-2.6.git-9bc300eae0400efdfae3fec3352896e10468a78f.patch: return to old errno choice for fix mkdir -p with ro-bind mounts * Fri May 16 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-{binary,source}.spec.in: use localversion and set KBUILD_BUILD_VERSION (used for Kernel:Vanilla) * Thu May 15 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to final version of * Thu May 15 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/macros.kernel-source: Let KMPs fail when flavors_to_build is empty - rpm/kernel-{dummy,source,syms,binary}.spec.in, scripts/tar-up.sh: fix release number changes introduced by bnc#271712 for OBS (bnc#378933) * Thu May 15 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.fixes/tg3-flowctrl.patch revert 'Fix supporting flowctrl code' to fix JS21 (bnc#390314) * Wed May 14 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.drivers/appletouch_persist.diff: reset_resume and autosuspend for appletouch touchpads (bnc#388399). * Wed May 14 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.drivers/appletouch_persist.diff: reset_resume and autosuspend for appletouch touchpads (bnc#388399). * Wed May 14 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-force-hardreset-if-link-pm: libata: force hardreset if link is in powersave mode (bnc#381795). - patches.drivers/libata-ahci-sb600-no-msi: ahci: SB600 ahci can't do MSI, blacklist that capability (bnc#384559). * Tue May 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files for vanilla targets * Tue May 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - lots of bug fixes * Mon May 12 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Cleanup RT: - patches.rt/*: Delete. * Mon May 12 2008 jkosina@suse.de - patches.fixes/input-hid-apple-numlock-emulation.patch: HID: split Numlock emulation quirk from HID_QUIRK_APPLE_HAS_FN. (bnc#381764). * Sat May 10 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - fixes 2 security issues (one networking, one sparc, no CVE numbers issued just yet) * Fri May 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/fsetattr-restore-ia_file: vfs: restore ia_file for compatibility with external modules. (bnc#381259) * Fri May 9 2008 hare@suse.de - patches.drivers/open-iscsi-git-update: Delete. - patches.fixes/open-iscsi-nop-fixes: NOP timeout fixes. * Thu May 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/v4l-dvb-patch-for-various-dibcom-based-devices.patch: V4L/DVB (7473): PATCH for various Dibcom based devices (bnc#381632). * Thu May 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - comment out vmware patch as it should no longer be needed * Thu May 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rediff patches to apply cleanly. * Thu May 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - potential fix for increased power consumption and other bugs * Thu May 8 2008 sassmann@suse.de - Update config file ppc64. - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-ps3vram-mtd.patch: ps3vram driver that allows you to access the extra ~240MB of DDR video. * Wed May 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/patch- Linux - fixes CVE-2008-1669 * Tue May 6 2008 schwab@suse.de - suse-ppc32-mol-semaphore: fix mol for 2.6.26-rc1. * Mon May 5 2008 jack@suse.cz Bring UDF to state in 2.6.26-rc1 to support UDF 2.50. - patches.suse/udf-10-simple-cleanup-of-truncate.c.patch: udf: simple cleanup of truncate.c (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-11-truncate-create-function-for-updating-of-Alloc.patch: udf: truncate: create function for updating of Allocation Ext Descriptor (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-12-replace-all-adds-to-little-endians-variables-wi.patch: udf: replace all adds to little endians variables with le*_add_cpu (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-13-simplify-__udf_read_inode.patch: udf: simplify __udf_read_inode (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-14-replace-udf_-_offset-macros-with-functions.patch: udf: replace udf_*_offset macros with functions (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-15-convert-udf_count_free_bitmap-to-use-bitmap_wei.patch: udf: convert udf_count_free_bitmap to use bitmap_weight (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-16-udf_get_block-inode_bmap-remove-unneeded-che.patch: udf: udf_get_block, inode_bmap - remove unneeded checks (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-17-create-function-for-conversion-from-timestamp-t.patch: udf: create function for conversion from timestamp to timespec (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-18-convert-udf_stamp_to_time-to-return-struct-time.patch: udf: convert udf_stamp_to_time to return struct timespec (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-19-convert-udf_stamp_to_time-and-udf_time_to_stamp.patch: udf: convert udf_stamp_to_time and udf_time_to_stamp to use timestamps (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-1-kill-udf_set_blocksize.patch: udf: kill udf_set_blocksize (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-20-remove-unneeded-kernel_timestamp-type.patch: udf: remove unneeded kernel_timestamp type (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-21-super.c-reorganization.patch: udf: super.c reorganization (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-22-Mark-udf_process_sequence-as-noinline.patch: udf: Mark udf_process_sequence() as noinline (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-23-Remove-checking-of-existence-of-filename-in-udf.patch: udf: Remove checking of existence of filename in udf_add_entry() (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-24-Remove-declarations-of-arrays-of-size-UDF_NAME_.patch: udf: Remove declarations of arrays of size UDF_NAME_LEN (256 bytes) (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-25-fix-anchor-point-detection.patch: udf: fix anchor point detection (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-26-Cleanup-volume-descriptor-sequence-processing.patch: udf: Cleanup volume descriptor sequence processing (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-27-Improve-error-recovery-on-mount.patch: udf: Improve error recovery on mount (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-28-Move-filling-of-partition-descriptor-info-into.patch: udf: Move filling of partition descriptor info into a separate function (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-29-Move-processing-of-virtual-partitions.patch: udf: Move processing of virtual partitions (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-2-kill-useless-file-header-comments-for-vfs-metho.patch: udf: kill useless file header comments for vfs method implementations (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-30-Cleanup-anchor-block-detection.patch: udf: Cleanup anchor block detection. (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-31-Improve-anchor-block-detection.patch: udf: Improve anchor block detection (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-32-Silence-warning-about-accesses-beyond-end-of-de.patch: udf: Silence warning about accesses beyond end of device (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-33-Fix-detection-of-VAT-version.patch: udf: Fix detection of VAT version (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-34-Allow-loading-of-VAT-inode.patch: udf: Allow loading of VAT inode (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-35-Handle-VAT-packed-inside-inode-properly.patch: udf: Handle VAT packed inside inode properly (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-36-Mount-filesystem-read-only-if-it-has-pseudoover.patch: udf: Mount filesystem read-only if it has pseudooverwrite partition (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-37-Fix-handling-of-multisession-media.patch: udf: Fix handling of multisession media (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-38-Add-read-only-support-for-2.50-UDF-media.patch: udf: Add read-only support for 2.50 UDF media (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-39-Fix-bug-in-VAT-mapping-code.patch: udf: Fix bug in VAT mapping code (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-3-move-headers-out-include-linux.patch: udf: move headers out include/linux/ (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-40-Fix-compilation-warnings-when-UDF-debug-is-on.patch: udf: Fix compilation warnings when UDF debug is on (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-41-use-crc_itu_t-from-lib-instead-of-udf_crc.patch: udf: use crc_itu_t from lib instead of udf_crc (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-42-fs-udf-partition.c-udf_get_pblock-mustn-t-be.patch: udf: fs/udf/partition.c:udf_get_pblock() mustn't be inline (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-4-Use-DIV_ROUND_UP.patch: fs/udf: Use DIV_ROUND_UP (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-5--udf_error-static.patch: make udf_error() static (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-6-udf_CS0toUTF8-cleanup.patch: udf: udf_CS0toUTF8 cleanup (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-7-fix-udf_build_ustr.patch: udf: fix udf_build_ustr (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-8-udf_CS0toNLS-cleanup.patch: udf: udf_CS0toNLS cleanup (fate#303336). - patches.suse/udf-9-constify-crc.patch: udf: constify crc (fate#303336). * Fri May 2 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-sata_inic162x-update-to-0.4: sata_inic162x: update to 0.4 (bnc#385599). * Thu May 1 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to - fixes CVE-2008-1375 and CVE-2008-1675 - lots of other minor bugfixes * Thu May 1 2008 agruen@suse.de - Provide "kernel(flavor:symset) = version" instead of "kernel(symset) = version". This disambiguates the case where several kernel flavors end up with the same modver checksums (bnc#190163, bnc#355628). * Thu May 1 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-verify-sidpr: ata_piix: verify SIDPR access before enabling it (bnc#385535). * Wed Apr 30 2008 gregkh@suse.de - novfs: fixes needed due to apparmor vfs core changes (extended attributes probably do not work now...) * Wed Apr 30 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.suse/novfs-add-the-novell-filesystem-client-kernel-module.patch: novfs: Add the Novell filesystem client kernel module. - Update config files. * Wed Apr 30 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-simplify-xattr-internal-file-lookups-opens.diff: removed fs.h changes, they weren't used. * Mon Apr 28 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. hopefully the build system is happy now * Mon Apr 28 2008 gregkh@suse.de - rpm/config-subst: add #!/bin/sh at start of script to keep future build issues (like bnc#382214) from causing problems. * Mon Apr 28 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Cleanup: Remove obsolete patches: ARM-ep93xx-timer, latency-tracing, RCU, KVM, mcount, PPC-gtod - patches.rt/ep93xx-timer-accuracy.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ep93xx-clockevents.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ep93xx-clockevents-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-fix-preemption-bug.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-lapic-migrate-latency-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-make-less-noise.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/kvm-preempt-rt-resched-delayed.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/sched-use-a-2d-bitmap-search-prio-cpu.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/remove-unused-var-warning.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-remove-trace-array.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-disable-across-trace-cmdline.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-i386-paravirt-fastcall.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-i386.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-x86_64.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-ppc.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-printk-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-exclude-printk.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-prctl-api-hack.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-raw-spinlock-hack.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-one-off-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/smaller-trace.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/trace-name-plus.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/trace-with-caller-addr.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/trace-sti-mwait.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-optimize-a-bit.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/idle-stop-critical-timing.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-variable-threshold.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/reset-latency-histogram.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/undo-latency-tracing-raw-spinlock-hack.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/random-driver-latency-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-use-now.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt_max_latency-in-all-modes.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-hist-add-resetting-for-all-timing-options.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-trace-sysctl-config-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-trace-convert-back-to-ms.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-trace-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/trace-cpuidle.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/lockdep-show-held-locks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/lockdep-lock_set_subclass.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/lockdep-prettify.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/lockdep-more-entries.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-arch-low-address.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracer-dont-panic-on-failed-bootmem-alloc.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-add-x86_64-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-add-x86-vdso-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-nmi-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-add-time-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-lockdep-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-preemptcount-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-fault-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-irqs-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mcount-rcu-notrace-annotations.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-measurement-drivers-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-measurement-drivers.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/redo-regparm-option.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/nmi-profiling-base.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-gtod-notrace-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-gtod-support.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-gtod-support-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-a-2.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-fix-clocksource-timebase-shift.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-remove-broken-vsyscall.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-read-persistent-clock.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-clockevents.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-clockevents-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/ppc-highres-dyntick.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/inet-hash-bits-ipv6-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/inet_hash_bits.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-1.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-2.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-3.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-4.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-fix-nmi-watchdog.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-preempt-fix-rcu-torture.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/dynticks-rcu-rt-fixlet.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-tasklet-softirq.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-classic-fixup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rcu-warn-underflow.patch: Delete. * Mon Apr 28 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Cleanup: Remove obsolete Adaptive-locking patches - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-locks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-mutexes.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-timeout.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adjust-pi_lock-usage-in-wakeup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal-sysctl.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-optimize-wakeup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-extra-try.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/x86-ticket-lock.patch: Delete. * Mon Apr 28 2008 sdietrich@suse.de Cleanup: Remove ARM and MIPS RT patches - patches.rt/arm-cmpxchg-support-armv6.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-cmpxchg.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-compile-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-fix-atomic-cmpxchg.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-futex-atomic-cmpxchg.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-latency-tracer-support.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-leds-timer.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-preempt-config.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/arm-trace-preempt-idle.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/latency-tracing-arm.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm-fix-oprofile.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-arm.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-bagde4.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-footbridge.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-integrator.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-ixp4xx.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-pxa.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-rawlock-in-mmu_context-h.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm-shark.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-arm.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-irqs-mips.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/preempt-realtime-mips.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-arm-fix.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-arm.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/rt-mutex-mips.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mips-change-raw-spinlock-type.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mips-remove-conlicting-rtc-lock-declaration.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mips-remove-duplicate-kconfig.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/mips-remove-finish-arch-switch.patch: Delete. * Fri Apr 25 2008 carnold@novell.com - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: kernel-xen does not obsolete/provide kernel-xenpae (bnc#382309) * Fri Apr 25 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-mpc52xx-ac97.patch create /builtin/sound/cell-index, content == 1 * Thu Apr 24 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-modalias.patch add newline to devspec files * Thu Apr 24 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-modalias.patch add devspec file for mac-io, it was created as a side effect in of/platform.c (bnc#374693) * Thu Apr 24 2008 olh@suse.de - use bzip2 instead of lzma as rpm compression method for vanilla * Thu Apr 24 2008 olh@suse.de - relax Conflicts for kernel-vanilla no version check for lvm, udev and apparmor * Wed Apr 23 2008 olh@suse.de - readd patches.arch/ppc-pegasos-console-autodetection.patch force speed 115200, device-tree has no current-speed property * Wed Apr 23 2008 tiwai@suse.de - patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-new-ati-id, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-use-PCI_DEVICE, patches.drivers/alsa-hda-intel-new-nvidia-id: Add missing PCI ids for new ATI/Nvidia devices (bnc#370775) - patches.drivers/alsa-dell-xps-m1330-hp-fix: Fix Dell XPS M1330 outputs * Tue Apr 22 2008 jack@suse.cz - patches.fixes/quota_reiserfs_tail_fix.diff: reiserfs: Unpack tails on quota files (375179). * Tue Apr 22 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-mpc52xx-ac97.patch fixes for 2.6.25 * Sat Apr 19 2008 schwab@suse.de - Add compat handler for PTRACE_GETSIGINFO. * Sat Apr 19 2008 aj@suse.de - Conflict with apparmor-parser < 2.3 (not <=) in kernel-binary spec files. * Fri Apr 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Re-synced reiserfs patch set due to broken local repo. * Fri Apr 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated reiserfs patch set - Eliminated xattr interaction with AppArmor - Eliminated xattr deadlock under load between journal lock and xattr dir i_mutex - Properly annotated xattr i_mutex locking for lockdep - Code cleanup * Fri Apr 18 2008 jjohanse@suse.de - Update fsetattr.diff to EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(fnotify_change) * Fri Apr 18 2008 jjohanse@suse.de - patches.apparmor/__d_path-keep-connected.diff: Fix __d_path to allow for old and new behavior bnc#380763. * Thu Apr 17 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply without fuzz * Thu Apr 17 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-final * Wed Apr 16 2008 jjohanse@suse.de - Update to AppArmor 2.3 patch series * Wed Apr 16 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-kill-xattr-readdir.diff: Fixed accidental passing of -ENODATA to userspace during chown, and messages during chown and delete. * Tue Apr 15 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.25-rc9 and c/s 517. * Fri Apr 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to clean up fuzz * Fri Apr 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update config files. * Fri Apr 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - updat to 2.6.25-rc9 * Thu Apr 10 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc8-git8 * Tue Apr 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc8-git7 * Mon Apr 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/pvrusb2-fix-broken-build-due-to-patch-order-dependency.patch: pvrusb2: fix broken build due to patch order dependency. * Mon Apr 7 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc8-git5 * Sun Apr 6 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-kill-xattr-readdir.diff: Removed struct file use entirely. * Sun Apr 6 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/reiserfs-kill-xattr-readdir.diff: Eliminated use of vfsmount-less dentry_open(). * Thu Apr 3 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-pata_ali-disable-ATAPI_DMA: pata_ali: disable ATAPI DMA (332588). * Wed Apr 2 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc8 * Tue Apr 1 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-source.spec.in,kernel-binary.spec.in: Cleanup Requires * Mon Mar 31 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - supported.conf: Add new hwmon drivers, all unsupported. * Thu Mar 27 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Fixed up the rest of the reiserfs patch queue. * Thu Mar 27 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Updated reiserfs xattr patches. * Thu Mar 27 2008 gregkh@suse.de - fix merge error in patches.suse/supported-flag caused by me... * Thu Mar 27 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc7-git2 * Thu Mar 27 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc7 - note that reiserfs xattr patches are now disabled due to merge issues... * Sun Mar 23 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-improve-hpa-error-handling: libata: improve HPA error handling (365534). * Thu Mar 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - fix up some EXPORT_SYMBOL() markings to be EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL() as the code is not upstream and we aren't allowed to add non-GPL exports to our kernel tree. * Thu Mar 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc6-git5 - refresh patches to apply cleanly * Thu Mar 20 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc6-git4 - refresh patches to apply cleanly * Thu Mar 20 2008 agruen@suse.de - scripts/tar-up.sh: Rename --kbuild option to --source-timestamp. For generating the source timestamp, use HEAD as the branch name. - rpm/get_release_number.sh.in: Don't try to synchronize release numbers with kernel-dummy if the release number has been specified explicitly (tar-up with --release-string, --timestamp, or --source-timestamp). * Thu Mar 20 2008 olh@suse.de - remove patches.kernel.org/powerpc-needs-uboot not needed without mpc51xx support * Thu Mar 20 2008 olh@suse.de - disable gianfar network driver and unused freescale drivers * Wed Mar 19 2008 gregkh@suse.de - patch refreshes due to version update * Wed Mar 19 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc6-git3 - Update config files. * Wed Mar 19 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc6 - which deleted the following patches: - patches.fixes/hibernation-snapshot-numa-workaround.patch - patches.fixes/acpi-fix-double-log-level.patch - patches.fixes/acpi_fix_mem_corruption.patch - patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.25-rc5 - patches.kernel.org/patch-2.6.25-rc5-git3 - Update config files. - delete patches.arch/x86-nvidia-timer-quirk as it is not being used. * Wed Mar 19 2008 olh@suse.de - remove patches.arch/ppc-efika-ipic.patch disable mpc51xx support instead * Tue Mar 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Changed to just match %%ix86 * Mon Mar 17 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-efika-ipic.patch fix a crash in init_ipic_sysfs on efika * Mon Mar 17 2008 agruen@suse.de - post.sh: Fix a syntax error when creating the initrd. * Mon Mar 17 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen-quicklist.patch: Delete. - Update i386 Xen config file. - patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.25-rc5-rc6: 2.6.25-rc6. - patches.xen/xen3-auto-xen-kconfig.diff, patches.xen/xen3-fixup-kconfig, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.19, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.20, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.21, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.22, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.23, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.24, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.25-rc5, patches.xen/xen-x86-no-lapic, patches.xen/xen-x86-panic-no-reboot: Various adjustments. * Sun Mar 16 2008 jeffm@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Added an RPM conflict for 32-bit kernels and 64-bit glibc to avoid installing a 32-bit kernel with 64-bit userspace. (364433, et al) * Fri Mar 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/tar-up.sh: Added --kbuild option to autogenerate release number based on branch and timestamp. * Fri Mar 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/export-security_inode_permission-for-aufs: LSM: Export security_inode_permission for aufs (356902). * Fri Mar 14 2008 agruen@suse.de - Boot loader: do the same during initial installation as when updating a kernel package (FATE 302660). * Thu Mar 13 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc5-git3 * Thu Mar 13 2008 olh@suse.de - disable unuses pata platform and ibm newemac driver on powerpc * Thu Mar 13 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.xen/xen-quicklist.patch fix kernel-xen compile, readd CONFIG_QUICKLIST for xen * Wed Mar 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - remove alpha configs as they are no longer used * Wed Mar 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Enabled CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS for now. It will be disabled after the next openSUSE alpha release. It is being enabled for now to let some kmp packages still work while their maintainers are working to update them with the 2.6.25 kernel changes. * Wed Mar 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly * Wed Mar 12 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc5-git2 * Wed Mar 12 2008 sassmann@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-rename-wireless-interface.patch: rename ps3 wireless interface from eth? to wlan? for better handling in udev * Wed Mar 12 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.25-rc5 and c/s 471. - patches.xen/xen3-aslr-i386-and-x86_64-randomize-brk.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-aslr-pie-executable-randomization.patch: Delete. - patches.xen/xen3-early-firewire.diff: Delete. - Update x86 config files. - config.conf: Re-enable Xen configs. * Tue Mar 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - add usb persist for storage devices across suspend to ram. This is going to be in 2.6.26, just missed the .25 merge window. * Tue Mar 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.26-rc5-git1 - Update config files. * Tue Mar 11 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.25-rc5 * Mon Mar 10 2008 agruen@suse.de - scripts/tar-up.sh: Don't lose the EXTRAVERSION when overriding the release number with --release-string or --timestamp. * Sun Mar 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/hibernation-snapshot-numa-workaround.patch: swsusp: workaround for crash on NUMA (kernel.org#9966). * Sat Mar 8 2008 agruen@suse.de - Encode the EXTRAVERSION part of kernel release numbers in the RPM release instead of in the version. This resolves the problem that kernel releases like 2.6.25-rc4 would result in a package with a higher version than 2.6.25 according to RPM's versioning scheme (bug 271712). * Fri Mar 7 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update kdb patches. * Thu Mar 6 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_fix_mem_corruption.patch: ACPI: Fix mem corruption (350017). - patches.fixes/acpi_thermal_passive_cleanup.patch: Warn user about a BIOS bug in asus boards (350017). * Thu Mar 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update s390 config files. * Thu Mar 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update to 2.6.24-rc5-git1 * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_GROUP_SCHED * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS on i386 * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_USB_PERSIST for vanilla config files * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh patches to apply cleanly with no fuzz - enable CONFIG_USB_PERSIST so that users can enable this if they want * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - update the vanilla config files for CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - enable CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA (Not really a debug option, something we need in all of our kernels.) * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update vanilla config files. * Wed Mar 5 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.fixes/parport-mutex, patches.suse/stack-unwind: Fix merge mistakes. - Update i386 config files. * Wed Mar 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update tree to 2.6.25-rc4 * Wed Mar 5 2008 fseidel@suse.de - add patches.fixes/fat_detect_media_wo_parttable.patch and patches.fixes/fat_valid_media.patch: detect FAT formated medias without partition table correctly (bnc 364365) * Tue Mar 4 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.kernel.org/s390-defkeymap.patch Build fix for drivers/s390/char/defkeymap.c * Tue Mar 4 2008 olh@suse.de - enable ext2/3 acl support in ps3 kernel * Tue Mar 4 2008 olh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc3-git5 * Tue Mar 4 2008 olh@suse.de - use suffix -ps3 for PS3 kernel, it is only used in otheros.bld * Mon Mar 3 2008 lmb@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Require udev >= 118. * Mon Mar 3 2008 ak@suse.de - patches.arch/x86-nvidia-timer-quirk: Delete. PCI device ID list still not complete and let's have the same crap as mainline for now. It would be better to fix the PCI ID lists (#302327) * Sun Mar 2 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.fixes/ibmvstgt-fixes.patch fix oops in ibmvstgt init function * Fri Feb 29 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pci-bogus-resources.patch fix bogus test for unassigned resources * Thu Feb 28 2008 olh@suse.de - disable CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_HIFN_795X on ppc32 due to __divdi3 usage - update patches.kernel.org/powerpc-needs-uboot disable mkimage call in arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper * Thu Feb 28 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.kernel.org/fixed-phy-select add dependency on libphy=y * Wed Feb 27 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi-fix-double-log-level.patch: ACPI: Fix a duplicate log level. * Wed Feb 27 2008 trenn@suse.de - patches.fixes/acpi_force-fan-active.patch: Delete. * Tue Feb 26 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - remove obsolete adaptive-locks patches patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-locks.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-adjust-pi_lock-usage-in-wakeup.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-optimize-wakeup.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-rearrange.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-remove-extra-try.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-mutexes.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-timeout.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal.patch: Delete. patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal-sysctl.patch: Delete. * Tue Feb 26 2008 sassmann@suse.de - remove patches included upstream patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-cleanup.patch patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-endianness.patch patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-ethernet-linkstatus.patch patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-fix-fallback.diff patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-multiple-interface.patch patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-remove-duplicate-ethtool-handlers.patch patches.arch/ppc-ps3-gelic-wireless-v2.patch * Tue Feb 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Disabled CONFIG_INPUT_YEALINK per an old request from AJ. * Tue Feb 26 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc3. * Sun Feb 24 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/0001-sched-count-of-queued-RT-tasks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0002-sched-track-highest-prio-task-queued.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0003-sched-add-RT-task-pushing.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0004-sched-add-rt-overload-tracking.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0005-sched-pull-RT-tasks-from-overloaded-runqueues.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0006-sched-push-RT-tasks-from-overloaded-CPUs.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0007-sched-disable-standard-balancer-for-RT-tasks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0008-sched-add-RT-balance-cpu-weight.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0009-sched-clean-up-this_rq-use-in-kernel-sched_rt.c.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0010-sched-de-SCHED_OTHER-ize-the-RT-path.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0011-sched-break-out-search-for-RT-tasks.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0012-sched-RT-balancing-include-current-CPU.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0013-sched-pre-route-RT-tasks-on-wakeup.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0014-sched-optimize-RT-affinity.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0015-sched-wake-balance-fixes.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0016-sched-RT-balance-avoid-overloading.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0017-sched-break-out-early-if-RT-task-cannot-be-migrated.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0018-sched-RT-balance-optimize.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0019-sched-RT-balance-optimize-cpu-search.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0020-sched-RT-balance-on-new-task.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0021-sched-clean-up-pick_next_highest_task_rt.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0022-sched-clean-up-find_lock_lowest_rq.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0023-sched-clean-up-overlong-line-in-kernel-sched_debug.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0024-sched-clean-up-kernel-sched_rt.c.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0025-sched-remove-rt_overload.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0026-sched-remove-leftover-debugging.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0027-sched-clean-up-pull_rt_task.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0028-sched-clean-up-schedule_balance_rt.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0029-sched-add-sched-domain-roots.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0030-sched-update-root-domain-spans-upon-departure.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0031-Subject-SCHED-Only-balance-our-RT-tasks-within-ou.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0032-sched-fix-sched_rt.c-join-leave_domain.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0033-sched-remove-unused-JIFFIES_TO_NS-macro.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0034-sched-style-cleanup-2.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0035-sched-add-credits-for-RT-balancing-improvements.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0036-sched-reactivate-fork-balancing.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0037-sched-whitespace-cleanups-in-topology.h.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0038-sched-no-need-for-affine-wakeup-balancing-in.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0039-sched-get-rid-of-new_cpu-in-try_to_wake_up.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0040-sched-remove-do_div-from-__sched_slice.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0041-sched-RT-balance-replace-hooks-with-pre-post-sched.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0042-sched-RT-balance-add-new-methods-to-sched_class.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0043-sched-RT-balance-only-adjust-overload-state-when-c.patch: Delete. - patches.rt/0044-sched-remove-some-old-cpuset-logic.patch: Delete. - Remove scheduler patches already upstream in 2.6.25-rc1 * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/libertas-section-conflict: libertas: fix section conflict. * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled patches.kernel.org/ps3-lpm-include * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/spu_profiler-include: powerpc: spu_profiler build fix. * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/ps3-lpm-include: ps3: lpm build fix. * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.kernel.org/fixed-phy-select: powerpc: FSL_SOC requires FIXED_PHY. - patches.kernel.org/lguest-fixups: lguest: Fix asm-offsets_32 with correct config option. * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Build fixes for ia64 and i386. * Sat Feb 23 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.25-rc2-git6. - Removed: - patches.arch/ppc-pegasos-pata_via-fixup.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/ppc-pegasos-console-autodetection.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/ppc-ps3-make-dev_id-and-bus_id-u64.diff: Delete. - patches.arch/acpi_autoload_bay.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/small-acpica-extension-to-be-able-to-store-the-name-of.patch: Delete. - patches.arch/export-acpi_check_resource_conflict.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/early-firewire.diff: Delete. - patches.drivers/scsi-throttle-SG_DXFER_TO_FROM_DEV-warning-better: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-implement-force-parameter: Delete. - patches.drivers/igb-1.0.8-k2: Delete. - patches.drivers/always-announce-new-usb-devices.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/nozomi.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-quirk_amd_ide_mode: Delete. - patches.fixes/acpi_autoload_baydock.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/bluetooth_hci_dev_put.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/bluetooth_hci_conn_childs.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-hw-scan1.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-hw-scan2.patch: Delete. - patches.fixes/libiscsi-missing-semicolon.diff: Delete. - patches.fixes/pci-quirk-enable-smbus-on-hp-xw4100.patch: Delete. - patches.kernel.org/patch- Delete. - patches.suse/acpi_dsdt_ssdt_initrd_initramfs.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/squashfs.patch.fixup: Delete. - patches.suse/aslr-pie-executable-randomization.patch: Delete. - patches.suse/aslr-i386-and-x86_64-randomize-brk.patch: Delete. - Xen and RT currently disabled. - SquashFS may not work. * Fri Feb 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/embargo-filter: fixed and renabled check * Fri Feb 22 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - embargoed-patches: eliminate embargoed patches abuse. * Fri Feb 22 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/embargo-filter: Disable check for non-existant patches. * Fri Feb 22 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update kdb patches. * Fri Feb 22 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - config/i386/xenpae: Rename to config/i386/xen. - config.conf: Delete i386/xenpae. * Thu Feb 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: update RT options for adaptive RT locks * Thu Feb 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-mutexes.patch: cleanup. - patches.rt/rtmutex-adaptive-timeout.patch: cleanup. - patches.rt/rtmutex-lateral-steal-sysctl.patch: sysctl for runtime-control of lateral mutex stealing. * Thu Feb 21 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 425. - patches.xen/sfc-network-driver: Solarflare: Standard network driver (disabled until status clarified). - patches.xen/sfc-resource-driver: Solarflare: Resource driver (disabled until status clarified). - Update Xen config files. * Wed Feb 20 2008 ghaskins@suse.de - adaptive-locking v20 * Wed Feb 20 2008 ghaskins@suse.de - adaptive-locking v19 * Wed Feb 20 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for dmraid45. * Wed Feb 20 2008 bwalle@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: add PAGESIZE detection for makedumpfile.config from the .config file also for PPC64 * Wed Feb 20 2008 fseidel@suse.de - patches.fixes/bluetooth_hci_dev_put.patch, patches.fixes/bluetooth_hci_conn_childs.patch, patches.fixes/bluetooth_hci_unregister_sysfs.patch: fix kernel crash after removing bluetooth adapter (bnc 359546) * Tue Feb 19 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/dm-raid45-2.6.24-20080602a.patch: DMRAID45 module. * Fri Feb 15 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update to latest patch set: - patches.rt/rearrange_rtspinlock_sleep: [PATCH 02/10] rearrange rtspinlock sleep - patches.rt/optimize_rtspinlock_wakeup: [PATCH 03/10] optimize rtspinlock wakeup - patches.rt/adaptive_RT_spinlock_support: [PATCH 04/10] Adaptive RT spinlock support - patches.rt/add_timeout_mechanism: [PATCH 05/10] add a loop counter based timeoutmechanism - patches.rt/adaptive_mutexes: [PATCH 06/10] adaptive mutexes - patches.rt/adjust_pi_lock_usage_in_wakeup: [PATCH 07/10] Adjust pi_lock usage in wakeup - patches.rt/optimize_printk_fastpath: [PATCH 08/10] optimize the !printk fastpath throughthe lock acquisition - patches.rt/remove_extra_call_try_to_take_lock: [PATCH 09/10] remove the extra call to try_to_take_lock - patches.rt/lateral_lock_steal: [PATCH 10/10] allow rt-mutex lock-stealing toinclude lateral priority * Fri Feb 15 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - embargoed-patches: (embargo development RT throughput patches) - Update config files (RT config options) - patches.rt/optimize_rtspinlock_wakeup: optimize rtspinlock wakeup. - patches.rt/adaptive_RT_spinlock_support: Adaptive RT spinlock support. - patches.rt/add_timeout_mechanism: add a loop counter based timeout mechanism - patches.rt/adaptive_mutexes: adaptive mutexes - patches.rt/adjust_pi_lock_usage_in_wakeup: Adjust pi_lock usage in wakeup - patches.rt/optimize_printk_fastpath: optimize the !printk fastpath through the lockacquisition - patches.rt/remove_extra_call_try_to_take_lock: remove the extra call to try_to_take_lock - patches.rt/lateral_lock_steal: allow rt-mutex lock-stealing to include lateralpriority - patches.rt/rearrange_rtspinlock_sleep: cleanup rtspinlock sleep * Thu Feb 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Removed unused OCFS2 patches. * Thu Feb 14 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Removed old commented out ocfs2 patchset. * Thu Feb 14 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-quirk_amd_ide_mode: PCI: modify SATA IDE mode quirk (345124). * Wed Feb 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.suse/ocfs2-03-split-disk-heartbeat-out.diff: Fixed section conflict. * Wed Feb 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Wed Feb 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Merged and re-enabled OCFS2 userspace clustering * Wed Feb 13 2008 jdelvare@suse.de - config/*: Don't build i2c algorithm drivers that we do not use. - supported.conf: Drop i2c-elektor and i2c-algo-pcf, we don't ship them. * Tue Feb 12 2008 teheo@suse.de Build fix for section mismatch check. - patches.drivers/libata-implement-force-parameter: libata: implement libata.force module parameter (337610). * Mon Feb 11 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-force-cable-type: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-implement-force-parameter: libata: implement libata.force module parameter (337610). * Fri Feb 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to - fixes CVE-2008-0007, CVE-2008-0009, CVE-2008-0010 - lots of USB device ids updated - lots of other bugfixes - removed patches.fixes/bootstrap-memoryless-node.patch as it is now contained within. * Fri Feb 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Move ipv6-no-autoconf to xen directory as it is a Xen bugfix * Fri Feb 8 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.arch/ppc-fix-prpmc2800: remove patch since it's not needed with current binutils any more * Fri Feb 8 2008 bwalle@suse.de - patches.drivers/igb-2007-12-11: Delete. - patches.drivers/igb-1.0.8-k2: Update to latest version which is also upstream now in the 2.6.25 tree. * Fri Feb 8 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Remove NO_BRP_NOEXECSTACK from the .spec files as it is obsolete and doesn't do anything anymore. * Fri Feb 8 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.xen/xen3-auto-common.diff, patches.xen/xen3-patch-2.6.23: fix merge mistake. * Fri Feb 8 2008 jbenc@suse.cz - Update config files: disabled CONFIG_BCM43XX. * Wed Feb 6 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.apparmor/vfs-mkdir.diff: Added missing case in kernel/cgroup.c * Wed Feb 6 2008 fseidel@suse.de - updated patches.drivers/nozomi.patch: mainline info * Wed Feb 6 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: RT@1KHz, sched groups & cpusets enabled. * Wed Feb 6 2008 olh@suse.de - enable bnx2 on ppc64 (bnc 359114 - LTC42106) * Wed Feb 6 2008 gregkh@suse.de - remove unused lockd patches: - patches.suse/lockd-switchable-statd - patches.suse/lockd-kernel-statd - patches.suse/lockd-suse-config - patches.suse/lockd-max-hosts-dynamic * Tue Feb 5 2008 oneukum@suse.de - patches.suse/usb_printer_no_auto.diff: Delete. Obsoleted by mainline change * Tue Feb 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING (bnc 356547) for RT kernels * Tue Feb 5 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Enable CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING (bnc 356547) * Thu Jan 31 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/megasas_IRQF_NODELAY.patch: Convert megaraid sas IRQ to non-threaded IRQ. - patches.rt/version.patch: Delete (unused). * Thu Jan 31 2008 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-hw-scan1.patch, patches.fixes/mac80211-fix-hw-scan2.patch: mac80211: hardware scan rework (bnc#307050). * Thu Jan 31 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Remove a legacy tweak carried over from the 10.3 Kernel, enable the affinity load-balancing sysctl. * Wed Jan 30 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - patches.rt/x86-ticket-lock.patch: FIFO ticket lock spinlocks for x86 (RT). - patches.rt/rt-mutex-i386.patch: Resolve conflicts. * Tue Jan 29 2008 olh@suse.de - really skip kernel-ps3 in suse_kernel_module_package rpm macro * Tue Jan 29 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to 2.6.24 final and c/s 399. - patches.xen/xen3-seccomp-disable-tsc-option: [PATCH seccomp: make tsc disabling optional (191123). * Sat Jan 26 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Linux-RT 2.6.24-rt1 (many patches in patches.rt refreshed). - patches.rt/series: Delete (unused). * Sat Jan 26 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-modalias.patch use struct device_attribute to fix oops on boot * Fri Jan 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/sequence-patch.sh: Updated to include $EXTRA_SYMBOLS in $PATCH_DIR (e.g.: --symbol=RT creates linux-2.6.24-RT) * Fri Jan 25 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rt/rcu-new-1.patch: Updated context against 2.6.24. * Fri Jan 25 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.fixes/bootstrap-memoryless-node.patch slab: fix bootstrap on memoryless node * Fri Jan 25 2008 gregkh@suse.de - refresh allmost all patches to apply cleanly and have a proper diffstat (except for the xen patches, they were left alone...) * Fri Jan 25 2008 gregkh@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24 * Thu Jan 24 2008 olh@suse.de - always skip kernel-ps3 in suse_kernel_module_package rpm macro * Thu Jan 24 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files: set SYSFS_DEPRECATED for reverse compatibility with SLERT * Tue Jan 22 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-modalias.patch simplify patch * Tue Jan 22 2008 agruen@suse.de - patches.rpmify/cloneconfig.diff: Adjust to upstream i386 + x86_64 merge (347712). * Tue Jan 22 2008 sassmann@suse.de - add defconfig for ps3 kernel - add entry for ps3 defconfig in config.conf - add support for kernels without loadable modules to rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in - include ps3 target in scripts/tar-up_and_run_mbuild.sh * Mon Jan 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Update config files (RT) * Mon Jan 21 2008 sdietrich@suse.de - Linux-RT 2.6.24-rc8-rt1 * Mon Jan 21 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pegasos-pata_via-fixup.patch call chrp_pci_fixup_vt8231_ata() later to allow pata_via usage * Mon Jan 21 2008 aj@suse.de - Remove unused config/s390/rt. * Fri Jan 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rt/irq-flags-unsigned-long.patch: Delete. * Fri Jan 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc8-git2. * Fri Jan 18 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Enabled 2.6.24-rc8-git1. * Fri Jan 18 2008 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/rt2x00-remove-duplicate-id.patch: Delete. The patch is not correct, there exist two cards with different chipsets but the same USB ID. * Fri Jan 18 2008 jbenc@suse.cz - patches.fixes/rt2x00-remove-duplicate-id.patch: rt2x00: remove duplicate USB ID (350956). * Fri Jan 18 2008 olh@suse.de - sync powerpc vanilla with default .config to enable libata * Fri Jan 18 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-pegasos-mv643xx_eth-modalias.patch provide module alias platform:mv643xx_eth * Thu Jan 17 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc8-git1. * Wed Jan 16 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc8. * Sun Jan 13 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc7-git5. * Fri Jan 11 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc7-git3. * Fri Jan 11 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - Update Xen patches to c/s 372 and 2.6.24-rc7. - patches.xen/xen3-aux-at_vector_size.patch: Delete. - Update Xen config files. * Thu Jan 10 2008 olh@suse.de - update patches.arch/ppc-efika-ethernet-phy.patch move Forth code to fixup_device_tree_efika * Wed Jan 9 2008 schwab@suse.de - Fix debug package build. * Wed Jan 9 2008 oneukum@suse.de - Update config files. CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND default * Wed Jan 9 2008 schwab@suse.de - Update kdb patches. * Wed Jan 9 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Another try... * Wed Jan 9 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files: Enabled CONFIG_SCSI_SAS_ATA. (346990) * Wed Jan 9 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: Fix CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER build. * Wed Jan 9 2008 jbeulich@novell.com - patches.suse/stack-unwind: DWARF2 EH-frame based stack unwinding. - patches.xen/xen3-stack-unwind: DWARF2 EH-frame based stack unwinding. - Update config files. * Tue Jan 8 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/seccomp-disable-tsc-option: Fixed so it only applies to i386, and updated config files. * Tue Jan 8 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.fixes/seccomp-disable-tsc-option: [PATCH] seccomp: make tsc disabling optional (191123). * Tue Jan 8 2008 olh@suse.de - add patches.arch/ppc-efika-ethernet-phy.patch drop patches.arch/ppc-efika-bestcomm-ethernet.patch provide phy-handle property for fec_mpc52xx (347234) * Tue Jan 8 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-force-cable-type: libata: implement libata.force_cbl parameter (337610). * Mon Jan 7 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc7. * Mon Jan 7 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-sata_nv-disable-ADMA: sata_nv: disable ADMA by default (346508). * Mon Jan 7 2008 teheo@suse.de Bug 347708. port_info for vmw was being assigned to the wrong index. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-vmw-ign-DMA-err: ata_piix: ignore ATA_DMA_ERR on vmware ich4 (258256). * Mon Jan 7 2008 teheo@suse.de As the rest of kernel has caught up now, this one is no longer necessary. - patches.drivers/libata-fix-up-build-after-upstream-update.patch: Delete. * Mon Jan 7 2008 teheo@suse.de - patches.drivers/libata-fix-up-build-after-upstream-update.patch: Delete. - patches.drivers/libata-ata_piix-vmw-ign-DMA-err: ata_piix: ignore ATA_DMA_ERR on vmware ich4 (258256). * Fri Jan 4 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files for -vanilla. * Fri Jan 4 2008 jeffm@suse.de - patches.rt/timer-freq-tweaks.patch: Adjusted context. * Fri Jan 4 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update config files. * Fri Jan 4 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc6-git11. * Wed Jan 2 2008 jblunck@suse.de - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Copy debug sources to a proper location. * Tue Jan 1 2008 jeffm@suse.de - Update to 2.6.24-rc6-git7. * Tue Jan 1 2008 jeffm@suse.de - scripts/run_oldconfig.sh: Removed RT symbol from EXTRA_SYMBOLS. We add it manually when building the patch list. This allows the script to work with the RT kernel without having to remove all the other configs from config.conf first.