forked from pool/python-ipywidgets
python2 less enviroment OBS-URL:
293 lines
24 KiB
293 lines
24 KiB
Sat Mar 28 07:37:07 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Drop left over python-mock dep that is not present on
python2 less enviroment
Wed Mar 11 15:01:17 UTC 2020 - Todd R <>
- Disable python2 build temporarily to get everything working.
Sun Aug 11 01:36:21 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Update to 7.5.1
* Add $el to BoxView and ControllerView
* Fix setting a selection index when having duplicate values
* Fixup build of documentation
* Fix controls base dep
* Reduce count of deprecation warnings
* Update LayoutTemplate example
* update html manager
* js integrity
Sat Jul 27 03:30:24 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Update to 7.5.0
* New `AppLayout` and `GridLayout` templates for positioning interactive widgets.
* New `FileUpload` widget allowing users to upload files from the browser.
* New `ComboBox` widget.
* JupyterLab CSS variables are now exposed by default even in the case of the classic notebook.
- Remove upstream-included fix-py3.7-unicode-in-rawstring.patch
Tue May 14 15:53:19 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Remove not strictly needed dependencies to avoid dependency
Thu Apr 25 01:59:57 UTC 2019 - Todd R <>
- Rename to to match python package naming guidelines.
Thu Feb 7 06:37:08 UTC 2019 - Hans-Peter Jansen <>
- add python pexpect and pickleshare test dependencies
Tue Feb 5 12:52:46 UTC 2019 - Antonio Larrosa <>
- Add fix-py3.7-unicode-in-rawstring.patch to fix building with python3.7
Sun Sep 16 16:20:05 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <>
- specfile:
* remove devel from noarch
* be more specific in %files section
- update to version 7.4.2:
* Add `click` method to the Button Widget
* Fix JS remove_buffers view check
* Add tests for JS remove_buffers
* Use data-jupyter-widgets-cdn attribute to make the CDN
* update lerna
Fri Sep 7 15:48:30 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 3.4.1
* New `Video` and `Audio` widgets have been introduced. [#2162](
We updated the `@jupyter-widgets/controls` widget specification version to `1.4.0`, leading to the version bump to 7.4.
* The use of mappings for the `options` attribute of selection widgets is deprecated. [#2130](
- Use upstream documentation builds
Fri Aug 3 14:46:23 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 7.3.2
* A new `GridBox` widget is introduced and associated CSS gridproperties are added to the layout. This enables using the CSS Grid spec for laying out widgets. See the [Widget Styling]( documentation for some examples. Because of this and other model specification changes, the view and module versions of widgets was incremented in both the base and controls packages. ([#2107](, [#2064](, [#1942](
* Widgets with a `description` attribute now also have a `description_tooltip` attribute to set a tooltip on the description. The tooltip defaults to the description text. Setting `description_tooltip` to `''` removes it, and setting it to `None` makes the tooltip default to the description text. ([#2070](
* `'transparent'` is now a valid color for color attributes. ([#2128](
* Dropdowns now have extra padding to make room for the dropdown arrow. ([#2052](, [#2101](
* Image widget `repr` now truncates the image value to prevent huge amounts of output in notebooks. ([#2111](
* Python 3.3 support is dropped. Python 3.3 support was dropped in the Python community in [September 2017]( ([#2129](
* The license information has been consolidated into the LICENSE file, and the file is removed. If you are repackaging ipywidgets or widgetsnbextension, please make sure to include LICENSE instead of ([#2133](, [#2048](, [#1701](, [#1706](
Thu Apr 19 04:32:42 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 7.2.1
* A new `FloatLogSlider` widget is a slider with a log scale, suitable for exploring a wide range of magnitudes.
* `link` and `dlink` are now exported from ipywidgets for convenience, so that you can import them directly from ipywidgets instead of needing to import them from traitlets. ([#1923](
* A new option `manual_name` has been added to `interact_manual()` to change the name of the update button, for example `interact_manual(manual_name='Update')`. ([#1924](
* The Output widget now has a `.capture()` method, which returns a decorator to capture the output of a function.
* The Output widget has much more comprehensive documentation in its own section. ([#2020](
* Installing `widgetsnbextension` now automatically enables the nbextension in Jupyter Notebook 5.3 or later. ([#1911](
* The default rendering of a widget if widgets are not installed is now a short description of the widget in text instead of a much longer HTML message. ([#2007](
* The JavaScript base widget manager class now has a `resolveUrl` method to resolve a URL relative to the current notebook location. ([#1993](
* The html manager now exposes a way to specify which JavaScript file is fetched for a package and the loader used to fetch the library. ([#1995](, [#1998](
* The `@jupyter-widgets/controls` widget specification version was bumped to `1.2.0`. Changes include the FloatLogSlider widget and more specific documentation about array element types. ([#2017](
Mon Feb 26 01:22:09 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 7.1.2
* Bugfix release
Thu Feb 15 14:36:41 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 7.1.1
* Bugfix release
Thu Jan 18 06:45:58 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 7.1
* We updated the @jupyter-widgets/controls widget specification
version to 1.1.0, leading to the version bump to 7.1.
The new widget model specification now includes new
description_width and font_weight attributes for the
ToggleButtonsStyle widget.
* There are also other bugfixes in this release.
Wed Nov 22 22:50:14 UTC 2017 -
- update to version 7.0.5:
* No changelog
Tue Nov 14 16:34:24 UTC 2017 -
- update to version 7.0.4:
* No changelog
Thu Oct 26 17:28:03 UTC 2017 -
- Update to 7.0.3
* No changelog
Tue Sep 19 20:31:32 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 7.0.1
+ Major user-visible changes in ipywidgets 7.0 include:
* Widgets are now displayed in the output area in the classic notebook and are treated as any other output. This allows the widgets to work more naturally with other cell output. To delete a widget, clear the output from the cell. Output from functions triggered by a widget view is appended to the output area that contains the widget view. This means that printed text will be appended to the output, and calling `clear_output()` will delete the entire output, including the widget view. ([#1274](, [#1353](
* Removed the version validation check since it was causing too many false warnings about the widget javascript not being installed or the wrong version number. It is now up to the user to ensure that the ipywidgets and widgetsnbextension packages are compatible. ([#1219](
* The documentation theme is changed to the new standard Jupyter theme. ([#1363](
* The `layout` and `style` traits can be set with a dictionary for convenience, which will automatically converted to a Layout or Style object, like `IntSlider(layout={'width': '100%'}, style={'handle_color': 'lightgreen'})`. ([#1253](
* The Select widget now is a listbox instead of a dropdown, reverting back to the pre-6.0 behavior. ([#1238](
* The Select and SelectMultiple widgets now have a `rows` attribute for the number of rows to display, consistent with the Textarea widget. The `layout.height` attribute overrides this to control the height of the widget. ([#1250](
* Selection widgets (`Select`, `Dropdown`, `ToggleButtons`, etc.) have new `.value`, `.label`, and `.index` traits to make it easier to access or change the selected option. ([#1262](, [#1513](
* Selection container widgets (`Accordion`, `Tabs`) can have their `.selected_index` set to `None` to deselect all items. ([#1495](
* The `Play` widget range is now inclusive (max value is max, instead of max-1), to be consistent with Sliders
* The `Play` widget now has an optional repeat toggle button (visible by default). ([#1190](
* A refactoring of the text, slider, slider range, and progress widgets in resulted in the progress widgets losing their `step` attribute (which was previously ignored), and a number of these widgets changing their `_model_name` and/or `_view_name` attributes ([#1290](
* The `Checkbox` description is now on the right of the checkbox and is clickable. The `Checkbox` widget has a new `indent` attribute (defaults to `True`) to line up nicely with controls that have descriptions. To make the checkbox align to the left, set `indent` to `False`. ([#1346](
* A new Password widget, which behaves exactly like the Text widget, but hides the typed text: `Password()`. ([#1310](
* A new SelectionRangeSlider widget for selecting ranges from ordered lists of objects. For example, this enables having a slider to select a date range. ([#1356](
* The `Label` widget now has no width restriction. ([#1269](
* The description width is now configurable with the `.style.description_width` attribute ([#1376](
* ToggleButtons have a new `.style.button_width` attribute to set the CSS width of the buttons. Set this to `'initial'` to have buttons that individually size to the content width. ([#1257](
* The `readout_format` attribute of number sliders now validates its argument. ([#1550](
* The `IntRangeSlider` widget now has a `.readout_format` trait to control the formatting of the readout. ([#1446](
* The `Text`, `Textarea`, `IntText`, `BoundedIntText`, `FloatText`, and `BoundedFloatText` widgets all gained a `continuous_update` attribute (defaults to `True` for `Text` and `TextArea`, and `False` for the others). ([#1545](
* The `IntText`, `BoundedIntText`, `FloatText`, and `BoundedFloatText` widgets are now rendered as HTML number inputs, and have a `step` attribute that controls the resolution. ([#1545](
* The `Text.on_submit` callback is deprecated; instead, set `continuous_update` to `False` and observe the `value` attribute: `mywidget.observe(callback, 'value')`. The `Textarea.scroll_to_bottom` method was removed. ([#1545](
* The `msg_throttle` attribute on widgets is now gone, and the code has a hardcoded message throttle equivalent to `msg_throttle=1`. ([#1557](
* Using function annotations to specify interact controls for a function is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ipywidgets. ([#1292](
* There are now two simple ways to embed widgets in an HTML page: with a simple script tag that does not use require.js and does not support anything but the basic widgets, and a require module that does support custom widgets. See the migration guide for more details. ([#1615](, [#1629](, [#1630](
+ If you are developing a custom widget or widget manager, here are some major changes that may affect you. The [migration guide](./migration_guides.html) also walks through how to upgrade a custom widget.
* On the Python/kernel side:
> The Python `@register` decorator for widget classes no longer takes a string argument, but registers a widget class using the `_model_*` and `_view_*` traits in the class. Using the decorator as `@register('name')` is deprecated and should be changed to just `@register`. [#1228](, [#1276](
> Widgets will now need correct `_model_module` and `_view_module` Unicode traits defined.
> Selection widgets now sync the index of the selected item, rather than the label. ([#1262](
> The Python `ipywidget.domwidget.LabeledWidget` is now `ipywidget.widget_description.DescriptionWidget`, and there is a new `ipywidget.widget_description.DescriptionStyle` that lets the user set the CSS width of the description.
> Custom serializers can now return a structure that contains binary objects (`memoryview`, `bytearray`, or Python 3 `bytes` object). In this case, the sync message will be a binary message, which is much more efficient for binary data than base64-encoding. The Image widget now uses this binary synchronization. ([#1194](, [#1595](, [#1643](
* On the Javascript side:
> The `jupyter-js-widgets` Javascript package has been split into `@jupyter-widgets/base` package (containing base widget classes, the DOM widget, and the associated layout and style classes), and the `@jupyter-widgets/controls` package (containing the rest of the Jupyter widgets controls). Authors of custom widgets will need to update to depend on `@jupyter-widgets/base` instead of `jupyter-js-widgets` (if you use a class from the controls package, you will also need to depend on `@jupyter-widgets/controls`). See the [cookie cutter]( to generate a simple example custom widget using the new packages.
> Custom serializers in Javascript are now synchronous, and should return a snapshot of the widget state. The default serializer makes a copy of JSONable objects. ([#1270](
> Custom serializers can now return a structure that contains binary objects (`ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, or a typed array such as `Int8Array`, `Float64Array`, etc.). In this case, the sync message will be a binary message, which is much more efficient for binary data than base64-encoding. The Image widget now uses this binary synchronization. ([#1194](, [#1643](
> A custom serializer is given the widget instance as its second argument, and a custom deserializer is given the widget manager as its second argument.
> The Javascript model `.id` attribute has been renamed to `.model_id` to avoid conflicting with the Backbone `.id` attribute. ([#1410](
* Regarding widget managers and the syncing message protocol:
> The widget protocol was significantly overhauled. The new widget messaging protocol (version 2) is specified in the [version 2 protocol documentation](
> Widgets are now displayed with a `display_data` message instead of with a custom comm message. See the [ipywidgets]( implementation for an example. ([#1274](
> Custom widget managers are now responsible completely for loading widget model and view classes. Widget managers should provide an output model and view class appropriate for their environment so that the `Output` widget works. ([#1313](
> The widget manager `clear_state` method no longer has a `commlessOnly` argument. All models in the widget manager will be closed and cleared when `clear_state` is called. ([#1354](
Thu Apr 27 07:31:08 UTC 2017 -
- Implement single-spec version.
Thu Mar 30 19:45:15 UTC 2017 -
- Update to 6.0
* Rendering of Jupyter interactive widgets in various web contexts
* Addition of a DatePicker widget in the core widget collection.
* Changes to the automatic control generation syntax in @interact, inspired by the Sage interact syntax.
* Removal of APIs which had been deprecated in 5.0
* A new API for custom styling of widgets is provided, through a top-level `style` attribute. For example, the color of a slider handler can be set by ``.
* Removal of the Proxy and PlaceProxy widgets.
* Removed the button_style attribute of the Dropdown widget
* Addition of an OutputWidget for capturing output and rich display objects. @interact has changed to use an OutputWidget for function output instead of overwriting the output area of a cell.
* The jupyter-js-widgets Javascript implementation now relies on the PhosphorJS framework for the management of rich layout and a better integration of JupyterLab.
* Numerous bug fixes.
- Create doc subpackage
Fri Dec 9 03:56:42 UTC 2016 -
- Remove unnecessary dependency on npm
Thu Feb 18 10:57:47 UTC 2016 -
- update to version 4.1.1:
* More detailed dev-install instructions
* add 'npm is required' message when files are missing
* fix version_info
* Don't prefix with v
* Update the RELEASE instructions
- update to version 4.1.0:
* Add release instructions
* Reuse backend's widgets
* Move ready trigger
* Add `ready` event which fires when the widget receives its first state
* 0 is falsy
* Pass the correct Comm target name in create_widget
* Do not send comm_info for workaround widget
* Search for css selectors using the parent element
* Fixes
* Add the ability to change the readout logic easily.
* Fix version in py file
* Run interact manual on Text widget submit
* Fix clean-css too
* Include float/int text and progress widgets too
* Only update slider description on description change
* Fixes, - Behavior so the readout render - Listen to the correct
jqueryui event
* Add `continuous` flag to the sliders, which allows you to set
whether or not the sliders update as they are being dragged.
* Allow for numeric labels and retain type information on selection
* Stricter LESS and Bower versions, and make sure bower is ran silently
* Fix collapse/expand bug on accordion title change.
* Import get_ipython() since it is no longer available globally.
* Don't filter on the javascript side
* Use the _get_comm_info method to reconstruct all widget models
living in the backend.
* Close the widget area when there are no more widget views.
* Allow change of description
* Adding color picker widget
* Move create_model back into WidgetManager
* Reference persistence callbacks in WidgetManager, not ManagerBase
* fix typo in comm creation conditional
* Handle case where options are missing in new_widget call.
* Fix that/this context error
* Change postinstall to prepublish
* Bug fix
* Finish decoupling of the manager
* Begin notebook decoupling effort.
Mon Oct 12 13:47:20 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 4.0.3
* Provide link to example notebooks in the
* Correct some bugs in the code
* Add __version__ to ipywidgets package
* Call correct superclass in AccordionView
* Make long description part of
* Remove from manifest
Wed Sep 16 09:41:12 UTC 2015 -
- Fix npm dependency on openSUSE:Factory
Thu Aug 13 11:52:09 UTC 2015 -
- Initial version