forked from pool/libmbim
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Fri Mar 18 15:03:56 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 1.12.4:
+ Updated '--connect' arguments to allow specifying "key=value"
pairs. The old legacy "[(APN), (PAP|CHAP|MSCHAPV2), (Username),
(Password)]" format is kept as valid for backwards
compatibility, although it should be assumed deprecated.
+ mbimcli:
- Longer timeouts for connect/register operations.
- Report IP configuration when connected.
- Allow specifying session ids.
+ libmbim-glib: probing retry interval increased to 5s.
+ Some other minor fixes.
Sun Feb 1 09:10:57 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 1.12.2:
+ Fix assertion triggered by a bug in the removal of unreleased
Wed Jan 28 15:46:04 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 1.12.0:
+ New `--enable-mbim-username' option during configure, which
allows specifying which will be the user owning the
/dev/cdc-wdm character devices of all MBIM modems (udev rules
are installed to change file ownership). If this option is
used, the mbim-proxy will only allow connections from processes
running by the specified user or by the root user.
+ Function error messages can now be returned by the MbimDevice
as responses to `Command', `Open' or `Close' messages. Users of
the library should not assume the type of message returned to
the previous actions.
+ The MbimProxy will monitor for 'NotOpened' errors, and when one
detected it will directly close the internal MbimDevice. Any
subsequent request sent by clients to that specific device will
be aborted with a proxy-generated 'NotOpened' error. Clients
will need to explicitly reopen the ports in that case.
+ The API now has a new mbim_message_response_get_result() method
which allows getting a GError from a message which may be of a
specific type (e.g. a `Command Done' message in response to a
`Command' request) or instead the generic `Function Error'
message type. Users of the library can use this new method to
avoid assuming the type of message returned.
+ Other bugfixes and minor improvements:
- Attach timeout and idle events to the thread-default context.
- Fix bashisms in the mbim-network script.
- Drop libmbim-1.10.0-fix-bashisms.patch: fixed upstream.
Thu Nov 27 01:00:00 UTC 2014 - Led <>
- Add libmbim-1.10.0-fix-bashisms.patch: fix bashisms in
mbim-network script.
Mon Oct 20 12:09:00 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 1.10.0:
+ API break: Flag values in 'MbimRegistrationFlag' were updated
to match the ones in the MBIM documentation.
+ Implemented a new 'mbim-proxy', which allows sharing a single
MBIM control port among different processes. The usage of the
proxy is optional, and can be requested by specifying the
mbim_device_open_full() method. The 'mbimcli' command line tool
was also extended with a new '--device-open-proxy,-p' option,
to allow requesting the use of the proxy process.
+ New 'removed' signal added to the MbimDevice, to notify when
the underlying connection to the device is lost (e.g. lost
connection to the mbim-proxy, or lost access to the MBIM
control port).
+ Added support for registering and using custom services.
+ Added additional GMM cause codes to MbimNwError.
+ Transactions are now matched not only by ID but also by type.
+ Several other minor improvements and fixes.
- Changes from version 1.8.0:
+ Added support for additional MBIM messages:
+ Updated mbimcli with new commands:
- --set-radio-state
- --ms-query-firmware-id
- --ms-notify-host-shutdown
- --dss-connect
- --dss-disconnect
+ Several enums and functions were renamed, and marked as
deprecated. A small layer is given to provide backwards
+ Several other minor improvements and fixes.
- Rename libmbim-glib0 subpackage to libmbim-glib4, following
upstreams soname change.
Sun Feb 2 14:41:50 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 1.6.0:
+ Updated mbimcli with new commands:
--phonebook-query-configuration, --phonebook-read,
--phonebook-read-all, --phonebook-write, --phonebook-delete,
+ Added generation of man pages for mbimcli and mbim-network.
+ Several other minor improvements and fixes.
- Stop packaging Changelog in docs as it is empty.
Mon Dec 16 18:11:23 UTC 2013 -
- Update License fields:
+ Main package: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+ (also for the src pkg).
+ Library and -devel subpackage: LGPL-2.1+.
+ The Small tools shipped in the main package (binary) are
licensed GPL-2.0+.
Wed Dec 4 20:05:30 UTC 2013 -
- Call ldconfig on post/postun of libmbim-glib0.
Sun Dec 1 17:35:58 UTC 2013 -
- Initial package, version 1.4.0.