------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 16 16:27:04 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3.1-rc2): * l10n * updated some translations * libs-core * crashing oosplash and malformed picture (bnc#652562) * Byref and declare Basic statement (fdo#33964, i#115716) * fixed BorderLine(2) conversion to SvxBorderLine (fdo#34226) * libs-gui * getEnglishSearchFontName() searches Takao fonts * sdk * fix ODK settings.mk to only set STLPORTLIB if needed * writer * rtfExport::HackIsWW8OrHigher(): return true (fdo#33478) * visual editor destroys formulas containing symbols (fdo#32759, fdo#32755) - enabled KDE4 support for SLED11; LO-3.3.1 fixed the remaining annoying bugs - fixed EMF+ import (bnc#650049) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 8 20:53:59 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3.1-rc1): * artwork * new MIME type icons for LibreOffice * bootstrap * wrong line break with ( (fdo#31271) * build * default formula string (n#664516) * don't version the bundled ct2n extension * last update of translations from Pootle for 3.3.1 * calc * import of cell attributes from Excel documents * incorrect page number in page preview mode (fdo#33155) * components * remove pesky on-line registration menu entry (fdo#33112) * crash on changing position of drawing object in header (rhbz#673819) * extras * start using technical.dic instead of oracle.dic (fdo#31798) * filters * pictures DOCX import (bnc#655763) * parse 'color' property (fdo#33551) * fix ole object import for writer (DOCX) (fdo#33237) * help * OOo -> LibO on Getting Support page (fdo#33249) * libs-core * handle css::table::BorderLine * add preferred Malayalam fonts (fdo#32953) * fix KDE3 library search order (fdo#32797) * StarDesktop.terminate macro behaviour (#30879) * Sun Microsystems -> TDF in desktop file (fdo#31191) * fixed several crashes around config UNO API (fdo#33994) * implementation names weren't matching with xcu (fdo#32872) * improve the check for existence of the localized help (fdo#33258) * libs-extern * upgrade libwpd to 0.9.1 * libs-gui * painting of axial gradients (116318) * fix wrong collation for Catalan language * crash when moving through database types (fdo#32561) * paint toolbar handle positioned properly (fdo#32558) * remove the menu when Left Alt Key was pressed; for GTK * default currency for Estonia should be Euro (fdo#33160) * year of era in long format for zh_TW by default (fdo#33459) * writer * use standard Edit button width of 50 (fdo#32633) * improve formfield checkbox binary export (bnc#660816) * infinite loop while exporting some files in DOC/DOCX/RTF * CTL/Other Default Font (i#25247, i#25561, i#48064, i#92341) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 31 20:32:38 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - libreoffice-build- == 3.3.0-rc4 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 19 12:58:21 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-rc4): * common: * remove pesky on-line registration menu entry (fdo#33112) * artwork: * fix search toolbar up/down search button icons * base: * report builder not shows properties on report fields (fdo#32742) * report left/right page margin setting ignored on 64-bit (i#116187) * build: * updated translations * calc: * reverted problematic and dangerous: * performance of filters with many filtered ranges (i#116164) * obtain correct data range for external references (i#115906) * libs-core: * FMR crasher (fdo#33099) * backgrounds for polypolygons in metafile (i#116371) * unopkg crasher on SLED11-SP1 (bnc#655912) * libs-gui: * use sane scrollbar sizes when drawing * painting of axial gradients (i#116318) * do not mix unrelated X11 Visuals (fdo#33108) * avoid GetHelpText() call which can be quite heavy * writer: * fields fixes: key inputs, 0-length fields import (bnc#657135) - replaced obsolete SuSEconfig gtk2 module call with %%icon_theme_cache_post(un) macros for openSUSE > 11.3 (bnc#663245) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 11 16:41:58 CET 2011 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-rc3): * build: * use libreoffice and lo* wrappers; update man pages accordingly * navigation buttons' patch selection handling (fdo#32380, bnc#649506) * calc: * bogus check for numerical sheet names (fdo#32570) * performance of filters with many filtered ranges (i#116164) * obtain correct data range for external references (i#115906) * avoid double-paste when pasting text into cell comment (fdo#32572) * components: * fix nsplugin for LibreOffice name * fixing large OOXML files (i#115944) * layout breakage for KDE, X11 and (possibly) Mac (fdo#32133) * extensions: * patching xpdf to patchlevel 3.02pl5 * extras: * creating technical.dic based on src/*.dic * filters: * small TGAReader improvement (i#164349) * PageRange handling in writer PDF export (#116085) * impress: * missing font color (rhbz#663857) * use updated anchor for group shapes (i#115898) * presentation objects on master pages (i#115993) * libs-core: * survive missing window (rhbz#666216) * better font selection in Japanese locale. * do not block when launching Firefox (fdo#32427) * show the license information in a separate dialog (fdo#32563) * make unopkg --suppress-license skip license in all cases (fdo#32840) * libs-extern-sys: * better XPATH handling (i#164350) * libs-gui: * use the initial language if not specified (fdo#32523) * clean up search cache singleton in correct order (rhbz#666088) * writer: * undo/redo crash with postits (rhbz#660342) * rearrange title dialog to get translations (fdo#32633) * move to the next record during mail merge (fdo#32790) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 21 19:44:02 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-rc2): * common: * copy & paste a text formatted cell (i#115825) * replaced http://www.openoffice.org (fdo#32169) * bootstrap: * check if KDE is >= 4.2 * cleanup unfortunate license duplication * calc: * ignore preceding spaces when parsing numbers * make the string 'New Record' localizable (fdo#32209) * remove trailing spaces too when parsing CSV simple numbers * display correct record information in Data Form dialog (fdo#32196) * components: * make the ODMA check box clickable again (fdo#32132) * fixed the sizes of Tips and Extended tips check boxes * make 'Reset help agent' button clickable again (fdo#32132) * extensions: * fix filled polygons on PDF import * filters: * performance for import of XLSX files with drawing objects (i#115940) * impress: * missing embedded object in ODP export (i#115898) * grey as default color for native tables in Impress * graphics on master page cannot be deleted (i#115993) * libs-core: * save with the proper DOC variant (fdo#32219) * removed dupe para ids introduced by copy&paste * colon needed for LD_LIBRARY_PATH set but empty * wikihelp: use the right Help ID URL (fdo#32338) * MySQL Cast(col1 as CHAR) yields error (i#115436) * import compatibility for enhanced fields names (fdo#32172) * libs-extern-sys: * XPATH handling fix * libs-gui: * PPTX import crasher (bnc#654065) * copy&paste problem of metafiles (i#115825) * force Qt paint system to native (fdo#30991) * display problem with Vegur font (fdo#31243) * URIs must be exported as 7bit ASCII (i#115788) * regression in WMF text rendering (fdo#32236, i#115825) * postprocess: * only register EvolutionLocal when EVO support is enabled (fdo#32007) * writer: * after "data to fields" mail merge does not work (fdo#31190) * missing outline feature in new RTF export filter (fdo#32039) * encoding of Greek letters names with accent in French (i#115956) * build bits: * better build identification in the about dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 1 19:41:47 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-rc1): * ooo integration: * Merge commit 'ooo/OOO330_m17' into libreoffice-3-3 * common: * more RTF import/export fixes * updated branding for rc * artwork: * fixed icons with PNG optimizations * remove remaining ODF MIME type icons * bootstrap: * Add BrOffice artwork / branding support * Do not install HTML versions of LICENSE and README * install credits file * build: * empty toolbar (bnc#654039) * pack PostgreSQL driver as .oxt instead of .zip * calc: * avoid pasting data from OOo Calc as an OLE object * scaling factor calculation for drawing layer (i#115313) * broken filter option in Datapilot (i#115431) * "Precision as shown" not working if automatic decimal (i#115512) * disable document modify and broadcasting of changes on range names * don't update visible ranges for invisible panes * changing margins in print preview should mark the document modified * make VLOOKUP work with an external reference once again (fdo#31718) * more strict parsing of external range names * no automatic width adjustment of the dropdown popups (fdo#31710) * re-calculate visible range when switching sheets * skip hidden cells while expanding range selection * components: * overlapping controls * bad alloc and convert to ZipIOException (rh#656191) * divide by zero (rh#657628) * extras: * use consistent autocorrect file names * filters: * fix writerfilter XSL to handle more elements * missing call to importDocumentProperties (bnc#655194) * rotated text DOCX import (fdo#30474) * impress: * avoid antialiasing for drag rect * libs-core: * Adapted README according to list feedback * register EvolutionLocal when evolution support is enabled (fdo#32007) * crash during toolpanel re-docking * crash in FR version when typing / as first character (i#115774) * only start the quick-starter on restart * don't crash when quickstarter is exited by user (rh#650170) * shutdown quickstarter at end of desktop session (rh#650170) * exit quickstarter if physically deleted (rh#610103) * autocorrect crasher (rh#647392) * start quickstarter on every launch if configured to use it * Switch toolbar icon size to 'auto-detect' * libs-extern: * Use the new stable libwp* releases as default * libs-extern-sys: * fixed urllib.urlopen in the internal python (fdo#31466) * libs-gui: * Allow the dropdown list of a combo box to be scrollable. (fdo#31710) * PDF export regression for simple RTL cases (i#115618) * freeze with ODP import (i#115761) * make toolbar icon size native-widget controlled * use BrOffice in pt_BR locale (fdo#31770) * release the clipboard after flush (i#163153) * l10n: * BrOffice in Brazil => %PRODUCTNAME_BR for win32 installer * sdk: * correct resolveLink function (i#115310) * writer: * crash when opening File/Print dialog fixed (i#115354) * better enhanced fields navigation * allow to localize the "My AutoText" string (i#66304) * table alignment set to "From Left" when moving the right (bnc#636367) * font color selection didn't effect new text (bnc#652204) * column break DOC import problem (bnc#652364) * build bits: * install branding for the welcome screen (bnc#653519) - fixed URL, summary, and description for LibreOffice - bumped requires to libreoffice-branding-upstream > ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 19 21:10:01 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - created l10n-prebuilt subpackage for prebuilt registry files (bnc#651964) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 15 16:16:32 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - disabled KDE3 stuff on openSUSE >= 11.2 (bnc#605472, bnc#621472) - added gcc-c++ and libxml2-devel into BuildRequires; were required by kdelibs3-devel before ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 12 12:24:42 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-beta3): * ooo integration: * Merge commit 'ooo/OOO330_m13' * common: * impress ruler behaviour * add Title Page dialog (i#7065) * save 1MB on wizards per language * images optimized for smaller size * do not insert a new cell beyond the end * handle multiple selection for printing (i#115266) * remove VBAForm property and associated geometry hack (fdo#30856) * base: * key columns in all tables (i#114026) * reports executed for data display (i#114627) * calc: * non-functional select * defined names in Calc functions (i#79854) * use Ctrl-Shift-D to launch selection list * regression for range array input, e.g. {=A1:A5} * crash on importing docs with database functions * crash on importing named ranges on higher sheets * remove the "insert new sheet" tab in read-only mode * incorrect display of references from the formula input wizard * new tab page 'Compatibility' in the Options dialog (fdo#30559) * components: * default to evolution * crash in scanner dialog (rh#648475) * extras: * added LibreOffice and Tango palettes * filters: * crash on unsupported .tiffs (i#93300) * vertical text alignment and placeholder style (bnc#645116) * impress: * broken zoom behaviour * crash in OGL transitions * support for PPT newsflash slide transition * libs-core: * register EVO address book * more quickstarter fixes (i#108846) * missing media-type for ODF thumbnails * add credits hyperlink into about dialog * freeze when adding an extension (i#114933) * -quickstart option, and help fix (i#108846) * GNOME filepicker filter selection (i#112411) * use "Enter Password" in all dialogs (fdo#31075) * add display properties to control shapes (i#112597) * disable user migration when SAL_DISABLE_USERMIGRATION is set * libs-gui: * disable KDE's crash handler * refresh of OLE object previews * adding font aliases (i#114706) * comparison of key events for IM * show Java error just once by default * underlining problem with Graphite fonts (i#114765) * saving tempfiles when locking is not supported. * better selection of localized font names (i#114703) * MetricFields SetUnit conversions (fdo#30899, bnc#610921) * make Presenter Screen default to the projector (i#112421) * Qt event loop integration (when Glib is used) for KDE4 vclplug * writer: * title pages (i#i66619) * more RTF import/export fixes * tables in page styles (i#114366) * round-trip of DOC unhandled fields * double-click behavior on enhanced fields * leaky pStream after RTF import (fdo#31362) * crash when choosing starmath from start screen * OLE Links round-trip fixed for links as pictures * setup XML namespaces also for footers and headers (bnc#581954) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 14 19:12:31 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - switched to the LibreOffice code base, http://www.documentfoundation.org/ - renamed packages from OpenOffice_org* to libreoffice* - updated to libreoffice- (3.3-beta2): * common: * show menus in icons fixup * show all appropriate formats by default on save as (i#113141) * RenderBadPicture on multihead setups and Cairo (i#94007, i#111758) * base: * use correct table name (i#114246) * calc: * better performance on Excel doc import * components: * bound image controls (i#112659) * Appearance config dialog crasher (i#108246) * Euro converter didn't work with ODS (i#100686) * ImageURL and Graphic properties handling (i#113991) * extensions: * some reportbuilder fixes (i#114111, i#112652) * extras: * fix malformed XML file (i#111741) * add Croatian autocorrection (i#96706) * updated Hungarian standard.bau (i#112387) * eensgezinswoning replaces eensgezinswoning * add 1/2, 3/4 and 1/4 symbols to af-ZA, de, en-ZA, mn and pl * filters: * adjust for table::BorderLine2 * table DOCX import crasher (rh#632236) * misc improvements for DOCX VML import * text position bug in DOC import (bnc#532920) * implement import of alpha channel for RGBA .tiffs (fdo#30472) * impress: * improve randomisation in 'dissolve' transition * libs-core: * add in MonoSpace setting * print the formula itself by default * extension can contain compiled help (i#114008) * no update menu entry for bundled extensions (i#113524) * prevent online update for bundled extensions (i#113524) * make search/replace of colour names with translations safer (i#110142) * libs-gui: * maths brackets misformed in presentation mode (i#113400) * better font-name localization, i.e. en fallback (i#114703) * default to UTF-8 for HTML unless we know differently (i#76649) * writer: * color problem in RTF export (fdo#30604) * crash on export of TOC to .doc (i#112384) * prevent document modification while printing (i#112518) * dotted and dashed border types (fate#307731, fate#307730) - changes from libreoffice- (3.3-beta1): * features: * renamed to LibreOffice * based on ooo330-m7 * changed default branding * started to support the LibreOffice code base [all] * ordinal suffixes autocorrection improvements * updated Numbertext extension to version 0.9.3 * support new distros Raw, LibreOfficeLinux, LibreOfficeMacOSX, LibreOfficeWin32 * performance bits: * memory footprint during PPT import (bnc#637925) * performance bug on row height adjustments (bnc#640112) * common bits: * don't set header in DDE tables (bnc#634517) * Calc bits: * cell content rendering [bnc#640128] * Excel's cell border thickness mapping (bnc#636691) * relative and absolute references toggling (bnc#634260) * more on the Flat MSO XML file type detection (bnc#631993) * Writer bits: * SwXTextRange DOC import (i#112564) * table formulas DOC import (bnc#631912) * input field fixes (bnc#628098, bnc#623944) * OLE Links with image DOC import (bnc#628098) * nested SET/FILLIN fields DOC import (bnc#634478) * broken floating tables formatting in DOC import (bnc#617593) * double-clicking on field gives "read only" message (bnc#639288) * OOXML bits: * text paragraph autofit PPTX import * VBA bits: * implicit indexes handling * logical operator precedence * column para for Range.Cells (bnc#639297) * build bits: * update internal ICU to version 4.2.1 * fetch 185d60944ea767075d27247c3162b3bc-unowinreg.dll ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 15 20:45:27 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version (3.3-alpha1): * features: * RTF export rewrite * writer navigation * remove obsolete Industrial icon theme * common bits: * gray read-only styles (i#85003) * Accelerators for OK/Cancel buttons in GTK (bnc#608572) * Calc bits: * cell borders not saved (bnc#612263) * external reference rework (bnc#628876) * Flat MSO XML file type detection (bnc#631993) * disable custom tab colors in high contrast mode * display correct field in data pilot (bnc#629920) * Watch Window extension doesn't show sheet name (bnc#604638) * Draw bits: * associate application/x-wpg with oodraw (bnc#589624) * Impress bits: * More on avmedia soundhandler (i#83753, bnc#515553) * Writer bits: * ww8 styles import (i#21939) * hairline table borders export * saving new document comparison data * Ruby in MS Word format (i#79246) * OOXML: * better internal hlinks XLSX export (bnc#594248) * numbering roundtripping issues in DOCX (bnc#569266) * untis translation from EMU in PPTX import (bnc#621739) * group shapes geometry calculation in PPTX import (bnc#621739) * many other import/export fixes and improvements * VBA bits: * changes in event handling * more container control fixes * more on invalid code name import for sheet (bnc#507768) * build bits: * update prebuilt cli dlls for OOo-3.3 * moving ooo-build patches to ooo git sources * use --without-junit on Win32 and openSUSE < 11.2 - used the prepatched OOo sources from ooo-build git - used mozilla-xulrunner192 for openSUSE > 11.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 2 15:45:12 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1 security update, bnc#629085, MaintenanceTracker-35044, CVE-2010-2935, CVE-2010-2936): * Calc bits: * custom field names handling in Data Pilot (bnc#634974) * remember "sort by" selection in Data Pilot (bnc#634974) * more on the Flat MSO XML file type detection (bnc#631993) * Impress bits: * cairocanvas border treatment (bnc#629546, rh#557317) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 24 16:37:41 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1 security update, bnc#629085, MaintenanceTracker-35044, CVE-2010-2935, CVE-2010-2936): * security fixes: * two impress vulnerabilities (CVE-2010-2935, CVE-2010-2936, bnc#629085) * common bits: * honour ure-link in SDK configure.pl * macro recording crasher (i#113084) [upstream, Rene] * Calc bits: * DataPilot sort by ID (bnc#622920) * Flat MSO XML file type detection (bnc#527738) * DDE linkage upon loading documents (bnc#618846, bnc#618864) * file name as sheet name in Excel 2.1 docs import (bnc#612902) * Draw bits: * random extra arrows around the custom shape (i#105654) * Impress bits: * slideshow clipping (i#112422) * cairocanvas border treatment (bnc#629546, rh#557317) * Writer bits: * input field fixes (bnc#628098, bnc#623944) * non-breaking space erasing freeze (i#i113461) [upstream, Rene] * broken floating tables formatting in DOC import (bnc#617593) * Netbooks bits: * decorate help window (bnc#621116) * more restrictive top level document window check (bnc#607735) * reduce height of PDF export and recovery dialogs (bnc#623352) * Win32 bits: * allow view "details" in File Open dialog on XP (bnc#620924) * l10n bits: * non-localized Tools/Options/OOo Writer/Comparison (bnc#615000) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 16 19:17:34 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1 maintenance update): * speed up: * faster ODS export with lots of hidden rows (deb#582785) * common bits: * allow to start OOo on cifs (i#108106) * non-working Euro Converter wizard (i#100686) * show the control geometric property correctly (bnc#610921) * remove one color from the OOo palette to get 100 colors * Calc bits: * broken cell borders export (bnc#612263) * incorrect automatic print area assignment * Draw bits: * mark invisible layers upon document load properly (bnc#606434) * Writer bits: * "New table" toolbar behavior (bnc#612013) * l10n: * Hungarian translation fixes * update translations from the openSUSE community * KDE4 bits: * non-Oxygen theme crashes (bnc#612491, i#112102) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 31 17:27:18 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - ooo-build- == 3.2.1-rc3 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 28 17:37:09 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m19 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-rc3) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 25 17:44:26 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m18 (3.2.1-rc2) - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-rc2): * common bits: * show the really used default icon theme in options (bnc#603169) * disable gcj in supported JRE's * Calc bits: * pasting time data into two cells crasher (bnc#606975) * Draw bits: * associate application/x-wpg with oodraw (bnc#589624) * Impress bits: * embedded media break on 2nd load * pressing 'Apply' in the Media Player crasher (bnc#597691) * Writer bits: * document comparsion saving improvements * bullets RTF import/export bugs (bnc#569266) * l10n bugs: * localize the layouted zoom dialog (bnc#595823) * KDE4 bits: * redraw the status bar when needed (bnc#567886, i#107945) * build bits: * sort filelists to get repeatable results ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 13 20:29:10 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m17 (3.2.1-rc1) - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-rc1): * performance bits: * note's position calculation * faster string cell XLSX import (bnc#594513) * GUI improvements: * better about dialog (i#111425) * better 'New Table' toolbar widget * new toolbars crashers (bnc#601634) * better behavior of new toolbars (bnc#603588) * less intrusive approach to the nicer toolbar decorations * menu bar appearance with some GTK+ themes (i#103999, bnc#527356) * frame around Font color and Highlighting toolbars (bnc#598534) * common bits: * better CJK defaults (i#54320) * metric field limits and units * KDE4 border frame width (i#111464) * allow to start with fresh user configuration again (bnc#599590) * Calc bits: * another R1C1 parser error (bnc#604903) * default precision to 2 in DBF export (i#111074) * disable text wrap when the cell value is numeric * default display format for general number format (i#111533) * empty cells when fetching ext. range (bnc#600667, i#110595) * Impress bits: * more on autoplay PPS/PPSX files (bnc#485645) * bogus file links in exported presentation PDF (bnc#598816) * Writer bits: * non-editable documents with forms (bnc#60135) * invisible graphical bullets in ODT export (i#101131) * OOXML export/import: * Ruby DOCS export * document grid DOCX export * sub/superscripts DOCX export * auto-refresh style DOC(X) export * wrong default style name in DOCX export * shape reference PPTX import crasher (bnc#593611) * master style placeholders in PPTX import (bnc#592906) * char spacing, character style association in DOCX export * VBA bits: * make sure error data isn't cleared on raise * l10n bits: * update from the openSUSE community * fixes for renamed languages (xx-IN -> xx) * build bits: * put mdds into new top level module * parallel build of ct2n extension (bnc#595550) * unopkg-regenerate-cache improvements (bnc#597573) * set correctly the upstream build version (bnc#582120) * symlink uno.py and unohelper.py into the system python path * link against the versioned libmysqlcppconn - added initial support for build on MeeGo distro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 23 11:30:30 CEST 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m15 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-beta3): * common bits: * 64-bit nsplugin fix (i#110747) * assertion during HTML import (i#110806) * missing image in localized helps (i#99165) * non-existent topic auxiliary/shared.tree (i#110963) * scroll combo box content by default (bnc#591650, i#110227) * better support for globally enabled nsplugin (i#49590) * reset security preferences in unoxml; allows to use the system redland (i#110523) * Calc bits: * data validation XLS import (bnc#594235) * data pilot deletion crasher (bnc#595617) * better rendering in Asian vertical mode (bnc#595625) * merged icon state after shift left click (bnc#595822) * database functions regression (bnc#594332, bnc#595713) * conditional formatting XLS import regression (bnc#594266) * refreshing problem with vertical stack format (bnc#597658) * deleting rows inside a merged cell (bnc#596414, lp#558968) * do not export negative decimal places value in ODS (i#110634) * UI issues in R1C1 formula syntax mode (bnc#595078, bnc#595080) * Impress bits: * various Calc crashers with gcc-4.5 (bnc#588957, deb#576665) * Writer bits: * text input fields crasher * tabs not displayed in shapes (bnc#564454) * more on caption separator with empty caption text (i#110287) * VBA bits: * ErrObj behaviour * wizard truncation problems (bnc#591768) * passing wrong separator for range list (bnc#597351) * Err symbol resolution in VBA/non-VBA mode (bnc#597884) * OOXML: * DOCX font import crasher * add fly frames DOCS export (bnc#581604) * regression in paragraph PPTX import (bnc#479829) * l10n bits: * Hungarian translation update * update strings from openSUSE community * do not do extra hacks for en-US-only build * truncated translations in Diagram wizard (i#110702) * footnote anchor Norwegian Bokmål translation (i#109545) * Spanish "boolean value" translation fix (deb#576842, i#110674) * build bits: * parallel build of ct2n extension (bnc#595550) * update prebuilt ooo-cli-prebuilt to version 3.2.1 * npwrap.cxx build without GTK (i#110833, gentoo#306181) * use --enable-hids (bnc#102592) - started to Require OpenOffice_org-branding >= ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 25 21:38:09 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-beta2): * features: * automatic scrollbars for writer (fate#588554) * dashed and dotted border types in Writer (fate#307731) * experimental VBA import from XLSM documents (fate#309162) * performance: * large Excel documents import speed up (bnc#582693) * page break preview mode speed up (bnc#504618, i#109935) * page number calculation speed up (bnc#504618, i#109935) * common bits: * badly inserted space by autocorrection * embedding video in Writer/Calc crasher * fix for UTF-8 encoded hyphen dictionaries * use .uno:NewDoc instead of deprecated slot:5500 * use Linux-specific template paths only on Linux * Base bits: * wizard crashers (bnc#587797) * Calc bits: * better insert new sheet icon * insert new sheet tab crasher (bnc#590187) * XLS import with drawing objects (bnc#588927) * machine area slot size and row limit (bnc#588554) * various Calc crashers with gcc-4.5 (bnc#588957) * matrix results did not work with auto complete (bnc#503918) * XLS export of heights of rows with wrapped text (bnc#580094) * Impress bits: * media link reference PPT import crasher (bnc#590442) * Writer bits: * DOC import crasher with Tcg records (bnc#590359) * DOC import loop with Tbc & TbcHeader records (bnc#589794) * omit caption separator if caption text is empty (i#110287) * l10n bits: * src/sdf directory clean up * Hungarian UI name order (i#105342) * more localizable strings for scp2 module * localize framework improvements * automated translations of language dependent components * enable CaptionOrderNumberingFirst by default for Hungarian - added WatchWindow Calc extension (fate#309182) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 11 21:18:47 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-beta1): * features: * Numbertext extension (fate#308028) * ConvertTextToNumber extension (fate#307906) * support embedded media also for PPT (fate#304532) * update PostgreSQL driver to 0.7.6a; it adds postgresql.xcu to actually offer this driver in the UI * speed up: * more on faster ODS import (n#582693) * more on the Calc's external reference manager refactoring (i#103739,i#108064,i#108404,i#109101,i#109168,i#109170) * common bits: * toolbar popups crasher * update recently used list when the document is saved * process UTF-8 encoded hyphen dictionaries (i#109543) * align style usage with style generation in SVG import * auto caps lock toggling without XTest API (bnc#394949) * Base bits: * more on the MySQL Connector * Calc bits: * search option for filtered cells (bnc#580408) * opcode list for the initial "last used" functions * break links in formulas with external refs (bnc#585094) * allow PDF export on filtered range selection (bnc#585028) * populate string list in standard filter dialog (bnc#584975) * convert locale-specific date strings to values (bnc#584693) * TAB and autocompletion behavior clean up (n#584953, i#18748) * Impress bits: * fast boxclipper, use for WMF import (i#72418, bnc#535304) * Writer bits: * preserve character style on 'reset format' * show 'Remove Hyperlink' even with selection * OOXML bits: * better connector shape XLSX import (bnc#559393) * VBA bits: * broken OOo Writer API (bnc#585410) * GTK+ bits: * better process glib events on exit * i18n bits: * updated Hungarian localization * do the Hungarian fixes in the right localize.sdf * build bits: * build with gcc-4.5 (i#109853) * apply patches with --fuzz=0 * better handle the parallel build - used the new solution to control parallel build - called make more times to survive random parallel build problem ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 26 17:11:58 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2.1-alpha1): * features: * toolbar popups refactoring * media embedding (i#83753) [upstream, Thorsten] * support for dotted and dashed borders * writer document comparing * "insert new sheet" tab in Calc (fate#308396) * distributed text alignment support (fate#308334) * insert current date/time via Ctrl-/Shift-Ctrl- (fate#307762) * English function names instead of localized ones (fate#308029) * performance: * faster external reference handling (i#109168) * Common bits: * beginning of small screen mode * crash in headless mode (i#108681) * colorspace calculation fix * textpropreader limit in svdfppt.cxx * lots autocorrection stuff improvements * Add starmath to docs, for EDU project * extensions with nonstandard merge points crasher * valgrind test and other corner cases fixes * Calc bits: * Keep track of cells containing SUBTOTAL (bnc#578802) * incorrect cell positioning during row insertion (bnc#578588) * Impress bits: * sounds spanning multiple slides in PPT import (bnc#515553) * OOXML bits: * chart export * autofit on in OOXML import * better connector shape XLSX import (bnc#549331) * VBA bits: * moduleinfo fixes * lots container control fixes * fire MultiPage_Change event when needed * remove extra GROUPNAME prop from VCLXImageControl * support copy of worksheet to 'other' document via API * build bits: * don't statically link against mono in climaker ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 24 17:20:34 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2 bugfix release): * Calc bits: * modified date reset to '0' (bnc#581634) *l10n: * duplicate formula names in Spanish localization (i#109407) - removed broken Danish extra localizations sources; fixed function names in Calc (bnc#549027) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 18 20:46:24 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.2 bugfix release): * Common bits: * prefer OOo over okular and k* * exception handling in SVG import * Impress bits: * mis-detection of cloned displays (bnc#578730, bnc#551391) * OOXML bits: * image wrapping in DOCX import * numbering in DOCX import (bnc#580106) * l10n: * updated Hungarian translation * new strings from SLED11-SP1 translators * applying extra SDF files (i#109378) * really localize the layout dialogs (deb#570378) * localize Vendor in the Windows installer (bnc#571489) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 4 19:36:48 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - ooo-build- == 3.2-rc5 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 4 15:33:42 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m12 (3.2-rc5) - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-rc5): * Common bits: * vcl's grey palette init * x86_64 bridge fixes (i#98028, bnc#575704) * not-properly initialized paradepth in svdfppt.cxx * decode URI escapes in subject when sending E-mail (bnc#575653) * various GNOME quickstarter fixes (i#108918, bnc#575555) * decode URI escapes in subject when sending E-mail (bnc#575653) * Base bits: * ReportBuilder crasher (i#108914, bnc#575698) * Calc bits: * better formula variable separator config check (bnc#556142) * Impress bits: * avoid looping in draw/impress * BadMatch crasher during slideshow (i#107763) * l10n bits: * Spanish accelerators fix (i#102645) * build bits: * look for moc in QT4DIR first ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 27 20:29:22 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m11 (3.2-rc4) - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-rc4): * Common bits: * valgrind warnings * increase the default java stack size to 1MB (bnc#572372) * Calc bits: * CSV dialog parameters storing (i#108645) * hidden rows heights XLS export (bnc#573938) * pagenation when printing selected cells (bnc#569328) * drilling down on field member crasher (i#103347, bnc#573456) * Write bits: * bullets RTF export (bnc#569266) * create style via API (i#108426) * VBA bits: * library location so VBA services work for Windows * l10n bits: * Spanish translations fix * build bits: * presenter screen extension build * localize framework improvements ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 13 19:32:02 CET 2010 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m9 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-rc2): * performance: * faster XLSX export (bnc#558577) * Common bits: * fixes from valgrind test * SVG import crasher (bnc#560255) * AFM parser crasher (bnc#535485) * Base bits: * Table wizard does not start (i#107917) [upstream, Rene] * Calc bits: * correctly query last flagged row (bnc#568146) * error when saving ODS document as XLSX (bnc#566581) * dis-joint ranges highlighting while in chart mode (bnc#568016) * Writer bits: * fields DOC import crasher (bnc#569348) * KDE4 bits: * override existing files * multiple auto-extension checkboxes * 3rd party plugin should not cause crash (bnc#548354) * VBA bits: * 'exe' checkbox under Load/Save|VBA Properties options * build bits: * update the prebuilt gdocs version to 2.1.0 (bnc#568399) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 20 19:38:12 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m8 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-rc1): * performance: * DBF import performance by 75% (bnc#558505) * string intern optimization for PC 850 code pages * do not load any VBA crap from non MSO documents * do not always load presenter screen (i#107568) * Common bits: * layout dialogs crashers * few WMF/EMF+ import fixes [upstream, Radek] * file read from sftp-folder (bnc#465102) * pasting from Firefox crashers (bnc#553819) * unnecessary exceptions in sfx2 (i#107512) * better wording of the always save option check box * saving when locking is not supported (bnc#560877, i#107511) * Calc bits: * Lotus import crasher (bnc#565184) * connector styles XLS import (bnc#559393) * minor bugs in datapilot ODS import/export * line count of move-copy sheet dialog (bnc#559438) * random ListBox::CalcMinimumSize() results (bnc#557230) * support XLSX export for more that 65536 rows (bnc#504623) * conflict between formula and decimal separators (bnc#556142) * number of the sheet in the "Insert Sheet" dialog (bnc#559445) * Writer bits: * image position in DOC import * update table format when pasting a value (bnc#564789) * VBA bits: * macro properties fixup (bnc#566030) * listindex, radiobutton, listbox events (bnc#560355, bnc#561639) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 7 17:53:37 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m7 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-beta4): * features: * support ooo320-m6 * support iceape/icedove/iceweasel in open-url * add option for the save icon behavior (bnc#556125) * speed up: * filtering performance in presence of cell notes (bnc#556927) * Common bits: * French autocorrection improvements * fullscreen WM hints (bnc#551402) * work with odf-converter again (bnc#557368) * un-set Cairo font options crasher (i#59127) * find the moved help when registering extension (i#107283) [ab, Petr] * Calc bits: * filter removing crasher (bnc#558564) * percent format getting unlimited precision (bnc#555889) * return correct flag value from R1C1 parser (bnc#557475) * incorrect range separator for disjoint ranges (bnc#556268) * TAB key to auto-complete word and move cell cursor (i#18748) * incorrect XLS import of sheet protection options (bnc#542024) * Writer bits: * OLE objects DOC import (bnc#557965) * returning from writer fullscreen mode crasher (i#107248) * OOXML bits: * regression on image DOCX import * sections DOCX import crasher (bnc#548701) * temporary make the XLSX export a separate library * wrong type and position of connector shape in XLSX import (bnc#549331) * VBA bits: * late document event crasher (bnc#558907) * mappings between imported local names and orig excel name * l10n bits: * Hungarian fixes * updated ooo-build translation from the openSUSE community ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 24 16:57:27 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m5 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-beta3): * speed up: * bunch of useless flush calls in rdb code * page break update and printing performance (bnc#554955) * row's hidden state lookup during pagenation (bnc#554955) * Common bits: * better document status icon in the status bar * Calc bits: * more on flat_segment_tree implementation * better icons in the datapilot popup window * datapilot position in XLS export/import (i#106583) * storing custom display names for datapilot tables (i#106975) * Draw bits: * malformed Bezier curve printing (bnc#553219) * more on custom shapes gradient color (bnc#485637) * VBA bits: * more Writer VBA API * more on sheet protection * event helper crasher (bnc#438606) * find fails to wrap search when it fails (bnc#554261) * build bits: * update Google Docs and Zoho extension to version 1.9.0 - added define use_xulrunner191 that would allow to use xulrunner191 on SLED11-SP1 (bnc#540726) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 13 17:34:52 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m4 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-beta2): * speed up: * do not call `uname` during start (i#106891) * Common bits: * broken find&search dialog (bnc#552450) * broken colors in PDF export (i#106523) * erasing elements in toolkit layout code (i#106575) * Calc bits: * more on automatic adjusting decimal numbers (bnc#541973) * disable paste mode when the input mode is active (i#102456) * rot. text + border in XLS import (i#38709, bnc#549728) * Writer bits: * recorded changes editing (bnc#545815) * image size DOC export (bnc#554549, i#59648) * background color and bullet indentation DOC import (bnc#547308) * OOXML bits: * more on shapes DOCX import * VBA bits: * control name override logic * selection reset after paste * combobox binding data import in userform (bnc#539220) * build bits: * switch back to the internal saxon (bnc#547157) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 29 22:57:28 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo320-m2 - updated ooo-build to version (3.2-beta1): * features: * NLPSolver extension (fate#304653) * oooblogger extension (fate#304555) * Google Docs and Zoho extension (fate#304577) * optional icon themes (i#105062, bnc#529404, bnc#537541) * speed up: * use stringbuf in SVG export * cache fontconfig's pre-match substitution results (bnc#529532) * common bits: * XML parser crasher * opacity SVG import * WebDAV locking stuff rework * many KDE4 integration fixes * set dev-install icons to small ones * regression in WMF import (bnc#417818) * more on fontconfig/cairofont stuff * wrong kerning on Linux (bnc#464436, i#26519) * inserting uiconfiguration ( menus/toolbar ) (i#105154) * keep locks after saving documents via WebDAV (bnc#464568) * better fix for quick-starter unload crasher (i#101245) * save non-English file names with KDE4 dialog (deb#536664) * driver string action and font object EMF+ import (bnc#519715) * prevent multiple window resize when maximised (i#104469) * Base bits: * UPDATE db record failure (i#104088) * Calc bits: * selection change and status icon (bnc#548116) * range selection for RTL languages (bnc#542684) * Force-interpret formula cell results (bnc#540563) * check for the General number format type (i#46511) * broken SUBTOTAL cell function after undo (bnc#545287) * erroneous export of OCX combo box controls (bnc#540566) * automatically adjust the number of decimals (bnc#541973) * skip filtered cells during search or replace (bnc#539282) * unicode strings in external ref URIs (i#103918, i#104166) * disable context menu on non-selectable cells (bnc#542024) * SHA1 hash algorithm for sheet and doc password by default * zero bytes encryption inside cond. formatting (bnc#541058) * selection of cells on protected sheets by default (bnc#538559) * cell selection handling when cell is being edited (bnc#541269) * Draw bits: * slides printing page offset (bnc#537931) * Impress bits: * wrong text bounds * missing drag rect on mac * PPT import crasher (bnc#546758) * bullet size PPT import (bnc#515972) * dock presentation minimizer toolbar * Writer bits: * Non-breaking spaces fixes * UNO API related to fields * unknown fields DOC import (i#61075, i#89667) * allow to add param into form field during import * two consecutive text fields in DOC import (bnc#546416) * OOXML bits: * collapsed paragraphs at the end of the sections DOCX import * VML shapes missing and bad sizes in DOCX import (bnc#549300) * styles without stylesheet definition DOCX import (bnc#545717) * VBA bits: * some wae fixes * controls visibility (bnc#542132) * AutoFilterMode macro (bnc#549383) * more on transient imported autotext * misc IBM fixes (i#104203, i#103653) * support for default member with automation bridge * boolean arguments to worksheet functions (bnc#541735) * more fixes for automation (bnc#535086, bnc#535087, bnc#535088, bnc#535089) * Do While Not "foo"="" " causes date type mismatch (i#105321) * IsEmpty RTL function fails with non-object params (bnc#541749) * object not cleared when entering new stack frame (bnc#541755) * l10n bits: * lots fixes * Russian and Slovak autocorection update (i#91304) * split build: * install extensions MIME type icon * install startcenter.desktop (bnc#548534) * Novell bits: * use xulrunner-1.9.1 on openSUSE-11.2 * branch configuration for openSUSE-11.2 * enable EMFPlus section for SLED10 (bnc#232232) * used internal boost on SLED10, openSUSE-10.3, openSUSE-11.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 20 16:45:29 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * Common bits: * "blank "Search in" option (bnc#548249) * Calc bits: * selection change and status icon (bnc#548116) * broken SUBTOTAL cell function after undo (bnc#545287) * Impress bits: * PPT import crasher (bnc#546758) * KDE4 filepicker fixes: * image insert * filters for export dialogs (bnc#542123) * missing 'new folder' button (bnc#546421) * allow to switch off the KDE4 file picker * dragging a directory to the sidebar crasher * use the internal saxon also for openSUSE-11.2 (bnc#547157) * fixed build with the prebuilt jsr173_1.0_api.jar on SLED10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 6 17:01:57 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * Calc bits: * column deletion crasher (bnc#542854) * range selection for RTL languages (bnc#542684) * disable problematic copy on merged cells (bnc#540923) * erroneous export of OCX combo box controls (bnc#540566) * automatically adjust the number of decimals (bnc#541973) * zero bytes encryption inside cond. formatting (bnc#541058) * cell selection handling when cell is being edited (bnc#541269) * Impress bits: * bullet size PPT import (bnc#515972) * l10n: * German translation of the Cancel button (bnc#544166) * Extended Tips abbreviations for Italian localization (i#88915) * unopkg-regenerate-cache error messages * allow to use the prebuilt jsr173_1.0_api.jar (bnc#527738, bnc#481242, bnc#473232) * use system saxon (bnc#527738, bnc#481242, bnc#473232) - recommend jre >= 1.6 (bnc#540225) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:15:15 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * Common bits: * opacity SVG import * regression in WMF import (bnc#417818) * various bugs in the KDE4 open/save dialogs * Russian and Slovak autocorrection update (i#91304) * driver string action and font object EMF+ import (bnc#519715) * Calc bits: * search for empty cells fix * more on multi-range copy & paste (i#104553, i#104550) * saving a document with chart crasher (i#104484) * SHA1 hash algorithm for sheet and doc password by default * selection of cells on protected sheets by default (bnc#538559) * incorrect focus shift during row/column selection (bnc#539434) * Draw bits: * slides printing page offset (bnc#537931) * VBA bits: * Rowsource for controls setting (bnc#540960) * l10n: * updated translations * build: * install the icons for extensions (bnc#370015) * branch configuration for openSUSE-11.2 * build with xulrunner-1.9.1 on openSUSE-11.2 * optional icon themes (i#105062, bnc#529404, bnc#537541) - used mozilla-xulrunner191-devel in BuildRequires for openSUSE >= 11.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 2 18:00:13 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - ooo-build- == 3.1.1-rc1 == final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 26 13:28:08 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m19 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-rc1): * Common bits: * prevent multiple window resize when maximised (i#104469) * save non-English file names with KDE4 dialog (deb#536664) * keep locks after saving documents via WebDAV (bnc#464568) * KDE detection (bnc#529208) * Base bits: * UPDATE db record failure (i#104088) * Calc bits: * multi-range copy-n-paste stuff fix * Impress bits: * wrong text bounds in Impress (bnc#523603) * OOXML bits: * data sequence creation in PPTX import (bnc#500175) * l10n bits: * French translation update * Finnish translation update * Hungarian translation update - updated extra localization sources: ga nb nn sl ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 18 19:51:59 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m18 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-beta3): * speed up:: * cache fontconfig's pre-match substitution results (n#529532) * Common bits: * saving pictures with preview size (bnc#531221, i#104146) * menubar theme support (bnc#526004, bnc#527356, i#103999) * Base bits: * Table Wizard categories (i#102019) * Calc bits: * Unicode string in document URI in Edit Links dialog (i#104166) * several regressions in external references (i#103918) * OOXML bits: * pivot data PPTX export (bnc#505917) * l10n bits: * Hungarian translation of About dialog * ooo-build.pot update file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 4 22:19:15 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m17 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-beta2): * feature: * animated border for copied range * better modified status icon in statusbar (i#103862) * surface shades, custom shapes gradient color (bnc#485637) * common bits: * squeezed check boxes in sub menus (bnc#523852) * show templates installed as extension (bnc#512146) * single-point polygons in fontwork crasher (bnc#526342) * Calc fixes: * sorting when the first row was not 0 (bnc#524215) * string cell format during text file import (bnc#523414) * non-default max column/row size for range names (bnc#522833) * Draw: * autoshape geometry on model change * avoids messing with fontwork glyph polygons (bnc#485637) * VBA bits: * broken Styles.Add * toolbar XLS import * broken toolbar import * typename issue (bnc#525649) * better heuristic for deleted ctrls * support for tooltips and separators * HTMLSelect activex objects XLS import (bnc#523191) * Financial functions (bnc#525633, bnc#525635, bnc#525642, bnc#525647) * OOXML bits: * pivot table XLSX export (bnc#505917) * animations PPTX export (bnc#497570) * blip luminance PPTX export (bnc#497570) * better header/footer DOCX import (bnc#519201) * l10n bits: * Russian translation update * Hungarian translations update * translations update by openSUSE community * Spanish translation of the autofilter menu (i#103840) - updated extra localizations sources: bg el mk nb nn sk sl ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 23 21:16:24 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m16 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-beta1): * features: * new unopkg add --link option * new -bulk option to convert documents on the command line * common bug fixes: * updated Graphite font technology stuff * avoid sticky state of fullscreen window (i#103145) * Calc fixes: * XLS import crasher (bnc#520556) * scrolling with large selection (n#518426) * determine in-line array size more reliably * more on row and flags manipulations (n#516406) * hyperlink strings XLS import (bnc#521447, i#103520) * COUNTIF with external references (bnc#521624, i#102750) * absolute path generation for external doc URI (i#103317) * clink on hyperlinks behavior in Calc (i#103587, n#523005) * document is modified when switching external link (i#103598) * Impress fixes: * no impress layout pane in master page mode (i#73289) * Writer fixes: * RTF export crash (bnc#462657) * lost indentation during DOC import (bnc#518731) * VBA bits: * ComboBox binding data import in userform * create toolbar/menubar in document scope * variable as VBA constant (bnc#521820) * set Enabled/Disabled to menu item (i#103486) * automation objects, automation bridge wrapper (bnc#507501) * WorkBook.PrecisionAsDisplayed, and CommandbarControl.Enabled, support workbook auto_open event, builtin toolbar (bnc#520228) * OOXML bits: * shape map crash * action buttons PPTX export (bnc#497570) * footnote in a table DOCX import crasher (bnc#518741) * l10n bits: * ooo-build.pot update * Serbian translation update ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 29 19:30:31 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m14 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-alpha2): * features: * Oxygen icons theme for KDE4 * OOXML export enabled by default * general bug fixes: * more on the KDE support * better KDE3/KDE4 detection * selection engine's auto repeat interval (bnc#514395) * early startup race in generic vcl plug (i#103148) * sticky fullscreen window state for xinerama (bnc#480324) * Calc fixes: * slow down scrolling interval (n#514395) * unsupported encryption XLS import crasher (i#102906) * non-scrolling formula reference selection (bnc#512060) * more optimization for increased row limit (bnc#514156) * chart update problems with Excel documents (bnc#491898) * non-initiated reference mode in selection range (bnc#512060) * selection area before setting autofilter arrows (bnc#514164) * strip time elements only when fields contains dates (i#94695) * autofill marker position when expanding selection (bnc#514151) * Impress fixes: * lots fixes of numbering (i#101269) * isotropic fit-to-size scale (i#94086) * Writer: * table shifted left margin DOC export (i#100473) * OOXML bits: * blank paragraphs DOCX import * reduce the number of dummy page styles DOCX import * collapsed paragraphs at the end of the sections DOCX import * VBA bits: * load problem for non MSO documents * maximum range selection and scrolling * Window.Zoom should affect only current sheet * fallback to the calling document as active doc * property value "BulletId" could be greater than 255 (i#103021) - added OpenOffice_org-branding into Requires also for openSUSE-10.3 (bnc#514944) - changed BuildRequires from OpenOffice_org-help-devel to the new OpenOffice_org-help-en-US-devel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 15 21:16:25 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m13 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1.1-alpha1) * features: * support ooo310-m13 * KDE4 vcl plugin and file picker * initial support for SmartArt import * autoplay .pps/.ppsx files (bnc#485645) * custom sort in datapilot tables (bnc#443361) * DataPilot's custom names ODF import/export (bnc#479062) * option to turn off auto number recognition in HTML import * sheet options and password ODS import/export (i#60305,i#71468) * speed up: * progress bar during formula calculation (i#102566) * cell range selection & cursor placement (bnc#511006) * column-wise sorting in Calc (bnc#504827) * more on faster sheet switch (bnc#495140) * bug fixes: * USHORT vs. SCROW or SCCOL (bnc#509768) * cursor after drag-n-dropped (bnc#508872) * slow page style changing in Calc (n#503482) * multi-range copy-n-paste crasher (bnc#509209) * rows filtered via autofilter crasher (bnc#495140) * merged cell attribute flag corruption (bnc#508867) * shifted translations of OOo Calc options (bnc#507643) * replace 'Manual Break' with 'Page Break' in Calc's menu * Launch language chooser for all HTML import (bnc#506095) * show cursor in all panes in split-view mode (bnc#433834) * do not move the cursor when making a selection (bnc#502717) * custom language and number options for CSV import (bnc#510168) * surface shades, custom shapes gradient color (bnc#485637) * misplaced rotated groups in PPT import (bnc#485637) * creating tables in Impress (bnc#483951, i#100275) * fit to frame text feature crasher (bnc#508621) * MM_TEXT map mode support in WMF (bnc#417818) * relative size calculation in SVG import * crash on quit after DOC import (bnc#505704) * fix SDK to actually find the libraries (i#101883) * default button in enter password dialog (i#102230) * HTML OLE controls as OCX controls DOC import (bnc#485609) * duplicit accept/reject menu entries (bnc#249775,i#6191) * OOXML bits: * prefer odf-converter over native OOXML filters (bnc#502173) * set flavour to EXC_OUTPUT_XML_2007 in XLSX export (bnc#502090) * XML_useAutoFormatting XLSX export (bnc#497560) * styles XLSX import/export (bnc#497563) * row limit in XLSX export (bnc#504623) * autoFilter XLSX export (bnc#497559) * rotated text PPTX export(bnc#498737) * transitions PPTX import (bnc#480243) * various PPTX import issues (bnc#377727) * text hyperlinks PPTX export (bnc#499124) * shapes visibility PPTX import (bnc#480243) * paragraph line spacing PPTX export (bnc#498737) * shape fill properties PPTX import (i#101563) * placeholder text style PPTX import (bnc#479834) * subtitle placeholder PPTX import (bnc#480243) * text body properties priority in PPTX import (bnc#403402) * un-connected connector shapes PPTX export (bnc#499129) * hidden slide PPTX import and export (bnc#480229, n#499131) * header, footer, datetime, pagenumber PPTX import (bnc#480243) * page break after tables in DOCX import (bnc#478945, i#101661) * footnote character properties DOCX import (bnc#478972) * extra paragraph in DOCX import (bnc#478977) * better outline DOCX import (bnc#478583) * VBA bits: * toolbars import * more on the Word support * macro execution via VBA API * crasher caused by resize event * rework use of getCurrentDocument * vbadocumentbase::getPath (bnc#507745) * add application.quit API (bnc#510003) * initial version of new macro resolver * checkbox access via VBA API (bnc#507400) * vbadocumentbase::getFullName (bnc#507745) * active newly added worksheet (bnc#507758) * default value control setting (bnc#507748) * allow worksheet to be passed as param (bnc#507760) * add to support menubar related objects (bnc#508113) * code name incorrectly imported for sheet (bnc#507768) * userform filter and userform controls visibility (i#88878) * auto calculation of shift direction for delete (bnc#508101) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 28 19:24:34 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc7 == final): * shifted translations of OOo Calc options (bnc#507643) * better fix of the SDK profile (i#101883) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 26 16:38:52 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc6): * duplicated menu entries (bnc#249775, i#6191) * French and Portuguese localization update * Hungarian localization update ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 22 13:57:45 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc5): * Spanish ooo-build translation update * patches did not apply on some systems ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 21 18:40:21 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc4): * crashes on quit when loaded MS doc (bnc#505704) * removed last problematic fix for skipping data in hidden cells when rendering charts (i#101273) * fixed build with gcc-4.4 for openSUSE factory ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 19 16:30:15 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc3): * more on update page break optimization (bnc#503482) * more on skipping data in hidden cells when rendering charts (i#101273) * really add Lotus Wordpro import filter ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 15 17:38:01 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc2): * bug fixes: * prefer odf-converter over native OOXML filters (bnc#502173) * HTML OLE controls as OCX controls DOC import (bnc#485609) * creating tables in Impress (bnc#483951, i#100275) * fix SDK to actually find the libraries (i#101883) * slow page style changing in Calc (n#503482) * OOXML bits: * autoFilter XLSX export (bnc#497559) * XML_useAutoFormatting XLSX export (bnc#497560) * set flavour to EXC_OUTPUT_XML_2007 in XLSX export (bnc#502090) * un-connected connector shapes PPTX export (bnc#499129) * subtitle placeholder PPTX import (bnc#480243) * shape fill properties PPTX import (i#101563) * transitions PPTX import (bnc#480243) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 7 23:12:05 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-rc1): * bug fixes: * ODS export freeze (bnc#501029) * more on slow ODS import (bnc#498547) * custom sort in DataPilot tables (bnc#443361) * more on DataPilot custom sort popup window (bnc#443361) * pasting a formula into formula input field freeze (bnc#500985) * put back the paper orientation printer props (bnc#83925) * templates and a11y crasher (i#86443, bnc#497879) * detect new monitor in GTK (i#101184) * flat ODT files indentation (lp#226075, bnc#437561) * guard against wrong dpi (i#101145) * "Search&Replace" and a11y crasher (bnc#500267) * broken "Paste Special" (bnc#497708) * OOXML bits: * picture layout PPTX import (bnc#49285, bnc#480223) * max level of a TOC field DOCX import (bnc#478583) * parent styles DOCX import (bnc#478583) * Normal style DOCX import (bnc#478583) * numbering DOCX import (bnc#478583) * notes DOCX export crasher (bnc#497417] * VBA bits: * sheet control geometry attributes crasher (bnc#500006) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 30 19:56:03 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m11 (3.1-rc2) - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta7) * bug fixes: * slow ODS import (bnc#498547) * disable experimental NATIVE_TOCs * wrong Evolution driver (bnc#496902, i#101439) * loop the A/V when the 'loop' flag is set * various DOC import bugs (bnc#417814, bnc#417818) * table row height in PPT import (bnc#483951, i#100275) * StyleTextProp with empty text PPT import (bnc#485630) * GTK quickstarter crashes on disable/exit (i#101245) * OOXML bits: * dates DOCX export * spacing DOCX export (bnc#493673) * section columns DOCX export (bnc#497556) * more on nested table DOCX export (bnc#499118) * cell width and height DOCX export (bnc#497554) * endless loop in bookmarks DOCX export (bnc#498755) * shapes DOCX import crasher (bnc#478945, bnc#478982) * some DOCX VML import side effects (bnc#478595) * more on layout PPTX import (bnc#480223) * XLSX export crasher (bnc#497419) * build libxlsx and libpptx separately * VBA bits: * bad initialise call when editing userform module (bnc#497923) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 24 13:48:09 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m10 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta6): * bug fixes: * F9 update didn't update charts (i#101273) * infinite loop on exporting ODS document (bnc#497610) * crash when exporting notes with hyperlinks (i#101159) * many input field stuff improvements (bnc#248354, bnc#400884) * more on stepping back one animation effect (i#48179) * loosing slide preview in notes on PPT export (i#101051) * restore the pre-3.0 Impress ruler behaviour (i#101269) * avoid dupe sound with presenter screen * Impress animation UI fix * VBA bits: * fix treatment of null if 'If' comparison (bnc#496844) * OOXML bits: * view zoom in XLSX import (bnc#494603) * disable untested animations PPTX export * tables DOCX export (bnc#492916, bnc#492896) * initial support for VML in DOCX import * merged many DOCX import fixes: * tables (i#90093, i#97804, i#92544, bnc#478965) * pictures: (i#96021, i#97645, bnc#457490) * redlines (i#91883, bnc#478562) * misc: i#93783, i#100176 * build bits: * java target in jfreereport (bnc#496747) - updated extra localization sources: be-BY, bg, cs, da, el, et, fi, ga, km, lt, mk, sk, sl ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 17 17:43:05 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta5): * bug fixes: * max column XLS import (bnc#495140) * entering value into any cell crasher * DataPilot hide list fixes (bnc#483379, i#100619) * hitting the Tab key incorrectly removes selection * dragging in datapilot after changing source range (i#86791) * DataPilot's dynamic source range is not working (bnc#494948) * mark formula cells within chart data ranges dirty (bnc#491898) * avoid subpixel clipping in cairocanvas (bnc#489451) * better fix for slideshow animation speed * return/esc in Impress custom animation dialog * clipboard and text scaling fixes * missing ogltrans.uno.so crasher * do not eat ctrl- * vcl freeze * non-functional mono bridge * more system python fixes * Don't overwrite files in KDE Save As dialog (bnc#487952) * missing icons in the presenter screen console (bnc#448305) * speed up: * line stroking with antialiasing (i#10085) * VBA bits: * disable not-enough-tested project reference and toolbar/menu customizations for word * use value of default property if it exists (bnc#494990) * OOXML bits: * bodyPr's vert, anchor and anchorCrt import (bnc#479829) * can't remove text imported from DOCX (bnc#492875) * DOCX headers/footers export freeze (bnc#492916) * nested tables logic, styles, alignment in DOCX import (bnc#492903, bnc#478965) * absolute references import (bnc#493528) * font spacing import (bnc#479822) * XLSX export enable * l10n: * Russian ooo-build translation update ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 8 19:48:24 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m9 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta4) * speedup * configmgr node sort (i#100743) * lang guessing optimization (i#100757) * hugely accelerate calc HTML import (i#100827) * bug fixes: * datapilot grouping breakage (bnc#491637) * ctrl-[ and ctrl-] Calc hotkeys (bnc#464359) * disable autofilter in datapilot output (bnc#484600) * bin problematic cell cursor moving changes (bnc#388770) * field member visibility quick editing (bnc#483379, i#100619) * DOC export problems (bnc#479068, i#100473, i#100918) * better solution for the system python * bin ugly gail version number warning * VBA bits: * compare basic syntax compile error (bnc#488588) * import customizations from global templates * suppress duplicate import of template data * various compiler fixes * OOXML bits: * many XLSX import fixes (bnc#479396, bnc#480854, bnc#480876, bnc#481317, i#100544) * OLE2 shapes import and VML drawing lookup (bnc#485418) * gradient/bitmap fill background import (bnc#383555) * polylines and polygons import * build bits: * regenerated many diffs to apply cleanly to build with patch- * experimental: * initial implementation of OOXML export filters (fate#304564, fate#304566, fate#304567) - fixed mono bridge to work ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 27 21:17:08 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m7 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta3) * more on skipping data in hidden cells when rendering charts (bnc#404190, i#81209) * charts with non-default formula syntax (bnc#487350) * messages about missing directories with templates (i#100518) * VBA bits: * custom menus import from word documents crasher * enable filter to process builtin menubar * compile issue (i#100578) * OOXML import: * master page style only for placeholder shapes (bnc#485417) * docx nested tables (i#92544, bnc#478965) * external references import (bnc#480868) * autoFilter in table part (bnc#479381) * do not lost ARCH_FLAGS from the environment - switched to the internal icu on openSUSE-10.3; icu >= 4.0 is needed - added unopkg-regenerate-cache to regenerate the UNO cache with broken extensions (needed for LanguageTool-0.9.3.oxt) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 20 16:09:23 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m6 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta2): * symbol visibility in comphelper, svg * startup performance problem in the migration code * allow to specify lang on HTML import into Calc (bnc#484272) * datapilot output and new sheet destination (bnc#483446) * merge flags when a new row is inserted (bnc#484599) * more on multiline formula reference (i#35913) * autocorrection in Calc (bnc#472395, lp#271774) * custom name of datapilot table (bnc#484157) * cairocanvas colorspace miscalculation * Sun Report Builder fixes (i#100249) * backported some fixes * lock renewal code * many DOCX import fixes * crash on startup with the GTK+ plugin * placeholder layout fix (bnc#485316, bnc#480223) * user friendly migration of java settings (i#99619) * tabs export problem causing broken TOC (bnc#479068) * VBA bits: * apply imported image for all image sizes * worksheet events rework * template name API fix ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 10 12:00:11 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m4 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-beta1) * more on WebDAV locking * support sheet tab colors Excel import/export * import/export field's precision correctly (n#479025) * Named ranges with Excel A1 or R1C1 syntax (bnc#481200) * copy & paste of non-contiguous regions (n#447003, i#25855) * allow to step back one animation in slideshow (i#48179) * mail merge bugs and regressions * VBA bits: * more on the support for VBA in Writer * Application.CommandBars function (bnc#459458) * autotext and OLE objects (i#99786 & i#99790) * close event handler crasher * small Hungarian translation fixes * renamed/split some sources - fixed build on SLED10, openSUSE-10.3 and openSUSE-11.0 - temporary disabled pyuno registration on SLED10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 26 15:28:38 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo310-m2 - updated ooo-build to version (3.1-alpha1): * Excel export encryption and sheet protection * initial support for VBA in Writer * new startcenter.desktop * more on the layouted dialogs * some fixes in the SVG import * more on the fit list to size stuff (i#94086) * more on skipping data in hidden cells when rendering charts (bnc#404190, i#81209) * more on multiline formula reference (i#35913) * data pilot default output to new sheet (i#50886) * always use A1 syntax in DDE function (bnc#442143) * missing x-values of numeric or dates (bnc#463199) * Excel 2007 compatible row limit (bnc#443634, i#30215) * another grammar type for English Excel formula syntax * allow finding and replacing empty cells (i#49380, n#415352) * swap behavior for Backspace and Delete in Calc (bnc#460465) * formula syntax option migration from 3.0 to 3.1 (bnc#466064) * un-select tabs when switching sheet (i#70320, bnc#396894) * infinite loop when pasting over cells in Calc (bnc#478309) * multiple chart types in a single chart (i#95934, bnc#437322) * merging and unmerging cells on multiple sheets (bnc#213205) * "Identify Categories" in data pilot (bnc#447182, i#96171) * don't export color values as number formats (i#97563) * store ranges using CONV_OOO (bnc#463305, bnc#461263) * visible field members in page field list (i#96591) * allow to import quoted fields as text (bnc#433378) * English Excel formula syntax parsing (bnc#422145) * formula variable separators (i#92056, bnc#447164) * another DataPilot and filtered ranges regression * document Calc localized separator in helpcontent * custom names in data pilot (bnc#338014, i#22029) * external defined name import on XLS documents * autofill failed to increment "1 foo" (i#5550) * XLS import crasher (bnc#447560, bnc#458985) * referenced cells highlighting (bnc#469395) * broken stacked-area chart (bnc#472264) * chart export into ODF fix (bnc#461264) * formatting in part of a cell (i#96853) * "always save" in Calc (bnc##450789) * avoid internal Err:529 (bnc#440808) * XLS export write error (i#99097) * custom sheet tab colors option * do not lost charts (bnc#476293) * copy sheet crasher (bnc#478187) * SXC import crasher (bnc#467536) * shapes export into XLS (i#96858) * missing Gallery-resident custom shapes (bnc#479056) * text color and alignment in PPT import (bnc#443127) * DirectX canvas when the device is lost (bnc#445628) * allow to change stroke color and width during a slideshow (i#97972) * outline numbering in master document (i#96092, bnc#445536) * pagebreak enhancements (bnc#396648) * preference over gnumeric (bnc#463510) * optional outplace OLE editing (i#98970) * make atk/a11y work again (i#98533, bnc#457611) * recognize a directory as a folder with neon (i#98288) * accelerators for the en-US locale (bnc#463733, i#97088) * find & replace dialog crasher (bnc#477854) * file name in the mail subject (bnc#459176) * disable the entire first start wizard * pyuno for python-2.6 (bnc#448776) * SMTP dialog fix * VBA bits: * more on the user forms and controls * run time error with ColorIndex function (bnc#459479) * deal with alternative macro action specifications * ComboBox.ListIndex runtime error (bnc#476891) * XLS import crasher (bnc#447560, bnc#458985) * GetBasic called on Shell crasher (i#98240) * VPageBreak and VPageBreaks objects porting * DateSerial function regression (i#97038) * IsError problems (bnc#469762) * VBA constants namespace errors * new simple template object * spaces in resource names * service macros rework * commandbar issues * allow localization of "Table Data View" and "Bibliography" * string truncations in some dialogs * even more quiet build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 20 14:02:10 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * do not lost charts (bnc#476293) * find & replace dialog crasher (bnc#477854) * use gnome-vfs2 instead of GIO to be able to open the files over smb:// (bnc#443467) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 6 16:06:46 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * make atk/a11y work again (i#98533, bnc#457611) * define OOXML and FlatXML MIME types (bnc#439804) * fields export into MS DOC (bnc#472351) * apply correctly some patches; only few changes in the end; ran full qatesttool to prove that nothing serious happened (bnc#443698) * VBA bits: * runtime error with ColorIndex function (bnc#459479) * update ooo-build localization from openSUSE community - added OpenOffice_org-l10n-en-US to Provides and Obsoletes to fix compatibility with the older split build used in the Build Service (bnc#471280) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 23 17:43:56 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * enable SuSE l10n of ooo-extension-manager.desktop (bnc#447083) * add Draft.jpg to the 'Backgrounds' gallery; SLED feature lost during the build split * accelerators for the en-US locale (bnc#463733, i#97088) * recognize a directory as a folder with neon (i#98288) * file name in the mail subject (bnc#459176) * fix java-set-classpath script (bnc#465250) * really used some extra icons (bnc#458929) * SXC import crasher (bnc#467536) * enable bash completion again * category value tooltip * update ooo-build localization - added ExclusiveArch: %%ix86 x86_64 ppc (bnc#465252) - fixed java-set-classpath call (bnc#465250) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 9 15:51:56 CET 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * more on the layout dialogs * x-axis with numeric or dates (bnc#463199) * store ranges using CONV_OOO (bnc#463305, bnc#461263) * outline numbering in master document (i#96092, bnc#445536) * set python paths (bnc#440090, deb#501028, i#90701) * DirectX canvas when the device is lost (bnc#445628) * RIGHT JOIN selection description (bnc#431031, i#97026) * no latex filter without writer2latex (i#93520) * wordwrap problem with 2.x documents (i#93996) * preference over gnumeric (bnc#463510) * fit list to size popup (i#94086) * broken autorecovery (i#92968) * VBA bits: * XLS import crasher (bnc#447560, bnc#458985) * hyperlink button (bnc#446637) - updated ooo-build localizations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 5 21:52:22 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * wrong text color and alignment in PPT import (bnc#443127) * more on the external range names (i#3740, i#4385) * another DataPilot and filtered ranges regression * pyuno for python-2.6 (bnc#448776) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 21 13:31:47 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * disabled some experimental layout stuff by default (bnc#442036) * non-numeric letter sequence detection (bnc#439441) * mark document as modified when password changed * COUNTA and string literal (bnc#446622) * pivot cache field import (bnc#433658) * user path in scripting framework * blinking text in slideshow * EMF import crashes * broken find & replace dialog (bnc#439222) * compilation of the mono sample (bnc#444353) * adds version info to cli_uno_bridge.dll assembly (bnc#361463) * saving files on Novell teaming via WebDAV (bnc#440514) * using GIO in non-GNOME WM (i#96170, n#442678) * can't import userforms from Word (bnc#447015) * bin version from the man page * symlinks in registries * VBA bits: * more on the VBA export * dropdown list keeps the focus (bnc#444156) * macro project tree does not show new modules (bnc#444984) * added support for hotfixes * added support for ooo-build and extra localizations * update ooo-build localization from openSUSE community * more Hungarian fixes - added extra localizations sources - enabled SUSE translation of desktop files; added update-desktop-files to BuildRequires (bnc#445720) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 7 13:48:05 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * mailmerge speed up stuff fixes * various impress bugs (i#94193) * incorrect scaling of axes (i#95714) * wrong color order for canvas axial gradients (i#95341) * disabled problematic TOC import fix (bnc#438525, bnc#404254) * gnome VFS crasher (i#95689, bnc#440363, bnc#440816) * delimiter for percent sign consistence (i#80784) * work with IBM Java 1.6.0 (bnc#440459, i#95838) * work with GroupWise (i#95873) * GTK-2.8 warnings (bnc#440514) * allow to localize "Pixel" (i#61043) * Hungarian translation fixes (i#88218) * VBA bits: * crash when inserting module (bnc#439971) * can't edit Userform with Organize Dialogs (bnc#439972) * updated scsolver to the snapshot 2008-10-30 - enabled system lpsolve (needed for scsolver) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 27 15:17:32 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * WordPro import filter integration * more on the TOC import (bnc#40425) * more on the SVG import (bnc#436486, ...) * various impress fixes (i#92026, i#92551, i#94705, i#95055) * change text size in merged cells regression (bnc#437137) * application icons in KDE and GNOME (i#95220, bnc#372983) * crash when adding/removing fonts (bnc#436441) * protected sections handling (bnc#400884) * Writer filed stuff fixes (bnc#400884) * support MS-like border spacing (bnc#391591) * GNOME quickstarter to work again (bnc#434778) * hidden-cells ODF export/import (bnc#408424) * cellformat toggle icon (i#86377) * Hungarian translation fixes * lots valgrind warnings * VBA bits: * more on the user forms and event handling * commandbar submenu fix (bnc#434214, bnc#437157) * bracket handling regression (i#92329) * more on the macro choose dialog - enabled gio (important for the GNOME integration) - added OpenOffice_org-filters-devel to BuildRequires to get registered during postprocess - added back some useful post-scripts from the non-split package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 10 16:01:11 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo300-m9 (3.0rc4) - updated ooo-build to version - updated ooo-build to version * 7 times faster mail merge * more on the layout stuff * more on skipping data in hidden cells when rendering charts (bnc#404190, i#81209) * strip time value in DATEVALUE function (i#94765) * tab color of selected/unselected sheets (bnc#396386, i#94452) * disable problematic fix for hiding filtered rows (i#35581) * better description of password re-type dialog (bnc#431196) * do not insert drill-down sheet in read-only mode (i#90402) * COUNT and COUNTA when range contains errors (bnc#430655) * DataPilot and filtered ranges regression (i#94281) * correctly display linespacing < 100% (bnc#364534) * oobase to work with JRE 1.4.2 (bnc#431360) * slide transitions crashers (bnc#430449) * MS Doc import crasher (bnc#430149) * updated Hungarian translation * VBA stuff: * Application.Intersection new implementation [Noel] * Application.Union new implementation [Noel] * font properties crasher (bnc#433292) [Noel] * Null and various operators [Noel] * more font properties [Fong] * better strings in macro choose dialog [Fong] - added back all the build dependencies to fix the component registration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 27 12:04:54 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo300-m7 (3.0rc2) - updated ooo-build to version * enabled build of PostgreSQL driver (fate#304558) * basic macro choose dialog * more on the layout stuff * more on the external range names * Excel 95 import filter crasher (bnc#427434) * chart's data range re-calculation (bnc#425617) * cell change records export to Excel (bnc#416045) * DataPilot inserts an extra empty row (bnc#252037) * DataPilot Drill-down fixes (bnc#403151, i#93918, i#93998) * multiline formula reference and ODF export optimization * missing data points in charts (bnc#427545) * export of the radio button group-name attributes * returning from presenter view crasher (bnc#425072, i#94007) * nasty X errors on multi-head setups (i#93986) * various fixes of the 3D transitions * continuous numbering in Impress * check for Cairo canvas * field stuff cleanup (bnc#426348) * Writer doc margin text rotates in Word (bnc#404221) * migrate user settings from ~/.ooo-2.0 to ~/.ooo3 (bnc#421070) * KDE filepicker to work again (bnc#427336) * crash on Vista's native file picker * accelerators for OK/Cancel buttons * unxsplash bitmap reading * VBA bits: * more on the user forms and event handling * NOT test and state of a default property (bnc#426416) * resetting Rowsource fails (bnc#426415) * disable regex processing for VBA mode * a1 parser to handle spaces * variant + string * added postgresql-devel to BuildRequires - fixed dependencies on the core and optional OOo subpackages (bnc#427236, bnc#427967, bnc#429069) - added back the optional dependency on java; was lost during build split ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 11 22:44:35 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo300-m5 (3.0rc1) - updated ooo-build to version * add two buttons to scale Impress text up/down * right-click Approve/Reject with red lining (bnc#249775) * enabled again WW-like input-fields and checkboxes * layouted Find&Replace dialog * new FadeThroughBlack transition * search /usr/share/templates/ooo for templates * more on the layout stuff * more on the external range names * annoying PDF permission checks * various fixes of the 3D transitions * wrong read-out of fontconfig flags (bnc#407958) * more on skipping overlapped cells (n#362674, i#86943) * more on chart subtitle export to XLS (bnc#411855, i#92357) * disabled problematic fix for moving cell notes with anchored cells (i#59745, bnc#422677) * autohinting problem (bnc#407958) * broken getRecentFunctionIds() (bnc#422206) * Cyrillic text displayed with too much spacing (i#92072) * broken logical size calculation on BMP export * various uninitialised values * use V2 format for types.rdb as well * updated Hungarian translation fixes * mono support to work again * non-UTF8 dictionaries (bnc#418307) * import the content of TOC (bnc#404254) * bin obsolete hack for searching mozilla certificates * saving with the external odf-converter (bnc#410982) * 100% CPU usage while opening GNOME fpicker * avoid extra tab in the task bar for GNOME fpicker * VBA bits: * more on the user forms and event handling * various regressions * sheet copying and associated modules (bnc#417320) * lcl_ScRange_Parse_XL_Header and 3D flags (bnc#422569) * ClassModule property with type Variant (bnc#417316, i#93214) * Range with Listbox.value comparison (bnc#421939) * number to string comparsion (bnc#422559) * Application.Worksheetfunctions object issue (bnc#414248) * more on friendly name for objectmodule tab * worksheet calculate event * UNO interface of VBA mode * updated scsolver to the snapshot 2008-09-08 * build xpdfwrapper only when necessary * temporary globally disabled report builder * allow to install dictionaries again * set java target 1.5 by default - split build of the package (fate#304700) - the new packages were: * OpenOffice_org-base, OpenOffice_org-bootstrap, OpenOffice_org-calc, OpenOffice_org-components, OpenOffice_org-draw, OpenOffice_org-filters-optional, OpenOffice_org-filters, OpenOffice_org-gnome, OpenOffice_org-impress, OpenOffice_org-kde, OpenOffice_org-libs-core, OpenOffice_org-libs-extern, OpenOffice_org-libs-gui, OpenOffice_org-mailmerge, OpenOffice_org-math, OpenOffice_org-mono, OpenOffice_org-officebean, OpenOffice_org-pyuno, OpenOffice_org-testtool, OpenOffice_org-ure, OpenOffice_org-writer + plus the corresponding -devel and the hacky -l10n-prebuilt subpackages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 29 16:30:49 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - added libexpat-devel to BuildRequires - fixed build with mono 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 27 12:00:41 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed build with java 1.4 target for 10.2 and 10.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 26 22:15:24 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version (still beta): * ooo-build patches localization (fate#304696) * more on automatic font shrinking in text boxes in Impress * autofill behavior compatibility with Excel (i#5550) * do not limit the password length too much (i#85453) * allow to change password in existing file * more on the external range names * line breaks and referencing in formula (i#35913) * chart wizard failure with A1/R1C1 syntax (bnc#411450) * MS Word export/import of end-of-field control characters (bnc#414471) * radio button crasher (bnc#417840) * crasher when updating indexes (bnc#388069) * crasher when inserting sheet (bnc#417840) * crasher when using as GW editor (bnc#353143, i#92372) * setsdkenv fix for the three layer structure * VBA bits: * more on user forms and even handling * selecting filtered cells regression (bnc#415002) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu Aug 21 14:13:10 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo300-m3 (3.0-betaX) - updated ooo-build to version (still beta): * external range names * more on the Kohei's solver * WebDAV locking to work in OOo-3.0 again * actually offer the two new 3D transitions in UI * VBA bits: * more on user forms and even handling * ActiveWorksheet.Paste issues (bnc#417439) * do not allow to delete or rename objectmodule in IDE * add --with-system-poppler - updated Kohei's Calc solver sources to snapshot 2008-08-20 - added libpoppler-devel to BuildRequires for openSUSE >= 11.0 - disabled poppler for openSUSE < 11.0; will use the internal xpdf - used system saxon on SLED10 to fix compilation with Java 1.4 - added back the --with-java-target-version configure option - fixed build with IBM Java on ppc - temporary disabled mono for openSUSE <= 10.2 and on ppc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 15 16:49:13 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooo300-m2 (3.0-betaX) - updated ooo-build to version 3.0.0 (still beta): * support rotated ellipses in WPG files * Kohei's solver is back available * two new 3D transitions * more on the layout stuff * fix KDE fpicker to work with 3-layer OOo (bnc#413475) * update splash for new OSL_PIPE protocol * dash array parsing in SVG import * honour custom shape capabilities * missing text in GTK dialogs * messed font transform on EPS export * incorrect interpretation of color components * slideshow crasher with the GTK plugin (i#91496) * more on the localized arg separator stuff (n#358558, n#373479) * datapilot dialog and table insertion failure (bnc#408934) * support changeable separators in formula expression * chart subtitle export to XLS (bnc#411855, i#92357) * filtering by page fields with dates (i#90022) * cell with mixed font content (bnc#409448) * XLSX import crasher (bnc#413456) * filter on date issue (bnc#414303) * Excel formula parser fix (bnc#407807) * regenerate password hashes when necessary * cell format toggling improvement (i#86377) * leaving "Format code" blank crasher (bnc#416837) * external defined names in Calc (i#3740, i#4385, bnc#355685) * update libwpg to version 0.1.3 * fixed to find help and icons in /usr/share * set paths to system dictionaries * VBA bits: * more on user forms and even handling * "IF Not r Is Nothing Then" issue (bnc#407805) * Replace doesn't replace globally (bnc#411203) * simple unowrapper for the GraphicObject * Painterface and PrintArea method fixes * some keywords can be used as variable * "Sub Test( Name as String )" support * Range.Find doesn't work as expected - updated libwpg to version 0.1.3 - removed obsolete lp_solve sources - added Kohei's Calc solver sources, snapshot 2008-08-13 - added dependency on the exact version of the icon themes - added hack to hide dependecy on the internal redland (bnc#411538) - updated branding for OOo-3.0 and older distributions (bnc#409144) - enabled mono again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 18 14:01:42 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone dev300-m25 (3.0-alphax) - updated ooo-build to version 2.99.25: * more on SVG import * lots improvements of the layout stuff * more on the WebDAV locking (bnc#403724) * more on automatic font shrinking in text boxes in Impress * section break in Word8 documents (bnc#405071, i#91395) * skip data in hidden cells when rendering charts (bnc#404190, i#81209) * default to bigger handles in Draw/Impress * enabled the new 3D transitions again * VBA bits: * more on the user forms and event handling * lcl_makeXRangeFromSheetCellRanges and no cellranges * support Worksheet.EnableSelection (bnc#405312) * support Worksheet.HPageBreaks (bnc#405312) * support Pagesetup.Orientation (bnc#405310) * support ListBox.removeItem (bnc#405306) * support Application.Union (bnc#405313) * support Worksheet.Index (bnc#403974) * support range.find (bnc#405304) * add SpinButton (bnc#405308) - updated spec for the more split sources - temporary disabled the mono support until it builds again - temporary used internal boost for openSUSE <= 10.3 until it builds with the system one again - used java-devel instead of gcj even for 10.2-x86_64 and sles10-x86_64 - removed obsolete BuildRequires hacks for SL 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 2 21:37:49 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone dev300-m21 (3.0-alphax) - updated ooo-build to version 2.99.21: * Excel export encryption support (i#60305, i#71468, i#84766) * WP file-formats password protection * CJK character unit is back again * slideshow media control (i#91250) * allow to insert SVGs into documents * shrink font automatically in text boxes in Impress * Macro Nudge, 10x nudge function (i#91249, bnc#188199) * don't lstat() that much while creating absolute URLs * lots improvements in the SVG import filter * lots fixes in the data pilot (i#83250, i#88473, i#88531) * lots improvements of the layout stuff * EMF+ import fixes (bnc#361534) * better support for various formula syntax * FREQUENCY function regression (i#88477) * better highlighting of current row * bin check for incompatible ODF version * no source border when doing cut [Jon] * opening a tab delimited CSV file (bnc#376473) * tab color of selected and unselected sheets (bnc#386029) * allow special characters in sheet names (i#6087) * INDIRECT and Text as numbers calculation error (bnc#391330) * center content when toggling merge cells (bnc#398243, lp#236378) * column/row breaks and fit to x pages (bnc#404232, bnc#404563) * rename the obsolete SFX_NOTIFY to Notify (i#89804) * better fix for the rounding problems (i#86775) * cutting cell and moving cursor (bnc#388770) * page format in print preview (bnc#386052) * warn when inserting a linked graphic (bnc#348149) * deselected inplace OLE objects (i#89283, bnc#384506) * easy moving of Draw/Impress text frames (bnc#384563) * honour XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable (i#91247) * "Animate attached Shape" check box (bnc#380036, i#69364) * hidden slides in custom slideshow (bnc#355638, i#90145) * hyperlinks with numeric slide names (bnc#355674, i#55224) * handle multipart object records (bnc#385338) * export to MS Word Doc crasher (bnc#391197) * documents with form fields crasher (bnc#390953) * better conformance to DIS26300 (ODF) (bnc#396280) * object positioning in tables (bnc#367341, i#18732) * Word document set to Read Only (i#90306) * title style cannot set alignment (i#23221) * WebDAV locking timeout (bnc#403724) * fixed crash in RandR (bnc#398244, i#90809) * open document with trailing space in folder name (bnc#277603) * do not lost pictures added by drag and drop (bnc#348149) * allow to change broken java configuration (i#83140, bnc#393719) * bash completion for writer and master documents (bnc#257299) * mozilla plug-in crashes on x86_64 (i#82545) * shrinked french localization (bnc#340679, i#89475) * loading and storing SMB hyperlinks (bnc#382718) * hyperlinks without scheme (bnc#376389, i#91105) * avoid unnecessary dns lookup (bnc#389257) * Chinese forbidden characters * VBA bits: * lots improvements of user forms and even handling * workbook/worksheet events and event handle class * support multiple array indices (i#75443) * Worksheet_SelectionChange event (bnc#388049) * delegate security check to the basic manager * PageSetup interface and PrintArea method * brackets and array syntax handling * hyperlink service and interface * non-working mediawiki extension * switch on VBA import by default * myFunction Not bBool (bnc#397325) * empty types comparison (bnc#397438) * support Range.ShowDetail, Range.MergeArea * osx button names not imported (bnc#359933) * packaging of extensions that we build it - added ant-apache-regexp to BuildRequires - switched to mozilla-xulrunner190 for openSUSE > 11.0 - changed ooo-home from ooo-2.0 to ooo3 - started to require 3.x branding - split en-US localization and help content into separate packages; moved them to the l10n-group1 source package - added extra extsw source with extensions - updated for the new three layer structure (basis subdir dir) - installed the KDE templates also for KDE4 on openSUSE > 10.1 - added symlink for acor_fr-CA.dat until we have a more generic solution for the autocorrection fallback (bnc#364523) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 24 20:08:51 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m17 == 2.4.1rc2 == 2.4.1-final - updated ooo-build to version * fixed crash in RandR (bnc#398244, i#90809) * fixed doc protection problem (bnc#400884) * center content when toggling merge cells (bnc#398243, lp#236378) * round corners rectangle drawing (bnc#361534) * mozilla plug-in crashes on x86_64 (i#82545) * fixed crash in svg importer * export to MS Word Doc crasher (bnc#391197) * hidden slides in custom slideshow (bnc#355638, i#90145) * save background image of slide master (i#87071) * unopkg --share when running OOo (i#86080) * better conformance to DIS26300 (ODF) (bnc#396280) * cannot create new forms (i#90011) * Find and Replace with formatting inserts unwanted "x" (i#87092) * crash when calling the mono test case (i#90076) * hyperlinks with numeric slide names (bnc#355674) * more improvements in the SVG import * allow to insert SVGs into documents * loading and storing SMB hyperlinks (bnc#382718) * DOC import to show "hidden text" (i#53885) * easy moving of Draw/Impress text frames (bnc#384563) * lots improvements in the SVG import * really enable the fix for xinerama & multiscreen (bnc#359955) * VBA stuff: * Worksheet change event support (bnc#390082, bnc#391880) * PageSetup object and PrintArea method (bnc#390080) - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll for older distributions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 5 21:31:38 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * export to MS Word Doc crasher (bnc#391197) * save background image of slide master (i#87071) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 22 20:54:44 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * allow to change broken java configuration (i#83140, bnc#393719) * registry store crasher; found when compiling on Solaris * documents with form fields crasher (bnc#390953) * INDIRECT and Text as numbers calculation error (bnc#391330) * unable to mix fonts in a single cell (bnc#391818, i#89598) * avoid unnecessary dns lookup (bnc#389257) * shrinked french localization (bnc#340679, i#89475) * really disable the registration dialog (bnc#391477) * bash completion for writer and master documents (bnc#257299) * split configuration for openSUSE-11.0 * improvements of the SVG import * symbol font problem (bnc#383812) * cutting cell and moving cursor (bnc#388770) * deselected inplace OLE objects (i#89283, bnc#384506) - updated the with_distro option for the split configuration - enabled the mono subpackage again [bnc#357054] - enabled preinstalling the mono GAC - used Requires instead of PreReq in the -mono subpackage because mono-core is not longer needed in the %post script ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 9 12:19:37 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * linked graphics in SVG import * tab color of selected and unselected sheets (bnc#386029) * warn when inserting a linked graphic (bnc#348149) * bin check for document generated by never OOo version * more fixes of the datapilot drill-down stuff (i#88531) * default character set in CSV import dialog (bnc#376473) * better fix for xinerama & multiscreen (bnc#359955) * better fix for "Animate attached Shape" checkbox * allow to run the mediawiki extension (bnc#361061, i#85804) * crash during printing (i#88818) * VBA bits: * Worksheet_SelectionChange event (bnc#388049) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 24 19:56:31 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * "Animate attached Shape" checkbox (bnc#380036, i#69364) * FREQUENCY function regression (i#88477) * datapilot drill-down regressions (i#83250, i#88473) * OpenGL stuff with ATI regression * more layout dialog stuff fixes and improvements * stability improvements (i#88002, i#88005) * unable to add patch for templates (i#85931) * random spellcheck dialog behavior (bnc#377345, i#88120) * disabled menu items in quickstarter by mistake (i#88382) * problems with xinerama & multiscreen (bnc#359955) * crasher when attempt to save read-only document (i#5226) * Arabic/Hindi numbers instead of decimal numbers (i#86811) * scroll speed when extending cell range (bnc#375909, i#71362) * default character set in CSV import dialog (bnc#376473) * font attributes at entire cell level (bnc#374580) * crasher with non closed polygons (bnc#361059) * gradients in SVG import filter * VBA bits: * regression with Range.AutoOutline * crasher when opening dialogs (bnc#379844) * Application.Goto returns BASIC runtime error '1' (bnc#309981) * new configure option --with-additional-sections for L3 team * use --with-system-hunspell, --with-system-icu, --with-system-libwpd, --with-system-libwpg, --with-system-libwps for openSUSE-11.0 - added back the extra localizations sources; were removed by mistake (bnc#335643) - started to generate Java 1.5 bytecode on openSUSE-11.0 - fixed build dependency in the oox module - better support for L3 team: * use autoreconf instead of autoconf to work even with ooo-build generated on newer system * sample comments where and how to put extra patches ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 14 14:55:05 CEST 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * disable problematic measurement unit stuff (bnc#376788) * more on the OpenGL stuff * modified graphic elements were not visible (i#86163) * non-working oofromtemplate (i#60696, bnc#375529) * more on the layout dialog stuff * update and sort mime-types * Categories=Office;Math; in math.desktop * VBA bits: * revert the support worksheet_deactivate events stuff - fixed dependency of the branding-upstream package; it should get installed when both the branding and the OpenOffice_org package are requested - fixed random spellcheck dialog behavior (bnc#377345, i#88120) - added one more fix for the openGL transitions on ATI (bnc#373076) - enabled system libwpd, libwps, libwpg, hunspell for openSUSE >= 11.0 - added libwpd-devel libwpg-devel libwps-devel hunspell-devel to BuildRequires for openSUSE >= 11.0 - created a hacky icon-themes-prebuilt package to speed up the build of the real architecture independent icon-themes package - added "hu ja" to the min language selection to support the split i18n-group2 package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 28 17:33:43 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m12 (2.4rc6 == 2.4-final) - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * better support for various formula syntax * left-mouse click and protected cell crasher [n#371204] * cell background painting improvements [n#361360, i#3907] * wrong result of interactive functions, e.g MIN [n#372255] * better floating-point rounding error fix [n#310706, i#86775] * more on the localized arg separator stuff [n#358558, n#373479] * detect the symlinked mozilla wrapper correctly [n#368532, i#87258] * interference between R1C1 and localized arg separator stuff [n#372494] * visual feedback for copied cell range [n#367489] * keys that quits the paste on Enter mode [n#372446] * output range format in the datapilot regression * drag&drop with plus/minus signs in Navigator [i#64886, n#129410] * unopkg wrapper and association with .oxt [n#352574] * VBA bits: * support worksheet_deactivate events - updated branding packaging to the openSUSE >= 11.0 style: * created branding-upstream subpackage * moved openSUSE and SLED10 branding to extra packages * kept compatibility when building for older distros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 13 21:15:47 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m11 (2.4rc5) [fate#303312] - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * improvements of the OpenGL slide transitions * paste on Enter in Calc crash * highlighting of pasted cell regression [i#86894] * more on navigating in the selected cells [n#364351] * skip overlapped cells when navigating [n#362674, i#86943] * bin dangerous floating-point rounding error fix [n#310706] * keyboard configuration migrations during update [n#367160] * background of highlighted cell regression [n#361360, i#3907] * better icons for toggle sheet grid lines command [n#358550] * prefer odf-converter over the internal OOX filters [n#348471] * no autocorrection when "!" has been typed [i#86580] * text layout enhancement for better CJK support * several char unit issues [n#356101] * fallback to original 2D transitions * more Hungarian localization fixes * unlock WebDAV stream when OOo crashes * send documents via GroupWise [n#368044, i#86886] * send filenames with spaces via sylpheed-claws [n#362773, i#86887] * VBA bits: * better support for passing UNO Integer params to Range.Cells * bin problematic NULL behavior compatibility with MSO fix * improvements of the XInterior API [n#365557] * fix for Autofit * fix enumeration of Range.Rows() * MSO Userform controls fix [i#87007] - removed obsolete postinstall script for the -mono subpackage - used weak dependency (Recommends) also for the myspell-american dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 6 20:50:35 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m9 (2.4rc3) [fate#303312] - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * more on the SVG import * more on the localized arg separator [bnc#358558] * more on the paste on Enter behavior in Calc [bnc#358545] * better solution for the dynamic range resize [bnc#352662] * reduce the extra margins around cell text [bnc#361358] * pasting with the middle button in Calc [bnc#282767] * navigating in the selected cells [bnc#364351] * floating-point rounding error [bnc#310706] * input fields crashes [bnc#257496] * transparent bitmaps handling in cairocanvas * prefill username in WebDAV authentication dialog [bnc#363363] * build with xulrunner-1.9 * various build fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 3 14:09:50 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * update XML filter stuff to the state that passed QA and will get integrated upstream * CAPS lock correction also for Writer/Draw/Impress [bnc#364350] * displaying pictures with alpha channel in Cairo canvas * VBA bits: * XInterior API + updated oox and writerfilter to the snapshot 2008-02-29 * include lots fixes and improvements * corresponds to the QA-ed XML filter stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 28 20:49:34 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m8 (2.4rc2) - updated ooo-build to ooo-build-2.4.0: * redirect extensions site via go-oo.org * lots improvements of the SVG import * OpenGL slide transitions stuff fixes * WebDAV locking fixes * Berkeley db exception handling * reference to a blank cell error * togglable cell number format toolbar icons [bnc#358548] * automatic correction of accidental CAPS LOCK use [bnc#364350] * missing icons for toggling of cell grid lines per sheet [bnc#358550] * extra margins around cell text so that it's easier to read [bnc#361358] * don't apply patterns when we're only moving the cursor [bnc#359690] * parse "june-2007" as "June 1 2007" in en-US locales [bnc#358750] * handling objects with 0x8000 bit set in EMF+ import * additional paragraph imported from ww8 [bnc#364533] * correctly display linespacing < 100% [bnc#364534] * VBA bits: * more Application.Goto macro fixes [bnc#349283] * string '+' numbers do not compute [bnc#359943] * update CommandBar APIs [bnc#353242] - updated extra translation sources: be-BY, bg, cs, da, et, fi, ga, km, mk, sl, vi - removed obsolete extra translation sources: hu, sh-YU, sr-CS - fixed build dependencies: * used java-devel instead of the obsolete java2-devel-packages * added update-alternatives on SL 10.0 - fixed dependencies: * added weak dependency on evolution-data-server-32bit [bnc#245649] * used weak dependency on jre-32 on ppc as well - fixed build: * do not build all help localizations in the devel package * build on PPC with gcc-4.3 * temporary disabled automatic correction of accidental CAPS LOCK fix; made problems in STABLE/FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 21 20:40:10 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * improvements in the OpenGL slide transitions stuff * improvements in the datapilot dynamic range stuff * improvements in the t602 import stuff * improvements in the text grid stuff * fast tokenizer in OOX import filter fixes * allow to save even unmodified documents [bnc#347423] * allow toggling of cell grid lines per sheet [bnc#358550] * pasting over source cell crasher [bnc#358545] * cell background over the gridlines [bnc#361360] * compatibility for handling of "string numbers" with Excel [i#5658] * keep read/write access over smb:// and WebDAV after reload [bnc#264140] * show correct size for documents accessed through gnome-vfs [bnc##264585] * serve dav://, davs://, webdav://, and webdavs:// URLs in the WebDAV UCP [bnc#346713] * some more fixes in the WebDAV stuff [bnc#363363, bnc#363093, bnc#357048, i#29152] * Hungarian localization fixes * build with neon-0.28 * VBA bits: * allow to set a numeric value as Range.Formula * SpecialCells treatment of xlCellTypeLastCell - fixed to create the right /usr/bin/soffice symlink in %%post ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 14 19:58:53 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m7 (2.4rc1) [fate#303312] - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * lots fixes in the datapilot stuff [bnc#182126, bnc#182006, bnc#181981] * lots fixes of the WebDAV locking [bnc#346711] * oosplash hangup [bnc#357659] * make the formula arg separator optional [bnc#358558] * MATCH should perform case insensitive search in Calc * update SCSolver dialogs to support longer localized texts * VBA stuff: * more fixes of DateSerial behavior [bnc#353254] * TextBox ( shape ) object selection * mono .dlls installation; preinstall to GAC [bnc#357348] - updated libwpd to version 0.8.14: * two infinite loops with broken documents - removed obsolete postinstall script for the -mono subpackage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 7 20:34:52 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m6 (2.4-betaX) [fate#303312] - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * paste on Enter in Calc [bnc#358545] * allow to disable field shading * allow to change checkbox status in data fields via mouse [bnc#248354] * comma as the separator in Calc functions [bnc#358558] * allow to save even unmodified documents [bnc#347423] * find command in Impress crasher [bnc#355302] * regression in the export into WW8 * letter wizard crasher [bnc#358043] * empty datapilot table crasher * VBA bits: * APIs for CommandBar and CommandBarControl [bnc#353242] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 7 16:24:15 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - enabled system icu in STABLE again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 1 12:09:10 CET 2008 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the milestone ooh680-m5 (2.4-betaX) - updated ooo-build to ooo-build- * new OpenGL slide transitions * enabled EMF+ import and rendering again [bnc#232232] * crasher when loading an Excel document [bnc#355304] * crasher when finding strings in Impress [bnc#347355] * pivot charts import [bnc#355300] * locking for WebDAV UCP [bnc#346711] * WW-like input-fields and checkboxes [bnc#248354] * font config hinting stuff update * localized default names for autoshape and other objects * header/footer export into WW8 [bnc#178981] * default formatting in PPT export [bnc#285959] * saving as HTML in various encodings fix * conversion of date/time strings in Word documents [bnc#344306] * import sheet names properly from Lotus 1-2-3 document [bnc#347379] * graph labelling of x-axis after importing an .xls [bnc#257079] * use of Dynamic Range Names in Validation Lists [bnc#274387] * "Print Preview" to follow "Print Only Selected Sheets" option [bnc#335684] * import/export protection options from and to an Excel * more shortcuts to Impress and GTK file dialog * locking on CIFS [bnc#333001] * fontconfig stuff improvements * undo of deleted columns * cut&paste in datapilot * MATCH function enhancement * FREQUENCY function behavior in Calc * dynamic resizing of a filtered range for the autofilter [bnc#352662] * SUMIF's 3rd parameter handling to be compatible with MS Excel [bnc#350716] * crasher with out-of-bound cell ranges * VBA bits: * conversion between bytearray and string [bnc#353254] * non-triggered "before close" event (Noel) * support for more worksheet events [bnc#339306] * DateSerial behavior [bnc#353254] * DateValue return value [bnc#353260] * fixed to store simple VBA objects in Word documents [bnc#339946] * Application.Goto macro fixes [bnc#349283] * better support for Application.Caller macro [bnc#339941] * and more * desktop files to follow the standard * support for gcj-4.2.1, gcj-4.2.2 and gcc-4.3 * use system STL for archs like x86-64 as the default * removed dependency on nas, sndfile, portaudio * less verbose build messages * support for post-ooo-build-release hotfixes * many more fixes, improvements, and speedups - updated oox to snapshot 2008-01-29 - updated libwps to version 0.1.2 - updated libwpg to version 0.1.2 - updated libwpg to version 0.1.2 - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll - moved witerfilter stuff to extra tarball, snapshot 2008-01-29 - removed the obsolete %%datadir/xml from the sdk filelist - removed obsolete xorg-x11-Xvfb from BuildRequires - removed unused glitz sources - removed unused startup-notification-devel libsndfile-devel portaudio-devel from BuildRequires - added mono-core to PreReq of -mono subpackage; runs gacutil in %post - "sr-CS" was internally renamed to "sr" and "sh-YU" to "sh" - renamed option --with-icecream-max-jobs to --with-max-jobs - enabled again compilation of SDK and stlport - temporary disabled mono in STABLE until bnc#357054 was fixed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 11 17:11:19 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to * disabled too incomplete SVG Import (Rene) * oosplash and relative paths and non-UTF-8 locales * crash on =erf(0.65) * string hashing table fix * add easier way to add hotfixes - temporary disabled the new EMF+ support; still not enough stable - added mono-core to PreReq of -mono subpackage; runs gacutil in %post ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 3 18:57:34 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m9 (OOo-2.3.1rc1 == final) - updated ooo-build to 2.3.1: * target oog680-m9 * oosplash argument handling * Spanish translation of Y Axis - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll for openSUSE < 10.3 builds ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 21 16:34:12 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m8 (OOo-2.3.1.betaX) - updated ooo-build to * EMF+ import and rendering * crash with some GTK themes * Flat XML type detection * open files from read-only SMB share [n#330145] * broken print preview [n#191005, n#257422] * detect removed JRE [n#336242] * crash with CMYK JPEGs [n#272574] * crash with broken TIFF pictures * do not lost file name when changing dir in KDE filepicker * MIME type and bash completion for flat ODF and WPX file types * keep background when saving in proprietary doc format * slide show displays vertical line [n#340142] * edit fields text displaying [n#305205] * MIN/MAX functions and empty cells * infinite loop on column insert in empty document * better fix for swapping delete and backspace keys in Calc * object positions when rows/columns are resized * support named ranges in INDIRECT and INDIRECT_XL functions [n#274387] * default numbering in X-axis of X-Y chart [n#257079] * Math object doesn't anchor to cell * allow to copy-paste on merged cells * lots fixes and improvements for Calc Solver * VBA bits: * sheet refs with single cell references * Application.Goto returns BASIC runtime error '1' [n#309981] * static keyword for functions and subroutines are not supported [n#306717] * uninitialised pointer ScXMLImport::pShapeHyperlinkTokenMap [n#336869] * local variables in static procedures * erroneous use of getCurrentDocument * choosing macro to run in IDE * import dialog failure * crash in TreeControl * "Is" behaviour * "Replace" method * "StrConv" function * missing functions in Window class:PointsToScreenPixelX * "before close" event is not triggered when file saved as ODS [n#339306] * saving embedded word document objects containing macros [n#339946] * UNO controls can't be made 'really' invisible * support new C++ test client * moved stuff to CWS npower8 * build with gcc-4.3 * bin unused glitz sources download * correct packaging of GNOME and KDE integration [n#333815] - updated cairo to version 1.4.10 (used only for older products) - added MIME types definition for WPX file types - removed obsolete glitz sources - used weak dependency (Recommends) on JRE in stead of the hard one (Requires); needed because of the disk space problems on single CD products - temporary disabled SDK in STABLE/FACTORY, did not compile with gcc-4.3 - temporary disabled stlport, did not compile with gcc-4.3 - temporary used internal icu because a patched version was needed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 18 17:36:35 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to * allow to access SMB share via KDE fpicker * copying across formulas from one merged cell to another * allow insertion of cell range that cuts across merged areas * Writer/WEB: Export of HTTP-EQUIV is loosing timer parameter [i#81250] * activating a math formula takes very long time [i#81789] * crash when deleting some simple text [i#82678] * ooqstart reworked to remove dependency on glib * do not accept all rows to be header rows in a WW8 document * more Hungarian translation for CELL and INFO functions [i#80299] * process relative SMB paths correctly [n#261623] * generate xhtml that works in IE * OpenDocument Presentation Flat XML type detection * Turkey and Russian key names * 64-bit problem in Excel filter * Calc functions via the UNO FunctionAccess service crasher [n#328496] * build with neon-0.24 * VBA stuff: * lots fixes for shapes and shape ranges [n#294302] * workbook_beforeclose is not aware of codename [n#334240] * SaveCopyAs Property still does not work on Windows [n#288274] * ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalBar implementation [n#292877] * Application.DisplayFormulaBar implementation [n#309965] - updated libwpd to version 0.8.12 - added gjdoc to BuildRequires for 10.2-x86_64 - set AutoReqProv off for the tricky devel package; it provided all the libraries, so it was possible to install 32-bit OpenOffice_org with 64-bit OpenOffice-writer and OpenOffice_org-devel - added the Supplement tag to the app subpackages to fix update from older distributions [n#328171] - enabled system neon again on 10.0/10.1/SLED10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 21 13:22:29 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - milestone oog680-m5 has been marked OOo-2.3 final ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 13 11:58:55 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m5 (OOo-2.3.rc3) [n#309238] - updated ooo-build to + target oog680-m5 + non-working Flat XML document type detection, simple typo + XBitmap::getSize broken in Cairo canvas [n#309764] + problem in clipping in Cairo canvas backend [n#309765] + Hungarian translation for CELL and INFO functions [n#274424] + updated oox to 2007-09-05; includes some important fixes + build dependency in reportdesign + fix ant home when building on 10.2 - added a workaround to find tools.jar; affects only openSUSE-10.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 3 17:01:32 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m3 (OOo-2.3.rc1) - updated ooo-build to * target oog680-m3 * myspell hashify ported for hunspell * minor fixes in the VBA stuff * better check for the minimal password length [i#21923] * DoubleNumericField crasher [i#80796] * prefer Tango over the old Industrial icon theme [n#304615] - fixed installation to move the whole English help to /usr/share (even the help included in subpackages) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 31 18:10:10 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m2 (another OOo-2.3.beta, close rc1) - updated ooo-build to oog680-m2: * target oog680-m2 * search templates on more locations * lots optimizations of the text search operations * lots fixes in the layout stuff * lots fixes and improvements in the OOX import filters * export to MS format for autoshape macro bindings/associations [n#304739] * load condensed paragraphs from Word Perfect documents * Writer.append not compatible with PrintWriter.append * associate sheet and codename when insert a sheet * crash when deleting rows via autofilter [n#199224] * display bitmap images in presentation mode correctly [n#266082] * read the real help path from registry everywhere * display help correctly when is it symlinked * URLs with invalid characters [n#246629] * GDK hang * no Help->registration dialog by default * read the right GNOME color for menus [n#187693] * search /usr/lib64 for 64-bit JREs * updated list of gij search paths * fix testtool to work again [n#301439] * finally removed -fsigned-char on PPC [n#169875] * branched SUSE-10.3 configuration - updated libwpd to version 0.8.11 * crashes with tables where cells span more then 0x7f rows * incorrect reading of font information - added the tarball with OOX import filters; all these files were added by patches in the previous versions of ooo-build; it was ugly... - fixed dependency on java; any 64-bit JRE is enough on x86_64 - moved also English help to /usr/share - configured ooo-build to use the 10.3-specific configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 20 17:51:02 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed build dependencies of the desktop module ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 17 16:39:29 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oog680-m1 (another OOo-2.3.beta, close rc1) - updated ooo-build to oog680-m1: * target oog680-m1 * Excel A1 style format in hyperlink destination [n#294522] * some artifacts with the new optimized icons [n#232280] * better Chinese font substitutions [n#295561, n#295568] * SDK examples file permissions [n#297549] * gij detection improvement [n#299635] * do not longer prefer gij on x86_64; the hack is obsolete [n#219982] * backported some upcoming fixes from upstream - fixed crash when saving in Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP file format [n#298593] - stripped the stuff for the temporary devel package during the install phase to do not bloat the debuginfo package [n#300679] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 10 17:30:13 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone src680-m225 (another OOo-2.3.beta) - updated ooo-build to src680-m225: * target m225 * import/export support for Excel 97-2003 filters improvement * black splash screen in the quickstarter [n#296502] * search icons also in /usr/share [n#296502] * VBA stuff: * various badness in the collection implementations [n#293873] * compiler error [n#294302] * ANT_HOME is /usr/share/ant on openSUSE-10.3 * use internal neon on 10.0 and 10.1 because the newer version is needed * use explicitly --with-system-mozilla=mozilla on 10.0 - updated libwpg to version 0.1.0; first official release; includes few important fixes in compare with the last snapshot - added portaudio-devel libicu-devel to BuildRequires only for > openSUSE-10.2 - removed the unneeded dependency of the devel package on the main package; it fixed the dependency loop between the devel and the icon-themes subpackage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 6 11:08:37 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll to fix build on ppc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 3 12:55:37 CEST 2007 - kendy@suse.cz - updated to milestone src680-m224 (another OOo-2.3.beta) - updated ooo-build to src680-m224: * target src680-m224 * gcc 4.2-related fix in Writer * VBA update * CJK compatibility tab page * various build and dependency fixes * various other fixes * WebDAV save as * XML detection * corrupt hyperlinks on import * handling of generic protocols ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 27 11:50:24 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone src680-m222 (another OOo-2.3.beta) - updated ooo-build to src680-m222: * target src680-m222 * expand AWT to add metric field support * type detection over protocols with gnome-vfs * VBA stuff: * keep codenames if they exist in sync * allow workbook and worksheet objects to be standalone services * MSGBOX macro from Excel spreadsheet not working * PPC build fixes * cli_ure and mono bridge build fix * various build and dependency fixes * enabled system icu, portaudio and xalan for openSUSE-10.3 - updated libwpg to 0.1.0~cvs20070726 - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll - prebuilt stuff for the the new i18n packages: br, en-ZA, ga, gl, he, ka, nr, sh-YU, ss, tg, th, uk, ve - split icons into separate noarch subpackage -icon-themes [n#284980] - removed dependencies on the release number; will rather update the package version when needed [fate#301975] - added icu libicu-devel portaudio-devel to BuildRequires - used the same ooo-build config for all architectures ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 20 17:18:58 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone src680-m221 (another OOo-2.3.alpha) - updated ooo-build to src680-m221: * target src680-m221 * partial implementation of SVG import * partial implementation of DOCX, PPTX and XLSX import filters * startup speed improvements * use prime hash table sizes * lots fixes and improvements in the VBA stuff * lots files in the WPS import * button drop-offs * don not change current working directory in ooqstart * KDE file picker and file names with spaces * KDE file picker with non-UTF-8 locales * GNOME VFS and broken symlinks * process relative SMB paths correctly [n#261623] * embedded objects having old invalid MIME types * install-dict improvements * PPC build with -fPIC * binfilters split [n#284980] - updated libwpg to 0.1.0~cvs20070712 - updated libwpd to 0.8.10 - added libsvg, version 0.1.4 - added back system -source tarball for <= SL 10.1; the newer version of the internal neon is required on these older distributions - split the thesaurus and hyphen dictionaries into separate packages: OpenOffice_org-hyphen and OpenOffice_org-thesaurus- [n#284980] - moved OpenOffice_org-galleries to the openclipart source package [n#290807] - fixed Requires of the filters subpackage; it should require all the app modules that the filters are for - removed obsolete db-java from BuildRequires; CXXHelpLinker is used now - removed obsolete openclipart from BuildRequires - added gperf to BuildRequires; needed by ooxml module at the build time - used commercial java for building even on x86_64 and ppc; provoked by the gij memory problems [n#290807] - used Requires instead of Recommends on SL 10.0 - used internal neon on < SL 10.1 because a newer version is required - renamed rpmlintrc to OpenOffice_org-rpmlintrc - fixed build dependency in the svx module ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 15 20:37:52 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone src680-m211 (2.3.alpha) - updated ooo-build to src680-m211: * target src680-m211 * accelerate intern by not using stl * don't burn 3% of startup doing CRC's we don't need * lots fixes and improvements in the scsolver stuff * lots fixes and improvements in the inline arrays stuff * lots fixes in WPG import * lots fixes in SVG import * import and export Excel's sheet protection options, and use it to constrain cell cursor movement [n#274482] * fix Calc 'PostIt' notes * Delete Rows/Delete Columns should remember the content * toolbar customization crasher * traversal over objects in Draw on 64bit * emf files reading improvement [n#232232] * misdrawing on 64bit * remove a shape from macro crashes OOo drawing document * translate some localized keywords in Calc * initial support for separate helpcontent build * allow to split more optional packages * disable climaker on ppc - updated lp_solve to version - updated libwpg to version 0.1.0~cvs20070608.tar.gz - removed obsolete tango icons sources - removed hacks for building on NLD9 and SL 9.3 - started package rework [fate#302110] * build the noarch stuff in separate package OpenOffice_org-i18n; created the -devel package for this purpose * split the application modules into subpackages: -base, -calc, -draw, -impress, -math, and -writer * split more optional features into separate packages: -filters, -mailmerge, -pyuno, -testtool ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 4 17:03:56 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oof680-m18 (2.2.1rc3) - updated ooo-build to * WPG import filter for Draw (Fridrich) * allow to read CMYK JPEGs (Florian) * extensions building and deploying (Noel) * printing from impress with "Notes" (Radek) * more fixes for climaker and bridge test (Radek) - updated extra translation sources: African, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, KHmer, Latvian, Macedonia, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Slovene, Vietnamese, Welsh - added libwpg sources, version 0.1.0~cvs20070507 - temporary disabled rpmlint checks for duplicated files and devel files in non-devel packages; they should be solved by the upcoming package split ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 21 17:44:35 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - removed duplicate X-SuSE-translate from base.desktop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 17 20:31:14 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to milestone oof680-m16 (2.2.1rc1) - updated ooo-build to * target oof680-m16 * libpaper support * printing with Trim and Tile options [n#237134] * javaunohelper build dependency [i#77465] - updated the prebuilt cli_types.dll for openSUSE < 10.3 builds - fixed BuildRequires for the Build Service: * added j2sdk update-alternatives for SLED10 (temporary workaround) * added mozilla-devel mozilla-nss-devel mozilla-nss for SL 10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 10 20:48:24 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 2.2 - updated ooo-build to * target oof680-m14 * T602 import filter * c# climaker implementation * more text grid enhancements for better CJK support * gvfs silly infinite recursion * bug in WordPerfect typedetection * fixes of the +/- stuff in the Navigator for headings [n#129410] * "autoshape" elements are not correctly imported from ppt [n#251602] * don't add system path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH * when in presentation mode, no interruptions should be allowed [n#169207] * unable to open file if name contains some national characters [i#59251] * database fields with leading 0 vanish from tables [n#239193] * desktop files support version 1.0 [n#265444] * find locked certs * allow some other types of signing certs * wrong Chinese Simplified/Traditional conversion table * some fixes from Fedora * more 64-bit fixes * lots VBA fixes and improvements - added libwps-0.1.0~svn20070129 sources - updated branding for openSUSE-10.3 [n#244914] - finally enabled import filter for MS Works Wordprocessing Document (.wps) - finally enabled parallel build of modules by default [n#244581] - added gjdoc to BuildRequires for SLED10-x86_64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 3 20:31:14 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.14: * document converter wizard did not work; some existing StarBasic macros depends on a bad behavior of arrays [n#269978] * crash while loading templates in impress [n#270544] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 23 18:00:39 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.13: * lock even .xls when accessing over smb:// [n#264137] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 19 19:56:41 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.12: * finally includes the sec fixes for CVE-2007-0239, CVE-2007-0238 * adds some translations [n#222535] * GoalSeek VBA implementation [n#258761] * read of .png over smb:// [n#203737] * fix "Save As" to work on smb:// again [n#203737] * get nsplugin to work again - removed obsolete extra sec. patches ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 2 17:50:44 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.10: * samba locking [n#203737] * crash in gnome-vfs directory reading; found during the samba locking fixing * VBA stuff: rows on active cell fails with row syntax [n#258824] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 30 21:23:26 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - added flex, bison, and unzip to BuildRequires - removed two dates (around 28 November, 2006) from changes ; they were out of order and broke the build in the Build Service ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 29 20:33:48 CEST 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.9: * detects the icon theme in GNOME and KDE; sets the default icon theme in OOo accordingly [n#254855] * better CJK font setting [i#65097] * crash with 16x16 Crystal icons [i#75531] * correct readlink error handling in nsplugin * associate application/vnd.wordperfect MIME [n#256030] * Tango icon for GNOME quickstarter applet [n#171585] * support also upper-case suffixes in bash completion [n#245410] * RTF autoshape elements are not correctly imported - partial fix [n#251602] * VBA bits: * work with file names with spaces [n#258367] * setting cell content with range.formular1c1 [n#258381] * goto fails with references starting with 'r' or 'R' [n#258812] * configurable mono-*.pc file name [n#249381] - mono-ooo-2.1.pc was renamed back to mono-ooo-2.0.pc [n#249381] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 19 18:14:14 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - added Tango icon theme; used by default in GNOME, n#254855 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 15 20:09:27 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.8: + qstart applet disappeared after the session restart [n#252242] + add "openSUSE" to the Novell dictionary [n#251444] + add missing translations of the "Zoom" dialog + really install hyph_hr_HR, hyph_nb_NO, hyph_nn_NO ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 28 19:43:05 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.7: * corruption when saving ppt files [n#229874] * WordPerfect type detection [i#74194] * missing en-GB strings [n#231678] * searching for JREs [n#203830, n#222708] * temporary prefer gij on x86_64 [n#219982] * search also gij32 [n#222708] * better Hungarian help font setting [n#244488] * VBA bits: * warn only about real macros [n#146994] * access to hardcoded paths [n#245152] * critical warnings on PPC [n#244339] * another bridges cleanup for 64-bit - fixed security issue with hyper links, CVE-2007-0239, n#241636 - fixed critical vulnerability in OpenOffice StarCalc file format parser, CVE-2007-0238, n#241652 - removed obsolete stuff from /opt/gnome for openSUSE > 10.2 [n#246588] - added extra localization source: Hungarian [n#243518] - added support to simply use parallel build of modules; disable by default now [n#244581] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 15 21:59:05 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.6: * crash when opening files up over sftp connection [n#243805] * prefixes in Hungarian translation [n#210797] * crashes when trying to open an exported mail [n#228839] * pictures disappeared when saved documents loaded from .docx [n#240776] * improved workaround for media:// files in KDE [n#238695] * removed problematic %%Title in the generated postscript [n#241015] * fix the pre/post-processing capability for signed documents * optionally associate more OpenXML file formats * bridges cleanup & float fix for 64-bit * VBA bits: * fix core with Range.Areas collection * fix erase for redim * improve 'like' implementation * problem with compare of objects - add extra biblio sources to fix bibliographic encoding [n#155725] - fixed java requires for x86_64 [n#245332] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 1 22:29:57 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.3: * random crashes when loading .docx documents [n#240928] * import of control on userform with rowsource fails [i#73753] * make sure that 'AutoExtension' is not disabled [i#73876] * crash when loading some documents * too large toggles [i#73875] * various small fixes * some more stability fixes in libwpd [n#233981] * correct icon for main OpenOffice.org menu entry [n#236816] * VBA bits: * illegal access to undefined dimensions * correct implementation of Range.PrintOut method * add 'LIKE' implementation [i#73830] * update to more stable libwpd 0.8.8 [n#233981] - updated branding for SLED10-SP1 [n#236687] - added the needed libwpd-0.8.8 sources [n#233981] - reverted/removed the wps import filter feature ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 23 18:25:55 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - removed the system directory /usr/lib/xml from the file list ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 22 15:26:17 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to 2.1.1: * bin problematic thread stack size optimization * improvements in the VBA API implementation * pre/post-processing capability shows progress * some warnings and dependency fixes - updated the prebuilt cli*.dll [n#236353] - enabled clipart again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 11 21:42:58 CET 2007 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 2.1 (ooe680-m6 = 2.1GM) [fate#301001] - updated ooo-build to 2.1 * target OOE680_m6 == 2.1 GM * bash completion, MIME types for open XML Writer file format * ask user on logout/shutdown to save documents * pixel precise desktop icons * extensive optimization to gain speedup * lots VBA fixes and improvements * optional argument issues in Calc * Delete Rows/Columns should remember the content * crashes and performance problems during slideshow * key/mouse input ignored in slideshow during media playback * impress navigator icons transparency * problems with dbus connection * mozilla certificate dir detection * and more - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Finnish, KHmer, Macedonia, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Slovene, Welsh - added extra localization source: Vietnamese - removed obsolete extra localization sources: British - changed installation prefix from /usr/lib/ooo-2.0 to /usr/lib/ooo-2.1; the user configuration is still in ~/.ooo-2.0 to do not lost the old setting - really added xalan-j2, xerces-j2, and xml-commons-apis to Requires; they were only in BuildRequires because of a typo - enabled support for open XML Writer file format - temporary disabled clipart; it crashes build on some machines ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 30 20:54:00 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * some VBA fixes * better style of desktop icons * pre/post-processing capability for import/export fixes * localized all strings and removed debug outputs in scsolver ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 28 16:46:48 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * pre- and post-processing capability for import and export * VBA error in Range::Cells * lots fixes in the scsolver stuff * do not exit the whole OOo by the screensaver poke * outline mode editing crasher * Chinese font Size name conversion * more 64-bit fixes - reverted the db-java -> db43-java rename to make it buildable for older products - hot fix: gij32 must be checked before gij to be found [#222708] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 20 21:54:09 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * wrong calculation in Calc, r1c1 stuff [i#71455, i#221421] * searching for JREs [n#203830, n#222708] * python-2.5 paths for 32-bit package on x86_64 - changed requires from jre to jre-32 on 32-bit architectures [n#222708] - added back the trigger on python to set the paths; otherwise, the python components (mail merge) do not work with the 32-bit package on x86_64 - added the related myspell packages to Recommends for: Hindi, Gujarati, Sotho, Tsonga, Xhosa (used Recommends instead of Requires to do not break CD layout at this stage) - added scalable-font-km to Requires of the km subpackage - replaced db-java with db43-java in BuildRequires; the package was renamed [n#216880] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 15 20:19:35 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * incorrect use of & and &&, obvious typo [i#71388] * do not export corrupted metadata [i#71343] * get rid of hypocycloid error on workbook_open, another VBA fix * make setsdkenv usable in RPM spec files, affects only sdk [#215627] * better Hindi help fonts setting, so the help is readable by default * small fixes of the man page [#202573] * duplicity in a file list, thanks to aj for noticing it - updated branding for openSUSE-10.2 [n#220411] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 15:22:19 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * prefer gij on x86_64 [#219982] * another fix in the fontconfig for font fallback [i#54603] * more VBA fixes for Excell sheets [#201635] * some fixes in the scsolver stuff * installation of the mono pkg-config file - built against mozilla-xulrunner181-devel instead of mozilla-xulrunner180-devel [#218792] - added gcc-java to Requires on x86_64 [#219982] - added xalan-j2, xerces-j2, and xml-commons-apis to Requires; we started to use the system versions some time ago; it is java stuff, so the dependency was not added by default - fixed installation of mono-ooo-2.0.pc to be in PKG_CONFIG_PATH on x86_64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 7 20:41:59 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * serious problems with condensed text portions printing [i#70759] * missing borders VBA range implementation * fix permissions of the documentation, for the new brp-check-executable-docs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 3 22:07:35 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * arch independent directory for templates * crash in Draw and Impress by pressing the Del key * problem with binding for controls with accents in VBA [n#214312] * CSV saved with .XLS extension should load in Calc * objects allocation in pyuno * more Slovak localization * hash item collections fix * Pivot Report without Format layout [n#190970] * conflicts in r1c1 stuff * some fixes from Fedora * build with new gcc-4.1.2 * hacked hsqldb to work on 64-bit build * branched configuration for openSUSE-10.2 - enabled help localizations (are in good state now): Hindi, Slovene - enabled sdk on all architectures [n#215227] - fixed dependency on JRE to be required on all architectures - used the branched configuration for openSUSE-10.2 - removed obsolete hack for setting PYTHONHOME on x86_64; it is not needed with the native 64-bit build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 23 16:18:49 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed build with gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061018 - added /usr/share/templates to search path for templates; made sure that it was added also for the existing user configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 19 21:03:47 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * common dir for language independent templates * new "Labels" template category * temporary disabled some more dangerous speedup fixes * lots VBA fixes * lots fixes from Fedora * mozab driver path encoding problem on Win32 * build with recent wizard crash fix * parallel build fix * install SDK only for en-US - updated extra translation sources: Danish, Greek, Welsh - updated thesaurus dictionaries: German, Polish - updated hyphen dictionaries: Polish - added thesaurus dictionaries: Norwegian Nynorsk, Portuguese - added hyphen dictionaries: Croatian, Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian Bokmaal - added some Slovene extras - removed outdated extra translation sources: Polish ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 12 20:59:15 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to 2.0.4 (final) - updated ooo-build to version 2.0.4: * target OOO_2_0_4 * allow to build older bytecode with newer JDK * save more space/time/code * temporary disabled some dangerous speedup fixes * lots VBA fixes and improvements * lots 64bit fixes * input field dialog improvement * unopkg fails when Setup.xcu is missing * optional argument issues * use fontconfig for font fallback * mozilla certificates detection * some i18n support added * build with Xalan >= 2.7.x fix * bashism fixes * prebuilt mono dlls update * wazard crash - updated extra translation sources: Danish, Greek, Welsh - forced source="1.4" and target="1.4" for build with Sun java - removed java-1_4_2-sun-devel from BuildRequires and added back the default java2-devel-packages - synced features between x86_64 and ix86 build; synced BuildRequires accordingly - enabled gstreamer also when build on SLED10 - updated the prebuilt cli*.dll [n#209342] - added postinstall script to put the dlls into GAC - disabled insufficient fix for the wizard crash - added hack to start makefile several times to try to finish build even with the strange random build crash in officecfg ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 29 13:50:49 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - added gcc-gij to BuildRequires for openSUSE-10.2 and higher to fix build on x86_64 and ppc - removed obsolete gcc41-gij from BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 21 18:50:59 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot ood680-m4 (2.0.4-rc2) - updated ooo-build to version ood680-m4: + target ood680-m4 + more shrink apparent & real memory use + lots gstreamer fixes and improvements + better error handling in r1c1 stuff + lots VBA fixes and improvements + r1c1 and VBA + find the mozilla certificate dir + "Save As" crash regression fix + java.home property to gnujre searchpath + missing stuff for getopt/readdir_r from system glibc + support for evolution-data-server-1.8 + temporary fix for gcc >= 4.1.2 20060913 + correct build and installation of the mono stuff - updated extra translation sources: African, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Finnish, Latvian, Macedonia, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Slovene, Sotho, Tsonga, Welsh, Xhosa, Zulu - temporary added java-1_4_2-sun-devel to BuildRequires for openSUSE-10.2 to build the Java 1.4 compatible bytecode; it is needed until we make the target bytecode optional - temporary added gcc41-gij to BuildRequires until the dependency from gcc-java is fixed - temporary added hack to ignore python UNO component registration problems; it is needed until we fix it with python-2.5 - added mozilla-xulrunner to BuildRequires for older distributions to help to resolve dependencies - added the new mono-ooo-2.0.pc to the mono subpackage; it did not make sense to do the mono-devel subpackage - fixed build with xalan-2.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 31 22:01:24 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot ood680-m2 (2.0.4-rc-pre) - updated ooo-build to version ood680-m2: * target ood680-m2 * shrink apparent & real memory use * lots fixes and improvements in the VBA stuff * lots fixes and improvements in the r1c1 stuff * more fixes in bibliographic encoding for Chinese * getopt/readdir_r from system glibc * some fixes in the gstreamer stuff * input field dialog improvement * install soffice symlink needed by UNO components * build with large file support * better support for gcj-4.1 * some more build fixes - added some few temporary and hot fixes * disable all size shrink patches * save as dialog fix * evolution-data-server-2.8 soname - added fastjar to BuildRequires on non-ix84 to fix build on ppc [#201707] - removed the obsolete OOo* wrapper for newer builds [#202573] - marked the new /usr/bin/soffice symlink as %ghost; added %post and %postun scripts to update the symlink - cleaned up the %install and %files sections ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 23 19:23:04 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot ood680-m1 (2.0.4-rc-pre) - updated ooo-build to version ood680-m1: * target ood680-m1 * implementation of layered accelerators * gstreamer backend for avmedia * new properties for VBA range * lots VBA fixes and improvements * lots fixes and improvements in ooqstart * cairo canvas image scaling issue * table sorting fix * sourceview font setting * new 'Natural' variant of sorting * print and print preview issue with sheet local names * number of systray fixes in the quickstart stuff * simple shrink of base FillInfo by using bitfields * better readable version in Help/About dialog * input method crash * bibliographic encoding for Chinese * set default varchar lenght to 100 in dbaccess * better using fontconfig for font fallback with Chinese * Simplified and Traditional Chinese translation in stc_char.dic * support for new gcj/gij * build with shell=bash by default * various build fixes - removed obsolete tcsh from BuildRequires - added gstreamer010-plugins-base-devel to BuildRequires needed by the gstreamer/avmedia feature - moved branding images to package sources - added prebuilt unowinreg.dll to avoid build dependency on mingwin; the dll is necessary to build portable java extensions by OOo-sdk - improved spec file to skip build preparation stuff easily; it is helpful for testing ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 14 17:06:42 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot OOO_2_0_3 - updated ooo-build to version * target OOO_2_0_3 * buggy speed image stuff temporary disabled * allow to resize Cols/Rows even in read-only document * better support for CJK embolden, port from 2.0.2 * range should stay selected after un-toggle * problem with the key [Alt F] * add Row addressing to A1 style in Calc * more VBA fixes * some build and install fixes for scsolver * build with gcc-3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 28 20:12:52 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot ooc680-m7 == 2.0.3rc7 - updated ooo-build to version ooc680-m7: * new module for Mixed Integer Linear Programming * KDE backend for system-wide settings * Lotus Word Pro import filer as a xml filter implementation * plus / minus sign next to each heading in Navigator * linking speed up and many other changes * lots of new constants for VBA excel, font attributes * lots fixes and improvements in the VBA stuff * lots fixes and improvements in the SCSolver stuff * lots fixes and improvements in the CalcSolver stuff * lots impress related fixes * lots 64-bit fixes * better export of spreadsheets to HTML * ldap configuration fix * updated various bits to be in sync with CWS * better support for distro specific branding * more gcj/gij related fixes * build with gcc 4.1 * and many more - added mozilla-xulrunner180-devel into BuildRequires instead of gecko-sdk for SL > 10.1 - added sablot-devel to BuildRequires for x86_64 - added support to build on x86_64 - temporary disabled sdk on ppc and x86_64 - added lp_solve souurces, necessary for the new Mixed Integer Linear Programming feature - removed the obsolete security patches - removed obsolete --with-vendor=Novell configure switch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 22 19:01:47 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * clipping problem in case cached primitive is used [#187780] * reading of freed memory in slidesorter [#186621] * file lists on ppc with gcj - added three security fixes: * check macros even on non-standard locations, CVE-2006-2198, #184372 * disable java applets by default because they might break out of the sandbox and any secure fix is not easy, CVE-2006-2199, #184385 * potential buffer overflow in the xml utf8 converter, CVE-2006-3117, #185717 - added SL 10.1 compat fixes (does not affect the SLED10 build): * disabled cairo by default [#152730] * disabled sdk stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 15 19:39:14 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * ~/.recently-used corruption [#184895] * use correct context in the VBA stuff [#184871] * missing string for the quickstarter check-box [#183717] * updates and fixes of translations - added checks for macros even on non-standard locations, n#184372 - disabled java applets by default because they might break out of the sandbox and any secure fix is not easy, n#184385 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 1 18:15:50 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * lots fixes in the VBA stuff [#178312, #179188, #175726, #178717, #105391] * problems with cropped text sprites [#180871] * problem with text animations [#173009] * printing from samba share [#169587] * slideshow rendered incorrectly on Xgl [#174507] * bibliographic encoding [#155725] * crasher dismissing menus [#170772] * top-level basic-shapes icon [#178384] * metrics of the font Open Symbol [#160267] * poke gnome screensaver during slideshow [#169207] * automatically wrap text inside shapes [#171052] * backport of some fixes for the certificates stuff [#157991] * gengal stuff clean up, saves 7MBs [i#65361] - fixed to use the extended dependencies (Recommends, Suggests, Enhances) only on SL10.1 and higher ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 19 19:29:04 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * context menu behavior fix * large pivot tables were unusable slow [#177261] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 18 20:26:07 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * more i18n support * better fake bold for big cjk fonts [#176701] * some new font attributes for the VBA stuff * some more fixes for the VBA stuff [#104857, #176055, #175726, #105125] * using a filter when browsing samba shares [#167900] * missing strlen check * sort-order of files in extra galleries - added a compat symlink for writer icon to fix update from NLD9 [#173140] - disabled openldap, gnome-vfs, and gtk support on SL9.1, except for NLD9 - added check if suseconfig_fonts macros were defined to fix build on SL9.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 4 18:15:53 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * more i18n support * typo in gcj 32-bit run time paths * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * support to remove poor help localizations - disabled poor help localizations with less than 50% of localized strings: African, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Kinyarwanda, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Macedonia, Norwegian Nynorsk, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Sotho, Turkish, Tsonga, Vietnamese, Welsh, Xhosa ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 27 20:36:16 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * support for OOo SDK packaging [#168810] * optimization for loading large pivot tables from xls * crash in fileview * layout hang * attempting to access current document fails in VBA * default Greek fonts definition [#166267] * small problems with preferred font order * missing minor version number in versionrc * synced atkbridge fixes with CWS * Writer/Web desktop category [#168663] - added sdk and sdk-doc subpackages [#168810] - disabled Writer/Web menu entry on SLED [#168663] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 14 20:11:54 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * better fix for crash when selecting email application [#154458] * avoids strange 2.6 specific hacks ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 13 21:11:25 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * crash when selecting email application * allow right-click if focus is set to mouse in Metacity * prefer Calc over Gnumeric in KDE, set InitialPreference=6 in calc.desktop * enable Math MIME type setting; use NoDisplay=true instead of Hidden=true in math.desktop * crash with a11y [#165538] * -display and other options with ooqstart [#160296] * expression evaluation changed between 1.x and 2.0 [#164294] * disable use of fontconfig to enable/disable bitmaps again [#164868] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 5 19:11:06 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * use fontconfig to enable/disable bitmaps * pressing escape when context menu is displayed crasher ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 31 14:22:43 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * import of VBA stream hangup * lots new constants for VBA excel * lots fixes in Atk bridge * i18n support within pasting to Calc * bin the obsolete LD_PRELOAD of libgcj [#153386] - added some NLD9 specific fixes (affects only build on NLD9): * marked the compat desktop files GNOME only * substituted the bin suffix in the compat desktop files * enabled openclipart * packaged missing directories ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 27 18:03:02 CEST 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * preload libgcj when gcj/gij JRE is selected [#153386] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 23 19:28:28 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * more VBA fixes * markup the menu items correctly * branch SUSE-10.1.conf from SUSE.conf * update man page * bin obsolete hacks for build with gcj on ppc - removed unused ooo_custom_images-13.tar.bz2, ooo_crystal_images-1.tar.gz, libwpd-0.8.3.tar.gz; were unused many weeks ;-( - fixed to use SUSE-10.1.conf for SL 10.1 build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 17 14:01:25 CET 2006 - kendy@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * more VBA fixes * better HTML validity * ODMA fixes * ooqstart fixes [#157583] [#144795] * multiselection in fpicker *'Ctrl' instead of 'Control' in menus ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 10 11:20:26 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to the final OOO_2_0_2 sources - updated ooo-build to version 2.0.2: * target OOO_2_0_2 * pure X11-libs based ooqstart * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * lots fixes in the Atk bridge * some safer permissions by default again * line spacing in OpenSymbol font * oofromtemplate do not longer open two windows [#152530] * use system allocator and boost * fix build on ppc with gcj [#115274] - updated extra translation sources: Greek, Macedonian, Welsh - added %%run_suseconfig_fonts to %post, %postun [#155404] - added boost-devel devel to BuildRequirtes - moved java2-devel-packages to ix86 specific BuildRequires - added java-1_4_2-gcj-compat-devel gcc-java xalan-j2 xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis to ppc specific BuildRequires - enabled build with gcj on ppc [#115274] - used "|| true" rather than "|| exit 0" in the various scriptlets to do not break their other parts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 2 20:20:10 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot oob680-m5 == 2.0.2rc4 - updated ooo-build to version oob680.5.0: * target oob680-m4, oob680-m5 == 2.0.2rc4 * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * textures handling * bitmap surface drawing * arrows misplacing after sheet recalculation * parallel build of cli_ure fix * build on ppc without java * new wrappers for smoketest, qadevOOo, qatesttool - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Estonian, Greek, Latvian, Slovak, Slovene - removed wrong locale(en_US) provides from the main package; OOo should not be selected always with en_US locales - removed hard dependency on libgcj, finally [#144113] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 24 17:36:28 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to snapshot oob680-m3 == 2.0.2rc3 - updated ooo-build to version oob680.3.0: * target oob680-m2, oob680-m3 * ask user to save documents on desktop logout/shutdown * drawing texts with different bit depths * don't fork date thousands of times during the build * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * some fixes in the GETPIVOTDATA function * send document as PDF attachments fix to work * run without quickstarter fix * fpicker crasher * word import filter speed improvement fix * bash completion for paths starting with ~ * preserve SaveAs name when changing document format * associate some less typical MIME types * better support for build with gcj * Novell palette fix * extra configuration for build on ppc where java is disabled for now - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Macedonian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Welsh - added extra translation source: Polish - added provides locale(parent:lang) to all lang subpackages - fixed tarball with the desktop files for KDE desktop templates [#152869] - added special version of xt, which is necessary for build with gcj ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 17 14:02:40 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 2.0.2, snapshot oob680-m1 == 2.0.2rc1 - updated ooo-build to version oob680.1.1: * target oob680-m1 [=2.0.2rc1] * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * 'like' Evo2 handling * link with -Wl,-zdynsort * lots fixes and improvements in the Calc solver * crash when pasting text into writer * disabled the registration menus by default * enabled some latest changes in the VBA stuff * bin problematic oopadmin wrapper * Novell corporate dictionary * some fixes for parallel make * build with system db 4.3 fix - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Khmer, Latvian, Slovak, Slovene - updated translations of the desktop files for KDE desktop templates - removed/disabled the buggy mdbtools/access stuff [#130178] - removed the problematic OOo-padmin wrapper ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 16 10:35:46 CET 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - fix %suse_update_desktop_file parameter order ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 10 13:20:36 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m156 - updated ooo-build to version src680.156.0: * target m155, m156 * direct atk-bridge for GNOME accessibility * two new templates * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * some fixes in the Evo2 stuff * some fixes in Cairo stuff * reworked patch for d_type entry based speedup * testtool compatibility with our VBA stuff [#145906] * too wide "Menu/Insert/Picture/From File..." dialog * quickstarter argv[0] handling * Hebrew font configuration [#114495] * helpcontent configuration of some localizations * packaging of KDE Address Book * helpcontent configuration fix * new SL 10.1 branding [#149017] - updated extra translation sources: Belorussian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak - cleaned up BuildRequires: * removed gnutls-devel, libglade2-devel, libgnomeprintui-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel, mDNSResponder-devel, mono-basic, mono-data-sqlite, openldap2, openslp-devel * added gnome-vfs2-devel, gtk2-devel - used a better dependency on gij, still not the final solution [#144113] - enabled binfilters only in the spec file again now ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 3 15:09:46 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m154 - updated ooo-build to version src680.154.0: + target m154 + lots fixes in the VBA stuff + thumbnails compatibility with windows + fixup & re-enable evo-2.4 support + handle media:/ files locally + allow to open files with relative paths by quickstarter + updated various bits to be in sync with CWS + cleaned up configuration of ooo-build vs. spec file - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Macedonian, Slovak - cleaned up spec file; moved most of the enable/disabled/with configure switches to ooo-build, so they are at one place; renamed some variables to be consistent ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 26 21:40:32 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m151 - updated ooo-build to version src680.151.0: * target m151 * do not include the ldapbe2.uno.so service for remote ldap config * lots fixes in the VBA stuff * problem with templates and macros * enable gij-4.1 for all * disable visibility markup only for i18nshrink * hide mouse cursor during slideshow * make Calc solver menu translatable * recognize gij in jvmsetup * do not start writer if no mode is selected by quickstarter * 0x0 size canvas creating * DIN-regular font mapping fix * some fixes for GNOME splash * Cairo smooth curves disabled * fixed ootool to do not add directories "twice" * parallel build of images - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Estonian, Latvian, Macedonian, Slovak - added extra translation sources: Belorussian - added a temporary hack to fix dependency on gij [#144113] - fixed dependency on Indian fonts [#144135] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 21:43:55 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 20 19:25:38 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m150 - updated ooo-build to version src680.150.1: * target m150 * updated crystal icons to ver. 1 / 1st candidate for up-streaming * lots improvements and fixes in the VBA stuff * regression in formulae for getValue * create ooffice wrapper script too for quickstarter [#144285] * do not refcount the empty string * do not check for dir and file * do not stat dirs over and over * use d_type entry instead of using stat * more fixes for myspell hashify * create pipename in multiple places issue * fontconfig always uses UTF-8 * some fixes in Kohei's Calc solver * some hunspell build fixes * some installer errors fixes * config files in file lists fix [#137975] * lots double warnings fixes * updated NLD10 branding - update KDE icons to version 1 (1st candidate for up-streaming) - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Slovak - added 1 more localization (subpackages): Khmer (km) [#143483] - added extra translation sources: Khmer - added OpenOffice_org-hunspell to Obsoletes - fixed dependency on fonts and myspell dictionaries in the subpackage mk, and sr-CS - fixed OOo-wrapper to call ooffice instead of the obsolete ooo-wrapper [#144285] - fixed build with openclipart on older distributions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 16 20:47:24 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed build with openclipart-0.18 (this version started to use another path and a symlink) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 13 11:42:16 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m149 - updated ooo-build to version src680.149.0: * target m149 * Kohei's Calc solver * Desktop Entry Specification conforming desktop files [#10543] * more splash speedup * quick-starter improvements * simple wrappers for quick-starter * crash on 16bit depth displays with Cairo * myspell hashify for Win32 * problems with gallery stuff * linguistic simple dictionary stuff improvements * missing GETPIVOTDATA function in Calc * some mono-related fixes * more robust build-galleries script * improved dictionaries documentation installation * enabled build with sytem db - updated extra translation sources: Arabic, British, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Slovene, Welsh - updated hyphen dictionaries: Dutch, Greek, Latvian, Polish - updated thesaurus dictionaries: American, German, Polish - added 7 more localizations (subpackages): Hindi (hi-IN), Lithuanian (lt), Macedonian (mk), Kinyarwanda (rw), Serbian (sr-CS), Sotho (st), Tsonga (ts) - added extra translation sources: Lithuanian, Macedonian, Serbian, Sotho, Tsonga - added thesaurus dictionaries: Czech, Spanish - added db-devel db-java to neededforbuild - added desktop files for NLD9 build - removed obsolete extra translation sources: Croatian, Hungarian - removed obsolete tarball with SUSE specific desktop files - removed obsolete hunspell sources and hunspell subpackage [#141750] - enabled build of quiskstarter - fixed installation of desktop files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 9 16:38:24 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed some localizations of the About dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 6 22:01:47 CET 2006 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m148 - updated ooo-build to version src680.148.0: * target m148 * lots improvements and fixes in the VBA stuff * splash speedup * quickstart improvements * fixed undefined usage of pointers * added missing glipth for default bullet * more 64bit fixes * more fixes for gcc41 * some Cairo improvements * build with system mdbtools fix * build with external stlport fix * build with system mozilla fix * build with XULRunner allowed * KDE only build fix * fixed build of extra galleries * fixed stripping - added templates that can be used to create a new file on KDE desktop - added InitialPreference=6 to draw.desktop to be preferred over Karbon14 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 22 18:08:58 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m145 (2.0.1.rc4) - updated ooo-build to version src680.145.0: * target m145 * lots improvements and fixes in the VBA stuff * icons theme status storing * switching back from HighContrast icon theme * series sum fix in Calc * return value of empty cell * disabled debug messages from myspell * fixed pointer usage in icu [#139376] - added nld subpackage for NLD branding - added better support for faster test builds - added additional system libraries sources, used and packaged only on NLD9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 12 16:02:19 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m143 (2.0.1.rc2) - updated ooo-build to version src680.143.0: * bug fixes: * lots improvements in the VBA stuff * some fixes for R1C1 address support in Spreadsheet * build against newer OpenLDAPs * hack to build >=m142 with mono enabled * updated patches for gcc-4.1, added patches for binfilter * updated configure.in header for new autoconf stuff * updated patches for 64-bit support * updated patches for icon switching * installation of mailmerge.py with system Python - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Finnish, Slovak, Slovene - fixed installation of desktop files and fixed the file list for NLD9 - enabled binfilters again ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 29 15:04:18 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version, snapshot src680-m140 - updated ooo-build to version src680.140.0: * target m140 * cairo updated to version 1.0.2 * improved built-in quick-starter applet / systray thing * lots VBA fixes * Word and Excel filters save the VT_CF thumbnail property * some optimization/speedup * lots VBA fixes * prioritize Hebrew culmus fonts * obsolete oohtml wrapper symlink * missing Tilde & back-tick keys * ctrl-back-tick toggle formula view * 'Use hardware acceleration' check box moved to the right column * 'Document converter' basic error * desktop files moved to /usr/share/applications * more fixes in the support for pyuno on x86_64 * LD_LIBRARY_PATH problems * Evo and columnNames selection * set the toolbox height according to the icon theme * resize toolbox according to the selected theme * print-related dispatch API * accuracy of ERF/ERFC for large x value improvement - updated extra translation sources: African, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Finnish, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Slovene, Welsh, Xhosa, Zulu - added extra translation sources: Arabic - temporary disabled binfilters even for full build - fixed installation of menu entries for NLD9 - added OOo2 packages to provides and obsoletes, it was necessary for NLD9 - removed myspell-british from requires of the main package; en-GB subpackage is the right place - added myspell-estonian to requires of the et subpackage - added support for mimimalized test build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 25 20:18:18 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * error while using wizard document converter [#113235] * odt import of 0.5pt table borders * LD_LIBRARY_PATH problem [#118188] * fixes in the support for pyuno on x86_64 * updated man page ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 20 18:15:30 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 2.0.0 - updated ooo-build to version 2.0.0: * target 2.0.0 * updated artwork ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 17 17:16:25 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 2.0.rc3 - updated ooo-build to version 2.0.rc3: * ooo680-m* support * VBA update * better message when there is no help * fixed layout of Options...->View * more parallel build of ooo680-m* * fixed crash on load of .doc - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Slovak - removed the outdated Dutch extra translation source - updated internal cairo to version 1.0.2 (used just for older distributions) - updated libwpd to version 0.8.3 - used mozilla-devel-packages intead of mozilla and mozilla-devel in neededforbuild - fixed to compile with mozilla-xulrunner on SL 10.1 and above - updated NLD branding - removed unneeded exporting DIR and LIBDIR for QT and KDE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 7 11:12:51 CEST 2005 - lmichnovic@suse.cz - added exporting DIR and LIBDIR for QT and KDE into specfile ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 5 18:18:26 CEST 2005 - lmichnovic@suse.cz - added flac, flac-devel into needforbuild (required by the new libsndfile) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 4 16:01:36 CEST 2005 - lmichnovic@suse.cz - added MimeType application/vnd.ms-powerpoint into adequate desktop file (bug #118393) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 22 19:54:24 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.129 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.129: * target m129 * updated KDE Address Book integration * VBA form control event handling and more features * drawing with cairo-1.0.0 fix * check buttons rendering problems * spin-button event timeout problems * lots 64-bit fixes * user config dir name * undefined token pool states in QPro stuff * 'backspace' deletes slides like 'delete' in slide sorter * really set file type by extension in GTK+ fpicker * turn on impress ruler by default * run crash report only when it is built * some fixes in configure * start Xvfb with -ac when building galleries * do not copy system stdlibs - fixed to really disable java on ppc [#115274] - added initial support to build with gcj - added text/x-comma-separated-values and text/x-csv mimes to calc.desktop [#80362] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 5 16:27:46 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * disabled some unreviewed patches [#114992] * check buttons rendering problem [#80447] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 1 19:26:27 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * disable cairo by default [#106644] * proper fix for bullets exported to MS [#10555] * crash with GTK+ fpicker [#114644] * crashing while inserting slides [#114062] * ooconfig improvements and fixes * man page fixes * show text correctly with cairo-1.0.0 * unnecessary duplicities in sub-packages * do not install mono cli_*.dll files twice * do not run crash_report when it is not built * set file type by extension in GTK+ fpicker * allow to apply the extra localizations sources everywhere - fixed a typo in Slovak translation, thanks to lmichnovic@suse.cz ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 29 16:41:44 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * VBA crash with resize property [#105450] * set file type by extension in GTK+ fpicker * avoid version in Hunspell service name * avoid some heinous GTK+ brokenness * create some dirs and files with secure permissions [#106004] * updated branding for 10.0 * add simple utility ooconfig to easy change some setting - updated internal cairo to version 1.0.0 (used just for older distributions) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 23 17:02:05 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.125 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.125: * target m125 * updated internal cairo to 0.9.2 * backported lots fixes that were approved for 2.0.1 * case sensitive autoword completion * proper ms access tab page for creating msaccess db * crash in evo2, fix for new API [#10446] * insensitive menu items [#105864] * file locking on NFS [#104655] * bullets exported to MS [#10555] * crash administering printers without (parsable) PPDs [#73034] * default file type by export to PDF in GTK file picker * textdoc.desktop support for text/rtf mime * mailmerge.py error with UTF-8 [#105244] * VBA stuff fixes * GNOME desktop integration fixes * bin obsolete --icons-set ooo-wrapper's option * allow grouping of the items under Templates and Document [#106603] * some powerpc build related fixes * m125 build error with gcj fix * new script to update PYTHONPATH on x86_64 [#105227] - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Hungarian - updated internal cairo to version 0.9.2 (used just for older distributions) - removed obsolete internal libpixman sources - removed obsolete branding sources - added application/rtf to writer.desktop (used by GNOME) - added application/vnd.sun.xml.base to base.desktop (prefered now) - created hunspell subpackage, so the Hunspell spell checker is not enabled by default for all languages [#112770] - added a trigger to update PYTHONPATH for pyuno on x86_64 [#105227] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 18 20:58:54 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.124 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.124: * target m124 * 'save as rendered' option while exporting to .csv * allow to disable the VBA feature at runtime * some fixes of the cairo canvas stuff * default option in the templates and documents dialog fix * warning about usage of an undefined variable in install-dict * unnecessary error messages from hunspell * possibility to turn off strip * allow to use ARCH_FLAGS when building partaudio - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Slovak - updated cairo source, version 0.9.0 (used just for older distributions) - updated branding once more for 10.0 [#102355] - fixed provides of the officebean subpackage - disabled strip by the native installer - fixed permissions of installed libraries and modules - fixed a return in the VBA stuff - fixed a crash with evo2 [#104462] - fixed to get proper ms access tab page for creating msaccess db ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 15 12:13:25 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - fixed some potentially dangerous warnings - fixed to build portaudio with RPM_OPT_FLAGS - updated branding for 10.0 [#102355] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 10 21:23:09 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.123 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.123: * target m122, m123 * support for Hunspell * lots vba compatibility fixes and improvements * some updates in cairo canvas stuff * GNOME desktop integration fixes * compile mdbtools with -fPIC - updated extra translation sources: African, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, British, Estonian, Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Slovak, Xhosa, Zulu - updated cairo source, version 0.6.0 (used just for older distributions) - added subpackage officebean to remove the direct dependency on Sun Java from the main package [#47904] - added necessary sources for Hunspell, enabled Hunspell [#81225] - fixed provides and obsoletes for OOo2 package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 4 19:43:02 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.121 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.121: * target m120, m121 * AA slide show cairo canvas * VBA compatibility * GNOME desktop integration * mdbtools based Access base backend * shrink myspell memory usage * misc IDL comments fixes * make csv/text import settings persistent * bash completion of filenames with spaces and directories * some more gcc4 related fixes - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Welsh, Danish, Estonian, Slovak - added necessary sources for cairo and mdbtools features ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 29 20:02:26 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated extra translation sources: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian - updated hyphen dictionaries: Ukrainian - updated thesaurus dictionaries: American, German, Slovak - added more subpackages with localizations: Gujarati, Punjabi, Xhosa, Zulu - added extra translation sources: Xhosa, Zulu - added hyphen dictionaries: Lithuanian, Romanian - added thesaurus dictionaries: Bulgarian, French, Polish - enabled Mono UNO bridge and created mono subpackage (for SL 10.0 and above) - added mono-devel-packages to needeforbuild, added necessary extra sources - fixed critical warnings in the mono stuff - fixed installation of mono and new dictionaries - added more triggers to configure some new dictionaries in the OOo2 package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 22 19:48:27 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.118 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.118: * target m118 * allow to start formula with '+' or '-' * access vba api as uno component * corrected check boxes spacing - added more subpackages with localizations: African, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Welsh, British, Croatian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Brazilian Portuguese, and Vietnamese - added extra translation sources: African, Bulgarian, Welsh, British, Croatian, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Brazilian Portuguese, and Vietnamese - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Slovak - fixed to do not use the system libsndfile on SL 9.3 because the package libsndfile-32bit does not exist for 9.3-x86_64 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 15 14:47:02 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.116 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.116: * target m116 * new HiContrast icon theme * new mail merge email component * startup speedups * use system libsndfile * initial support for system libnss * more potentially dangerous warnings fixes * m117 build with gcc-3.2 and gcc-3.3 fix * misc. 64bit fixes * gcj/Java fixes * better check for broken qt/gtk theme - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Slovak - added libsndfile and libsndfile-devel to neededforbuild - removed problematic provides of upstream packages - added binfilter and new lang sources - cleaned up list of sources - removed obsolete CONFIGURE_EXTRA_OPTIONS setting - enabled binfilters ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 23 20:01:55 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.110 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.110: * target m109,m110,m111 * icon theme switching * COLUMN and ROW functions return series for arrays fix * more 64-bit fixes * ergonomics of export in fpicker * problems with hsqldb * better fallback when some plugins are missing * initialize fontconfig only once * lots nasty leaks fixes * symlink targets in install-dict * possibility of insertion of rows instead of overwriting disabled again * unused wizards removed * more gcc4 fixes - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Slovak - added provides compatible with the upstream packages - added triggers to configure dictionaries in the OOo2 package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 9 13:47:45 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.108 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.108: * target m106, m107, m108 * expression optimization in calc * Quattro Pro 6.0 import filter enabled by default * lots mono, 64-bit and gcc4-related fixes * resources handling in fpickers fix * check if help is available * new type selection expander for fpickers - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Slovak - fixed to build the module np_sdk with the system mozilla-nspr - fixed to use the system memmove ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 26 13:53:48 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.104 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.104: * target m104, m102 * new --with-openclipart configure switch * new info function in calc * lots fixes in fpicker, KDE vclplug, Evo2, mono, vba, etc. * lots of gcc4 build fixes * do not longer use bug-buddy * fix to build with system nspr * do not mark PPD files as %config * disable epm during build * do not strip installed binaries - updated crystal icons to version 6 - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovak - added German and Slovak thesaurus dictionaries - enabled to build openclipart, for SL > 9.3 - added openclipart, xorg-x11-Xvfb, libusb, and resmgr to neededforbuild - added galleries subpackage with extra galleries from openclipart, for SL > 9.3 - removed obsolete bug-buddy from requires - removed obsolete --with-system-gcc configure switch - removed obsolete hack that was needed to build with more localizations - fixed missing forward declarations and some dangerous warnings for gcc4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 5 19:55:53 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version 1.9.100 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.100: * target m100, m99 * simple lwp import * gengal - gallery generator * fixed to build with java and gcc4 * Indian font fixes * data pilot crasher * calc spaced out numbers - removed so strong dependency (on the release number) between lang subpackages and the main package; dependency on the version number is enough - enabled build with java in STABLE again - fixed some new potentially dangerous warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 19 18:31:47 CEST 2005 - pmladek@suse.de - updated to version 1.9.92 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.92: * target m92 * ordinal type iteration * filtering improvements * startup notification improvements * impress/scroll-wheel ergonomics * more compatible error values * GCJ fixes * updated evo driver * fix UNO/gcc3 breakage * Session Mgmt fix * fpicker fixes * font substitution fixes * better zoom combo-box * insert/note popup * double graphics cache limits * improved QPro bits * print error warnings * calc/sheet rename * excel/import crasher * evolution/defaults * binfilter unpack / build * improve Qt detection * enabled support for openldap * use wildcards when looking for libs to work on ppc [#74032] * fixed potential heap overflow when reading DOC file, CAN-2005-0941, [#76741] - updated extras to version 2 - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovak - added openldap-related packages to neededforbuild - disabled java on ppc [#74031] - added myspell-american, myspell-british to Requires - removed the no longer supported OOo-setup wrapper [#76858] - added some gcc4 related fixes, disabled java on STABLE for now - removed -Wno-return-type for distributions never than SL 9.3 - removed obsolete hack to find /usr/lib/qt3/bin/moc - added hack to enable build with more localizations ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 18 18:48:31 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - update ooo-build to version * more printing-related crashes [#73034] * pspfontcache updating fix [#72012] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 17 19:25:22 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - update ooo-build to version * XHTML export fix correction [#66586] * more interoperability problems between 2.0 and 1.1 fixes * mail merge defaults to Evo fix [#66217] * multiple components defining ColRowSettings fix [#72869] * printing-related memory corruptions fixes [#66353,#73034] * man page update - updated custom images to version 13 - added bug-buddy to Requires [#73622] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 15 19:10:35 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - update ooo-build to version * libwpd filter fix [#72313] * spellchecker crasher fix [#71931] * XHTML export fix [#66586] * look of toolbar in several KDE styles fix * interoperability between 2.0 and 1.1.4 fix [#71105] * XIM input method fix * size of some fields in create table wizard fix [#66809] * URL handling in KDE fpicker fix - hidden the oomath menu entry - updated crystal images to version 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 11 16:53:12 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - update ooo-build to version * many backported CWSs * top left toolbar handle fix * linking with mozilla libs fix * GNOME vfs fixes * GTK fpicker fixes * allow saving xml files * no send email dialog during crash recovery * canvas polyline * do not show help button without related help * better font resolving in KDE vclplug * crash with double lock * wrong condition * Email attachment * show popup on print error * better window title * remove non-functional starformats from save dialogs * wizards crash fix * crash in impress fix * better fonts for help * allow to update default java CLASSPATH - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovak - updated custom images to version 12 - updated crystal images to version 4 - added StartupNotify=true to desktop files [#71964] - used %%distro_conf and %%vendor_conf to do no conflict with the %%vendor tag - removed duplicate definition of extra_localizations_sources.tar.bz2 source - added triggers to add mysql-connector-java.jar to the default CLASSPATH if installed [#67267] - added pixmaps also to the non-conflicting package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 4 19:18:50 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated ooo-build to version * huge amount of backported CWS * various crash fixes * wizard evo fix * fpicker fixes [#60527,#67124,#66765] * menu highlighting, check mark color, toolbar toggle buttons * oofromtemplate fix to work [#66694] * more support for Oasis MIME types * default multimedia menu item out * unused printer properties out * no larger default writer bullet * email attachment * VFS authentication problems * save only modified documents * more system libs * do not pack standard libs * updated icons - updated extra translation sources: Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Slovak - removed wrong thesaurus dictionaries; only the English one is available in the new format - updated ooo custom images to version 11 - updated libwpd to stable version 0.8.0 - fixed bash completion to support OASIS file types, directories; be able to finalize suffix - removed obsolete extra icons [#10543] - remove GNOME desktop files [#10543, #66084] - fixed update of Danish help - added unixODBC-devel, neon, and neon-devel to neededforbuild - enabled build with icecream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 24 19:36:59 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m79 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.79: * target m79 * new SUSE branding * zoom combo box * GNOME VFS under KDE too * connection to evolution address book * install-dict keep valid user changes * size of check-boxes and radio buttons * gallery alpha problem * crash on exit with Keramik theme * speed up the startup of the KDE NWF a bit * random .applications file install * relative URLs [#66704] * various fpicker fixes * user config dir ~/.ooo-2.0-pre, NovellOnly now - updated extra translation sources: Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Slovak - added extra translation sources : Danish - added OOo* wrappers to keep the backward compatibility [#66483,#66484] - installed shared mime info for the new OASIS MIME types; added shared-mime-info to neededforbuild - updated desktop to know the new Oasis desktop files - added new desktop file for oobase - removed the ugly desktop file for oopadmin - used new icons for calc, draw, impress, and writer; made by jimmac ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 18 14:04:34 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.de - updated ooo-build to version * the GTK splash hint to the window remove * GNOME fpicker: easier selection, filter detection * fallback for the crystal icons * use DESKTOP_LAUNCH in 'Send Document as E-mail' * fpicker hanging on accessible desktop * allows to install more dictionaries * recode documentation of dicts to UTF-8 * localizations updating from extra sources * bash completion for OOo wrappers * default writer bullet larger - updated crystal images to version 3 - updated hyphen dictionaries: Spanish - added hyphen dictionaries: American, Bulgarian, British, Danish, Estonian, German, Greek, Russian - added Thesaurus dictionaries: Bulgarian, Polish, Spanish - added sources to update localization: Czech, Estonian, Finish, Hungarian, Dutch, Slovak - added recode to neededforbuild; necessary to recode documentation of dictionaries to UTF-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 11 19:26:54 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m78 - updated ooo-build to version * target 78 * support for oobase * zoom combo box * +/- keysyms fix * make speed-status-bar more effective * datapilot crash fix * insensitive toolbar icons looks far nicer * make ESC to work in Calc print preview * web bullet export improving * autotriming of autofilter choices fix * datapilot remote database crash fix * search more localizations for system Mozilla * GNOME-VFS support * allow insertion of rows instead of overwriting * extra HTML export / navigation artwork * enable cups - updated icons to custom_images-10 and crystal_images-2 - added extra HTML export and navigation artwork as extras-1 - cleaned up PreReq tags - do not require scalable-font when built for older distributions - moved GNOME desktop files to the gnome subpackage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 3 18:33:08 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m74 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.74: * target m74 * QPro infinite loop fix * center icons when up-sizing * excessive vertical toolbar bloat * internal libcurl installation fix * better versioning in Help->About dialog * new KDE NWF toolbars and menus * E-mail attachment file name append with "_1" * do not depend on evolution-data-server at buildtime - removed obsolete evolution-data-server and evolution-data-server-devel from neededforbuild - installed GNOME desktop files - updated ooo_custom_images to version 7 - configured requested localizations via the new --with-lang option ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 28 11:48:30 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m72 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.72: * alpha and themable WM icons * ported some fixes for sc from OOo-1.1.3 * QPro filter detection * support for lang subpackages, dictionaries - fixed to install stuff that is not yet localized - partly fixed GNOME desktop files - temporary added fixed desktop files and extra icons for SUSE menu - added ar, ca ,cs, da ,el, et, fi, hu, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt, ru, sk, sl, sv, tr subpackages - removed obsolete triggers - improved spec file to simply create non-conflicting packages for older products; it is just enough to change the Name tag ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 19 19:40:16 CET 2005 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m70 - updated ooo-build to version 1.9.70: * fixes to build with src680-m70 * improved icons * email as MS attachment * default optimal page wrap * calc / filter fixes * drop libart bits * build fixes - renamed package to OpenOffice_org, set prefix to /usr/lib/ooo-2.0, removed the wrappers suffix 1.7, set the package version to 1.9.70 - added de, es, fr and it subpackages - added extra hyphen and thesaurus dictionaries - used ooo_custom_images instead of gnome icons sources - added libsoup and libsoup-devel to neededforbuild and fixed build with evolution-data-server-1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 17 12:16:23 CET 2004 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m65 - updated ooo-build to version 1.7.4: * update the splash screen * improve GTK fpicker * build with system mozilla, libxml, zlib * many build and installation fixes for src680-m65 - added KDE and GNOME icons - added mozilla and mozilla-devel to neededforbuild ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 13 12:30:24 CET 2004 - pmladek@suse.cz - updated to version src680-m62 - updated ooo-build to version 1.7.2: * adds KDE and GNOME widgets, icons * build against system python * many build and installation fixes of src680-m62 - created kde and gnome subpackages - added %post and %preun scripts to update reps. remove UNO cache - unified spec file for NLD and SL ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 2 09:51:46 CET 2004 - pmladek@suse.cz - package created, src680-m57, ooo-build- - single package providing English localization only