------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 22 15:28:03 UTC 2013 - pmladek@suse.com - updated to version 3.4.1: * do not query available languages too often * support for spell checking multiple languages * English as the fallback language for settings dialog - bumped dependencies in LibreOffice; documentation said that it built and worked only with LO 4.1 and higher - libreoffice-voikko-rel-3.4.1-lo-4.1-cppumaker.diff: -BUCR is gone in the upstream cppumaker - remove obsolete post install scripts; the system UNO cache is not longer read by LO >= 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 12 12:33:04 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - set license tag correctly to GPL-3.0+ (bnc#741551) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 2 13:07:21 UTC 2012 - pmladek@suse.com - fix build with LibreOffice-3.5; basis directory does not longer exist - call unopkg-sync-bundled in %posttrans and %post to update extensions cache and make it actually working - spec file clean up ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 12 11:30:45 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - change license to be in spdx.org format ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 3 17:41:34 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - removed unused update-alternatives from BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 3 20:46:50 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 3.1.2: * fix broken config.xcu to work with stricter validation in OOo/LO 3.3 * add license attribute that allows suppressing the license dialog with unopkg --suppress-license * error handling for damaged configuration (sf#2919454) * change order of linker flags on Linux to enable building with -Wl,--as-needed * icon update; add SVG version - renamed from OpenOffice_org-voikko to libreoffice-voikko - added provides locale(libreoffice:fi) to make it installed with libreoffice (bnc#668145) - installed files into %%ooo_prefix/%%ooo_home/share/extensions/voikko where the extensions are automatically registered - removed obsolete postinstall scripts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 3 18:54:05 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - added Provides: locale(OpenOffice_org:fi) to make it installed automatically - added PreReq: OpenOffice_org, zip; unopkg is part of OpenOffice_org-libs-core but it should be rather called with complete OOo installed - thanks to Lars Rupp for hints ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 27 20:10:21 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - changed the order of linker arguments to fix build in openSUSE Factory; -Wl,--as-needed is enabled by default there (sf#2827973) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 19 10:26:06 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - initial package for openSUSE Factory, version 3.1 - based on the package by Sami Vento - it is necessary to support Finnish spellcheck, hyphen, and thesaurus functionality in OOo