# # spec file for package ktorrent (Version 2.1.4) # # Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild Name: ktorrent BuildRequires: -cracklib-dict-full gmp-devel kdelibs3-devel URL: http://ktorrent.pwsp.net/ License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Group: Productivity/Networking/Other Summary: KDE BitTorrent Client Version: 2.1.4 Release: 1 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %define rversion %{version} Source: %{name}-%{rversion}.tar.gz Patch2: remove-links.diff Patch4: no-geoip-db.diff Patch10: ktorrent-fix-columns.diff Patch15: ktorrent-fix-compiler_warning.diff Patch16: disable-DHT.diff %description Torrent is a BitTorrent program for KDE. Its main features are: * Download of torrent files * Upload speed capping, seeing that most people cannot upload infinite amounts of data * Internet searching using the BitTorrent Web site's search engine * UDP trackers Authors: -------- Jois Guisson %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{rversion} %patch2 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch10 %patch15 %patch16 . /etc/opt/kde3/common_options update_admin %build %if %suse_version > 1000 export RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fstack-protector" %endif . /etc/opt/kde3/common_options ./configure $configkde do_make %{?jobs:-j %jobs} %install . /etc/opt/kde3/common_options make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %suse_update_desktop_file %name Network FileTransfer %find_lang %name %pre %run_ldconfig %post %run_ldconfig %files -f %name.lang %defattr(-,root,root) %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/16x16 %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/32x32 %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/128x128 %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/48x48 %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/64x64 %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/scalable %dir /opt/kde3/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps /opt/kde3/bin/* /opt/kde3/share/icons/*/*/*/* /opt/kde3/share/appl*/*/*.desktop /opt/kde3/share/apps/* /opt/kde3/%_lib/kde3/* /opt/kde3/%_lib/libktorrent.* /opt/kde3/%_lib/libktorrent-%{version}.so /opt/kde3/share/config.kcfg/*.kcfg /opt/kde3/share/services/*.desktop /opt/kde3/share/servicetypes/*.desktop %changelog * Tue Apr 24 2007 - stbinner@suse.de - update to 2.1.4: * Fixed crash in parsing of DHT messages * Fixed problem with files with .. in their name * ScanFolder can now handle incomplete torrent files properly * Tue Apr 03 2007 - dmueller@suse.de - update to 2.1.3: * really fix file overwriting vulnerability * crash fix * Sat Mar 10 2007 - dmueller@suse.de - update to 2.1.2: * file overwriting vulnerability * chunk id overflow vulnerability * Tue Mar 06 2007 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.1.1: * Rewrite of webserver * New webgui : coldmilk * Networking thread has been split up in 2 threads, one for upload, one for download * Significant speed improvements when downloading over a LAN * Fri Feb 09 2007 - stbinner@suse.de - port and re-enable patch 16 * Mon Feb 05 2007 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.1 release * Thu Jan 04 2007 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.1rc1: * Peer Exchange (µTorrent compatible) * Zeroconf plugin * Sat Nov 25 2006 - wstephenson@suse.de - update to version 2.1beta1 * Switched the GUI to an IDEAl style GUI (like KDevelop) * WebGUI plugin * RSS plugin * Improvements in down and upload performance * Grouping feature to put torrents into groups * Improved search plugin, which now allows multiple searches * Many bug fixes * Tue Oct 17 2006 - dmueller@suse.de - remove geoIP database due to license issues (#188562) * Mon Oct 16 2006 - dmueller@suse.de - fix build on PPC * Tue Oct 10 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.0.3 - fixes some download speed issues - fixes several other minor bugs * Wed Aug 30 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.0.2 - fixes a data corruption bug - should get the downloading working properly again * Mon Aug 21 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.0.1 - fixes several bugs - features some performance improvements * Wed Aug 09 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.0 (no changelog provided) - bugfixes - translation updates * Wed Jul 19 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to version 2.0rc1 * bugfixes and polishing * Tue Jun 06 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - don't install with kdelibs conflicting x-bittorrent.desktop * Tue May 23 2006 - adrian@suse.de - update to version 2.0beta1 * Speed improvements * Protocol encryption * Bandwith scheduling * File prioritization for multifile torrents * Directory scanner for torrent files * Many bug fixes - disable experimental DHT for now * Sun Apr 16 2006 - dkukawka@suse.de - updated/added upstream commited changes: - ktorrent-fix-german-translation.diff: updated german translation file - ktorrent-fix-i18n-strings.diff: fixed typo in i18n string and merged back to translations * Tue Mar 07 2006 - dkukawka@suse.de - fixed some strings in german translation (related to bug #154683 and upstram changes) * Thu Mar 02 2006 - dkukawka@suse.de - fixed german translation for the plugin settings * Tue Feb 07 2006 - ro@suse.de - fix build for < 10.1 * Wed Feb 01 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to 1.2 final * Wed Jan 25 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Tue Jan 17 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to 1.2rc2 * Mon Jan 16 2006 - dmueller@suse.de - use -fstack-protector * Thu Jan 05 2006 - dkukawka@suse.de - added patches: - ktorrent-fix-columns.diff (Added focus to all collums in the ListView objects) - ktorrent-fix-columns_save_restore_ktorrentview.diff (fix store columns settings and enable change wide of columns) - ktorrent-fix-KBytesPerSecToString.diff - ktorrent-fix-keep_seeding.diff (fixed torrentFinished to respect "Keep seeding after download has finished") - ktorrent-fix-remove-unneeded.diff (removed unneeded code) - ktorrent-fix-compiler_warning.diff * Mon Jan 02 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - update to 1.2rc1 (#135481) * Thu Oct 13 2005 - dmueller@suse.de - update to BRANCH * Tue Oct 11 2005 - dmueller@suse.de - update 1.1 final * Wed Sep 07 2005 - adrian@suse.de - remove links to some search engine with maybe legal problems * Tue Sep 06 2005 - dmueller@suse.de - update 1.1rc1 (#104905) * Fri Aug 05 2005 - adrian@suse.de - fix build for released non-PLUS distributions * Fri Jul 22 2005 - adrian@suse.de - fix file list * Fri Jul 22 2005 - adrian@suse.de - create initial package of version 1.0