------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 28 13:05:16 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya - Add power-profiles-daemon-polkit-policy.patch -- Describe and set defaults for switching and holding power profiles; patch taken from upstream merge request (boo#1189900, glfo#hadess/power-profiles-daemon#47). - Add Requires: polkit, needed at runtime after changes in permission handling due to above patch. - Disable tests as they fail due to polkit changes from above patch not being integrated yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 24 19:45:59 UTC 2021 - Bjørn Lie - Pass explicit systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir} to meson, ensure we have the correct systemd unitdir. - Drop systemd and systemd-rpm-macros BuildRequires, not needed. - Add check section and run meson_test macro, replace umockdev with pkgconfig(umockdev-1.0) BuildRequires. - Add generic c_compiler BuildRequires as meson checks for it. - Add upstream patches: + c9b646025d9f155509a6cda1c292bfd120daeb9e.patch: platform-profile: Add support for 'quiet' profile. + 20a2d7f7b80a1847f36236d40388f14ae99fa94b.patch: tests: Add tests for quiet profile support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 26 18:16:58 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya - Initial package.