README.SUSE for nagios-plugins-dhcp == check_cups == Nagios plugin for checking cups service This plug-in will check the status of a remote CUPS print service for the printer status, Its able to check all available printers on the cups, or just one of them. (for example if you have testing printer - is normally disable/off you don't need to check it.) It can also check only the queue status. it will provide the size of the queue and optionally the age of the queue. Generally I sugesst to create separate check for each printer only and then additional check for the queue itself. it using Nagios standards exit codes: # Nagios return codes STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 STATE_DEPENDENT=4 Usage: check_cups -H -P -p | -Q -w -c -a Notes: -H: Hostname - Can be a hostname or IP address. -P: Check only the printers status. -p: It will check only one specific printer. -Q: Type of check - Can be queue size (s) or both queu size and queue age (b) -w: WARNING level for queue size -c: CRITICAL level for queue size -a: Max age of queue. Returns CRITICAL if jobs exists older than days Example of test run usage: ---------------- Test all available printers and the queue. (queue size warning is 3, critical 10 and max age 3 days): nagios@nagios:~> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_cups -H -P -Q s -w 3 -c 10 -a 3 Checking all printers... OK - CUPS printer is idle. Testing queue on the CUPS... OK: CUPS queue size - 0| print_jobs=0;3;10;0 Test one printer only : nagios@nagios:~> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_cups -H -P -p myprinter Checking only the printer myprinter. OK - CUPS printer myprinter is idle. Test only the queue, do not test any printer (queue size warning is 3, critical 5 and max age 2 days): nagios@nagios:~> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_cups -H -Q b -w 3 -c 5 -a 2 No printer check is require. Checking the queue ... Testing queue on the CUPS... OK: CUPS queue size - 0| print_jobs=0;3;5;0 Example of Nagios/Icinga command settings: ---------------------------------- Example commands/check_cups.cfg: # Check all printers in cups and queue size and queue age define command{ command_name check_cups_all_queue command_line $USER1$/check_cups -H $ARG1$ -P -Q b -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -a $ARG4$ } # Check one printer in cups and queue size and queue age define command{ command_name check_cups_one_queue command_line $USER1$/check_cups -H $ARG1$ -P -p $ARG2$ -Q b -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -a $ARG5$ } # Check all printers in cups and queue size and queue age define command{ command_name check_cups_all command_line $USER1$/check_cups -H $ARG1$ -P } # Check one printer in cups. define command{ command_name check_cups_one command_line $USER1$/check_cups -H $ARG1$ -P -p $ARG2$ } # Check only the queue define command{ command_name check_cups_queue command_line $USER1$/check_cups -H $ARG1$ -Q b -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -a $ARG4$ } Security: --------- In the version 0.2 I add appamor profile for the script usr.lib.nagios.plugins.check_cups into /etc/apparmor.d Autor notes: ------------ I`d like to thank to John E. Vincent ( I learn a lof from his check CUPS print queue plugin. Then I`d like to thank to Mark Shirley for his script, which was also inspiration for me. Both of them you can find on web site. Martin Caj 31/01/2013 Bugs: ------ Please report bugs to me Thanks and have lot printers online ;-) Martin