forked from pool/python-astropy
Accepting request 1132348 from devel:languages:python:numeric
- Update to 6.0.0 ## New Features ### astropy.config * The new method provides a convenient way to get information about configuration items. [#13499] ### astropy.coordinates * Support has been added to create geodetic representations not just for existing ellipsoids from ERFA, but also with explicitly provided values, by defining a subclass of BaseGeodeticRepresentation with the equatorial radius and flattening assigned to _equatorial_radius and _flattening attributes. [#14763] * Add BaseBodycentricRepresentation, a new spheroidal representation for bodycentric latitudes and longitudes. [#14851] * Support Numpy broadcasting over frame data and attributes. [#15121] ### astropy.cosmology * Registered a latex writer for exporting a Cosmology object to a LaTex table. [#14701] * Added argument rename to Cosmology’s I/O, allowing for input and output symbols to be renamed. [#14780] * All non-abstract Cosmology subclasses are now automatically registered to work with Astropy’s YAML serialization. [#14979] * Cosmology I/O now auto-identifies the ‘.tex’ suffix with the ‘ascii.latex’ format. [#15088] * The Cosmology class now has a new property to access the parameters of the cosmology: .parameters. This property return a read-only dictionary of all the non-derived parameter values on the cosmology object. When accessed from the class (not an instance) the dictionary contains Parameter instances, not the values. [#15168] * The field default has been added to Parameter. This can be used to introspect the default value of a parameter on a cosmology class e.g. LambdaCDM.H0.default. [#15400] ### * Add new option decompress_in_memory to, to decompress the whole file in memory at once, instead of decompressing the file progressively as data is needed. Default behavior is better for memory usage but sometimes slow, especially for files with many small HDUs. [#15501] ### * Add support for Parquet serialization of VOTables. Writing of this serialization is available with using the new 'votable.parquet' format. [#15281] * Added MIVOT feature through the MivotBlock class that allows model annotations reading and writing in VOTable. [#15390] ### astropy.modeling * Added a GeneralSersic2D model that can have “boxy” or “disky” isophotes. [#15545] ### astropy.nddata * A more flexible and/or compact string representation is now available for NDData objects which visually indicates masked entries, and provides for better for dask array support. [#14438] ### astropy.table * The new Row.get() method, analogous to dict.get(), returns the value of the specified column from the row if the column present, otherwise it returns a fallback value, which by default is None. [#14878] ### astropy.time * Masked Time instances now use astropy’s own Masked class internally. This means that Masked input is now properly recognized, and that masks get propagated also to Quantity output (such as from a TimeDelta converted to a unit of time), creating MaskedQuantity instances. [#15231] * Added a TimeDelta format quantity_str that represents the time delta as a string with one or more Quantity components. This format provides a human-readable multi-scale string representation of a time delta. The default output sub-format is not considered stable in this release, please see astropy/astropy#15485 for more information. [#15264] ### astropy.uncertainty * Uncertainty Distribution now support structured data types, and as a result it now works also with EarthLocation. [#15304] * Uncertainty Distribution can now be used inside representations, which also allows basic support in SkyCoord. While most calculations work, there are remaining issues. For instance, the repr does not show that the coordinates are distributions. [#15395] ### astropy.units * Add support for gc2gde and gd2gce erfa functions to allow geodetic representations using equatorial radius and flattening. [#14729] ### astropy.utils * The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData default dictionary can now be set with the default_factory keyword argument. [#15265] * astropy.utils.decorators.deprecated now adds the __deprecated__ attribute to the objects it wraps, following the practice in [#15310] ### astropy.visualization * Add WCSAxes.text_coord method to print text using SkyCoord objects parallel to plotting data points with WCSAxes.plot_coord. [#14661] ### astropy.wcs * Support WCS descriptions of basic planetary coordinate frames. [#14820] * Updated bundled WCSLIB version to 8.1. This update adds support planetary keywords A_RADIUS, B_RADIUS, C_RADIUS, BLON_OBS, BLAT_OBS, and BDIS_OBS in auxprm and adds wcsprm::time to the wcsprm struct to record the TIME axis. This update also includes several bug fixes. For a full list of changes - see [#15035] ## API Changes ### astropy.config * Removed deprecated ConfigurationMissingWarning class and update_default_config function; There are no replacements as they should no be used anymore. [#15466] ### astropy.convolution * Invalid kernel arithmetic operations now raise a KernelArithmeticError instead of a bare Exception. [#14728] * Added base KernelError error class and removed DiscretizationError error class (a ValueError will be raised instead). [#14732] * discretize_model will now raise a ValueError if mode='oversample' and factor does not have an integer value. [#14794] ### astropy.coordinates * Removed deprecated angle parsing and formatting utilities from angle_utilities. Use the functions from angle_formats instead. [#14675] * The deprecated functionality of initializing Angle or Longitude from a tuple is no longer supported. [#15205] * Angle-related classes and functions have been moved within astropy.coordinates. There is no change to public API as everything moved should still be imported from astropy.coordinates, not a sub-module. If you are using private API, try importing from astropy.coordinates instead. If you need something that has been moved and is not available in astropy.coordinates, please open an issue on the Astropy issue tracker. [#15220] * It is no longer possible to pass frame classes to the transform_to() method of a low-level coordinate-frame class. It is still possible to pass frame instances. The transform_to() method of the high-level SkyCoord class is unaffected. [#15500] ### astropy.cosmology * Removed support of importing private constants and functions from astropy.cosmology.flrw. [#14672] * Removed deprecated Cosmology Parameter argument fmt. [#14673] * Removed deprecated vectorize_if_needed and inf_like from cosmology.utils. [#14677] * Removed deprecated import paths from astropy.cosmology.core. [#14782] * Cosmology Parameter is now a dataclass, and can work with all of Python’s dataclasses machinery, like field introspection and type conversion. [#14874] * A new property – scale_factor0 – has been added to Cosmology objects. This is the scale factor at redshift 0, and is defined to be 1.0. [#14931] * Added registration label ascii.latex to Cosmology IO. [#14938] * The private module astropy.cosmology.utils has been deprecated. [#14980] * Removed deprecated get_cosmology_from_string class method in default_cosmology; use get instead. [#15467] ### * Several arguments in functions within have been deprecated and are either renamed or scheduled to be removed. * read(): - Reader will be removed. Instead supply the equivalent format argument. - Inputter has been renamed to inputter_cls. - Outputter has been renamed to outputter_cls. * get_reader(): - Reader has been renamed to reader_cls. - Inputter has been renamed to inputter_cls. - Outputter has been renamed to outputter_cls. * write(): - Writer will be removed. Instead supply the equivalent format argument. * get_writer(): - Writer has been renamed to writer_cls. [#14914] * Removed deprecated test helper; use pytest.raises instead. [#15470] ### * Deprecate _ExtensionHDU and _NonstandardExtHDU (use ExtensionHDU or NonstandardExtHDU instead). [#15396] * Remove special handling of TCTYP TCUNI TCRPX TCRVL TCDLT TRPOS (#7157). [#15396] * Rename and deprecate TableHDU.update to TableHDU.update_header, for consistency with ImageHDU. [#15396] ### * Removed deprecated subpackage. Use asdf-astropy package instead. [#14668] * fnunpickle and fnpickle are deprecated because they are not used anywhere within astropy. If you must, use the module from Python standard library but be advised that pickle is insecure so you should only unpickle data that you trust. [#15418] ### * Removed deprecated pedantic option from the function and the corresponding configuration setting. Use the verify option instead. [#14669] * Class has been renamed to TableElement to avoid sharing the name with astropy.table.Table. [#15372] * Fully removed support for version = ‘1.0’ on VOTableFile__init__() and changed its tests to check correctly. It was raising a DeprecationWarning and now is raising a ValueError. [#15490] ### astropy.modeling * Removed the AliasDict class from modeling.utils. [#12943] * Creating a model instance with parameters that have incompatible shapes will now raise a ValueError rather than an IncompatibleShapeError. [#15209] * Removal of deprecated code _model_to_fit_params and _fitter_to_model_params from [#15461] ### astropy.stats * The BoxLeastSquares, BoxLeastSquaresResults and LombScargle classes are not available from astropy.stats anymore, they are now available only from astropy.timeseries. [#15530] ### astropy.tests * Removed deprecated deprecation, warning, and exception handling functionality provided by astropy.tests.helper. [#14670] * astropy.tests.command.FixRemoteDataOption and astropy.tests.command.AstropyTest are deprecated. They are no longer necessary after sunsetting astropy-helpers. [#15204] ### astropy.time * Time has switched to use Masked arrays internally, instead of indicating masked values using NaN in the internal jd2 attribute. As a result, any output from instances, such as one gets with, say, the .isot format, will also use Masked by default. * For backwards compatibility, a new configuration item, astropy.time.conf.masked_array_type is introduced which is set to “astropy” by default (which indicates one wants to use Masked), but can also be set to “numpy”, in which case will be used where possible (essentially, for all but Quantity). [#15231] * Changed the TimeDelta init signature to be consistent with that of Time. Previously the argument order was val, val2, format, scale, copy. Now the order is val, val2, format, scale, *, precision, in_subfmt, out_subfmt, copy, where the arguments after the * must be specified by keyword. [#15264] ### astropy.timeseries * Removed deprecated midpoint_epoch in fold function; use epoch_time instead. [#15462] ### astropy.uncertainty * The .dtype attribute exposed by Distribution is now that of the samples, rather than one that has a “samples” entry. This makes quantities with structured data types and units easier to support, and generally makes the Distribution appear more similar to regular arrays. It should have little effect on code. For instance, distribution["samples"] still will return the actual distribution. * As a consequence of this refactoring, most arrays that are not C-contiguous can now be viewed and will thus not be copied on input any more. The only exceptions are arrays for which the strides are negative. * Note that the true data type is considered an implementation detail. But for reference, it now is a structured data type with a single field, “samples”, which itself is an array of “sample” fields, which contain the actual data. [#15304] ### astropy.units * Like np.ndarray, under numpy 2.0 Quantity and all its subclasses (Angle, Masked, etc.) will no longer support the .ptp() method. Use np.ptp(...) instead. * Similarly, support for the much less frequently used .newbyteorder() and .itemset() methods has been removed. [#15378] * The following deprecated functionality has been removed: - littleh unit and with_H0 equivalency. They are still available from cosmology.units. - brightness_temperature equivalency no longer automatically swaps the order of its arguments if it does not match the expectation. - PhysicalType no longer supports str methods and attributes. [#15514] ### astropy.utils * Removed deprecated OrderedDescriptor, OrderedDescriptorContainer, and set_locale in astropy.utils.misc. [#14679] * is_path_hidden() and walk_skip_hidden() are deprecated. [#14759] * The structure of utils.metadata has been refactored, but all the available functions and classes are still present and should be imported as before. [#15166] * The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData class, which is used throughout astropy to carry metadata on tables, columns, etc., can now also be used on dataclasses. * When accessing the meta attribute on a class astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData now returns None instead of itself. [#15237] * The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData class, which is used throughout astropy to carry metadata on tables, columns, etc., can now also be used on frozen dataclasses. [#15404] * Removed deprecated version_path in minversion function; it is no longer used. [#15468] ### astropy.visualization * The bboxes, ticklabels_bbox, and tick_out_size arguments to astropy.visualization.wcaxes.ticklabels.TickLabels.draw() now have no effect and are deprecated. This is to allow rasterized ticks to be drawn correctly on WCSAxes. [#14760] * It is now not possible to pass any keyword arguments to astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes.draw(). Previously passing any keyword arguments would have errored anyway, as matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw() does not accept keyword arguments. [#14772] * Deprecated the exp attribute in the LogStretch, InvertedLogStretch, PowerDistStretch, and InvertedPowerDistStretch stretch classes, and the power attribute in the PowerStretch. Instead, use the a attribute, which matches the input keyword. [#15538] * Removed the maximum value of the a parameter in the AsinhStretch and SinhStretch stretch classes. [#15539] ### astropy.wcs * Removed deprecated accuracy from all_world2pix method in WCS; use tolerance instead. [#15464] * NoConvergence no longer accepts arbitrary keyword arguments. [#15504] ## Bug Fixes ### astropy.coordinates * Fixed minor bug when getting solar system positions of objects from Type 3 SPICE kernel files. [#15612] ### astropy.cosmology * The exponent in w0wzCDM.de_density_scale has been corrected to 3, from -3. This correction has also been made to the scalar inv_efunc cpython functions. [#14991] * pandas.Series are now uniformly converted to their underlying data type when given as an argument to a Cosmology method. [#15600] ### * Reading a table from FITS now respects the TNULL property of a column, passing it into the column’s fill_value. [#14723] * Fix crash when a PrimaryHDU has a GROUPS keyword with a non-boolean value (i.e. not a random-groups HDU). [#14998] * Fixed a bug that caused Cutout2D to not work correctly with CompImageHDU.section [#14999] * Fixed a bug that caused compressed images with TFORM missing the optional ‘1’ prefix to not be readable. [#15001] * Ensure that tables written to FITS with both masked and unmasked columns roundtrip properly (previously, all integer columns would become masked if any column was masked). [#15473] * Fix segfault with error report in tile decompression. [#15489] ### * Output of repr for VOTable instance now clearly shows it is a VOTable and not generic astropy Table. [#14702] ### astropy.modeling * All models can be pickled now. [#14902] ### astropy.nddata * Restore bitmask propagation behavior in NDData.mask, plus a fix for arithmetic between masked and unmasked NDData objects. [#14995] ### astropy.table * Table.as_array now respects the fill_value property of masked columns. [#14723] * Fix a bug where table indexes were not using a stable sort order. This was causing the order of rows within groups to not match the original table order when an indexed table was grouped. [#14907] * Fixed issue #14964 that when grouping a Table on a mixin column such as Quantity or Time, the grouped table keys did not reflect the original column values. For Quantity this meant that the key values were pure float values without the unit, while for Time the key values were the pair of jd1 and jd2 float values. [#14966] ### astropy.time * Ensure that the Time caches of formats and scales do not get out of sync with the actual data, even if another instance, holding a view of the data is written to. E.g., if one does t01 = t[:2], and sets t[0] after, it is now guaranteed that t01.value will correctly reflect that change in value. [#15453] ### astropy.units * In VOunits, “pix”, “au”, “a”, and “ct” are removed from the list of deprecated units. [#14885] ### astropy.utils * Ufuncs with more than 2 operands (such as erfa.dtf2d) now work also if all inputs are scalars and more than two inputs have masks. [#15450] * Ensured that str(masked_array) looks like str(unmasked_array) also for array scalars. Thus, like regular array scalars, the precision is ignored for float, and strings do not include extra quoting. [#15451] ### astropy.visualization * The location of ticklabels on a WCSAxes is now correctly calculated when the figure is rasterized. [#14760] * Fixed a bug where a ValueError would be raised in the AsinhStretch and SinhStretch classes for valid a parameter values. [#15539] ### astropy.wcs * wcs.validate(filename) now properly closes the file handler. [#15054] * Fix a regression in custom WCS mapping due to the recent introduction of Solar System frames. [#15630] ## Other Changes and Additions * The minimum supported version of NumPy is now 1.22. [#15006] * Moved International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems (IERS) and Leap Second files out into standalone astropy-iers-data package, maintaining full backward-compatibility in the astropy.utils.iers API. Deprecation warnings may be issued when certain files are accessed directly. [#14819] * Switch from using setup.cfg for project configuration to using pyproject.toml. [#15247] * Update bundled expat to 2.5.0. [#15585] - Drop astropy-pr15479-pvstar.patch OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:d490f7e2faac2ccc01c9244202d629154259af8a979104ced89dc4ace4e6f1d8
size 7811582
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:03cd801a55305da523cd8d780d76359f57255dcdc59fe0bdd71fd5154fc777d9
size 7064934
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
From c15ad2fcd21182787eb7db2195bfc70690efca2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "P. L. Lim" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:40:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Backport PR #15476: Account for SOFA/ERFA bugfix in pvstar
astropy/units/tests/ | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/astropy/units/tests/ b/astropy/units/tests/
index 729f9539c7e..42589397a19 100644
--- a/astropy/units/tests/
+++ b/astropy/units/tests/
@@ -139,7 +139,11 @@ def test_pvstar(self):
assert px.unit == u.arcsec
assert_quantity_allclose(px, 1 * u.radian)
assert rv.unit == / u.s
- assert_array_equal(rv.value, np.zeros(self.pv.shape))
+ # RV is non-zero because proper motion induces a small redshift
+ # due to second order Doppler shift.
+ assert_quantity_allclose(
+ rv, np.zeros(self.pv.shape) << ( / u.s), atol=1 * u.m / u.s
+ )
def test_starpv(self):
ra, dec, pmr, pmd, px, rv, stat = erfa_ufunc.pvstar(self.pv)
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
addFilter('devel-file-in-non-devel-package .*/wcs/.*')
addFilter('hidden-file-or-dir .*/tests/data/.*')
addFilter('zero-length .*/tests/data/.*')
addFilter('hidden-file-or-dir .*/tests/data')
addFilter('zero-length .*/tests/data')
@ -1,3 +1,396 @@
Sat Dec 9 18:08:42 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 6.0.0
## New Features
### astropy.config
* The new method provides a convenient way
to get information about configuration items. [#13499]
### astropy.coordinates
* Support has been added to create geodetic representations not
just for existing ellipsoids from ERFA, but also with
explicitly provided values, by defining a subclass of
BaseGeodeticRepresentation with the equatorial radius and
flattening assigned to _equatorial_radius and _flattening
attributes. [#14763]
* Add BaseBodycentricRepresentation, a new spheroidal
representation for bodycentric latitudes and longitudes.
* Support Numpy broadcasting over frame data and attributes.
### astropy.cosmology
* Registered a latex writer for exporting a Cosmology object to a
LaTex table. [#14701]
* Added argument rename to Cosmology’s I/O, allowing for input
and output symbols to be renamed. [#14780]
* All non-abstract Cosmology subclasses are now automatically
registered to work with Astropy’s YAML serialization. [#14979]
* Cosmology I/O now auto-identifies the ‘.tex’ suffix with the
‘ascii.latex’ format. [#15088]
* The Cosmology class now has a new property to access the
parameters of the cosmology: .parameters. This property return
a read-only dictionary of all the non-derived parameter values
on the cosmology object. When accessed from the class (not an
instance) the dictionary contains Parameter instances, not the
values. [#15168]
* The field default has been added to Parameter. This can be used
to introspect the default value of a parameter on a cosmology
class e.g. LambdaCDM.H0.default. [#15400]
* Add new option decompress_in_memory to, to decompress
the whole file in memory at once, instead of decompressing the
file progressively as data is needed. Default behavior is
better for memory usage but sometimes slow, especially for
files with many small HDUs. [#15501]
* Add support for Parquet serialization of VOTables. Writing of
this serialization is available with using the new
'votable.parquet' format. [#15281]
* Added MIVOT feature through the MivotBlock class that allows
model annotations reading and writing in VOTable. [#15390]
### astropy.modeling
* Added a GeneralSersic2D model that can have “boxy” or “disky”
isophotes. [#15545]
### astropy.nddata
* A more flexible and/or compact string representation is now
available for NDData objects which visually indicates masked
entries, and provides for better for dask array support.
### astropy.table
* The new Row.get() method, analogous to dict.get(), returns the
value of the specified column from the row if the column
present, otherwise it returns a fallback value, which by
default is None. [#14878]
### astropy.time
* Masked Time instances now use astropy’s own Masked class
internally. This means that Masked input is now properly
recognized, and that masks get propagated also to Quantity
output (such as from a TimeDelta converted to a unit of time),
creating MaskedQuantity instances. [#15231]
* Added a TimeDelta format quantity_str that represents the time
delta as a string with one or more Quantity components. This
format provides a human-readable multi-scale string
representation of a time delta. The default output sub-format
is not considered stable in this release, please see
astropy/astropy#15485 for more information. [#15264]
### astropy.uncertainty
* Uncertainty Distribution now support structured data types, and
as a result it now works also with EarthLocation. [#15304]
* Uncertainty Distribution can now be used inside
representations, which also allows basic support in SkyCoord.
While most calculations work, there are remaining issues. For
instance, the repr does not show that the coordinates are
distributions. [#15395]
### astropy.units
* Add support for gc2gde and gd2gce erfa functions to allow
geodetic representations using equatorial radius and
flattening. [#14729]
### astropy.utils
* The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData default dictionary can now
be set with the default_factory keyword argument. [#15265]
* astropy.utils.decorators.deprecated now adds the __deprecated__
attribute to the objects it wraps, following the practice in
|||| [#15310]
### astropy.visualization
* Add WCSAxes.text_coord method to print text using SkyCoord
objects parallel to plotting data points with
WCSAxes.plot_coord. [#14661]
### astropy.wcs
* Support WCS descriptions of basic planetary coordinate frames.
* Updated bundled WCSLIB version to 8.1. This update adds support
planetary keywords A_RADIUS, B_RADIUS, C_RADIUS, BLON_OBS,
BLAT_OBS, and BDIS_OBS in auxprm and adds wcsprm::time to the
wcsprm struct to record the TIME axis. This update also
includes several bug fixes. For a full list of changes - see
|||| [#15035]
## API Changes
### astropy.config
* Removed deprecated ConfigurationMissingWarning class and
update_default_config function; There are no replacements as
they should no be used anymore. [#15466]
### astropy.convolution
* Invalid kernel arithmetic operations now raise a
KernelArithmeticError instead of a bare Exception. [#14728]
* Added base KernelError error class and removed
DiscretizationError error class (a ValueError will be raised
instead). [#14732]
* discretize_model will now raise a ValueError if
mode='oversample' and factor does not have an integer value.
### astropy.coordinates
* Removed deprecated angle parsing and formatting utilities from
angle_utilities. Use the functions from angle_formats instead.
* The deprecated functionality of initializing Angle or Longitude
from a tuple is no longer supported. [#15205]
* Angle-related classes and functions have been moved within
astropy.coordinates. There is no change to public API as
everything moved should still be imported from
astropy.coordinates, not a sub-module. If you are using private
API, try importing from astropy.coordinates instead. If you
need something that has been moved and is not available in
astropy.coordinates, please open an issue on the Astropy issue
tracker. [#15220]
* It is no longer possible to pass frame classes to the
transform_to() method of a low-level coordinate-frame class. It
is still possible to pass frame instances. The transform_to()
method of the high-level SkyCoord class is unaffected. [#15500]
### astropy.cosmology
* Removed support of importing private constants and functions
from astropy.cosmology.flrw. [#14672]
* Removed deprecated Cosmology Parameter argument fmt. [#14673]
* Removed deprecated vectorize_if_needed and inf_like from
cosmology.utils. [#14677]
* Removed deprecated import paths from astropy.cosmology.core.
* Cosmology Parameter is now a dataclass, and can work with all
of Python’s dataclasses machinery, like field introspection and
type conversion. [#14874]
* A new property – scale_factor0 – has been added to Cosmology
objects. This is the scale factor at redshift 0, and is defined
to be 1.0. [#14931]
* Added registration label ascii.latex to Cosmology IO. [#14938]
* The private module astropy.cosmology.utils has been deprecated.
* Removed deprecated get_cosmology_from_string class method in
default_cosmology; use get instead. [#15467]
* Several arguments in functions within have
been deprecated and are either renamed or scheduled to be
* read(): - Reader will be removed. Instead supply the equivalent
format argument. - Inputter has been renamed to inputter_cls. -
Outputter has been renamed to outputter_cls.
* get_reader(): - Reader has been renamed to reader_cls. -
Inputter has been renamed to inputter_cls. - Outputter has been
renamed to outputter_cls.
* write(): - Writer will be removed. Instead supply the
equivalent format argument.
* get_writer(): - Writer has been renamed to writer_cls. [#14914]
* Removed deprecated test
helper; use pytest.raises instead. [#15470]
* Deprecate _ExtensionHDU and _NonstandardExtHDU (use
ExtensionHDU or NonstandardExtHDU instead). [#15396]
* Remove special handling of TCTYP TCUNI TCRPX TCRVL TCDLT TRPOS
(#7157). [#15396]
* Rename and deprecate TableHDU.update to TableHDU.update_header,
for consistency with ImageHDU. [#15396]
* Removed deprecated subpackage. Use
asdf-astropy package instead. [#14668]
* fnunpickle and fnpickle are deprecated because they are not
used anywhere within astropy. If you must, use the module from
Python standard library but be advised that pickle is insecure
so you should only unpickle data that you trust. [#15418]
* Removed deprecated pedantic option from the
|||| function and the corresponding
configuration setting. Use the verify option instead. [#14669]
* Class has been renamed to
TableElement to avoid sharing the name with
astropy.table.Table. [#15372]
* Fully removed support for version = ‘1.0’ on
VOTableFile__init__() and changed its tests to check correctly.
It was raising a DeprecationWarning and now is raising a
ValueError. [#15490]
### astropy.modeling
* Removed the AliasDict class from modeling.utils. [#12943]
* Creating a model instance with parameters that have
incompatible shapes will now raise a ValueError rather than an
IncompatibleShapeError. [#15209]
* Removal of deprecated code _model_to_fit_params and
_fitter_to_model_params from [#15461]
### astropy.stats
* The BoxLeastSquares, BoxLeastSquaresResults and LombScargle
classes are not available from astropy.stats anymore, they are
now available only from astropy.timeseries. [#15530]
### astropy.tests
* Removed deprecated deprecation, warning, and exception handling
functionality provided by astropy.tests.helper. [#14670]
* astropy.tests.command.FixRemoteDataOption and
astropy.tests.command.AstropyTest are deprecated. They are no
longer necessary after sunsetting astropy-helpers. [#15204]
### astropy.time
* Time has switched to use Masked arrays internally, instead of
indicating masked values using NaN in the internal jd2
attribute. As a result, any output from instances, such as one
gets with, say, the .isot format, will also use Masked by
* For backwards compatibility, a new configuration item,
astropy.time.conf.masked_array_type is introduced which is set
to “astropy” by default (which indicates one wants to use
Masked), but can also be set to “numpy”, in which case
|||| will be used where possible (essentially,
for all but Quantity). [#15231]
* Changed the TimeDelta init signature to be consistent with that
of Time. Previously the argument order was val, val2, format,
scale, copy. Now the order is val, val2, format, scale, *,
precision, in_subfmt, out_subfmt, copy, where the arguments
after the * must be specified by keyword. [#15264]
### astropy.timeseries
* Removed deprecated midpoint_epoch in fold function; use
epoch_time instead. [#15462]
### astropy.uncertainty
* The .dtype attribute exposed by Distribution is now that of the
samples, rather than one that has a “samples” entry. This makes
quantities with structured data types and units easier to
support, and generally makes the Distribution appear more
similar to regular arrays. It should have little effect on
code. For instance, distribution["samples"] still will return
the actual distribution.
* As a consequence of this refactoring, most arrays that are not
C-contiguous can now be viewed and will thus not be copied on
input any more. The only exceptions are arrays for which the
strides are negative.
* Note that the true data type is considered an implementation
detail. But for reference, it now is a structured data type
with a single field, “samples”, which itself is an array of
“sample” fields, which contain the actual data. [#15304]
### astropy.units
* Like np.ndarray, under numpy 2.0 Quantity and all its
subclasses (Angle, Masked, etc.) will no longer support the
.ptp() method. Use np.ptp(...) instead.
* Similarly, support for the much less frequently used
.newbyteorder() and .itemset() methods has been removed.
* The following deprecated functionality has been removed:
- littleh unit and with_H0 equivalency. They are still
available from cosmology.units.
- brightness_temperature equivalency no longer automatically
swaps the order of its arguments if it does not match the
- PhysicalType no longer supports str methods and attributes.
### astropy.utils
* Removed deprecated OrderedDescriptor,
OrderedDescriptorContainer, and set_locale in
astropy.utils.misc. [#14679]
* is_path_hidden() and walk_skip_hidden() are deprecated.
* The structure of utils.metadata has been refactored, but all
the available functions and classes are still present and
should be imported as before. [#15166]
* The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData class, which is used
throughout astropy to carry metadata on tables, columns, etc.,
can now also be used on dataclasses.
* When accessing the meta attribute on a class
astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData now returns None instead of
itself. [#15237]
* The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData class, which is used
throughout astropy to carry metadata on tables, columns, etc.,
can now also be used on frozen dataclasses. [#15404]
* Removed deprecated version_path in minversion function; it is
no longer used. [#15468]
### astropy.visualization
* The bboxes, ticklabels_bbox, and tick_out_size arguments to
astropy.visualization.wcaxes.ticklabels.TickLabels.draw() now
have no effect and are deprecated. This is to allow rasterized
ticks to be drawn correctly on WCSAxes. [#14760]
* It is now not possible to pass any keyword arguments to
astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes.draw(). Previously
passing any keyword arguments would have errored anyway, as
matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw() does not accept keyword arguments.
* Deprecated the exp attribute in the LogStretch,
InvertedLogStretch, PowerDistStretch, and
InvertedPowerDistStretch stretch classes, and the power
attribute in the PowerStretch. Instead, use the a attribute,
which matches the input keyword. [#15538]
* Removed the maximum value of the a parameter in the
AsinhStretch and SinhStretch stretch classes. [#15539]
### astropy.wcs
* Removed deprecated accuracy from all_world2pix method in WCS;
use tolerance instead. [#15464]
* NoConvergence no longer accepts arbitrary keyword arguments.
## Bug Fixes
### astropy.coordinates
* Fixed minor bug when getting solar system positions of objects
from Type 3 SPICE kernel files. [#15612]
### astropy.cosmology
* The exponent in w0wzCDM.de_density_scale has been corrected to
3, from -3. This correction has also been made to the scalar
inv_efunc cpython functions. [#14991]
* pandas.Series are now uniformly converted to their underlying
data type when given as an argument to a Cosmology method.
* Reading a table from FITS now respects the TNULL property of a
column, passing it into the column’s fill_value. [#14723]
* Fix crash when a PrimaryHDU has a GROUPS keyword with a
non-boolean value (i.e. not a random-groups HDU). [#14998]
* Fixed a bug that caused Cutout2D to not work correctly with
CompImageHDU.section [#14999]
* Fixed a bug that caused compressed images with TFORM missing
the optional ‘1’ prefix to not be readable. [#15001]
* Ensure that tables written to FITS with both masked and
unmasked columns roundtrip properly (previously, all integer
columns would become masked if any column was masked). [#15473]
* Fix segfault with error report in tile decompression. [#15489]
* Output of repr for VOTable instance now clearly shows it is a
VOTable and not generic astropy Table. [#14702]
### astropy.modeling
* All models can be pickled now. [#14902]
### astropy.nddata
* Restore bitmask propagation behavior in NDData.mask, plus a fix
for arithmetic between masked and unmasked NDData objects.
### astropy.table
* Table.as_array now respects the fill_value property of masked
columns. [#14723]
* Fix a bug where table indexes were not using a stable sort
order. This was causing the order of rows within groups to not
match the original table order when an indexed table was
grouped. [#14907]
* Fixed issue #14964 that when grouping a Table on a mixin column
such as Quantity or Time, the grouped table keys did not
reflect the original column values. For Quantity this meant
that the key values were pure float values without the unit,
while for Time the key values were the pair of jd1 and jd2
float values. [#14966]
### astropy.time
* Ensure that the Time caches of formats and scales do not get
out of sync with the actual data, even if another instance,
holding a view of the data is written to. E.g., if one does t01
= t[:2], and sets t[0] after, it is now guaranteed that
t01.value will correctly reflect that change in value. [#15453]
### astropy.units
* In VOunits, “pix”, “au”, “a”, and “ct” are removed from the
list of deprecated units. [#14885]
### astropy.utils
* Ufuncs with more than 2 operands (such as erfa.dtf2d) now work
also if all inputs are scalars and more than two inputs have
masks. [#15450]
* Ensured that str(masked_array) looks like str(unmasked_array)
also for array scalars. Thus, like regular array scalars, the
precision is ignored for float, and strings do not include
extra quoting. [#15451]
### astropy.visualization
* The location of ticklabels on a WCSAxes is now correctly
calculated when the figure is rasterized. [#14760]
* Fixed a bug where a ValueError would be raised in the
AsinhStretch and SinhStretch classes for valid a parameter
values. [#15539]
### astropy.wcs
* wcs.validate(filename) now properly closes the file handler.
* Fix a regression in custom WCS mapping due to the recent
introduction of Solar System frames. [#15630]
## Other Changes and Additions
* The minimum supported version of NumPy is now 1.22. [#15006]
* Moved International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems (IERS)
and Leap Second files out into standalone astropy-iers-data
package, maintaining full backward-compatibility in the
astropy.utils.iers API. Deprecation warnings may be issued when
certain files are accessed directly. [#14819]
* Switch from using setup.cfg for project configuration to using
pyproject.toml. [#15247]
* Update bundled expat to 2.5.0. [#15585]
- Drop astropy-pr15479-pvstar.patch
Wed Nov 8 01:37:46 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
Name: python-astropy%{psuffix}
Version: 5.3.4
Version: 6.0.0
Release: 0
Summary: Community-developed python astronomy tools
License: BSD-3-Clause
@ -58,18 +58,12 @@ Source:
# Mark wcs headers as false positives for devel-file-in-non-devel-package
# These are used by the python files so they must be available.
Source100: python-astropy-rpmlintrc
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM astropy-pr15479-pvstar.patch gh#astropy/astropy#15479 gh#astropy/astropy#15476 gh#astropy/astropy#15537
BuildRequires: %{python_module Cython >= 0.29.36 with %python-Cython < 3}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Jinja2}
BuildRequires: %{python_module PyYAML >= 3.13}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Cython >= 3 with %python-Cython < 3.1}
BuildRequires: %{python_module devel >= 3.9}
BuildRequires: %{python_module extension-helpers}
BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy-devel >= 1.25 with %python-numpy-devel < 2}
BuildRequires: %{python_module packaging >= 19.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pyerfa >= 2.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools_scm >= 6.2}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: %{python_module wheel}
@ -78,58 +72,65 @@ BuildRequires: hdf5-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
Requires: python-PyYAML >= 3.13
Requires: python-astropy-iers-data >= 0.2023.
Requires: python-packaging >= 19.0
Requires: python-pyerfa >= 2.0
Requires: (python-numpy >= 1.21 with python-numpy < 2)
Requires: (python-numpy >= 1.22 with python-numpy < 2)
Requires(post): update-alternatives
Recommends: libxml2-tools
Recommends: python-Bottleneck
Recommends: python-asdf >= 2.9.2
Recommends: python-asdf-astropy
Recommends: python-beautifulsoup4
Recommends: python-bleach
Recommends: python-fsspec >= 2022.8.2
Recommends: python-h5py
Recommends: python-html5lib
Recommends: python-jplephem
Recommends: python-matplotlib >= 3.3
Recommends: python-mpmath
Recommends: python-pandas
Recommends: python-pyarrow >= 5
Recommends: python-scipy >= 1.5
Recommends: python-setuptools
Recommends: python-sortedcontainers
Recommends: python-typing_extensions >=
# %%{_bindir}/showtable namespace clash
Conflicts: perl-Data-ShowTable
# [recommended]
Recommends: python-scipy >= 1.5
Recommends: python-matplotlib >= 3.3
Conflicts: python-matplotlib = 3.4.0
Conflicts: python-matplotlib = 3.5.2
# [all]
Suggests: python-h5py
Suggests: python-beautifulsoup4
Suggests: python-html5lib
Suggests: python-bleach
Suggests: libxml2-tools
Suggests: python-pandas
Suggests: python-sortedcontainers
Suggests: python-pytz
Suggests: python-jplephem
Suggests: python-setuptools
Suggests: python-mpmath
Suggests: python-asdf-astropy >= 0.3
Suggests: python-Bottleneck
Suggests: python-pyarrow >= 5
Suggests: python-fsspec >= 2023.4.0
# Suggests: python-s3fs
%if %{with system_expat}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(expat)
%if %{with system_wcslib}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(wcslib) >= 7
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(wcslib) >= 8.1
%if %{with test}
# SECTION Optional requirements
# SECTION [all]+[recommends]
BuildRequires: %{python_module Bottleneck}
BuildRequires: %{python_module asdf >= 2.10.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module asdf-astropy}
BuildRequires: %{python_module asdf-astropy >= 0.3}
BuildRequires: %{python_module beautifulsoup4}
BuildRequires: %{python_module bleach}
BuildRequires: %{python_module fsspec >= 2023.4.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module h5py}
BuildRequires: %{python_module html5lib}
BuildRequires: %{python_module jplephem}
BuildRequires: %{python_module matplotlib >= 3.3}
BuildRequires: %{python_module mpmath}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pandas}
%ifnarch %arm
BuildRequires: %{python_module pyarrow >= 5}
BuildRequires: %{python_module scipy >= 1.3}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytz}
BuildRequires: %{python_module scipy >= 1.5}
BuildRequires: %{python_module sortedcontainers}
BuildRequires: %{python_module typing_extensions >=}
BuildRequires: libxml2-tools
# SECTION test requirements
# SECTION [test]
# We need the compiled package for testing
BuildRequires: %{python_module astropy = %{version}}
BuildRequires: %{python_module ipython >= 4.2}
@ -177,7 +178,10 @@ hypothesis.settings.register_profile(
" >> astropy/
sed -i 's/--color=yes//' setup.cfg
sed -i 's/--color=yes//' pyproject.toml
find astropy -name .gitignore -delete
find astropy -name .empty -delete
find astropy -name '*.c' -exec chmod -x {} ';'
@ -202,22 +206,16 @@ donttest+=" or (test_wcs and test_spectra)"
donttest+=" or (test_standard_profile and test_main)"
# segfaults on obs, but are okay when run on live system -- gh#astropy/astropy/13286
donttest+=" or test_celprm or test_prjprm"
%ifarch aarch64
# doctest failure because of precision errors
donttest+=" or bayesian_info_criterion_lsq"
%ifarch %arm32
# gh#astropy/astropy#12017
donttest+=" or test_stats"
%ifarch %ix86 %arm
donttest+=" or (test_models_quantities and test_models_fitting and LevMarLSQFitter)"
# precision issues
donttest+=" or (TestFits2Bitmap and test_orientation)"
# running pytest directly would require building the extensions inplace
%{python_exec -B -c "
import sys, astropy
pytestargs = ('-v '
'-rsfE '
'-n auto ' # pytest-xdist
'-p no:cacheprovider '
'--hypothesis-profile=obs '
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