forked from pool/openvswitch

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Tue Oct 21 11:24:25 UTC 2014 -
- fix rcX link
Tue Sep 23 08:40:15 UTC 2014 -
- disable shipped kmp module build for newer distros
- update to 2.1.3: datapath: Drop packets when interdev is not up Fix two memory leaks. tests: Remove extraneous parenthesis from test name. build: Allow building with autoconf 2.63 ovsdb: Don't add ovsdb-server.c to libovsdb. stp: Make stp-disabled port forward stp bpdu packets. dpif-linux: Fix bad backport in previous commit. dpif-linux: Avoid null dereference if all ports disappear. ofp-msgs: Correct code for queue configuration messages in OpenFlow 1.0. ofp-util: Fix null pointer dereference in ofputil_pull_buckets(). tests: Disable glibc memory checking under glibc <= 2.11. datapath/flow_netlink: Fix NDP flow mask validation datapath: Change u64_stats_* to use _irq instead of _bh(). datapath: Use exact lookup for flow_get and flow_del. json: Fix parsing of strings that end with a backslash. dpif: When executing actions needs help, use "set" action to set tunnel. datapath: Rehash 16-bit skbuff hashes into 32 bits. upcall: Configure datapath max-idle through ovs-vsctl. upcall: Add appctl call to set flow_limit. stream-ssl: Enable TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. lib/classifier: Fix use of uninitialized memory. lib/classifier: Clarify trie_lookup_value(). ovs-lib: allow non-root users to check service status rhel: Add Patch Port support to initscripts rhel: support persistent mac addresses on OVS bridges netflow: Fold netflow_expire() into netflow_flow_clear(). ofproto: Fix memory leak in ofproto_destroy(). ofproto: Send monitor updates if a flow mod changes a rules actions lib/match: Add mask bits for nd_target for ICMPv6 OBS-URL:
2014-09-22 07:19:43 +00:00
Mon Sep 22 07:11:35 UTC 2014 -
- update to 2.1.3:
datapath: Drop packets when interdev is not up
Fix two memory leaks.
tests: Remove extraneous parenthesis from test name.
build: Allow building with autoconf 2.63
ovsdb: Don't add ovsdb-server.c to libovsdb.
stp: Make stp-disabled port forward stp bpdu packets.
dpif-linux: Fix bad backport in previous commit.
dpif-linux: Avoid null dereference if all ports disappear.
ofp-msgs: Correct code for queue configuration messages in OpenFlow 1.0.
ofp-util: Fix null pointer dereference in ofputil_pull_buckets().
tests: Disable glibc memory checking under glibc <= 2.11.
datapath/flow_netlink: Fix NDP flow mask validation
datapath: Change u64_stats_* to use _irq instead of _bh().
datapath: Use exact lookup for flow_get and flow_del.
json: Fix parsing of strings that end with a backslash.
dpif: When executing actions needs help, use "set" action to set tunnel.
datapath: Rehash 16-bit skbuff hashes into 32 bits.
upcall: Configure datapath max-idle through ovs-vsctl.
upcall: Add appctl call to set flow_limit.
stream-ssl: Enable TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
lib/classifier: Fix use of uninitialized memory.
lib/classifier: Clarify trie_lookup_value().
ovs-lib: allow non-root users to check service status
rhel: Add Patch Port support to initscripts
rhel: support persistent mac addresses on OVS bridges
netflow: Fold netflow_expire() into netflow_flow_clear().
ofproto: Fix memory leak in ofproto_destroy().
ofproto: Send monitor updates if a flow mod changes a rules actions
lib/match: Add mask bits for nd_target for ICMPv6
bridge: Initialize dscp for mgmt connections.
datapath: Fix build from stats backport.
openvswitch: fix a possible deadlock and lockdep warning
AUTHORS: Fix spelling of Anoob Soman's name.
ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix null pointer dereference
ovs-ctl: Don't decrease max open fds if already set higher
Makefiles: Fix invocation of dot2pic when builddir != srcdir.
dot2pic: Stop assuming the path of the interpreter
dot2pic: Use "> $@; mv $@.tmp $@" notation to make this reliably fail
tunnel: Fix bug where misconfiguration persists.
netdev: Safely increment refcount in netdev_open().
datapath: Fix feature check for HAVE_RXHASH.
datapath: clear l4_rxhash in skb_clear_hash.
ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix in_port=controller case for NORMAL action
Fri May 2 03:38:11 UTC 2014 -
- updated to 2.1.2.
This contains bug fixes related to sending packet-in messages to the controller.
Tue Apr 29 17:16:22 UTC 2014 -
- updated to 2.1.1. This release removes the "ovsdbmonitor" program and contains bug fixes.
Wed Apr 2 14:25:35 UTC 2014 -
- Prevent ovsdb-server from entering an infinite loop when
processing logging levels during bringup.
added: log-check-module-loop.patch
Thu Mar 27 12:56:32 UTC 2014 -
- update to 2.1.0:
- Address prefix tracking support for flow tables. New columns
"prefixes" in OVS-DB table "Flow_Table" controls which packet
header fields are used for address prefix tracking. Prefix
tracking allows the classifier to skip rules with longer than
necessary prefixes, resulting in better wildcarding for datapath
flows. Default configuration is to not use any fields for prefix
tracking. However, if any flow tables contain both exact matches
and masked matches for IP address fields, OVS performance may be
increased by using this feature.
* As of now, the fields for which prefix lookup can be enabled
are: 'tun_id', 'tun_src', 'tun_dst', 'nw_src', 'nw_dst' (or
aliases 'ip_src' and 'ip_dst'), 'ipv6_src', and 'ipv6_dst'.
(Using this feature for 'tun_id' would only make sense if the
tunnel IDs have prefix structure similar to IP addresses.)
* There is a maximum number of fields that can be enabled for any
one flow table. Currently this limit is 3.
* Examples:
$ ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 flow_tables:0=@N1 -- \
--id=@N1 create Flow_Table name=table0
$ ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 flow_tables:1=@N1 -- \
--id=@N1 create Flow_Table name=table1
$ ovs-vsctl set Flow_Table table0 prefixes=ip_dst,ip_src
$ ovs-vsctl set Flow_Table table1 prefixes=[]
- TCP flags matching: OVS now supports matching of TCP flags. This
has an adverse performance impact when using OVS userspace 1.10
or older (no megaflows support) together with the new OVS kernel
module. It is recommended that the kernel and userspace modules
both are upgraded at the same time.
- The default OpenFlow and OVSDB ports will change to
IANA-assigned numbers in a future release. Consider updating
your installations to specify port numbers instead of using the
- OpenFlow:
* The OpenFlow 1.1+ "Write-Actions" instruction is now supported.
* OVS limits the OpenFlow port numbers it assigns to port 32767 and
below, leaving port numbers above that range free for assignment
by the controller.
* ovs-vswitchd now honors changes to the "ofport_request" column
in the Interface table by changing the port's OpenFlow port
- ovs-vswitchd.conf.db.5 man page will contain graphviz/dot
diagram only if graphviz package was installed at the build time.
- Support for Linux kernels up to 3.11
- ovs-dpctl:
The "show" command also displays mega flow mask stats.
- ovs-ofctl:
* New command "ofp-parse-pcap" to dump OpenFlow from PCAP files.
- ovs-controller has been renamed test-controller. It is no longer
packaged or installed by default, because too many users assumed
incorrectly that ovs-controller was a necessary or desirable part
of an Open vSwitch deployment.
- Added vlog option to export to a UDP syslog sink.
- ovsdb-client:
* The "monitor" command can now monitor all tables in a database,
instead of being limited to a single table.
- The flow-eviction-threshold has been replaced by the flow-limit which is a
hard limit on the number of flows in the datapath. It defaults to 200,000
flows. OVS automatically adjusts this number depending on network
Thu Mar 27 12:55:44 UTC 2014 -
- allow to use kmod as well
Mon Feb 3 17:13:36 UTC 2014 -
- another fix in logrotate
Mon Jan 27 10:42:05 UTC 2014 -
- fix logrotate configuration
Tue Jan 21 08:48:03 UTC 2014 -
- add openvswitch.service for systemd distros
Tue Jan 14 15:03:56 UTC 2014 -
- add kernel-312.diff (build against Kernel 3.12.x)
Fri Jan 3 17:54:10 UTC 2014 -
- do not build with valgrind-devel on aarch64 (doesn't exist)
Thu Dec 5 13:14:11 UTC 2013 -
- update to 2.0.0:
- The ovs-vswitchd process is no longer single-threaded. Multiple
threads are now used to handle flow set up and asynchronous
- OpenFlow:
* Experimental support for OpenFlow 1.1 (in addition to 1.2 and
1.3, which had experimental support in 1.10).
* New support for matching outer source and destination IP address
of tunneled packets, for tunnel ports configured with the newly
added "remote_ip=flow" and "local_ip=flow" options.
* Support for matching on metadata 'pkt_mark' for interacting with
other system components. On Linux this corresponds to the skb
* Support matching, rewriting SCTP ports
- The Interface table in the database has a new "ifindex" column to
report the interface's OS-assigned ifindex.
- New "check-oftest" Makefile target for running OFTest against Open
vSwitch. See README-OFTest for details.
- The flow eviction threshold has been moved to the Open_vSwitch table.
- Database names are now mandatory when specifying ovsdb-server options
through database paths (e.g. Private key option with the database name
should look like "--private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key").
- Added, a utility script helpful for Open vSwitch developers.
- Support for Linux kernels up to 3.10
- ovs-ofctl:
* New "ofp-parse" for printing OpenFlow messages read from a file.
- Added configurable flow caching support to IPFIX exporter.
- Dropped support for Linux pre-2.6.32.
- Log file timestamps and ovsdb commit timestamps are now reported
with millisecond resolution. (Previous versions only reported
whole seconds.)
Wed Dec 4 11:44:02 CET 2013 -
- added try-restart action to openvswitch-switch init script
Wed Nov 20 02:51:57 UTC 2013 -
- Incorporate ubuntu Linux 3.11 fix to prevent kernel datapath panics.
Addresses bnc#851395
+ added datapath-add-support-for-linux-3.11.patch
Tue Oct 1 07:21:16 UTC 2013 -
- Let openvswitch-switch depend on util-linux instead of uuid-runtime
(Debian package name). The ovs-ctl / ovs-pki tools use /usr/bin/uuidgen
Tue Sep 24 13:17:25 UTC 2013 -
- add vlan_apichange.patch to compensate kernel API changes
between 3.8 and 3.11 in commits f646968f and 86a9bad3
Fri Sep 13 15:25:40 UTC 2013 -
- update to 1.11.0:
- remove accept-newer-kernel-versions.diff
Fri Sep 13 10:09:18 UTC 2013 -
- sign modules for secure boot (bnc#839838)
Tue Jul 2 17:08:11 UTC 2013 -
- Build openvswitch kernel module for xen kernel flavor.
Sun Jun 16 05:30:24 UTC 2013 -
- Add openvswitch-ipsec.init, Module.supported,
Module.supported.updates and README.packager as sources: they
were not listed as such.
- Install openvswitch-ipsec.init if we build ipsec support.
Thu Jun 6 14:28:07 UTC 2013 -
- mark openvswitch module shipped with package as supported
Fri May 17 11:58:32 UTC 2013 -
- only call for newer distros
- build parallel
- accept-newer-kernel-versions.diff:
Accept newer kernel versions
- sle11-device-ops-backport.diff
Handle sle11 device ops backport
Fri May 3 14:28:00 UTC 2013 -
- New upstream version 1.10.0
- Removed openvswitch-1.7.0-stp-fwd-delay.patch because of bridge compatibility support removing
Wed Apr 3 09:30:20 UTC 2013 -
- %make_install macro no longer works on SLE11. Spec file now uses %makeinstall.
Tue Mar 26 11:21:37 UTC 2013 -
- Use build conditionals instead of %define and disable GUI by default
Thu Mar 21 13:23:36 UTC 2013 -
- Fix openvswitch-controller init script
- Add openflow-controller sysconfig file with default binding to ptcp:
Tue Mar 12 13:36:57 UTC 2013 -
- ipsec build temporary disabled
Fri Mar 8 14:16:57 UTC 2013 -
- Provides and Obsolete for former openvswitch-common package
Thu Mar 7 21:49:09 UTC 2013 -
- always build in openvswitch kernel module (gre tunelling not present
within the standard kernel module)
- removed unnedded build rquirements (move to appropriate subpackage)
- moved common stuff to main pkg
- added group filed to packages and sub packages
- switch pkg suggest kernel module pkg
- moved python test stuff to python-openvswitch-test sub pkg
- moved ui interface requirements to ovsdbmonitor sub pkg
- ovsdbmonitor will not be build on sles (for now)
- sub pkg test require python-twisted (ovs-test)
- don't call on sles11 (old autoconf). Shipped configuration stuff
is ok (we don't patch plenty of stuff)
- ovs-parse-backtrace now part of main pkg
- addes ovs-l3ping,ovs-vlan-test to test sub pkg
Thu Feb 28 22:17:11 UTC 2013 -
- New upstream version 1.9.0
Thu Nov 15 08:59:41 UTC 2012 -
- New patch openvswitch-1.7.1-ovs-pki-permissions.patch: Avoid
creating world writeable directory (bnc#774332, CVE-2012-3449)
Sun Sep 9 15:33:08 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.7.1
* This release only contain bug fixes.
Tue Jul 31 12:41:19 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.7.0
* kernel modules are renamed. openvswitch_mod.ko is now
openvswitch.ko and brcompat_mod.ko is now brcompat.ko.
* Increased the number of NXM registers to 8.
* Added ability to configure DSCP setting for manager and controller
connections. By default, these connections have a DSCP value of
Internetwork Control (0xc0).
* Added the granular link health statistics, 'cfm_health', to an
* OpenFlow:
- Added support to mask nd_target for ICMPv6 neighbor discovery flows.
- Added support for OpenFlow 1.3 port description (OFPMP_PORT_DESC)
multipart messages.
* ovs-ofctl:
- Added the "dump-ports-desc" command to retrieve port
information using the new port description multipart messages.
* ovs-test:
- Added support for spawning ovs-test server from the client.
- Now ovs-test is able to automatically create test bridges and ports.
* "ovs-dpctl dump-flows" now prints observed TCP flags in TCP flows.
* Tripled flow setup performance.
* The "coverage/log" command previously available through ovs-appctl
has been replaced by "coverage/show". The new command replies with
coverage counter values, instead of logging them.
- Adjusted openvswitch-1.1.0-stp-fwd-delay.patch (new filename)
Thu Jul 26 11:47:36 UTC 2012 -
- The kernel modules where renamed in recent kernels. Backported a
patch from the 1.7 branch to use the new kernel names when
building on openSUSE > 12.1.
Tue Jun 26 15:09:02 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.6.1
* Added support for bitwise matching on TCP and UDP ports.
* Support for limiting the number of flows in an OpenFlow flow
table, with configurable policy for evicting flows upon
* Added an OpenFlow extension that allows controllers more precise
control over which messages they receive asynchronously.
* CFM module CCM broadcasts can now be tagged with an 802.1p priority.
* Load balancing for bonds can be disabled.
Wed Jun 6 15:04:45 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.5.0
* OpenFlow:
- Added support for querying, modifying, and deleting flows
based on flow cookie when using NXM.
- Added new NXM_PACKET_IN format.
* ovs-ofctl:
- Added daemonization support to the monitor and snoop commands.
* ovs-vsctl:
- The "find" command supports new set relational operators
{=}, {!=}, {<}, {>}, {<=}, and {>=}.
* ovsdb-tool now uses the typical database and schema installation
directories as defaults.
Thu May 10 22:32:34 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.4.1
* The default MAC learning timeout has been increased from 60 seconds
to 300 seconds. The MAC learning timeout is now configurable.
* Bug fixes
Thu Apr 5 10:08:32 UTC 2012 -
- Build KMP packages from kernel-source on openSuSE > 12.1.
Tue Mar 13 12:16:43 UTC 2012 -
- Specify defattr for pki subpackage to fix 11.4 build.
Thu Mar 1 13:35:52 UTC 2012 -
- Rewrite the package based on the debian version instead
* current package was tied to xenserver config without
even requiring it
* instead of one big package depending even on qt4, there
are -switch, -controller, -test subpackages now
Mon Feb 20 23:39:50 UTC 2012 -
- New upstream version 1.4.0
* Compatible with Open vSwitch kernel module included in Linux 3.3.
* Don't require the "normal" action to use mirrors.
* New "VLAN splinters" feature to work around buggy device driver in old Linux versions.
* Added ability to match ECN and TTL in IPv4 and IPv6 headers.
* Added ability to match IPv6 flow label.
* Added ability to modify ECN bits and TTL in IPv4 headers.
* And many others. See the full change log here:
Fri Sep 2 09:11:21 UTC 2011 -
- new uopstream version 1.2.1
* The release only contains bug fixes for the 1.2.0 release
Mon Aug 8 17:47:58 UTC 2011 -
- new upstream version 1.2.0
* New abstraction layer to make better use of switching ASICs
* Packaging for Red Hat (RHEL) 5.6 and 6.0
* Datapath support for Linux kernels up to 3.0
* And many others. See the full change log here:
- rebased openvswitch-1.1.0-suse.patch as
openvswitch-1.2.0-suse.patch to apply to the files
Thu Jun 23 06:49:16 UTC 2011 -
- new upstream version 1.1.1
* bug fix release
Wed May 18 10:09:45 UTC 2011 -
- re-enabled kmp package since openvswitch_mod.ko and
brcompat_mod.ko are not available on suse kernel rpms
Tue May 17 12:04:05 UTC 2011 -
- new upstream version 1.1.0 (stable)
- spec file clean up
- added as dependency all python modules to enable additional
- rebase patches
- build pyside support only if pyside is available
Fri Dec 31 15:26:59 UTC 2010 -
- updates for build issues
- fixes for libvirt integration
Sat Dec 11 19:57:28 UTC 2010 -
- initial version 1.1