d9ed328203- Update to make 4.3.90 * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility! Previously if --no-print-directory was seen anywhere in the environment or command line it would take precedence over any --print-directory. Now, the last setting of directory printing options seen will be used, so a command line such as "--no-print-directory -w" _will_ show directory entry/exits. * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility! Previously the order in which makefiles were remade was not explicitly stated, but it was (roughly) the inverse of the order in which they were processed by make. In this release, the order in which makefiles are rebuilt is the same order in which make processed them, and this is defined to be true in the GNU make manual. * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility! Previously only simple (one-letter) options were added to the MAKEFLAGS variable that was visible while parsing makefiles. Now, all options are available in MAKEFLAGS. If you want to check MAKEFLAGS for a one-letter option, expanding "$(firstword -$(MAKEFLAGS))" is a reliable way to return the set of one-letter options which can be examined via findstring, etc. * WARNING: Backward-incompatibility! Previously makefile variables marked as export were not exported to commands started by the $(shell ...) function. Now, all exported variables are exported to $(shell ...). If this leads to recursion during expansion, then for backward-compatibility the value from the original environment is used. To detect this change search for 'shell-export' in the .FEATURES variable. * WARNING: New build requirement GNU make utilizes facilities from GNU Gnulib: Gnulib requires certain C99 features in the C compiler and so these features are required by GNU make: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnulib/manual/html_node/C99-features-assumed.html The configure script should verify the compiler has these features. * New feature: The .WAIT special targetAndreas Schwab2022-09-21 08:04:46 +00:00
5aec30e742- Faster globbing support from upstream to speed up some large make projects like libreoffice. bnc#753323Marcus Meissner2012-04-10 12:27:12 +00:00
367ba90686replace license with spdx.org variant
Stephan Kulow
2011-12-06 17:28:09 +00:00
d4f0ace821Accepting request 87452 from Base:System
Lars Vogdt
2011-10-12 14:12:53 +00:00
10f51bb941Accepting request 87451 from home:-miska-Dirk Mueller2011-10-11 21:22:49 +00:00
f038c3d867Accepting request 85863 from Base:System
Lars Vogdt
2011-10-02 08:18:15 +00:00
7911366a63Accepting request 85789 from home:-miska-
Cristian Rodríguez
2011-09-30 22:46:15 +00:00
dcb7cf7c30Autobuild autoformatter for 67908
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-21 09:50:00 +00:00
ab883200e0Updating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/make revision 15.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2011-04-21 09:50:00 +00:00
84ad24bebfAccepting request 67908 from Base:System
Sascha Peilicke
2011-04-21 09:49:50 +00:00
bcbf00e3bfAccepting request 47702 from Base:System
OBS User autobuild
2010-09-10 13:08:38 +00:00
3891dc8c17Accepting request 47702 from Base:System
OBS User autobuild
2010-09-10 13:08:38 +00:00
31c4fb0db2- make-savannah-bug30612-handling_of_archives.diff Fix Savannah bug #30612: handling of archive references with >1 object.. Add oneshell to $(.FEATURES). Fix the NEWS file to be accurate. - make-savannah-bug30723-expand_makeflags_before_reexec.diff Fix Savannah bug #30723: expand MAKEFLAGS before we re-exec after rebuilding makefiles.
Matthias Hopf
2010-09-07 17:37:08 +00:00
40205a44c3- Disable some inherrently broken test cases.
Matthias Hopf
2010-08-30 17:41:35 +00:00
0f6ebe3101- Update to 3.82 - Bug fixes - Backwards Incompatibilities: - Makefiles with .POSIX target: shells called with -e - $? contains prerequisites even if not existent - Prerequisite with '=' cannot be backslash escaped any more (use variable with '=' instead) - Variable names may not contain whitespaces any more - Mixture of explicit and pattern targets didn't always fail - Pattern specific rules application order changed - Library search behavior now compatible with standard linker - New features - --eval=STRING: Evaluate makefile syntax string before makefile - Variable .RECIPEPREFIX: Exchange TAB character - Variable .SHELLFLAGS: Options passed to shells - Target .ONESHELL: Single instance of shell for recipe - Modifier private: Suppresses inheritance of variables - Directive undefine: Undefine variable - Changed features - Multiple modifiers for variables allowed now. - Directive define: Allow variable assignment operator. - Nuke memory-hog-2.diff which didn't apply since 3.81 - Addapt make-slowdown-parallelism.diff to new parallelization tests - Separate make checks into %checks section
Matthias Hopf
2010-08-25 16:25:13 +00:00
fc7b768446Accepting request 43452 from Base:System
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-20 18:42:44 +00:00
4b93516caeUpdating link to change in openSUSE:Factory/make revision 11.0
OBS User buildservice-autocommit
2010-07-20 18:42:44 +00:00
5a399dd0c5Accepting request 43452 from Base:System
OBS User autobuild
2010-07-20 18:42:43 +00:00
1a59f42222Accepting request 42145 from home:jengelh:smp
Stephan Kulow
2010-06-28 21:25:52 +00:00
bf28d156c4Accepting request 40597 from Base:System
OBS User autobuild
2010-05-25 11:23:42 +00:00