forked from pool/libqt5-qtbase
4257 lines
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4257 lines
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From cfbe03a6e035ab3cce5f04962cddd06bd414dcea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard J. Moore" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 12:43:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] QSslSocket: OpenSSL 1.1 backend
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
This patch-set implements a new QSslSocket backend based on OpenSSL 1.1.
1. General.
The code in this patch was organized to achieve these (somewhat contradicting)
- keep the new code free of #if-ery, as far as possible;
- make it easy to clean away dead code when we're eventually able to retire
out-dated OpenSSL versions;
- reduce the amount of code duplication.
If changes in some file/component were insignificant (~5 one-liners per file),
we still use pp-checks like: #if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11) ... #else ... #endif -
the logic is simple and it's still easy to clean the code if we remove the legacy
back-end. Where it saved #if-ery, we also introduced 'forward-compatible'
macros implementing equivalents of 1.1 functions using older OpenSSL.
In case some class contains a lot of version-specific ifdefs (particularly where
nested #if-ery was complex) we choose to split code into: "pre11" h/cpp files,
"shared" h/cpp files (they preserve their original names, e.g qsslsocket_openssl.cpp)
and "11" h/cpp files. If in future we remove the legacy back-end, "pre11" should be
removed; "shared" and "11" parts - merged.
2. Configuration.
We introduced a new feature 'opensslv11' which complements the pre-existing
'openssl' and 'openssl-linked' features. The 'opensslv11' feature is enabled
by a simple test which either compiles successfully or ends in a compilation
error, depending on a value of the OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER constant. If the
feature was enabled, we also append an additional compilation flag
-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=0x10100000L to make sure our new code does not contain
deprecated structures, function calls, macro-invocations from OpenSSL < 1.1.
Change-Id: I2064efbe9685def5d2bb2233a66f7581954fb74a
Reviewed-by: André Klitzing <>
Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <>
config.tests/unix/openssl11/openssl.cpp | 48 ++
config.tests/unix/openssl11/ | 2 +
src/network/configure.json | 11 +
src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp | 57 +--
src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp | 309 +------------
src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl11.cpp | 277 +++++++++++
src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_opensslpre11.cpp | 354 ++++++++++++++
.../ssl/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_openssl.cpp | 38 +-
src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve.h | 1 +
src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve_openssl.cpp | 8 +-
src/network/ssl/qsslkey_openssl.cpp | 79 ++--
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp | 412 ++---------------
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11.cpp | 285 ++++++++++++
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h | 132 ++++++
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h | 8 +-
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp | 509 +++++++++++++--------
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h | 127 +----
src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11.cpp | 424 +++++++++++++++++
.../ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h | 230 ++++++++++
src/network/ssl/ssl.pri | 18 +-
20 files changed, 2282 insertions(+), 1047 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 config.tests/unix/openssl11/openssl.cpp
create mode 100644 config.tests/unix/openssl11/
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl11.cpp
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_opensslpre11.cpp
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11.cpp
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11.cpp
create mode 100644 src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/config.tests/unix/openssl11/openssl.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/config.tests/unix/openssl11/openssl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the config.tests of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
+# error "OpenSSL >= 1.1 is required"
+int main()
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/config.tests/unix/openssl11/
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/config.tests/unix/openssl11/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SOURCES = openssl.cpp
+CONFIG -= x11 qt
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/configure.json
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/configure.json
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/configure.json
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@
"type": "compile",
"test": "unix/sctp",
"use": "network"
+ },
+ "openssl11": {
+ "label": "OpenSSL v. 1.1 support",
+ "type": "compile",
+ "test": "unix/openssl11",
+ "use": "network"
@@ -172,6 +178,11 @@
"condition": "config.winrt || features.securetransport || features.openssl",
"output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ]
+ "opensslv11": {
+ "label": "OpenSSL v. 1.1",
+ "condition": "tests.openssl11",
+ "output": ["publicFeature", "feature"]
+ },
"sctp": {
"label": "SCTP",
"autoDetect": false,
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -64,12 +65,14 @@ bool QSslCertificate::operator==(const Q
uint qHash(const QSslCertificate &key, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
if (X509 * const x509 = key.d->x509) {
- (void)q_X509_cmp(x509, x509); // populate x509->sha1_hash
- // (if someone knows a better way...)
- return qHashBits(x509->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, seed);
- } else {
- return seed;
+ const EVP_MD *sha1 = q_EVP_sha1();
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
+ q_X509_digest(x509, sha1, md, &len);
+ return qHashBits(md, len, seed);
+ return seed;
bool QSslCertificate::isNull() const
@@ -89,8 +92,7 @@ QByteArray QSslCertificate::version() co
QMutexLocker lock(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet(;
if (d->versionString.isEmpty() && d->x509)
- d->versionString =
- QByteArray::number(qlonglong(q_ASN1_INTEGER_get(d->x509->cert_info->version)) + 1);
+ d->versionString = QByteArray::number(qlonglong(q_X509_get_version(d->x509)) + 1);
return d->versionString;
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ QByteArray QSslCertificate::serialNumber
QMutexLocker lock(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet(;
if (d->serialNumberString.isEmpty() && d->x509) {
- ASN1_INTEGER *serialNumber = d->x509->cert_info->serialNumber;
+ ASN1_INTEGER *serialNumber = q_X509_get_serialNumber(d->x509);
QByteArray hexString;
hexString.reserve(serialNumber->length * 3);
for (int a = 0; a < serialNumber->length; ++a) {
@@ -199,14 +201,15 @@ QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternativeNameEntryType
- const char *altNameStr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_data(genName->d.ia5));
+ const char *altNameStr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_get0_data(genName->d.ia5));
const QString altName = QString::fromLatin1(altNameStr, len);
if (genName->type == GEN_DNS)
result.insert(QSsl::DnsEntry, altName);
else if (genName->type == GEN_EMAIL)
result.insert(QSsl::EmailEntry, altName);
- q_sk_pop_free((STACK*)altNames, reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_sk_free));
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free((OPENSSL_STACK*)altNames, reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_OPENSSL_sk_free));
return result;
@@ -235,25 +238,26 @@ QSslKey QSslCertificate::publicKey() con
QSslKey key;
key.d->type = QSsl::PublicKey;
- X509_PUBKEY *xkey = d->x509->cert_info->key;
- EVP_PKEY *pkey = q_X509_PUBKEY_get(xkey);
+ EVP_PKEY *pkey = q_X509_get_pubkey(d->x509);
+ const int keyType = q_EVP_PKEY_type(q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey));
- if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
+ if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
key.d->rsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey);
key.d->algorithm = QSsl::Rsa;
key.d->isNull = false;
- } else if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
+ } else if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
key.d->dsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pkey);
key.d->algorithm = QSsl::Dsa;
key.d->isNull = false;
- } else if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
+ } else if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
key.d->ec = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey);
key.d->algorithm = QSsl::Ec;
key.d->isNull = false;
- } else if (q_EVP_PKEY_type(pkey->type) == EVP_PKEY_DH) {
+ } else if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_DH) {
// DH unsupported
} else {
// error?
@@ -275,7 +279,7 @@ static QVariant x509UnknownExtensionToVa
X509V3_EXT_METHOD *meth = const_cast<X509V3_EXT_METHOD *>(q_X509V3_EXT_get(ext));
if (!meth) {
ASN1_OCTET_STRING *value = q_X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext);
- QByteArray result( reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_data(value)),
+ QByteArray result( reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_get0_data(value)),
return result;
@@ -371,7 +375,7 @@ static QVariant x509ExtensionToValue(X50
- const char *uriStr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_data(name->d.uniformResourceIdentifier));
+ const char *uriStr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(q_ASN1_STRING_get0_data(name->d.uniformResourceIdentifier));
const QString uri = QString::fromUtf8(uriStr, len);
result[QString::fromUtf8(QSslCertificatePrivate::asn1ObjectName(ad->method))] = uri;
@@ -380,11 +384,7 @@ static QVariant x509ExtensionToValue(X50
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- q_sk_pop_free((_STACK*)info, reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_sk_free));
- q_sk_pop_free((STACK*)info, reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_sk_free));
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free((OPENSSL_STACK*)info, reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void *)>(q_OPENSSL_sk_free));
return result;
@@ -607,7 +607,11 @@ static QMap<QByteArray, QString> _q_mapF
unsigned char *data = 0;
int size = q_ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(&data, q_X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(e));
info.insertMulti(name, QString::fromUtf8((char*)data, size));
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ q_CRYPTO_free(data, 0, 0);
return info;
@@ -619,8 +623,9 @@ QSslCertificate QSslCertificatePrivate::
if (!x509 || !QSslSocket::supportsSsl())
return certificate;
- ASN1_TIME *nbef = q_X509_get_notBefore(x509);
- ASN1_TIME *naft = q_X509_get_notAfter(x509);
+ ASN1_TIME *nbef = q_X509_getm_notBefore(x509);
+ ASN1_TIME *naft = q_X509_getm_notAfter(x509);
certificate.d->notValidBefore = q_getTimeFromASN1(nbef);
certificate.d->notValidAfter = q_getTimeFromASN1(naft);
certificate.d->null = false;
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG.
** Contact:
@@ -41,22 +41,14 @@
#include <QtNetwork/qsslsocket.h>
-#include <QtNetwork/qssldiffiehellmanparameters.h>
-#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
#include "private/qssl_p.h"
#include "private/qsslcontext_openssl_p.h"
-#include "private/qsslsocket_p.h"
#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h"
#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
-#include "private/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_p.h"
-// defined in qsslsocket_openssl.cpp:
-extern int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
-extern QString getErrorsFromOpenSsl();
: ctx(0),
@@ -78,301 +70,6 @@ QSslContext::~QSslContext()
-static inline QString msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(const QString &why)
- return QSslSocket::tr("Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)").arg(why);
-// static
-void QSslContext::initSslContext(QSslContext *sslContext, QSslSocket::SslMode mode, const QSslConfiguration &configuration, bool allowRootCertOnDemandLoading)
- sslContext->sslConfiguration = configuration;
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::NoError;
- bool client = (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
- bool reinitialized = false;
- bool unsupportedProtocol = false;
- switch (sslContext->sslConfiguration.protocol()) {
- case QSsl::SslV2:
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv2_client_method() : q_SSLv2_server_method());
- // SSL 2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
- sslContext->ctx = 0;
- unsupportedProtocol = true;
- break;
- case QSsl::SslV3:
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv3_client_method() : q_SSLv3_server_method());
- // SSL 3 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
- sslContext->ctx = 0;
- unsupportedProtocol = true;
- break;
- case QSsl::SecureProtocols:
- // SSLv2 and SSLv3 will be disabled by SSL options
- // But we need q_SSLv23_server_method() otherwise AnyProtocol will be unable to connect on Win32.
- case QSsl::TlsV1SslV3:
- // SSLv2 will will be disabled by SSL options
- case QSsl::AnyProtocol:
- default:
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
- break;
- case QSsl::TlsV1_0:
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_client_method() : q_TLSv1_server_method());
- break;
- case QSsl::TlsV1_1:
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_1_client_method() : q_TLSv1_1_server_method());
- // TLS 1.1 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
- sslContext->ctx = 0;
- unsupportedProtocol = true;
- break;
- case QSsl::TlsV1_2:
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_2_client_method() : q_TLSv1_2_server_method());
- // TLS 1.2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
- sslContext->ctx = 0;
- unsupportedProtocol = true;
- break;
- case QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater:
- // Specific protocols will be specified via SSL options.
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
- break;
- case QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater:
- case QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater:
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- // Specific protocols will be specified via SSL options.
- sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
- // TLS 1.1/1.2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
- sslContext->ctx = 0;
- unsupportedProtocol = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!sslContext->ctx) {
- // After stopping Flash 10 the SSL library looses its ciphers. Try re-adding them
- // by re-initializing the library.
- if (!reinitialized) {
- reinitialized = true;
- if (q_SSL_library_init() == 1)
- goto init_context;
- }
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error creating SSL context (%1)").arg(
- unsupportedProtocol ? QSslSocket::tr("unsupported protocol") : QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()
- );
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- // Enable bug workarounds.
- long options = QSslSocketBackendPrivate::setupOpenSslOptions(configuration.protocol(), configuration.d->sslOptions);
- q_SSL_CTX_set_options(sslContext->ctx, options);
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- // Tell OpenSSL to release memory early
- //
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10000000L)
- q_SSL_CTX_set_mode(sslContext->ctx, SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS);
- // Initialize ciphers
- QByteArray cipherString;
- bool first = true;
- QList<QSslCipher> ciphers = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ciphers();
- if (ciphers.isEmpty())
- ciphers = QSslSocketPrivate::defaultCiphers();
- for (const QSslCipher &cipher : qAsConst(ciphers)) {
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else
- cipherString.append(':');
- cipherString.append(;
- }
- if (!q_SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(sslContext->ctx, {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- const QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
- // Add all our CAs to this store.
- const auto caCertificates = sslContext->sslConfiguration.caCertificates();
- for (const QSslCertificate &caCertificate : caCertificates) {
- // From
- //
- // If several CA certificates matching the name, key identifier, and
- // serial number condition are available, only the first one will be
- // examined. This may lead to unexpected results if the same CA
- // certificate is available with different expiration dates. If a
- // ``certificate expired'' verification error occurs, no other
- // certificate will be searched. Make sure to not have expired
- // certificates mixed with valid ones.
- //
- // See also: QSslSocketBackendPrivate::verify()
- if (caCertificate.expiryDate() >= now) {
- q_X509_STORE_add_cert(q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(sslContext->ctx), (X509 *)caCertificate.handle());
- }
- }
- if (QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadRootCertsOnDemand && allowRootCertOnDemandLoading) {
- // tell OpenSSL the directories where to look up the root certs on demand
- const QList<QByteArray> unixDirs = QSslSocketPrivate::unixRootCertDirectories();
- for (const QByteArray &unixDir : unixDirs)
- q_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(sslContext->ctx, 0, unixDir.constData());
- }
- if (!sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().isNull()) {
- // Require a private key as well.
- if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.privateKey().isNull()) {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- // Load certificate
- if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_certificate(sslContext->ctx, (X509 *)sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().handle())) {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading local certificate, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque) {
- sslContext->pkey = reinterpret_cast<EVP_PKEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle());
- } else {
- // Load private key
- sslContext->pkey = q_EVP_PKEY_new();
- // before we were using EVP_PKEY_assign_R* functions and did not use EVP_PKEY_free.
- // this lead to a memory leak. Now we use the *_set1_* functions which do not
- // take ownership of the RSA/DSA key instance because the QSslKey already has ownership.
- if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa)
- q_EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<RSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
- else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Dsa)
- q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<DSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
- else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Ec)
- q_EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<EC_KEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
- }
- if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->pkey)) {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading private key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque)
- sslContext->pkey = 0; // Don't free the private key, it belongs to QSslKey
- // Check if the certificate matches the private key.
- if (!q_SSL_CTX_check_private_key(sslContext->ctx)) {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Private key does not certify public key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- // If we have any intermediate certificates then we need to add them to our chain
- bool first = true;
- for (const QSslCertificate &cert : qAsConst(configuration.d->localCertificateChain)) {
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- continue;
- }
- q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT, 0,
- q_X509_dup(reinterpret_cast<X509 *>(cert.handle())));
- }
- }
- // Initialize peer verification.
- if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyMode() == QSslSocket::VerifyNone) {
- q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
- } else {
- q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, q_X509Callback);
- }
- // Set verification depth.
- if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth() != 0)
- q_SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth());
- // set persisted session if the user set it
- if (!configuration.sessionTicket().isEmpty())
- sslContext->setSessionASN1(configuration.sessionTicket());
- // Set temp DH params
- QSslDiffieHellmanParameters dhparams = configuration.diffieHellmanParameters();
- if (!dhparams.isValid()) {
- sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid");
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- return;
- }
- if (!dhparams.isEmpty()) {
- const QByteArray ¶ms = dhparams.d->derData;
- const char *ptr = params.constData();
- DH *dh = q_d2i_DHparams(NULL, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char **>(&ptr), params.length());
- if (dh == NULL)
- qFatal("q_d2i_DHparams failed to convert QSslDiffieHellmanParameters to DER form");
- q_SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(sslContext->ctx, dh);
- q_DH_free(dh);
- }
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
- q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO, 1, NULL);
- } else
- {
- // Set temp ECDH params
- EC_KEY *ecdh = 0;
- ecdh = q_EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
- q_SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(sslContext->ctx, ecdh);
- q_EC_KEY_free(ecdh);
- }
-#endif // OPENSSL_NO_EC
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
- if (!client)
- q_SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.preSharedKeyIdentityHint().constData());
-#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
- const QVector<QSslEllipticCurve> qcurves = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ellipticCurves();
- if (!qcurves.isEmpty()) {
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC)
- // Set the curves to be used
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
- // SSL_CTX_ctrl wants a non-const pointer as last argument,
- // but let's avoid a copy into a temporary array
- if (!q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx,
- qcurves.size(),
- const_cast<int *>(reinterpret_cast<const int *>( {
- sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- }
- } else
-#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC)
- {
- // specific curves requested, but not possible to set -> error
- sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocket::tr("OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2"));
- sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
- }
- }
QSslContext* QSslContext::fromConfiguration(QSslSocket::SslMode mode, const QSslConfiguration &configuration, bool allowRootCertOnDemandLoading)
QSslContext *sslContext = new QSslContext();
@@ -463,7 +160,7 @@ SSL* QSslContext::createSsl()
m_npnContext.len = m_supportedNPNVersions.count();
m_npnContext.status = QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationNone;
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
+ if (QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >= 0x10002000L) {
// Callback's type has a parameter 'const unsigned char ** out'
// since it was introduced in 1.0.2. Internally, OpenSSL's own code
// (tests/examples) cast it to unsigned char * (since it's 'out').
@@ -508,7 +205,7 @@ bool QSslContext::cacheSession(SSL* ssl)
unsigned char *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(;
if (!q_i2d_SSL_SESSION(session, &data))
qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not store persistent version of SSL session");
- m_sessionTicketLifeTimeHint = session->tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint;
+ m_sessionTicketLifeTimeHint = q_SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(session);
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl11.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_openssl11.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include <QtNetwork/qsslsocket.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/qssldiffiehellmanparameters.h>
+#include "private/qssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslcontext_openssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
+#include "private/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_p.h"
+#include <vector>
+// defined in qsslsocket_openssl.cpp:
+extern int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
+extern QString getErrorsFromOpenSsl();
+static inline QString msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(const QString &why)
+ return QSslSocket::tr("Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)").arg(why);
+// static
+void QSslContext::initSslContext(QSslContext *sslContext, QSslSocket::SslMode mode, const QSslConfiguration &configuration, bool allowRootCertOnDemandLoading)
+ sslContext->sslConfiguration = configuration;
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::NoError;
+ bool client = (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+ bool reinitialized = false;
+ bool unsupportedProtocol = false;
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.protocol() == QSsl::SslV2) {
+ // SSL 2 is no longer supported, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = nullptr;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ } else {
+ // The ssl options will actually control the supported methods
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLS_client_method() : q_TLS_server_method());
+ }
+ if (!sslContext->ctx) {
+ // After stopping Flash 10 the SSL library loses its ciphers. Try re-adding them
+ // by re-initializing the library.
+ if (!reinitialized) {
+ reinitialized = true;
+ if (q_OPENSSL_init_ssl(0, nullptr) == 1)
+ goto init_context;
+ }
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error creating SSL context (%1)").arg(
+ unsupportedProtocol ? QSslSocket::tr("unsupported protocol") : QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()
+ );
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Enable bug workarounds.
+ long options = QSslSocketBackendPrivate::setupOpenSslOptions(configuration.protocol(), configuration.d->sslOptions);
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_options(sslContext->ctx, options);
+ // Tell OpenSSL to release memory early
+ //
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_mode(sslContext->ctx, SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS);
+ // Initialize ciphers
+ QByteArray cipherString;
+ bool first = true;
+ QList<QSslCipher> ciphers = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ciphers();
+ if (ciphers.isEmpty())
+ ciphers = QSslSocketPrivate::defaultCiphers();
+ for (const QSslCipher &cipher : qAsConst(ciphers)) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ cipherString.append(':');
+ cipherString.append(;
+ }
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(sslContext->ctx, {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ const QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+ // Add all our CAs to this store.
+ const auto caCertificates = sslContext->sslConfiguration.caCertificates();
+ for (const QSslCertificate &caCertificate : caCertificates) {
+ // From
+ //
+ // If several CA certificates matching the name, key identifier, and
+ // serial number condition are available, only the first one will be
+ // examined. This may lead to unexpected results if the same CA
+ // certificate is available with different expiration dates. If a
+ // ``certificate expired'' verification error occurs, no other
+ // certificate will be searched. Make sure to not have expired
+ // certificates mixed with valid ones.
+ //
+ // See also: QSslSocketBackendPrivate::verify()
+ if (caCertificate.expiryDate() >= now) {
+ q_X509_STORE_add_cert(q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(sslContext->ctx), (X509 *)caCertificate.handle());
+ }
+ }
+ if (QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadRootCertsOnDemand && allowRootCertOnDemandLoading) {
+ // tell OpenSSL the directories where to look up the root certs on demand
+ const QList<QByteArray> unixDirs = QSslSocketPrivate::unixRootCertDirectories();
+ for (const QByteArray &unixDir : unixDirs)
+ q_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(sslContext->ctx, nullptr, unixDir.constData());
+ }
+ if (!sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().isNull()) {
+ // Require a private key as well.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.privateKey().isNull()) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Load certificate
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_certificate(sslContext->ctx, (X509 *)sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().handle())) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading local certificate, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque) {
+ sslContext->pkey = reinterpret_cast<EVP_PKEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle());
+ } else {
+ // Load private key
+ sslContext->pkey = q_EVP_PKEY_new();
+ // before we were using EVP_PKEY_assign_R* functions and did not use EVP_PKEY_free.
+ // this lead to a memory leak. Now we use the *_set1_* functions which do not
+ // take ownership of the RSA/DSA key instance because the QSslKey already has ownership.
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<RSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+ else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Dsa)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<DSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Ec)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<EC_KEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+ }
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->pkey)) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading private key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque)
+ sslContext->pkey = nullptr; // Don't free the private key, it belongs to QSslKey
+ // Check if the certificate matches the private key.
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_check_private_key(sslContext->ctx)) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Private key does not certify public key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we have any intermediate certificates then we need to add them to our chain
+ bool first = true;
+ for (const QSslCertificate &cert : qAsConst(configuration.d->localCertificateChain)) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT, 0,
+ q_X509_dup(reinterpret_cast<X509 *>(cert.handle())));
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize peer verification.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyMode() == QSslSocket::VerifyNone) {
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nullptr);
+ } else {
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, q_X509Callback);
+ }
+ // Set verification depth.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth() != 0)
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth());
+ // set persisted session if the user set it
+ if (!configuration.sessionTicket().isEmpty())
+ sslContext->setSessionASN1(configuration.sessionTicket());
+ // Set temp DH params
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameters dhparams = configuration.diffieHellmanParameters();
+ if (!dhparams.isValid()) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid");
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!dhparams.isEmpty()) {
+ const QByteArray ¶ms = dhparams.d->derData;
+ const char *ptr = params.constData();
+ DH *dh = q_d2i_DHparams(NULL, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char **>(&ptr), params.length());
+ if (dh == NULL)
+ qFatal("q_d2i_DHparams failed to convert QSslDiffieHellmanParameters to DER form");
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(sslContext->ctx, dh);
+ q_DH_free(dh);
+ }
+ if (!client)
+ q_SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.preSharedKeyIdentityHint().constData());
+#endif // !OPENSSL_NO_PSK
+ const QVector<QSslEllipticCurve> qcurves = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ellipticCurves();
+ if (!qcurves.isEmpty()) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocket::tr("OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves"));
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ // Set the curves to be used.
+ std::vector<int> curves;
+ curves.reserve(qcurves.size());
+ for (const auto &sslCurve : qcurves)
+ curves.push_back(;
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_SET_CURVES, long(curves.size()), &curves[0])) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ }
+ }
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_opensslpre11.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslcontext_opensslpre11.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include <QtNetwork/qsslsocket.h>
+#include <QtNetwork/qssldiffiehellmanparameters.h>
+#include "private/qssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslcontext_openssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h"
+#include "private/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
+#include "private/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_p.h"
+// defined in qsslsocket_openssl.cpp:
+extern int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
+extern QString getErrorsFromOpenSsl();
+static inline QString msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(const QString &why)
+ return QSslSocket::tr("Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)").arg(why);
+// static
+void QSslContext::initSslContext(QSslContext *sslContext, QSslSocket::SslMode mode, const QSslConfiguration &configuration, bool allowRootCertOnDemandLoading)
+ sslContext->sslConfiguration = configuration;
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::NoError;
+ bool client = (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode);
+ bool reinitialized = false;
+ bool unsupportedProtocol = false;
+ switch (sslContext->sslConfiguration.protocol()) {
+ case QSsl::SslV2:
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv2_client_method() : q_SSLv2_server_method());
+ // SSL 2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = 0;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ break;
+ case QSsl::SslV3:
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv3_client_method() : q_SSLv3_server_method());
+ // SSL 3 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = 0;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ break;
+ case QSsl::SecureProtocols:
+ // SSLv2 and SSLv3 will be disabled by SSL options
+ // But we need q_SSLv23_server_method() otherwise AnyProtocol will be unable to connect on Win32.
+ case QSsl::TlsV1SslV3:
+ // SSLv2 will will be disabled by SSL options
+ case QSsl::AnyProtocol:
+ default:
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
+ break;
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_0:
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_client_method() : q_TLSv1_server_method());
+ break;
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_1:
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_1_client_method() : q_TLSv1_1_server_method());
+ // TLS 1.1 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = 0;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ break;
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_2:
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_TLSv1_2_client_method() : q_TLSv1_2_server_method());
+ // TLS 1.2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = 0;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ break;
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_0OrLater:
+ // Specific protocols will be specified via SSL options.
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
+ break;
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_1OrLater:
+ case QSsl::TlsV1_2OrLater:
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ // Specific protocols will be specified via SSL options.
+ sslContext->ctx = q_SSL_CTX_new(client ? q_SSLv23_client_method() : q_SSLv23_server_method());
+ // TLS 1.1/1.2 not supported by the system, but chosen deliberately -> error
+ sslContext->ctx = 0;
+ unsupportedProtocol = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!sslContext->ctx) {
+ // After stopping Flash 10 the SSL library loses its ciphers. Try re-adding them
+ // by re-initializing the library.
+ if (!reinitialized) {
+ reinitialized = true;
+ if (q_SSL_library_init() == 1)
+ goto init_context;
+ }
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error creating SSL context (%1)").arg(
+ unsupportedProtocol ? QSslSocket::tr("unsupported protocol") : QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()
+ );
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Enable bug workarounds.
+ long options = QSslSocketBackendPrivate::setupOpenSslOptions(configuration.protocol(), configuration.d->sslOptions);
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_options(sslContext->ctx, options);
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+ // Tell OpenSSL to release memory early
+ //
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10000000L)
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_mode(sslContext->ctx, SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS);
+ // Initialize ciphers
+ QByteArray cipherString;
+ bool first = true;
+ QList<QSslCipher> ciphers = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ciphers();
+ if (ciphers.isEmpty())
+ ciphers = QSslSocketPrivate::defaultCiphers();
+ for (const QSslCipher &cipher : qAsConst(ciphers)) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ cipherString.append(':');
+ cipherString.append(;
+ }
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(sslContext->ctx, {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ const QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+ // Add all our CAs to this store.
+ const auto caCertificates = sslContext->sslConfiguration.caCertificates();
+ for (const QSslCertificate &caCertificate : caCertificates) {
+ // From
+ //
+ // If several CA certificates matching the name, key identifier, and
+ // serial number condition are available, only the first one will be
+ // examined. This may lead to unexpected results if the same CA
+ // certificate is available with different expiration dates. If a
+ // ``certificate expired'' verification error occurs, no other
+ // certificate will be searched. Make sure to not have expired
+ // certificates mixed with valid ones.
+ //
+ // See also: QSslSocketBackendPrivate::verify()
+ if (caCertificate.expiryDate() >= now) {
+ q_X509_STORE_add_cert(q_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(sslContext->ctx), (X509 *)caCertificate.handle());
+ }
+ }
+ if (QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadRootCertsOnDemand && allowRootCertOnDemandLoading) {
+ // tell OpenSSL the directories where to look up the root certs on demand
+ const QList<QByteArray> unixDirs = QSslSocketPrivate::unixRootCertDirectories();
+ for (const QByteArray &unixDir : unixDirs)
+ q_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(sslContext->ctx, 0, unixDir.constData());
+ }
+ if (!sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().isNull()) {
+ // Require a private key as well.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.privateKey().isNull()) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Load certificate
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_certificate(sslContext->ctx, (X509 *)sslContext->sslConfiguration.localCertificate().handle())) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading local certificate, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque) {
+ sslContext->pkey = reinterpret_cast<EVP_PKEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle());
+ } else {
+ // Load private key
+ sslContext->pkey = q_EVP_PKEY_new();
+ // before we were using EVP_PKEY_assign_R* functions and did not use EVP_PKEY_free.
+ // this lead to a memory leak. Now we use the *_set1_* functions which do not
+ // take ownership of the RSA/DSA key instance because the QSslKey already has ownership.
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<RSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+ else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Dsa)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<DSA *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ else if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Ec)
+ q_EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(sslContext->pkey, reinterpret_cast<EC_KEY *>(configuration.d->privateKey.handle()));
+ }
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->pkey)) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Error loading private key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (configuration.d->privateKey.algorithm() == QSsl::Opaque)
+ sslContext->pkey = 0; // Don't free the private key, it belongs to QSslKey
+ // Check if the certificate matches the private key.
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_check_private_key(sslContext->ctx)) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Private key does not certify public key, %1").arg(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we have any intermediate certificates then we need to add them to our chain
+ bool first = true;
+ for (const QSslCertificate &cert : qAsConst(configuration.d->localCertificateChain)) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT, 0,
+ q_X509_dup(reinterpret_cast<X509 *>(cert.handle())));
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize peer verification.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyMode() == QSslSocket::VerifyNone) {
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
+ } else {
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify(sslContext->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, q_X509Callback);
+ }
+ // Set verification depth.
+ if (sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth() != 0)
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.peerVerifyDepth());
+ // set persisted session if the user set it
+ if (!configuration.sessionTicket().isEmpty())
+ sslContext->setSessionASN1(configuration.sessionTicket());
+ // Set temp DH params
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameters dhparams = configuration.diffieHellmanParameters();
+ if (!dhparams.isValid()) {
+ sslContext->errorStr = QSslSocket::tr("Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid");
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!dhparams.isEmpty()) {
+ const QByteArray ¶ms = dhparams.d->derData;
+ const char *ptr = params.constData();
+ DH *dh = q_d2i_DHparams(NULL, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char **>(&ptr), params.length());
+ if (dh == NULL)
+ qFatal("q_d2i_DHparams failed to convert QSslDiffieHellmanParameters to DER form");
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(sslContext->ctx, dh);
+ q_DH_free(dh);
+ }
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
+ q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx, SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO, 1, NULL);
+ } else
+ {
+ // Set temp ECDH params
+ EC_KEY *ecdh = 0;
+ ecdh = q_EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
+ q_SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(sslContext->ctx, ecdh);
+ q_EC_KEY_free(ecdh);
+ }
+#endif // OPENSSL_NO_EC
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
+ if (!client)
+ q_SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(sslContext->ctx, sslContext->sslConfiguration.preSharedKeyIdentityHint().constData());
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
+ const QVector<QSslEllipticCurve> qcurves = sslContext->sslConfiguration.ellipticCurves();
+ if (!qcurves.isEmpty()) {
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC)
+ // Set the curves to be used
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
+ // SSL_CTX_ctrl wants a non-const pointer as last argument,
+ // but let's avoid a copy into a temporary array
+ if (!q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(sslContext->ctx,
+ qcurves.size(),
+ const_cast<int *>(reinterpret_cast<const int *>( {
+ sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl());
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ }
+ } else
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_EC)
+ {
+ // specific curves requested, but not possible to set -> error
+ sslContext->errorStr = msgErrorSettingEllipticCurves(QSslSocket::tr("OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2"));
+ sslContext->errorCode = QSslError::UnspecifiedError;
+ }
+ }
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 Mikkel Krautz <>
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -50,8 +51,8 @@
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
-// For q_BN_is_word.
#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/dh.h>
@@ -62,13 +63,6 @@ static bool isSafeDH(DH *dh)
- // Mark p < 1024 bits as unsafe.
- if (q_BN_num_bits(dh->p) < 1024) {
- return false;
- }
- if (q_DH_check(dh, &status) != 1)
- return false;
// From
@@ -81,11 +75,39 @@ static bool isSafeDH(DH *dh)
// Without the test, the IETF parameters would
// fail validation. For details, see Diffie-Hellman
// Parameter Check (when g = 2, must p mod 24 == 11?).
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ // Mark p < 1024 bits as unsafe.
+ if (q_DH_bits(dh) < 1024)
+ return false;
+ if (q_DH_check(dh, &status) != 1)
+ return false;
+ const BIGNUM *p = nullptr;
+ const BIGNUM *q = nullptr;
+ const BIGNUM *g = nullptr;
+ q_DH_get0_pqg(dh, &p, &q, &g);
+ if (q_BN_is_word(const_cast<BIGNUM *>(g), DH_GENERATOR_2)) {
+ long residue = q_BN_mod_word(p, 24);
+ if (residue == 11 || residue == 23)
+ }
+ // Mark p < 1024 bits as unsafe.
+ if (q_BN_num_bits(dh->p) < 1024)
+ return false;
+ if (q_DH_check(dh, &status) != 1)
+ return false;
if (q_BN_is_word(dh->g, DH_GENERATOR_2)) {
long residue = q_BN_mod_word(dh->p, 24);
if (residue == 11 || residue == 23)
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve.h
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve.h
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve.h
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ private:
friend Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(QSslEllipticCurve lhs, QSslEllipticCurve rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
friend Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR uint qHash(QSslEllipticCurve curve, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
+ friend class QSslContext;
friend class QSslSocketPrivate;
friend class QSslSocketBackendPrivate;
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslellipticcurve_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -78,17 +79,18 @@ QSslEllipticCurve QSslEllipticCurve::fro
QSslEllipticCurve result;
- const QByteArray curveNameLatin1 = name.toLatin1();
+ const QByteArray curveNameLatin1 = name.toLatin1();
int nid = q_OBJ_sn2nid(;
- if (nid == 0 && q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L)
+ if (nid == 0 && QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >= 0x10002000L)
nid = q_EC_curve_nist2nid(;
#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
| = nid;
+#endif // !OPENSSL_NO_EC
return result;
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslkey_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslkey_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslkey_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -84,33 +85,30 @@ void QSslKeyPrivate::clear(bool deep)
bool QSslKeyPrivate::fromEVP_PKEY(EVP_PKEY *pkey)
- if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ const int keyType = q_EVP_PKEY_type(q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey));
+ const int keyType = pkey->type;
+ if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
isNull = false;
algorithm = QSsl::Rsa;
type = QSsl::PrivateKey;
- rsa = q_RSA_new();
- memcpy(rsa, q_EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey), sizeof(RSA));
+ rsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey);
return true;
- }
- else if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
+ } else if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
isNull = false;
algorithm = QSsl::Dsa;
type = QSsl::PrivateKey;
- dsa = q_DSA_new();
- memcpy(dsa, q_EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pkey), sizeof(DSA));
+ dsa = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(pkey);
return true;
- else if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
+ else if (keyType == EVP_PKEY_EC) {
isNull = false;
algorithm = QSsl::Ec;
type = QSsl::PrivateKey;
- ec = q_EC_KEY_dup(q_EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey));
+ ec = q_EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(pkey);
return true;
@@ -178,8 +176,8 @@ int QSslKeyPrivate::length() const
return -1;
switch (algorithm) {
- case QSsl::Rsa: return q_BN_num_bits(rsa->n);
- case QSsl::Dsa: return q_BN_num_bits(dsa->p);
+ case QSsl::Rsa: return q_RSA_bits(rsa);
+ case QSsl::Dsa: return q_DSA_bits(dsa);
case QSsl::Ec: return q_EC_GROUP_get_degree(q_EC_KEY_get0_group(ec));
@@ -273,7 +271,13 @@ Qt::HANDLE QSslKeyPrivate::handle() cons
static QByteArray doCrypt(QSslKeyPrivate::Cipher cipher, const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &iv, int enc)
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX evpCipherContext;
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = &evpCipherContext;
const EVP_CIPHER* type = 0;
int i = 0, len = 0;
@@ -291,21 +295,44 @@ static QByteArray doCrypt(QSslKeyPrivate
QByteArray output;
output.resize(data.size() + EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH);
- q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx);
- q_EVP_CipherInit(&ctx, type, NULL, NULL, enc);
- q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(&ctx, key.size());
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset(ctx);
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(ctx);
+ q_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, type, NULL, NULL, enc);
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(ctx, key.size());
if (cipher == QSslKeyPrivate::Rc2Cbc)
- q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(&ctx, EVP_CTRL_SET_RC2_KEY_BITS, 8 * key.size(), NULL);
- q_EVP_CipherInit(&ctx, NULL,
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_SET_RC2_KEY_BITS, 8 * key.size(), NULL);
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ // EVP_CipherInit in 1.1 resets the context thus making the calls above useless.
+ // We call EVP_CipherInit_ex instead.
+ q_EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, nullptr, nullptr,
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(key.constData()),
+ reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(iv.constData()),
+ enc);
+ q_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, NULL,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(key.constData()),
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(iv.constData()), enc);
- q_EVP_CipherUpdate(&ctx,
+#endif // opensslv11
+ q_EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(, &len,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(data.constData()), data.size());
- q_EVP_CipherFinal(&ctx,
+ q_EVP_CipherFinal(ctx,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>( + len, &i);
len += i;
- q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset(ctx);
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx);
+ q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(ctx);
return output.left(len);
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG
** Contact:
@@ -97,70 +97,6 @@ bool QSslSocketPrivate::s_loadRootCertsO
int QSslSocketBackendPrivate::s_indexForSSLExtraData = -1;
-/* \internal
- From OpenSSL's thread(3) manual page:
- OpenSSL can safely be used in multi-threaded applications provided that at
- least two callback functions are set.
- locking_function(int mode, int n, const char *file, int line) is needed to
- perform locking on shared data structures. (Note that OpenSSL uses a
- number of global data structures that will be implicitly shared
- whenever multiple threads use OpenSSL.) Multi-threaded
- applications will crash at random if it is not set. ...
- ...
- id_function(void) is a function that returns a thread ID. It is not
- needed on Windows nor on platforms where getpid() returns a different
- ID for each thread (most notably Linux)
-class QOpenSslLocks
- inline QOpenSslLocks()
- : initLocker(QMutex::Recursive),
- locksLocker(QMutex::Recursive)
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
- int numLocks = q_CRYPTO_num_locks();
- locks = new QMutex *[numLocks];
- memset(locks, 0, numLocks * sizeof(QMutex *));
- }
- inline ~QOpenSslLocks()
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
- for (int i = 0; i < q_CRYPTO_num_locks(); ++i)
- delete locks[i];
- delete [] locks;
- QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize();
- }
- inline QMutex *lock(int num)
- {
- QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
- QMutex *tmp = locks[num];
- if (!tmp)
- tmp = locks[num] = new QMutex(QMutex::Recursive);
- return tmp;
- }
- QMutex *globalLock()
- {
- return &locksLocker;
- }
- QMutex *initLock()
- {
- return &initLocker;
- }
- QMutex initLocker;
- QMutex locksLocker;
- QMutex **locks;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QOpenSslLocks, openssl_locks)
QString QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErrorsFromOpenSsl()
QString errorString;
@@ -175,20 +111,6 @@ QString QSslSocketBackendPrivate::getErr
extern "C" {
-static void locking_function(int mode, int lockNumber, const char *, int)
- QMutex *mutex = openssl_locks()->lock(lockNumber);
- // Lock or unlock it
- if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
- mutex->lock();
- else
- mutex->unlock();
-static unsigned long id_function()
- return (quintptr)QThread::currentThreadId();
#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
static unsigned int q_ssl_psk_client_callback(SSL *ssl,
@@ -227,7 +149,7 @@ QSslSocketBackendPrivate::~QSslSocketBac
-QSslCipher QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(SSL_CIPHER *cipher)
+QSslCipher QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher)
QSslCipher ciph;
@@ -268,7 +190,8 @@ QSslCipher QSslSocketBackendPrivate::QSs
// static
-inline QSslErrorEntry QSslErrorEntry::fromStoreContext(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) {
+inline QSslErrorEntry QSslErrorEntry::fromStoreContext(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
QSslErrorEntry result = {
@@ -283,6 +206,7 @@ struct QSslErrorList
QMutex mutex;
QVector<QSslErrorEntry> errors;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QSslErrorList, _q_sslErrorList)
int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
@@ -312,7 +236,7 @@ int q_X509Callback(int ok, X509_STORE_CT
- // Always return OK to allow verification to continue. We're handle the
+ // Always return OK to allow verification to continue. We handle the
// errors gracefully after collecting all errors, after verification has
// completed.
return 1;
@@ -397,7 +321,7 @@ bool QSslSocketBackendPrivate::initSslCo
if (configuration.protocol != QSsl::SslV2 &&
configuration.protocol != QSsl::SslV3 &&
configuration.protocol != QSsl::UnknownProtocol &&
- mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode && q_SSLeay() >= 0x00090806fL) {
+ mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode && QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >= 0x00090806fL) {
// Set server hostname on TLS extension. RFC4366 section 3.1 requires it in ACE format.
QString tlsHostName = verificationPeerName.isEmpty() ? q->peerName() : verificationPeerName;
if (tlsHostName.isEmpty())
@@ -438,13 +362,13 @@ bool QSslSocketBackendPrivate::initSslCo
// Save a pointer to this object into the SSL structure.
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10001000L)
+ if (QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >= 0x10001000L)
q_SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, s_indexForSSLExtraData, this);
#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
// Set the client callback for PSK
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10001000L) {
+ if (QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >= 0x10001000L) {
if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode)
q_SSL_set_psk_client_callback(ssl, &q_ssl_psk_client_callback);
else if (mode == QSslSocket::SslServerMode)
@@ -466,16 +390,6 @@ void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::destroySs
-void QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize()
- q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(0);
- q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(0);
- q_ERR_free_strings();
- \internal
Does the minimum amount of initialization to determine whether SSL
is supported or not.
@@ -486,92 +400,6 @@ bool QSslSocketPrivate::supportsSsl()
return ensureLibraryLoaded();
-bool QSslSocketPrivate::ensureLibraryLoaded()
- if (!q_resolveOpenSslSymbols())
- return false;
- // Check if the library itself needs to be initialized.
- QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
- if (!s_libraryLoaded) {
- s_libraryLoaded = true;
- // Initialize OpenSSL.
- q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(id_function);
- q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(locking_function);
- if (q_SSL_library_init() != 1)
- return false;
- q_SSL_load_error_strings();
- q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10001000L)
- QSslSocketBackendPrivate::s_indexForSSLExtraData = q_SSL_get_ex_new_index(0L, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- // Initialize OpenSSL's random seed.
- if (!q_RAND_status()) {
- qWarning("Random number generator not seeded, disabling SSL support");
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-void QSslSocketPrivate::ensureCiphersAndCertsLoaded()
- QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
- if (s_loadedCiphersAndCerts)
- return;
- s_loadedCiphersAndCerts = true;
- resetDefaultCiphers();
- resetDefaultEllipticCurves();
-#if QT_CONFIG(library)
- //load symbols needed to receive certificates from system store
-#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
- HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryW(L"Crypt32");
- if (hLib) {
- ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW = (PtrCertOpenSystemStoreW)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertOpenSystemStoreW");
- ptrCertFindCertificateInStore = (PtrCertFindCertificateInStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertFindCertificateInStore");
- ptrCertCloseStore = (PtrCertCloseStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertCloseStore");
- if (!ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW || !ptrCertFindCertificateInStore || !ptrCertCloseStore)
- qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not resolve symbols in crypt32 library"); // should never happen
- } else {
- qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not load crypt32 library"); // should never happen
- }
-#elif defined(Q_OS_QNX)
- s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
-#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
- // check whether we can enable on-demand root-cert loading (i.e. check whether the sym links are there)
- QList<QByteArray> dirs = unixRootCertDirectories();
- QStringList symLinkFilter;
- symLinkFilter << QLatin1String("[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f].[0-9]");
- for (int a = 0; a < dirs.count(); ++a) {
- QDirIterator iterator(QLatin1String(, symLinkFilter, QDir::Files);
- if (iterator.hasNext()) {
- s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
- break;
- }
- }
-#endif // QT_CONFIG(library)
- // if on-demand loading was not enabled, load the certs now
- if (!s_loadRootCertsOnDemand)
- setDefaultCaCertificates(systemCaCertificates());
-#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- //Enabled for fetching additional root certs from windows update on windows 6+
- //This flag is set false by setDefaultCaCertificates() indicating the app uses
- //its own cert bundle rather than the system one.
- //Same logic that disables the unix on demand cert loading.
- //Unlike unix, we do preload the certificates from the cert store.
- if ((QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based) >= QSysInfo::WV_6_0)
- s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
@@ -587,26 +415,6 @@ void QSslSocketPrivate::ensureInitialize
-long QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionNumber()
- if (!supportsSsl())
- return 0;
- return q_SSLeay();
-QString QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionString()
- if (!supportsSsl())
- return QString();
- const char *versionString = q_SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION);
- if (!versionString)
- return QString();
- return QString::fromLatin1(versionString);
long QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryBuildVersionNumber()
@@ -628,7 +436,11 @@ QString QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryBui
void QSslSocketPrivate::resetDefaultCiphers()
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ SSL_CTX *myCtx = q_SSL_CTX_new(q_TLS_client_method());
SSL_CTX *myCtx = q_SSL_CTX_new(q_SSLv23_client_method());
SSL *mySsl = q_SSL_new(myCtx);
QList<QSslCipher> ciphers;
@@ -665,7 +477,7 @@ void QSslSocketPrivate::resetDefaultElli
QVector<QSslEllipticCurve> curves;
- const size_t curveCount = q_EC_get_builtin_curves(NULL, 0);
+ const size_t curveCount = q_EC_get_builtin_curves(nullptr, 0);
QVarLengthArray<EC_builtin_curve> builtinCurves(static_cast<int>(curveCount));
@@ -699,13 +511,14 @@ QList<QSslCertificate> QSslSocketPrivate
if (ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW && ptrCertFindCertificateInStore && ptrCertCloseStore) {
HCERTSTORE hSystemStore;
hSystemStore = ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW(0, L"ROOT");
- if(hSystemStore) {
- while(1) {
- pc = ptrCertFindCertificateInStore( hSystemStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_ANY, NULL, pc);
- if(!pc)
+ if (hSystemStore) {
+ PCCERT_CONTEXT pc = nullptr;
+ while (1) {
+ pc = ptrCertFindCertificateInStore(hSystemStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_ANY, nullptr, pc);
+ if (!pc)
- QByteArray der((const char *)(pc->pbCertEncoded), static_cast<int>(pc->cbCertEncoded));
+ QByteArray der(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pc->pbCertEncoded),
+ static_cast<int>(pc->cbCertEncoded));
QSslCertificate cert(der, QSsl::Der);
@@ -1503,14 +1316,8 @@ QSslCipher QSslSocketBackendPrivate::ses
if (!ssl)
return QSslCipher();
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- // FIXME This is fairly evil, but needed to keep source level compatibility
- // with the OpenSSL 0.9.x implementation at maximum -- some other functions
- // don't take a const SSL_CIPHER* when they should
- SSL_CIPHER *sessionCipher = const_cast<SSL_CIPHER *>(q_SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl));
- SSL_CIPHER *sessionCipher = q_SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);
+ const SSL_CIPHER *sessionCipher = q_SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl);
return sessionCipher ? QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(sessionCipher) : QSslCipher();
@@ -1536,112 +1343,6 @@ QSsl::SslProtocol QSslSocketBackendPriva
return QSsl::UnknownProtocol;
-void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::continueHandshake()
- Q_Q(QSslSocket);
- // if we have a max read buffer size, reset the plain socket's to match
- if (readBufferMaxSize)
- plainSocket->setReadBufferSize(readBufferMaxSize);
- if (q_SSL_ctrl((ssl), SSL_CTRL_GET_SESSION_REUSED, 0, NULL))
- configuration.peerSessionShared = true;
- if (ssl->session && ssl->s3) {
- const char *mk = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->session->master_key);
- QByteArray masterKey(mk, ssl->session->master_key_length);
- const char *random = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->s3->client_random);
- QByteArray clientRandom(random, SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);
- // different format, needed for e.g. older Wireshark versions:
-// const char *sid = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->session->session_id);
-// QByteArray sessionID(sid, ssl->session->session_id_length);
-// QByteArray debugLineRSA("RSA Session-ID:");
-// debugLineRSA.append(sessionID.toHex().toUpper());
-// debugLineRSA.append(" Master-Key:");
-// debugLineRSA.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
-// debugLineRSA.append("\n");
- QByteArray debugLineClientRandom("CLIENT_RANDOM ");
- debugLineClientRandom.append(clientRandom.toHex().toUpper());
- debugLineClientRandom.append(" ");
- debugLineClientRandom.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
- debugLineClientRandom.append("\n");
- QString sslKeyFile = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/qt-ssl-keys");
- QFile file(sslKeyFile);
- if (!
- qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not open file" << sslKeyFile << "for appending";
- if (!file.write(debugLineClientRandom))
- qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not write to file" << sslKeyFile;
- file.close();
- } else {
- qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not decrypt SSL traffic");
- }
- // Cache this SSL session inside the QSslContext
- if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionSharing)) {
- if (!sslContextPointer->cacheSession(ssl)) {
- sslContextPointer.clear(); // we could not cache the session
- } else {
- // Cache the session for permanent usage as well
- if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence)) {
- if (!sslContextPointer->sessionASN1().isEmpty())
- configuration.sslSession = sslContextPointer->sessionASN1();
- configuration.sslSessionTicketLifeTimeHint = sslContextPointer->sessionTicketLifeTimeHint();
- }
- }
- }
- configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = sslContextPointer->npnContext().status;
- if (sslContextPointer->npnContext().status == QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationUnsupported) {
- // we could not agree -> be conservative and use HTTP/1.1
- configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArrayLiteral("http/1.1");
- } else {
- const unsigned char *proto = 0;
- unsigned int proto_len = 0;
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
- q_SSL_get0_alpn_selected(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
- if (proto_len && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
- // Client does not have a callback that sets it ...
- configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationNegotiated;
- }
- }
- if (!proto_len) { // Test if NPN was more lucky ...
- {
- q_SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
- }
- if (proto_len)
- configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(proto), proto_len);
- else
- configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol.clear();
- }
-#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x1000100fL ...
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
- EVP_PKEY *key;
- if (q_SSL_get_server_tmp_key(ssl, &key))
- configuration.ephemeralServerKey = QSslKey(key, QSsl::PublicKey);
- }
-#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L ...
- connectionEncrypted = true;
- emit q->encrypted();
- if (autoStartHandshake && pendingClose) {
- pendingClose = false;
- q->disconnectFromHost();
- }
QList<QSslCertificate> QSslSocketBackendPrivate::STACKOFX509_to_QSslCertificates(STACK_OF(X509) *x509)
@@ -1695,12 +1396,12 @@ QList<QSslError> QSslSocketBackendPrivat
QMutexLocker sslErrorListMutexLocker(&_q_sslErrorList()->mutex);
// Register a custom callback to get all verification errors.
- X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func(certStore, q_X509Callback);
+ q_X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(certStore, q_X509Callback);
// Build the chain of intermediate certificates
STACK_OF(X509) *intermediates = 0;
if (certificateChain.length() > 1) {
- intermediates = (STACK_OF(X509) *) q_sk_new_null();
+ intermediates = (STACK_OF(X509) *) q_OPENSSL_sk_new_null();
if (!intermediates) {
@@ -1714,11 +1415,8 @@ QList<QSslError> QSslSocketBackendPrivat
first = false;
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- q_sk_push( (_STACK *)intermediates, reinterpret_cast<X509 *>(cert.handle()));
- q_sk_push( (STACK *)intermediates, reinterpret_cast<char *>(cert.handle()));
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_push((OPENSSL_STACK *)intermediates, reinterpret_cast<X509 *>(cert.handle()));
@@ -1742,11 +1440,7 @@ QList<QSslError> QSslSocketBackendPrivat
(void) q_X509_verify_cert(storeContext);
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- q_sk_free( (_STACK *) intermediates);
- q_sk_free( (STACK *) intermediates);
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_free((OPENSSL_STACK *)intermediates);
// Now process the errors
const auto errorList = std::move(_q_sslErrorList()->errors);
@@ -1820,7 +1514,8 @@ bool QSslSocketBackendPrivate::importPkc
// Convert to Qt types
if (!key->d->fromEVP_PKEY(pkey)) {
qCWarning(lcSsl, "Unable to convert private key");
- q_sk_pop_free(reinterpret_cast<STACK *>(ca), reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_sk_free));
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(reinterpret_cast<OPENSSL_STACK *>(ca),
+ reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(q_OPENSSL_sk_free));
@@ -1835,7 +1530,11 @@ bool QSslSocketBackendPrivate::importPkc
*caCertificates = QSslSocketBackendPrivate::STACKOFX509_to_QSslCertificates(ca);
// Clean up
- q_sk_pop_free(reinterpret_cast<STACK *>(ca), reinterpret_cast<void(*)(void*)>(q_sk_free));
+ // TODO: verify ASAP, in the past we had sk_pop_free with q_OPENSSL_sk_free
+ // which seems to be blatantly wrong and even crashes with 1.1.
+ q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(reinterpret_cast<OPENSSL_STACK *>(ca),
+ reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(q_X509_free));
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+** In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders listed above give
+** permission to link the code of its release of Qt with the OpenSSL project's
+** "OpenSSL" library (or modified versions of the "OpenSSL" library that use the
+** same license as the original version), and distribute the linked executables.
+** You must comply with the GNU General Public License version 2 in all
+** respects for all of the code used other than the "OpenSSL" code. If you
+** modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
+** but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+** this exception statement from your version of this file.
+#include "qssl_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket.h"
+#include "qsslkey.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdiriterator.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
+#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
+#include <QtCore/qlibrary.h>
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QMutex, qt_opensslInitMutex, (QMutex::Recursive))
+ \internal
+void QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize()
+ // This function exists only for compatibility with the pre-11 code,
+ // where deinitialize() actually does some cleanup. To be discarded
+ // once we retire < 1.1.
+bool QSslSocketPrivate::ensureLibraryLoaded()
+ if (!q_resolveOpenSslSymbols())
+ return false;
+ const QMutexLocker locker(qt_opensslInitMutex);
+ if (!s_libraryLoaded) {
+ s_libraryLoaded = true;
+ // Initialize OpenSSL.
+ if (q_OPENSSL_init_ssl(0, nullptr) != 1)
+ return false;
+ q_SSL_load_error_strings();
+ q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
+ QSslSocketBackendPrivate::s_indexForSSLExtraData
+ = q_CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_SSL, 0L, nullptr, nullptr,
+ nullptr, nullptr);
+ // Initialize OpenSSL's random seed.
+ if (!q_RAND_status()) {
+ qWarning("Random number generator not seeded, disabling SSL support");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void QSslSocketPrivate::ensureCiphersAndCertsLoaded()
+ const QMutexLocker locker(qt_opensslInitMutex);
+ if (s_loadedCiphersAndCerts)
+ return;
+ s_loadedCiphersAndCerts = true;
+ resetDefaultCiphers();
+ resetDefaultEllipticCurves();
+#if QT_CONFIG(library)
+ //load symbols needed to receive certificates from system store
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryW(L"Crypt32");
+ if (hLib) {
+ ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW = (PtrCertOpenSystemStoreW)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertOpenSystemStoreW");
+ ptrCertFindCertificateInStore = (PtrCertFindCertificateInStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertFindCertificateInStore");
+ ptrCertCloseStore = (PtrCertCloseStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertCloseStore");
+ if (!ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW || !ptrCertFindCertificateInStore || !ptrCertCloseStore)
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not resolve symbols in crypt32 library"); // should never happen
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not load crypt32 library"); // should never happen
+ }
+#elif defined(Q_OS_QNX)
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
+ // check whether we can enable on-demand root-cert loading (i.e. check whether the sym links are there)
+ QList<QByteArray> dirs = unixRootCertDirectories();
+ QStringList symLinkFilter;
+ symLinkFilter << QLatin1String("[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f].[0-9]");
+ for (int a = 0; a < dirs.count(); ++a) {
+ QDirIterator iterator(QLatin1String(, symLinkFilter, QDir::Files);
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(library)
+ // if on-demand loading was not enabled, load the certs now
+ if (!s_loadRootCertsOnDemand)
+ setDefaultCaCertificates(systemCaCertificates());
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ //Enabled for fetching additional root certs from windows update on windows 6+
+ //This flag is set false by setDefaultCaCertificates() indicating the app uses
+ //its own cert bundle rather than the system one.
+ //Same logic that disables the unix on demand cert loading.
+ //Unlike unix, we do preload the certificates from the cert store.
+ if ((QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based) >= QSysInfo::WV_6_0)
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+long QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionNumber()
+ if (!supportsSsl())
+ return 0;
+ return q_OpenSSL_version_num();
+QString QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionString()
+ if (!supportsSsl())
+ return QString();
+ const char *versionString = q_OpenSSL_version(OPENSSL_VERSION);
+ if (!versionString)
+ return QString();
+ return QString::fromLatin1(versionString);
+void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::continueHandshake()
+ Q_Q(QSslSocket);
+ // if we have a max read buffer size, reset the plain socket's to match
+ if (readBufferMaxSize)
+ plainSocket->setReadBufferSize(readBufferMaxSize);
+ if (q_SSL_session_reused(ssl))
+ configuration.peerSessionShared = true;
+ if (q_SSL_get_session(ssl)) {
+ size_t master_key_len = q_SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(q_SSL_get_session(ssl), 0, 0);
+ size_t client_random_len = q_SSL_get_client_random(ssl, 0, 0);
+ QByteArray masterKey(int(master_key_len), 0); // Will not overflow
+ QByteArray clientRandom(int(client_random_len), 0); // Will not overflow
+ q_SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(q_SSL_get_session(ssl),
+ reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(,
+ masterKey.size());
+ q_SSL_get_client_random(ssl, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(,
+ clientRandom.size());
+ QByteArray debugLineClientRandom("CLIENT_RANDOM ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(clientRandom.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(" ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append("\n");
+ QString sslKeyFile = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/qt-ssl-keys");
+ QFile file(sslKeyFile);
+ if (!
+ qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not open file" << sslKeyFile << "for appending";
+ if (!file.write(debugLineClientRandom))
+ qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not write to file" << sslKeyFile;
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not decrypt SSL traffic");
+ }
+ // Cache this SSL session inside the QSslContext
+ if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionSharing)) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->cacheSession(ssl)) {
+ sslContextPointer.clear(); // we could not cache the session
+ } else {
+ // Cache the session for permanent usage as well
+ if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence)) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->sessionASN1().isEmpty())
+ configuration.sslSession = sslContextPointer->sessionASN1();
+ configuration.sslSessionTicketLifeTimeHint = sslContextPointer->sessionTicketLifeTimeHint();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = sslContextPointer->npnContext().status;
+ if (sslContextPointer->npnContext().status == QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationUnsupported) {
+ // we could not agree -> be conservative and use HTTP/1.1
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArrayLiteral("http/1.1");
+ } else {
+ const unsigned char *proto = 0;
+ unsigned int proto_len = 0;
+ q_SSL_get0_alpn_selected(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ if (proto_len && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ // Client does not have a callback that sets it ...
+ configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationNegotiated;
+ }
+ if (!proto_len) { // Test if NPN was more lucky ...
+ q_SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ }
+ if (proto_len)
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(proto), proto_len);
+ else
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol.clear();
+ }
+#endif // !defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG)
+ if (mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ EVP_PKEY *key;
+ if (q_SSL_get_server_tmp_key(ssl, &key))
+ configuration.ephemeralServerKey = QSslKey(key, QSsl::PublicKey);
+ }
+ connectionEncrypted = true;
+ emit q->encrypted();
+ if (autoStartHandshake && pendingClose) {
+ pendingClose = false;
+ q->disconnectFromHost();
+ }
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+** In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders listed above give
+** permission to link the code of its release of Qt with the OpenSSL project's
+** "OpenSSL" library (or modified versions of the "OpenSSL" library that use the
+** same license as the original version), and distribute the linked executables.
+** You must comply with the GNU General Public License version 2 in all
+** respects for all of the code used other than the "OpenSSL" code. If you
+** modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
+** but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+** this exception statement from your version of this file.
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+// Note: this file does not have QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE/QT_END_NAMESPACE, it's done
+// in qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h.
+#error "You are not supposed to use this header file, include qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h instead"
+const unsigned char * q_ASN1_STRING_get0_data(const ASN1_STRING *x);
+int q_DSA_bits(DSA *a);
+int q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(EVP_PKEY *a);
+int q_RSA_bits(RSA *a);
+int q_OPENSSL_sk_num(OPENSSL_STACK *a);
+void q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(OPENSSL_STACK *a, void (*b)(void *));
+OPENSSL_STACK *q_OPENSSL_sk_new_null();
+void q_OPENSSL_sk_push(OPENSSL_STACK *st, void *data);
+void q_OPENSSL_sk_free(OPENSSL_STACK *a);
+void * q_OPENSSL_sk_value(OPENSSL_STACK *a, int b);
+int q_SSL_session_reused(SSL *a);
+unsigned long q_SSL_CTX_set_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned long op);
+int q_OPENSSL_init_ssl(uint64_t opts, const OPENSSL_INIT_SETTINGS *settings);
+size_t q_SSL_get_client_random(SSL *a, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen);
+size_t q_SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(const SSL_SESSION *session, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen);
+int q_CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index(int class_index, long argl, void *argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLS_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLS_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLS_server_method();
+ASN1_TIME *q_X509_getm_notBefore(X509 *a);
+ASN1_TIME *q_X509_getm_notAfter(X509 *a);
+long q_X509_get_version(X509 *a);
+EVP_PKEY *q_X509_get_pubkey(X509 *a);
+void q_X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(X509_STORE *ctx, X509_STORE_CTX_verify_cb verify_cb);
+STACK_OF(X509) *q_X509_STORE_CTX_get0_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
+void q_DH_get0_pqg(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM **p, const BIGNUM **q, const BIGNUM **g);
+int q_DH_bits(DH *dh);
+# define q_SSL_load_error_strings() q_OPENSSL_init_ssl(OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS \
+#define q_SKM_sk_num(type, st) ((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))q_OPENSSL_sk_num)(st)
+#define q_SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) ((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))q_OPENSSL_sk_value)(st, i)
+#define q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf() q_OPENSSL_init_crypto(OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS \
+#define q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf() q_OPENSSL_init_crypto(OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS \
+int q_OPENSSL_init_crypto(uint64_t opts, const OPENSSL_INIT_SETTINGS *settings);
+void q_CRYPTO_free(void *str, const char *file, int line);
+long q_OpenSSL_version_num();
+const char *q_OpenSSL_version(int type);
+unsigned long q_SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(const SSL_SESSION *session);
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/tls1.h>
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
-typedef _STACK STACK;
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+#include <openssl/dh.h>
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public:
Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT static long setupOpenSslOptions(QSsl::SslProtocol protocol, QSsl::SslOptions sslOptions);
- static QSslCipher QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
+ static QSslCipher QSslCipher_from_SSL_CIPHER(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
static QList<QSslCertificate> STACKOFX509_to_QSslCertificates(STACK_OF(X509) *x509);
static QList<QSslError> verify(const QList<QSslCertificate> &certificateChain, const QString &hostName);
static QString getErrorsFromOpenSsl();
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
+** Copyright (C) 2016 Richard J. Moore <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -136,49 +137,195 @@ void qsslSocketCannotResolveSymbolWarnin
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+// Below are the functions first introduced in version 1.1:
+DEFINEFUNC(const unsigned char *, ASN1_STRING_get0_data, const ASN1_STRING *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, OPENSSL_init_ssl, uint64_t opts, opts, const OPENSSL_INIT_SETTINGS *settings, settings, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, OPENSSL_init_crypto, uint64_t opts, opts, const OPENSSL_INIT_SETTINGS *settings, settings, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(BIO *, BIO_new, const BIO_METHOD *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const BIO_METHOD *, BIO_s_mem, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, BN_is_word, BIGNUM *a, a, BN_ULONG w, w, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *c, c, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, EVP_PKEY_base_id, EVP_PKEY *a, a, return NID_undef, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, RSA_bits, RSA *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, DSA_bits, DSA *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, OPENSSL_sk_num, OPENSSL_STACK *a, a, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, OPENSSL_sk_pop_free, OPENSSL_STACK *a, a, void (*b)(void*), b, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, OPENSSL_sk_push, OPENSSL_STACK *a, a, void *b, b, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void *, OPENSSL_sk_value, OPENSSL_STACK *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_session_reused, SSL *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(unsigned long, SSL_CTX_set_options, SSL_CTX *ctx, ctx, unsigned long op, op, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(size_t, SSL_get_client_random, SSL *a, a, unsigned char *out, out, size_t outlen, outlen, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(size_t, SSL_SESSION_get_master_key, const SSL_SESSION *ses, ses, unsigned char *out, out, size_t outlen, outlen, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC6(int, CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index, int class_index, class_index, long argl, argl, void *argp, argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func, free_func, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLS_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLS_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLS_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_TIME *, X509_getm_notBefore, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_TIME *, X509_getm_notAfter, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(long, X509_get_version, X509 *a, a, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(EVP_PKEY *, X509_get_pubkey, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, X509_STORE_set_verify_cb, X509_STORE *a, a, X509_STORE_CTX_verify_cb verify_cb, verify_cb, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(STACK_OF(X509) *, X509_STORE_CTX_get0_chain, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(void, CRYPTO_free, void *str, str, const char *file, file, int line, line, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(long, OpenSSL_version_num, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const char *, OpenSSL_version, int a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(unsigned long, SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint, const SSL_SESSION *session, session, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC4(void, DH_get0_pqg, const DH *dh, dh, const BIGNUM **p, p, const BIGNUM **q, q, const BIGNUM **g, g, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, DH_bits, DH *dh, dh, return 0, return)
+#else // QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+// Functions below are either deprecated or removed in OpenSSL >= 1.1:
+DEFINEFUNC(unsigned char *, ASN1_STRING_data, ASN1_STRING *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(void *, ASN1_dup, i2d_of_void *a, a, d2i_of_void *b, b, char *c, c, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(BIO *, BIO_new_file, const char *filename, filename, const char *mode, mode, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(BIO *, BIO_new, BIO_METHOD *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(BIO_METHOD *, BIO_s_mem, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(int, CRYPTO_num_locks, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_locking_callback, void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int), a, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_id_callback, unsigned long (*a)(), a, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_free, void *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(unsigned long, ERR_peek_last_error, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, ERR_free_strings, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC6(void *, PEM_ASN1_read_bio, d2i_of_void *a, a, const char *b, b, BIO *c, c, void **d, d, pem_password_cb *e, e, void *f, f, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC6(void *, PEM_ASN1_write_bio, d2i_of_void *a, a, const char *b, b, BIO *c, c, void **d, d, pem_password_cb *e, e, void *f, f, return 0, return)
+#endif // SSLEAY_MACROS
+DEFINEFUNC(int, sk_num, STACK *a, a, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_pop_free, STACK *a, a, void (*b)(void*), b, return, DUMMYARG)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+DEFINEFUNC(_STACK *, sk_new_null, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_push, _STACK *a, a, void *b, b, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, sk_free, _STACK *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void *, sk_value, STACK *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(STACK *, sk_new_null, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_push, STACK *a, a, char *b, b, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, sk_free, STACK *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC2(char *, sk_value, STACK *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_library_init, void, DUMMYARG, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, SSL_load_error_strings, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+DEFINEFUNC5(int, SSL_get_ex_new_index, long argl, argl, void *argp, argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func, free_func, return -1, return)
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(STACK_OF(X509) *, X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_DSAPrivateKey, const DSA *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_RSAPrivateKey, const RSA *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_ECPrivateKey, const EC_KEY *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(RSA *, d2i_RSAPrivateKey, RSA **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(DSA *, d2i_DSAPrivateKey, DSA **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+DEFINEFUNC3(EC_KEY *, d2i_ECPrivateKey, EC_KEY **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(char *, CONF_get1_default_config_file, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
+DEFINEFUNC(long, SSLeay, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const char *, SSLeay_version, int a, a, return 0, return)
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
DEFINEFUNC(long, ASN1_INTEGER_get, ASN1_INTEGER *a, a, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(unsigned char *, ASN1_STRING_data, ASN1_STRING *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, ASN1_STRING_length, ASN1_STRING *a, a, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8, unsigned char **a, a, ASN1_STRING *b, b, return 0, return);
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8, unsigned char **a, a, ASN1_STRING *b, b, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(long, BIO_ctrl, BIO *a, a, int b, b, long c, c, void *d, d, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, BIO_free, BIO *a, a, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(BIO *, BIO_new, BIO_METHOD *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(BIO *, BIO_new_mem_buf, void *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, BIO_read, BIO *a, a, void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(BIO_METHOD *, BIO_s_mem, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, BIO_write, BIO *a, a, const void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, BN_num_bits, const BIGNUM *a, a, return 0, return)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, BN_is_word, BIGNUM *a, a, BN_ULONG w, w, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(BN_ULONG, BN_mod_word, const BIGNUM *a, a, BN_ULONG w, w, return static_cast<BN_ULONG>(-1), return)
DEFINEFUNC(const EC_GROUP*, EC_KEY_get0_group, const EC_KEY* k, k, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, EC_GROUP_get_degree, const EC_GROUP* g, g, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(int, CRYPTO_num_locks, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_locking_callback, void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int), a, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_set_id_callback, unsigned long (*a)(), a, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, CRYPTO_free, void *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
DEFINEFUNC(DSA *, DSA_new, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(void, DSA_free, DSA *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
DEFINEFUNC3(X509 *, d2i_X509, X509 **a, a, const unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(char *, ERR_error_string, unsigned long a, a, char *b, b, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(unsigned long, ERR_get_error, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, ERR_free_strings, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC4(int, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, int type, type, int arg, arg, void *ptr, ptr, return 0, return);
+DEFINEFUNC4(int, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, int type, type, int arg, arg, void *ptr, ptr, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, int keylen, keylen, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC5(int, EVP_CipherInit, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *type, type, const unsigned char *key, key, const unsigned char *iv, iv, int enc, enc, return 0, return);
-DEFINEFUNC5(int, EVP_CipherUpdate, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, unsigned char *out, out, int *outl, outl, const unsigned char *in, in, int inl, inl, return 0, return);
-DEFINEFUNC3(int, EVP_CipherFinal, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, unsigned char *out, out, int *outl, outl, return 0, return);
+DEFINEFUNC5(int, EVP_CipherInit, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *type, type, const unsigned char *key, key, const unsigned char *iv, iv, int enc, enc, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC6(int, EVP_CipherInit_ex, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, cipher, ENGINE *impl, impl, const unsigned char *key, key, const unsigned char *iv, iv, int enc, enc, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC5(int, EVP_CipherUpdate, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, unsigned char *out, out, int *outl, outl, const unsigned char *in, in, int inl, inl, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(int, EVP_CipherFinal, EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, ctx, unsigned char *out, out, int *outl, outl, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(const EVP_CIPHER *, EVP_des_cbc, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(const EVP_CIPHER *, EVP_des_ede3_cbc, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(const EVP_CIPHER *, EVP_rc2_cbc, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(const EVP_MD *, EVP_sha1, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, EVP_PKEY_assign, EVP_PKEY *a, a, int b, b, char *c, c, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA, EVP_PKEY *a, a, RSA *b, b, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA, EVP_PKEY *a, a, DSA *b, b, return -1, return)
@@ -202,10 +349,8 @@ DEFINEFUNC3(int, i2t_ASN1_OBJECT, char *
DEFINEFUNC4(int, OBJ_obj2txt, char *a, a, int b, b, ASN1_OBJECT *c, c, int d, d, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, OBJ_obj2nid, const ASN1_OBJECT *a, a, return NID_undef, return)
-DEFINEFUNC6(void *, PEM_ASN1_read_bio, d2i_of_void *a, a, const char *b, b, BIO *c, c, void **d, d, pem_password_cb *e, e, void *f, f, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC6(void *, PEM_ASN1_write_bio, d2i_of_void *a, a, const char *b, b, BIO *c, c, void **d, d, pem_password_cb *e, e, void *f, f, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(EVP_PKEY *, PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey, BIO *a, a, EVP_PKEY **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(DSA *, PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey, BIO *a, a, DSA **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(RSA *, PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey, BIO *a, a, RSA **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
@@ -218,7 +363,7 @@ DEFINEFUNC7(int, PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivat
DEFINEFUNC7(int, PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey, BIO *a, a, EC_KEY *b, b, const EVP_CIPHER *c, c, unsigned char *d, d, int e, e, pem_password_cb *f, f, void *g, g, return 0, return)
+#endif // !SSLEAY_MACROS
DEFINEFUNC4(EVP_PKEY *, PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY, BIO *a, a, EVP_PKEY **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(DSA *, PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY, BIO *a, a, DSA **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(RSA *, PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY, BIO *a, a, RSA **b, b, pem_password_cb *c, c, void *d, d, return 0, return)
@@ -234,23 +379,10 @@ DEFINEFUNC2(void, RAND_seed, const void
DEFINEFUNC(int, RAND_status, void, DUMMYARG, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(RSA *, RSA_new, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(void, RSA_free, RSA *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(int, sk_num, STACK *a, a, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_pop_free, STACK *a, a, void (*b)(void*), b, return, DUMMYARG)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
-DEFINEFUNC(_STACK *, sk_new_null, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_push, _STACK *a, a, void *b, b, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, sk_free, _STACK *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC2(void *, sk_value, STACK *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(STACK *, sk_new_null, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(void, sk_push, STACK *a, a, char *b, b, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, sk_free, STACK *a, a, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC2(char *, sk_value, STACK *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_accept, SSL *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_clear, SSL *a, a, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC3(char *, SSL_CIPHER_description, SSL_CIPHER *a, a, char *b, b, int c, c, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, SSL_CIPHER_get_bits, SSL_CIPHER *a, a, int *b, b, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC3(char *, SSL_CIPHER_description, const SSL_CIPHER *a, a, char *b, b, int c, c, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC2(int, SSL_CIPHER_get_bits, const SSL_CIPHER *a, a, int *b, b, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_connect, SSL *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_CTX_check_private_key, const SSL_CTX *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(long, SSL_CTX_ctrl, SSL_CTX *a, a, int b, b, long c, c, void *d, d, return -1, return)
@@ -287,8 +419,6 @@ DEFINEFUNC(long, SSL_get_verify_result,
DEFINEFUNC(long, SSL_get_verify_result, SSL *a, a, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(int, SSL_library_init, void, DUMMYARG, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, SSL_load_error_strings, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
DEFINEFUNC(SSL *, SSL_new, SSL_CTX *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC4(long, SSL_ctrl, SSL *a, a, int cmd, cmd, long larg, larg, void *parg, parg, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, SSL_read, SSL *a, a, void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
@@ -301,7 +431,6 @@ DEFINEFUNC(void, SSL_SESSION_free, SSL_S
DEFINEFUNC(SSL_SESSION*, SSL_get1_session, SSL *ssl, ssl, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(SSL_SESSION*, SSL_get_session, const SSL *ssl, ssl, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC5(int, SSL_get_ex_new_index, long argl, argl, void *argp, argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func, free_func, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, SSL_set_ex_data, SSL *ssl, ssl, int idx, idx, void *arg, arg, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(void *, SSL_get_ex_data, const SSL *ssl, ssl, int idx, idx, return NULL, return)
@@ -310,51 +439,9 @@ DEFINEFUNC2(void, SSL_set_psk_client_cal
DEFINEFUNC2(void, SSL_set_psk_server_callback, SSL* ssl, ssl, q_psk_server_callback_t callback, callback, return, DUMMYARG)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint, SSL_CTX* ctx, ctx, const char *hint, hint, return 0, return)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_client_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv2_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv3_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, SSLv23_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(SSL_METHOD *, TLSv1_server_method, DUMMYARG, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, SSL_write, SSL *a, a, const void *b, b, int c, c, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, X509_cmp, X509 *a, a, X509 *b, b, return -1, return)
+DEFINEFUNC4(int, X509_digest, const X509 *x509, x509, const EVP_MD *type, type, unsigned char *md, md, unsigned int *len, len, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(X509 *, X509_dup, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
@@ -378,6 +465,7 @@ DEFINEFUNC2(int, ASN1_STRING_print, BIO
DEFINEFUNC2(int, X509_check_issued, X509 *a, a, X509 *b, b, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(X509_NAME *, X509_get_issuer_name, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(X509_NAME *, X509_get_subject_name, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
+DEFINEFUNC(ASN1_INTEGER *, X509_get_serialNumber, X509 *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, X509_verify_cert, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, X509_NAME_entry_count, X509_NAME *a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(X509_NAME_ENTRY *, X509_NAME_get_entry, X509_NAME *a, a, int b, b, return 0, return)
@@ -393,25 +481,8 @@ DEFINEFUNC2(int, X509_STORE_CTX_set_purp
DEFINEFUNC(int, X509_STORE_CTX_get_error, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(int, X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return -1, return)
DEFINEFUNC(X509 *, X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(STACK_OF(X509) *, X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain, X509_STORE_CTX *a, a, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_DSAPrivateKey, const DSA *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_RSAPrivateKey, const RSA *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
-DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_ECPrivateKey, const EC_KEY *a, a, unsigned char **b, b, return -1, return)
-DEFINEFUNC3(RSA *, d2i_RSAPrivateKey, RSA **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC3(DSA *, d2i_DSAPrivateKey, DSA **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
-DEFINEFUNC3(EC_KEY *, d2i_ECPrivateKey, EC_KEY **a, a, unsigned char **b, b, long c, c, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
-DEFINEFUNC(void, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf, void, DUMMYARG, return, DUMMYARG)
DEFINEFUNC3(int, SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations, SSL_CTX *ctx, ctx, const char *CAfile, CAfile, const char *CApath, CApath, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(long, SSLeay, void, DUMMYARG, return 0, return)
-DEFINEFUNC(const char *, SSLeay_version, int a, a, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC2(int, i2d_SSL_SESSION, SSL_SESSION *in, in, unsigned char **pp, pp, return 0, return)
DEFINEFUNC3(SSL_SESSION *, d2i_SSL_SESSION, SSL_SESSION **a, a, const unsigned char **pp, pp, long length, length, return 0, return)
@@ -694,8 +765,8 @@ static QPair<QLibrary*, QLibrary*> loadO
#ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN
// second attempt: find the development files and
- // disabled on OS X/iOS:
- // OS X's /usr/lib/libssl.dylib, /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib will be picked up in the third
+ // disabled on macOS/iOS:
+ // macOS's /usr/lib/libssl.dylib, /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib will be picked up in the third
// attempt, _after_ <bundle>/Contents/Frameworks has been searched.
// iOS does not ship a system libssl.dylib, libcrypto.dylib in the first place.
libssl->setFileNameAndVersion(QLatin1String("ssl"), -1);
@@ -754,8 +825,12 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
static bool symbolsResolved = false;
static bool triedToResolveSymbols = false;
#ifndef QT_NO_THREAD
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ QMutexLocker locker(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet((void *)&q_OPENSSL_init_ssl));
QMutexLocker locker(QMutexPool::globalInstanceGet((void *)&q_SSL_library_init));
if (symbolsResolved)
return true;
if (triedToResolveSymbols)
@@ -771,11 +846,145 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
// failed to load them
return false;
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(DH_get0_pqg)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_CTX_set_options)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_get_client_random)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_session_reused)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_get_session)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLS_client_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLS_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_STORE_CTX_get0_chain)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_getm_notBefore)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_getm_notAfter)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_version)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_pubkey)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_STORE_set_verify_cb)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(OpenSSL_version_num)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(OpenSSL_version)
+ if (!_q_OpenSSL_version) {
+ // Apparently, we were built with OpenSSL 1.1 enabled but are now using
+ // a wrong library.
+ delete libs.first;
+ delete libs.second;
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "Incompatible version of OpenSSL");
+ return false;
+ }
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint)
+#else // !opensslv11
+#endif // SSLEAY_MACROS
+ RESOLVEFUNC(ERR_clear_error)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(CRYPTO_set_id_callback)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(CRYPTO_set_locking_callback)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(ERR_peek_last_error)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(ERR_free_strings)
+#ifdef SSLEAY_MACROS // ### verify
+#endif // SSLEAY_MACROS
+ RESOLVEFUNC(sk_new_null)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(sk_push)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(sk_free)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(sk_pop_free)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(sk_value)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_library_init)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_load_error_strings)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_get_ex_new_index)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_client_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_client_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_client_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_client_method)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_1_client_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_2_client_method)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_server_method)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_1_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_2_server_method)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(i2d_DSAPrivateKey)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(i2d_RSAPrivateKey)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(d2i_DSAPrivateKey)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(d2i_RSAPrivateKey)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(CONF_get1_default_config_file)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf)
+ if (!_q_SSLeay || q_SSLeay() >= 0x10100000L) {
+ // OpenSSL 1.1 has deprecated and removed SSLeay. We consider a failure to
+ // resolve this symbol as a failure to resolve symbols.
+ // The right operand of '||' above is ... a bit of paranoia.
+ delete libs.first;
+ delete libs.second;
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "Incompatible version of OpenSSL");
+ return false;
+ }
+ RESOLVEFUNC(SSLeay_version)
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(EC_curve_nist2nid)
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
+#endif // OPENSSL_NO_EC
+#endif // !opensslv11
@@ -794,25 +1003,22 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
- RESOLVEFUNC(CRYPTO_set_id_callback)
- RESOLVEFUNC(CRYPTO_set_locking_callback)
- RESOLVEFUNC(ERR_free_strings)
+ RESOLVEFUNC(EVP_CipherInit_ex)
@@ -834,9 +1040,8 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
-#ifdef SSLEAY_MACROS // ### verify
@@ -849,7 +1054,8 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+#endif // !SSLEAY_MACROS
@@ -865,12 +1071,6 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
- RESOLVEFUNC(sk_new_null)
- RESOLVEFUNC(sk_push)
- RESOLVEFUNC(sk_free)
- RESOLVEFUNC(sk_pop_free)
- RESOLVEFUNC(sk_value)
@@ -898,8 +1098,6 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_library_init)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_load_error_strings)
@@ -912,7 +1110,6 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSL_get_ex_new_index)
@@ -922,30 +1119,6 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_client_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_client_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_client_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_client_method)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_1_client_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_2_client_method)
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv2_server_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv3_server_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLv23_server_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_server_method)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_1_server_method)
- RESOLVEFUNC(TLSv1_2_server_method)
@@ -961,12 +1134,12 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_digest)
@@ -982,20 +1155,11 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
+ RESOLVEFUNC(X509_get_serialNumber)
- RESOLVEFUNC(i2d_DSAPrivateKey)
- RESOLVEFUNC(i2d_RSAPrivateKey)
- RESOLVEFUNC(d2i_DSAPrivateKey)
- RESOLVEFUNC(d2i_RSAPrivateKey)
- RESOLVEFUNC(OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf)
- RESOLVEFUNC(OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf)
- RESOLVEFUNC(SSLeay_version)
@@ -1019,27 +1183,14 @@ bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols()
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
- if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L)
- RESOLVEFUNC(EC_curve_nist2nid)
-#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
#endif // OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ symbolsResolved = true;
delete libs.first;
delete libs.second;
- if (!_q_SSLeay || q_SSLeay() >= 0x10100000L) {
- // OpenSSL 1.1 deprecated and removed SSLeay. We consider a failure to
- // resolve this symbol as a failure to resolve symbols.
- // The right operand of '||' above ... a bit of paranoia.
- qCWarning(lcSsl, "Incompatible version of OpenSSL");
- return false;
- }
- symbolsResolved = true;
return true;
#endif // QT_CONFIG(library)
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
** Contact:
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
@@ -215,17 +216,20 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
#endif // !defined QT_LINKED_OPENSSL
+#if QT_CONFIG(opensslv11)
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h"
+#endif // QT_CONFIG
bool q_resolveOpenSslSymbols();
long q_ASN1_INTEGER_get(ASN1_INTEGER *a);
-unsigned char * q_ASN1_STRING_data(ASN1_STRING *a);
int q_ASN1_STRING_length(ASN1_STRING *a);
int q_ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(unsigned char **a, ASN1_STRING *b);
long q_BIO_ctrl(BIO *a, int b, long c, void *d);
BIO *q_BIO_new_mem_buf(void *a, int b);
int q_BIO_read(BIO *a, void *b, int c);
Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT int q_BIO_write(BIO *a, const void *b, int c);
int q_BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *a);
@@ -247,26 +251,23 @@ BN_ULONG q_BN_mod_word(const BIGNUM *a,
const EC_GROUP* q_EC_KEY_get0_group(const EC_KEY* k);
int q_EC_GROUP_get_degree(const EC_GROUP* g);
-int q_CRYPTO_num_locks();
-void q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int));
-void q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(unsigned long (*a)());
-void q_CRYPTO_free(void *a);
DSA *q_DSA_new();
void q_DSA_free(DSA *a);
X509 *q_d2i_X509(X509 **a, const unsigned char **b, long c);
char *q_ERR_error_string(unsigned long a, char *b);
unsigned long q_ERR_get_error();
-void q_ERR_free_strings();
-void q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *a);
int q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, int type, int arg, void *ptr);
int q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *x, int keylen);
int q_EVP_CipherInit(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *type, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc);
+int q_EVP_CipherInit_ex(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, ENGINE *impl, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc);
int q_EVP_CipherUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl, const unsigned char *in, int inl);
int q_EVP_CipherFinal(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl);
const EVP_CIPHER *q_EVP_des_cbc();
const EVP_CIPHER *q_EVP_des_ede3_cbc();
const EVP_CIPHER *q_EVP_rc2_cbc();
+const EVP_MD *q_EVP_sha1();
int q_EVP_PKEY_assign(EVP_PKEY *a, int b, char *c);
int q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(EVP_PKEY *a, DSA *b);
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ int q_PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(BIO *a
int q_PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey(BIO *a, EC_KEY *b, const EVP_CIPHER *c, unsigned char *d,
int e, pem_password_cb *f, void *g);
+#endif // SSLEAY_MACROS
Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *q_PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(BIO *a, EVP_PKEY **b, pem_password_cb *c, void *d);
DSA *q_PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY(BIO *a, DSA **b, pem_password_cb *c, void *d);
RSA *q_PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(BIO *a, RSA **b, pem_password_cb *c, void *d);
@@ -326,23 +327,10 @@ void q_RAND_seed(const void *a, int b);
int q_RAND_status();
RSA *q_RSA_new();
void q_RSA_free(RSA *a);
-int q_sk_num(STACK *a);
-void q_sk_pop_free(STACK *a, void (*b)(void *));
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
-_STACK *q_sk_new_null();
-void q_sk_push(_STACK *st, void *data);
-void q_sk_free(_STACK *a);
-void * q_sk_value(STACK *a, int b);
-STACK *q_sk_new_null();
-void q_sk_push(STACK *st, char *data);
-void q_sk_free(STACK *a);
-char * q_sk_value(STACK *a, int b);
int q_SSL_accept(SSL *a);
int q_SSL_clear(SSL *a);
-char *q_SSL_CIPHER_description(SSL_CIPHER *a, char *b, int c);
-int q_SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_CIPHER *a, int *b);
+char *q_SSL_CIPHER_description(const SSL_CIPHER *a, char *b, int c);
+int q_SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(const SSL_CIPHER *a, int *b);
int q_SSL_connect(SSL *a);
int q_SSL_CTX_check_private_key(const SSL_CTX *a);
long q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(SSL_CTX *a, int b, long c, void *d);
@@ -374,8 +362,6 @@ int q_SSL_get_error(SSL *a, int b);
STACK_OF(X509) *q_SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(SSL *a);
X509 *q_SSL_get_peer_certificate(SSL *a);
long q_SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *a);
-int q_SSL_library_init();
-void q_SSL_load_error_strings();
SSL *q_SSL_new(SSL_CTX *a);
long q_SSL_ctrl(SSL *ssl,int cmd, long larg, void *parg);
int q_SSL_read(SSL *a, void *b, int c);
@@ -388,7 +374,6 @@ void q_SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *ses
SSL_SESSION *q_SSL_get1_session(SSL *ssl);
SSL_SESSION *q_SSL_get_session(const SSL *ssl);
-int q_SSL_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
int q_SSL_set_ex_data(SSL *ssl, int idx, void *arg);
void *q_SSL_get_ex_data(const SSL *ssl, int idx);
@@ -399,49 +384,6 @@ typedef unsigned int (*q_psk_server_call
void q_SSL_set_psk_server_callback(SSL *ssl, q_psk_server_callback_t callback);
int q_SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *hint);
#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_PSK)
-#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_client_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_client_method();
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_server_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_server_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_server_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_server_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_server_method();
-const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_server_method();
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_client_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_client_method();
-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_server_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_server_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_server_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_server_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_server_method();
-SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_server_method();
int q_SSL_write(SSL *a, const void *b, int c);
int q_X509_cmp(X509 *a, X509 *b);
@@ -452,6 +394,7 @@ void *q_ASN1_dup(i2d_of_void *i2d, d2i_o
X509 *q_X509_dup(X509 *a);
void q_X509_print(BIO *a, X509*b);
+int q_X509_digest(const X509 *x509, const EVP_MD *type, unsigned char *md, unsigned int *len);
ASN1_OBJECT *q_X509_EXTENSION_get_object(X509_EXTENSION *a);
void q_X509_free(X509 *a);
X509_EXTENSION *q_X509_get_ext(X509 *a, int b);
@@ -471,6 +414,7 @@ int q_ASN1_STRING_print(BIO *a, ASN1_STR
int q_X509_check_issued(X509 *a, X509 *b);
X509_NAME *q_X509_get_issuer_name(X509 *a);
X509_NAME *q_X509_get_subject_name(X509 *a);
+ASN1_INTEGER *q_X509_get_serialNumber(X509 *a);
int q_X509_verify_cert(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
int q_X509_NAME_entry_count(X509_NAME *a);
X509_NAME_ENTRY *q_X509_NAME_get_entry(X509_NAME *a,int b);
@@ -488,7 +432,6 @@ int q_X509_STORE_CTX_set_purpose(X509_ST
int q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
int q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
X509 *q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
-STACK_OF(X509) *q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
// Diffie-Hellman support
DH *q_DH_new();
@@ -522,34 +465,9 @@ int q_PKCS12_parse(PKCS12 *p12, const ch
PKCS12 *q_d2i_PKCS12_bio(BIO *bio, PKCS12 **pkcs12);
void q_PKCS12_free(PKCS12 *pkcs12);
#define q_BIO_get_mem_data(b, pp) (int)q_BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_INFO,0,(char *)pp)
#define q_BIO_pending(b) (int)q_BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_PENDING,0,NULL)
-int q_i2d_DSAPrivateKey(const DSA *a, unsigned char **pp);
-int q_i2d_RSAPrivateKey(const RSA *a, unsigned char **pp);
-RSA *q_d2i_RSAPrivateKey(RSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
-DSA *q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
-#define q_PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp, x, cb, u) \
- (RSA *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
- (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_RSAPrivateKey, PEM_STRING_RSA, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
-#define q_PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp, x, cb, u) \
- (DSA *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
- (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey, PEM_STRING_DSA, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
-#define q_PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u) \
- PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)(void*, unsigned char**))q_i2d_RSAPrivateKey,PEM_STRING_RSA,\
- bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)
-#define q_PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u) \
- PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)(void*, unsigned char**))q_i2d_DSAPrivateKey,PEM_STRING_DSA,\
- bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)
-#define q_PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bp, dh, cb, u) \
- (DH *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
- (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_DHparams, PEM_STRING_DHPARAMS, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
-#define q_SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,op) q_SSL_CTX_ctrl((ctx),SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS,(op),NULL)
#define q_SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx,op) q_SSL_CTX_ctrl((ctx),SSL_CTRL_MODE,(op),NULL)
-#define q_SKM_sk_num(type, st) ((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))q_sk_num)(st)
-#define q_SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) ((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))q_sk_value)(st, i)
#define q_sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(st) q_SKM_sk_num(GENERAL_NAME, (st))
#define q_sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(st, i) q_SKM_sk_value(GENERAL_NAME, (st), (i))
#define q_sk_X509_num(st) q_SKM_sk_num(X509, (st))
@@ -558,18 +476,12 @@ DSA *q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **a, unsign
#define q_sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(st, i) q_SKM_sk_value(SSL_CIPHER, (st), (i))
#define q_SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx,x509) \
q_SSL_CTX_ctrl(ctx,SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT,0,(char *)x509)
-#define q_X509_get_notAfter(x) X509_get_notAfter(x)
-#define q_X509_get_notBefore(x) X509_get_notBefore(x)
#define q_EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey,rsa) q_EVP_PKEY_assign((pkey),EVP_PKEY_RSA,\
(char *)(rsa))
#define q_EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(pkey,dsa) q_EVP_PKEY_assign((pkey),EVP_PKEY_DSA,\
(char *)(dsa))
#define q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf()
-void q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf();
-void q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf();
int q_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *CAfile, const char *CApath);
-long q_SSLeay();
-const char *q_SSLeay_version(int type);
int q_i2d_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION *in, unsigned char **pp);
SSL_SESSION *q_d2i_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION **a, const unsigned char **pp, long length);
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+** In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders listed above give
+** permission to link the code of its release of Qt with the OpenSSL project's
+** "OpenSSL" library (or modified versions of the "OpenSSL" library that use the
+** same license as the original version), and distribute the linked executables.
+** You must comply with the GNU General Public License version 2 in all
+** respects for all of the code used other than the "OpenSSL" code. If you
+** modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
+** but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+** this exception statement from your version of this file.
+#include "qssl_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
+#include "qsslsocket.h"
+#include "qsslkey.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdiriterator.h>
+#include <QtCore/qthread.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
+#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
+#include <QtCore/qlibrary.h>
+/* \internal
+ From OpenSSL's thread(3) manual page:
+ OpenSSL can safely be used in multi-threaded applications provided that at
+ least two callback functions are set.
+ locking_function(int mode, int n, const char *file, int line) is needed to
+ perform locking on shared data structures. (Note that OpenSSL uses a
+ number of global data structures that will be implicitly shared
+ whenever multiple threads use OpenSSL.) Multi-threaded
+ applications will crash at random if it is not set. ...
+ ...
+ id_function(void) is a function that returns a thread ID. It is not
+ needed on Windows nor on platforms where getpid() returns a different
+ ID for each thread (most notably Linux)
+class QOpenSslLocks
+ QOpenSslLocks()
+ : initLocker(QMutex::Recursive),
+ locksLocker(QMutex::Recursive)
+ {
+ QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
+ int numLocks = q_CRYPTO_num_locks();
+ locks = new QMutex *[numLocks];
+ memset(locks, 0, numLocks * sizeof(QMutex *));
+ }
+ ~QOpenSslLocks()
+ {
+ QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
+ for (int i = 0; i < q_CRYPTO_num_locks(); ++i)
+ delete locks[i];
+ delete [] locks;
+ QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize();
+ }
+ QMutex *lock(int num)
+ {
+ QMutexLocker locker(&locksLocker);
+ QMutex *tmp = locks[num];
+ if (!tmp)
+ tmp = locks[num] = new QMutex(QMutex::Recursive);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ QMutex *globalLock()
+ {
+ return &locksLocker;
+ }
+ QMutex *initLock()
+ {
+ return &initLocker;
+ }
+ QMutex initLocker;
+ QMutex locksLocker;
+ QMutex **locks;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QOpenSslLocks, openssl_locks)
+extern "C" {
+static void locking_function(int mode, int lockNumber, const char *, int)
+ QMutex *mutex = openssl_locks()->lock(lockNumber);
+ // Lock or unlock it
+ if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
+ mutex->lock();
+ else
+ mutex->unlock();
+static unsigned long id_function()
+ return (quintptr)QThread::currentThreadId();
+} // extern "C"
+static void q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_safe()
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ // Prior to version 1.0.1m an attempt to call OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms on
+ // Windows could result in 'exit' call from OPENSSL_config (QTBUG-43843).
+ // We can predict this and avoid OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms call.
+ // From OpenSSL docs:
+ // "An application does not need to add algorithms to use them explicitly,
+ // for example by EVP_sha1(). It just needs to add them if it (or any of
+ // the functions it calls) needs to lookup algorithms.
+ // The cipher and digest lookup functions are used in many parts of the
+ // library. If the table is not initialized several functions will
+ // misbehave and complain they cannot find algorithms. This includes the
+ // PEM, PKCS#12, SSL and S/MIME libraries. This is a common query in
+ // the OpenSSL mailing lists."
+ //
+ // Anyway, as a result, we chose not to call this function if it would exit.
+ if (q_SSLeay() < 0x100010DFL)
+ {
+ // Now, before we try to call it, check if an attempt to open config file
+ // will result in exit:
+ if (char *confFileName = q_CONF_get1_default_config_file()) {
+ BIO *confFile = q_BIO_new_file(confFileName, "r");
+ const auto lastError = q_ERR_peek_last_error();
+ q_CRYPTO_free(confFileName);
+ if (confFile) {
+ q_BIO_free(confFile);
+ } else {
+ q_ERR_clear_error();
+ if (ERR_GET_REASON(lastError) == ERR_R_SYS_LIB) {
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "failed to open openssl.conf file");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // Q_OS_WIN
+ q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
+ \internal
+void QSslSocketPrivate::deinitialize()
+ q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(0);
+ q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(0);
+ q_ERR_free_strings();
+bool QSslSocketPrivate::ensureLibraryLoaded()
+ if (!q_resolveOpenSslSymbols())
+ return false;
+ // Check if the library itself needs to be initialized.
+ QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
+ if (!s_libraryLoaded) {
+ s_libraryLoaded = true;
+ // Initialize OpenSSL.
+ q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(id_function);
+ q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(locking_function);
+ if (q_SSL_library_init() != 1)
+ return false;
+ q_SSL_load_error_strings();
+ q_OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_safe();
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10001000L)
+ QSslSocketBackendPrivate::s_indexForSSLExtraData = q_SSL_get_ex_new_index(0L, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ // Initialize OpenSSL's random seed.
+ if (!q_RAND_status()) {
+ qWarning("Random number generator not seeded, disabling SSL support");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void QSslSocketPrivate::ensureCiphersAndCertsLoaded()
+ QMutexLocker locker(openssl_locks()->initLock());
+ if (s_loadedCiphersAndCerts)
+ return;
+ s_loadedCiphersAndCerts = true;
+ resetDefaultCiphers();
+ resetDefaultEllipticCurves();
+#if QT_CONFIG(library)
+ //load symbols needed to receive certificates from system store
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryW(L"Crypt32");
+ if (hLib) {
+ ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW = (PtrCertOpenSystemStoreW)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertOpenSystemStoreW");
+ ptrCertFindCertificateInStore = (PtrCertFindCertificateInStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertFindCertificateInStore");
+ ptrCertCloseStore = (PtrCertCloseStore)GetProcAddress(hLib, "CertCloseStore");
+ if (!ptrCertOpenSystemStoreW || !ptrCertFindCertificateInStore || !ptrCertCloseStore)
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not resolve symbols in crypt32 library"); // should never happen
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not load crypt32 library"); // should never happen
+ }
+#elif defined(Q_OS_QNX)
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
+ // check whether we can enable on-demand root-cert loading (i.e. check whether the sym links are there)
+ QList<QByteArray> dirs = unixRootCertDirectories();
+ QStringList symLinkFilter;
+ symLinkFilter << QLatin1String("[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f].[0-9]");
+ for (int a = 0; a < dirs.count(); ++a) {
+ QDirIterator iterator(QLatin1String(, symLinkFilter, QDir::Files);
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // QT_CONFIG(library)
+ // if on-demand loading was not enabled, load the certs now
+ if (!s_loadRootCertsOnDemand)
+ setDefaultCaCertificates(systemCaCertificates());
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ //Enabled for fetching additional root certs from windows update on windows 6+
+ //This flag is set false by setDefaultCaCertificates() indicating the app uses
+ //its own cert bundle rather than the system one.
+ //Same logic that disables the unix on demand cert loading.
+ //Unlike unix, we do preload the certificates from the cert store.
+ if ((QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based) >= QSysInfo::WV_6_0)
+ s_loadRootCertsOnDemand = true;
+long QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionNumber()
+ if (!supportsSsl())
+ return 0;
+ return q_SSLeay();
+QString QSslSocketPrivate::sslLibraryVersionString()
+ if (!supportsSsl())
+ return QString();
+ const char *versionString = q_SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION);
+ if (!versionString)
+ return QString();
+ return QString::fromLatin1(versionString);
+void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::continueHandshake()
+ Q_Q(QSslSocket);
+ // if we have a max read buffer size, reset the plain socket's to match
+ if (readBufferMaxSize)
+ plainSocket->setReadBufferSize(readBufferMaxSize);
+ if (q_SSL_ctrl((ssl), SSL_CTRL_GET_SESSION_REUSED, 0, NULL))
+ configuration.peerSessionShared = true;
+ if (ssl->session && ssl->s3) {
+ const char *mk = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->session->master_key);
+ QByteArray masterKey(mk, ssl->session->master_key_length);
+ const char *random = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->s3->client_random);
+ QByteArray clientRandom(random, SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE);
+ // different format, needed for e.g. older Wireshark versions:
+// const char *sid = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ssl->session->session_id);
+// QByteArray sessionID(sid, ssl->session->session_id_length);
+// QByteArray debugLineRSA("RSA Session-ID:");
+// debugLineRSA.append(sessionID.toHex().toUpper());
+// debugLineRSA.append(" Master-Key:");
+// debugLineRSA.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
+// debugLineRSA.append("\n");
+ QByteArray debugLineClientRandom("CLIENT_RANDOM ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(clientRandom.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(" ");
+ debugLineClientRandom.append(masterKey.toHex().toUpper());
+ debugLineClientRandom.append("\n");
+ QString sslKeyFile = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/qt-ssl-keys");
+ QFile file(sslKeyFile);
+ if (!
+ qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not open file" << sslKeyFile << "for appending";
+ if (!file.write(debugLineClientRandom))
+ qCWarning(lcSsl) << "could not write to file" << sslKeyFile;
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ qCWarning(lcSsl, "could not decrypt SSL traffic");
+ }
+ // Cache this SSL session inside the QSslContext
+ if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionSharing)) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->cacheSession(ssl)) {
+ sslContextPointer.clear(); // we could not cache the session
+ } else {
+ // Cache the session for permanent usage as well
+ if (!(configuration.sslOptions & QSsl::SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence)) {
+ if (!sslContextPointer->sessionASN1().isEmpty())
+ configuration.sslSession = sslContextPointer->sessionASN1();
+ configuration.sslSessionTicketLifeTimeHint = sslContextPointer->sessionTicketLifeTimeHint();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = sslContextPointer->npnContext().status;
+ if (sslContextPointer->npnContext().status == QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationUnsupported) {
+ // we could not agree -> be conservative and use HTTP/1.1
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArrayLiteral("http/1.1");
+ } else {
+ const unsigned char *proto = 0;
+ unsigned int proto_len = 0;
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L) {
+ q_SSL_get0_alpn_selected(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ if (proto_len && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ // Client does not have a callback that sets it ...
+ configuration.nextProtocolNegotiationStatus = QSslConfiguration::NextProtocolNegotiationNegotiated;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!proto_len) { // Test if NPN was more lucky ...
+ {
+ q_SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(ssl, &proto, &proto_len);
+ }
+ if (proto_len)
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(proto), proto_len);
+ else
+ configuration.nextNegotiatedProtocol.clear();
+ }
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x1000100fL ...
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L
+ if (q_SSLeay() >= 0x10002000L && mode == QSslSocket::SslClientMode) {
+ EVP_PKEY *key;
+ if (q_SSL_get_server_tmp_key(ssl, &key))
+ configuration.ephemeralServerKey = QSslKey(key, QSsl::PublicKey);
+ }
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L ...
+ connectionEncrypted = true;
+ emit q->encrypted();
+ if (autoStartHandshake && pendingClose) {
+ pendingClose = false;
+ q->disconnectFromHost();
+ }
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h
--- /dev/null
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Copyright (C) 2014 BlackBerry Limited. All rights reserved.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+** In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders listed above give
+** permission to link the code of its release of Qt with the OpenSSL project's
+** "OpenSSL" library (or modified versions of the "OpenSSL" library that use the
+** same license as the original version), and distribute the linked executables.
+** You must comply with the GNU General Public License version 2 in all
+** respects for all of the code used other than the "OpenSSL" code. If you
+** modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
+** but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+** this exception statement from your version of this file.
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+// Note: this file does not have QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE/QT_END_NAMESPACE, it's done
+// in qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h.
+#error "You are not supposed to use this header file, include qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h instead"
+unsigned char * q_ASN1_STRING_data(ASN1_STRING *a);
+BIO *q_BIO_new_file(const char *filename, const char *mode);
+void q_ERR_clear_error();
+int q_CRYPTO_num_locks();
+void q_CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(void (*a)(int, int, const char *, int));
+void q_CRYPTO_set_id_callback(unsigned long (*a)());
+void q_CRYPTO_free(void *a);
+unsigned long q_ERR_peek_last_error();
+void q_ERR_free_strings();
+void q_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *a);
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+typedef _STACK STACK;
+// The typedef we use to make our pre 1.1 code look more like 1.1 (less ifdefs).
+// We resolve q_sk_ functions, but use q_OPENSSL_sk_ macros in code to reduce
+// the amount of #ifdefs.
+int q_sk_num(STACK *a);
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_num(a) q_sk_num(a)
+void q_sk_pop_free(STACK *a, void (*b)(void *));
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_pop_free(a, b) q_sk_pop_free(a, b)
+STACK *q_sk_new_null();
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_new_null() q_sk_new_null()
+void q_sk_free(STACK *a);
+// Just a name alias (not a function call expression) since in code we take an
+// address of this:
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_free q_sk_free
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+void *q_sk_value(STACK *a, int b);
+void q_sk_push(STACK *st, void *data);
+char *q_sk_value(STACK *a, int b);
+void q_sk_push(STACK *st, char *data);
+#endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_value(a, b) q_sk_value(a, b)
+#define q_OPENSSL_sk_push(st, data) q_sk_push(st, data)
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+SSL_CTX *q_SSL_CTX_new(const SSL_METHOD *a);
+int q_SSL_library_init();
+void q_SSL_load_error_strings();
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10001000L
+int q_SSL_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_client_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_client_method();
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_server_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_server_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_server_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_server_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_server_method();
+const SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_server_method();
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_client_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_client_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_client_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_client_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_client_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_client_method();
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SSL2
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv2_server_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv3_server_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_SSLv23_server_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_server_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_1_server_method();
+SSL_METHOD *q_TLSv1_2_server_method();
+STACK_OF(X509) *q_X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);
+int q_i2d_DSAPrivateKey(const DSA *a, unsigned char **pp);
+int q_i2d_RSAPrivateKey(const RSA *a, unsigned char **pp);
+RSA *q_d2i_RSAPrivateKey(RSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
+DSA *q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length);
+#define q_PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp, x, cb, u) \
+ (RSA *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
+ (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_RSAPrivateKey, PEM_STRING_RSA, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
+#define q_PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp, x, cb, u) \
+ (DSA *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
+ (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_DSAPrivateKey, PEM_STRING_DSA, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
+#define q_PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u) \
+ PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)(void*, unsigned char**))q_i2d_RSAPrivateKey,PEM_STRING_RSA,\
+ bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)
+#define q_PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u) \
+ PEM_ASN1_write_bio((int (*)(void*, unsigned char**))q_i2d_DSAPrivateKey,PEM_STRING_DSA,\
+ bp,(char *)x,enc,kstr,klen,cb,u)
+#define q_PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bp, dh, cb, u) \
+ (DH *)q_PEM_ASN1_read_bio( \
+ (void *(*)(void**, const unsigned char**, long int))q_d2i_DHparams, PEM_STRING_DHPARAMS, bp, (void **)x, cb, u)
+#endif // SSLEAY_MACROS
+#define q_SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx,op) q_SSL_CTX_ctrl((ctx),SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS,(op),NULL)
+#define q_SKM_sk_num(type, st) ((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))q_sk_num)(st)
+#define q_SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) ((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))q_sk_value)(st, i)
+#define q_X509_getm_notAfter(x) X509_get_notAfter(x)
+#define q_X509_getm_notBefore(x) X509_get_notBefore(x)
+// "Forward compatibility" with OpenSSL 1.1 (to save on #if-ery elsewhere):
+#define q_X509_get_version(x509) q_ASN1_INTEGER_get((x509)->cert_info->version)
+#define q_ASN1_STRING_get0_data(x) q_ASN1_STRING_data(x)
+#define q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(pkey) ((pkey)->type)
+#define q_X509_get_pubkey(x509) q_X509_PUBKEY_get((x509)->cert_info->key)
+#define q_SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(s) ((s)->tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint)
+#define q_RSA_bits(rsa) q_BN_num_bits((rsa)->n)
+#define q_DSA_bits(dsa) q_BN_num_bits((dsa)->p)
+#define q_X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(s,c) X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func((s),(c))
+char *q_CONF_get1_default_config_file();
+void q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf();
+void q_OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf();
+long q_SSLeay();
+const char *q_SSLeay_version(int type);
Index: qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/ssl.pri
--- qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1.orig/src/network/ssl/ssl.pri
+++ qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/network/ssl/ssl.pri
@@ -60,13 +60,25 @@ qtConfig(ssl) {
HEADERS += ssl/qsslcontext_openssl_p.h \
ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_p.h \
- SOURCES += ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp \
- ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp \
+ SOURCES += ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp \
ssl/qssldiffiehellmanparameters_openssl.cpp \
+ ssl/qsslcertificate_openssl.cpp \
ssl/qsslellipticcurve_openssl.cpp \
ssl/qsslkey_openssl.cpp \
ssl/qsslsocket_openssl.cpp \
- ssl/qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp
+ ssl/qsslcontext_openssl.cpp
+ qtConfig(opensslv11) {
+ HEADERS += ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11_symbols_p.h
+ SOURCES += ssl/qsslsocket_openssl11.cpp \
+ ssl/qsslcontext_openssl11.cpp
+ } else {
+ HEADERS += ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11_symbols_p.h
+ SOURCES += ssl/qsslsocket_opensslpre11.cpp \
+ ssl/qsslcontext_opensslpre11.cpp
+ }
darwin:SOURCES += ssl/qsslsocket_mac_shared.cpp