Index: monitoring-plugins-2.3.3/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
--- monitoring-plugins-2.3.3.orig/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
+++ monitoring-plugins-2.3.3/plugins/t/check_ssh.t
@@ -8,34 +8,105 @@ use strict;
 use Test::More;
 use NPTest;
-# Required parameters
-my $ssh_host           = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_HOST", "A host providing SSH service", "localhost");
-my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests", "" );
-my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname", "nosuchhost" );
-plan skip_all => "SSH_HOST must be defined" unless $ssh_host;
-plan tests    => 6;
-my $result = NPTest->testCmd(
-    "./check_ssh -H $ssh_host"
-    );
-cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
-like($result->output, '/^SSH OK - /', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
+my $res;
-$result = NPTest->testCmd(
-    "./check_ssh -H $host_nonresponsive -t 2"
-    );
-cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 2, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
-like($result->output, '/^CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 2 seconds/', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
-$result = NPTest->testCmd(
-    "./check_ssh -H $hostname_invalid -t 2"
-    );
-cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
-like($result->output, '/^check_ssh: Invalid hostname/', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
+# Required parameters
+my $ssh_host           = getTestParameter("NP_SSH_HOST",
+                                          "A host providing SSH service",
+                                          "localhost");
+my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter("NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE",
+                                          "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests",
+                                          "" );
+my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter("NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID",
+                                          "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",
+                                          "nosuchhost" );
+plan tests => 14 + 6;
+SKIP: {
+   skip "SSH_HOST must be defined", 6 unless $ssh_host;
+   my $result = NPTest->testCmd(
+       "./check_ssh -H $ssh_host"
+       );
+   cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
+   like($result->output, '/^SSH OK - /', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
+   $result = NPTest->testCmd(
+       "./check_ssh -H $host_nonresponsive -t 2"
+       );
+   cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 2, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
+   like($result->output, '/^CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 2 seconds/', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
+   $result = NPTest->testCmd(
+       "./check_ssh -H $hostname_invalid -t 2"
+       );
+   cmp_ok($result->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit with return code 0 (OK)");
+   like($result->output, '/^check_ssh: Invalid hostname/', "Status text if command returned none (OK)");
+SKIP: {
+   skip "No netcat available", 12 unless (system("which nc > /dev/null") == 0);
+   my $nc_flags = "-l 5003 -i 1";
+   #A valid protocol version control string has the form
+   #       SSH-protoversion-softwareversion SP comments CR LF
+   #
+   # where `comments` is optional, protoversion is the SSH protocol version and
+   # softwareversion is an arbitrary string representing the server software version
+   open(NC, "echo 'SSH-2.0-nagiosplug.ssh.0.1' | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Got SSH protocol version control string");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH OK - nagiosplug.ssh.0.1 \(protocol 2.0\)/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;
+   open(NC, "echo 'SSH-2.0-' | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, "==", 0, "Got SSH protocol version control string with non-alpha softwareversion string");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH OK - \(protocol 2.0\)/', "Output OK for non-alpha softwareversion string");
+   close NC;
+   open(NC, "echo 'SSH-2.0-nagiosplug.ssh.0.1 this is a comment' | nc ${nc_flags} |");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003 -r nagiosplug.ssh.0.1" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Got SSH protocol version control string, and parsed comment appropriately");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH OK - nagiosplug.ssh.0.1 \(protocol 2.0\)/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;
+   open(NC, "echo 'SSH-' | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "Got invalid SSH protocol version control string");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH CRITICAL/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;
+   open(NC, "echo '' | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "No version control string received");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH CRITICAL - No version control string received/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;
+   open(NC, "echo 'Not a version control string' | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "No version control string received");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH CRITICAL - No version control string received/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;
+   #RFC 4253 permits servers to send any number of data lines prior to sending the protocol version control string
+       printf 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'; sleep 1;
+       printf 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE\n'; sleep 1;
+       echo 'Some\nPrepended\nData\nLines\n'; sleep 1;
+       echo 'SSH-2.0-nagiosplug.ssh.0.2';} | nc ${nc_flags}|");
+   sleep 1;
+   $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_ssh -H localhost -p 5003" );
+   cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Got delayed SSH protocol version control string");
+   like( $res->output, '/^SSH OK - nagiosplug.ssh.0.2 \(protocol 2.0\)/', "Output OK");
+   close NC;