# netgroup      The netgroup file. Entries look like this:
#                  netgroup  (host,user,domain)  (host,user,domain) ..
#               So for example a netgroup for powerusers could be:
#                  powerusers  (,miquels,) (,torvalds,) (,fubar,)
#               And an entry in the password file like
#                  +@powerusers:::::: 
#                  +:*:::::/etc/NoShell
#               would give access only to the users in "powerusers", while the
#               other users would be known to the system but have an invalid
#               shell AND an invalid password (with Linux, you can also
#               override the password field).

# powerusers (,miquels,) (,torvalds,) (,fubar,)
# ourhosts   (picard,,) (enterprise,,) (laforge,,) (Q,,)