------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 9 19:33:20 UTC 2015 - sfalken@opensuse.org - New upstream version 0.9.0 - Added -lang subpackage - Added Patch + fix_desktop_categories.patch - Dropped -qt5 package naming, as none of the internal library names use -qt5 in 0.9.0. Added Obsoletes and Conflicts, in the odd chance that lxqt-globalkeys-0.7.0 and lxqt-globalkeys >=0.8.0 are installed on the same system. Which should never happen. lxqt-0.9.0 is not likely to be pushed to 13.2, and liblxqt can no longer be built against Qt4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 3 11:16:45 UTC 2015 - dvaleev@suse.com - aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le have /usr/lib64 too ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 25 23:31:22 UTC 2015 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Added conditionals to enable Fedora builds ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 25 11:16:57 UTC 2014 - andrea@opensuse.org - new upstream version 0.8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 13 18:34:01 UTC 2014 - andrea@opensuse.org - spec file working - split out libraries subpackages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 13 16:14:49 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Specfile Cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 12 15:42:42 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Removed fedora specfile, split into subproject Del: lxqt-globalkeys-Fedora_20.spec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 10 20:26:03 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Ran spec-cleaner on openSUSE specfile ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 9 23:14:46 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Added specfile for Fedora_20 Add: lxqt-globalkeys-Fedora_20.spec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 9 16:13:01 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Added tarball for new stable release Add: lxqt-globalkeys-0.7.0.tar.xz Del: _service ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 2 14:37:47 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Removed direct cmake calls, in favour of %cmake and %cmake_install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 2 04:37:01 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Removed patch, as it didn't accomplish the desired effect Deleted: 0001_lxqt_globalkey_desktop.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 2 04:20:15 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Added patch to correct .desktop file Add: 0001_lxqt_globalkey_desktop.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 2 03:36:54 UTC 2014 - sfalken@opensuse.org - Initial Source Upload Add: _service Add: lxqt-globalkeys.spec Add: lxqt-globalkeys.changes