Ruediger Oertel 57c5ffc085 - also check the speed
- in active/failover warn if active interface does not
    have the maximum speed
  - in multi-active (rr,lacp) warn unless all interfaces
    run in maximum speed

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/server:monitoring/monitoring-plugins-bonding?expand=0&rev=15
2020-12-21 16:59:33 +00:00

160 lines
5.3 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $VERSION = '0.002';
my $options = {
'procnet' => '/proc/net',
sub version {
print "$VERSION\n";
sub help {
my $name = $1 if $0 =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/;
print <<FOO;
$name [ --procnet <dir> ] [ --hel p ] [ --version ]
--procnet <dir> - Direcotry where proc/net lives, normally /proc/net
--help - help (this screen)
--version - get version information
This script attempts to read the proc interface to the Linux kernel bonding driver, and
determine if the bonded interfaces are optimal. It will wanr if any of the enslaved devices
are not 'up' (exit 1), and if any bonded interfaces are not active at all (exit 2). This
script is suitable for feeding to NRPE for Nagios (or similar) to check.
This script is distributed under the Artistic and Gnu Public Licences.
Version: $VERSION.
(c) 2004 Fotango Limited. http://opensource.fotango.com/.
Written by James Bromberger <jbromberger_AT_fotango.com>
sub read_proc_bond {
my $file = shift;
return unless -r $file;
open F, $file or die "Cannot read $file";
my $data;
while (<F>) {
$data->{'version'} = $1 if /^Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: (.+)$/;
$data->{'mode'} = $1 if /^Bonding Mode: (.+)$/;
$data->{'primary'} = $1 if /^Primary Slave: (.+)$/;
$data->{'active'} = $1 if /^Currently Active Slave: (.+)$/;
$data->{'status'} = $1 if /^MII Status: (\S+)$/;
$data->{'polling'} = $1 if /^MII Polling Interval \(ms\): (\S+)$/;
$data->{'up-delay'} = $1 if /^Up Delay \(ms\): (\S+)$/;
$data->{'down-delay'} = $1 if /^Down Delay \(ms\): (\S+)$/;
if (/^Slave Interface: (.+)$/) {
my $slave = $1;
while (($_ = <F>||"") !~ /^$/) {
$data->{'slaves'}->{$slave}->{'mii'} = $1 if /^MII Status: (.+)$/;
$data->{'slaves'}->{$slave}->{'failure-count'} = $1 if /^Link Failure Count: (.+)$/;
$data->{'slaves'}->{$slave}->{'actor-churn'} = $1 if /^Actor Churn State: (.+)$/;
$data->{'slaves'}->{$slave}->{'partner-churn'} = $1 if /^Partner Churn State: (.+)$/;
$data->{'slaves'}->{$slave}->{'speed'} = $1 if /^Speed: (.+) Mbps$/;
close F;
return $data;
sub check_bond {
my $file = shift;
my $interface_name = shift;
my $data = read_proc_bond($file);
return (0, "Unable to read bond information") unless $data;
my $error = 0;
my $config_str;
my $status = $data->{'status'};
if (defined $data->{'slaves'}) {
my $max_speed = 0;
foreach (keys %{$data->{'slaves'}}) {
$max_speed = $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'} if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'} && $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'} > $max_speed;
if (defined $data->{'active'}) {
my $active_int = $data->{'active'};
$error = 1 if $data->{'slaves'}->{$active_int}->{'speed'} && $data->{'slaves'}->{$active_int}->{'speed'} ne $max_speed;
} else {
foreach (keys %{$data->{'slaves'}}) {
$error = 1 if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'} && $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'} ne $max_speed;
foreach (keys %{$data->{'slaves'}}) {
$status = "warn" if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'} eq "churned";
$status = "warn" if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'} eq "churned";
if (defined $data->{'active'}) {
$config_str = sprintf "$interface_name %s on %s: members =", $data->{'status'}, $data->{'active'} ;
} elsif (defined $data->{'slaves'}) {
$config_str = sprintf "$interface_name %s: members =", $status;
} else {
$config_str = sprintf "$interface_name %s has no physical devices", $data->{'status'};
$error = 1;
foreach (sort(keys %{$data->{'slaves'}})) {
my $result = $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'mii'};
$result .= ", ".$data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'}."Mbps" if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'speed'};
$result = "churned" if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'} ne 'none';
$result = "churned" if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'} ne 'none';
$config_str.= " $_ (" . $result . ")";
$error = 1 unless $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'mii'} eq 'up';
$error = 1 if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'actor-churn'} ne 'none';
$error = 1 if $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'}
&& $data->{'slaves'}->{$_}->{'partner-churn'} ne 'none';
$error = 2 if ($data->{'status'} ne 'up');
return $error, $config_str;
sub find_bonds {
my $dir = shift;
return unless -r $dir;
# $dir = '/proc/net';
my $bonds;
if (-r "$dir/bonding") {
opendir D, "$dir/bonding" or die "Cannot open dir: $dir/bonding";
map {$bonds->{$_} = "$dir/bonding/$_"} grep /^bond/, readdir D;
closedir D;
opendir D, "$dir" or die "Cannot open dir: $dir";
map {$bonds->{$_} = "$dir/$_/info" if -r "$dir/$_/info"} grep /^bond/, readdir D;
closedir D;
my $err = 0;
my $message;
foreach (keys %{$bonds}) {
my ($this_error, $this_message) = check_bond($bonds->{$_}, $_);
$err = $this_error if $this_error;
$message.= $this_message . " ";
if (not $message) {
$message = "No bond information found";
$err = 1;
print "$message\n";
exit $err;
GetOptions($options, "procnet=s", "help", "version");
if(defined $options->{'help'}) {
elsif (defined $options->{'version'}) {