From 850e2fefb89b35b6f9629df1d3f302ede4c7fca205d755a3ff651ca984641fdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tony Jones <>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 18:31:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Accepting request 69293 from

 baselibs.conf                |   1 +
 oprofile-qt4.diff            | 402 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 oprofile.changes             |  16 ++
 oprofile.spec                |  36 +---
 5 files changed, 438 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 oprofile-qt4.diff

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3d989f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+All patches need to have a patch description header similar to what is used in 
+SuSE kernel git tree. Patches added without this will be reverted.  Thanks.
+From: Name <email>
+Subject: Summary of fix
+Date: date
+References: bnc#xxxxxx (bugzilla reference if applicable)
+Upstream: yes (provide repo/commit-id in description) or no (provide reason)
+Signed-Off-by: Name <email> (same as From: if committer is patch author)
+Short paragraph describing problem/fix.
+References to upstream repo-path/commit-id if applicable.
diff --git a/baselibs.conf b/baselibs.conf
index fb5451f..a9a6ec9 100644
--- a/baselibs.conf
+++ b/baselibs.conf
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/oprofile-qt4.diff b/oprofile-qt4.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2786c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oprofile-qt4.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+From: maynardj <>
+Date: Fri Feb 25 11:50:18 2011 -0600
+Subject: Use qt3Support to allow building with either qt3 or qt4
+Git-Repo: git://
+Git-Commit: 7e4a107edca55f01dc62d2351c85264a3bc97fd3
+References: request by Ismail Dönme, rferencing redhat BZ#683923
+Signed-Off-by: Tony Jones <>
+    Signed-off-by: Gert Wollny <>
+    Acked-by:      Maynard Johnson <>
+    Description:
+    This patch makes changes to oprofile gui files to use qt3Support to facilitate
+    building with either qt3 or qt4.  The configure script now has a new option:
+    --enable-gui=[qt3|qt4|yes|no].  If not given or set to yes, the gui build
+    defaults to qt3, which is the same as what it has done in the past.
+        |   68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ doc/oprofile.xml    |    4 +--
+ gui/     |    5 +--
+ gui/oprof_start.cpp |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ gui/oprof_start.h   |   14 +++++++---
+ gui/ui/  |    2 -
+ 6 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
+ AC_CHECK_DECLS([basename], [], [], [[#include <libgen.h>]])
+ dnl for the man page
+ DATE="`date '+%a %d %B %Y'`"
+@@ -131,7 +132,61 @@ ORIG_X_SAVE_LIBS="$LIBS"
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(gui,[  --enable-gui  compile with gui component (qt3|qt4|yes|no),
++		     if not given or set to yes, gui defaults to qt3],, enable_gui=qt3)
++if test "x$enable_gui"  = "xqt3"  || test "x$enable_gui"  = "xyes"; then
++if test "x$enable_gui"  = "xqt4"; then
++	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QT, Qt3Support QtGui QtCore ,,[
++	echo "You requested QT4 but its build files are not available. Exiting now."
++	exit
++	])
++	MOC=$(pkg-config --variable=moc_location QtCore)
++	UIC=$(pkg-config --variable=uic_location QtCore)3
++	QT_VERSION=$(pkg-config --modversion QtCore)
++dnl following are some sanity tests and workarounds for buggy QtCore.pc files
++	if test "x$MOC" = "x"; then
++		echo "WARNING: Your QtCore.pc file is buggy, it doesn't provide the variable 'moc_location'"
++		echo "WARNING: I will try to find it in your PATH ..."
++		AC_CHECK_PROG(MOC, moc, moc)
++		if test "x$MOC" = "x"; then
++			echo "WARNING: You can fix this by adding the location of moc to your path."
++			echo "WARNING: Exiting now."
++			exit
++		fi
++	fi
++	if test "x$UIC" = "x3"; then
++		echo "WARNING: Your QtCore.pc file is buggy, it doesn't provide the variable 'uic_location'"
++		echo "WARNING: I will try to find it in your PATH ..."
++		AC_CHECK_PROG(UIChelp, uic3, uic3)
++		if test "x$UIChelp" = "x"; then
++			echo "WARNING: You can fix this by adding the location of uic3 to your path."
++			echo "WARNING: Exiting now."
++			exit
++		else
++			UIC="$UIChelp"
++		fi
++	fi
++	flags_has_qt3support=$(echo $QT_CFLAGS | grep QT3_SUPPORT)
++	if test "x$flags_has_qt3support" = "x" ; then
++		echo "WARNING: Your Qt3Support package is buggy; it dosn't include the 'QT3_SUPPORT' flag"
++		echo "WARNING: adding it manually"
++	fi
++AM_CONDITIONAL(have_qt, test -n "$QT_LIBS")
+ dnl enable pch for c++
+@@ -155,7 +210,6 @@ AC_SUBST(POPT_LIBS)
+ # do NOT put tests here, they will fail in the case X is not installed !
+-AM_CONDITIONAL(have_qt, test -n "$QT_LIB")
+@@ -268,6 +322,16 @@ AC_OUTPUT(Makefile \
+ AX_COPY_IF_CHANGE(doc/xsl/catalog-1.xml, doc/xsl/catalog.xml)
++if test "x$enable_gui" = "xno" ; then
++	echo "No GUI will be built as it was explicitly disabled."
++	if test -z "$QT_LIBS"; then
++		echo "Warning: QT version $QT_VERSION was requested but not found. No GUI will be built."
++	else
++		echo "Building GUI with QT $QT_VERSION"
++	 fi
+ if test -z "$QT_LIB"; then
+ 	echo "Warning: a working Qt not found; no GUI will be built"
+ fi
+--- a/doc/oprofile.xml
++++ b/doc/oprofile.xml
+@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ For information on how to use OProfile's
+ 	<varlistentry>
+ 		<term>OProfile GUI</term>
+ 		<listitem><para>
+-			The use of the GUI to start the profiler requires the <filename>Qt 2</filename> library. <filename>Qt 3</filename> should
+-			also work.
++			The use of the GUI to start the profiler requires the <filename>Qt</filename> library.
++			Either <filename>Qt 3</filename> or <filename>Qt 4</filename> should work.
+ 		</para></listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>
+ 	<varlistentry>
+--- a/gui/
++++ b/gui/
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = $(dist_sources)
+ if have_qt
++	@QT_CFLAGS@ \
+ 	-I ${top_srcdir}/libop \
+ 	-I ${top_srcdir}/libutil++ \
+ 	-I ${top_srcdir}/libutil
+@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ oprof_start_LDADD = \
+ 	../libop/libop.a \
+ 	../libutil/libutil.a \
+ 	ui/liboprof_start.a \
+-	@QT_LIB@ \
++	@QT_LIBS@ \
+ 	@X_LIBS@
+ oprof_start.moc.cpp: ${top_srcdir}/gui/oprof_start.h
+--- a/gui/oprof_start.cpp
++++ b/gui/oprof_start.cpp
+@@ -20,21 +20,37 @@
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include <algorithm>
++#include <Qt/qlineedit.h>
++#include <Qt/qcheckbox.h>
++#include <Qt/qtabwidget.h>
++#include <Qt/qmessagebox.h>
++#include <Qt/qvalidator.h>
++#include <Qt/qlabel.h>
++#include <Qt/qpushbutton.h>
++#include <Qt/q3listview.h>
++#include <Qt/q3combobox.h>
++#include <Qt/q3listbox.h>
++#include <Qt/q3filedialog.h>
++#include <Qt/q3buttongroup.h>
++#include <Qt/q3header.h>
+ #include <qlineedit.h>
+-#include <qlistview.h>
+-#include <qcombobox.h>
+-#include <qlistbox.h>
+-#include <qfiledialog.h>
+-#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+ #include <qcheckbox.h>
+ #include <qtabwidget.h>
+ #include <qmessagebox.h>
+ #include <qvalidator.h>
+ #include <qlabel.h>
+ #include <qpushbutton.h>
++#include <qlistview.h>
++#include <qcombobox.h>
++#include <qlistbox.h>
++#include <qfiledialog.h>
++#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+ #include <qheader.h>
++#define Q3ListView QListView
+-#include "config.h"
+ #include "oprof_start.h"
+ #include "op_config.h"
+ #include "op_config_24.h"
+@@ -268,10 +284,10 @@ void oprof_start::fill_events()
+ namespace {
+ /// find the first item with the given text in column 0 or return NULL
+-QListViewItem * findItem(QListView * view, char const * name)
++Q3ListViewItem * findItem(Q3ListView * view, char const * name)
+ {
+ 	// Qt 2.3.1 does not have QListView::findItem()
+-	QListViewItem * item = view->firstChild();
++	Q3ListViewItem * item = view->firstChild();
+ 	while (item && strcmp(item->text(0).latin1(), name))
+ 		item = item->nextSibling();
+@@ -292,7 +308,7 @@ void oprof_start::setup_default_event()
+ 	event_cfgs[].user_ring_count = 1;
+ 	event_cfgs[].os_ring_count = 1;
+-	QListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list,;
++	Q3ListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list,;
+ 	if (item)
+ 		item->setSelected(true);
+ }
+@@ -349,7 +365,7 @@ void oprof_start::read_set_events()
+ 			event_cfgs[ev_name].os_ring_count = 1;
+ 		}
+-		QListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list, ev_name.c_str());
++		Q3ListViewItem * item = findItem(events_list, ev_name.c_str());
+ 		if (item)
+ 			item->setSelected(true);
+ 	}
+@@ -436,7 +452,7 @@ void oprof_start::fill_events_listbox()
+ 	for (vector<op_event_descr>::reverse_iterator cit = v_events.rbegin();
+ 	     cit != v_events.rend(); ++cit) {
+-		new QListViewItem(events_list, cit->name.c_str());
++		new Q3ListViewItem(events_list, cit->name.c_str());
+ 	}
+ 	setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+@@ -467,7 +483,7 @@ void oprof_start::display_event(op_event
+ }
+-bool oprof_start::is_selectable_event(QListViewItem * item)
++bool oprof_start::is_selectable_event(Q3ListViewItem * item)
+ {
+ 	if (item->isSelected())
+ 		return true;
+@@ -486,7 +502,7 @@ bool oprof_start::is_selectable_event(QL
+ void oprof_start::draw_event_list()
+ {
+-	QListViewItem * cur;
++	Q3ListViewItem * cur;
+ 	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+ 		if (is_selectable_event(cur))
+ 			cur->setPixmap(0, *green_pixmap);
+@@ -500,7 +516,7 @@ bool oprof_start::alloc_selected_events(
+ {
+ 	vector<op_event const *> events;
+-	set<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
++	set<Q3ListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+ 	for (it = selected_events.begin(); it != selected_events.end(); ++it)
+ 		events.push_back(find_event_by_name((*it)->text(0).latin1(),0,0));
+@@ -520,24 +536,24 @@ void oprof_start::event_selected()
+ 	// (de)selected item so we record a set of selected items and diff
+ 	// it in the appropriate way with the previous list of selected items.
+-	set<QListViewItem *> current_selection;
+-	QListViewItem * cur;
++	set<Q3ListViewItem *> current_selection;
++	Q3ListViewItem * cur;
+ 	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+ 		if (cur->isSelected())
+ 			current_selection.insert(cur);
+ 	}
+ 	// First remove the deselected item.
+-	vector<QListViewItem *> new_deselected;
++	vector<Q3ListViewItem *> new_deselected;
+ 	set_difference(selected_events.begin(), selected_events.end(),
+ 		       current_selection.begin(), current_selection.end(),
+ 		       back_inserter(new_deselected));
+-	vector<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
++	vector<Q3ListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+ 	for (it = new_deselected.begin(); it != new_deselected.end(); ++it)
+ 		selected_events.erase(*it);
+ 	// Now try to add the newly selected item if enough HW resource exists
+-	vector<QListViewItem *> new_selected;
++	vector<Q3ListViewItem *> new_selected;
+ 	set_difference(current_selection.begin(), current_selection.end(),
+ 		       selected_events.begin(), selected_events.end(),
+ 		       back_inserter(new_selected));
+@@ -558,7 +574,7 @@ void oprof_start::event_selected()
+ }
+-void oprof_start::event_over(QListViewItem * item)
++void oprof_start::event_over(Q3ListViewItem * item)
+ {
+ 	op_event_descr const & descr = locate_event(item->text(0).latin1());
+@@ -566,10 +582,10 @@ void oprof_start::event_over(QListViewIt
+ 	if (!is_selectable_event(item)) {
+ 		help_str += " conflicts with:";
+-		set<QListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
++		set<Q3ListViewItem *>::const_iterator it;
+ 		for (it = selected_events.begin(); 
+ 		     it != selected_events.end(); ) {
+-			QListViewItem * temp = *it;
++			Q3ListViewItem * temp = *it;
+ 			selected_events.erase(it++);
+ 			if (is_selectable_event(item)) {
+ 				help_str += " ";
+@@ -844,7 +860,7 @@ void oprof_start::on_start_profiler()
+ 	bool one_enable = false;
+-	QListViewItem * cur;
++	Q3ListViewItem * cur;
+ 	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+ 		if (!cur->isSelected())
+ 			continue;
+@@ -946,7 +962,7 @@ bool oprof_start::save_config()
+ 	vector<string> tmpargs;
+ 	tmpargs.push_back("--setup");
+-	QListViewItem * cur;
++	Q3ListViewItem * cur;
+ 	for (cur = events_list->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) {
+ 		if (!cur->isSelected())
+ 			continue;
+--- a/gui/oprof_start.h
++++ b/gui/oprof_start.h
+@@ -16,11 +16,17 @@
+ #include <map>
+ #include <set>
++#include "config.h"
+ #include "ui/oprof_start.base.h"
+ #include "oprof_start_config.h"
+ #include "op_events.h"
++#ifndef QT3_SUPPORT
++#define Q3ListViewItem QListViewItem
+ class QIntValidator;
+ class QListViewItem;
+ class QTimerEvent;
+@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ protected slots:
+ 	/// events selection change
+ 	void event_selected();
+ 	/// the mouse is over an event
+-	void event_over(QListViewItem *);
++	void event_over(Q3ListViewItem *);
+ 	/// state of separate_kernel_cb changed
+ 	void on_separate_kernel_cb_changed(int);
+ 	/// reset sample files
+@@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ private:
+ 	void draw_event_list();
+ 	/// return true if item is selectable or already selected
+-	bool is_selectable_event(QListViewItem * item);
++	bool is_selectable_event(Q3ListViewItem * item);
+ 	/// try to alloc counters for the selected_events
+ 	bool alloc_selected_events() const;
+@@ -139,8 +145,8 @@ private:
+ 	/// The currently selected events. We must track this because
+ 	/// with multiple selection listbox QT doesn't allow to know
+ 	/// what is the last selected item. events_selected() update it
+-	std::set<QListViewItem *> selected_events;
+-	QListViewItem * current_event;
++	std::set<Q3ListViewItem *> selected_events;
++	Q3ListViewItem * current_event;
+ 	/// current config
+ 	config_setting config;
+--- a/gui/ui/
++++ b/gui/ui/
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = oprof_start.base.ui
+ if have_qt
diff --git a/oprofile.changes b/oprofile.changes
index 24af1ba..e58ceba 100644
--- a/oprofile.changes
+++ b/oprofile.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+Thu Apr 28 18:33:19 UTC 2011 -
+- Add support for building using qt4 (no bnc)
+Thu Apr 28 18:14:54 UTC 2011 -
+- Add README-BEFORE-ADDING-PATCHES local file documenting required patch 
+  header
+Tue Jun 29 15:10:22 UTC 2010 -
+- fix baselibs.conf
 Thu Jun 24 21:17:12 UTC 2010 -
diff --git a/oprofile.spec b/oprofile.spec
index 40a01d2..1a69c63 100644
--- a/oprofile.spec
+++ b/oprofile.spec
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 Name:           oprofile
-BuildRequires:  binutils-devel fdupes java2-devel-packages libxslt popt-devel qt3-devel update-desktop-files
+BuildRequires:  binutils-devel fdupes java2-devel-packages libxslt popt-devel qt-devel update-desktop-files
 License:        GPLv2+ ; LGPLv2.1+
 Group:          Development/Tools/Other
 AutoReqProv:    on
 PreReq:         /usr/sbin/groupadd /usr/sbin/useradd
 Version:        0.9.6
-Release:        2
+Release:        3
 Summary:        System-Wide Profiler for Linux Systems
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ Source1:        %{name}.desktop
 Source2:        %{name}.rpmlintrc
 Source3:        baselibs.conf
 Source4:        jvmpi.h
 Patch1:         oprofile-0.9.5-buildfixes.diff
 Patch2:         oprofile-0.9.4-fixes.diff
+Patch3:         oprofile-qt4.diff
 OProfile is a system-wide profiler for Linux systems, capable of
@@ -57,15 +59,6 @@ warranty.
 This is the package containing the userspace tools.
-    John Levon <>
-    Philippe Elie <>
-    Dave Jones <>
-    Bob Montgomery <>
 %package devel
 Summary:        System-Wide Profiler for Linux Systems
 Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
@@ -81,15 +74,6 @@ the GNU GPL.
 This package contains the files needed to develop JIT agents for other
 virtual machines.
-    John Levon <>
-    Philippe Elie <>
-    Dave Jones <>
-    Bob Montgomery <>
 %package -n libopagent1
 Summary:        System-Wide Profiler for Linux Systems
 Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
@@ -104,19 +88,11 @@ the GNU GPL.
 This package contains the library needed at runtime when profiling JITed code 
 from supported virtual machines.
-    John Levon <>
-    Philippe Elie <>
-    Dave Jones <>
-    Bob Montgomery <>
 %setup -q
 %patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
 mkdir -p java/include
 # copy files necessary to build Java agent libraries
 # and
@@ -129,7 +105,7 @@ autoreconf -fi
   --prefix=/usr --mandir=%{_mandir} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
   --with-kernel-support --with-java=$PWD/java \
-  --with-qt-libraries=%_libdir/qt3/%_lib
+  --enable-gui=qt4 
 make %{?jobs:-j%jobs}