* lxqt-config-globalkeys: set Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps to true
* Added QCommandLineParser and basic cli interface to lxqt-config-globalkeys
* Fixes a FTBFS in superbuild mode (#51)
* Added autostart and xdg to CMakeLists.txt
* changed xdg/CmakeLists.txt
* fixed xdg/CMakeLists.txt renamed config to xdg - merge preparation
* Use const iterators
* globalkeys: Open "empty" browser on activation
* Updated *_da.desktop files and removed *_da_DK.desktop files
* Update AUTHORS
* Open https://duckduckgo.com instead of google.com as default
* Update desktop entries and Replace fr_FR by fr
* lxqt-rc.xml: Change default config install path
* Settings Openbox updated.
* Screenshot (Shift+Print), file manager (ctl+Alt+e) and web browser (Ctl+atl+i) key shortcuts added.
* Default key shortcuts added to lxqt-globalkeysd.
* Update Greek translation (el) Remove country variant from language code
* CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
* Coding style changes
* Adds double quotes to everything that may break
* Updates the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
* Drops hardcoded /etc/xdg paths
* Updated german translation, replaced Qt4 by Qt in all xsession/translations
* Updates translations infrastructure
* Update the required minimum cmake version
* remove dead template lines switch OnlyShowIn from Razor -> LXQt stringchanges LxQt -> LXQt
* Add session.conf and windowmanagers.conf.
* Support lxqt-session and add necessary xdg autostart desktop entry files.
* Rename dirs and replace razor with lxqt. Install lxqt.conf to /etc/xdg/lxqt and provide theme config.
* Properly set default wallpaper for pcmanfm-qt. Comment out openbox config handling in startlxde-qt since it's not needed.
* Fix file paths, replacing razor with lxqt. * Remove Alt+F2 and Ctrl+Esc from openbox config file to avoid conflicts with lxqt-panel & lxqt-globalkeys.
* Add default configuration files for lxde-qt session.