forked from pool/python-astropy
Accepting request 719680 from devel:languages:python:numeric
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:4a78a8ec9666d0a51a37f03494aaa5012e241ba37053e6c913c039cddee89ede
size 8203507
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:706c0457789c78285e5464a5a336f5f0b058d646d60f4e5f5ba1f7d5bf424b28
size 7949737
@ -1,3 +1,294 @@
Mon Jul 29 17:01:26 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Add conflicts with perl-Data-ShowTable
Tue Jul 23 01:55:47 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Update to 3.2.1
+ Bug fixes
> Avoid reporting a warning with ``BinTableHDU.from_columns`` with keywords that
are not provided by the user.
> Fix ``Header.fromfile`` to work on FITS files.
> Fix reading of empty ``BinTableHDU`` when stored in a gzip-compressed file.
* astropy.table
> Fix a problem where mask was dropped when creating a ``MaskedColumn``
from a list of ``MaskedArray`` objects.
* astropy.wcs
> Added ``None`` to be displayed as a ``world_axis_physical_types`` in
the ``WCS`` repr, as ``None`` values are now supported in ``APE14``.
- Update to 3.2
+ New Features
* astropy.constants
> Add CODATA 2018 constants but not make them default because the
redefinition of SI units that will follow has not been implemented
* astropy.coordinates
> New ``BarycentricMeanEcliptic``, ``HeliocentricTrueEcliptic`` and
``GeocentricTrueEcliptic`` frames.
The ecliptic frames are no longer considered experimental.
> The default time scale for epochs like 'J2000' or 'B1975' is now "tt",
which is the correct one for 'J2000' and avoids leap-second warnings
for epochs in the far future or past.
* astropy.extern
> Bundled ``six`` now emits ``AstropyDeprecationWarning``. It will be removed
in 4.0.
> IPAC tables now output data types of ``float`` instead of ``double``, or
``int`` instead of ``long``, based on the column ``dtype.itemsize``.
> Update handling of MaskedColumn columns when using the 'data_mask' serialization
method. This can make writing ECSV significantly faster if the data do not
actually have any masked values.
> Fixed a bug that caused newlines to be incorrect when writing out ASCII tables
on Windows (they were ``\r\r\n`` instead of ``\r\n``).
> Implement serialization of ``TimeDelta`` in ASDF.
> Implement serialization of ``EarthLocation`` in ASDF.
> Implement serialization of ``SkyCoord`` in ASDF.
> Support serialization of Astropy tables with mixin columns in ASDF.
> No warnings when reading HDF5 files with only one table and no ``path=``
> The HDF5 writer will now create a default table instead of raising an
exception when ``path=`` is not specified and when writing to empty/new HDF5
> Optimize parsing of cards within the ``Header`` class.
> Optimize the parsing of headers to get the structural keywords that are
needed to find extensions. Thanks to this, getting a random HDU from a file
with many extensions is much faster than before, in particular when the
extension headers contain many keywords.
> Change behavior of FITS undefined value in ``Header`` such that ``None``
is used in Python to represent FITS undefined when using dict interface.
``Undefined`` can also be assigned and is translated to ``None``.
Previously setting a header card value to ``None`` resulted in an
empty string field rather than a FITS undefined value.
> Allow ``Header.fromstring`` and ``Card.fromstring`` to accept ``bytes``.
> Implement ``Table`` reader and writer for ``ASDF``.
> Implement ``Table`` reader and writer methods to wrap ``pandas`` I/O methods
for CSV, Fixed width format, HTML, and JSON.
> Add ``help()`` and ``list_formats()`` methods to unified I/O ``read`` and
``write`` methods. For example ```` gives help on available
``Table`` read formats and ``'fits')`` gives detailed
help on the arguments for reading FITS table file.
* astropy.table
> Initializing a table with ``Table(rows=...)``, if the first item is an ``OrderedDict``,
now uses the column order of the first row.
> Added new pprint_all() and pformat_all() methods to Table. These two new
methods print the entire table by default.
> Removed restriction of initializing a Table from a dict with copy=False.
> Improved speed of table row access by a factor of about 2-3. Improved speed
of Table len() by a factor of around 3-10 (depending on the number of columns).
> Improved the Table - pandas ``DataFrame`` interface (``to_pandas()`` and
``from_pandas()``). Mixin columns like ``Time`` and ``Quantity`` can now be
converted to pandas by flattening the columns as necessary to plain
columns. ``Time`` and ``TimeDelta`` columns get converted to
corresponding pandas date or time delta types. The ``DataFrame``
index is now handled in the conversion methods.
> Added ``rename_columns`` method to rename multiple columns in one call.
> Improved Table performance by reducing unnecessary calls to copy and deepcopy,
especially as related to the table and column ``meta`` attributes. Changed the
behavior when slicing a table (either in rows or with a list of column names)
so now the sliced output gets a light (key-only) copy of ``meta`` instead of a
deepcopy. Changed the ``Table.meta`` class-level descriptor so that assigning
directly to ``meta``, e.g. ``tbl.meta = new_meta`` no longer does a deepcopy
and instead just directly assigns the ``new_meta`` object reference. Changed
Table initialization so that input ``meta`` is copied only if ``copy=True``.
> Improved Table slicing performance with internal implementation changes
related to column attribute access and certain input validation.
> Added ``reverse`` argument to the ``sort`` and ``argsort`` methods to allow
sorting in reverse order.
> Improved ``Table.sort()`` performance by removing ``self[keys]`` from code
which is creating deep copies of ``meta`` attribute and adding a new keyword
``names`` in ``get_index()`` to get index by using a list or tuple containing
names of columns.
> Expose ``represent_mixins_as_columns`` as a public function in the
``astropy.table`` subpackage. This previously-private function in the
``table.serialize`` module is used to represent mixin columns in a Table as
one or more plain Column objects.
* astropy.timeseries
> Added a new astropy.timeseries sub-package to represent and manipulate
sampled and binned time series.
> The ``BoxLeastSquares`` and ``LombScargle`` classes have been moved to
``astropy.timeseries.periodograms`` from ``astropy.stats``.
> Added the ability to provide absolute ``Time`` objects to the
``BoxLeastSquares`` and ``LombScargle`` periodogram classes.
> Added model inspection methods (``model_parameters()``, ``design_matrix()``,
and ``offset()``) to ``astropy.timeseries.LombScargle`` class .
* astropy.units
> ``Quantity`` overrides of ``ndarray`` methods such as ``sum``, ``min``,
``max``, which are implemented via reductions, have been removed since they
are dealt with in ``Quantity.__array_ufunc__``. This should not affect
subclasses, but they may consider doing similarly. Note that this
does not include methods that use more complicated python code such as
``mean``, ``std`` and ``var``.
* astropy.visualization
> Added ``CompositeStretch``, which inherits from ``CompositeTransform`` and
also ``BaseStretch`` so that it can be used with ``ImageNormalize``.
> Added a ``log_a`` argument to the ``simple_norm`` method. Similar to the
exposing of the ``asinh_a`` argument for ``AsinhStretch``, the new
``log_a`` argument is now exposed for ``LogStretch``.
* astropy.wcs
> WCSLIB was updated to v 6.2.
This adds support for time-related WCS keywords (WCS Paper VII).
FITS headers containing ``Time`` axis are parsed and the axis is included in
the WCS object.
> The ``OBSGEO`` attribute as expanded to 6 members - ``XYZLBH``.
> Added a new class ``SlicedLowLevelWCS`` in ``astropy.wcs.wcsapi`` that can be
used to slice any WCS that conforms to the ``BaseLowLevelWCS`` API.
> Updated implementation of ``WCS.__getitem__`` and ``WCS.slice`` to now return
a ``SlicedLowLevelWCS`` rather than raising an error when reducing the
dimensionality of the WCS.
+ API Changes
* astropy.coordinates
> ``QuantityAttribute`` no longer has a default value for ``default``. The
previous value of None was misleading as it always was an error.
> The default J2000 has been changed to use be January 1, 2000 12:00 TT instead
of UTC. This is more in line with convention.
> IPAC tables now output data types of ``float`` instead of ``double``, or
``int`` instead of ``long``, based on the column ``dtype.itemsize``.
> Unit equivalencies can now be serialized to ASDF.
* astropy.modeling
> Composition of model classes is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0.
Composition of model instances remain unaffected.
* astropy.stats
> The ``BoxLeastSquares`` and ``LombScargle`` classes have been moved to the
``astropy.timeseries.periodograms`` module and will now emit a deprecation
warning when imported from ``astropy.stats``.
* astropy.table
> Converting an empty table to an array using ``as_array`` method now returns
an empty array instead of ``None``.
> Changed the behavior when slicing a table (either in rows or with a list of column
names) so now the sliced output gets a light (key-only) copy of ``meta`` instead of
a deepcopy. Changed the ``Table.meta`` class-level descriptor so that assigning
directly to ``meta``, e.g. ``tbl.meta = new_meta`` no longer does a deepcopy
and instead just directly assigns the ``new_meta`` object reference. Changed
Table initialization so that input ``meta`` is copied only if ``copy=True``.
> Added a keyword ``names`` in ``Table.as_array()``. If provided this specifies
a list of column names to include for the returned structured array.
* astropy.tests
> Removed ``pytest_plugins`` as they are completely broken for ``pytest>=4``.
> Removed the ``astropy.tests.plugins.config`` plugin and removed the
``--astropy-config-dir`` and ``--astropy-cache-dir`` options from
testing. Please use caching functionality that is natively in ``pytest``.
* astropy.time
> The default time scale for epochs like 'J2000' or 'B1975' is now "tt",
which is the correct one for 'J2000' and avoids leap-second warnings
for epochs in the far future or past.
* astropy.units
> Unit equivalencies can now be introspected.
* astropy.wcs
> The ``world_to_pixel``, ``world_to_array_index*``, ``pixel_to_world*`` and
``array_index_to_world*`` methods now all consistently return scalars, arrays,
or objects not wrapped in a one-element tuple/list when only one scalar,
array, or object (as was previously already the case for ``WCS.pixel_to_world``
and ``WCS.array_index_to_world``).
* astropy.utils
> It is now possible to control the number of cores used by ````
by passing a positive integer as the ``multiprocess`` keyword argument. Use
``True`` to use all cores.
+ Bug Fixes
* astropy.coordinates
> ``BarycentricTrueEcliptic``, ``HeliocentricTrueEcliptic`` and
``GeocentricTrueEcliptic`` now use the correct transformation
(including nutation), whereas the new ``*MeanEcliptic`` classes
use the nutation-free transformation.
> Representations with ``float32`` coordinates can now be transformed,
although the output will always be ``float64``.
> Fixed bug that prevented using differentials with HCRS<->ICRS
> Fixed a bug where an exception was raised when writing a table which includes
mixin columns (e.g. a Quantity column) and the output format was specified
using the ``formats`` keyword.
> Fixed bug in ASDF tag that inadvertently introduced dependency on ``pytest``.
* astropy.modeling
> Fixed slowness for certain compound models consisting of large numbers
of multi-input models
> Fixed bugs in fitting of compound models with units.
* astropy.nddata
> Fixed bug in reading multi-extension FITS files written by earlier versions
of ``CCDData``.
> Fixed two errors in the way ``CCDData`` handles FITS files with WCS in the
header. Some of the WCS keywords that should have been removed from the
header were not, potentially leading to FITS files with inconsistent
* astropy.table
> Fixed a bug when initializing from an empty list: ``Table([])`` no longer
results in a crash.
> Fixed a bug when initializing from an existing ``Table``. In this case the
input ``meta`` argument was being ignored. Now the input ``meta``, if
supplied, will be used as the ``meta`` for the new ``Table``.
> Fix the conversion of bytes values to Python ``str`` with ``Table.tolist``.
* astropy.time
> Fixed a number of issues to ensure a consistent output type resulting from
multiplication or division involving a ``TimeDelta`` instance. The output is
now always a ``TimeDelta`` if the result is a time unit (like u.s or u.d),
otherwise it will be a ``Quantity``.
> Multiplication between two ``TimeDelta`` instances is now possible, resulting
in a ``Quantity`` with units of time squared (division already correctly
resulted in a dimensionless ``Quantity``).
> Like for comparisons, addition, and subtraction of ``Time`` instances with
with non-time instances, multiplication and division of ``TimeDelta``
instances with incompatible other instances no longer immediately raise an
``UnitsError`` or ``TypeError`` (depending on the other instance), but
rather go through the regular Python mechanism of ``TimeDelta`` returning
``NotImplemented`` (which will lead to a regular ``TypeError`` unless the
other instance can handle ``TimeDelta``).
> Corrected small rounding errors that could cause the ``jd2`` values in
``Time`` to fall outside the range of -0.5 to 0.5.
* astropy.units
> Added a ``Quantity.to_string`` method to add flexibility to the string formatting
of quantities. It produces unadorned or LaTeX strings, and accepts two different
sets of delimiters in the latter case: ``inline`` and ``display``.
> Ensure classes that mimic quantities by having a ``unit`` attribute and/or
``to`` and ``to_value`` methods can be properly used to initialize ``Quantity``
or set ``Quantity`` instance items.
> Add support for ``<<`` to create logarithmic units.
> Add support for the ``clip`` ufunc, which in numpy 1.17 is used to implement
``np.clip``. As part of that, remove the ``Quantity.clip`` method under
numpy 1.17.
> Fix parsing of numerical powers in FITS-compatible units.
* astropy.wcs
> Added a ``PyUnitListProxy_richcmp`` method in ``UnitListProxy`` class to enable
``WCS.wcs.cunit`` equality testing. It helps to check whether the two instances of
``WCS.wcs.cunit`` are equal or not by comparing the data members of
``UnitListProxy`` class
> Fixed ``SlicedLowLevelWCS`` when ``array_shape`` is ``None``.
> Do not attempt to delete repeated distortion keywords multiple times when
loading distortions with ``_read_distortion_kw`` and
+ Other Changes and Additions
> Update bundled expat to 2.2.6.
> Added instructions for uploading releases to Zenodo.
> The bug fixes to the behaviour of ``TimeDelta`` for multiplcation and
division, which ensure that the output is now always a ``TimeDelta`` if the
result is a time unit (like u.s or u.d) and otherwise a ``Quantity``, imply
that sometimes the output type will be different than it was before.
> For types unrecognized by ``TimeDelta``, multiplication and division now
will consistently return a ``TypeError`` if the other instance cannot handle
``TimeDelta`` (rather than ``UnitsError`` or ``TypeError`` depending on
presumed abilities of the other instance).
> Multiplication between two ``TimeDelta`` instances will no longer result in
an ``OperandTypeError``, but rather result in a ``Quantity`` with units of
time squared (division already correctly resulted in a dimensionless
> Made running the tests insensitive to local user configuration when running
the tests in parallel mode or directly with pytest.
> Added a narrative style guide to the documentation for contributor reference.
> Ensure we call numpy equality functions in a way that reduces the number
of ``DeprecationWarning``.
+ Installation
> We now require setuptools 30.3.0 or later to install the core astropy
> We now define groups of dependencies that can be installed with pip, e.g.
``pip install astropy[all]`` (to install all optional dependencies).
Wed Mar 20 16:59:23 CET 2019 - Matej Cepl <>
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
%define skip_python2 1
%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
%define skip_python2 1
Name: python-astropy
Version: 3.1.2
Version: 3.2.1
Release: 0
Summary: Community-developed python astronomy tools
License: BSD-3-Clause
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-doctestplus}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-openfiles}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-remotedata}
Conflicts: perl-Data-ShowTable
Reference in New Issue
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