* Fixed DeprecationWarning in metadata.hunt_down_url.
* Fixed issue in rendering non-unique keys in print-metadata.
* Add script for printing metadata.
* Add metadata.extract_email helper.
* Moved metadata helpers to metadata module.
* In extract_author, expand the logic to support multiple authors in
pyproject.toml form.
* Configure Sphinx earlier in 'config-inited', allowing other etxensions
to rely on the produced values.
* Add support for other metadata fields since pyproject.toml shuffles
things around.
* Add metadata.load for loading metadata from a source dir with support
for a BUILD_ENVIRONMENT setting. Set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=current to bypass
isolation when loading metadata.
* Deprecated use of environment variable for isolated builds.
* Add sidebar-links directive.
* Require Python 3.8 or later.
- Skip two tests that are impacted by a Pytest bug.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-jaraco.packaging?expand=0&rev=25