------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 04 18:56:53 UTC 2022 - kastl@b1-systems.de - Update to version 0.18.0: * New v0.18.0 release (#855) * Update golang target version to latest release 1.18.3 (#854) * Add capability to watch multiple namespaces (#572) * Update gopkg.in/yaml.v3 to v3.0.0 (#852) * Publish images in GHCR (#851) * Remove operator links (#845) * Indent controller installation instructions (#844) * Made gosec a step of the CI (#798) * Update resourcenames in the controller.jsonnet to align it with the helm rbac rules (#838) * fix: rbac permission (#828) * Fix gosec warnings (#837) * Cosign signature setup for release and docker image in CI (#810) * Remove race condition in merge (#789) * Gosec g304 (#795) * Update the vmware-image-builder action with the latest release (#834) * Add runtimeClassName as configurable value (#832) * Fix make generate and set up temporally an specific code-generator version (#817) * #791 Check if kubeseal encrypts using an expired certificate (#818) * Bump prometheus/client_golang dependency to avoid CVE-2022-21698 and crypto dependency to avoid CVE-2022-27191 (#831) * Chart: update registry and bump version (#825) * Bump goreleaser to v1.7.0 (#826) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 26 06:21:45 UTC 2022 - kastl@b1-systems.de - Update to version 0.17.5: * Bump goreleaser to v1.7.0 * Update v0.17.5 release notes (#824) * Publish sealed-secret-controller in Dockerhub (#823) * Enable goimports in golangci-lint (#816) * Added a nosec comment to a deferred f.close call (#793) * Format code with goimports (#815) * Add a nosec directory to allow http.Dir("/") (#812) * Include cosign public key (#814) * Adding post-quantum analysis and recommendations (#801) * Updated the distroless image verification to use a local key (#813) * Add cosign verification for distroless image (#796) * Crypto doc rewrite (#794) * Chart: bump image version (#807) * Update VIB pipeline (#809) * Run CI with the last two Go releases (#805) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 01 07:11:32 UTC 2022 - kastl@b1-systems.de - Update to version 0.17.4: * Update v0.17.4 release notes (#804) * Bump the Golang project version to 1.17 (#782) * fixing Dockerfile to run as non root (#784) * Add alemorcuq to the CODEOWNERS list (#803) * Update Docker image version (#792) * Added a way to run gosec using a Makefile task (#797) * Fixing the deprecated MAINTAINER usage (#790) * Bump prometheus/client_golang dependency to avoid CVE-2022-21698 (#783) * New v0.17.4 release (#777) * Bump distroless/static to fix DLA-2542-1, DLA-2509-1, DLA-2424-1 (#604) * Document use of --controller-name for kubeseal (#774) * [vib] fix trivy action configuration (#776) * Include golangci-lint (#775) * Fix linter errors running golangci-lint (#771) * Update README file CI Badges (#772) * Add script to easily run kubeseal with a service account credentials (#746) * update k8s API dependencies for Go1.18 compatibility (#763) * Add Controller's OpenAPI spec (#766) * Helm chart - add support for customizing probes (#764) * fix: address some golangci-lint issues (#751) * Upgrade kubecfg from v0.16.0 to v0.25.0 (#760) * Update VIB GitHub action repository (#759) * docs: update README (#750) * Add arm64 releases for Darwin (#752) * Added required resourceName to Role (#745) * Improve raw mode docs (#738) * Trivial PR to test VIB integration (#743) * Add integration with VIB (#742) * Fix image pull secrets in chart (#737) * docs: add webseal projects (#735) * Do not add 'stale' label to issues marked as 'help wanted' (#736) * Chart command args (#734) * contrib/prometheus: Honor Labels added by controller (#614) * Add 'Simple Issue Labeler' GH action (#733) * updated ocp install using helm (#730) * Chart: bump image version (#729) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 11 14:09:29 UTC 2022 - Johannes Kastl - new package kubeseal: CLI part for using Bitnami's SealedSecrets in Kubernetes