- Update to 1.15.0 * Big news - Frontend, druntime and Phobos are at version 2.085.1, incl. new command-line options -preview, -revert, -checkaction=context, -verrors-context and -extern-std. (#3003, #3039, #3053) (new) + The Objective-C improvements from DMD 2.085 are not implemented (#3007) - Support for LLVM 8.0. The prebuilt packages have been upgraded to LLVM 8.0.0 and include the Khronos SPIRV-LLVM-Translator, so that dcompute can now emit OpenCL too. (#3005) - Compiler memory requirements can now be reduced via the new -lowmem switch, which enables the garbage collector for the front-end and sacrifices compile times for less required memory. In some cases, the overall max process memory can be reduced by more than 60%; see #2916 (comment) for some numbers. (#2916) + Note for package maintainers: this feature requires a recent D host compiler (most notably, it doesn't work with ltsmaster), ideally LDC 1.15 itself due to important GC memory overhead improvements in 2.085 druntime. - Support for generic @llvmAttr("name") parameter UDAs, incl. new @restrict with C-like semantics. (#3043) (new) - macOS: 32-bit support was dropped in the sense of not being CI-tested anymore and the prebuilt macOS package now containing x86_64 libraries only. MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET for the prebuilt package has been raised from 10.8 to 10.9. - Prebuilt packages don't depend on libtinfo and libedit anymore. (#1827, #3019) - x86: SSSE3 isn't required for the prebuilt packages and generated optimized binaries anymore. (#3045) (new) * Platform support - Supports LLVM 3.9 - 8.0. * Bug fixes - Implicit cross-module-inlining of functions annotated with pragma(inline, true) without explicit -enable-cross-module-inlining has been restored. (#2552, #3014) - Propagate well-known length of newly allocated dynamic arrays for better optimizability. (#3041, #3042) (new) - JIT: Support implicit __chkstk calls for Windows targets, e.g., for large stack allocations. (#3051) (new) - Update so_version to 85 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/696415 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:D/ldc?expand=0&rev=32
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