forked from pool/pacemaker
* bug-806256_pacemaker-log-level-notice.patch - Drop the obsolete patch: * bug-800323_pacemaker-crm_mon-save-cib.patch - Probe for baremetal remote-node connection resources. - remote: Add support for ipv6 into pacemaker_remote daemon - election/fencing: Fix the casts that would result in incorrect values for big-endian systems (bnc#842915) - Fencing: Apply correct score to the resource of group - crm_resource: Wait for the correct number of replies when cleaning up resources (bnc#842204) - cpg: Only process one message at a time to allow other priority jobs to be performed - remote: Handle endian changes between client and server and improve forward compatibility - crmd: A more reliable method of looking up migration options - crmd: Allow non-CIB based throttling to be disabled - crmd: Honor load thresholds lower than the cib maximum - crmd: Tell the DC our job limit instead of the number of cores - crmd: Track the CIB's CPU usage - crmd: Fold the enforcement of migration-limit into the throttling code - crmd: Don't start throttling until we're over the target threshold - crmd: Do not send throttle updates to versions that don't support them - ipc: Use the higher of the configured buffer size or the default - crmd: Tweak the throttling threshold multipliers - crmd: Simplify option processing for throttling options - crmd: Simplify the logic for calculating the number of available cores - crmd: Make the per-node action limit directly configurable in the CIB - crmd: Tweak the throttling code based on migration-limit and/or LRMD_MAX_CHILDREN (bnc#838358) - crmd: Slow down recovery on nodes with IO load - crmd: Make the utilization limit configurable - crmd: Use the load on our peers to know how many jobs to send them - crmd: Notify peers of our relative load - remote: Properly version the remote connection protocol OBS-URL:
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commit b802c689cdad03a185c5c6689741e2a4db8d5924
Author: Gao,Yan <>
Date: Thu Mar 14 09:41:53 2013 +0800
Log: Change some messages to notice level (bnc#806256)
Index: pacemaker/crmd/callbacks.c
--- pacemaker.orig/crmd/callbacks.c
+++ pacemaker/crmd/callbacks.c
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ peer_update_callback(enum crm_status_typ
const char *task = crm_element_value(down->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK);
if (alive && safe_str_eq(task, CRM_OP_FENCE)) {
- crm_info("Node return implies stonith of %s (action %d) completed", node->uname,
+ crm_notice("Node return implies stonith of %s (action %d) completed", node->uname,
erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, cib_scope_local);
erase_status_tag(node->uname, XML_TAG_TRANSIENT_NODEATTRS, cib_scope_local);
Index: pacemaker/crmd/membership.c
--- pacemaker.orig/crmd/membership.c
+++ pacemaker/crmd/membership.c
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ crm_update_quorum(gboolean quorum, gbool
crm_xml_add(update, XML_ATTR_DC_UUID, fsa_our_uuid);
fsa_cib_update(XML_TAG_CIB, update, call_options, call_id, NULL);
- crm_debug("Updating quorum status to %s (call=%d)", quorum ? "true" : "false", call_id);
+ crm_notice("Updating quorum status to %s (call=%d)", quorum ? "true" : "false", call_id);
fsa_register_cib_callback(call_id, FALSE, NULL, cib_quorum_update_complete);
Index: pacemaker/crmd/tengine.c
--- pacemaker.orig/crmd/tengine.c
+++ pacemaker/crmd/tengine.c
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ do_te_invoke(long long action,
transition_graph = unpack_graph(graph_data, graph_input);
CRM_CHECK(transition_graph != NULL, transition_graph = create_blank_graph(); return);
- crm_info("Processing graph %d (ref=%s) derived from %s", transition_graph->id, ref,
+ crm_notice("Processing graph %d (ref=%s) derived from %s", transition_graph->id, ref,
Index: pacemaker/fencing/remote.c
--- pacemaker.orig/fencing/remote.c
+++ pacemaker/fencing/remote.c
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ remote_op_timeout(gpointer userdata)
return FALSE;
- crm_debug("Action %s (%s) for %s (%s) timed out",
+ crm_notice("Action %s (%s) for %s (%s) timed out",
op->action, op->id, op->target, op->client_name);
op->state = st_failed;
remote_op_done(op, NULL, -ETIME, FALSE);