------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 17 14:29:58 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez - update to 0.79 0.79 Tue 11 Jun 2019 09:35:22 PM CEST - Support aliasing scalars resolved as null or booleans (tinita) - Add YAML::XS::LibYAML::libyaml_version() (tinita) - Support standard !!int/!!float tags instead of dying (tinita) 0.78 Sat 18 May 2019 06:35:21 PM CEST - Fix double free/core dump when Dump()ing binary data, see issue#91 (tinita) - Update config.h from libyaml (tinita) 0.77 Mon 15 Apr 2019 10:55:13 PM CEST - Update libyaml to version 0.2.2. Most important change for users is that plain urls in flow style can be parsed now. Example: `[ http://yaml.org]`. (tinita) 0.76 Sun Dec 30 20:10:16 CET 2018 - Add $Indent - number of spaces when dumping. PR#89 @zdm++ - Fix typo in docs. PR#87 @mr-mixas++ - Fix links in docs. @manwar++ 0.75 Sat Nov 3 14:17:28 CET 2018 - Implement $LoadCode (tinita) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 14 09:13:57 UTC 2018 - pmonrealgonzalez@suse.com - update to 0.74 * Fix tests on older perls * Support back to perl.5.8.1 - Cleaned with spec-cleaner ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 23 14:44:54 UTC 2018 - jbaier@suse.cz - update to 0.72 - update download source on metacpan - upstream changelog: * Update to libyaml 0.2.1 (tinita) It's forbidden now to escape single * quotes inside double quotes * When disabling $LoadBlessed, return scalars not refs (tinita) * Save anchors also for blessed scalars (tinita) * Fix format specifier/argument mismatch PR#79 @a3f++ * Travis CI: Test on Perl 5.26 PR#80 @a3f++ * Fix a C90-compatibility issue PR#81 @stphnlyd++ * Security fix Add $LoadBlessed option to turn on/off loading objects * PR#73 PR#74 TINITA++ * Fix regex roundtrip (fixes issue#69) PR#70 (TINITA++) * Fix loading of many regexes (fixes issue#64) PR#71 (TINITA++) * Support standard tags !!str, !!map and !!seq instead of dying. PR#67 * (TINITA++) * Support JSON::PP::Boolean and boolean.pm via $YAML::XS::Boolean. PR#66 * (TINITA++) Thanks also to Björn Höhrmann for SvPV_nolen() * Apply PR#55 (@vti++) * Dump() was modifying original data, adding a PV to numbers * Added a test for this (TINITA++) * Prevent warning about unused variables (see issue#59) * Clarify documentation about exported functions * use lib FindBin::Bin in tests, preparing for perl 5.26 where '.' gets * removed from @INC. Fixes issue#54 TINITA++ * Use the latest libyaml sources. * Lazy load B::Deparse for faster startup time. Applied PR/53 by * @perlpunk++ (submitted by @carnil++ from a Debian issue as GitHub * issue#52) * Apply PR/48 by @perlpunk++ * Fixes memory leaks * Apply PR/42 @perlpunk++ (fix for detecting filehandles) * Apply PR/37 @perlpunk++ (includes PR/36 @lameventanas++) * Apply PR/33. @andygrundman++. Solaris fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 23 16:30:00 UTC 2015 - bjh21@cam.ac.uk - Added perl-YAML-LibYAML-no-plan.patch, which lets the package build on SLES 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 10 10:24:37 UTC 2015 - vcizek@suse.com - update to 0.59 - this update fixes 3 vulnerabilities in the embedded LibYAML: * CVE-2014-9130: libyaml: assert failure when processing wrapped strings (bnc#907809) * CVE-2014-2525: libyaml: heap overflow during parsing (bnc#868944) * CVE-2013-6393: libyaml: heap based buffer, overflow due to integer misuse (bnc#860617) - dropped CVE-2012-1152-YAML-LibYAML-0.35-format-error.patch (upstream) - upstream changelog: * PR/23 Better scalar dump heuristics * More closely match YAML.pm * Add a VERSION statement to YAML::LibYAML (issue#8) * Applied fix for PR/21. nawglan++ * Use Swim cpan-tail block functions in doc * Get YAML::XS using latest libyaml * Fix for https://bitbucket.org/xi/libyaml/issue/10/wrapped-strings-cause-assert-failure * Fix e1 test failure on 5.21.4 * Remove =travis section * Meta 0.0.2 * Eliminate spurious trailing whitespace * Add t/000-compile-modules.t * Fix swim errors * Add badges to doc * Fix ReadMe * Fix Meta and add Contributing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 28 05:30:44 UTC 2014 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 0.44 - Doc fix. GitHub-Issue-#6. Thanks to Debian Perl Group for finding this. 0.43 Sat Jul 12 10:04:07 PDT 2014 - Test::Base tests needed 'inc' in @INC 0.42 Fri Jul 11 14:45:58 PDT 2014 - Switch to Zilla::Dist - No longer dep on Test::Base, Spiffy, and Filter::Util::Call - Remove test/changes.t 0.41 Wed Mar 13 10:34:55 PDT 2013 - Removed another C++ // style comment. jdb++ 0.40 Tue Mar 12 11:05:34 PDT 2013 - Removed C++ // style comments, for better portability. jdb++ 0.39 Mon Feb 11 18:08:04 PST 2013 - Using the latest libyaml codebase - https://github.com/yaml/libyaml/tree/perl-yaml-xs - Changes have been made to start moving libyaml to 1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 30 07:57:03 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - updated to 0.38 - Apply SPROUT++ deparse test patch. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 25 23:01:47 UTC 2012 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - CVE-2012-1152: added patch to fix multiple format string flaws: A remote attacker could provide a specially-crafted YAML document, which once processed by the perl-YAML-LibYAML interface would lead to perl-YAML-LibYAML based process crash. bnc#751503 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 02 23:37:11 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - update to 0.37: * fix the bug that accidentally released YAML-XS instead of YAML-LibYAML - changes from 0.36: * switch to Module::Package * fix LoadFile on empty file failure ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 4 08:33:41 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com - updated to 0.35 - Apply bdfoy patch from rt-46172 - Update ppport.h to fix rt-64749 & rt-62054 - Add ANDK's regexp.t patch from rt-62266 - These changes from chansen++ - Handle misbehaved tied hashes - Handle 'get' magic - Added support for tied arrays and hashes - Don't turn on the UTF-8 flag for strings containing US-ASCII (0x00-0x7F) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 29 18:32:31 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com - remove /var/adm/perl-modules ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 14 05:26:35 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org - initial package (0.33)