Index: libgcrypt-1.9.0/tests/drbg_test.c
--- /dev/null
+++ libgcrypt-1.9.0/tests/drbg_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+/* DRBG test for libgcrypt
+   Copyright (C) 2014 Stephan Mueller <>
+   Compile:
+   gcc -g -I/home/sm/hacking/sources/libs/include -L/home/sm/hacking/sources/libs/lib -o drbg_test drbg_test.c -lgcrypt -lpthread
+   Execute:
+   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/sm/hacking/sources/libs/lib/ ./drbg_test
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "gcrypt.h"
+/* The following definitions are taken verbatim from random/random-drbg.c.
+ * libgcrypt upstream removed the public apis from gcrypt.h in
+ *;a=commit;h=fd13372fa9069d3a72947ea59c57e33637c936bf
+ */
+ * Constants
+ ******************************************************************/
+ * DRBG flags bitmasks
+ *
+ * 31 (B) 28      19         (A)         0
+ *  +-+-+-+--------+---+-----------+-----+
+ *  |~|~|u|~~~~~~~~| 3 |     2     |  1  |
+ *  +-+-+-+--------+- -+-----------+-----+
+ * ctl flg|        |drbg use selection flags
+ *
+ */
+/* Internal state control flags (B) */
+#define DRBG_PREDICTION_RESIST	((u32)1<<28)
+/* CTR type modifiers (A.1)*/
+#define DRBG_CTRAES		((u32)1<<0)
+#define DRBG_CTRSERPENT		((u32)1<<1)
+#define DRBG_CTRTWOFISH		((u32)1<<2)
+                                 | DRBG_CTRTWOFISH)
+/* HASH type modifiers (A.2)*/
+#define DRBG_HASHSHA1		((u32)1<<4)
+#define DRBG_HASHSHA224		((u32)1<<5)
+#define DRBG_HASHSHA256		((u32)1<<6)
+#define DRBG_HASHSHA384		((u32)1<<7)
+#define DRBG_HASHSHA512		((u32)1<<8)
+				 | DRBG_HASHSHA512)
+/* type modifiers (A.3)*/
+#define DRBG_HMAC		((u32)1<<12)
+#define DRBG_SYM128		((u32)1<<13)
+#define DRBG_SYM192		((u32)1<<14)
+#define DRBG_SYM256		((u32)1<<15)
+				 | DRBG_SYM256)
+                                 | DRBG_TYPE_MASK)
+                              | DRBG_HMAC)
+                              | DRBG_HMAC)
+                              | DRBG_HMAC)
+                              | DRBG_HMAC)
+/* The default DRGB type.  */
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+static char hex_char_map_l[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
+				 '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
+static char hex_char_map_u[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
+				 '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
+static char hex_char(unsigned int bin, int u)
+	if (bin < sizeof(hex_char_map_l))
+		return (u) ? hex_char_map_u[bin] : hex_char_map_l[bin];
+	return 'X';
+ * Convert binary string into hex representation
+ * @bin input buffer with binary data
+ * @binlen length of bin
+ * @hex output buffer to store hex data
+ * @hexlen length of already allocated hex buffer (should be at least
+ *	   twice binlen -- if not, only a fraction of binlen is converted)
+ * @u case of hex characters (0=>lower case, 1=>upper case)
+ */
+static void bin2hex(const unsigned char *bin, size_t binlen,
+		    char *hex, size_t hexlen, int u)
+	size_t i = 0;
+	size_t chars = (binlen > (hexlen / 2)) ? (hexlen / 2) : binlen;
+	for (i = 0; i < chars; i++) {
+		hex[(i*2)] = hex_char((bin[i] >> 4), u);
+		hex[((i*2)+1)] = hex_char((bin[i] & 0x0f), u);
+	}
+static int bin_char(unsigned char hex)
+	if (48 <= hex && 57 >= hex)
+		return (hex - 48);
+	if (65 <= hex && 70 >= hex)
+		return (hex - 55);
+	if (97 <= hex && 102 >= hex)
+		return (hex - 87);
+	return 0;
+ * Convert hex representation into binary string
+ * @hex input buffer with hex representation
+ * @hexlen length of hex
+ * @bin output buffer with binary data
+ * @binlen length of already allocated bin buffer (should be at least
+ *	   half of hexlen -- if not, only a fraction of hexlen is converted)
+ */
+static void hex2bin(const unsigned char *hex, size_t hexlen,
+		    unsigned char *bin, size_t binlen)
+	size_t i = 0;
+	size_t chars = (binlen > (hexlen / 2)) ? (hexlen / 2) : binlen;
+	for (i = 0; i < chars; i++) {
+		bin[i] = bin_char(hex[(i*2)]) << 4;
+		bin[i] |= bin_char(hex[((i*2)+1)]);
+	}
+/* Print a error message and exit the process with an error code.  */
+static void
+die (const char *format, ...)
+	va_list arg_ptr;
+	va_start (arg_ptr, format);
+	vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
+	va_end (arg_ptr);
+	exit (1);
+struct gcry_drbg_test_vector
+	u_int32_t flags;	/* flags selecting the DRBG type */
+	unsigned char *entropy; /* entropy string for initialization -- this
+				 * string is a concatenation of the entropy
+				 * and nonce variable from CAVS */
+	size_t entropylen; /* length of entropy and nonce variable */
+	unsigned char *entpra;  /* for prediction resistance: entropy for
+				 * first reseeding */
+	unsigned char *entprb;	/* for prediction resistance: entropy for
+				 * second reseeding */
+	size_t entprlen;	/* length of prediction resistance entropy */
+	unsigned char *addtla;	/* additional input string for first random
+				 * value */
+	unsigned char *addtlb;	/* additional input string for second random
+				 * value */
+	size_t addtllen;	/* length of additional input string */
+	unsigned char *pers;	/* personalization string */
+	size_t perslen;		/* personalization string length */
+	unsigned char *expected; /* expected random value -- for CAVS test,
+				    this value does not apply and the memcmp
+				    in drbg_cavs_test does not apply either*/
+	size_t expectedlen;	/* length of expected random value */
+struct gcry_drbg_test_vector drbg_test_pr[] = {
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HASHSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x72\x88\x4c\xcd\x6c\x85\x57\x70\xf7\x0b\x8b\x86"
+		"\xc1\xeb\xd2\x4e\x36\x14\xab\x18\xc4\x9c\xc9\xcf"
+		"\x1a\xe8\xf7\x7b\x02\x49\x73\xd7\xf1\x42\x7d\xc6"
+		"\x3f\x29\x2d\xec\xd3\x66\x51\x3f\x1d\x8d\x5b\x4e",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x38\x9c\x91\xfa\xc2\xa3\x46\x89\x56\x08\x3f\x62"
+		"\x73\xd5\x22\xa9\x29\x63\x3a\x1d\xe5\x5d\x5e\x4f"
+		"\x67\xb0\x67\x7a\x5e\x9e\x0c\x62",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb2\x8f\x36\xb2\xf6\x8d\x39\x13\xfa\x6c\x66\xcf"
+		"\x62\x8a\x7e\x8c\x12\x33\x71\x9c\x69\xe4\xa5\xf0"
+		"\x8c\xee\xeb\x9c\xf5\x31\x98\x31",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x52\x7b\xa3\xad\x71\x77\xa4\x49\x42\x04\x61\xc7"
+		"\xf0\xaf\xa5\xfd\xd3\xb3\x0d\x6a\x61\xba\x35\x49"
+		"\xbb\xaa\xaf\xe4\x25\x7d\xb5\x48\xaf\x5c\x18\x3d"
+		"\x33\x8d\x9d\x45\xdf\x98\xd5\x94\xa8\xda\x92\xfe"
+		"\xc4\x3c\x94\x2a\xcf\x7f\x7b\xf2\xeb\x28\xa9\xf1"
+		"\xe0\x86\x30\xa8\xfe\xf2\x48\x90\x91\x0c\x75\xb5"
+		"\x3c\x00\xf0\x4d\x09\x4f\x40\xa7\xa2\x8c\x52\xdf"
+		"\x52\xef\x17\xbf\x3d\xd1\xa2\x31\xb4\xb8\xdc\xe6"
+		"\x5b\x0d\x1f\x78\x36\xb4\xe6\x4b\xa7\x11\x25\xd5"
+		"\x94\xc6\x97\x36\xab\xf0\xe5\x31\x28\x6a\xbb\xce"
+		"\x30\x81\xa6\x8f\x27\x14\xf8\x1c",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HASHSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x5d\xf2\x14\xbc\xf6\xb5\x4e\x0b\xf0\x0d\x6f\x2d"
+		"\xe2\x01\x66\x7b\xd0\xa4\x73\xa4\x21\xdd\xb0\xc0"
+		"\x51\x79\x09\xf4\xea\xa9\x08\xfa\xa6\x67\xe0\xe1"
+		"\xd1\x88\xa8\xad\xee\x69\x74\xb3\x55\x06\x9b\xf6",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xef\x48\x06\xa2\xc2\x45\xf1\x44\xfa\x34\x2c\xeb"
+		"\x8d\x78\x3c\x09\x8f\x34\x72\x20\xf2\xe7\xfd\x13"
+		"\x76\x0a\xf6\xdc\x3c\xf5\xc0\x15",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x4b\xbe\xe5\x24\xed\x6a\x2d\x0c\xdb\x73\x5e\x09"
+		"\xf9\xad\x67\x7c\x51\x47\x8b\x6b\x30\x2a\xc6\xde"
+		"\x76\xaa\x55\x04\x8b\x0a\x72\x95",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x3b\x14\x71\x99\xa1\xda\xa0\x42\xe6\xc8\x85\x32"
+		"\x70\x20\x32\x53\x9a\xbe\xd1\x1e\x15\xef\xfb\x4c"
+		"\x25\x6e\x19\x3a\xf0\xb9\xcb\xde\xf0\x3b\xc6\x18"
+		"\x4d\x85\x5a\x9b\xf1\xe3\xc2\x23\x03\x93\x08\xdb"
+		"\xa7\x07\x4b\x33\x78\x40\x4d\xeb\x24\xf5\x6e\x81"
+		"\x4a\x1b\x6e\xa3\x94\x52\x43\xb0\xaf\x2e\x21\xf4"
+		"\x42\x46\x8e\x90\xed\x34\x21\x75\xea\xda\x67\xb6"
+		"\xe4\xf6\xff\xc6\x31\x6c\x9a\x5a\xdb\xb3\x97\x13"
+		"\x09\xd3\x20\x98\x33\x2d\x6d\xd7\xb5\x6a\xa8\xa9"
+		"\x9a\x5b\xd6\x87\x52\xa1\x89\x2b\x4b\x9c\x64\x60"
+		"\x50\x47\xa3\x63\x81\x16\xaf\x19",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xbe\x13\xdb\x2a\xe9\xa8\xfe\x09\x97\xe1\xce\x5d"
+		"\xe8\xbb\xc0\x7c\x4f\xcb\x62\x19\x3f\x0f\xd2\xad"
+		"\xa9\xd0\x1d\x59\x02\xc4\xff\x70",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x6f\x96\x13\xe2\xa7\xf5\x6c\xfe\xdf\x66\xe3\x31"
+		"\x63\x76\xbf\x20\x27\x06\x49\xf1\xf3\x01\x77\x41"
+		"\x9f\xeb\xe4\x38\xfe\x67\x00\xcd",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HASHSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc6\x1c\xaf\x83\xa2\x56\x38\xf9\xb0\xbc\xd9\x85"
+		"\xf5\x2e\xc4\x46\x9c\xe1\xb9\x40\x98\x70\x10\x72"
+		"\xd7\x7d\x15\x85\xa1\x83\x5a\x97\xdf\xc8\xa8\xe8"
+		"\x03\x4c\xcb\x70\x35\x8b\x90\x94\x46\x8a\x6e\xa1",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc9\x05\xa4\xcf\x28\x80\x4b\x93\x0f\x8b\xc6\xf9"
+		"\x09\x41\x58\x74\xe9\xec\x28\xc7\x53\x0a\x73\x60"
+		"\xba\x0a\xde\x57\x5b\x4b\x9f\x29",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x4f\x31\xd2\xeb\xac\xfa\xa8\xe2\x01\x7d\xf3\xbd"
+		"\x42\xbd\x20\xa0\x30\x65\x74\xd5\x5d\xd2\xad\xa4"
+		"\xa9\xeb\x1f\x4d\xf6\xfd\xb8\x26",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf6\x13\x05\xcb\x83\x60\x16\x42\x49\x1d\xc6\x25"
+		"\x3b\x8c\x31\xa3\xbe\x8b\xbd\x1c\xe2\xec\x1d\xde"
+		"\xbb\xbf\xa1\xac\xa8\x9f\x50\xce\x69\xce\xef\xd5"
+		"\xd6\xf2\xef\x6a\xf7\x81\x38\xdf\xbc\xa7\x5a\xb9"
+		"\xb2\x42\x65\xab\xe4\x86\x8d\x2d\x9d\x59\x99\x2c"
+		"\x5a\x0d\x71\x55\x98\xa4\x45\xc2\x8d\xdb\x05\x5e"
+		"\x50\x21\xf7\xcd\xe8\x98\x43\xce\x57\x74\x63\x4c"
+		"\xf3\xb1\xa5\x14\x1e\x9e\x01\xeb\x54\xd9\x56\xae"
+		"\xbd\xb6\x6f\x1a\x47\x6b\x3b\x44\xe4\xa2\xe9\x3c"
+		"\x6c\x83\x12\x30\xb8\x78\x7f\x8e\x54\x82\xd4\xfe"
+		"\x90\x35\x0d\x4c\x4d\x85\xe7\x13",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xa5\xbf\xac\x4f\x71\xa1\xbb\x67\x94\xc6\x50\xc7"
+		"\x2a\x45\x9e\x10\xa8\xed\xf7\x52\x4f\xfe\x21\x90"
+		"\xa4\x1b\xe1\xe2\x53\xcc\x61\x47",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HASHSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb6\xc1\x8d\xdf\x99\x54\xbe\x95\x10\x48\xd9\xf6"
+		"\xd7\x48\xa8\x73\x2d\x74\xde\x1e\xde\x57\x7e\xf4"
+		"\x7b\x7b\x64\xef\x88\x7a\xa8\x10\x4b\xe1\xc1\x87"
+		"\xbb\x0b\xe1\x39\x39\x50\xaf\x68\x9c\xa2\xbf\x5e",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xdc\x81\x0a\x01\x58\xa7\x2e\xce\xee\x48\x8c\x7c"
+		"\x77\x9e\x3c\xf1\x17\x24\x7a\xbb\xab\x9f\xca\x12"
+		"\x19\xaf\x97\x2d\x5f\xf9\xff\xfc",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xaf\xfc\x4f\x98\x8b\x93\x95\xc1\xb5\x8b\x7f\x73"
+		"\x6d\xa6\xbe\x6d\x33\xeb\x2c\x82\xb1\xaf\xc1\xb6"
+		"\xb6\x05\xe2\x44\xaa\xfd\xe7\xdb",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x51\x79\xde\x1c\x0f\x58\xf3\xf4\xc9\x57\x2e\x31"
+		"\xa7\x09\xa1\x53\x64\x63\xa2\xc5\x1d\x84\x88\x65"
+		"\x01\x1b\xc6\x16\x3c\x49\x5b\x42\x8e\x53\xf5\x18"
+		"\xad\x94\x12\x0d\x4f\x55\xcc\x45\x5c\x98\x0f\x42"
+		"\x28\x2f\x47\x11\xf9\xc4\x01\x97\x6b\xa0\x94\x50"
+		"\xa9\xd1\x5e\x06\x54\x3f\xdf\xbb\xc4\x98\xee\x8b"
+		"\xba\xa9\xfa\x49\xee\x1d\xdc\xfb\x50\xf6\x51\x9f"
+		"\x6c\x4a\x9a\x6f\x63\xa2\x7d\xad\xaf\x3a\x24\xa0"
+		"\xd9\x9f\x07\xeb\x15\xee\x26\xe0\xd5\x63\x39\xda"
+		"\x3c\x59\xd6\x33\x6c\x02\xe8\x05\x71\x46\x68\x44"
+		"\x63\x4a\x68\x72\xe9\xf5\x55\xfe",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x15\x20\x2f\xf6\x98\x28\x63\xa2\xc4\x4e\xbb\x6c"
+		"\xb2\x25\x92\x61\x79\xc9\x22\xc4\x61\x54\x96\xff"
+		"\x4a\x85\xca\x80\xfe\x0d\x1c\xd0",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xde\x29\x8e\x03\x42\x61\xa3\x28\x5e\xc8\x80\xc2"
+		"\x6d\xbf\xad\x13\xe1\x8d\x2a\xc7\xe8\xc7\x18\x89"
+		"\x42\x58\x9e\xd6\xcc\xad\x7b\x1e",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x84\xc3\x73\x9e\xce\xb3\xbc\x89\xf7\x62\xb3\xe1"
+		"\xd7\x48\x45\x8a\xa9\xcc\xe9\xed\xd5\x81\x84\x52"
+		"\x82\x4c\xdc\x19\xb8\xf8\x92\x5c",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HMACSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x99\x69\xe5\x4b\x47\x03\xff\x31\x78\x5b\x87\x9a"
+		"\x7e\x5c\x0e\xae\x0d\x3e\x30\x95\x59\xe9\xfe\x96"
+		"\xb0\x67\x6d\x49\xd5\x91\xea\x4d\x07\xd2\x0d\x46"
+		"\xd0\x64\x75\x7d\x30\x23\xca\xc2\x37\x61\x27\xab",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc6\x0f\x29\x99\x10\x0f\x73\x8c\x10\xf7\x47\x92"
+		"\x67\x6a\x3f\xc4\xa2\x62\xd1\x37\x21\x79\x80\x46"
+		"\xe2\x9a\x29\x51\x81\x56\x9f\x54",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc1\x1d\x45\x24\xc9\x07\x1b\xd3\x09\x60\x15\xfc"
+		"\xf7\xbc\x24\xa6\x07\xf2\x2f\xa0\x65\xc9\x37\x65"
+		"\x8a\x2a\x77\xa8\x69\x90\x89\xf4",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xab\xc0\x15\x85\x60\x94\x80\x3a\x93\x8d\xff\xd2"
+		"\x0d\xa9\x48\x43\x87\x0e\xf9\x35\xb8\x2c\xfe\xc1"
+		"\x77\x06\xb8\xf5\x51\xb8\x38\x50\x44\x23\x5d\xd4"
+		"\x4b\x59\x9f\x94\xb3\x9b\xe7\x8d\xd4\x76\xe0\xcf"
+		"\x11\x30\x9c\x99\x5a\x73\x34\xe0\xa7\x8b\x37\xbc"
+		"\x95\x86\x23\x50\x86\xfa\x3b\x63\x7b\xa9\x1c\xf8"
+		"\xfb\x65\xef\xa2\x2a\x58\x9c\x13\x75\x31\xaa\x7b"
+		"\x2d\x4e\x26\x07\xaa\xc2\x72\x92\xb0\x1c\x69\x8e"
+		"\x6e\x01\xae\x67\x9e\xb8\x7c\x01\xa8\x9c\x74\x22"
+		"\xd4\x37\x2d\x6d\x75\x4a\xba\xbb\x4b\xf8\x96\xfc"
+		"\xb1\xcd\x09\xd6\x92\xd0\x28\x3f",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HMACSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb9\x1f\xe9\xef\xdd\x9b\x7d\x20\xb6\xec\xe0\x2f"
+		"\xdb\x76\x24\xce\x41\xc8\x3a\x4a\x12\x7f\x3e\x2f"
+		"\xae\x05\x99\xea\xb5\x06\x71\x0d\x0c\x4c\xb4\x05"
+		"\x26\xc6\xbd\xf5\x7f\x2a\x3d\xf2\xb5\x49\x7b\xda",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xef\x67\x50\x9c\xa7\x7d\xdf\xb7\x2d\x81\x01\xa4"
+		"\x62\x81\x6a\x69\x5b\xb3\x37\x45\xa7\x34\x8e\x26"
+		"\x46\xd9\x26\xa2\x19\xd4\x94\x43",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x97\x75\x53\x53\xba\xb4\xa6\xb2\x91\x60\x71\x79"
+		"\xd1\x6b\x4a\x24\x9a\x34\x66\xcc\x33\xab\x07\x98"
+		"\x51\x78\x72\xb2\x79\xfd\x2c\xff",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x9c\xdc\x63\x8a\x19\x23\x22\x66\x0c\xc5\xb9\xd7"
+		"\xfb\x2a\xb0\x31\xe3\x8a\x36\xa8\x5a\xa8\x14\xda"
+		"\x1e\xa9\xcc\xfe\xb8\x26\x44\x83\x9f\xf6\xff\xaa"
+		"\xc8\x98\xb8\x30\x35\x3b\x3d\x36\xd2\x49\xd4\x40"
+		"\x62\x0a\x65\x10\x76\x55\xef\xc0\x95\x9c\xa7\xda"
+		"\x3f\xcf\xb7\x7b\xc6\xe1\x28\x52\xfc\x0c\xe2\x37"
+		"\x0d\x83\xa7\x51\x4b\x31\x47\x3c\xe1\x3c\xae\x70"
+		"\x01\xc8\xa3\xd3\xc2\xac\x77\x9c\xd1\x68\x77\x9b"
+		"\x58\x27\x3b\xa5\x0f\xc2\x7a\x8b\x04\x65\x62\xd5"
+		"\xe8\xd6\xfe\x2a\xaf\xd3\xd3\xfe\xbd\x18\xfb\xcd"
+		"\xcd\x66\xb5\x01\x69\x66\xa0\x3c",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x17\xc1\x56\xcb\xcc\x50\xd6\x03\x7d\x45\x76\xa3"
+		"\x75\x76\xc1\x4a\x66\x1b\x2e\xdf\xb0\x2e\x7d\x56"
+		"\x6d\x99\x3b\xc6\x58\xda\x03\xf6",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x7c\x7b\x4a\x4b\x32\x5e\x6f\x67\x34\xf5\x21\x4c"
+		"\xf9\x96\xf9\xbf\x1c\x8c\x81\xd3\x9b\x60\x6a\x44"
+		"\xc6\x03\xa2\xfb\x13\x20\x19\xb7",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HMACSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x13\x54\x96\xfc\x1b\x7d\x28\xf3\x18\xc9\xa7\x89"
+		"\xb6\xb3\xc8\x72\xac\x00\xd4\x59\x36\x25\x05\xaf"
+		"\xa5\xdb\x96\xcb\x3c\x58\x46\x87\xa5\xaa\xbf\x20"
+		"\x3b\xfe\x23\x0e\xd1\xc7\x41\x0f\x3f\xc9\xb3\x67",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xe2\xbd\xb7\x48\x08\x06\xf3\xe1\x93\x3c\xac\x79"
+		"\xa7\x2b\x11\xda\xe3\x2e\xe1\x91\xa5\x02\x19\x57"
+		"\x20\x28\xad\xf2\x60\xd7\xcd\x45",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x8b\xd4\x69\xfc\xff\x59\x95\x95\xc6\x51\xde\x71"
+		"\x68\x5f\xfc\xf9\x4a\xab\xec\x5a\xcb\xbe\xd3\x66"
+		"\x1f\xfa\x74\xd3\xac\xa6\x74\x60",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x1f\x9e\xaf\xe4\xd2\x46\xb7\x47\x41\x4c\x65\x99"
+		"\x01\xe9\x3b\xbb\x83\x0c\x0a\xb0\xc1\x3a\xe2\xb3"
+		"\x31\x4e\xeb\x93\x73\xee\x0b\x26\xc2\x63\xa5\x75"
+		"\x45\x99\xd4\x5c\x9f\xa1\xd4\x45\x87\x6b\x20\x61"
+		"\x40\xea\x78\xa5\x32\xdf\x9e\x66\x17\xaf\xb1\x88"
+		"\x9e\x2e\x23\xdd\xc1\xda\x13\x97\x88\xa5\xb6\x5e"
+		"\x90\x14\x4e\xef\x13\xab\x5c\xd9\x2c\x97\x9e\x7c"
+		"\xd7\xf8\xce\xea\x81\xf5\xcd\x71\x15\x49\x44\xce"
+		"\x83\xb6\x05\xfb\x7d\x30\xb5\x57\x2c\x31\x4f\xfc"
+		"\xfe\x80\xb6\xc0\x13\x0c\x5b\x9b\x2e\x8f\x3d\xfc"
+		"\xc2\xa3\x0c\x11\x1b\x80\x5f\xf3",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x64\xb6\xfc\x60\xbc\x61\x76\x23\x6d\x3f\x4a\x0f"
+		"\xe1\xb4\xd5\x20\x9e\x70\xdd\x03\x53\x6d\xbf\xce"
+		"\xcd\x56\x80\xbc\xb8\x15\xc8\xaa",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_HMACSHA256),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc7\xcc\xbc\x67\x7e\x21\x66\x1e\x27\x2b\x63\xdd"
+		"\x3a\x78\xdc\xdf\x66\x6d\x3f\x24\xae\xcf\x37\x01"
+		"\xa9\x0d\x89\x8a\xa7\xdc\x81\x58\xae\xb2\x10\x15"
+		"\x7e\x18\x44\x6d\x13\xea\xdf\x37\x85\xfe\x81\xfb",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x7b\xa1\x91\x5b\x3c\x04\xc4\x1b\x1d\x19\x2f\x1a"
+		"\x18\x81\x60\x3c\x6c\x62\x91\xb7\xe9\xf5\xcb\x96"
+		"\xbb\x81\x6a\xcc\xb5\xae\x55\xb6",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x99\x2c\xc7\x78\x7e\x3b\x88\x12\xef\xbe\xd3\xd2"
+		"\x7d\x2a\xa5\x86\xda\x8d\x58\x73\x4a\x0a\xb2\x2e"
+		"\xbb\x4c\x7e\xe3\x9a\xb6\x81\xc1",
+		.entprlen = 32,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x95\x6f\x95\xfc\x3b\xb7\xfe\x3e\xd0\x4e\x1a\x14"
+		"\x6c\x34\x7f\x7b\x1d\x0d\x63\x5e\x48\x9c\x69\xe6"
+		"\x46\x07\xd2\x87\xf3\x86\x52\x3d\x98\x27\x5e\xd7"
+		"\x54\xe7\x75\x50\x4f\xfb\x4d\xfd\xac\x2f\x4b\x77"
+		"\xcf\x9e\x8e\xcc\x16\xa2\x24\xcd\x53\xde\x3e\xc5"
+		"\x55\x5d\xd5\x26\x3f\x89\xdf\xca\x8b\x4e\x1e\xb6"
+		"\x88\x78\x63\x5c\xa2\x63\x98\x4e\x6f\x25\x59\xb1"
+		"\x5f\x2b\x23\xb0\x4b\xa5\x18\x5d\xc2\x15\x74\x40"
+		"\x59\x4c\xb4\x1e\xcf\x9a\x36\xfd\x43\xe2\x03\xb8"
+		"\x59\x91\x30\x89\x2a\xc8\x5a\x43\x23\x7c\x73\x72"
+		"\xda\x3f\xad\x2b\xba\x00\x6b\xd1",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x18\xe8\x17\xff\xef\x39\xc7\x41\x5c\x73\x03\x03"
+		"\xf6\x3d\xe8\x5f\xc8\xab\xe4\xab\x0f\xad\xe8\xd6"
+		"\x86\x88\x55\x28\xc1\x69\xdd\x76",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xac\x07\xfc\xbe\x87\x0e\xd3\xea\x1f\x7e\xb8\xe7"
+		"\x9d\xec\xe8\xe7\xbc\xf3\x18\x25\x77\x35\x4a\xaa"
+		"\x00\x99\x2a\xdd\x0a\x00\x50\x82",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xbc\x55\xab\x3c\xf6\x52\xb0\x11\x3d\x7b\x90\xb8"
+		"\x24\xc9\x26\x4e\x5a\x1e\x77\x0d\x3d\x58\x4a\xda"
+		"\xd1\x81\xe9\xf8\xeb\x30\x8f\x6f",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_CTRAES128),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xd1\x44\xc6\x61\x81\x6d\xca\x9d\x15\x28\x8a\x42"
+		"\x94\xd7\x28\x9c\x43\x77\x19\x29\x1a\x6d\xc3\xa2",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x96\xd8\x9e\x45\x32\xc9\xd2\x08\x7a\x6d\x97\x15" "\xb4\xec\x80\xb1",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x8b\xb6\x72\xb5\x24\x0b\x98\x65\x95\x95\xe9\xc9" "\x28\x07\xeb\xc2",
+		.entprlen = 16,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x70\x19\xd0\x4c\x45\x78\xd6\x68\xa9\x9a\xaa\xfe"
+		"\xc1\xdf\x27\x9a\x1c\x0d\x0d\xf7\x24\x75\x46\xcc"
+		"\x77\x6b\xdf\x89\xc6\x94\xdc\x74\x50\x10\x70\x18"
+		"\x9b\xdc\x96\xb4\x89\x23\x40\x1a\xce\x09\x87\xce"
+		"\xd2\xf3\xd5\xe4\x51\x67\x74\x11\x5a\xcc\x8b\x3b" "\x8a\xf1\x23\xa8",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_CTRAES128),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x8e\x83\xe0\xeb\x37\xea\x3e\x53\x5e\x17\x6e\x77"
+		"\xbd\xb1\x53\x90\xfc\xdc\xc1\x3c\x9a\x88\x22\x94",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x6a\x85\xe7\x37\xc8\xf1\x04\x31\x98\x4f\xc8\x73" "\x67\xd1\x08\xf8",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xd7\xa4\x68\xe2\x12\x74\xc3\xd9\xf1\xb7\x05\xbc" "\xd4\xba\x04\x58",
+		.entprlen = 16,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x78\xd6\xa6\x70\xff\xd1\x82\xf5\xa2\x88\x7f\x6d"
+		"\x3d\x8c\x39\xb1\xa8\xcb\x2c\x91\xab\x14\x7e\xbc"
+		"\x95\x45\x9f\x24\xb8\x20\xac\x21\x23\xdb\x72\xd7"
+		"\x12\x8d\x48\x95\xf3\x19\x0c\x43\xc6\x19\x45\xfc"
+		"\x8b\xac\x40\x29\x73\x00\x03\x45\x5e\x12\xff\x0c" "\xc1\x02\x41\x82",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xa2\xd9\x38\xcf\x8b\x29\x67\x5b\x65\x62\x6f\xe8" "\xeb\xb3\x01\x76",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x59\x63\x1e\x81\x8a\x14\xa8\xbb\xa1\xb8\x41\x25" "\xd0\x7f\xcc\x43",
+		.addtllen = 16,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_CTRAES128),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x04\xd9\x49\xa6\xdc\xe8\x6e\xbb\xf1\x08\x77\x2b"
+		"\x9e\x08\xca\x92\x65\x16\xda\x99\xa2\x59\xf3\xe8",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x38\x7e\x3f\x6b\x51\x70\x7b\x20\xec\x53\xd0\x66" "\xc3\x0f\xe3\xb0",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xe0\x86\xa6\xaa\x5f\x72\x2f\xad\xf7\xef\x06\xb8" "\xd6\x9c\x9d\xe8",
+		.entprlen = 16,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc9\x0a\xaf\x85\x89\x71\x44\x66\x4f\x25\x0b\x2b"
+		"\xde\xd8\xfa\xff\x52\x5a\x1b\x32\x5e\x41\x7a\x10"
+		"\x1f\xef\x1e\x62\x23\xe9\x20\x30\xc9\x0d\xad\x69"
+		"\xb4\x9c\x5b\xf4\x87\x42\xd5\xae\x5e\x5e\x43\xcc"
+		"\xd9\xfd\x0b\x93\x4a\xe3\xd4\x06\x37\x36\x0f\x3f" "\x72\x82\x0c\xcf",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xbf\xa4\x9a\x8f\x7b\xd8\xb1\x7a\x9d\xfa\x45\xed" "\x21\x52\xb3\xad",
+		.perslen = 16,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = (DRBG_PR_CTRAES128),
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x92\x89\x8f\x31\xfa\x1c\xff\x6d\x18\x2f\x26\x06"
+		"\x43\xdf\xf8\x18\xc2\xa4\xd9\x72\xc3\xb9\xb6\x97",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.entpra = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x20\x72\x8a\x06\xf8\x6f\x8d\xd4\x41\xe2\x72\xb7" "\xc4\x2c\xe8\x10",
+		.entprb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x3d\xb0\xf0\x94\xf3\x05\x50\x33\x17\x86\x3e\x22" "\x08\xf7\xa5\x01",
+		.entprlen = 16,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x5a\x35\x39\x87\x0f\x4d\x22\xa4\x09\x24\xee\x71"
+		"\xc9\x6f\xac\x72\x0a\xd6\xf0\x88\x82\xd0\x83\x28"
+		"\x73\xec\x3f\x93\xd8\xab\x45\x23\xf0\x7e\xac\x45"
+		"\x14\x5e\x93\x9f\xb1\xd6\x76\x43\x3d\xb6\xe8\x08"
+		"\x88\xf6\xda\x89\x08\x77\x42\xfe\x1a\xf4\x3f\xc4" "\x23\xc5\x1f\x68",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x1a\x40\xfa\xe3\xcc\x6c\x7c\xa0\xf8\xda\xba\x59" "\x23\x6d\xad\x1d",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x9f\x72\x76\x6c\xc7\x46\xe5\xed\x2e\x53\x20\x12" "\xbc\x59\x31\x8c",
+		.addtllen = 16,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xea\x65\xee\x60\x26\x4e\x7e\xb6\x0e\x82\x68\xc4" "\x37\x3c\x5c\x0b",
+		.perslen = 16,
+	},
+struct gcry_drbg_test_vector drbg_test_nopr[] = {
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xa6\x5a\xd0\xf3\x45\xdb\x4e\x0e\xff\xe8\x75\xc3"
+		"\xa2\xe7\x1f\x42\xc7\x12\x9d\x62\x0f\xf5\xc1\x19"
+		"\xa9\xef\x55\xf0\x51\x85\xe0\xfb\x85\x81\xf9\x31"
+		"\x75\x17\x27\x6e\x06\xe9\x60\x7d\xdb\xcb\xcc\x2e",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xd3\xe1\x60\xc3\x5b\x99\xf3\x40\xb2\x62\x82\x64"
+		"\xd1\x75\x10\x60\xe0\x04\x5d\xa3\x83\xff\x57\xa5"
+		"\x7d\x73\xa6\x73\xd2\xb8\xd8\x0d\xaa\xf6\xa6\xc3"
+		"\x5a\x91\xbb\x45\x79\xd7\x3f\xd0\xc8\xfe\xd1\x11"
+		"\xb0\x39\x13\x06\x82\x8a\xdf\xed\x52\x8f\x01\x81"
+		"\x21\xb3\xfe\xbd\xc3\x43\xe7\x97\xb8\x7d\xbb\x63"
+		"\xdb\x13\x33\xde\xd9\xd1\xec\xe1\x77\xcf\xa6\xb7"
+		"\x1f\xe8\xab\x1d\xa4\x66\x24\xed\x64\x15\xe5\x1c"
+		"\xcd\xe2\xc7\xca\x86\xe2\x83\x99\x0e\xea\xeb\x91"
+		"\x12\x04\x15\x52\x8b\x22\x95\x91\x02\x81\xb0\x2d"
+		"\xd4\x31\xf4\xc9\xf7\x04\x27\xdf",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x73\xd3\xfb\xa3\x94\x5f\x2b\x5f\xb9\x8f\xf6\x9c"
+		"\x8a\x93\x17\xae\x19\xc3\x4c\xc3\xd6\xca\xa3\x2d"
+		"\x16\xfc\x42\xd2\x2d\xd5\x6f\x56\xcc\x1d\x30\xff"
+		"\x9e\x06\x3e\x09\xce\x58\xe6\x9a\x35\xb3\xa6\x56",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x71\x7b\x93\x46\x1a\x40\xaa\x35\xa4\xaa\xc5\xe7"
+		"\x6d\x5b\x5b\x8a\xa0\xdf\x39\x7d\xae\x71\x58\x5b"
+		"\x3c\x7c\xb4\xf0\x89\xfa\x4a\x8c\xa9\x5c\x54\xc0"
+		"\x40\xdf\xbc\xce\x26\x81\x34\xf8\xba\x7d\x1c\xe8"
+		"\xad\x21\xe0\x74\xcf\x48\x84\x30\x1f\xa1\xd5\x4f"
+		"\x81\x42\x2f\xf4\xdb\x0b\x23\xf8\x73\x27\xb8\x1d"
+		"\x42\xf8\x44\x58\xd8\x5b\x29\x27\x0a\xf8\x69\x59"
+		"\xb5\x78\x44\xeb\x9e\xe0\x68\x6f\x42\x9a\xb0\x5b"
+		"\xe0\x4e\xcb\x6a\xaa\xe2\xd2\xd5\x33\x25\x3e\xe0"
+		"\x6c\xc7\x6a\x07\xa5\x03\x83\x9f\xe2\x8b\xd1\x1c"
+		"\x70\xa8\x07\x59\x97\xeb\xf6\xbe",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf4\xd5\x98\x3d\xa8\xfc\xfa\x37\xb7\x54\x67\x73"
+		"\xc7\xc3\xdd\x47\x34\x71\x02\x5d\xc1\xa0\xd3\x10"
+		"\xc1\x8b\xbd\xf5\x66\x34\x6f\xdd",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf7\x9e\x6a\x56\x0e\x73\xe9\xd9\x7a\xd1\x69\xe0"
+		"\x6f\x8c\x55\x1c\x44\xd1\xce\x6f\x28\xcc\xa4\x4d"
+		"\xa8\xc0\x85\xd1\x5a\x0c\x59\x40",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x2a\x85\xa9\x8b\xd0\xda\x83\xd6\xad\xab\x9f\xbb"
+		"\x54\x31\x15\x95\x1c\x4d\x49\x9f\x6a\x15\xf6\xe4"
+		"\x15\x50\x88\x06\x29\x0d\xed\x8d\xb9\x6f\x96\xe1"
+		"\x83\x9f\xf7\x88\xda\x84\xbf\x44\x28\xd9\x1d\xaa",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x2d\x55\xde\xc9\xed\x05\x47\x07\x3d\x04\xfc\x28"
+		"\x0f\x92\xf0\x4d\xd8\x00\x32\x47\x0a\x1b\x1c\x4b"
+		"\xef\xd9\x97\xa1\x17\x67\xda\x26\x6c\xfe\x76\x46"
+		"\x6f\xbc\x6d\x82\x4e\x83\x8a\x98\x66\x6c\x01\xb6"
+		"\xe6\x64\xe0\x08\x10\x6f\xd3\x5d\x90\xe7\x0d\x72"
+		"\xa6\xa7\xe3\xbb\x98\x11\x12\x56\x23\xc2\x6d\xd1"
+		"\xc8\xa8\x7a\x39\xf3\x34\xe3\xb8\xf8\x66\x00\x77"
+		"\x7d\xcf\x3c\x3e\xfa\xc9\x0f\xaf\xe0\x24\xfa\xe9"
+		"\x84\xf9\x6a\x01\xf6\x35\xdb\x5c\xab\x2a\xef\x4e"
+		"\xac\xab\x55\xb8\x9b\xef\x98\x68\xaf\x51\xd8\x16"
+		"\xa5\x5e\xae\xf9\x1e\xd2\xdb\xe6",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xa8\x80\xec\x98\x30\x98\x15\xd2\xc6\xc4\x68\xf1"
+		"\x3a\x1c\xbf\xce\x6a\x40\x14\xeb\x36\x99\x53\xda"
+		"\x57\x6b\xce\xa4\x1c\x66\x3d\xbc",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x69\xed\x82\xa9\xc5\x7b\xbf\xe5\x1d\x2f\xcb\x7a"
+		"\xd3\x50\x7d\x96\xb4\xb9\x2b\x50\x77\x51\x27\x74"
+		"\x33\x74\xba\xf1\x30\xdf\x8e\xdf\x87\x1d\x87\xbc"
+		"\x96\xb2\xc3\xa7\xed\x60\x5e\x61\x4e\x51\x29\x1a",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xa5\x71\x24\x31\x11\xfe\x13\xe1\xa8\x24\x12\xfb"
+		"\x37\xa1\x27\xa5\xab\x77\xa1\x9f\xae\x8f\xaf\x13"
+		"\x93\xf7\x53\x85\x91\xb6\x1b\xab\xd4\x6b\xea\xb6"
+		"\xef\xda\x4c\x90\x6e\xef\x5f\xde\xe1\xc7\x10\x36"
+		"\xd5\x67\xbd\x14\xb6\x89\x21\x0c\xc9\x92\x65\x64"
+		"\xd0\xf3\x23\xe0\x7f\xd1\xe8\x75\xc2\x85\x06\xea"
+		"\xca\xc0\xcb\x79\x2d\x29\x82\xfc\xaa\x9a\xc6\x95"
+		"\x7e\xdc\x88\x65\xba\xec\x0e\x16\x87\xec\xa3\x9e"
+		"\xd8\x8c\x80\xab\x3a\x64\xe0\xcb\x0e\x45\x98\xdd"
+		"\x7c\x6c\x6c\x26\x11\x13\xc8\xce\xa9\x47\xa6\x06"
+		"\x57\xa2\x66\xbb\x2d\x7f\xf3\xc1",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x74\xd3\x6d\xda\xe8\xd6\x86\x5f\x63\x01\xfd\xf2"
+		"\x7d\x06\x29\x6d\x94\xd1\x66\xf0\xd2\x72\x67\x4e"
+		"\x77\xc5\x3d\x9e\x03\xe3\xa5\x78",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf6\xb6\x3d\xf0\x7c\x26\x04\xc5\x8b\xcd\x3e\x6a"
+		"\x9f\x9c\x3a\x2e\xdb\x47\x87\xe5\x8e\x00\x5e\x2b"
+		"\x74\x7f\xa6\xf6\x80\xcd\x9b\x21",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x74\xa6\xe0\x08\xf9\x27\xee\x1d\x6e\x3c\x28\x20"
+		"\x87\xdd\xd7\x54\x31\x47\x78\x4b\xe5\x6d\xa3\x73"
+		"\xa9\x65\xb1\x10\xc1\xdc\x77\x7c",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xca\x85\x19\x11\x34\x93\x84\xbf\xfe\x89\xde\x1c"
+		"\xbd\xc4\x6e\x68\x31\xe4\x4d\x34\xa4\xfb\x93\x5e"
+		"\xe2\x85\xdd\x14\xb7\x1a\x74\x88\x65\x9b\xa9\x6c"
+		"\x60\x1d\xc6\x9f\xc9\x02\x94\x08\x05\xec\x0c\xa8",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xe5\x28\xe9\xab\xf2\xde\xce\x54\xd4\x7c\x7e\x75"
+		"\xe5\xfe\x30\x21\x49\xf8\x17\xea\x9f\xb4\xbe\xe6"
+		"\xf4\x19\x96\x97\xd0\x4d\x5b\x89\xd5\x4f\xbb\x97"
+		"\x8a\x15\xb5\xc4\x43\xc9\xec\x21\x03\x6d\x24\x60"
+		"\xb6\xf7\x3e\xba\xd0\xdc\x2a\xba\x6e\x62\x4a\xbf"
+		"\x07\x74\x5b\xc1\x07\x69\x4b\xb7\x54\x7b\xb0\x99"
+		"\x5f\x70\xde\x25\xd6\xb2\x9e\x2d\x30\x11\xbb\x19"
+		"\xd2\x76\x76\xc0\x71\x62\xc8\xb5\xcc\xde\x06\x68"
+		"\x96\x1d\xf8\x68\x03\x48\x2c\xb3\x7e\xd6\xd5\xc0"
+		"\xbb\x8d\x50\xcf\x1f\x50\xd4\x76\xaa\x04\x58\xbd"
+		"\xab\xa8\x06\xf4\x8b\xe9\xdc\xb8",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf9\x7a\x3c\xfd\x91\xfa\xa0\x46\xb9\xe6\x1b\x94"
+		"\x93\xd4\x36\xc4\x93\x1f\x60\x4b\x22\xf1\x08\x15"
+		"\x21\xb3\x41\x91\x51\xe8\xff\x06\x11\xf3\xa7\xd4"
+		"\x35\x95\x35\x7d\x58\x12\x0b\xd1\xe2\xdd\x8a\xed",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc6\x87\x1c\xff\x08\x24\xfe\x55\xea\x76\x89\xa5"
+		"\x22\x29\x88\x67\x30\x45\x0e\x5d\x36\x2d\xa5\xbf"
+		"\x59\x0d\xcf\x9a\xcd\x67\xfe\xd4\xcb\x32\x10\x7d"
+		"\xf5\xd0\x39\x69\xa6\x6b\x1f\x64\x94\xfd\xf5\xd6"
+		"\x3d\x5b\x4d\x0d\x34\xea\x73\x99\xa0\x7d\x01\x16"
+		"\x12\x6d\x0d\x51\x8c\x7c\x55\xba\x46\xe1\x2f\x62"
+		"\xef\xc8\xfe\x28\xa5\x1c\x9d\x42\x8e\x6d\x37\x1d"
+		"\x73\x97\xab\x31\x9f\xc7\x3d\xed\x47\x22\xe5\xb4"
+		"\xf3\x00\x04\x03\x2a\x61\x28\xdf\x5e\x74\x97\xec"
+		"\xf8\x2c\xa7\xb0\xa5\x0e\x86\x7e\xf6\x72\x8a\x4f"
+		"\x50\x9a\x8c\x85\x90\x87\x03\x9c",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x51\x72\x89\xaf\xe4\x44\xa0\xfe\x5e\xd1\xa4\x1d"
+		"\xbb\xb5\xeb\x17\x15\x00\x79\xbd\xd3\x1e\x29\xcf"
+		"\x2f\xf3\x00\x34\xd8\x26\x8e\x3b",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x88\x02\x8d\x29\xef\x80\xb4\xe6\xf0\xfe\x12\xf9"
+		"\x1d\x74\x49\xfe\x75\x06\x26\x82\xe8\x9c\x57\x14"
+		"\x40\xc0\xc9\xb5\x2c\x42\xa6\xe0",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x8d\xf0\x13\xb4\xd1\x03\x52\x30\x73\x91\x7d\xdf"
+		"\x6a\x86\x97\x93\x05\x9e\x99\x43\xfc\x86\x54\x54"
+		"\x9e\x7a\xb2\x2f\x7c\x29\xf1\x22\xda\x26\x25\xaf"
+		"\x2d\xdd\x4a\xbc\xce\x3c\xf4\xfa\x46\x59\xd8\x4e",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb9\x1c\xba\x4c\xc8\x4f\xa2\x5d\xf8\x61\x0b\x81"
+		"\xb6\x41\x40\x27\x68\xa2\x09\x72\x34\x93\x2e\x37"
+		"\xd5\x90\xb1\x15\x4c\xbd\x23\xf9\x74\x52\xe3\x10"
+		"\xe2\x91\xc4\x51\x46\x14\x7f\x0d\xa2\xd8\x17\x61"
+		"\xfe\x90\xfb\xa6\x4f\x94\x41\x9c\x0f\x66\x2b\x28"
+		"\xc1\xed\x94\xda\x48\x7b\xb7\xe7\x3e\xec\x79\x8f"
+		"\xbc\xf9\x81\xb7\x91\xd1\xbe\x4f\x17\x7a\x89\x07"
+		"\xaa\x3c\x40\x16\x43\xa5\xb6\x2b\x87\xb8\x9d\x66"
+		"\xb3\xa6\x0e\x40\xd4\xa8\xe4\xe9\xd8\x2a\xf6\xd2"
+		"\x70\x0e\x6f\x53\x5c\xdb\x51\xf7\x5c\x32\x17\x29"
+		"\x10\x37\x41\x03\x0c\xcc\x3a\x56",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb5\x71\xe6\x6d\x7c\x33\x8b\xc0\x7b\x76\xad\x37"
+		"\x57\xbb\x2f\x94\x52\xbf\x7e\x07\x43\x7a\xe8\x58"
+		"\x1c\xe7\xbc\x7c\x3a\xc6\x51\xa9",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc2\xa5\x66\xa9\xa1\x81\x7b\x15\xc5\xc3\xb7\x78"
+		"\x17\x7a\xc8\x7c\x24\xe7\x97\xbe\x0a\x84\x5f\x11"
+		"\xc2\xfe\x39\x9d\xd3\x77\x32\xf2\xcb\x18\x94\xeb"
+		"\x2b\x97\xb3\xc5\x6e\x62\x83\x29\x51\x6f\x86\xec",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xb3\xa3\x69\x8d\x77\x76\x99\xa0\xdd\x9f\xa3\xf0"
+		"\xa9\xfa\x57\x83\x2d\x3c\xef\xac\x5d\xf2\x44\x37"
+		"\xc6\xd7\x3a\x0f\xe4\x10\x40\xf1\x72\x90\x38\xae"
+		"\xf1\xe9\x26\x35\x2e\xa5\x9d\xe1\x20\xbf\xb7\xb0"
+		"\x73\x18\x3a\x34\x10\x6e\xfe\xd6\x27\x8f\xf8\xad"
+		"\x84\x4b\xa0\x44\x81\x15\xdf\xdd\xf3\x31\x9a\x82"
+		"\xde\x6b\xb1\x1d\x80\xbd\x87\x1a\x9a\xcd\x35\xc7"
+		"\x36\x45\xe1\x27\x0f\xb9\xfe\x4f\xa8\x8e\xc0\xe4"
+		"\x65\x40\x9e\xa0\xcb\xa8\x09\xfe\x2f\x45\xe0\x49"
+		"\x43\xa2\xe3\x96\xbb\xb7\xdd\x2f\x4e\x07\x95\x30"
+		"\x35\x24\xcc\x9c\xc5\xea\x54\xa1",
+		.expectedlen = 128,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x41\x3d\xd8\x3f\xe5\x68\x35\xab\xd4\x78\xcb\x96"
+		"\x93\xd6\x76\x35\x90\x1c\x40\x23\x9a\x26\x64\x62"
+		"\xd3\x13\x3b\x83\xe4\x9c\x82\x0b",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xd5\xc4\xa7\x1f\x9d\x6d\x95\xa1\xbe\xdf\x0b\xd2"
+		"\x24\x7c\x27\x7d\x1f\x84\xa4\xe5\x7a\x4a\x88\x25"
+		"\xb8\x2a\x2d\x09\x7d\xe6\x3e\xf1",
+		.addtllen = 32,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x13\xce\x4d\x8d\xd2\xdb\x97\x96\xf9\x41\x56\xc8"
+		"\xe8\xf0\x76\x9b\x0a\xa1\xc8\x2c\x13\x23\xb6\x15"
+		"\x36\x60\x3b\xca\x37\xc9\xee\x29",
+		.perslen = 32,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES192,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc3\x5c\x2f\xa2\xa8\x9d\x52\xa1\x1f\xa3\x2a\xa9"
+		"\x6c\x95\xb8\xf1\xc9\xa8\xf9\xcb\x24\x5a\x8b\x40"
+		"\xf3\xa6\xe5\xa7\xfb\xd9\xd3\xc6\x8e\x27\x7b\xa9" "\xac\x9b\xbb\x00",
+		.entropylen = 40,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x8c\x2e\x72\xab\xfd\x9b\xb8\x28\x4d\xb7\x9e\x17"
+		"\xa4\x3a\x31\x46\xcd\x76\x94\xe3\x52\x49\xfc\x33"
+		"\x83\x91\x4a\x71\x17\xf4\x13\x68\xe6\xd4\xf1\x48"
+		"\xff\x49\xbf\x29\x07\x6b\x50\x15\xc5\x9f\x45\x79"
+		"\x45\x66\x2e\x3d\x35\x03\x84\x3f\x4a\xa5\xa3\xdf" "\x9a\x9d\xf1\x0d",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES256,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x36\x40\x19\x40\xfa\x8b\x1f\xba\x91\xa1\x66\x1f"
+		"\x21\x1d\x78\xa0\xb9\x38\x9a\x74\xe5\xbc\xcf\xec"
+		"\xe8\xd7\x66\xaf\x1a\x6d\x3b\x14\x49\x6f\x25\xb0"
+		"\xf1\x30\x1b\x4f\x50\x1b\xe3\x03\x80\xa1\x37\xeb",
+		.entropylen = 48,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x58\x62\xeb\x38\xbd\x55\x8d\xd9\x78\xa6\x96\xe6"
+		"\xdf\x16\x47\x82\xdd\xd8\x87\xe7\xe9\xa6\xc9\xf3"
+		"\xf1\xfb\xaf\xb7\x89\x41\xb5\x35\xa6\x49\x12\xdf"
+		"\xd2\x24\xc6\xdc\x74\x54\xe5\x25\x0b\x3d\x97\x16"
+		"\x5e\x16\x26\x0c\x2f\xaf\x1c\xc7\x73\x5c\xb7\x5f" "\xb4\xf0\x7e\x1d",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES128,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x87\xe1\xc5\x32\x99\x7f\x57\xa3\x5c\x28\x6d\xe8"
+		"\x64\xbf\xf2\x64\xa3\x9e\x98\xdb\x6c\x10\x78\x7f",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x2c\x14\x7e\x24\x11\x9a\xd8\xd4\xb2\xed\x61\xc1"
+		"\x53\xd0\x50\xc9\x24\xff\x59\x75\x15\xf1\x17\x3a"
+		"\x3d\xf4\x4b\x2c\x84\x28\xef\x89\x0e\xb9\xde\xf3"
+		"\xe4\x78\x04\xb2\xfd\x9b\x35\x7f\xe1\x3f\x8a\x3e"
+		"\x10\xc8\x67\x0a\xf9\xdf\x2d\x6c\x96\xfb\xb2\xb8" "\xcb\x2d\xd6\xb0",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES128,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x71\xbd\xce\x35\x42\x7d\x20\xbf\x58\xcf\x17\x74"
+		"\xce\x72\xd8\x33\x34\x50\x2d\x8f\x5b\x14\xc4\xdd",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x97\x33\xe8\x20\x12\xe2\x7b\xa1\x46\x8f\xf2\x34"
+		"\xb3\xc9\xb6\x6b\x20\xb2\x4f\xee\x27\xd8\x0b\x21"
+		"\x8c\xff\x63\x73\x69\x29\xfb\xf3\x85\xcd\x88\x8e"
+		"\x43\x2c\x71\x8b\xa2\x55\xd2\x0f\x1d\x7f\xe3\xe1"
+		"\x2a\xa3\xe9\x2c\x25\x89\xc7\x14\x52\x99\x56\xcc" "\xc3\xdf\xb3\x81",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x66\xef\x42\xd6\x9a\x8c\x3d\x6d\x4a\x9e\x95\xa6" "\x91\x4d\x81\x56",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xe3\x18\x83\xd9\x4b\x5e\xc4\xcc\xaa\x61\x2f\xbb" "\x4a\x55\xd1\xc6",
+		.addtllen = 16,
+		.pers = NULL,
+		.perslen = 0,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES128,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xca\x4b\x1e\xfa\x75\xbd\x69\x36\x38\x73\xb8\xf9"
+		"\xdb\x4d\x35\x0e\x47\xbf\x6c\x37\x72\xfd\xf7\xa9",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x59\xc3\x19\x79\x1b\xb1\xf3\x0e\xe9\x34\xae\x6e"
+		"\x8b\x1f\xad\x1f\x74\xca\x25\x45\x68\xb8\x7f\x75"
+		"\x12\xf8\xf2\xab\x4c\x23\x01\x03\x05\xe1\x70\xee"
+		"\x75\xd8\xcb\xeb\x23\x4c\x7a\x23\x6e\x12\x27\xdb"
+		"\x6f\x7a\xac\x3c\x44\xb7\x87\x4b\x65\x56\x74\x45" "\x34\x30\x0c\x3d",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = NULL,
+		.addtlb = NULL,
+		.addtllen = 0,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xeb\xaa\x60\x2c\x4d\xbe\x33\xff\x1b\xef\xbf\x0a" "\x0b\xc6\x97\x54",
+		.perslen = 16,
+	},
+	{
+		.flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES128,
+		.entropy = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xc0\x70\x1f\x92\x50\x75\x8f\xcd\xf2\xbe\x73\x98"
+		"\x80\xdb\x66\xeb\x14\x68\xb4\xa5\x87\x9c\x2d\xa6",
+		.entropylen = 24,
+		.expected = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x97\xc0\xc0\xe5\xa0\xcc\xf2\x4f\x33\x63\x48\x8a"
+		"\xdb\x13\x0a\x35\x89\xbf\x80\x65\x62\xee\x13\x95"
+		"\x7c\x33\xd3\x7d\xf4\x07\x77\x7a\x2b\x65\x0b\x5f"
+		"\x45\x5c\x13\xf1\x90\x77\x7f\xc5\x04\x3f\xcc\x1a"
+		"\x38\xf8\xcd\x1b\xbb\xd5\x57\xd1\x4a\x4c\x2e\x8a" "\x2b\x49\x1e\x5c",
+		.expectedlen = 64,
+		.addtla = (unsigned char *)
+		"\xf9\x01\xf8\x16\x7a\x1d\xff\xde\x8e\x3c\x83\xe2" "\x44\x85\xe7\xfe",
+		.addtlb = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x17\x1c\x09\x38\xc2\x38\x9f\x97\x87\x60\x55\xb4" "\x82\x16\x62\x7f",
+		.addtllen = 16,
+		.pers = (unsigned char *)
+		"\x80\x08\xae\xe8\xe9\x69\x40\xc5\x08\x73\xc7\x9f" "\x8e\xcf\xe0\x02",
+		.perslen = 16,
+	},
+struct drbg_flags
+	u_int32_t flags;
+gcry_drbg_cavs_test (struct gcry_drbg_test_vector *test, unsigned char *buf);
+extern gpg_err_code_t
+gcry_drbg_healthcheck_one (struct gcry_drbg_test_vector *test);
+void builtin_test(void)
+	/* this must be larger than 128 as otherwise there is a crash */
+#define OUTLEN 150
+	char rndbuf[OUTLEN];
+	char out[(OUTLEN * 2 + 1)];
+	int i = 0;
+	int ret = 0;
+	int result = 0;
+	struct drbg_flags tests[] =
+	{
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HMACSHA1 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HMACSHA256 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HMACSHA384 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HMACSHA512 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA1 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA256 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA384 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HMACSHA512 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HASHSHA1 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HASHSHA256 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HASHSHA384 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_HASHSHA512 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA1 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA256 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA384 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_HASHSHA512 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_CTRAES128 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_CTRAES192 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_PR_CTRAES256 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES128 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES192 },
+		{ .flags = DRBG_NOPR_CTRAES256 },
+	};
+	for(i = 0; ARRAY_SIZE(tests) > i; i++)
+	{
+		ret = gcry_control(GCRYCTL_DRBG_REINIT, tests[i].flags, NULL, 0);
+		if(0 == ret)
+		{
+			printf("Test PASS: enabling DRBG %d\n", i);
+			memset(rndbuf, 0, OUTLEN);
+			gcry_randomize(&rndbuf, OUTLEN, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+			memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));
+			bin2hex(rndbuf, OUTLEN, out, sizeof(out), 0);
+			printf("Test PASS: gcry_randomize generated strong random bytes for DRBG %d: %s\n", i, out);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			printf("Test FAIL: enabling DRBG %d\n", i);
+			result += ret;
+		}
+	}
+	ret = gcry_control(GCRYCTL_DRBG_REINIT, 29, NULL, NULL);
+	if(0 == ret)
+		printf("Test FAIL: enabling unknown DRBG\n");
+	else
+		printf("Test PASS: not enabling unknown DRBG\n");
+	for(i = 0; ARRAY_SIZE(drbg_test_nopr) > i; i++)
+	{
+		memset(rndbuf, 0, drbg_test_nopr[i].expectedlen);
+		ret = gcry_control(75, &drbg_test_nopr[i], NULL);
+		if(ret)
+			printf("CAVS test (nopr) FAILED %d, testdef %d\n", ret, i);
+		else
+			printf("CAVS test (nopr) PASSED, testdef %d\n", i);
+		result += ret;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; ARRAY_SIZE(drbg_test_pr) > i; i++)
+	{
+		memset(rndbuf, 0, drbg_test_pr[i].expectedlen);
+		ret = gcry_control(75, &drbg_test_pr[i], NULL);
+		if(ret)
+			printf("CAVS test (pr) FAILED %d, testdef %d\n", ret, i);
+		else
+			printf("CAVS test (pr) PASSED, testdef %d\n", i);
+		result += ret;
+	}
+	/* some failure catch tests */
+	/* there should be no SIGSEV -- if there is, test failed */
+	gcry_randomize(NULL, ((1UL<<16) + 1), GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+	printf("Test passed: not honoring large data request\n");
+	/* test automatic health check */
+	memset(rndbuf, 0, 10);
+	for (i = 0; i <= (1<<10); i++)
+		gcry_randomize(rndbuf, 10, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+	printf("Test passed: retest tested\n");
+	/* Test for max personalization / addtl info string length not possible*/
+	if(result)
+		printf("completion of all tests FAILED\n");
+	else
+		printf("completion of all tests: PASSED\n");
+static void generate_test(struct gcry_drbg_test_vector *test)
+	unsigned char *buf;
+#define DATALEN 10
+	union {
+		unsigned char data[DATALEN];
+		unsigned int data_int;
+	} u;
+	memset(, 0, DATALEN);
+	if (test && test->flags)
+	{
+		if (gcry_control(GCRYCTL_DRBG_REINIT, test->flags, NULL))
+		{
+			printf("Test FAIL: re-init DRBG with test entropy\n");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	while (1)
+	{
+		unsigned int len = 0;
+		gcry_randomize(, DATALEN, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+		len = u.data_int & 0xfffff;
+		buf = malloc(len);
+		if(!buf) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate %u bytes\n", len);
+			return;
+		}
+		gcry_randomize(buf, len, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+		write(1, buf, len);
+		free (buf);
+	}
+static inline void *
+drbg_malloc (size_t len)
+	void *buf;
+	buf = malloc (len);
+	if (buf)
+		memset (buf, 0, len);
+	return buf;
+void hex2bin_m(char *in, unsigned char **out, size_t *len)
+	size_t tmplen = 0;
+	unsigned char *tmp;
+	if (!in)
+		return;
+	tmplen = strlen(in)/2;
+	if (0 > tmplen)
+		return;
+	if (tmplen * 2 != strlen(in))
+	{
+		printf("odd number of characters which should be a hex string!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	tmp = drbg_malloc(tmplen);
+	hex2bin(in, strlen(in), tmp, tmplen);
+	*out = tmp;
+	*len = tmplen;
+static void usage(void)
+	fprintf(stderr, "\nlibgcrypt DRBG test application\n\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-b\tInvoke builtin tests\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-g\tGenerate random bits in given chunk size\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\nThe following options are for CAVS testing\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-f\tSet the DRBG selection flags - see gcrypt.h\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-e\tEntropy string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-y\t1st Entropy PR string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-z\t2nd Entropy PR string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-c\t1st Additional intput string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-c\t2nd Additional intput string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-p\tPersonalization string in HEX\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\t-l\tLength of requested random string in bytes\n");
+	exit(1);
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+	int c = 0;
+	unsigned char *buf;
+	unsigned char *outbuf;
+	struct gcry_drbg_test_vector exttest;
+#define MAXDATA 256
+	memset(&exttest, 0, sizeof(struct gcry_drbg_test_vector));
+	gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, 2);
+	gcry_control (GCRYCTL_FORCE_FIPS_MODE, 0);
+	if (!gcry_check_version ("1.5.0"))
+		die ("Libgcrypt is not sufficient enough\n");
+	/*gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0);*/
+	gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 1);
+	while(1)
+	{
+		int opt_index = 0;
+		static struct option opts[] =
+		{
+			{"builtin", 0, 0, 0},
+			{"gen", 0, 0, 0},
+			{"flags", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"entropy", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"entpra", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"entprb", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"addtla", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"addtlb", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"pers", 1, 0, 0},
+			{"len", 1, 0, 0},
+			{0, 0, 0, 0}
+		};
+		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "bgf:e:y:z:c:d:p:l:", opts, &opt_index);
+		if(-1 == c)
+			break;
+		switch(c)
+		{
+			case 'b':
+				builtin_test();
+				return 0;
+			case 'g':
+				generate_test(&exttest);
+				return 0;
+			case 'f':
+				exttest.flags = atoi(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'e':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.entropy, &exttest.entropylen);
+				break;
+			case 'y':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.entpra, &exttest.entprlen);
+				break;
+			case 'z':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.entprb, &exttest.entprlen);
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.addtla, &exttest.addtllen);
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.addtlb, &exttest.addtllen);
+				break;
+			case 'p':
+				hex2bin_m(optarg, &exttest.pers, &exttest.perslen);
+				break;
+			case 'l':
+				exttest.expectedlen = atoi(optarg);
+				break;
+			default:
+				usage();
+		}
+	}
+	if (0 >= exttest.expectedlen)
+		usage();
+	buf = malloc(exttest.expectedlen);
+	if(!buf) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate %li bytes\n", exttest.expectedlen);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	outbuf = malloc(exttest.expectedlen * 2 + 1);
+	if(!outbuf) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate %li bytes\n",
+			(exttest.expectedlen*2+1));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(outbuf, 0, exttest.expectedlen * 2 + 1);
+	if (exttest.entropy)
+		gcry_control(75, &exttest, buf);
+	else
+		gcry_randomize(buf, exttest.expectedlen, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM);
+	bin2hex(buf, exttest.expectedlen,
+		outbuf, exttest.expectedlen * 2 + 1, 0);
+	printf("%s\n", outbuf);
+	free(buf);
+	free(outbuf);
+	if(exttest.entropy)
+		free(exttest.entropy);
+	if(exttest.entpra)
+		free(exttest.entpra);
+	if(exttest.entprb)
+		free(exttest.entprb);
+	if(exttest.addtla)
+		free(exttest.addtla);
+	if(exttest.addtlb)
+		free(exttest.addtlb);
+	if(exttest.pers)
+		free(exttest.pers);
+	gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM);
+	return 0;
Index: libgcrypt-1.9.0/
--- libgcrypt-1.9.0.orig/
+++ libgcrypt-1.9.0/
@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ else
 doc =
+bin_PROGRAMS = fipsdrv drbg_test
+fipsdrv_SOURCES = tests/fipsdrv.c
+fipsdrv_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
+drbg_test_CPPFLAGS = -I../src -I$(top_srcdir)/src
+drbg_test_SOURCES = src/gcrypt.h tests/drbg_test.c
+drbg_test_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
 DIST_SUBDIRS = m4 compat mpi cipher random src doc tests
 SUBDIRS =         compat mpi cipher random src $(doc) tests
@@ -51,6 +59,14 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.rc READM
+bin_PROGRAMS = fipsdrv drbg_test
+fipsdrv_SOURCES = tests/fipsdrv.c
+fipsdrv_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
+drbg_test_CPPFLAGS = -I../src -I$(top_srcdir)/src
+drbg_test_SOURCES = src/gcrypt.h tests/drbg_test.c
+drbg_test_LDADD = src/ $(DL_LIBS) $(GPG_ERROR_LIBS)
 # Add all the files listed in "distfiles" files to the distribution
 dist-hook: gen-ChangeLog