Thu Jan 13 07:12:09 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Upgrade to upstream version 3.8.4
  * Sub-task
    + [MNG-6281] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused by pom.xml
      with invalid/duplicate XML
  * Bug
    + [MNG-4706] - Multithreaded building can create bad files for
      downloaded artifacts in local repository
    + [MNG-5307] - NPE during resolution of dependencies - parallel
    + [MNG-5315] - Artifact resolution sporadically fails in
      parallel builds
    + [MNG-5838] - Maven on No-File-Lock Systems
    + [MNG-5868] - Adding serval times the same artifact via
      MavenProjectHelper (attachArtifact) keep adding to the List
      duplicate artifacts
    + [MNG-6071] - GetResource ('/) returns 'null' if build is
      started with -f
    + [MNG-6216] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing POM
    + [MNG-6239] - Jansi messes up System.err and System.out
    + [MNG-6380] - Option -Dstyle.color=always doesn't force color
    + [MNG-6604] - Intermittent failures while downloading GAVs from
    + [MNG-6648] - 'mavenrc_pre' script does not receive arguments
      like mavenrc in Bourne shell does
    + [MNG-6719] - mvn color output escape keys w/ "| tee xxx.log"
      on Win with git/bash
    + [MNG-6737] - StackOverflowError when version ranges are
      unsolvable and graph contains a cycle
    + [MNG-6767] - Plugin with ${project.groupId} resolved
    + [MNG-6819] - NullPointerException for
    + [MNG-6828] - DependencyResolutionException breaks
    + [MNG-6842] - ProjectBuilderTest uses Guava, but Guava is not
      defined in dependencies
    + [MNG-6843] - Parallel build fails due to missing JAR artifacts
      in compilePath
    + [MNG-6850] - Prevent printing the EXEC_DIR when it's just a
      disk letter
    + [MNG-6921] - Maven compile with properties ${artifactId} and
      ${project.build.finalName} occurs
    + [MNG-6937] - StringSearchModelInterpolatorTest fails on
      symlinked paths
    + [MNG-6964] - Maven version sorting is internally inconsistent
    + [MNG-6983] - Plugin key can get out of sync with artifactId
      and groupId
    + [MNG-7000] - metadata.mdo contains invalid link to schema
    + [MNG-7032] - Option -B still showing formatting when used
      with --version
    + [MNG-7034] - StackOverflowError thrown if a cycle exists in
      BOM imports
    + [MNG-7045] - Drop CDI API from Maven
    + [MNG-7090] - mvnDebug does not work on Java 11+
    + [MNG-7127] - NullPointerException in
      MavenCliTest.testStyleColors in JDK 16
    + [MNG-7155] - make sources jar reproducible (upgrade
      maven-source-plugin to 3.2.1)
    + [MNG-7161] - Error thrown during uninstalling of JAnsi
    + [MNG-7214] - Bad transitive dependency parent from CDI API
    + [MNG-7215] - [Regression] Maven Site Plugin cannot resolve
      parent site descriptor without locale
    + [MNG-7216] - Revert MNG-7170
    + [MNG-7218] - [Regression]
      o.a.m.model.Build.getSourceDirectory() incorrectly returns
      absolute dir on 3.8.2
    + [MNG-7219] - [Regression] plexus-cipher missing from
      transitive dependencies
    + [MNG-7220] - [REGRESSION] test-classpath incorrectly resolved
    + [MNG-7251] - Fix threadLocalArtifactsHolder leaking into
      cloned project
    + [MNG-7253] - Relocation message is never shown
    + [MNG-7270] - Maven startup script (init) calls which(1) which
      is an external command
    + [MNG-7285] - [Regression] MavenProject.getArtifacts() not
      returning correct value across multiple threads
    + [MNG-7300] - [Regression] Reloading web application (Enter)
      fails due to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
  * New Feature
    + [MNG-7149] - Introduce MAVEN_DEBUG_ADDRESS in mvnDebug scripts
    + [MNG-7164] - Add constructor MojoExecutionException(Throwable)
  * Improvement
    + [MNG-2802] - Concurrent-safe access to local Maven repository
    + [MNG-6471] - Parallel builder should use the module name as
      thread name
    + [MNG-6754] - Set the same timestamp in multi module builds
    + [MNG-6810] - Remove profiles in maven-model
    + [MNG-6811] - Remove unnecessary filtering configuration
    + [MNG-6816] - Prefer System.lineSeparator() over system
    + [MNG-6827] - Replace deprecated StringUtils#defaultString()
      from Plexus Utils
    + [MNG-6837] - Simplify detection of the MAVEN_HOME and make it
      fully qualified on Windows
    + [MNG-6844] - Use StandardCharsets and remove outdated
    + [MNG-6853] - Don't box primitives where it's not needed
    + [MNG-6859] - Build not easily reproducible when built from
      source release archive
    + [MNG-6873] - Inconsistent library versions notice
    + [MNG-6967] - Improve the command line output from
    + [MNG-6987] - Reorder groupId before artifactId when writing an
      exclusion using maven-model
    + [MNG-7010] - Omit "NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a
      JRE" except when that is the problem
    + [MNG-7064] - Use HTTPS for schema location in global
    + [MNG-7080] - Add a --color option
    + [MNG-7170] - Allow to associate pomFile/${basedir} with
      DefaultProjectBuilder.build(ModelSource, ...)
    + [MNG-7180] - Make --color option behave more like BSD/GNU
      grep's --color option
    + [MNG-7181] - Make --version support -q
    + [MNG-7185] - Describe explicit and recommended version for
    + [MNG-7190] - Load mavenrc from /usr/local/etc also in Bourne
      shell script
    + [MNG-7235] - Speed improvements when calculating the sorted
      project graph
    + [MNG-7236] - The DefaultPluginVersionResolver should cache
      results for the session
  * Task
    + [MNG-6598] - Maven 3.6.0 and Surefire problem
    + [MNG-6884] - Cleanup POM File after version upgrade
    + [MNG-7172] - Remove expansion of Jansi native libraries
    + [MNG-7184] - document .mavenrc/maven_pre.bat|cmd scripts and
      MAVEN_SKIP_RC environment variable
    + [MNG-7252] - Fix warnings issued by dependency:analyze
    + [MNG-7254] - Expand Windows native libraries for Jansi due to
      JDK-8195129 (workaround)
    + [MNG-7312] - Revert ThreadLocal approach from MNG-6843 and
  * Dependency upgrade
    + [MNG-6818] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.3.0
    + [MNG-6841] - Upgrade Plexus Interpolation to 1.26
    + [MNG-6872] - Found CVEs in your dependencies - plexus-utils
    + [MNG-6874] - Upgrade Maven Parent to 34
    + [MNG-6886] - Upgrade plexus-cipher 1.8
    + [MNG-6993] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.30
    + [MNG-7152] - Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.6.3
    + [MNG-7177] - Upgrade Maven Shared Utils to 3.3.4
    + [MNG-7179] - Upgrade Jansi to 2.3.3
    + [MNG-7186] - Upgrade Guice to 4.2.2
    + [MNG-7196] - Upgrade Jansi to 2.3.4
    + [MNG-7198] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.32
    + [MNG-7246] - Upgrade Plexus Cipher and Sec Dispatcher to 2.0
    + [MNG-7250] - Upgrade Sisu Inject/Plexus to 0.3.5
    + [MNG-7331] - Upgrade Jansi to 2.4.0
- Added patch:
  * qdox-2.0.1.patch
    + Fix syntax error with qdox 2.0.1 and method declarations
      containing the new keyword "record" as name of variables

Sun Nov 21 08:49:59 UTC 2021 - Andreas Stieger <andreas.stieger@gmx.de>

- add upstream signing key and verify source signature

Tue Sep 14 14:44:11 UTC 2021 - Stefan Schubert <schubi@suse.de>

- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.

Tue May 11 09:57:12 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Do not build against the compatibility version guava20 any more,
  but use the default guava package

Tue Apr 27 07:25:29 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Upgrade to upstream version 3.8.1
  * Security fixes:
    + CVE-2021-26291 and CVE-2020-13956
  * Bug:
    + [MNG-7128] - improve error message when blocked repository
      defined in build POM
  * New Feature
    + [MNG-7116] - Add support for mirror selector on
    + [MNG-7117] - Add support for blocking mirrors
    + [MNG-7118] - Block external HTTP repositories by default
  * Dependency upgrade
    * [MNG-7119] - Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.4.3
    * [MNG-7123] - Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.6.2

Sun Mar  1 08:27:38 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Let maven-lib obsolete maven-jansi

Fri Feb  7 15:50:55 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Upgrade to upstream version 3.6.3
- Modified patches:
  * 0002-Invoke-logback-via-reflection.patch
  * 0004-Use-non-shaded-HTTP-wagon.patch
    + Adapt to changed line endings

Thu Nov 21 15:53:17 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Upgrade to upstream version 3.6.2
- Modified patch:
  * 0002-Invoke-logback-via-reflection.patch
    + adapt to changed context
- Removed patch:
  * 0003-Revert-MNG-6335-Update-Mockito-to-2.12.0.patch
    + we don't need this patch, since we are not running tests
      by default
- Added patch:
  * 0004-Use-non-shaded-HTTP-wagon.patch
    + we don't use/distribute shared wagon-http

Mon Apr  1 23:29:07 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>

- Adjust RPM groups. Avoid bashisms in %postun.

Fri Mar 29 07:58:04 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>

- Initial packaging of maven 3.5.4
- Generate and customize ant build files