Niels Abspoel 2013-09-22 13:40:09 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent 33762a1d00
commit 7de487658b

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@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
Sun Sep 22 13:37:35 UTC 2013 - aboe76@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.13.2
- General:
- Don't sent Content-Length: 0 header with POST and PUT request if "raw"
mode is used. This fixes a regression which could cause broken behavior
in some storage driver when uploading a file from disk.
- Compute:
- Added Ubuntu Linux 12.04 image to ElasticHost driver image list.
- Update ElasticHosts driver to store drive UUID in the node 'extra' field.
- Storage:
- Store last_modified timestamp in the Object extra dictionary in the S3
driver. (LIBCLOUD-373)
- Load Balancer:
- Expose CloudStack driver directly through the Provider.CLOUDSTACK
- DNS:
- Modify Zerigo driver to include record TTL in the record 'extra' attribute
if a record has a TTL set.
- Modify values in the Record 'extra' dictionary attribute in the Zerigo DNS
driver to be set to None instead of an empty string ('') if a value for
the provided key is not set.
Thu Sep 5 10:20:33 UTC 2013 - aboe76@gmail.com