forked from pool/openafs
Hello, this package should replace the package openafs18. The reason for this request is that I would like to get this software into Factory, but it violaites the nameing convention. Thus, I decided to have one package "openafs" with the up-to-date version of the software. The package "openafs16" should still stay in filesystems. Once this is accepted, I will create a deletion request for filesystems/openafs18 Many thanks. OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
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## Path: Network/File systems/AFS client
## Description: AFS client configuration, default mode
## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# Set to "yes" if you want to generate CellServDB and ThisCell files
# from THIS_CELL and THIS_CELL_SERVER variables.
# If you want more complicated setting, set REGENERATE_CELL_INFO to "no"
# and edit the files manually.
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# This cell name
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# IP address of afs server for this cell
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# DNS name of afs server for this cell
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Set to "yes" if you want to use data encription (secure, slower)
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Set to "yes" if you want to generate cacheinfo file
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# AFS client configuration options
XXLARGE="-stat 8000 -daemons 6 -volumes 256 -files 50000"
XLARGE="-stat 3600 -daemons 5 -volumes 196 -files 50000"
LARGE="-stat 2800 -daemons 5 -volumes 128"
MEDIUM="-stat 2000 -daemons 3 -volumes 70"
SMALL="-stat 300 -daemons 2 -volumes 50"
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Instead of mounting the home cell's root.afs volume at the AFS mount
# point (typically /afs) a fake root is constructed from information
# available in the client's CellServDB.
# With this option enabled openafs can start up even on network outage.
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Instead of calling a stat on a mountpoint to a foreign cell,
# return a faked status to the application.
# "ls -l /afs" is the most prominent example for its usefulness.
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# Instead of looking up database server in CellServDB try DNS first.
# With this option enabled openafs can access cells which are not in the packaged CellServDB-file, but
# which do provide the required DNS-information.
## Type: yesno
## Default: yes
# use memory-only cache
## Type: string(AUTOMATIC)
## Default: AUTOMATIC
# if you set CACHESIZE to "AUTOMATIC", it will automatically be chosen
# deduced by parition sizes (does not work if your cache is on / or
# /usr or /var) or by machine memory size for memory-only cache,
# otherwise the value in (1k-blocks) specified here will be used.
## Default: AUTOMATIC
# If you set OPTIONS to "AUTOMATIC", the init script will choose a set
# of options based on the cache size, otherwise the values specified here
# will be used.
## Type: string(/var/cache/openafs)
## Default: /var/cache/openafs
# Path to cache directory, it is recommended to use separate partition.
# It does not work on reiserfs. A valid directory must be specified
# even if memory only cache is used.
# Recommended cache directory is "/var/cache/openafs"
## Type: string(/afs)
## Default: /afs
# AFS directory. You should never need to change this
## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# Set to "yes" for a lot of debugging information from afsd. Only
# useful for debugging as it prints _a lot_ of information.
## Type: string
## Default: ""
# SYSNAME of client. Used to expand the magic "@sys" in pathes within /afs.
# If left blank, the hardcoded sysname (e.g. amd64_linux26) will be used.