Sat May 31 13:31:25 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Don't require alsa-plugins-pulse, just Recommend it (bnc#394177) 

Mon May 26 17:18:06 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Depend on alsa-plugins-pulse to have ALSA-based applications
  work out of the box with PulseAudio (bnc#394177) 

Fri May 23 22:47:38 CEST 2008 - jpr@suse.de

- Generate 32bit libraries (bnc #338269)

Mon May 19 14:04:00 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Removed pulseaudio-use-correct-socket-for-esd-375701.patch,
  which conflicts with esound patch (bnc#391864) 

Mon May 12 11:34:05 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Added pulseaudio-defaults-daemon-conf.patch to set default
  values for better performance (bnc#381686) 

Tue May  6 12:47:42 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Added pulseaudio-use-correct-socket-for-esd-375701.patch to
  use correct esound socket (bnc375701) 

Wed Apr  9 23:35:47 CEST 2008 - maw@suse.de

- Update to version 0.9.10:
  + Better compatibility in padsp with certain programs which like
    to pass NULL strings to libc functions
  + Properly create ~/.pulse before using it
  + Multiarch fixes
  + Update module-tunnel for protocol version 12
  + Update Speex resampler
  + Native ARM atomic operations support
  + Update of the PolicyKit interface
  + Compatibility with libtool 2.2
  + LADSPA interfacing fixes
  + Make per-user esd socket compile time configurable
  + Many other bug fixes and updates
- Drop pulseaudio-0.9.8-fix-sample-upload.patch
- Add pulseaudio-declarations.patch.

Fri Apr  4 15:34:27 CEST 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Added Obsoletes and Provides to esound-compat package to fix
  dependencies on esound 

Wed Mar 12 17:24:24 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Review and merge changes from public build service into FACTORY. 

Sun Mar 09 22:05:17 IST 2008 - cyberorg@cyberorg.info

- Update to 0.9.9
- The only change from 0.9.8 is a fix for CVE-2008-0008
- Need to add pulse user to audio group too

Fri Jan 25 19:17:56 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Removed empty patch file
- Disabled setuid binaries

Thu Jan 24 13:28:48 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Don't use our own default configuration, use upstream one. This
  should give us support for all devices detected by HAL.

Wed Jan 23 17:34:29 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Reviewed changes from cyberorg@cyberorg.info submitted to
  home:rodrigomoya:pulseaudio BS service. 

Thu Jan 10 00:01:00 IST 2008 - cyberorg@cyberorg.info

- Update to 0.9.8
  * Man pages
  * Make real-time priority and nice level configurable
  * Support acquiring priviliges for high-priority and real-time scheduling
    via PolicyKit
  * Support S32 samples natively
  * Rework ALSA surround sound configuration completely
  * Automatic upmixing/downmixing
  * Add a couple of new directives to libpulse: add flag to allow fixing the
    sample specs to the ones that are native to the sink/source a stream is
    connected to; Change the sample rate, buffering attributes during runtime;
    allow notification on device suspend/resume and moving of streams between
  * Check process name when dealing with PID files
  * Allow configuratin of RLIMIT_RTPRIO, RLIMIT_NICE
  * Add bluetooth proximity module. Just pair your phone and have PA turn down
    the volume when you leave with your phone and turn it up again if you come back. 
- Enable bluetooth
- Enable Jack
- Add policykit
- Add many man pages
- Enable tcpd
Wed Jan  9 20:19:57 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Renamed libs packages to follow shared lib policy
- Added better descriptions for subpackages
- Use tar.bz2 instead of tar.gz
- Fixed unversioned self-provides and obsoletes
- Use update-desktop-files for .desktop file
- PreRequire pwdutils for groupadd/del
- Moved libpulsedsp.so to libpusecore4 to avoid rpmlint errors 

Tue Jan  8 17:48:35 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Don't remove users/groups on %postun 

Tue Jan  8 15:41:10 CET 2008 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Removed 'rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT' from %install

Mon Dec 24 12:13:36 CET 2007 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Use /var/lib/pulseaudio as home dir for pulseaudio user. 

Tue Dec 11 23:53:55 CET 2007 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Removed special permissions for pulseaudio binary to make it
  buildable until the permissions thing is solved.

Tue Dec 11 12:43:34 CET 2007 - rodrigo@suse.de

- Merged with package from home:rodrigomoya:pulseaudio BS project. 

Thu Nov 22 19:21:00 IST 2007 - cyberorg@cyberorg.info
- Remove Provides and Obsoletes from esound compat package

Wed Nov 21 18:13:48 IST 2007 - cyberorg@cyberorg.info
- Restructured spec file to build more subpackages, like in Fedora 8.
Wed Oct 31 14:43:48 CET 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 0.9.7:
  * New threaded lock-free (mostly at least) core
  * New module for automatic discovery of zeroconf audio devices
  * Reworked JACK module for better real-time compatibility
  * PA now suspends access to all audio devices if idle
  * module-combine is now beefedup to automatically pick up local hw devices
  * make use of gcc intrinsics for atomic ops, byteswap, tls, where possible
  * use speex resampler by default
  * use mmap access by default for ALSA devices
  * fold OSS mmap driver into normal OSS driver
  * add LADSPA plugin
  * add plugin for splitting or remapping channel maps
  * Use Linux eventfd() if available, instead of hacks around FIFOs
  * make use of PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT for some mutexes, wher it makes sense
  * cleanup dead SHM frags from /dev/shm, where applicable
  * automatically store/restore default audio device
  * add new tool pasuspender tool
  * X11 session management support
  * allow global configuration for fragment settings/sizes
  * PA (if HAL is enabled) now ignores modem sound devices by default
  * Lots of bug fixes and other improvements 

Thu Oct 11 15:46:54 CEST 2007 - sbrabec@suse.cz

- Use binding specific avahi package.

Tue Jun 19 17:25:08 CEST 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- fixed default.pa (typo of rtp.monitor).

Tue Jun 12 16:30:13 CEST 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- disable flist-test that doesn't pass with ppc (libatomic-ops

Fri Jun  8 15:08:39 CEST 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 0.9.6:
  * bugfixes, including previous patches
  * use lock-free algorith with libatomic-ops
- add avahi-devel, xorg-x11-devel, glib2-devel and hal-devel to
- prefer Master volume to PCM volume

Tue May 29 19:22:56 CEST 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- fix possible remote DoS (#260326)
- fix wrong endian conversion of float data
- add a workaround for firefox with LD_PRELOAD wrapper
- add the missing support of ioctls for JavaSound
- increase ESD max samplesize

Tue Apr 24 12:01:42 CEST 2007 - tiwai@suse.de

- disable static library, don't use ltdl install
- fix requires of devel package
- fix post and postun
- build documents via doxygen
- fix suspend/resume with alsa backend
- fix the frame size handling in alsa backend
- fix possible NULL dereference

Mon Oct 16 00:21:13 CEST 2006 - schwab@suse.de

- Make sure config.rpath is present.

Wed Sep  6 17:25:51 CEST 2006 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 0.9.5:
    * add module-hal-detect module
    * shared memory transfer method for local clients
    * update module-volume-restore to automatically restore the output device
    * add a new module module-rescue-streams
    * add support for moving streams "hot" between sinks/sources
    * reduce memory consumption and CPU load
    * add new module module-gconf for reading additional configuration
    * fix module-tunnel to work with the latest protocol
    * miscellaneous fixes 

Thu Aug 17 17:23:15 CEST 2006 - tiwai@suse.de

- move libpulsedsp.so to the main package from devel sub package

Mon Jul 31 17:38:08 CEST 2006 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 0.9.4:
    * support for system-wide pulseaudio daemon.
    * add authentication by IP address range ACL (auth-ip-acl=)
    * support to set resource limits on platforms
    * remove loopback= argument for module-*-protocol-tcp
    * remove obsolete GLIB event loop adapter
    * add an API to check whether a source/sink is hardware or virtual
    * remove warning about SIGPIPE in client apps
    * improve latency calculation of NULL sink
    * port Zeroconf code from the HOWL API to the native Avahi API 
    * fix broken time event handling in GLIB
    * Some valgrind/massif fixes
    * Fix pkg-config files for AMD64 

Wed Jul 12 16:16:06 CEST 2006 - tiwai@suse.de

- renamed from polypaudio to pulseaudio (the project name was
- update to version 0.9.2:
  * increase maximum number of concurrent connections
  * fix latency interpolation
  * add support for reverse endian sound cards
  * add support for recording in padsp
  * reenable CPU load limiter
  * other bugfixes