forked from pool/pesign-obs-integration
Accepting request 521694 from home:joeyli:branches:Base:System
Add sign-file.c to support PKCS#7 kernel module signing (bsc#1049122) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Sign a module file using the given key.
my $USAGE =
"Usage: scripts/sign-file [-v] <hash algo> <key> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n" .
" scripts/sign-file [-v] -s <raw sig> <hash algo> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n";
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts('vs:', \%opts) or die $USAGE;
my $verbose = $opts{'v'};
my $signature_file = $opts{'s'};
die $USAGE if ($#ARGV > 4);
die $USAGE if (!$signature_file && $#ARGV < 3 || $signature_file && $#ARGV < 2);
my $dgst = shift @ARGV;
my $private_key;
if (!$signature_file) {
$private_key = shift @ARGV;
my $x509 = shift @ARGV;
my $module = shift @ARGV;
my ($dest, $keep_orig);
if (@ARGV) {
$dest = $ARGV[0];
$keep_orig = 1;
} else {
$dest = $module . "~";
die "Can't read private key\n" if (!$signature_file && !-r $private_key);
die "Can't read signature file\n" if ($signature_file && !-r $signature_file);
die "Can't read X.509 certificate\n" unless (-r $x509);
die "Can't read module\n" unless (-r $module);
# Function to read the contents of a file into a variable.
sub read_file($)
my ($file) = @_;
my $contents;
my $len;
open(FD, "<$file") || die $file;
binmode FD;
my @st = stat(FD);
die $file if (!@st);
$len = read(FD, $contents, $st[7]) || die $file;
close(FD) || die $file;
die "$file: Wanted length ", $st[7], ", got ", $len, "\n"
if ($len != $st[7]);
return $contents;
sub openssl_pipe($$) {
my ($input, $cmd) = @_;
my ($pid, $res);
$pid = open2(*read_from, *write_to, $cmd) || die $cmd;
binmode write_to;
print write_to $input || die "pipe to $cmd";
close(write_to) || die "pipe to $cmd";
binmode read_from;
read(read_from, $res, 4096) || die "pipe from $cmd";
close(read_from) || die "pipe from $cmd";
waitpid($pid, 0) || die;
die "$cmd died: $?" if ($? >> 8);
return $res;
# First of all, we have to parse the X.509 certificate to find certain details
# about it.
# We read the DER-encoded X509 certificate and parse it to extract the Subject
# name and Subject Key Identifier. Theis provides the data we need to build
# the certificate identifier.
# The signer's name part of the identifier is fabricated from the commonName,
# the organizationName or the emailAddress components of the X.509 subject
# name.
# The subject key ID is used to select which of that signer's certificates
# we're intending to use to sign the module.
my $x509_certificate = read_file($x509);
my $UNIV = 0 << 6;
my $APPL = 1 << 6;
my $CONT = 2 << 6;
my $PRIV = 3 << 6;
my $CONS = 0x20;
my $BOOLEAN = 0x01;
my $INTEGER = 0x02;
my $BIT_STRING = 0x03;
my $OCTET_STRING = 0x04;
my $NULL = 0x05;
my $OBJ_ID = 0x06;
my $UTF8String = 0x0c;
my $SEQUENCE = 0x10;
my $SET = 0x11;
my $UTCTime = 0x17;
my $GeneralizedTime = 0x18;
my %OIDs = (
pack("CCC", 85, 4, 3) => "commonName",
pack("CCC", 85, 4, 6) => "countryName",
pack("CCC", 85, 4, 10) => "organizationName",
pack("CCC", 85, 4, 11) => "organizationUnitName",
pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1) => "rsaEncryption",
pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 5) => "sha1WithRSAEncryption",
pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 9, 1) => "emailAddress",
pack("CCC", 85, 29, 35) => "authorityKeyIdentifier",
pack("CCC", 85, 29, 14) => "subjectKeyIdentifier",
pack("CCC", 85, 29, 19) => "basicConstraints"
# Extract an ASN.1 element from a string and return information about it.
sub asn1_extract($$@)
my ($cursor, $expected_tag, $optional) = @_;
return [ -1 ]
if ($cursor->[1] == 0 && $optional);
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (elem ", $cursor->[1], ")\n"
if ($cursor->[1] < 2);
my ($tag, $len) = unpack("CC", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));
if ($expected_tag != -1 && $tag != $expected_tag) {
return [ -1 ]
if ($optional);
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 unexpected tag (", $tag,
" not ", $expected_tag, ")\n";
$cursor->[0] += 2;
$cursor->[1] -= 2;
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 long tag\n"
if (($tag & 0x1f) == 0x1f);
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 indefinite length\n"
if ($len == 0x80);
if ($len > 0x80) {
my $l = $len - 0x80;
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (len len $l)\n"
if ($cursor->[1] < $l);
if ($l == 0x1) {
$len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1));
} elsif ($l == 0x2) {
$len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));
} elsif ($l == 0x3) {
$len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1)) << 16;
$len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0] + 1, 2));
} elsif ($l == 0x4) {
$len = unpack("N", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 4));
} else {
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 element too long (", $l, ")\n";
$cursor->[0] += $l;
$cursor->[1] -= $l;
die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (", $len, ")\n"
if ($cursor->[1] < $len);
my $ret = [ $tag, [ $cursor->[0], $len, $cursor->[2] ] ];
$cursor->[0] += $len;
$cursor->[1] -= $len;
return $ret;
# Retrieve the data referred to by a cursor
sub asn1_retrieve($)
my ($cursor) = @_;
my ($offset, $len, $data) = @$cursor;
return substr($$data, $offset, $len);
# Roughly parse the X.509 certificate
my $cursor = [ 0, length($x509_certificate), \$x509_certificate ];
my $cert = asn1_extract($cursor, $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $tbs = asn1_extract($cert->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $version = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 0, 1);
my $serial_number = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $INTEGER);
my $sig_type = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $validity = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $subject = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $key = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 1, 1);
my $subject_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 2, 1);
my $extension_list = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 3, 1);
my $subject_key_id = ();
my $authority_key_id = ();
# Parse the extension list
if ($extension_list->[0] != -1) {
my $extensions = asn1_extract($extension_list->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
while ($extensions->[1]->[1] > 0) {
my $ext = asn1_extract($extensions->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $x_oid = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
my $x_crit = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $BOOLEAN, 1);
my $x_val = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);
my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($x_oid->[1]);
next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
my $x_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};
my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($x_val->[1]);
if ($x_type eq "subjectKeyIdentifier") {
my $vcursor = [ 0, length($raw_value), \$raw_value ];
$subject_key_id = asn1_extract($vcursor, $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);
# Determine what we're going to use as the signer's name. In order of
# preference, take one of: commonName, organizationName or emailAddress.
my $org = "";
my $cn = "";
my $email = "";
while ($subject->[1]->[1] > 0) {
my $rdn = asn1_extract($subject->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SET);
my $attr = asn1_extract($rdn->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $n_oid = asn1_extract($attr->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
my $n_val = asn1_extract($attr->[1], -1);
my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($n_oid->[1]);
next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
my $n_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};
my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($n_val->[1]);
if ($n_type eq "organizationName") {
$org = $raw_value;
} elsif ($n_type eq "commonName") {
$cn = $raw_value;
} elsif ($n_type eq "emailAddress") {
$email = $raw_value;
my $signers_name = $email;
if ($org && $cn) {
# Don't use the organizationName if the commonName repeats it
if (length($org) <= length($cn) &&
substr($cn, 0, length($org)) eq $org) {
$signers_name = $cn;
goto got_id_name;
# Or a signifcant chunk of it
if (length($org) >= 7 &&
length($cn) >= 7 &&
substr($cn, 0, 7) eq substr($org, 0, 7)) {
$signers_name = $cn;
goto got_id_name;
$signers_name = $org . ": " . $cn;
} elsif ($org) {
$signers_name = $org;
} elsif ($cn) {
$signers_name = $cn;
die $x509, ": ", "X.509: Couldn't find the Subject Key Identifier extension\n"
if (!$subject_key_id);
my $key_identifier = asn1_retrieve($subject_key_id->[1]);
# Create and attach the module signature
# Signature parameters
my $algo = 1; # Public-key crypto algorithm: RSA
my $hash = 0; # Digest algorithm
my $id_type = 1; # Identifier type: X.509
# Digest the data
my $prologue;
if ($dgst eq "sha1") {
$prologue = pack("C*",
0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05,
0x2B, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1A,
0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14);
$hash = 2;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha224") {
$prologue = pack("C*",
0x30, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04,
0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1C);
$hash = 7;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha256") {
$prologue = pack("C*",
0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01,
0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x20);
$hash = 4;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha384") {
$prologue = pack("C*",
0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02,
0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x30);
$hash = 5;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha512") {
$prologue = pack("C*",
0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03,
0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x40);
$hash = 6;
} else {
die "Unknown hash algorithm: $dgst\n";
my $unsigned_module = read_file($module);
my $magic_number = "~Module signature appended~\n";
my $magic_len = length($magic_number);
my $info_len = 12;
# Truncate existing signarure, if any
if (substr($unsigned_module, -$magic_len) eq $magic_number) {
my $info = substr($unsigned_module, -$magic_len - $info_len, $info_len);
my ($name_len, $key_len, $sig_len) = unpack("xxxCCxxxN", $info);
my $subtract = $name_len + $key_len + $sig_len + $info_len + $magic_len;
if ($subtract > length($unsigned_module)) {
die "$module: Existing signature is malformed\n";
$unsigned_module = substr($unsigned_module, 0,
length($unsigned_module) - $subtract);
my $signature;
if ($signature_file) {
$signature = read_file($signature_file);
} else {
# Generate the digest and read from openssl's stdout
my $digest = openssl_pipe($unsigned_module,
"openssl dgst -$dgst -binary");
# Generate the binary signature, which will be just the integer that
# comprises the signature with no metadata attached.
$signature = openssl_pipe($prologue . $digest,
"openssl rsautl -sign -inkey $private_key -keyform PEM");
$signature = pack("n", length($signature)) . $signature,
# Build the signed binary
my $info = pack("CCCCCxxxN",
$algo, $hash, $id_type,
# Make sure that $info_len value used above matches reality
if (length($info) != $info_len) {
die "Signature info size changed ($info_len -> @{[length($info)]}";
if ($verbose) {
print "Size of unsigned module: ", length($unsigned_module), "\n";
print "Size of signer's name : ", length($signers_name), "\n";
print "Size of key identifier : ", length($key_identifier), "\n";
print "Size of signature : ", length($signature), "\n";
print "Size of informaton : ", length($info), "\n";
print "Size of magic number : ", length($magic_number), "\n";
print "Signer's name : '", $signers_name, "'\n";
print "Digest : $dgst\n";
open(FD, ">$dest") || die $dest;
binmode FD;
print FD
close FD || die $dest;
if (!$keep_orig) {
rename($dest, $module) || die $module;
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ set -e
echo "Signing kernel modules..."
for module in $(find "$buildroot" -type f -name '*.ko' -printf '%P\n'); do
if test -n "$key"; then
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/kernel-sign-file \
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/sign-file \
sha256 "$key" "$cert" "$buildroot/$module"
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ for module in $(find "$buildroot" -type f -name '*.ko' -printf '%P\n'); do
echo "$module.sig not found in $sig_dir" >&2
exit 1
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/kernel-sign-file \
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/sign-file \
-s "$raw_sig" sha256 "$cert" "$buildroot/$module"
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
Wed Sep 6 02:47:26 UTC 2017 -
- To support PKCS#7 kernel module signing, copy sign-file.c from
SLE-15 v4.12 kernel source to replace the kernel-sign-file script
to align upstream. (bsc#1049122)
Tue Nov 29 08:29:36 UTC 2016 -
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# spec file for package pesign-obs-integration
# Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Requires: openssl
%ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ia64 aarch64
Requires: pesign
BuildRequires: libopenssl-devel
BuildRequires: openssl
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ Source3: pesign-gen-repackage-spec
Source4: brp-99-pesign
Source5: COPYING
Source6: README
Source7: kernel-sign-file
Source7: sign-file.c
Source8: modsign-repackage
Source9: gen-hmac
Source10: brp-99-compress-vmlinux
@ -51,12 +52,13 @@ boot loader, kernel and kernel modules in the openSUSE Buildservice.
cp %_sourcedir/{COPYING,README} .
gcc $RPM_OPT_FLAGS %_sourcedir/sign-file.c -o %_sourcedir/sign-file -lcrypto
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/lib/rpm/brp-suse.d %buildroot/usr/lib/rpm/pesign
cd %_sourcedir
install pesign-gen-repackage-spec kernel-sign-file gen-hmac %buildroot/usr/lib/rpm/pesign
install pesign-gen-repackage-spec sign-file gen-hmac %buildroot/usr/lib/rpm/pesign
install brp-99-pesign %buildroot/usr/lib/rpm/brp-suse.d
# brp-99-compress-vmlinux has nothing to do with signing. It is packaged in
# pesign-obs-integration because this package is already used by the kernel
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ for sig in "${sigs[@]}"; do
case "/$sig" in
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/kernel-sign-file -s "$sig" sha256 "$cert" "$f"
/usr/lib/rpm/pesign/sign-file -s "$sig" sha256 "$cert" "$f"
/boot/* | *.efi.sig)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
/* Sign a module file using the given key.
* Copyright © 2014-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation.
* Copyright © 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
* Authors: David Howells <>
* David Woodhouse <>
* Juerg Haefliger <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the licence, or (at your option) any later version.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/engine.h>
* Use CMS if we have openssl-1.0.0 or newer available - otherwise we have to
* assume that it's not available and its header file is missing and that we
* should use PKCS#7 instead. Switching to the older PKCS#7 format restricts
* the options we have on specifying the X.509 certificate we want.
* Further, older versions of OpenSSL don't support manually adding signers to
* the PKCS#7 message so have to accept that we get a certificate included in
* the signature message. Nor do such older versions of OpenSSL support
* signing with anything other than SHA1 - so we're stuck with that if such is
* the case.
#define USE_PKCS7
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
#include <openssl/cms.h>
#include <openssl/pkcs7.h>
struct module_signature {
uint8_t algo; /* Public-key crypto algorithm [0] */
uint8_t hash; /* Digest algorithm [0] */
uint8_t id_type; /* Key identifier type [PKEY_ID_PKCS7] */
uint8_t signer_len; /* Length of signer's name [0] */
uint8_t key_id_len; /* Length of key identifier [0] */
uint8_t __pad[3];
uint32_t sig_len; /* Length of signature data */
#define PKEY_ID_PKCS7 2
static char magic_number[] = "~Module signature appended~\n";
static __attribute__((noreturn))
void format(void)
"Usage: scripts/sign-file [-dp] <hash algo> <key> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n");
" scripts/sign-file -s <raw sig> <hash algo> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n");
static void display_openssl_errors(int l)
const char *file;
char buf[120];
int e, line;
if (ERR_peek_error() == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "At main.c:%d:\n", l);
while ((e = ERR_get_error_line(&file, &line))) {
ERR_error_string(e, buf);
fprintf(stderr, "- SSL %s: %s:%d\n", buf, file, line);
static void drain_openssl_errors(void)
const char *file;
int line;
if (ERR_peek_error() == 0)
while (ERR_get_error_line(&file, &line)) {}
#define ERR(cond, fmt, ...) \
do { \
bool __cond = (cond); \
display_openssl_errors(__LINE__); \
if (__cond) { \
err(1, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while(0)
static const char *key_pass;
static int pem_pw_cb(char *buf, int len, int w, void *v)
int pwlen;
if (!key_pass)
return -1;
pwlen = strlen(key_pass);
if (pwlen >= len)
return -1;
strcpy(buf, key_pass);
/* If it's wrong, don't keep trying it. */
key_pass = NULL;
return pwlen;
static EVP_PKEY *read_private_key(const char *private_key_name)
EVP_PKEY *private_key;
if (!strncmp(private_key_name, "pkcs11:", 7)) {
e = ENGINE_by_id("pkcs11");
ERR(!e, "Load PKCS#11 ENGINE");
if (ENGINE_init(e))
ERR(1, "ENGINE_init");
if (key_pass)
ERR(!ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "PIN", key_pass, 0),
"Set PKCS#11 PIN");
private_key = ENGINE_load_private_key(e, private_key_name,
ERR(!private_key, "%s", private_key_name);
} else {
BIO *b;
b = BIO_new_file(private_key_name, "rb");
ERR(!b, "%s", private_key_name);
private_key = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(b, NULL, pem_pw_cb,
ERR(!private_key, "%s", private_key_name);
return private_key;
static X509 *read_x509(const char *x509_name)
unsigned char buf[2];
X509 *x509;
BIO *b;
int n;
b = BIO_new_file(x509_name, "rb");
ERR(!b, "%s", x509_name);
/* Look at the first two bytes of the file to determine the encoding */
n = BIO_read(b, buf, 2);
if (n != 2) {
if (BIO_should_retry(b)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Read wanted retry\n", x509_name);
if (n >= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Short read\n", x509_name);
ERR(1, "%s", x509_name);
ERR(BIO_reset(b) != 0, "%s", x509_name);
if (buf[0] == 0x30 && buf[1] >= 0x81 && buf[1] <= 0x84)
/* Assume raw DER encoded X.509 */
x509 = d2i_X509_bio(b, NULL);
/* Assume PEM encoded X.509 */
x509 = PEM_read_bio_X509(b, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ERR(!x509, "%s", x509_name);
return x509;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct module_signature sig_info = { .id_type = PKEY_ID_PKCS7 };
char *hash_algo = NULL;
char *private_key_name = NULL, *raw_sig_name = NULL;
char *x509_name, *module_name, *dest_name;
bool save_sig = false, replace_orig;
bool sign_only = false;
bool raw_sig = false;
unsigned char buf[4096];
unsigned long module_size, sig_size;
unsigned int use_signed_attrs;
const EVP_MD *digest_algo;
EVP_PKEY *private_key;
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
CMS_ContentInfo *cms = NULL;
unsigned int use_keyid = 0;
PKCS7 *pkcs7 = NULL;
X509 *x509;
BIO *bd, *bm;
int opt, n;
key_pass = getenv("KBUILD_SIGN_PIN");
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
use_signed_attrs = CMS_NOATTR;
use_signed_attrs = PKCS7_NOATTR;
do {
opt = getopt(argc, argv, "sdpk");
switch (opt) {
case 's': raw_sig = true; break;
case 'p': save_sig = true; break;
case 'd': sign_only = true; save_sig = true; break;
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
case 'k': use_keyid = CMS_USE_KEYID; break;
case -1: break;
default: format();
} while (opt != -1);
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (argc < 4 || argc > 5)
if (raw_sig) {
raw_sig_name = argv[0];
hash_algo = argv[1];
} else {
hash_algo = argv[0];
private_key_name = argv[1];
x509_name = argv[2];
module_name = argv[3];
if (argc == 5 && strcmp(argv[3], argv[4]) != 0) {
dest_name = argv[4];
replace_orig = false;
} else {
ERR(asprintf(&dest_name, "%s.~signed~", module_name) < 0,
replace_orig = true;
#ifdef USE_PKCS7
if (strcmp(hash_algo, "sha1") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "sign-file: %s only supports SHA1 signing\n",
/* Open the module file */
bm = BIO_new_file(module_name, "rb");
ERR(!bm, "%s", module_name);
if (!raw_sig) {
/* Read the private key and the X.509 cert the PKCS#7 message
* will point to.
private_key = read_private_key(private_key_name);
x509 = read_x509(x509_name);
/* Digest the module data. */
digest_algo = EVP_get_digestbyname(hash_algo);
ERR(!digest_algo, "EVP_get_digestbyname");
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
/* Load the signature message from the digest buffer. */
cms = CMS_sign(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
ERR(!cms, "CMS_sign");
ERR(!CMS_add1_signer(cms, x509, private_key, digest_algo,
CMS_NOSMIMECAP | use_keyid |
ERR(CMS_final(cms, bm, NULL, CMS_NOCERTS | CMS_BINARY) < 0,
pkcs7 = PKCS7_sign(x509, private_key, NULL, bm,
PKCS7_DETACHED | use_signed_attrs);
ERR(!pkcs7, "PKCS7_sign");
if (save_sig) {
char *sig_file_name;
BIO *b;
ERR(asprintf(&sig_file_name, "%s.p7s", module_name) < 0,
b = BIO_new_file(sig_file_name, "wb");
ERR(!b, "%s", sig_file_name);
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
ERR(i2d_CMS_bio_stream(b, cms, NULL, 0) < 0,
"%s", sig_file_name);
ERR(i2d_PKCS7_bio(b, pkcs7) < 0,
"%s", sig_file_name);
if (sign_only) {
return 0;
/* Open the destination file now so that we can shovel the module data
* across as we read it.
bd = BIO_new_file(dest_name, "wb");
ERR(!bd, "%s", dest_name);
/* Append the marker and the PKCS#7 message to the destination file */
ERR(BIO_reset(bm) < 0, "%s", module_name);
while ((n = BIO_read(bm, buf, sizeof(buf))),
n > 0) {
ERR(BIO_write(bd, buf, n) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
ERR(n < 0, "%s", module_name);
module_size = BIO_number_written(bd);
if (!raw_sig) {
#ifndef USE_PKCS7
ERR(i2d_CMS_bio_stream(bd, cms, NULL, 0) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
ERR(i2d_PKCS7_bio(bd, pkcs7) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
} else {
BIO *b;
/* Read the raw signature file and write the data to the
* destination file
b = BIO_new_file(raw_sig_name, "rb");
ERR(!b, "%s", raw_sig_name);
while ((n = BIO_read(b, buf, sizeof(buf))), n > 0)
ERR(BIO_write(bd, buf, n) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
sig_size = BIO_number_written(bd) - module_size;
sig_info.sig_len = htonl(sig_size);
ERR(BIO_write(bd, &sig_info, sizeof(sig_info)) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
ERR(BIO_write(bd, magic_number, sizeof(magic_number) - 1) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
ERR(BIO_free(bd) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
/* Finally, if we're signing in place, replace the original. */
if (replace_orig)
ERR(rename(dest_name, module_name) < 0, "%s", dest_name);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user