* Improve ASN.1 support code, making it table-driven for
decoding as well as encoding
* Refactor parts of KDC
* Documentation consolidation
* build docs in the main package
* bugfixing
- revert the -p usage in %postun to fix SLE build
- update to version 1.11
* Improve ASN.1 support code, making it table-driven for
decoding as well as encoding
* Refactor parts of KDC
* Documentation consolidation
* build docs in the main package
* bugfixing
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/krb5?expand=0&rev=81
obsolte patches:
* krb5-1.7-nodeplibs.patch
* krb5-1.9.1-ai_addrconfig.patch
* krb5-1.9.1-ai_addrconfig2.patch
* krb5-1.9.1-sendto_poll.patch
* krb5-1.9-canonicalize-fallback.patch
* krb5-1.9-paren.patch
* krb5-klist_s.patch
* krb5-pkinit-cms2.patch
* krb5-trunk-chpw-err.patch
* krb5-trunk-gss_delete_sec.patch
* krb5-trunk-kadmin-oldproto.patch
* krb5-1.9-MITKRB5-SA-2011-006.dif
* krb5-1.9-gss_display_status-iakerb.patch
* krb5-1.9.1-sendto_poll2.patch
* krb5-1.9.1-sendto_poll3.patch
* krb5-1.9-MITKRB5-SA-2011-007.dif
- Fix an interop issue with Windows Server 2008 R2 Read-Only Domain
- Update a workaround for a glibc bug that would cause DNS PTR queries
to occur even when rdns = false.
- Fix a kadmind denial of service issue (null pointer dereference),
which could only be triggered by an administrator with the "create"
privilege. [CVE-2012-1013]
- Fix access controls for KDB string attributes [CVE-2012-1012]
- Make the ASN.1 encoding of key version numbers interoperate with
Windows Read-Only Domain Controllers
- Avoid generating spurious password expiry warnings in cases where
the KDC sends an account expiry time without a password expiry time
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/krb5?expand=0&rev=65
(MITKRB5-SA-2011-001, bnc#662665)
- Fix KDC denial of service attacks with LDAP back end
(MITKRB5-SA-2011-002, bnc#663619)
CVE-2011-0281, CVE-2011-0282
- Fix kpropd denial of service
(MITKRB5-SA-2011-001, bnc#662665)
- Fix KDC denial of service attacks with LDAP back end
(MITKRB5-SA-2011-002, bnc#663619)
CVE-2011-0281, CVE-2011-0282
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/krb5?expand=0&rev=39
* Add IPv6 support to changepw.c
* fix two problems in kadm5_get_principal mask handling
* Ignore improperly encoded signedpath AD elements
* handle NT_SRV_INST in service principal referrals
* dereference options while checking
* Fix the kpasswd fallback from the ccache principal name
* Document the ticket_lifetime libdefaults setting
* Change KRB5_AUTHDATA_SIGNTICKET from 142 to 512
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/krb5?expand=0&rev=13
- update to version 1.8
* Increase code quality
* Move toward improved KDB interface
* Investigate and remedy repeatedly-reported performance
* Reduce DNS dependence by implementing an interface that allows
client library to track whether a KDC supports service
principal referrals.
* Disable DES by default
* Account lockout for repeated login failures
* Bridge layer to allow Heimdal HDB modules to act as KDB
backend modules
* FAST enhancements
* Microsoft Services for User (S4U) compatibility
* Anonymous PKINIT
- fix KDC denial of service
CVE-2010-0283, MITKRB5-SA-2010-001 (bnc#571781)
CVE-2009-4212, MITKRB5-SA-2009-004 (bnc#561351)
- moved krb5 applications (telnet, ftp, rlogin, ...) to krb5-appl
- update to version 1.8
* Increase code quality
* Move toward improved KDB interface
* Investigate and remedy repeatedly-reported performance
* Reduce DNS dependence by implementing an interface that allows
client library to track whether a KDC supports service
principal referrals.
* Disable DES by default
* Account lockout for repeated login failures
* Bridge layer to allow Heimdal HDB modules to act as KDB
backend modules
* FAST enhancements
* Microsoft Services for User (S4U) compatibility
* Anonymous PKINIT
- fix KDC denial of service
CVE-2010-0283, MITKRB5-SA-2010-001 (bnc#571781)
CVE-2009-4212, MITKRB5-SA-2009-004 (bnc#561351)
- moved krb5 applications (telnet, ftp, rlogin, ...) to krb5-appl
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/krb5?expand=0&rev=11