* Revert "Avoid shadowing variables."
* If CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD is not set, include CWARNFLAGS in default value
* makestrs: use strchr() instead of index()
* makestrs: Replace malloc()+strcpy() calls with strdup() calls
* makestrs: Replace strcpy()+strcat() calls with snprintf() calls
* makestrs: Use asprintf() if available
* unifdef -UCRAY -UCRAY2
* Use $(MKDIR_P) in Makefile.am for better code portability
* Include direct.h header for _getdrives() on Win32
* Include unistd.h for getpid()
* asprintf needs _GNU_SOURCE on some platforms
* Fix cross-compilation
* Add missing comma to fix DEBUG build.
* Use appropriate variable type for vsnprintf return value.
* Mark non-returning function with appropriate attribute.
* Ignore test-driver from automake-1.13.
* Avoid shadowing variables.
* Fix char vs. unsigned char warnings.
* Use string.h instead of X11/Xos.h.
* Fix _XtInherit on x86_64 Windows
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/X11:XOrg/libXt?expand=0&rev=11