------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 29 20:40:39 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com New in 1.0.0: - Updated to require minimum dbus >= 1.0.0 - Automatically track change in ownership of bus names for signal handlers - Strict validation of method invocation against introspection data on exported objects - Improved error messages for invalid interfaces - Add API for disconnecting an object from a signal - Implement GetAll methods on properties interface - Allow leading _ in interface names - Other minor fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 1 13:34:03 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - switch to perl_requires macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 2 13:22:52 UTC 2010 - chris@computersalat.de - bzipped Source - cleanup spec o added HEADER o sort TAGS o added cpan_name macro o fixed deps ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 28 07:59:58 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de - inital package version 0.33.6