mandoc = { debug = nil, todo = {}, count = 0, limit = 16 } -- package function _log(...) if mandoc.debug and posix.getenv("VERBOSE_FILETRIGGERS") then print(mandoc.debug .. ": ", ...) end end function mandoc._run(add, file) if add then op = "-d" else op = "-u" end _log("calling makewhatis " .. op .. " " .. file) rpm.execute("/usr/sbin/makewhatis", op, "/usr/share/man", file) end function mandoc._handle(add, file) if not string.match(file, "/usr/share/man/man[^/]+/[^/]+.gz$") then return end if not posix.access(file) then return end -- if mandoc.count < mandoc.limit then if add then _log("adding " .. file) else _log("removing " .. file) end mandoc.todo[file] = add -- elseif mandoc.count == mandoc.limit then -- _log("too many files, using makewhatis for batch processing") -- end mandoc.count = mandoc.count + 1 end function mandoc.add(fn) mandoc._handle(true, fn) end function mandoc.remove(fn) mandoc._handle(false, fn) end function mandoc.done() if mandoc.count < mandoc.limit and posix.access("/usr/share/man/mandoc.db") then for file, what in pairs(mandoc.todo) do mandoc._run(what, file) end else _log("calling makewhatis") rpm.execute("/usr/sbin/makewhatis") end end