2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
# Given a set of rpm packages and directory with their new content,
# generate a specfile that generates new packages
# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
use strict;
use warnings;
my $USAGE = "Usage: $0 --directory <payload directory> rpm...\n";
use Getopt::Long;
use Fcntl qw(:mode :seek);
my $directory;
my $output = ".";
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
my $cert_subpackage;
my $kmp_basename;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
my @rpms;
$ENV{LC_ALL} = "en_US.UTF-8";
"help|h" => sub { print $USAGE; exit; },
"directory|d=s" => \$directory,
"output|o=s" => \$output,
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
"cert-subpackage|c=s" => \$cert_subpackage,
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
) or die $USAGE;
@rpms = @ARGV;
if (!@rpms) {
print STDERR "$0: No packages given\n";
die $USAGE;
if (!$directory || substr($directory, 0, 1) ne '/' || ! -d $directory) {
print STDERR "$0: --directory must be an absolute path\n";
die $USAGE;
sub query_array {
my ($rpm, @tags) = @_;
my @res;
my $format = "[" . join("|", map { "\%{$_}" } @tags) . "\\n]";
open(my $fh, '-|', "rpm", "-qp", "--qf", $format, $rpm)
or die "rpm: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
my @t = split(/\|/, $_, -1);
push(@res, \@t);
return @res;
2013-03-05 07:41:57 +00:00
sub query_multiline_array {
my ($rpm, $tag) = @_;
my @res;
my $delim = "|||"; # XXX - dangerous
my $format = "[$delim\\n\%{$tag}\\n]";
open(my $fh, '-|', "rpm", "-qp", "--qf", $format, $rpm)
or die "rpm: $!\n";
my $line = <$fh>;
return unless $line;
return if $line eq "(none)";
die "Expected \"$delim\" at beginning of rpm output, got \"$line\""
if $line ne $delim;
my $cur = "";
while ($line = <$fh>) {
if ($line eq $delim) {
$cur = "" if $cur eq "\n";
push(@res, $cur);
$cur = "";
} else {
$cur .= $line . "\n";
$cur = "" if $cur eq "\n";
push(@res, $cur);
return @res;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
sub query_single {
my ($rpm, $tag) = @_;
my $res;
open(my $fh, '-|', "rpm", "-qp", "--qf", "\%{$tag}\\n", $rpm)
or die "rpm: $!\n";
local $/ = undef;
$res = <$fh>;
chomp $res;
2013-02-05 13:35:22 +00:00
if ($res eq "(none)") {
$res = "";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
return $res;
# specfile dependency => rpm tag name
my %dep2tag = (
conflicts => "conflict",
obsoletes => "obsolete",
provides => "provide",
requires => "require",
2014-04-03 15:11:38 +00:00
suggests => "suggest",
enhances => "enhance",
recommends => "recommend",
supplements => "supplement",
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
# specfile scriptlet => rpm tag name
my %script2tag = (
pre => "prein",
post => "postin",
preun => "preun",
postun => "postun",
pretrans => "pretrans",
posttrans => "posttrans",
verifyscript => "verifyscript",
# FIXME: triggers
# tags which are printed verbatim in the specfile
my @simple_tags = qw(version release license group summary packager vendor
url distribution);
sub load_package {
my $rpm = shift;
my %res;
for my $tag (qw(name arch sourcerpm description), @simple_tags) {
$res{$tag} = query_single($rpm, $tag);
my @files;
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
my @list = query_array($rpm, qw(filenames fileflags filemodes fileusername filegroupname filesizes filemtimes filelinktos fileverifyflags));
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
for my $file (@list) {
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
my $new = {
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
name => $file->[0],
flags => $file->[1],
mode => $file->[2],
owner => $file->[3],
group => $file->[4],
size => $file->[5],
mtime => $file->[6],
target => $file->[7],
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
verify => $file->[8],
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
push(@files, $new);
if ($new->{name} =~ /\.ko$/ && S_ISREG($new->{mode})) {
$res{is_kmp} = 1;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
$res{files} = \@files;
while (my ($dep, $tag) = each(%dep2tag)) {
my @deps;
my @list = query_array($rpm, "${tag}name", "${tag}flags", "${tag}version");
for my $d (@list) {
next if $d->[0] eq "(none)";
push(@deps, {
name => $d->[0],
flags => $d->[1],
version => $d->[2],
$res{$dep} = \@deps;
while (my ($script, $tag) = each(%script2tag)) {
my $interp = query_single($rpm, "${tag}prog");
2013-03-05 07:41:57 +00:00
next unless $interp;
my $s = query_single($rpm, $tag);
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
$res{$script} = {
interp => $interp,
script => $s,
2013-03-05 07:41:57 +00:00
my @triggers = query_array($rpm, qw(triggertype triggerscriptprog triggerconds));
my @triggerscripts = query_multiline_array($rpm, "triggerscripts");
if (scalar(@triggers) != scalar(@triggerscripts)) {
die "# of %%{triggertype} tags (" . scalar(@triggers) .
") != # of %%{triggerscripts} tags (" . scalar(@triggerscripts)
. ")";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@triggers); $i++) {
$res{triggers} ||= [];
push(@{$res{triggers}}, {
type => $triggers[$i]->[0],
interp => $triggers[$i]->[1],
conds => $triggers[$i]->[2],
script => $triggerscripts[$i],
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
open(my $fh, '-|', "rpm", "-qp", "--changelog", $rpm) or die "rpm: $!\n";
local $/ = undef;
my $changelog = <$fh>;
$res{changelog} = $changelog;
return \%res;
# quote percent signs in text
sub quote {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/%/%%/g;
return $text;
2013-03-05 07:41:57 +00:00
sub print_script {
my ($file, $script) = @_;
return unless $script->{script};
open(my $fh, '>', "$output/$file")
or die "$output/$file: $!\n";
print $fh $script->{script};
print SPEC " -f $file";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
sub print_package {
my ($p, $is_main) = @_;
if ($is_main) {
print SPEC "Name: $p->{name}\n";
print SPEC "Buildroot: $directory\n";
print SPEC "\%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0\n";
print SPEC "\%define __find_provides %{nil}\n";
print SPEC "\%define __find_requires %{nil}\n";
print SPEC "\%define __find_supplements %{nil}\n";
if ($p->{nosource}) {
# We do not generate any no(src).rpm, but we want the
# %{sourcerpm} tag in the binary packages to match.
# So we add a dummy source and mark it as nosource.
print SPEC "Source0: repackage.spec\n";
print SPEC "NoSource: 0\n";
} else {
print SPEC "\%package -n $p->{name}\n";
for my $tag (@simple_tags) {
2013-02-05 13:35:22 +00:00
next if $p->{$tag} eq "";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
print SPEC "$tag: " . quote($p->{$tag}) . "\n";
print SPEC "BuildArch: noarch\n" if $p->{arch} eq "noarch";
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
for my $dep (sort(keys(%dep2tag))) {
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
print_deps($dep, $p->{$dep});
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
if ($cert_subpackage && $p->{is_kmp}) {
print SPEC "Requires: $kmp_basename-ueficert\n";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
print SPEC "\%description -n $p->{name}\n";
print SPEC quote($p->{description}) . "\n\n";
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
for my $script (sort(keys(%script2tag))) {
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
next unless $p->{$script};
2013-03-05 07:41:57 +00:00
print SPEC "\%$script -p $p->{$script}{interp} -n $p->{name}";
print_script("$script-$p->{name}", $p->{$script});
print SPEC "\n";
my $i = 0;
for my $trigger (@{$p->{triggers}}) {
print SPEC "\%trigger$trigger->{type} -p $trigger->{interp} -n $p->{name}";
print_script("trigger$i-$p->{name}", $trigger);
print SPEC " -- $trigger->{conds}\n";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
if ($p->{files}) {
print SPEC "\%files -n $p->{name}\n";
print SPEC "\n";
# /usr/include/rpm/rpmds.h
my %deptypes = (
pre => (1 << 9),
post => (1 << 10),
preun => (1 << 11),
postun => (1 << 12),
verify => (1 << 13),
my %depflags = (
"<" => (1 << 1),
">" => (1 << 2),
"=" => (1 << 3),
rpmlib => (1 << 24),
sub print_deps {
my ($depname, $list) = @_;
foreach my $d (@$list) {
next if ($d->{flags} & $depflags{rpmlib});
2014-04-03 15:11:38 +00:00
print SPEC $depname;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
my @deptypes;
while (my ($type, $bit) = each(%deptypes)) {
push(@deptypes, $type) if $d->{flags} & $bit;
print SPEC "(", join(",", @deptypes), ")" if @deptypes;
print SPEC ": ";
print SPEC quote($d->{name});
if ($d->{version}) {
print SPEC " ";
for my $op (qw(< > =)) {
print SPEC $op if $d->{flags} & $depflags{$op};
print SPEC " " . quote($d->{version});
print SPEC "\n";
# /usr/include/rpm/rpmfi.h
my %filetypes = (
config => (1 << 0),
doc => (1 << 1),
missingok => (1 << 3),
noreplace => (1 << 4),
ghost => (1 << 6),
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
my %verifyflags = (
filedigest=> (1 << 0),
size => (1 << 1),
link => (1 << 2),
user => (1 << 3),
group => (1 << 4),
mtime => (1 << 5),
mode => (1 << 6),
rdev => (1 << 7),
caps => (1 << 8),
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
sub print_files {
my $files = shift;
for my $f (@$files) {
my $path = "$directory/$f->{name}";
my $attrs = "";
# Fix mtime of directories, which cpio -idm fails to preserve
if (S_ISDIR($f->{mode})) {
$attrs .= "\%dir ";
utime($f->{mtime}, $f->{mtime}, $path);
$attrs .= sprintf('%%attr(%04o, %s, %s) ', ($f->{mode} & 0777),
$f->{owner}, $f->{group});
if ($f->{flags} & $filetypes{config}) {
$attrs .= "%config ";
my @cfg_attrs;
for my $attr (qw(missingok noreplace)) {
next unless $f->{flags} & $filetypes{$attr};
push(@cfg_attrs, $attr);
$attrs .= "(" . join(",", @cfg_attrs) . ")" if @cfg_attrs;
$attrs .= "%doc " if $f->{flags} & $filetypes{doc};
if ($f->{flags} & $filetypes{ghost}) {
$attrs .= "%ghost ";
if (S_ISREG($f->{mode})) {
open(my $fh, '>', $path) or die "$path: $!\n";
if ($f->{size} > 0) {
sysseek($fh, $f->{size} - 1, SEEK_SET);
syswrite($fh, ' ', 1);
utime($f->{mtime}, $f->{mtime}, $path);
} elsif (S_ISLNK($f->{mode})) {
symlink($f->{target}, $path);
# mtime of symlinks is also not preserved by cpio
if (S_ISLNK($f->{mode})) {
# perl core does not provide lutimes()/utimensat()
system("touch", "-h", "-d\@$f->{mtime}", $path);
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
my $verify_attrs = "";
for my $flag (sort(keys(%verifyflags))) {
if (!($f->{verify} & $verifyflags{$flag})) {
$verify_attrs .= "$flag ";
if ($verify_attrs) {
$attrs .= "%verify(not $verify_attrs) ";
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
print SPEC "$attrs " . quote($f->{name}) . "\n";
if (-e "$path.sig") {
print SPEC "$attrs " . quote($f->{name}) . ".sig\n";
my %packages;
for my $rpm (@rpms) {
my $p = load_package($rpm);
$packages{$p->{name}} = $p;
my $sourcerpm;
for my $p (values(%packages)) {
$sourcerpm = $p->{sourcerpm} unless $sourcerpm;
if ($p->{sourcerpm} ne $sourcerpm) {
die "Error: packages built from different source rpm: $sourcerpm vs $p->{sourcerpm}\n";
if ($sourcerpm !~ /^(.+)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.(no)?src\.rpm$/) {
die "Error: malformed %{sourcerpm} tag: $sourcerpm\n";
my ($main_name, $main_ver, $main_rel, $nosrc) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if (!exists($packages{$main_name})) {
# create an empty main package
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
my $first = (sort(keys(%packages)))[0];
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
$packages{$main_name} = {
name => $main_name,
version => $main_ver,
release => $main_rel,
for my $tag (qw(description changelog arch), @simple_tags) {
next if $packages{$main_name}->{$tag};
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
$packages{$main_name}->{$tag} = $packages{$first}->{$tag};
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
$packages{$main_name}->{nosource} = $nosrc ? 1 : 0;
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
# Find out the basename of <name>-kmp-<flavor>, falling back to the
# main package name
for my $p (values(%packages)) {
next unless $p->{is_kmp};
(my $n = $p->{name}) =~ s/-kmp-.*//;
$kmp_basename = $n unless $kmp_basename;
if ($n ne $kmp_basename) {
$kmp_basename = undef;
$kmp_basename = $main_name unless $kmp_basename;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
open(SPEC, '>', "$output/repackage.spec") or die "$output/repackage.spec: $!\n";
print_package($packages{$main_name}, 1);
2015-01-23 02:01:38 +00:00
for my $name (sort(keys(%packages))) {
next if $name eq $main_name;
print_package($packages{$name}, 0);
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
2013-06-14 21:59:33 +00:00
if ($cert_subpackage) {
my $certdir = "/etc/uefi/certs";
my $certs = "";
if (-d "$directory/$certdir") {
opendir(my $dh, "$directory/$certdir") or die "$directory/$certdir";
while (my $cert = readdir($dh)) {
next if $cert =~ /^\.\.?$/;
if ($cert !~ /\.crt$/) {
print STDERR "warning: Ignoring $directory/$certdir/$cert (no .crt suffix)\n";
$certs .= " $certdir/$cert";
if (!$certs) {
print STDERR "warning: --cert-subpackage specified, but no certs found in $directory/$certdir\n";
local $/ = undef;
open(my $fh, '<', $cert_subpackage) or die "$cert_subpackage: $!\n";
my $template = <$fh>;
$template =~ s/\%{-n\*}/$kmp_basename/g;
$template =~ s/\@CERTS\@/$certs/g;
print SPEC $template;
2013-02-05 10:41:47 +00:00
print SPEC "\%changelog\n";
print SPEC quote($packages{$main_name}->{changelog});