# # spec file for package libgcrypt (Version 1.2.4) # # Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild Name: libgcrypt BuildRequires: libgpg-error-devel URL: http://www.gnu.org/directory/Security/libgcrypt.html Version: 1.2.4 Release: 36 Summary: The GNU Crypto Library License: GPL v2 or later, LGPL v2 or later Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Autoreqprov: on Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2 Patch0: %name-ppc64.patch Patch1: libgcrypt-strict-aliasing.patch Patch2: libgcrypt-mpicheck.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build PreReq: %install_info_prereq %description Libgcrypt is a general purpose crypto library based on the code used in GnuPG (alpha version). Authors: -------- Maintainer: wk@g10code.com Authors: Werner Koch Matthew Skala Michael Roth Niklas Hernaeus Rémi Guyomarch Timo Schulz %package devel Summary: The GNU Crypto Library Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Provides: libgcrypt:/usr/include/gcrypt.h Requires: libgcrypt == %version, libgpg-error-devel, glibc-devel %description devel Libgcrypt is a general purpose crypto library based on the code used in GnuPG (alpha version). This package contains needed files to compile and link against the library. Authors: -------- Maintainer: wk@g10code.com Authors: Werner Koch Matthew Skala Michael Roth Niklas Hernaeus Rémi Guyomarch Timo Schulz %prep %setup -q -n libgcrypt-%version %patch0 -p1 %patch1 %patch2 %build %{?suse_update_config} autoreconf -fi CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libdir=/%{_lib} \ --infodir=%{_infodir} \ --enable-noexecstack make # Nice idea. however this uses /dev/random, which hangs # on hardware without random feeds. # make check %install make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcrypt.la mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcrypt.so ln -s /%{_lib}/libgcrypt.so.11 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libgcrypt.so mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libgcrypt.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post %run_ldconfig %post devel %install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gcrypt.info.gz %postun %run_ldconfig %postun devel %install_info_delete --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/gcrypt.info.gz %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS BUGS COPYING COPYING.LIB ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS TODO VERSION /%_lib/libgcrypt*.so.* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %_infodir/gc* %_bindir/* %_libdir/libgcrypt*.so %_libdir/libgcrypt*a %_includedir/* %_datadir/aclocal/* %changelog * Thu Sep 13 2007 - ltinkl@suse.cz - add sanity check for mpi of size 0 (#304479) * Mon Feb 05 2007 - mkoenig@suse.de - update to version 1.2.4: * Fixed a bug in the memory allocator which could have been the reason for some of non-duplicable bugs. * Other minor bug fixes. * Wed Dec 13 2006 - mkoenig@suse.de - get rid of .la file and fix devel so link * Tue Dec 05 2006 - mkoenig@suse.de - move shared lib to /%%_lib * Thu Aug 31 2006 - mkoenig@suse.de - update to version 1.2.3: * Rewrote gcry_mpi_rshift to allow arbitrary shift counts. * Minor bug fixes. - added libgpg-error-devel and glibc-devel to Requires tag of devel subpackage * Wed Jan 25 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Wed Nov 02 2005 - hvogel@suse.de - enable noexecstack - build ac.c with fno-strict-aliasing * Tue Oct 25 2005 - hvogel@suse.de - update to version 1.2.2 * Thu Jun 23 2005 - hvogel@suse.de - call install_info macro in post/postun of the devel package - depend on libgcrypt - add clean section * Tue Jan 18 2005 - hvogel@suse.de - update to version 1.2.1 * Tue Jan 11 2005 - schwab@suse.de - Fix info dir entry. * Wed Nov 17 2004 - hvogel@suse.de - require libgpg-error-devel (Bug #48271) - get rid of the NLD parts * Wed Jul 14 2004 - adrian@suse.de - create -devel subpackage - prepare for nld * Wed May 19 2004 - hvogel@suse.de - update to version 1.2.0 * Mon Mar 22 2004 - meissner@suse.de - disable make check, because it uses /dev/random whihc is not filled on some server machines. * Wed Mar 17 2004 - meissner@suse.de - fixed too over enthusiastic powerpc switches to make it work on ppc64. (It compiled before, but did not work). - enabled make check. * Wed Feb 18 2004 - kukuk@suse.de - Build against system pthread library, not pth. * Tue Feb 17 2004 - hvogel@suse.de - update to version 1.1.91 - fix autoconf quotations * Sat Jan 10 2004 - adrian@suse.de - add %%run_ldconfig to %%postun * Sun Jul 27 2003 - poeml@suse.de - add libgcrypt-1.1.12-sexp-valgrind-error.patch from SLEC * Thu Apr 24 2003 - ro@suse.de - fix install_info --delete call and move from preun to postun * Mon Feb 10 2003 - mmj@suse.de - Use %%install_info macro [#23433] * Mon Feb 10 2003 - mc@suse.de - switch to version 1.1.12 - gcry_pk_sign, gcry_pk_verify and gcry_pk_encrypt can now handle an optional pkcs1 flags parameter in the S-expression. A similar flag may be passed to gcry_pk_decrypt but it is only syntactically implemented. - New convenience macro gcry_md_get_asnoid. - There is now some real stuff in the manual. - New algorithm: MD4 - Implemented ciphertext stealing. - Support for plain old DES - Smaller bugs fixes and a few new OIDs. * Tue Jan 14 2003 - nadvornik@suse.cz - fixed multi-line string literals * Thu Aug 01 2002 - poeml@suse.de - create package