------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 16 12:52:54 UTC 2020 - Matej Cepl - In the new multiversion world, python*.inv is in python3.8 directory not python3. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 11 18:49:26 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud - update to version 3.1.2: * Incompatible changes + #7650: autodoc: the signature of base function will be shown for decorated functions, not a signature of decorator * Bugs fixed + #7844: autodoc: Failed to detect module when relative module name given + #7856: autodoc: AttributeError is raised when non-class object is given to the autoclass directive + #7850: autodoc: KeyError is raised for invalid mark up when autodoc_typehints is 'description' + #7812: autodoc: crashed if the target name matches to both an attribute and module that are same name + #7650: autodoc: function signature becomes "(*args, **kwargs)" if the function is decorated by generic decorator + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains an attribute and module that are same name + #7806: viewcode: Failed to resolve viewcode references on 3rd party builders + #7838: html theme: List items have extra vertical space + #7878: html theme: Undesired interaction between "overflow" and "float" - changes from version 3.1.1: * Incompatible changes + #7808: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented as typed field * Features added + #7807: autodoc: Show detailed warning when type_comment is mismatched with its signature * Bugs fixed + #7808: autodoc: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations + #7802: autodoc: EOFError is raised on parallel build + #7821: autodoc: TypeError is raised for overloaded C-ext function + #7805: autodoc: an object which descriptors returns is unexpectedly documented + #7807: autodoc: wrong signature is shown for the function using contextmanager + #7812: autosummary: generates broken stub files if the target code contains an attribute and module that are same name + #7808: napoleon: Warnings raised on variable and attribute type annotations + #7811: sphinx.util.inspect causes circular import problem - changes from version 3.1.0: * Dependencies + #7746: mathjax: Update to 2.7.5 * Incompatible changes + #7477: imgconverter: Invoke "magick convert" command by default on Windows * Deprecated + The first argument for sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer has been changed to Sphinx object + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer" takes an object type as an argument + The "ignore" argument of "sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.get_doc()" + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. AutosummaryRenderer" + The "module" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. find_autosummary_in_docstring()" + The "builder" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. generate_autosummary_docs()" + The "template_dir" argument of "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate. generate_autosummary_docs()" + The "ignore" argument of "sphinx.util.docstring.prepare_docstring()" + "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.AutosummaryRenderer.exists()" + "sphinx.util.rpartition()" * Features added + LaTeX: Make the "toplevel_sectioning" setting optional in LaTeX theme + LaTeX: Allow to override papersize and pointsize from LaTeX themes + LaTeX: Add :confval:`latex_theme_options` to override theme options + #7410: Allow to suppress "circular toctree references detected" warnings using :confval:`suppress_warnings` + C, added scope control directives, :rst:dir:`c:namespace`, :rst:dir:`c:namespace-push`, and :rst:dir:`c:namespace-pop`. + #2044: autodoc: Suppress default value for instance attributes + #7473: autodoc: consider a member public if docstring contains ":meta public:" in info-field-list + #7487: autodoc: Allow to generate docs for singledispatch functions by py:autofunction + #7143: autodoc: Support final classes and methods + #7384: autodoc: Support signatures defined by "__new__()", metaclasses and builtin base classes + #2106: autodoc: Support multiple signatures on docstring + #4422: autodoc: Support GenericAlias in Python 3.7 or above + #3610: autodoc: Support overloaded functions + #7722: autodoc: Support TypeVar + #7466: autosummary: headings in generated documents are not translated + #7490: autosummary: Add ":caption:" option to autosummary directive to set a caption to the toctree + #7469: autosummary: Support module attributes + #248, #6040: autosummary: Add ":recursive:" option to autosummary directive to generate stub files recursively + #4030: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_context` to add template variables for custom templates + #7530: html: Support nested elements + #7481: html theme: Add right margin to footnote/citation labels + #7482, #7717: html theme: CSS spacing for code blocks with captions and line numbers + #7443: html theme: Add new options :confval:`globaltoc_collapse` and :confval:`globaltoc_includehidden` to control the behavior of globaltoc in sidebar + #7484: html theme: Avoid clashes between sidebar and other blocks + #7476: html theme: Relbar breadcrumb should contain current page + #7506: html theme: A canonical URL is not escaped + #7533: html theme: Avoid whitespace at the beginning of genindex.html + #7541: html theme: Add a "clearer" at the end of the "body" + #7542: html theme: Make admonition/topic/sidebar scrollable + #7543: html theme: Add top and bottom margins to tables + #7695: html theme: Add viewport meta tag for basic theme + #7721: html theme: classic: default codetextcolor/codebgcolor doesn't override Pygments + C and C++: allow semicolon in the end of declarations. + C++, parse parameterized noexcept specifiers. + #7294: C++, parse expressions with user-defined literals. + C++, parse trailing return types. + #7143: py domain: Add ":final:" option to :rst:dir:`py:class:`, :rst:dir:`py:exception:` and :rst:dir:`py:method:` directives + #7596: py domain: Change a type annotation for variables to a hyperlink + #7770: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive support arguments in the form of "foo[=bar]" + #7582: napoleon: a type for attribute are represented like type annotation + #7734: napoleon: overescaped trailing underscore on attribute + #7247: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_request_headers` to send custom HTTP headers for specific host + #7792: setuptools: Support "--verbosity" option + #7683: Add "allowed_exceptions" parameter to "Sphinx.emit()" to allow handlers to raise specified exceptions + #7295: C++, parse (trailing) requires clauses. * Bugs fixed + #6703: autodoc: incremental build does not work for imported objects + #7564: autodoc: annotations not to be shown for descriptors + #6588: autodoc: Decorated inherited method has no documentation + #7469: autodoc: The change of autodoc-process-docstring for variables is cached unexpectedly + #7559: autodoc: misdetects a sync function is async + #6857: autodoc: failed to detect a classmethod on Enum class + #7562: autodoc: a typehint contains spaces is wrongly rendered under autodoc_typehints='description' mode + #7551: autodoc: failed to import nested class + #7362: autodoc: does not render correct signatures for built-in functions + #7654: autodoc: "Optional[Union[foo, bar]]" is presented as "Union[foo, bar, None]" + #7629: autodoc: autofunction emits an unfriendly warning if an invalid object specified + #7650: autodoc: undecorated signature is shown for decorated functions + #7676: autodoc: typo in the default value of autodoc_member_order + #7676: autodoc: wrong value for :member-order: option is ignored silently + #7676: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for C module + #3673: autodoc: member-order="bysource" does not work for a module having __all__ + #7668: autodoc: wrong retann value is passed to a handler of autodoc-proccess-signature + #7711: autodoc: fails with ValueError when processing numpy objects + #7791: autodoc: TypeError is raised on documenting singledispatch function + #7551: autosummary: a nested class is indexed as non-nested class + #7661: autosummary: autosummary directive emits warnings twices if failed to import the target module + #7685: autosummary: The template variable "members" contains imported members even if :confval:`autossummary_imported_members` is False + #7671: autosummary: The location of import failure warning is missing + #7535: sphinx-autogen: crashes when custom template uses inheritance + #7536: sphinx-autogen: crashes when template uses i18n feature + #7781: sphinx-build: Wrong error message when outdir is not directory + #7653: sphinx-quickstart: Fix multiple directory creation for nested relpath + #2785: html: Bad alignment of equation links + #7718: html theme: some themes does not respect background color of Pygments style (agogo, haiku, nature, pyramid, scrolls, sphinxdoc and traditional) + #7544: html theme: inconsistent padding in admonitions + #7581: napoleon: bad parsing of inline code in attribute docstrings + #7628: imgconverter: runs imagemagick once unnecessary for builders not supporting images + #7610: incorrectly renders consecutive backslashes for docutils-0.16 + #7646: handle errors on event handlers + #4187: LaTeX: EN DASH disappears from PDF bookmarks in Japanese documents + #7701: LaTeX: Anonymous indirect hyperlink target causes duplicated labels + #7723: LaTeX: pdflatex crashed when URL contains a single quote + #7756: py domain: The default value for positional only argument is not shown + #7760: coverage: Add :confval:`coverage_show_missing_items` to show coverage result to console + C++, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting in global scope, e.g., "::A::B". + C, fix rendering and xrefs in nested names explicitly starting in global scope, e.g., ".A.B". + #7763: C and C++, don't crash during display stringification of unary expressions and fold expressions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 30 23:25:39 UTC 2020 - Arun Persaud - update to version 3.0.4: * Bugs fixed + #7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic types + #7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9 + #7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled + #7626: release package does not contain "CODE_OF_CONDUCT" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 4 10:17:24 UTC 2020 - Jan Zerebecki - Add python3.inv as a specific Source. - update to version 3.0.3 * Features added * C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification. * Bugs fixed * #7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing its attributes - update to version 3.0.2 * Features added * C, parse attributes and add :confval:`c_id_attributes` and :confval:`c_paren_attributes` to support user-defined attributes. * Bugs fixed * #7461: py domain: fails with IndexError for empty tuple in type annotation * #7510: py domain: keyword-only arguments are documented as having a default of None * #7418: std domain: :rst:role:`term` role could not match case-insensitively * #7461: autodoc: empty tuple in type annotation is not shown correctly * #7479: autodoc: Sphinx builds has been slower since 3.0.0 on mocking * C++, fix spacing issue in east-const declarations. * #7414: LaTeX: Xindy language options were incorrect * sphinx crashes with ImportError on python3.5.1 - update to 3.0.1 * Incompatible changes * #7418: std domain: :rst:dir:`term` role becomes case sensitive * Bugs fixed * #7428: py domain: a reference to class ``None`` emits a nitpicky warning * #7445: py domain: a return annotation ``None`` in the function signature is not converted to a hyperlink when using intersphinx * #7418: std domain: duplication warning for glossary terms is case insensitive * #7438: C++, fix merging overloaded functions in parallel builds. * #7422: autodoc: fails with ValueError when using autodoc_mock_imports * #7435: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='description'`` doesn't suppress typehints in signature for classes/methods * #7451: autodoc: fails with AttributeError when an object returns non-string object as a ``__doc__`` member * #7423: crashed when giving a non-string object to logger * #7479: html theme: Do not include xmlns attribute with HTML 5 doctype * #7426: html theme: Escape some links in HTML templates - update to version 3.0.0 * Dependencies * LaTeX: drop dependency on :program:`extractbb` for image inclusion in Japanese documents as ``.xbb`` files are unneeded by :program:`dvipdfmx` since TeXLive2015 (refs: #6189) * babel-2.0 or above is available (Unpinned) * Incompatible changes * Drop features and APIs deprecated in 1.8.x * #247: autosummary: stub files are overwritten automatically by default. see :confval:`autosummary_generate_overwrite` to change the behavior * #5923: autodoc: the members of ``object`` class are not documented by default when ``:inherited-members:`` and ``:special-members:`` are given. * #6830: py domain: ``meta`` fields in info-field-list becomes reserved. They are not displayed on output document now * #6417: py domain: doctree of desc_parameterlist has been changed. The argument names, annotations and default values are wrapped with inline node * The structure of ``sphinx.events.EventManager.listeners`` has changed * Due to the scoping changes for :rst:dir:`productionlist` some uses of :rst:role:`token` must be modified to include the scope which was previously ignored. * #6903: Internal data structure of Python, reST and standard domains have changed. The node_id is added to the index of objects and modules. Now they contains a pair of docname and node_id for cross reference. * #7276: C++ domain: Non intended behavior is removed such as ``say_hello_`` links to ``.. cpp:function:: say_hello()`` * #7210: js domain: Non intended behavior is removed such as ``parseInt_`` links to ``.. js:function:: parseInt`` * #7229: rst domain: Non intended behavior is removed such as ``numref_`` links to ``.. rst:role:: numref`` * #6903: py domain: Non intended behavior is removed such as ``say_hello_`` links to ``.. py:function:: say_hello()`` * #7246: py domain: Drop special cross reference helper for exceptions, functions and methods * The C domain has been rewritten, with additional directives and roles. The existing ones are now more strict, resulting in new warnings. * The attribute ``sphinx_cpp_tagname`` in the ``desc_signature_line`` node has been renamed to ``sphinx_line_type``. * #6462: double backslashes in domain directives are no longer replaced by single backslashes as default. A new configuration value :confval:`strip_signature_backslash` can be used by users to reenable it. * #7222: ``sphinx.util.inspect.unwrap()`` is renamed to ``unwrap_all()`` * Deprecated * ``desc_signature['first']`` * ``sphinx.directives.DescDirective`` * ``sphinx.domains.std.StandardDomain.add_object()`` * ``sphinx.domains.python.PyDecoratorMixin`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.get_documenters()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.process_autosummary_toc()`` * ``sphinx.parsers.Parser.app`` * ``sphinx.testing.path.Path.text()`` * ``sphinx.testing.path.Path.bytes()`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.getargspec()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXWriter.format_docclass()`` * Features added * #247: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_generate_overwrite` to overwrite old stub file * #5923: autodoc: ``:inherited-members:`` option takes a name of anchestor class not to document inherited members of the class and uppers * #6830: autodoc: consider a member private if docstring contains ``:meta private:`` in info-field-list * #7165: autodoc: Support Annotated type (PEP-593) * #2815: autodoc: Support singledispatch functions and methods * #7079: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_typehints` accepts ``"description"`` configuration. It shows typehints as object description * #7314: apidoc: Propagate ``--maxdepth`` option through package documents * #6558: glossary: emit a warning for duplicated glossary entry * #3106: domain: Register hyperlink target for index page automatically * #6558: std domain: emit a warning for duplicated generic objects * #6830: py domain: Add new event: :event:`object-description-transform` * #6895: py domain: Do not emit nitpicky warnings for built-in types * py domain: Support lambda functions in function signature * #6417: py domain: Allow to make a style for arguments of functions and methods * #7238, #7239: py domain: Emit a warning on describing a python object if the entry is already added as the same name * #7341: py domain: type annotations in singature are converted to cross refs * Support priority of event handlers. For more detail, see :py:meth:`.Sphinx.connect()` * #3077: Implement the scoping for :rst:dir:`productionlist` as indicated in the documentation. * #1027: Support backslash line continuation in :rst:dir:`productionlist`. * #7108: config: Allow to show an error message from conf.py via ``ConfigError`` * #7032: html: :confval:`html_scaled_image_link` will be disabled for images having ``no-scaled-link`` class * #7144: Add CSS class indicating its domain for each desc node * #7211: latex: Use babel for Chinese document when using XeLaTeX * #6672: LaTeX: Support LaTeX Theming (experimental) * #7005: LaTeX: Add LaTeX styling macro for :rst:role:`kbd` role * #7220: genindex: Show "main" index entries at first * #7103: linkcheck: writes all links to ``output.json`` * #7025: html search: full text search can be disabled for individual document using ``:nosearch:`` file-wide metadata * #7293: html search: Allow to override JavaScript splitter via ``SearchLanguage.js_splitter_code`` * #7142: html theme: Add a theme option: ``pygments_dark_style`` to switch the style of code-blocks in dark mode * The C domain has been rewritten adding for example: - Cross-referencing respecting the current scope. - Possible to document anonymous entities. - More specific directives and roles for each type of entitiy, e.g., handling scoping of enumerators. - New role :rst:role:`c:expr` for rendering expressions and types in text. * Added ``SphinxDirective.get_source_info()`` and ``SphinxRole.get_source_info()``. * #7324: sphinx-build: Emit a warning if multiple files having different file extensions for same document found * Added ``ObjectDescription.transform_content()``. * Bugs fixed * C++, fix cross reference lookup in certain cases involving function overloads. * #5078: C++, fix cross reference lookup when a directive contains multiple declarations. * C++, suppress warnings for directly dependent typenames in cross references generated automatically in signatures. * #5637: autodoc: Incorrect handling of nested class names on show-inheritance * #7267: autodoc: error message for invalid directive options has wrong location * #7329: autodoc: info-field-list is wrongly generated from type hints into the class description even if ``autoclass_content='class'`` set * #7331: autodoc: a cython-function is not recognized as a function * #5637: inheritance_diagram: Incorrect handling of nested class names * #7139: ``code-block:: guess`` does not work * #7325: html: source_suffix containing dot leads to wrong source link * #7357: html: Resizing SVG image fails with ValueError * #7278: html search: Fix use of ``html_file_suffix`` instead of ``html_link_suffix`` in search results * #7297: html theme: ``bizstyle`` does not support ``sidebarwidth`` * #3842: singlehtml: Path to images broken when master doc is not in source root * #7179: std domain: Fix whitespaces are suppressed on referring GenericObject * #7289: console: use bright colors instead of bold * #1539: C, parse array types. * #2377: C, parse function pointers even in complex types. * #7345: sphinx-build: Sphinx crashes if output directory exists as a file * #7290: sphinx-build: Ignore bdb.BdbQuit when handling exceptions * #6240: napoleon: Attributes and Methods sections ignore :noindex: option * #7364: autosummary: crashed when :confval:`autosummary_generate` is False * #7370: autosummary: raises UnboundLocalError when unknown module given * #7367: C++, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * C, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * #7368: C++, comma operator in expressions, pack expansion in template argument lists, and more comprehensive error messages in some cases. * C, C++, fix crash and wrong duplicate warnings related to anon symbols. * #6477: Escape first "!" in a cross reference linking no longer possible * #7219: py domain: The index entry generated by ``py:function`` directive is different with one from ``index`` directive with "builtin" type * #7301: capital characters are not allowed for node_id * #7301: epub: duplicated node_ids are generated * #6564: html: a width of table was ignored on HTML builder * #7401: Incorrect argument is passed for :event:`env-get-outdated` handlers * #7355: autodoc: a signature of cython-function is not recognized well * #7222: autodoc: ``__wrapped__`` functions are not documented correctly * #7409: intersphinx: ValueError is raised when an extension sets up :confval:`intersphinx_mapping` on :event:`config-inited` event * #7343: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 on debug mode - update to version 2.4.4 * Bugs fixed * #7197: LaTeX: platex cause error to build image directive with target url * #7223: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 - update to version 2.4.3 * Bugs fixed * #7184: autodoc: ``*args`` and ``**kwarg`` in type comments are not handled properly * #7189: autodoc: classmethod coroutines are not detected * #7183: intersphinx: ``:attr:`` reference to property is broken * #6244, #6387: html search: Search breaks/hangs when built with dirhtml builder * #7195: todo: emit doctree-resolved event with non-document node incorrectly - update to version 2.4.2 * Bugs fixed * #7138: autodoc: ``autodoc.typehints`` crashed when variable has unbound object as a value * #7156: autodoc: separator for keyword only arguments is not shown * #7146: autodoc: IndexError is raised on suppressed type_comment found * #7161: autodoc: typehints extension does not support parallel build * #7178: autodoc: TypeError is raised on fetching type annotations * #7151: crashed when extension assigns a value to ``env.indexentries`` * #7170: text: Remove debug print * #7137: viewcode: Avoid to crash when non-python code given - update to version 2.4.1 * Bugs fixed * #7120: html: crashed when on scaling SVG images which have float dimentions * #7126: autodoc: TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not iterable - update to version 2.4.0 * Deprecated * The ``decode`` argument of ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer()`` * ``sphinx.directives.other.Index`` * ``sphinx.environment.temp_data['gloss_entries']`` * ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.indexentries`` * ``sphinx.environment.collectors.indexentries.IndexEntriesCollector`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.INITPY`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.shall_skip()`` * ``sphinx.io.FiletypeNotFoundError`` * ``sphinx.io.get_filetype()`` * ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer.encoding`` * ``sphinx.roles.Index`` * ``sphinx.util.detect_encoding()`` * ``sphinx.util.get_module_source()`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.Signature`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.safe_getmembers()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.author`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.contentsname`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docclass`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docname`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.title`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.DEFAULT_SETTINGS`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LUALATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.PDFLATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_GREEK_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * Features added * #6910: inheritance_diagram: Make the background of diagrams transparent * #6446: duration: Add ``sphinx.ext.durations`` to inspect which documents slow down the build * #6837: LaTeX: Support a nested table * #7115: LaTeX: Allow to override LATEXOPTS and LATEXMKOPTS via environment variable * #6966: graphviz: Support ``:class:`` option * #6696: html: ``:scale:`` option of image/figure directive not working for SVG images (imagesize-1.2.0 or above is required) * #6994: imgconverter: Support illustrator file (.ai) to .png conversion * autodoc: Support Positional-Only Argument separator (PEP-570 compliant) * autodoc: Support type annotations for variables * #2755: autodoc: Add new event: :event:`autodoc-before-process-signature` * #2755: autodoc: Support type_comment style (ex. ``# type: (str) -> str``) annotation (python3.8+ or `typed_ast `_ is required) * #7051: autodoc: Support instance variables without defaults (PEP-526) * #6418: autodoc: Add a new extension ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints``. It shows typehints as object description if ``autodoc_typehints = "description"`` set. This is an experimental extension and it will be integrated into autodoc core in Sphinx-3.0 * SphinxTranslator now calls visitor/departure method for super node class if visitor/departure method for original node class not found * #6418: Add new event: :event:`object-description-transform` * py domain: :rst:dir:`py:data` and :rst:dir:`py:attribute` take new options named ``:type:`` and ``:value:`` to describe its type and initial value * #6785: py domain: ``:py:attr:`` is able to refer properties again * #6772: apidoc: Add ``-q`` option for quiet mode * Bugs fixed * #6925: html: Remove redundant type="text/javascript" from