forked from pool/libreoffice
2012-04-04 17:20:25 +00:00

374 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script changes the definite article of ProductName
use strict;
use File::Copy;
my $args = join ' ', @ARGV;
my $max_level = 2;
sub init_lang_data($$$$$)
my ($pdata, $lang_code, $long_name, $level, $group) = @_;
my $curLang;
my $upstreamLang;
# we support the syntax: package_lang_code[/lo_source_lang_code]
if ($lang_code =~ m/([\w\-]+)\/?([\w\-]+)?/) {
$curLang = "$1";
if (defined $2) {
$upstreamLang = "$2";
} else {
$upstreamLang = $curLang;
} else {
die "Syntax error: unknown format of the language code: $lang_code, line $.";
% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}} = ();
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
$pld->{'long_name'} = $long_name;
$pld->{'level'} = $level;
$pld->{'group'} = $group;
$pld->{'locale'} = $upstreamLang;
$pld->{'locale'} =~ s/-/_/g;
$pld->{'package-help'} = ();
$pdata->{'max_group'} = $group if ($group > $pdata->{'max_group'});
($level <= $max_level) || die "Error: Maximum allowed level is $max_level, line $.";
foreach my $l ($level .. $max_level) {
@ {$pdata->{'level_langs_list'}[$l]} = () unless (defined $pdata->{'level_langs_list'}[$l]);
push @ {$pdata->{'level_langs_list'}[$l]}, $upstreamLang;
return $pld;
sub read_data($$)
my ($data_file, $pdata) = @_;
# pointer to locale data
my $pld = undef;
$pdata->{'max_group'} = 0;
$pdata->{'level_langs_list'} = ();
@ {$pdata->{'level_langs_list'}[$_]} = () foreach (0 .. $max_level);
open DATA , "< $data_file" or die "Can't open '$data_file'\n";
while( my $line = <DATA>){
chomp $line;
# ignore comments
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
if ( $line =~ m/^\s*\%lang\s+([\w\-\/]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
# long name without without quotation marks, e.g. %lang de German 1 1
# the language code might be different for the packages for upstream file list, e.g. %lang gu-IN/gu Gujarati 2 3
$pld = init_lang_data($pdata, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4");
} elsif ( $line =~ m/^\s*\%lang\s+([\w\-\/]+)\s+\"([\w\s]+)\"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
# long name with with quotation marks, e.g. %lang en-ZA "South Africa English" 2 2
$pld = init_lang_data($pdata, "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4");
} elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\%poor-help\s*$/ ) {
$pld->{'poor-help'} = 1;
} elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\%package\s+(.*)$/ ) {
push @ {$pld->{'package'}}, "$1";
} elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
# ignore empty line
} else {
die "Synrax error in $data_file, line $.\n";
# conditional lines
sub write_level_begin($$$)
my ($curLevel, $newLevel, $outp) = @_;
if ($curLevel != $newLevel) {
${$outp} .= "%endif\n" if ($curLevel > 0);
${$outp} .= "%if %test_build_langs >= $newLevel\n" if ($newLevel > 0);
${$outp} .= "\n" if ($curLevel > 0);
return $newLevel;
sub write_level_end($$)
my ($curLevel, $outp) = @_;
if ($curLevel > 0) {
${$outp} .= "%endif\n";
return 0;
# simple sections
sub write_do_not_edit_section($)
my $out = "###################################################################\n" .
"## Generated by:\n" .
"## perl lo-help-gen-spec $args\n" .
return $out;
# all langs sections
sub write_metadata_section($$)
my ($pdata, $curLang) = @_;
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
my $out = "";
return $out if (defined $pld->{'poor-help'});
my $oldPackage;
if ("$curLang" eq "en-US") {
$oldPackage = "OpenOffice_org";
} else {
$oldPackage = "OpenOffice_org-$curLang";
$out .= "%package -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "Summary: $pld->{'long_name'} Help Localization for LibreOffice\n";
$out .= "Group: Productivity/Office/Suite\n";
$out .= "Provides: locale(libreoffice:$pld->{'locale'})\n";
$out .= "%if 0%{?suse_version} > 01120\n";
$out .= "Requires(post): coreutils\n";
$out .= "Requires(post): grep\n";
$out .= "Requires(post): libreoffice >= 3.5\n";
$out .= "Requires(postun): coreutils\n";
$out .= "Requires(postun): grep\n";
$out .= "Requires(postun): libreoffice >= 3.5\n";
$out .= "%endif\n";
$out .= "%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 01120\n";
$out .= "PreReq: coreutils\n";
$out .= "PreReq: grep\n";
$out .= "PreReq: libreoffice >= 3.5\n";
$out .= "%endif\n";
$out .= "Requires: libreoffice = %{version}\n";
foreach my $line (@{$pld->{'package-help'}}) {
$out .= "$line\n";
$out .= "# compat stuff\n";
$out .= "Provides: OpenOffice_org-help-$curLang = %version\n";
$out .= "Obsoletes: OpenOffice_org-help-$curLang <= %version\n";
$out .= "Provides: $oldPackage:%_prefix/ooo-2.0/help/$curLang/default.css\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "%description -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "$pld->{'long_name'} help localization for LibreOffice. The other localized stuff\n";
$out .= "is in libreoffice-l10n-$curLang.\n";
$out .= "\n";
return $out;
sub write_install_scripts_section($$)
my ($pdata, $curLang) = @_;
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
my $out = "";
return $out if (defined $pld->{'poor-help'});
$out .= "# $curLang\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "%posttrans -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "%_datadir/%lo_home/link-to-ooo-home %_datadir/%lo_home/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt || true\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "%preun -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "test \"\$1\" = \"0\" && cp %_datadir/%lo_home/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt %_datadir/%lo_home/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt.postun || true\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "%postun -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "test \"\$1\" = \"0\" && %_datadir/%lo_home/link-to-ooo-home --unlink %_datadir/%lo_home/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt.postun || true\n";
$out .= "rm -f %_datadir/%lo_home/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt.postun 2>/dev/null\n";
return $out;
sub write_files_section($$)
my ($pdata, $curLang) = @_;
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
my $out = "";
return $out if (defined $pld->{'poor-help'});
$out .= "%files -f file-lists/help_$pld->{'locale'}_list.txt -n libreoffice-help-$curLang\n";
$out .= "%defattr(-,root,root)\n";
$out .= "\n";
return $out;
# universal writing functions
sub write_level_langs($$$)
my ($pdata, $group, $level) = @_;
my $out = "";
foreach my $curLang (sort keys %{$pdata->{'lang'}}) {
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
if ( ($group == $pld->{'group'}) &&
($level >= $pld->{'level'}) ) {
$out .= " $pld->{'locale'}";
$out =~ s/^ //;
$out =~ s/_/-/g;
return $out;
# the text is not repeated for each locale
sub write_simple_section($$)
my ($pdata, $write_section) = @_;
return & {$write_section} ($pdata);
# the text is repeated for each locale
# it is used on all distributions
sub write_locale_sections($$$)
my ($pdata, $group, $write_single_lang_section) = @_;
my $curLevel = 0;
my $out = "";
foreach my $curLang (sort keys %{$pdata->{'lang'}}) {
my $pld = \% {$pdata->{'lang'}{$curLang}};
if ($pld->{'group'} == $group) {
$curLevel = write_level_begin($curLevel, $pld->{'level'}, \$out);
$out .= & {$write_single_lang_section} ($pdata, $curLang);
$curLevel = write_level_end($curLevel, \$out);
return $out;
# main write function
sub write_specs($$)
my ($pdata, $spec_template) = @_;
my $do_not_edit = write_simple_section ($pdata, \&write_do_not_edit_section);
foreach my $group (0 .. $pdata->{'max_group'}) {
my $metadata = write_locale_sections ($pdata, $group, \&write_metadata_section);
my $install_scripts = write_locale_sections ($pdata, $group, \&write_install_scripts_section);
my $files = write_locale_sections ($pdata, $group, \&write_files_section);
if ($metadata || $install_scripts || $files) {
my $spec = $spec_template;
$spec =~ s/.in$//;
$spec =~ s/groupX/group$group/;
print "Generating $spec...\n";
open TEMPLATE , "< $spec_template" or die "Can't open '$spec_template'\n";
open SPEC , "> $spec" or die "Can't open '$spec for writing'\n";
while( my $line = <TEMPLATE>) {
foreach my $level (0..2) {
my $level_langs = write_level_langs($pdata, $group, $level);
$line =~ s/\@OOO_LANGS_MIN_$level\@/$level_langs/;
$line =~ s/\@DO_NOT_EDIT_COMMENT\@/$do_not_edit/;
$line =~ s/\@GROUP_NUMBER\@/$group/;
$line =~ s/\@SUBPACKAGES_METAINFO\@/$metadata/;
$line =~ s/\@SUBPACKAGES_SCRIPTS\@/$install_scripts/;
$line =~ s/\@SUBPACKAGES_FILELIST\@/$files/;
print SPEC $line;
sub usage()
print "This tool generates the help spec files\n\n" .
"\tlo-l10n-gen-spec [--help] data_file\n\n";
# info about localizations
# it is a hash, keys introduce perl-like structure items:
# 'max_group' ... integer; defined the maximum group number
# 'level_langs_list' ... array, index is the level number, value is an array of
# the localizations defined for the givel level
# 'lang' ...the key is the lang id, e.g. "en-US", the value is:
# a hash, keys introduce perl-like structure items:
# 'long_name' ... string, long name of the language, e.g. "American"
# 'level' ... integer, level in whih it should get build, e.g. '1'
# it is the level in the rpm spec to do a reduced build
# 'group' ... integer, defines the target spec file; '0' is used for the en-US package
# 'locale' ... string, it is the code used by the upstream sources;
# it is usually the lang id with undersore instead of dash,
# e.g. "en_US"; ot it might differ from the package lang code if
# upstream renamed it later, for example, "gu-IN" was renamed to
# "gu" in ooo320-m5
# 'poor-help' ... integer, is defined when the help is poor and the help package
# is not created
# 'package-help' ... array of strings that should be added to the %package section for
# the given help package
# 'package-help' ... array of strings that should be added to the %files section for
# the given help package
my %data;
my $spec_template;
my $data_file;
my $help;
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg eq '--help' || $arg eq '-h') {
exit 0;
} else {
-f $arg || die "Error: The file does not exist: $arg\n";
if (! defined $spec_template) {
$spec_template = $arg;
} elsif (! defined $data_file) {
$data_file = $arg;
} else {
die "Error: Too many arguments!\n";
die "Error: Spec file template is not defined, try --help" unless (defined $spec_template);
die "Error: Data file is not defined, try --help" unless (defined $data_file);
read_data($data_file, \%data);
write_specs(\%data, $spec_template);