forked from pool/paraview
Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez e7bd087b53 Accepting request 1177420 from home:vicentebolea:branches:science
- Update to version 5.12.1:
  * gradient backgrounds in saved images larger than the render window are now correct.
  * support for ospray is checked only when ospray rendering is requested. previously, it was checked unconditionally and that could lead to a valid but unwanted warning when paraview runs on a system that does not support ospray.
  * cached geometry is discarded whenever an animation keyframe is edited. this can prevent spurious visualization of geometry when keyframes that modify filter properties are changed.
  * coloring by partial field data arrays now works correctly.
  * the reflect filter on triangle strips now produces correct cells.
  * slicing image data with multiple components now correctly copies all components to the output.
  * fixed a crash when loading an unstructured grid containing a vtk_convex_point_set from a vtu file.
  * removed spurious warning message when the integrate variables filter was applied to an empty dataset.
  * the legacy ghost cells generator filter, which was deprecated in paraview 5.10 and removed in paraview 5.11, has been added back. it is available after loading the legacyghostcellsgenerator plugin. this filter may work better on large scale runs on particular hpc systems where mpi resources are exhausted when using the regular ghost cells generator. in addition, the legacy ghost cells generator has a property minimum number of ghosts that matches the name of a property in the ghost cells generator. this makes swapping between the two filters in a python script simpler.
  * the gradient filter had a thread race condition fixed
  * vtk xml file format readers no longer fail when building paraview against expat 2.6.0.
  * saving a multiblock dataset file (vtm) in parallel now uses only rank 0 to create a subdirectory instead of all ranks trying and one rank winning. this resolves a race condition on some file systems where the directory was reported as being created but was not available for writing yet by one of the processes.
  * fixed state saving option when a remote server crashes.
  * error reporting when creating extracts directory fails now includes the full path of the directory whose creation failed.
  * More info at <>.
- Update to version 5.12.0:
  * Save and load files on either the client or server
  * Internationalization support with translations
  * Importing and exporting of animation settings
  * Copy and paste available for filters in the Pipeline Browser
  * Widget colors linked to color palette
  * Fire Dynamics Simulator file reader
  * New “Toggle file sequence grouping” button in Open File dialog
  * Reorganized Color Map Editor
  * More info at <>.
- Use internal jsoncpp with leap <= 15.5.
- Use internal token lib.
- Use internal FastFloat lib.
- Use external verdict with leap >= 15.5.
- Use external pugixml with leap >= 15.5.
- Always use external CLI11.
- Drop compatibility to leap 15.3.
- Always skip using RPATH in SUSE builds.
- Added patch: fix-soversion-soname.patch
- Do not delete zero-sized .cmake files, these are referenced from
  other cmake files; use rpmlintrc rule to suppress warnings.
- Do not delete paraview-config script now that we have a
  -devel-static package; instead include it as part of the latter.
- Update to version 5.11.2:
  * User interface:
    - pqFileDialog: Remove existence check when selecting multiple
    - Avoid crash in Find Data panel if nothing is selected
  * Remoting:
    - ArrayListDomain: Fix a potential segfault with empty array
    - RangeDomain: fix interval condition
    - Add sanity checks around several GridAxesRepresentation
  * Filters:
    - Support jpeg extension for textures. 
    - vtkHyperTreeGridAxisClip: Fix InsideOut
  * Readers:
    - openPMD: The openPMD python module was updated to fix bugs.
    - Incorrect fetching of rectilinear grid object
  * Catalyst: Fixing Catalyst2 example to have proper Conduit
  * spacing names Python:
    - pythonalgorithm: Fix for smproperty.proxy
    - Fix --displays gets passed to pvbatch
- Fixes issue that protobuf demands the use of -std=c++17.
  This was done by building ParaView with -std=c++17.
- Update to version 5.11.1:
  * Many changes, see
- Build with system verdict for openSUSE > 1500.
- Update to version 5.11.0:
  * Many changes, see
- Drop paraview-include-sstream.patch: incorporated upstream.
- New BuildRequires: sqlite3, pkgconfig(),
  pkgconfig(nlohmann_json), pkgconfig(proj), pkgconfig(sqlite3).
- Build without system nlohmann_json for Leap 15.3 and older.
- Update rpmlintrc file to suppress false positives.
- Pass CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON for openSUSE > 1500 as well
  to enure no left-over rpaths in binaries; this fixes build
  failures in Factory.
- Revert gl2ps change. TW and 15.4 have a recent gl2ps, and the
  15.3 package will not be upgraded (but is available in science).
- Fixes cli11 dependency for 15.3.
- Drops system gl2ps on Leap 15.x since a higher version of gl2ps
  is needed than the system provided version on Leap 15.x.
- Update to version 5.10.1:
  * User interface:
    - State files appear as datasets.
    - File dialog issues in client/server mode.
    - Stride in Animation View is too restricted.
    - Context menu in file dialog doesn't work on macOS with Qt
    - Python tracing fails when a custom source exists.
    - Python Shell broken by any custom filter.
    - Stereo broken in CAVE environments.
    - Parallel Coordinates segfault.
    - Can't set frame rate when saving MP4 animation.
    - command_button widget is not visible anymore.
    - Client information does not show VTK version.
    - Only fetch favorites from server on creation.
  * Filters:
    - Ghost cell generator crash.
    - Redistribute dataset on Image Data then generate Ghost cells
      seems to give the wrong result.
    - TemporalParticlesToPathlines fails with AMReX particle data:
      "The input dataset did not have a valid DATA_TIME_STEPS
      information key".
  * Readers:
    - Sideset error with IOSS reader.
    - IOSS reader is slow with small, parallel dataset.
    - IOSS reader and set variables don't work.
    - Restart file fails with IOSS reader.
    - PIO reader seg faults on warnings for client-server.
    - PIO reader fails on extra file in directory.
    - PIO reader access to restart block and even/odd checkpoints.
    - openPMD: Fix Particle Time Series.
  * Catalyst:
    - Multiple grids with multiple pipelines produces failure in
    - SaveExtract volumetric cinema database crash.
  * Build:
    - Guard the list of required vtk components for paraview
    - pqPythonUtils.h not installed.
- Update guide books:
  * ParaViewGettingStarted-5.10.1.pdf.
  * ParaViewTutorial-5.10.1.pdf.
- Adapt defined macros for versioning to be more recyclable.
- Drop some zero-length cmake files from %{_libdir}/cmake/ which
  are useless anyway.
- Drop unused exodusII-devel build dependency (used vendored
  version and defaults to IOSS based exodus reader since PV 5.10).
- Use system gl2ps also on Leap 15.x
- Update to version 5.10.0:
  * Long list of changes, see
- Drop patches incorporated upstream:
  * paraview-gcc11-limits.patch.
  * paraview-vtkioss-link-pthread.patch.
- Update guides and tutorials.
- Update _constraits to require 22 GiB for build to prevent
  out-of-disk-space build failures.
- Add arguments to cmake command to turn off system installed
  libraries individually where these are not available;
  specifically turn off system vtkcatalyst, exprtk, fmt, and ioss.
- Add paraview-include-sstream.patch -- Add patch from upstream to
  include missing headers and adapt to apply with p1
- Add rpmlintrc snippet to suppress warnings about shared lib
  versioning: we use a versioning consistent with package
  major.minor version which is needed due to upstream's otherwise
  inconsistent so versions, but rpmlint does not like this.
- Update constraints for riscv64
- Drop useless ldconfig dependencies for the paraview.rpm
  main package, there are no standard location shared libs in it.
- Add paraview-gcc11-limits.patch: Include limits header wherever
  needed to fix compilation with GCC 11
- Update to vetsion 5.9.1:
  * See
- Drop paraview-Adaptors-include-txx-file.patch: incorporated
- Update to version 5.9.0:
  * See
- Add paraview-vtkioss-link-pthread.patch: Link against pthread
  when building vtkioss
- Add paraview-Adaptors-include-txx-file.patch: Fix Cam adaptor
  template instantiation
- PDF guide book ParaviewGuide-%{version}.pdf replaced by
- Drop upstream-incorporated patches:
  * paraview-vtkFreeTypeTools-internal-macro.patch.
  * fix-3d48a287-support-new-api-cgio_read_data_type.patch.
  * bundled_exodusii_add_missing_libpthread.patch.
- Add paraview-vtkFreeTypeTools-internal-macro.patch --
  vtkFreeTypeTools: avoid using an internal macro; patch taken
  from upstream vtk git and rebased to apply with -p1
- Update to version 5.8.1:
  * Long list of bug fixes, see
- Update manuals (ParaViewGettingStarted-5.8.1.pdf and
  ParaViewGuide-5.8.1.pdf) to latest version.
- Disable on aarch64 since GLES isn't supported for bundled vtk
  but is needed for paraview.
- Set CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=ON during %cmake for openSUSE
  Leap 15.2 and older to fix build failures.
- Don't delete libFmmMesh.a static lib, it is referenced by
  installed cmake files and needed for plugin development.
- Drop patches no longer needed:
  * 0001-Add-libogg-to-IOMovie-target-link-libraries.patch
  * fix-loguru-missing-links.patch
  * paraview-do-not-install-missing-vtk-doxygen-dir.patch
  * paraview-link-against-python.patch: pass
    DVTK_PYTHON_OPTIONAL_LINK=OFF to cmake instead (see
- Update bundled_exodusii_add_missing_libpthread.patch to version
  from upstream
- Disable the Paraview Protobuf module for openSUSE:Leap <= 15.1,
  as the FindProtobuf module bundled with cmake < 3.13 is
  incompatible with the requirements here.
- Package static libraries as part of devel-static package; this
  is needed, for example, to build plugins against paraview. See
- add patch fix-3d48a287-support-new-api-cgio_read_data_type.patch
  from upstream to fix build problem for Factory
- Update minimum disk space required in _constraints: up to 16 GB
  now required.
- Update to version 5.8.0:
  * See
- Rebase paraview-desktop-entry-fix.patch for updated location of
  desktop file in source.
- Drop fix-QtGUI-missing-GLX_mesa-linking.patch: no longer
  required as linking GLX_mesa to build QtGUI is now correctly
  handled by build.
- Drop 0001-Allow-compilation-on-GLES-platforms.patch: patch no
  longer applies (since vesin 5.7.0) and commenting out patch
  leads to factory_auto declining the submission.
- Use ninja instead of make as recommended by upstream and to
  speed up build; define __builder to ninja so that cmake build
  macros use this instead of the default make.
- Pass PARAVIEW_BUILD_WITH_EXTERNAL to cmake to use system third
  party libraries by default; pass VTK_MODULE_USE_EXTERNAL_<name>
  to use specific bundled libraries conditionally (gl2ps, haru,
- Use %cmake_build instead of %make_jobs during building.
- Replace deprecated options passed to cmake by updated ones:
- Update paraview-rpmlintrc to suppress warning about a non-exec
  file that is installed to %{_bindir} and is really necessary
  the previous entry no longer applies, so drop it.
- Add absolutely necessary dependencies for paraview-devel as
- Install python modules to %{python3_sitearch}/paraview rather
  than the default [%{python3_sitearch}] by setting
  this avoids file conflicts between python3-paraview and
- Don't install paraview-config: it doesn't work without the
  static libs being installed.
- Update to version 5.7.0:
- Split out new subpackages: libparaview5_7 for all the shared
  libs, paraview-plugins for bundled plugins, and python3-paraview
  for python3 bindings.
- Move shared libraries to %{_libdir} and install them as part of
- Update commands passed to cmake in keeping with upstream's
- Drop paraview-find-qhelpgenerator-qt5.patch: no longer needed.
- Drop  paraview-fix-file-contains-date-time.patch: GCC supports
  SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH and, as such, this fix is no longer needed.
- Switch to python3: Paraview is production ready with python3
  starting with version 5.7.0, and python2 support is slated to be
  dropped from the next major upgrade.
- Rebase patches for updated version:
  * fix-libharu-missing-m.patch.
  * bundled_exodusii_add_missing_libpthread.patch.
- New patches to fix linking problems introduced with version
  * fix-loguru-missing-links.patch: Add linking to libraries libm,
    libdl, and libpthread when building loguru.
  * fix-QtGUI-missing-GLX_mesa-linking.patch: Link to library
    libGLX_mesa when building Qt GUI support.
  * paraview-link-against-python.patch to fix linking against
    the python library.
- Patch 0001-Allow-compilation-on-GLES-platforms.patch needs
  rebase; commented out for now.
- Switch an env based hashbang with one directly calling the
  required binary (python3 in this case).
- Switch as many BuildRequires as possible to pkgconfig based
- Update rpmlintrc file to remove no longer needed filters and
  update the leftover filter (hidden file or dir) for directory
- Drop fix-libhdf5-missing-m.patch: No longer needed.
- Drop unused python-zope BuildRequires
- Replace Qt5WebKit BuildRequires with Qt5WebEngine
- Unbundle several dependencies, use system libraries:
  * double-conversion
  * CGNS
  * Eigen3
  * GLEW
  * HDF5
  * JsonCPP
  * liblz4
  * netcdf
  * protobuf
  * PugiXML
  * Ogg/Theora
- Add several patches from VTK package:
  * bundled_exodusii_add_missing_libpthread.patch
  * 0001-Add-libogg-to-IOMovie-target-link-libraries.patch
  * 0001-Allow-compilation-on-GLES-platforms.patch
- Update to version 5.6.2:
  * Fixes a trackpad interaction bug on macOS.
- Pass -ffat-lto-objects for static libs.
- Update to version 5.6.1
- using tar.xz instead of tar.gz file
- Trim redundancies from description.
- Add ldconfig dependency. Avoid xargs use where possible.
- Update to version 5.6.0
- add devel package
- remove Tk build requirement and adjust description since ParaView
  hasn't used Tcl/Tk for quite a few years.
- ParaViewTutorial file not updated and not available on upstream
- drop patches already applied upstream
  * paraview-pythonqt-build-fix.patch
  * fix-hdf5-gcc8.patch
  * fix-qt-5.11-931c779.patch
  * fix-no-plugin-doc-dir.patch
- modify partially applied patches
  * paraview-find-qhelpgenerator-qt5.patch
- Update to version 5.5.2
  see full changelog at
- Disable build of examples
- Don't use VTKm as it cause CMake configure problems
- drop patch paraview-default-qtstyle.patch as plastic style is
  no longer set by upstream
- drop patch Fix-ParaViewDetermineVersion.patch as a similar
  change is included upstream
- update patch paraview-fix-file-contains-date-time.patch
- add patches fix-libhdf5-missing-m.patch and
  fix-libharu-missing-m.patch to add missing libraries to
  third-party dependencies included in ParaView
- add patch fix-qt-5.11-931c779.patch to fix issue with Qt 5.11
- add patch fix-no-plugin-doc-dir.patch to remove reference to
  non-existant directory below a plug-in
- add patch fix-hdf5-gcc8.patch to fix issue with GCC 8 taken
  from upstream
- Trim goals from description, only the now counts.
  Trim marketing speech from description.
- Update to version 5.4.1:
  * The black render window observed on some systems when FXAA was
    enabled or an object's opacity was less than 1 has been fixed.
  * Field output for cells with non-straight edges has been
  * Derivatives for quadratic triangles are now computed
  * A bug that occurred when generating a Catalyst script with no
    images output has been fixed.
  * A problem with writing animations as AVIs was fixed.
  * Logic in the CGNS reader was updated to correctly read all
    solution nodes for each centering type when
    FlowSolutionPointers are missing.
  * Fixed crash in CGNS reader when moving forward in time.
  * Fixed problem with long-running animations not advancing past
    a certain number of time steps.
  * Resolved issue where changing one file path in the state file
    loader "Choose File Names" dialog also changed the file paths
    of other files with the same type.
  * Addressed problem with enumerated property dependencies in
  * Added ability to change the font size in the ParaView user
  * Fixed BoxLib3D file reader.
  * State files now properly support files with relative paths.
  * Removed inappropriate scalar bar scaling when saving large
    screen shots.
  * A bug in the color mapping that in some cases incorrectly
    mapped some data values to the above-range color was fixed.
  * OSPRay can now be compiled in Cray programming environments
    and for the first time has support for Intel Skylake
  * Added lower limit to how small the GUI font size can be.
  * Addressed issue affecting layouts when loading a state file
    from the Python console.
- Update to version 5.4.0:
  * See for
    a full list of updates.
- Use the %%cmake macro instead of using cmake manually.
- Minor rebase of existing patches for version update.
- ExcludeArch for ix86 processors until 32 bit builds can be
  sorted out; issue reported upstream.
- Update to version 5.3.0
  * VTK-m Plugin for many-core systems
  * Reader and Writer Improvements and Additions
  * Fast approximate anti-aliasing (FXAA) is now on by default
  * new StreamLinesRepresentation plugin
  * Added LagrangianParticleTracker plugin
  * Python Enhancements
  * See a summary of changes at
- drop package paraview-plugin-SciberQuestToolKit as SQTK is no longer
  part of ParaView (see commit c2bc94c2efb66c4bb525383176688ddfd430ca26)
- drop paraview-build-sciberquesttoolkit-with-opengl2.patch as SQTK is
  no longer build
- add paraview-do-not-install-missing-vtk-doxygen-dir.patch to remove
  non-existing doxygen/doc/html folder from VTK.
- modified paraview-find-qhelpgenerator-qt5.patch to adapt to partial
  inclusion of original patch to upstream
- Replicate the %cmake macro manually, stripping out the
  problematic and unused options. In particular, this restores
  passing rpm_opt_flags to C/C++ during compilation.
- Update paraview-fix-file-contains-date-time.patch to remove
  references to __DATE__ and __TIME__ also from
  Plugins/CDIReader/cdilib.c; suppresses an rpmlint warning.
- Update %{name}-rpmlintrc file to also suppress warnings about:
  * no-manual-page-for-binary: upstream doesn't supply manpages
    and we don't care.
  * hidden-file-or-dir: this hidden file is really used as a
    catalogue of available plugins by paraview.
- Update to version 5.2.0: See a summary of changes at: .
- Use cmake macros (except for %cmake) for %build and %install
  actions; drop the paraview_cmake_options and send the options
  directly to cmake. We do not use the %cmake macro because
  it passes the RPM optflags to cmake, and with paraview 5.2 these
  flags cause compilation errors; see
- Turn off system GL2PS and DIY for bundled VTK.
- Switch to using Qt5 for openSUSE > 13.2 and Leap 42.2 and
  higher (Qt5 >= 5.6.0 is required).
- Add BuildRequires on python-Sphinx, python-qt*-devel; new
- Add BuildRequires on pkgconfig(libpng), pkgconfig(freetype2) and
  pkgconfig(xt); these are all required and being implicitly
  pulled in by libqt4-devel.
- Add paraview-find-qhelpgenerator-qt5.patch: Help find
  qhelpgenerator-qt5 instead of qhelpgenerator when Qt5 is used.
- Add paraview-pythonqt-build-fix.patch to fix build issues with
  PythonQtPlugin; patch taken from upstream.
- Add paraview-build-sciberquesttoolkit-with-opengl2.patch to
  enable building of SciberQuestToolKit even when OpenGL2 is used
  as the default VTK rendering (needs testing).
- Drop require-only-cmake-3_0.patch, cmake >= 3.3 is now required.
- Add documentation linked to from the Help menu in main
  application as additional sources and install them where it
  looks for them (ParaViewGettingStarted-5.2.0.pdf,
  ParaViewGuide-5.2.0.pdf, ParaViewTutorial.pdf).
- Send other docs to %{_docdir} by explicitly passing the cmake
- update to version 5.1.2
  * Rendering translucent geometries: fixed client-server configurations
    when rendering remotely and resolved issues with multiple windows/views
    were present.
  * Exodus reader: Fixed bug in Exodus reader which was causing the reader to
    improperly read files with no timesteps.
  * Fixed the “?” button to show filter documentation.
  * Add option to Ghost Cells Generator filter to specify the number of ghost
    levels to generate.
  * Cinema Fixed SpecB was not revolving the camera around the data centroid.
- adjust require-only-cmake-3_0.patch
- update to version 5.1.0
  + add OSPRay ray tracing renderer
  + interpolating point clouds
  + generic arrays
  + x-ray view
  + resampling to image
  + List of changes at
- adjust patch paraview-default-qtstyle.patch
- add require-only-cmake-3_0.patch to lower required CMake version
  to 3.0
- update to version 5.0.1
  + Trace recorder fails for CTH data
  + improvements to cinema
  + Move Show Axis functionality into Edit Axes Grid
  + hover points on is deathly slow remote server
  + CGNS reader not available in non-MPI windows binaries
  + update pvospray
  + Keyboard shortcut Alt+A is assigned twice
  + Rubber band selection is broken
  + List of changes at
- Add disk constraint 8GB 
- Update to version 5.0.0
  + New Rendering Engine
  + OpenSWR and Mesa support
  + Include OSPray
  + Off-screen rendering with EGL
  + Community Atmosphere Model (Cam5) Catalyst Adaptor
  + Accelerated Algorithms plug-in
  + List of changes at
- Update to version 4.4.0:
  + List of changes at
- Drop paraview-freetype-2.5.4.patch: incorporated upstream.
- Update to version 4.3.1:
  + See list of changes at
- Packaging changes:
  + Install new file /usr/share/cmake/hdf5/libhdf5.settings
- Add paraview-freetype-2.5.4.patch: Fix build with FreeType 2.5.4
  API changes.
- Update to version 4.2.0:
  + See list of changes at
- Packaging changes:
  + Drop paraview-Mesa10.3-build-failures.patch as this patch has
    been included upstream
- Update to version 4.2.0-RC1:
  + See list of changes at
- Packaging changes:
  + Add paraview-desktop-entry-fix.patch to fix paraview's desktop
    menu entry by properly inserting required key-value pairs
  + Drop paraview-SciberQuestToolKit-install-path.patch; no longer
    needed as properly implemented upstream
  + Rebase carried-over patches to apply cleanly against present
  + Add paraview-Mesa10.3-build-failures.patch to workaround
    build failures when compiling against Mesa >= 10.3; patch
    taken from upstream git and rebased; applied only for
    openSUSE >= 13.2
  + Specfile changes:
    - Prepare for gcc 4.9.0 by working around a compiler
    - Package .desktop entry and icon files; post(un) scriptlets
      for updating hicolor icon theme and updating desktop menu
      are used
    - Package appdata file
    - Fix python-bytecode-inconsistent-mtime rpmlint warnings by
      recompiling all relevant .py files.
- Build with system zope (python-zope.interface) and twisted
  (python-twisted); introduces BuildRequires and Requires on the
  two packages
- Remove unnecessary Requires on python-matplotlib.
- Update to version 4.1.0:
  + See list of changes at
- Packaging changes:
  + Use full URL for source tarball
  + Drop patches:
    - paraview-fix-vtkpython-modules-install-dir.patch: corrected
    - paraview-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch: corrected
  + Rebase existing patches
  + Also fix a new occurrance of __DATE__ in a source file
    within paraview-fix-file-contains-date-time.patch 
  + Change build type to RelWithDebInfo from Release
- Update to version 4.0.1:
  + Undocumented upstream changes
- Changes from version 4.0:
  + Too many to list, see
    for a complete list
- Drop paraview-fix-build-with-system-jpeg.patch; implemented
- Use matplotlib during building to enable MathText rendering;
  introduces build time and runtime requirement on
- Add patches:
  + paraview-fix-vtkpython-modules-install-dir.patch: Workaround
    vtk's python modules getting installed in the wrong location;
    upstream bug report at
  + paraview-fix-file-contains-date-time.patch: Remove reference
    to __DATE__ and __TIME__ from source files
- Use fdupes to link duplicated files.
- Enable python scripting with paraview 
  (cmake variable DPARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON:BOOL=ON); had been
  turned off because earlier versions of paraview had some
  building issues with this enabled.
- Update to version 3.98.1:
  + See full list of changes at
- Add paraview-fix-build-with-system-jpeg.patch to fix build
  errors when compiled with recent jpeg headers (libjpeg8-devel >=
- Use smp flags for make to speed up build.
- License of SciberQuestToolKit subpackage is: GPL-2.0+ or
- Split the SciberQuestToolKit plugin into its own package,
  license it as GPL-3.0+ or LGPL-3.0+ (bnc#804987)
- The minimum version of libqt4-devel required for compiling is
  4.7.0; correct BuildRequires accordingly.
- Remove paraview-gcc47.patch; patch incorporated upstream.
- Update to version 3.98.0:
  + Too many changes to list, see
  + Fixes licensing issues (bnc#763208)
- Remove paraview-boost-1.49-compat.patch, incorporated upstream
- Add paraview-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch to fix non-void
  function returning nothing
- Add paraview-SciberQuestToolKit-install-path.patch to fix
  install path of SciberQuestToolKit plugin
- Turn off OSMESA bindings because these are no longer
- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Bug fix release, see a complete list at .
- fix SLE and 11.3 build with BuildRequires qt4-assistant-adp-devel
  for 11.4 and higher
- Added paraview-gcc47.patch to fix build failures with gcc >= 4.7:
  this fixes building on openSUSE > 12.1.
- Update to version 3.14.0:
  + Too many changes to list. See complete list at
- Added paraview-boost-1.49-compat.patch to workaround vtk's
  incompatibility with boost version 1.48 and higher; fixes build
  on factory. 
- Update to version 3.12.0:
  + Too many changes to list. See complete list at
- Removed paraview-demo-patch. Changes committed upstream.
- Removed paraview-sqldatabaseschema.patch. Build failure
  properly taken care of upstream.
- Added paraview-default-qtstyle.patch to make paraview inherit
  user-set qt-GUI style instead of always using Plastique
- Added rpmlintrc file to suppress devel-file warnings for
  required files 
- Initial package (version 3.10.0)

2024-05-29 01:03:31 +00:00
No description provided
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