Fri Jan 11 13:25:36 UTC 2013 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- update to 2.1.8
  * Beta support for MySQL 5.6
  * Beta support for Percona XtraDB Cluster
  * pt-online-schema-change: If ran on Percona XtraDB Cluster, requires PXC 5.5.28 or newer
  * pt-table-checksum: If ran on Percona XtraDB Cluster, requires PXC 5.5.28 or newer
  * pt-upgrade: Added --[no]disable-query-cache
- fixing the following bugs:
  * Bad pod2rst transformation
  * Bad online docs formatting for --[no]vars
  * pt-config-diff is case-sensitive
  * pt-config-diff doesn't handle end-of-line comments
  * pt-config-diff Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at line 1996
  * pt-deadlock-logger doesn't handle usernames with dashes
  * pt-heartbeat handles timezones inconsistently
  * pt-kill --log-dsn timestamp is wrong
  * pt-mysql-summary doesn't handle renamed variables in Percona Server 5.5
  * pt-online-schema-change checks for foreign keys on MyISAM tables
  * pt-query-advisor hangs on big queries
  * pt-query-advisor RES.001 is incorrect
  * pt-query-advisor false positive on RES.001
  * pt-query-advisor issues wrong RES.001
  * pt-query-digest fails to parse timestamp with no query
  * pt-query-digest doesn't parse general log with "Connect user as user"
  * pt-query-digest with custom --group-by throws error
  * pt-query-digest prints negative byte offset
  * pt-query-digest help output mangled
  * pt-slave-restart CHANGE MASTER query causes error
  * pt-stalk purge_samples slows down checks
  * pt-stalk does not report NFS iostat
  * pt-table-checksum doesn't ignore tables for --replicate-check-only
  * pt-table-checksum v2 fails when --resume + --ignore-database is used
  * pt-table-checksum debug statement for "Chosen hash func" prints undef
  * pt-table-checksum Illegal division by zero at line 7950
  * pt-table-checksum uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at line 8611
  * Tools let --set-vars clobber the required SQL mode
- also contains fixes from 2.1.7:
  * pt-table-checksum 2.1.6 crashes using PTDEBUG
  * pt-table-checksum 2.1.6 --check-binlog-format doesn't ignore PXC nodes

Mon Nov 19 12:41:54 UTC 2012 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- update to 2.1.6
  * pt-online-schema-change: Columns can now be renamed without data loss
  * pt-online-schema-change: New --default-engine option
  * pt-stalk: Plugin hooks available through the --plugin option to extend the tool's functionality
- fixing the following bugs
  * --version-check default should be explicitly "off"
  * LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE broken in some platforms
  * Useless use of cat in Daemon.pm
  * Tools exit 0 on error parsing options, should exit non-zero
  * pt-table-checksum doesn't warn if binlog_format=row or mixed on slaves
  * pt-table-checksum breaks replication if a slave table is missing or different
  * pt-table-checksum doesn't honor --run-time while checking replication lag
  * pt-table-checksum error: Use of uninitialized value in int at line 2778
  * pt-table-checksum can crash with --columns if none match
  * pt-table-checksum dies if creating the --replicate table fails
  * pt-table-checksum doesn't test all hash functions
  * pt-table-checksum 2.1.4 doesn't detect diffs on Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes
  * pt-deadlock-logger can't parse db/tbl/index on partitioned tables
  * pt-online-schema-change DELETE trigger fails when altering primary key
  * pt-online-schema-change fails if sql_mode explicitly or implicitly uses ANSI_QUOTES
  * pt-online-schema-change fails with "I need a max_rows argument"
  * pt-online-schema-change --quiet doesn't disable --progress
  * pt-online-schema-change doesn't report how many warnings it suppressed
  * pt-upgrade fails if select column > 64 chars
  * pt-mysql-summary may report the wrong cnf file
  * pt-mysql-summary incorrectly categorizes databases
  * pt-show-grant doesn't support column-level grants
  * pt-query-digest review table privilege checks don't work
  * pt-query-digest docs for event attributes link to defunct Maatkit wiki
  * pt-duplicate-key-checker fails when it encounters a crashed table
  * pt-stalk deletes non-empty files
  * pt-stalk --no-stalk and --iterations 1 don't wait for the collect
  * pt-fifo-split is processing n-1 rows initially
  * pt-find documentation error with mtime and InnoDB
  * pt-trend output has no header
  * pt-visual-explain docs link to missing pdf
  * pt-fk-error-logger crashes if there's no foreign key error
  * pt-fk-error-logger --dest table example doesn't work

Sun Nov 11 13:16:38 UTC 2012 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- fix SLE 11 build by adding alternative perl macros

Tue Oct 16 20:34:53 UTC 2012 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- update to 2.1.5
  * pt-table-checksum 2.1.4 doesn't detect diffs on Percona XtraDB
    Cluster nodes
  * pt-table-checksum 2.1.4 miscategorizes Percona XtraDB Cluster-based
    slaves as cluster nodes
  * pt-table-sync 2.1.4 --version-check may not work with HTTPS/SSL
  * Missing version-check page

Tue Oct  2 17:25:30 UTC 2012 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- update to 2.1.4
  * pt-table-checksum: Percona XtraDB Cluster support
  * pt-table-checksum: Implemented the standard --run-time option
  * Implemented the version-check feature in several tools, enabled with the --version-check option
  * Document gdb dependency
  * Unquoted arguments to tr break the bash tools
- fixing the following Percona bugs:
  * pt-diskstats shows wrong device names
  * pt-duplicate-key-checker error parsing InnoDB table with no PK or unique keys
  * pt-online-schema-change dropping FK limitation isn't documented
  * pt-online-schema-changes fails if db+tbl name exceeds 64 characters
  * pt-query-digest --type tcpdump memory usage keeps increasing
  * pt-query-digest won't distill LOCK TABLES in lowercase
  * pt-stalk warns about bad "find" usage
  * pt-stalk df -h throws away needed details
  * pt-stalk --notify-by-email fails
  * pt-stalk does not get all InnoDB lock data
  * pt-summary should show information about Fusion-io cards
  * pt-table-checksum doesn't work if slaves use RBR
  * pt-table-checksum --check-slave-lag docs aren't clear
  * pt-table-checksum --defaults-file isn't used for slaves
  * pt-table-sync and text columns with just whitespace
  * pt-table-sync base_count fails on n = 1000, base = 10
  * pt-table-sync division by zero error with varchar primary key
  * pt-table-sync priv checks need to be removed
  * pt-upgrade error "I need a right_sth argument"
  * sh warnings in pt-summary and pt-mysql-summary
  * ChangeHandler doesn't quote varchar columns with hex-looking values
  * CentOS 5 yum dependency resolution for perl module is wrong
  * Percona Toolkit RPM should contain a dependency on perl-Time-HiRes

Wed Sep  5 19:24:31 UTC 2012 - andreas.stieger@gmx.de

- initial package for Percona Toolkit 2.1.3, 
  based on upstream spec file some OBS occurrences
- based on and replacing Maatkit, obsoleting their last release 7410