256 lines
6.8 KiB
256 lines
6.8 KiB
From 9759f915e78044667681de395bf2694bd5c7f393 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Teigland <teigland@redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 15:40:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 33/33] tests: add writecache-cache-blocksize-2
inconsistent physical block size of devs used
for main LV and cache
Signed-off-by: Heming Zhao <heming.zhao@suse.com>
test/shell/writecache-cache-blocksize-2.sh | 232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 232 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 test/shell/writecache-cache-blocksize-2.sh
diff --git a/test/shell/writecache-cache-blocksize-2.sh b/test/shell/writecache-cache-blocksize-2.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af4f60e1dcf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/shell/writecache-cache-blocksize-2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Test dm-writecache and dm-cache with different block size combinations
+. lib/inittest
+aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
+which mkfs.xfs || skip
+mkdir -p $mnt
+awk 'BEGIN { while (z++ < 16384) printf "A" }' > fileA
+awk 'BEGIN { while (z++ < 16384) printf "B" }' > fileB
+awk 'BEGIN { while (z++ < 16384) printf "C" }' > fileC
+# generate random data
+dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
+dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
+dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
+_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
+ mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
+ # add original data
+ cp randA $mnt
+ cp randB $mnt
+ cp randC $mnt
+ mkdir $mnt/1
+ cp fileA $mnt/1
+ cp fileB $mnt/1
+ cp fileC $mnt/1
+ mkdir $mnt/2
+ cp fileA $mnt/2
+ cp fileB $mnt/2
+ cp fileC $mnt/2
+ sync
+_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
+ mkdir $mnt/more
+ cp fileA $mnt/more
+ cp fileB $mnt/more
+ cp fileC $mnt/more
+ cp randA $mnt/more
+ cp randB $mnt/more
+ cp randC $mnt/more
+ sync
+_verify_data_on_mnt() {
+ diff randA $mnt/randA
+ diff randB $mnt/randB
+ diff randC $mnt/randC
+ diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
+ diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
+ diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
+ diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
+ diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
+ diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
+_verify_more_data_on_mnt() {
+ diff randA $mnt/more/randA
+ diff randB $mnt/more/randB
+ diff randC $mnt/more/randC
+ diff fileA $mnt/more/fileA
+ diff fileB $mnt/more/fileB
+ diff fileC $mnt/more/fileC
+_verify_data_on_lv() {
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
+ _verify_data_on_mnt
+ rm $mnt/randA
+ rm $mnt/randB
+ rm $mnt/randC
+ rm -rf $mnt/1
+ rm -rf $mnt/2
+ umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+# Check that the LBS ($1) and PBS ($2) are accurately reported.
+_check_env() {
+ check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "$1"
+ check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "$2"
+ blockdev --getss "$dev1"
+ blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
+ blockdev --getss "$dev2"
+ blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
+# _run_test $BD1 $BD2 $type $optname "..."
+# $BD1: device to place the main LV on
+# $BD2: device to place the cache on
+# $type is cache or writecache to use in lvconvert --type $type
+# $optname is either --cachevol or --cachepool to use in lvconvert
+# "..." a sector size option to use in mkfs.xfs
+_run_test() {
+ vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$1"
+ vgextend $vg "$2"
+ lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$1"
+ lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$2"
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mkfs.xfs -f $5 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ lvconvert --yes --type $3 $4 $lv2 $vg/$lv1
+ # TODO: check expected LBS of LV1
+ # blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
+ # grep "$N" out
+ # TODO: check expected PBS of LV1
+ # blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
+ # grep "$N" out
+ _add_more_data_to_mnt
+ _verify_data_on_mnt
+ lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
+ blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+ blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+ _verify_data_on_mnt
+ _verify_more_data_on_mnt
+ umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
+ _verify_data_on_lv
+ lvremove $vg/$lv1
+ lvremove $vg/$lv2
+ vgremove $vg
+# Setup: dev1 LBS 512, PBS 4096 (using scsi-debug)
+# dev2 LBS 512, PBS 4096 (using scsi-debug)
+# dev3 LBS 512, PBS 512 (using loop)
+# dev4 LBS 512, PBS 512 (using loop)
+aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=512 physblk_exp=3
+aux prepare_devs 2 64
+# loopa/loopb have LBS 512 PBS 512
+which fallocate || skip
+fallocate -l 64M loopa
+fallocate -l 64M loopb
+for i in {1..5}; do
+ LOOP1=$(losetup -f loopa --show || true)
+ test -n "$LOOP1" && break
+for i in {1..5} ; do
+ LOOP2=$(losetup -f loopb --show || true)
+ test -n "$LOOP2" && break
+# prepare devX mapping so it works for real & fake dev dir
+for i in "$LOOP1" "$LOOP2"; do
+ echo "$i"
+ m=${i##*loop}
+ test -e "$DM_DEV_DIR/loop$m" || mknod "$DM_DEV_DIR/loop$m" b 7 "$m"
+ eval "dev$d=\"$DM_DEV_DIR/loop$m\""
+ d=$(( d + 1 ))
+# verify dev1/dev2 have LBS 512 PBS 4096
+_check_env "512" "4096"
+# verify dev3/dev4 have LBS 512 PBS 512
+blockdev --getss "$LOOP1" | grep 512
+blockdev --getss "$LOOP2" | grep 512
+blockdev --getpbsz "$LOOP1" | grep 512
+blockdev --getpbsz "$LOOP2" | grep 512
+aux extend_filter "a|$dev3|" "a|$dev4|"
+# place main LV on dev1 with LBS 512, PBS 4096
+# and the cache on dev3 with LBS 512, PBS 512
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "writecache" "--cachevol" ""
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "cache" "--cachevol" ""
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "cache" "--cachepool" ""
+# place main LV on dev3 with LBS 512, PBS 512
+# and the cache on dev1 with LBS 512, PBS 4096
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "writecache" "--cachevol" ""
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "cache" "--cachevol" ""
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "cache" "--cachepool" ""
+# place main LV on dev1 with LBS 512, PBS 4096
+# and the cache on dev3 with LBS 512, PBS 512
+# and force xfs sectsz 512
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "writecache" "--cachevol" "-s size=512"
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "cache" "--cachevol" "-s size=512"
+_run_test "$dev1" "$dev3" "cache" "--cachepool" "-s size=512"
+# place main LV on dev3 with LBS 512, PBS 512
+# and the cache on dev1 with LBS 512, PBS 4096
+# and force xfs sectsz 4096
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "writecache" "--cachevol" "-s size=4096"
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "cache" "--cachevol" "-s size=4096"
+_run_test "$dev3" "$dev1" "cache" "--cachepool" "-s size=4096"
+losetup -d "$LOOP1" || true
+losetup -d "$LOOP2" || true
+rm loopa loopb
+aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev