------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 22 16:56:32 CEST 2009 - pmladek@suse.cz - Update to version 1.3 (bnc#541664): * new words have been added, especially from medical field * many changes in Sukija * some bugs related to compound words have been fixed, leading to better spelling suggestions and more accurate hyphenation * significant improvements related to grammar checking - Change location from %%{_datadir}/malaga to %%{_datadir}/malaga/1/mor-standard according to the last instructions, see http://voikko.sourceforge.net/source-linux.html - Added symlinks for backward compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 25 12:48:11 CEST 2008 - sbrabec@suse.cz - New SuSE package based on spec file from Sami Vento (bnc#394355).