------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 11:42:03 UTC 2020 - Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 0.8.0 * BREAKING: Fix cbor_tag_item not increasing the reference count on the tagged item reference it returns * BREAKING: CBOR_DECODER_EBUFFER removed from cbor_decoder_status + cbor_stream_decode will set CBOR_DECODER_NEDATA instead if the input buffer is empty * Fix cbor_stream_decode to set cbor_decoder_result.required to the minimum number of input bytes necessary to receive the next callback (as long as at least one byte was passed) * Fixed several minor manpage issue ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 25 08:15:42 UTC 2020 - Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 0.7.0 * Too many changes to list, see included CHANGELOG.md file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 2 22:06:08 UTC 2020 - Torsten Gruner - remove documentation build with doxygen ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 28 18:57:09 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt - Rename %SONAME to %sover to better reflect its use. - Expand summary, compact and trim bias from description. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 26 08:55:27 UTC 2018 - t.gruner@katodev.de - Initial release 0.5.0