forked from pool/php-imagick

88 lines
2.5 KiB
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# spec file
# Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%define pkg_name imagick
%define flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil}
%if "%{flavor}" == ""
%define php_name php
ExclusiveArch: do-not-build
%define php_name %{flavor}
%if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500
%define php_extdir %(%{__php_config} --extension-dir)
%define php_cfgdir %{_sysconfdir}/%{php_name}/conf.d
Name: %{php_name}-%{pkg_name}
Accepting request 939062 from home:adkorte:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.6.0 - No change from 3.6.0RC2 - removed imagick-fix-457-ensure-format-is-always-lowercase.patch (upstreamed) - Upgrade to version 3.6.0RC2 - Fixes: * Remove deprecated message from Imagick::roundCorners() - Added: * Imagick::addNoiseImageWithAttenuate() - Upgrade to version 3.6.0RC1 - Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme is undeprecated. It's the appropriate function to call to get the image interlace setting. - Image formats are now normalised to lower case. - Imagick::getImageIndex and Imagick::setImageIndex are undeprecated and work on ImageMagick 7. They call MagickGetIteratorIndex and MagickSetIteratorIndex internally. - Imagick::averageImages is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls EvaluateImages(wand->images,MeanEvaluateOperator). - Imagick::flattenImages is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls MagickMergeImageLayers(intern->magick_wand, FlattenLayer); internally. - Imagick::getImageSize is undeprecated. For IM 7 it now calls MagickGetImageLength internally. - Imagick::roundCornersImage is undeprecated and available on IM7. - Fixes: * Imagick::borderImage() changed internally to use OverCompositeOp rather than AtopCompositeOp for ImageMagick > 7. If you need the old behaviour, please use Imagick::borderImageWithComposite() instead, which allows you to set the composite method. * Imagick::frameImage() changed internally to use OverCompositeOp OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-12-10 11:53:15 +01:00
Version: 3.6.0
Release: 0
Summary: Wrapper to the ImageMagick library
License: PHP-3.01
Group: Productivity/Networking/Web/Servers
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
Source1: php-%{pkg_name}-rpmlintrc
# SUSE: Make build reproduceable
Patch0: imagick-reproducible.patch
BuildRequires: %{php_name}-devel >= 7.0.1
BuildRequires: ImageMagick-devel >=
BuildRequires: ghostscript-fonts-std
BuildRequires: re2c
Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api}
Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api}
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
Conflicts: %{php_name}-gmagick
Provides: php-%{pkg_name} = %{version}
Obsoletes: php-%{pkg_name} < %{version}
PHP extension to create, modify and obtain meta information of images using
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
the ImageMagick API.
%autosetup -n %{pkg_name}-%{version} -p1
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
# fix script-without-shebang/spurious-executable-perm
chmod 0644 ChangeLog LICENSE
export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fvisibility=hidden"
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
%make_build PHP_EXECUTABLE=%{__php} NO_INTERACTION=1 test
make install-modules INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{php_cfgdir}
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
cat > %{buildroot}%{php_cfgdir}/%{pkg_name}.ini <<EOF
; comment out next line to disable %{pkg_name} extension in php
extension = %{pkg_name}.so
%license LICENSE
Accepting request 901056 from home:munix9:branches:server:php:extensions - Upgrade to version 3.5.0 - Fixed multiple parameter information issues found in 3.5.0RC1. - ImageMagick 7 is still not widely available on systems. So contrary to previous plans, ImageMagick 6 support will continue for now. But users are recommeded to use ImageMagick 7 if possible. - Method names have been changed to not be all lower case. Both method names and parameter information is built from the Imagick*.stub.php files. - Prevent accidental creation of zero dimension images. ImageMagick doesn't prevent creation of zero dimension images, but will give an error when that image is used. I don't think this will affect any correctly program, but if it does, and you need to re-enable zero dimension images, please open an issue at - Various pieces of work have been done to make GOMP not segfault including: * Call omp_pause_resource_all when available during shutdown. * Added the 'imagick.shutdown_sleep_count' (default 10) and 'imagick.set_single_thread' (default On). Both of these exist to mitigate the segaults on shutdown. - Fixes: * Correct version check to make RemoveAlphaChannel and FlattenAlphaChannel be available when using Imagick with ImageMagick version 6.7.8-x * Imagick::morphology now no longer ignores channel parameter - Added: * PHP 8.0 support. * Location check for ImageMagick 7 for NixOS and Brew. * Imagick::houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {} * Imagick::setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color) * Imagick::setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::getImageMask(int $pixelmask_type) * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_DITHER * Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_RANDOM * Imagick::COMPOSITE_FREEZE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_INTERPOLATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_NEGATE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_REFLECT * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTBURN * Imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTDODGE * Imagick::COMPOSITE_STAMP * Imagick::COMPOSITE_RMSE * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAA * Imagick::COMPRESSION_DWAB * Imagick::EVALUATE_INVERSE_LOG * Imagick::COLORSPACE_DISPLAYP3 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_ADOBE98 * Imagick::COLORSPACE_PROPHOTO * Imagick::COLORSPACE_JZAZBZ * Imagick::DISTORTION_RIGID_AFFINE * Imagick::DISTORTION_BARRELINVERSE * Imagick::STATISTIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-21 07:29:58 +02:00
%doc ChangeLog
%config(noreplace) %{php_cfgdir}/%{pkg_name}.ini