------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 13 09:23:17 UTC 2018 - Thomas Bechtold - update to 0.8.1: - Previous attempts to sanitize cassette names were incomplete. Sanitization has become more thorough which could have some affects on existing cassette files. **This may cause new cassettes to be generated.** - Fix bug where there may be an exception raised in a ``betamax.exceptions.BetamaxError`` repr. - Use %license macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 16 15:57:27 UTC 2017 - dmueller@suse.com - convert to singlespec packaging ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 15 10:34:38 UTC 2016 - dmueller@suse.com - update to 0.8.0: - Add ``betamax_parametrized_recorder`` and ``betamax_parametrized_session`` to our list of pytest fixtures so that users will have parametrized cassette names when writing parametrized tests with our fixtures. (I wonder if I can mention parametrization a bunch more times so I can say parametrize a lot in this bullet note.) - Add ``ValidationError`` and a set of subclasses for each possible validation error. - Raise ``InvalidOption`` on unknown cassette options rather than silently ignoring extra options. - Raise a subclass of ``ValidationError`` when a particular cassette option is invalid, rather than silently ignoring the validation failure. - Fix bug with query string matcher where query-strings without values (e.g., ``?foo&bar`` as opposed to ``?foo=1&bar=2``) were treated as if there were no query string. - Fix issue #108 by effectively copying the items in the match_requests_on list into the match_options set on a Cassette instance ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 7 07:52:18 UTC 2016 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to 0.7.0: - Add before_record and before_playback hooks - Allow per-cassette placeholders to be merged and override global placeholders - Fix bug where the QueryMatcher failed matching on high Unicode points - Add betamax_recorder pytest fixture - Change default behaviour to allow duplicate interactions to be recorded in single cassette - Add allow_playback_repeats to allow an interaction to be used more than once from a single cassette - Always return a new Response object from an Interaction to allow for a streaming response to be usable multiple times - Remove CI support for Pythons 2.6 and 3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 11 14:44:26 UTC 2016 - tbechtold@suse.com - Initial packaging (version 0.5.1)